1844 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
1844 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
1844 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
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<strong>1844</strong>The Galloway Advertiser andWigtownshire Free PressBirth, Marriage and Death RecordsTranscribed by Diana Henry4 th January <strong>1844</strong> (Week 1)BIRTHSAt Gatehouse, on the 1st inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Hume, architect, of a daughter.At Ringford, Tongland, on the 30th ult., Mrs David Young, innkeeper, of a daughter.At High Street, Dumfries, on the 29th ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Currie, of a daughter.At High Street, Dumfries, on the 31st ult., Mrs John Logan, of a son.At Irish street, Dumfries, on the 2d inst., Mrs Adam Richardson, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. David Wilson, Mr James Johnstone, compositor, of Dumfries, to MissCatherine Dickson, Neptune Street.At Gatehouse, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. James Falconer, Mr James Maxwell, tailor, to Miss Mary Irvingthere.At Carse of Twynholm, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. John Gordon, Mr Alexander Thomson, mason,Creetown, to Miss Margaret Riddick, Carse.On the 15th ult., by the Rev. D. Bayne, Urr, Mr Peter Clark, Dalbeattie, to Miss Margaret, second daughterof Mr Welsh, cattle-dealer, Haugh of Urr.At Dalbeattie, on the 19th ult., by the Rev. D. Bayne, Urr, Mr David Porter, farm-servant, Frithhead, to MissJane Brown, Dalbeattie.At Goldielea, parish of Troqueer, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. Mr Ranken, Mr Archibald M'Kie, to Elizabeth,youngest daughter of Mr James Brown, blacksmith, Gelston, by Castle-Douglas.At Kirkyett, Mousewald Village, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. A.B. Murray, Mr John Mollance, Carlaverock, toMargaret, eldest daughter of Mr Joseph Mundell, farmer, Kirkyett and Mousewald Park.At Old Town of Brocklehirst, Mousewald, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. A.B. Murray, Mr Thomas Irving,Cleuchbran, to Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr David Shaw, mason, Brocklehirst.Auchenflower Hill, Tinwald, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. J. M'Dermid, Mr John Douglas, Brickfield, toMargaret, daughter of the late Mr Ross, farmer, Hightown, Tinwald.At Langholm, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. John Dobie, Mr Thomas Armstrong, joiner, to Miss Pasley, eldestdaughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Pasley, grocer.At Crawick Mill, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr Croom, Mr George Morison, carpet weaver, to Elspeth,only daughter of Mr William Crichton, miller, Crawick Mill.At Edinburgh, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. J. Fergusson of St. Peter's, Wm. Bell, Esq., S.S.C., to Maryanne,only daughter of the late John Mason, Esq., of Sootyfield, and Easter Park, Berwickshire.DEATHS
At Wigtown, on the 29th ult., aged 5 years, Jane, second daughter of Rev. James Towers, after a protractedand painful illness.At Mertonhall, parish of Penninghame, on the 28th ult., Wilhelmina M'Whinnie, wife of Mr Thos. Douglas.On the 3d inst., at Path, parish of Minnygaff, very suddenly Mrs M'Dowall, advanced in years.At Gatehouse, on the 30th ult., aged 78 years, Mrs Mary Martin, spouse of Mr Richard Murdoch, there, andmother of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Murdoch, grocer and provision dealer, also of Gatehouse.Suddenly, at Kirkconnel, Tongland, on the 20 th ult., John Wallace, Esq., farmer there, whose death has casta gloom over a large circle of relations, friends, and neighbours, who had the pleasure of his acquaintance,especially the poor.At Borgue Kirk, on the 31st ult., Mr William Hitchell, carrier, advanced in life.At CastleDouglas, on the 27th ult., Mr John Colvin, at an advanced age.At Dumfries, on the 25th ult., Joseph Potts, son of Mrs Gowan, Irish Street.At Dumfries, on the 10th ult., Mr David Wemyss, late of the Royal Artillery, aged 77 years.At Ayr, on the 22d ult., John Gibson, Esq., surgeon, in the 37th year of his age, after a very short illness.At Netherplace, Mauchline, on the 25th ult., W. Campbell, Esq., of Netherplace.At Annanhead, near Moffat, on the 22d ult., of consumption, Mr Walter Johnstone, aged 23 years, son ofMr David Johnstone, Annanhead.At Kirkbean, on the 23d ult., Mr James Wilkinson, shoemaker, aged 28 - after a long and distressig illness,which he bore with much patience and resignation - much regretted.At Longtown, on the 22d ult., John, son of Mr John Paisley, aged 12 months.At 69, Thomas Street, Manchester, on the 24 th ult., Mr Peter Murray, aged 47 years - a native of Twynholm.At