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<strong>TRA<strong>IN</strong><strong>IN</strong>G</strong> <strong>COURSE</strong> <strong>IN</strong><strong>ADVANCED</strong> <strong>LAPAROSCOPIC</strong>SURGERY <strong>IN</strong> GYNAECOLOGY20—22 May 201316—18 September 2013POLICL<strong>IN</strong>ICO A. Gemelli, Rome, Italy<strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTIONProf. Giovanni ScambiaHead of GynaecologyPoliclinico A. Gemelli, Rome, ItalyLaparoscopic techniques are becoming more andmore interesting for gynaecologist surgeons sincelaparoscopy is emerging as the gold standardapproach for many procedures due to the manyhundreds of randomised studies. Our vision isthat laparoscopy should be part of the basicknowledge of a modern gynaecologist, togetherwith a deep knowledge of laparoscopic technologicinstrumentation, which is quickly evolving and requiresa specific learning path.Moreover, although many principles of open surgerymay be applied, performing laparoscopic proceduresrequires special skills. Thus, didactic-practicalcourses represent the most valuable tool to reducethe time of apprenticeship, learning the differentsurgical techniques, developing the necessarypsychomotor abilities and becoming comfortable withthe equipment. The main goal of this course is toprovide the participants with the required laparoscopicknowledge and psychomotor skills, practising theprocedure on pelvic trainers and animal models inorder to apply the learned techniques to live surgery.ThE CONCEPTThe didactic session is aimed at the acquisitionand improvement of the endoscopic techniques fordissection and suturing. Moreover, the main stepsof each gynaecological operation is described.The showing of short videos regarding differentlaparoscopic operations are an integral part of thetraining course.The practical session consists of two shifts on pelvictrainers and animal models during the first two days.The third day will be dedicated to live surgery. Severalkinds of operations are performed on experimentalmodels. Special attention is paid both to dissectiontechniques and laparoscopic suturing, which isparticularly difficult for surgeons newly approachingthis type of procedure. It is possible to entailadvanced monothematic courses focusing on suturingtechniques.General informationRegistration and registration feePlease contact your local OLYMPUS representative.Training locationPoliclinico Agostino GemelliDipartimento Tutela della Salute della Donna e dellaVita Nascente,Largo Agostino Gemelli 8, 00168 Rome, ItalyTel. +39 (0)06 3015 6014Hotel informationWe have arranged a hotel in Rome and will provideyou with the details before the beginning of the trainingcourse.
AgendaDay One Day TwoLecture room(Policlinico A. Gemelli building – V floor)08.30 a.m.Welcome and registration09.00 a.m.Course introduction09.30 a.m.Formal didactic lectures· Electrosurgery· Laparoscopic hysterectomy· Laparoscopic myomectomy· Laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy· Laparoscopic suture techniques· Laparoscopic complications01.00 p.m.LunchCentre of Experimental Surgery(Stabulario building)02.30 p.m.Hands-on with pelvi trainer· Intracorporeal suture techniques· Sutures on artificial experimental simulators05.30 p.m.End of day oneCentre of Experimental Surgery(Stabulario building)08.30 a.m.Hands-on with animal models· Bilateral adnexectomy· Hysterectomy· Pelvic lymphadenectomy· Management of complications in laparoscopy06.00 p.m.End of day two08.45 p.m.DinnerDay ThreeLecture room(Policlinico A. Gemelli building – V floor)08.30 a.m.Live surgery03.30 p.m.Concluding discussion and ECM test04.00 p.m.End of the training course and departureFACULTYCourse directorProfessor Giovanni ScambiaDirettore del Dipartimento Tutela della Salute dellaDonnaPoliclinico Universitario “Agostino Gemelli”Largo A. Gemelli, 800168 Rome, Italy01/13 · OEHPostbox 10 49 08, 20034 Hamburg, GermanyWendenstrasse 14–18, 20097 Hamburg, GermanyPhone: +49 (0)40 237 730, Fax: +49 (0)40 23773