Conference Booklet - uclgbtia

Conference Booklet - uclgbtia

Conference Booklet - uclgbtia

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This session for LGBTIQQ South Asians will focus on being South Asian and queer in the United States. Whatare some challenges to being a sexual minority within a minority of fairly recent immigrants in the country? Themoderated discussion also will engage in topics such as how much to assimilate; coming out; managingstereotypes; visiting "home"/South Asia while being queer; queer immigration; queer Bollywood; and other topicsof relevance to South Asia.Supporting GLBTQ Youth in Public Schools HMNSS 1503Mark Sension, Pacific High School, MSension@aol.comThis presentation will provide educators and future educators with information and ideas about how to help andsupport GLBTQ youth and allies in public secondary schools. We will discuss value of Gay-Straight Alliances(GSAs) on middle and high school campuses, as well as alternative organizations. Learn how the CaliforniaTeachers Association and other organizations can support educators in this work.Xican@/Latin@ Queer Caucus HMNSS 1402Marvin Rivas, UC Riverside Undergraduate Student, mquij001@student.ucr.eduRaquel Madrigal, UC Riverside Undergraduate StudentThis space is reserved for individuals who identify as queer people of color, whose roots grow from theindigenous Chican@ and Latin@ backgrounds. It is intended to create a community that encourages support andoffers a sense of comfort for those who struggle with their sexuality in relation to their cultural background, andmore!Session 3 – Saturday 3:30pm - 4:40pmArt and Activism: Photography, Protest and the Queer Community HMNSS 1401Jeff Sheng, UC Irvine Graduate Student, MFA Studio Art Department, jeffsheng@jeffsheng.comPart presentation, lecture and Q&A, this program will examine photography and the issue of 'visibility' in itsrelationship to activism, protest and the LGBTQI community. Briefly looking at historical representation of queerbodies in the work of such photographers as Brassai, Diane Arbus, and Nan Goldin - the program will then focuson the strategy of using photography to create a dialogue with the straight community, examining the more recentwork of Gran Fury/ACT-UP, Catherine Opie and Loren Cameron. Activist, artist and UC Irvine MFA Studio Artcandidate, Jeff Sheng, will present this material in digital slides and also discuss his recent photography projecton "out" LGBTQI high school and college athletes (www.FearlessCampusTour.org) and the challenges in usingart in conjunction with queer activism.Cumming in Between the Binary: Sluts Reclaiming Bisexual Territories SPROUL 1102Sabrina Alimahomed, UC Riverside Lecturer, alimahomed@aol.comThis presentation will examine how bisexual women contest dominant conceptions of monogamy by reclaiming asexually promiscuous identity as a slut. Bisexual sluts find themselves at odds with both queer and straightcommunities due to pressure to conform to monogamous relationships. Additionally, given the biphobicstereotype of bisexuals being overtly promiscuous, slut territory has been ceded in an effort to appear as a morelegitimate sexual identity in the queer community. This stereotype is particularly confounded for bisexual womenof color who have always been hyper sexualized in dominant discourses around race, class, gender, andsexuality. This presentation will also examine the sexual practices of bisexual women as sluts and swingers, withan emphasis on the intersections of race and class in shaping slut identities.HIV Testing and Information provided by BIENESTAR Human Services HMNSS 1407How Fluid Is Your Rainbow? HMNSS 1402Jacqueline Belanger, UC Riverside Staff, jacqueline.belanger@ucr.eduPage 15

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