Dudley, on the 27th ult., Mr John Harrison, draper, aged 43 - deservedly lamented.At St, John's Antigua, on the 27th October last, Esther, second daughter of Dr Fergusson.At Queenstown, Upper Canada, some time ago, William, youngest son of Mr William Murray, late farmer inUrral, parish of Kirkowen.DEATH OF MADAME CATALANI - Madame Catalani, who for twenty-two years had enchanted the worldby her vocal powers, and who, by her truly liberal conduct in her profession and general amiability of hercharacter, gained universal admiration, died, as we learn by a letter from Rome of the12th inst., in the"Debats", at her villa near Sinigaglia, in the Roman States, after a very short illness. Madame Catalani hasleft a fortune which is rated about £332,000.11 th January <strong>1844</strong> (Week 2)BIRTHSAt the Manse of Anwoth, on the 6 th curt., Mrs Johnstone, of a daughter.At Ednam Street, Annan, on the 5 th curt., Mrs M’Lellan, of a son.At New Langholm, on the 6 th inst., the wife of Mr Irving, gardener, of a daughter.At Thornhill, on the 1 st inst., Mrs William Davidson, of a son.At St. George’s Terrace, Trowbridge, Wilts, on the 24 th ult., Mrs W.B. Wells, of a son.At Barton-upon-Humber, on the 21 st ult., Mrs John Rigg, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Blackburn, near Ayr, on the 9 th curt., by the Rev. Dr. <strong>Robert</strong> Auld, Mr Hugh Mann, messenger-at-armsand Superintendent of police, Stranraer, to Agnes youngest daughter of Mr Archibald Brackenridge,Langlands, Symington.At Dumfries, on the 1 st curt., by the Rev. Jas. Cameron, Mr Thomas Hayton, writer, Carlisle, to Janet,youngest daughter of the late Mr John Raffle.At London, on the 21 st ult., James Grierson, Esq., late of the H.E.I.C.’s service, to Harriet, eldest daughter ofMajor-General Alexander, of the Bengal Army.On Thursday last, at Chapel Street, Chapel, Blackburn, by the Rev. A. Fraser, A.M., Mr James Lawson,draper, to Janet eldest daughter of Mr Jas. Porter, Crossmichael Village, Kirkcudbrightshire.At Bowholm, parish of Cannobie, on the 9 th curt., by the Rev. John Dobie, Mr John Scott, baker, to MissHelen Bell, eldest daughter of the late Mr John Bell, Overtown, Glenzer.DEATHS
At March-hill, Dumfries, on the 2d curt., James Heron, student of medicine, in the 23d year of his age.At Dumfries, on Friday last, Joseph Waterson, mason, aged 60.At 19 Broughton Place, Edinburgh, on the 2d instant, Eliza, daughter of the late William Young, Esq.,Kilmarnock.At Naples, on the 16 th ult., Mrs Maxwell of Drumpark, aged 35 years.At Whim Park, Mary Campbell, of typhus fever, aged 20.At Calcutta, on the 24 th of October last, of cholera, Captain Gillett – deeply regretted.At Langholm on the 5 th curt., Margaret Waugh, relict of the late Mr Carruthers, farmer, Mossknow,Canobie, aged 86.At Byre, Burnfoot, parish of Cannobie, on the 1 st curt., Mr Ballantyne, wood forrester to his Grace the Dukeof Buccleuch, at an advanced age.At Barton-upon Humber, on the 29 th ult., John, only son of Mr John Rigg, Excise officer there.At Hillhead of Dalskairth, on the 30 th ult. deservedly regretted, Janet Birnie, second daughter of thedeceased <strong>Robert</strong> Birnie, Esq., late of Kelton.At Lochrighead, parish of Kirkmichael, <strong>Robert</strong>, son of Mr R. M’Vitae, aged 5 years.At Annan, last week, in the house of his sister, Mrs Benjamin Irving, Andrew Oliver, advanced in years.At Bankhead, near Thornhill, on the second inst., Mr John Johnstone, farmer there in the 92d year of hisage.At Palgown, parish of Minnigaff, on Friday, the 5 th inst., Robt. M’Millan, farmer there, at the advanced ageof 87 years. – Much and deservedly regretted.At Howmoor of Corsock, parish of Parton, on the 3d instant, William Maxwell, aged 80 years.At St. John’s Clauchan, on the 22d ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Milligan, aged 53, after a distressing illness, which hebore with Christian patience – much and justly regretted.Suddenly, at Glasgow, on the 1 st inst., Mr John Young, minister of the gospel, Catrine.At the house of his mother-in-law, Mrs Arthur, on the 1 st inst., the Rev. Alex. Campbell of Greenock.At the Admiralty House, Sheerness, on the 26 th ult., Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Brace, K.C.B., Commander-in-Chief at the Nore, in his 75 th year.At Letterfourie House, on the 24 th ultimo, Sir James Gordon of Gordonston and Letterfourie, Bart., PremierBaronet of Scotland. He is succeeded by his eldest son, now Sir William Gordon of Gordonston andLetterfourie, Bart., a Captain in her Majesty’s 66 th Regiment of Foot. This gallant and venerable officerdied at Bath last week, at an advanced age. He married Miss D’Esterre, sister of Mr Norcott D’Esterre, whowas killed by Mr O’Connell in a duel near Dublin, in 1815, by whom he had a