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PHASCOPE ®PMP10 DUPLEXPortable Instrumentfor theThickness MeasurementofDuplex Coatings
Function, Features, ApplicationPrinciple of OperationThe following measuring methods are integratedin the PHASCOPE ® PMP10 DU-PLEX:• Magnetic induction method (MI) accordingto DIN EN ISO 2178.• Amplitude-sensitive eddy current method(AEC) according to DIN EN ISO 2360.• Phase-sensitive eddy current method(PEC) according to ISO/DIS 21968 (draft).Using the PEC method, the thickness of azinc coating on iron can be determined regardlessof the “lift-off” (Figure 1), i.e., fromthe distance between the probe and thezinc coating, which may be “caused” by alacquer coating, for example. If, in addition,the overall thickness of the lacquer and zinccoating is measured using the MI method,then the individual layer thicknesses canbe computed easily from the two measurements(Figure 2).Specifically for applications in the field ofauto body painting with mixed design, theAEC method is available additionally for themeasurement of the lacquer thickness onaluminum sheet.Features• Large backlit LCD• Alphanumeric data entry• Menu-aided operator prompts• Battery operation• Automatic measurement upon probecontact• Automatic selection of measuringmethod corresponding to the substratematerial (MI+PEC or AEC)• Memory for a maximum of 20,000measurements in up to 100 applications,divided into a maximum of 4,000blocks• Statistical evaluation• Selectable languages• Bi-directional RS 232 interfaceApplicationThe PHASCOPE ® PMP10 DUPLEX hasbeen developed for the precise measurementof the individual layer thicknesses ofduplex coatings (lacquer/zinc coatingsystem on steel or iron). Due to the novelphase-sensitive eddy current method, it iscapable of measuring very precisely zinccoatings with thicknesses between 0 µmand about 100 µm. In this manner, it is farsuperior to conventional eddy currentcoating thickness measuring instrumentsthat are to reduce the influence of a fluctuatingzinc coating on the measurementof the lacquer thickness by a special“phase adjustment” or an increased measurementfrequency. In particular thin zinccoatings in a range of 0 – 10 µm on autobodies can be measured very reproducibly.Typical applications are (Figure 3) in thequality assurance of• Auto body painting• Shopping carts and similar• Brake line tubes and many othersZinc alloy coatings such as ZnNi or ZnFecannot be measured due to their lowelectr. conductivity. The same applies tohot-dip galvanized coatings due to diffusioncoatings that are typically present andhave different electr. conductivities comparedto pure zinc coatings.Order InformationenItemOrder-No.PHASCOPE ® PMP10 DUPLEX 603-689MEAS. PROBE ESG20 603-690AccessoriesCARRYING CASE MPG 603-303INTERFACECONNECTION SET MP 602-341SOFTWARE PC-DATEX 602-465SOFTWARE PC-DATACC 603-028PRINTER FMP3040 602-890PRINTER PAPER 600-410Figure 1th allth ZincFigure 2Figure 3LacquerZincIron/SteelLacquerZincIron/SteelZinc thickness: th Zinc (directly)Lacquer thickness: th all - th ZincMeasurement of the totalthickness th all with themagnetic inductionmethodMeasurement of the zinccoating th Zinc with thephase-sensitive eddycurrent method902-071 02/05