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UnitLesson 1CD202CD204Lesson 2Listen, sing and point.monkeylione<strong>le</strong>phantPlay Techna’s Bridge.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Make your mini-flashcards.Pupils listen and point to the animals.Pupils sing the It’s got a tail song. Then they play Techna’s Bridge.Pupils go to their Activity Books and make the mini-flashcards.Jung<strong>le</strong> Zoneparrotcrocodi<strong>le</strong>PLAYsnakehippoWild animalsgiraffeFREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE23

3Lesson 32413CD205Listen to the story.Look! A giraffe.Oh look! A crocodi<strong>le</strong>!Why has it got spots?Why has it gota big mouth?Teacher tells the story with the story cards.Then pupils listen to the story again and point to the pictures.24Oh look! It’sa monkey.It’s got a very long tail!Mr Crocodi<strong>le</strong>,why have you gota big mouth?FREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE

5 67Bad crocodi<strong>le</strong>. Stop it!Can I have amango, p<strong>le</strong>ase,Baby E<strong>le</strong>phant?Pull!Here you are!8Yeah! I likemy long nose.Sorry!Oh no! Lookat my nose!Thank you!Fantastic!Thank you,Baby E<strong>le</strong>phant!It’s got ...Has it got ...? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.Why has it got ...?FREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE253

3267Look and number.68Draw and colour. Write and match.Pupils number the pictures in the order they appear in the story.Pupils draw the missing part of the parrot’s body and colour the picture.Then they write the words and match them to the pictures.12534Wild animalsFREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE

Lesson 4CD206CD207Listen, say and tick.Listen, number and write.garagePupils listen and say the chant. Then they tick the /dʒ/ words.Pupils listen, number the pictures and write the words.Techna’s Phonicsg, g, gorange, giraffePhonics /dʒ/Wild animalsFREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE273

3Lesson 5CD20928Listen, number and match.IntegracjaWrite and match. Draw and say.Pupils listen, number the photos and match animals to the habitats.Pupils trace the words and match them to the photos.Then pupils join the dots and say where the animal lives.it r e s cgrasslands river jung<strong>le</strong>16171815192014Learn about11121310987162534Animal habitatsFREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE

animal habitatsCD210CD212Lesson 61Sing, point and write.Listen, point and say.2Pupils sing the Animal habitat rap and point to the pictures. Then they write the words.Pupils listen, point and say the numbers of the photos.132Wild animals in the UK3293U K CultureFREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE

3Lesson 7CD214CD215Lesson 8Listen, number and write.Write, listen and match.Go to My Picture Dictionary on page 84.30Pupils listen and number the pictures. Then they write the words.Pupils write the words. Then they listen and match the animals to the habitats.Pupils comp<strong>le</strong>te My Picture Dictionary for Unit 3.FREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE

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