numerous family.18 th January <strong>1844</strong> (Week 3)BIRTHSIn Castle Street, here, on the 15th inst., Mrs Neilson of a son.At Glenjorie, Glenluce, on the 8th instant, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Main, of a daughter.At Glenluce, on the 12th instant, Mrs M'Clew, saddler, of a son.At Glenrodder, parish of Penninghame, on the 4 th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Kelly, of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 11th instant, Mrs Thomas Campbell, grocer, of a son.At Rashill, Langholm, on the 8th inst., Mrs John Oliver, of a son.At Breckonrea, Langholm, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr John Anderson, shepherd, of a son.At Keir Mill, on the 5th inst., Mrs H. Stitt, of a son.At Mennock-bridge, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr T. Kerr, carpenter, of a son.At Annan, last week, the wife of Mr Wm. Carruthers, writer, of a son.At Annan, last week, the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Linton, shoemaker, of a son and daughter.MARRIAGESAt Newton-Stewart, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr Reid, Mr Alex. Neilson, mason, to Miss Andrew.At Gatehouse, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. George Murray, Mr John Batty, to Miss Janet Walker.At Dumfries, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. W. Blackwood, Mr William Boyle Pearson, dyer, Troqueer, toMiss Elizabeth Johnstone.On the 21st October last, at her father's house, Clark, Canada West, Lothrup Smith, Esq, to Miss AnnMilligan, only daughter of Mr Peter Milligan, late of Nether Locharwoods, Ruthwell, Dumfries-shire.
At Annan, on the 12th inst, by the Rev. James Dobie, A.M., Mr William Blaylock, joiner, to Agnes Gracie,only daughter of Mr Thomas Hill, gardener.DEATHSAt Neptune Street, here, on the 13th inst., Mr Archd. Agnew, mariner, aged 70 years.At Stewarton Village, lately, Mr Hugh M'Cree, at an advanced age - much regretted.At Eldrick-hill, on the 15th instant, James Wither, in the 22d year of his age. His illness was short; butwhen suffering acute pain, he exhibited great patience and resignation to the Divine will. Although cut offsuddenly and unexpectedly in the bloom of youth, yet the amiableness of his disposition and suavity of hismanners had gained him the esteem and friendship of all with whom he was acquainted, and seldom hasthe death of so young a person in his station been more generally and sincerely lamented.At Kirkcudbright, suddenly, on Thursday last, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Thomson, joiner.At Dumfries, on the 6th inst., advanced in years, Mr George Christie, after a protracted illness. During theearly part of his life he held military rank in the service of his country; latterly, however, he experiencedthe vicissitudes of fortune and became like a "character" in his native burgh. His circle of acquaintancewas extensive.At Assembly Street, Dumfries, on the 10th inst., after a short but severe illness, John M'Lean, aged 17years, only son of Mr John M'Lean, head-ostler, Commercial Inn - deservedly regretted.At Dumfries, on the 5th inst., aged 61 years, Isabella Brown, sister-in-law of the late Thomas Wells,innkeeper, King Street, and daughter of the late William Brown, farmer, Ironhirst, Mousewald.At Dumfries, on the 8th inst., aged 87 years, John Halliday, a native of Wamphray; he was a sober,industrious individual, and respected by all who knew him.At Maxwelltown, on the 11th inst., Mrs Mary Weems, relict of Mr Thomas Landsburgh - much respected.At Kirkton village, Kirkmahoe, on the 8th inst., Lilias, daughter of Mr William Bell, aged 14 years, a youngperson, much esteemed and regretted.At Kirkton Village, Kirkmahoe, on the 11 th inst., David, infant son of Mr James Coupland, tailor, and on the14 th inst., Helen his daughter, aged 4 years, both of hooping-cough.At Closeburn Village, on the 11th inst., SusanJardine, at an advanced age.At Edinburgh, suddeny on the 15 th instant, George Hamilton, youngest son of Dr Charles Bell.At New Langholm, on the 13th instant, aged 26, Euphemia Scott, third daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Scott.25 th January <strong>1844</strong> (Week 4)BIRTHSAt Corsewall, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 21st inst., Mrs Stalker, of a daughter.At Stewarton, on the 22d inst., Mrs Hughes, of a son.At Cairnsmore, Minnigaff on Saturday, the 20 th inst., the lady of James Stewart, Esq., of a son.At New York, on the 24th ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Dinwiddie of a daughter.At Crawick Mill, on the 16th inst., the wife of James Inglis, spinner, of a daughter.At Devonshire Terrace, London, on the 15 th inst., Mrs Charles Dickens, of a son.At 15, William Street, Greenhead, Glasgow, on the 8th curt., Mrs Rutherglen, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Castle-Douglas, on the 16th inst., by theRev. John Strain of St. Peter's Dalbeattie, Mr William Rigg,farmer, Halketleaths of Buittle, to Agnes, youngest daughter of the late Mr Galloway, wood-forester, Airdof Kells.At Closeburn Mill, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr Borrowman, Mr John M'Dougall, Edinburgh, Glasgow,and Dumfries, carrier to Miss Elizabeth Anderson, youngest daughter of the late Mr William Anderson,miller of Closeburn Mill.At Mochrum Kirk, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr James Johnstone, sailor, Port-William, toMiss Agnes Heron.At Little Carcow, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr Simpson, Mr Thomas Morrison, shepherd, to Miss AgnesCorsan.At Edinburgh, on the 15th curt., by the Rev. W.M. Bruce, of the Free St. Andrew's Church, Mr JamesM'Lachlan, bookbinder, late of Dumfries, to Miss Agnes Glover, youngest daughter of the late John
Glover, builder, Edinburgh.DEATHSAt Green-Row, on the 15th inst., William, third son of Mr Nathaniel Taylor, Belmont Cottage, aged 15years.At Glasgow, on Thursday the 18th inst., Margaret Graham, aged 1 year, second daughter of Mr WilliamM'Kim, compositor.At Portwilliam, on the 10th inst., Isabella, eldest daughter of James M'Cormick, Esq., M.D. aged 11 years.At Crichan, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 4 th inst., Mr Hugh Wallace, farmer, in the 61st year of his age.During his long residence in Kirkmaiden, Mr Wallace endeared himself to every one by his socialhospitality and urbanity, and to the poor he was ever a generous friend. The character he universallybore, and the general regret for his loss, justify us in saying that he was one of the class of men whom wecould heartily wish to see multiplying more and more.We have to report this week the demise of a worthy couple at Garliestown, who will scarcely ever beforgotten there by the present generation. Than Mr Niven Agnew, who died on the night of the 17th, aftera brief illness, and Mrs Agnew, who died suddenly on the 19th, few were more worthy or possesed of somuch respect. For upwards of a quarter of a century they lived in the serviceof the Galloway family, andsince upon their frugal earnings, kind and considerate to every one who required their aid.At Elizabethtown, State of Kentucky, United States, on 15th August last, Mr John M'Ewen, late farmer ofMossyard, Anwoth.At Balmaclellan Manse, on the 18th inst., afer a severe and protracted illnesss, borne with much Christianpatience, the Rev. Gavin Cullen, long minister of that Parish.At Castle-Douglas, on the 22d inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> M'Murray, after a very short illness.At Shambelly, on the 19th inst., William Stewart, Esq., of Shambelly.At Loreburn Street, Dumfries, on the 12 th inst., James, aged 25 years, only son of Mr Andrew Anderson,draper, Dumfries.At Shakspeare Street, Dumfries, on the 18 th inst., aged 60 years, Daniel M'William, mason, much respected.At Barnhill of Goldilea, on the 12th inst., of consumption, in the 26th year of her age, Mrs Charlotte GoldieGass, wife of Mr Henry Topham.At Swordwell, near Annan, Mr Thomas Rome, farmer there, at an advanced age.At Murray Street, Annan, on the 12th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Davidson, aged 65 years.At No. 4, John Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, on the 10th curt., Janet Scott, wife of Mr John Grieve, late ofMoffat, Dumfries-shire - much and deservedly regretted.At Helensburgh, on the 15th inst., Joseph Dixon, Esq., advocate.At St. James's Palace, London, on the 13 th inst., Lady Burdett.On the 13th inst., at her house, in Belgrave Square, London, the Countess Dowager of Clare.On the 10 th inst., Major-General Sir Hudson Lowe, K.C.B. and G.C. to whom was intrusted the custody ofthe Emperor Napoleon at St. Helena.At London, on the 2d inst., Charles Stewart, Esq., of Ardsheal, in the county of Argyll, male representativeof the Stewarts of Lorn, Appin and Ardsheal, aged 76.1 st February <strong>1844</strong> (Week 5)BIRTHSAt New Langholm, on the 17th ult., Mrs George Scott, mason, of a daughter.At Langholm, Mrs John Renwick, of a son.At Castle Street, Dumfries, on the 26th ult., Mrs Tennant, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Wm. Smellie, Thomas M'Clelland, Esq., surgeon, to Jane, daughter ofJohn Douglas, Esq., George Street.Here, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. James Gibson, of Glasgow, Mr David Todd, engineer of the "Maid ofGalloway" steamer, to Miss Agnes Torrance, Clayhole.At Dumfries, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Dr Duncan, William Edgar, master and owner of the sloop "AnnBrown" to Marion, eldest daughter of the late Mr John Raffle.
On the 26th ult., Mr John Hetherington, blacksmith, Boreland, to Ann, youngest daughter of Mr JohnGraham Berryscarr.DEATHSHere, at Fisher Street, on the 27th ult., Mr Andrew M'Neillie, mariner, after a long illness, advanced inyears.At Cairnside, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 27 th ult., Mrs Griffin, aged 48, after a lingering illness.At Wigtown, on the 26th ult., Alex. Hannah, aged 75.At Wigtown, on the 29th ult., Anna Dougan, relict of Thomas Gibson, Waulk mill, aged 71 years.At Bladnoch Bridge, on the 29th ult., Rebeca Payne, wife of James Martin, mason, in the prime of life.At Old Irving, on the 18th ult., Mr Wm. Atchison, farmer there.At Dumfries, on the 26th ult., James Kerr, youngest son of Mr Andw. M'Morine, painter.At Church Street, Maxwelltown, on the 26 th ult., Sergt. John Reid, at the advanced age of 108.At Lockerbie, on the 25th ult., Jane, youngest daughter of Mr John Hornal, mason.At Sandbed, Dryfesdale, on the 27th ult., Mr John Henry, Sen.At Annan, on the 21st ult., Mr Wm. Aitchison, late brewer, Port street, advanced in years.At Annan, on the 18th ult., at the house of his uncle, Mr Roxburgh, bacon-curer, Mr Wm. Roxburgh, aged22 years.At Ruthwell Village, on the 19th ult., Isabella, daughter of the late Mr David Riddick, farmer, inBirkshawhead, Kirkpatrick-Fleming.At Kildarroch, Borgue, on the 21st ult., aged 82, Mrs Ann Bell, widow of Mr Andrew Finlay, and mother ofMr Andrew Finlay, watchmaker, &c, Gatehouse.At Edinburgh, on the 23d ult., Miss Margaret Dalzell, in the 93d year of her age, daughter of John Dalzell,of Barncrosh, grand-daughter of Viscount Kenmure, who was beheaded in 1716, and cousin to the Earl ofCarnwath, who was forfeited at the same period, also sister to the late Mrs Leslie of Balquhain,Aberdeenshire.At Glenarback, on the 25th ult., the Rev. John Mitchell, D.D. senior minister of the United Associatecongregation of Wellington Street, Glasgow, and late Professor of Biblical Literature of the Synod of theUnited Secession Church, in the 76th year of his age, and 51st of his ministry.At his house, 68, Great Portland Street, London, on the 23d ult., George <strong>Robert</strong>son Aikman, Esq., of TheRoss, Lanarkshire.At Bath, on the 17th ult., in the 69th year of his age, Sir <strong>Robert</strong> Lewis Fitzgerald, Knt. K.C.H., Vice Admiralof the Red.At Stirling on the 11th ult., John Francis, fourth son of Sir John Hay, Bart.At 41, Howard Street, on the 25 th ult., the Rev. James R. M'Kenzie, M.A., Trinity Chapel, Helensburgh.At the Manse of Peterhead, on the 15th ult., the Rev. Wm. Donald, A.M.At his residence in West Street, Gateshead, on Sunday, the 21st ult., the Rev. Hamilton Murray, for manyyears minister of the Presbyterian Chapel in that borough.8 th February <strong>1844</strong> (Week 6)BIRTHSAt Harbour Street, here, on the 4 th inst., Mrs John M'Douall, cabinet-maker, of twin daughter.At Lossart, Kirkcolm, on the 4th inst., Mrs Hugh M'Meiken, of a daughter.At Wigtown, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr Charles Beale, of a son.At White Park, Castle-Douglas, on the 6 th inst., Mrs Campbell, of a daughter.At Boreland of Southwick, on the 1st inst., Mrs M'Fiee, of a daughter- still-born.At St. John's, Dalry, on the 31 st ult., Mrs John Cowan, of the Plough Inn, of a son - stil-born.At the Manse of Terregles, on the 28th ult., the wife of the Rev. David Dickie, of a son.At St. John's, Maybole, on the 15th ult., the wife of the Rev. Andrew Thomson, of a daughter.At Ayr, on the 26th ult., the wife of the Rev. Joseph Henderson, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, of ason.MARRIAGESAt Moniaivie, on the 2d curt., by the Rev. James M'Geoch, Mr John Millar, clockmaker, to Miss Susan Kirk,
oth of the same place.At Dumfries, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Mr Dunlop, Mr Ephraim Corrie, smith, to Elizabeth, daughter ofMr Andrew Begg, Academy Street.At St. George's Church, Everton, Liverpool, on Wednesday the 31st ult., the Rev. John Davidson, ofSymington, Ayrshire, to Helen, daughter of the late Mr John Thomson, Liverpool.DEATHSHere, on the 5th inst., Alexander, youngest son of Mr William Galbraith, shoemaker.Here, on the 28th ult., aged 16 months, Hugh, son of Dr Mackie; same day, aged 57 years, ElizabethMaxwell, wife of Mr John M'Cubbin.At Wigtown, on the 2d curt., of typhus fever, Mr Samuel M'Keand, late farmer in Little Torhouse, aged 52years.At Wigtown, on the 1st curt., aged 91 years, E. Milnay, relict of John Griffin, beadle there for upwards ofhalf a century, and who used to boast that he was the oldest member of the Wigtown Presbytery. Thedeceased was the oldest person in Wigtown, and could tell many amusing anecdotes of the civic doings inthe burgh in bygone days.At Castle Street, Dumfries, on the 2d inst., the infant daughter of William Tennant, Esq.At Gatehouse, on the 4th curt., Grace Hughan, aged 59 years.At Harrogate, on Monday week, Mrs Ewart, mother of William Ewart, Esq., M.P. for Dumfries Burghs.15 th February <strong>1844</strong> (Week 7)BIRTHSAt Newton Stewart, on the 11th inst., Mrs James Glover, of a son.At Castle-Douglas, on the 12th inst., Mrs W. M'Master, of a son.At Baldoon, Wigtown, on the 8th inst., Mrs James Caird, of a daughter.At Dumfries, on the 11th inst., Mrs Edward Grierson, White Sands, of a son.At Balsier, Sorbie parish, on the 3d inst., Mrs Hannay, of a son.At Dinmurchie, parish of Barr, Ayrshire, on the 14th inst., Mrs Fergusson, of a daughter.At Auchencairn, Closeburn, on the 30th ult., Mrs John Granger, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Newton-Stewart, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. Walker, Mr William Smith, to Agnes, youngest daughterof Mr John Bell, joiner.At Kirkcowan, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. James Goold, Newton-Stewart, Mr John Annan, painter,Rothesay, to Jane, daughter of Mr John Neilson, Kirkcowan village.At Whithorn, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Christopher Nicholson, Mr Agnew M'Lure, gardener Physgill, toMiss Elizabeth M'Credie.At Dumfries, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. R. Mackenzie, Mr Edward Sloan, turner, to Agnes, seconddaughter of Mr Thomson, New Quay.At Dalbeattie, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. George M. Burnside, Mr James M'Ewen, to Miss Jean Copeland,there.At Moorpark, Caerlaverock, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Gillies, Mr Richard Bell, to Miss AnnJohnston.At St. Andrew's Church, Calcutta, on the 21 st Nov., by the Rev. Dr Charles, Joseph Rose, Esq., surgeon of theH.E.I.C. service, to Isabella Snadden, daughter of the late Richard Snadden, Esq., of Calcutta.DEATHSAt Newton-Stewart, on the 13th inst., suddenly, Barbara M'Kinna, advanced in years.At Castle-Douglas, on the 11th inst., Anna Jane, daughter of Charles Maxwell, labourer, there.At the Clachan of Anwoth, on the 4th curt., Mr John Bell, aged 53, schoolmaster, there, whose humbledeportment and strict attention to his scholastic duties gained for him the esteem of all who knew him.Suddenly, at Dalmellington, on the 29 th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Johnston, aged 18 years.At Dalmellington, on the 30th ult., James, eldest son on Mr John Sloss, engineer, aged 2 years.
At his father's residence, Whapehill, Galloway, on the 15th ult., aged 23, Mr Thomas Smith, tea-dealer,Liverpool.At Carnsalloch, on Thursday week, after a short illness, which he bore with exemplary patience, Mr JamesKirk, very much regretted. Mr Kirk was one of the elders of the parish, and was exceedingly attentive tothe condition of the poor. He had for some time superintended the manorial demesne of Carnsallochestate, and enjoyed the entire confidence and warm regard of the right hon. proprietor.At Annan, on the 1st curt., William Irving, rope-maker, in his 83d year.At Port Street, Annan, on the 29 th ult., Mrs Helen Wightman or Blackadder, wife of Mr Robt. Wightman,coal merchant - advanced in years.At York, on the 5th inst., Mary, eldest daughter of the deceased William M’Kie, Esq., late Provost ofDumfries.At Dumfries, on the 10th inst., Joan Murray, daughter of Mr Henry G. Thompson, aged 5 months.At Barnhill, Goldilea, on the 8 th inst., Jane Newall Maxwell M'Kie, aged 6 years, daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong>M’Kie.At Maxwelltown, on the 5th inst., Mrs Janet Shortridge, relict of Mr Walker, grocer.At Garliestown, on the 30th ult., Mr Michael Kerr, at the advanced age of 84 years.At Gatehouse, on the 13th inst., Mrs Jane Thompson, aged 59 years, relict of Mr Wm. Menzies, merchant,there.At Annan, on the 6th inst., the infant son of Mr Wm. Lockerbie, manufacturer, North Street.At Thornhill, on the 3d inst., in the prime of life, Mr John Shankland, merchant tailor.At Shaws of Closeburn, on the 7th inst., Mrs Janet Nivison, wife of Mr Thomas Smith, late farmer inDresserland.At Newton-Stewart, on the 5th inst., very suddenly, Mr Peter Bell, carter, aged 41 years.At Sanquhar, on the 5th inst., Mr Charles Crichton, aged 82 years, a lineal descendant of the "Crichtons,Lords of Sanquhar."At Kirkcudbright, on the 26th ult., James Livingstone, born July 1, 1745, O.S. He was a native of Ireland,but resided in Scotland since the year 1750; and was a householder in the parishof Rerwick for the last 51 years.At Tongland Village, on the 5th inst., Mr James Houston, late farmer in Chapple, aged 67.At Douglas Farm, on the 6th ult., in her 6 th year, Margaret, only daughter of Mr George Douglas, DouglasFarm, Long Island, North America.At Several, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 3d inst., Margaret, daughter of Mr M'Gaw, aged 25 years, after alingering illness.At his father's house, Perth on the 28th ult., the Rev. Patrick John Macfarlane, M.D., minister of Dron.At Edinburgh, on the 3d inst., George <strong>Robert</strong>, aged 23 months, youngest son of the Rev. David Welsh.At Barbassie Bank, near Troon, on the 7 th inst., Matthew Strange. Esq., merchant Provost of Kilmarnock.22 nd February <strong>1844</strong> (Week 8)BIRTHSAt Dindinnie, parish of Leswalt, on the 10 th curt., Mrs M'Neillie, of a son.At Stoneykirk Village, on the 16 th inst., Mrs Paterson of twin sons.At Galdenoch, on the 16th inst., Mrs M'Intyre, of a daughter.At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Burns, teacher, of a son.At Moffat, the Hon. Mrs Hope Johnstone, of a daughter.At Castlehill, on the 17th inst., Mrs M'Neillie, of a daughter.At Annan, on the 16th inst., Mrs John Miller, of a daughter.At Millbank, Southwick, on the 14th ult., Mrs Lowdon, of a son.At Porter Lodge, Potts, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr David Landsburgh, gardener, of a daughter.At Mill-Bank Cottage, Haugh of Urr, of the 8th inst., Mrs Samuel Johnstone, of a son.At Bombay, on the 14th Dec. last, the lady of Capt. J. Swanson, Presidency Paymaster, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Drumfarne, parish of Girvan, on the 13 th inst., by the Rev. J.M. Thomson, of Maybole, James M'Cracken,Esq., Ardwell, to Mary, eldest daughter of James Wilson, Esq., of Dalblair and Drumfarne.At Lochmaben, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. M'Bryde Broun, Mr M'Clellan, painter, Manchester, to Miss
Mary Fraser, daughter of Mr John Fraser, painter, Lochmaben.At Crosscannonby, on the 8th inst., Captain John Hart, of Kirkcudbright, to Miss Martha Scurr of Maryport.At Adam's Cottage, Kilmarnock, on the 9th inst., Mr C.S. Munro, stationer, Edinburgh, to Jane, youngestdaughter of the late Matthew Steele, Esq., of Annat Hill.At Abbotsford Place, Glasgow, on the 13 th inst., Thos. M'Ewen, Esq., of Campside, writer, Glasgow, to Mary,daughter of the late Mr John Campbell, of Riccarton, Ayrshire.DEATHSAt Fisher Street, here, this morning, aged 7 years, Andrew, son of of [sic] Mr Alex. Kerr, vintner.At Hillhead, here, on the 21st inst., Alexander, aged 2 years, youngest son of Mr William Barr.At Low Curghie, Kirkmaiden, on the 16 th current, Mr Alexander Jamieson, a gentleman much respected,and whose death is regretted by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.At Balgown, Kirkmaiden, on the 11 th inst., James Cruickshanks, joiner there.At Beoch, near Stranraer, on Friday, the 16th inst., Mr Thomas M'Micking, in the 68th year of his age, aftera very considerable length of confinement and great debility of person, borne with an uncommon degreeof Patience and Christian resignation. Whether considered as an office-bearer in the church, as a belovedbrother, an amiable companion and real friend, an excellent neighbour, and an intelligent yeoman, he wasequalled by few, and excelled by none.At Mount Greenan, St. Vincent, on the 15th ult., Wm. Sprott, Esq., after a short illness and a residence inthat island of 36 years.In December last, in the vicinity of Pittsburg, North America, Mr Nathaniel Milroy, formerly of Cults, nearWhithorn, Wigtownshire, who was highly respected not only in his native country, but in the land of hisadoption.At Balknowlert, parish of Ballantrae, on the 16th inst., rather suddenly, Thomas Sloan, Esq., aged 74 years.At Minnygaff, on the 17th inst., Mr John Moffat, at the advanced age of 94 years.At Eldrig Village, Mochrum, very suddenly, Mary M'Kie, aged 94 years.At Craighhalloch, Mochrum, George Bell, at the advanced age of 92.At Auchencairn, parish of Rerwick, on the 15th curt., Mrs Janet M'Minn, spouse of Mr Kiddy, of the BlackLion Inn.At Launchentire, parish of Anwoth, on the 17th curt., Mr Samuel Cunningham, farmer, aged 53 years.At Fleurug, parish of Girthon, on the 20th curt., Jane Moore, advanced in years.At Gatehouse, on the 13th instant, at the advanced age of 79 years, Mrs Jane Thompson, relict of MrWilliam Menzies, draper.At Kirkcudbright on the 5th inst., James, only son of Mr J. Beattie, draper.At How--- of Corsock, parish of Parton, on the 8th instant, John Ireland, aged (87) deeply regretted.At Cottage, (Carshana) Bridge, parish of Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 16th curt., Mr Charters, aged (70)(76) years, tenant in Barnyard 36 years - deeply regretted.At Dumfries, on the 10th inst., in his 34th year, the Rev. George Fleming, sixth son of the late Rev. JohnFleming, of Hayrigg, Westmoreland.At Dumfries, on the 16th curt., Marion Smith, for many years the respected landlady of the Anchor Inn.At Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 13th inst., Mr John Charles Dawson, late (writer) (waiter).At Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 14th inst., Mrs Mary Wilson, relict of Mr James Thomson, Plainstones, in her92d year.At Dumfries, on the 13th curt., Mungo Threshie, aged 63 - deeply regretted.At Dumfries, on the 18th inst., Rachel, infant daughter of Mr Wm. Scott, fisher.Liverpool, on the 17th curt., Mr Joseph Benson, son of the late John Benson, of the Golden Bull, Dumfries –deeply regretted.At Grovehill, in the parish of Penpoint, Mrs Milligan, aged 75 years.At Annan, last week, Miss Scambler, in the prime of life.At Annan, last week, the infant son of Mr Heron Smith, blacksmith, Carlyle Yards.At Bogg, in the parish of Cannobie, on the 12th curt., at an advanced age, Mrs Ann Armstrong, relict ofJames Armstrong, late tenant there.At New-Langholm, on the 9th curt., Richard Foster, weaver there, aged 55 years.At his father's house, Craighouise, parish of Hutton, on the 16th ult., Mr Adam Cowan, late draper,Northampton, of consumption.At Kirkdale, suddenly, on the 2d inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Fergusson, innkeeper, aged 33 years, youngest son of MrR. Fergusson, Crocketford Tool-bar.Oct. 7, at the Mauritius, awfully sudden, on board the "Duke", aged 23, John Affleck Allison Fowden,
son of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Lamont, Esq., of Kirkland, near Castle-Douglas, caused by a fall from the foretopsailyard, while in the performance of his duty, furling sails.Suddenly, at Dalmellington, on the 14th inst., Janet Craig, aged 56 years.29 th February <strong>1844</strong> (Week 9)BIRTHSAt Hanover Street, here, on the 17th inst., Mrs Thomas Gray, of a son.At Low Kirkland, parish of Leswalt, on the 21st inst., Mrs William M'Meikan, of a daughter.At Burges Croft, parish of Leswalt, on the 24 th inst., Mrs John King, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 28th inst., Mrs John M'Cutchen, merchant, of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 24th inst., Mrs John Kirk, grocer, of a son.At Everingham Park, on the 21st inst., the Lady of Wm. Constable Maxwell, Esq., of a daughter.At Damfries, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr Wm. Crosbie, painter and glazier, of a daughter.At Galloway Street, Maxwelltown, on the 24 th inst., Mrs George Hair, of a son.At College Street, Maxwelltown, on the 10 th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Fraser, of a daughter.At Elliock Bridge, on the 19th inst., Mrs Thomas Smith of a son.At Dalmellington, on the 18th inst., Mrs George Colville, of a son.At Oak Cottage, Parkstone, Poole, Dorsetshire, on the 22d inst., the wife of Mr J. B. Porteous, teacher, of ason.MARRIAGESAt Newton-Stewart, on the 27th inst., by the Rev. William Reid, Mr Peter Broadfoot, blacksmith, to MissMarion Neilson.At Wigtown, on the 28th instant, by the Rev. P. Young, Mr Alex, M'Kinna, farmer, Low Culmalzie, to MissMargaret Blair, Wigtown.At Gatehouse, on the 27th inst., by the Rev. T. Johnston of Anwoth, Mr John Hewetson, to Elizabeth, eldestdaughter of Mr Peter Shannon, Ship Inn.At Woodhead Mines, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. John Spiers, Patna, Mr James Harvey, miner, to MissSophia M'Donald.At the Isle of Whithorn, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. James Fleming, Mr John M'Clelland, blacksmith, toMiss Jess Flertay.At Cairnhaugh, Dunscore, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Brydon, Mr Hugh Girvin, to Miss AgnesMitchell, residing at Cairnhaugh.At Walton-on-the-Hill, near Liverpool, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Mr Wilson, Alex. M'Neillie, Esq., ofWest Glenarm, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, to Jane, eldest daughter of Richard Naylor, Esq., of Kirkby,Lancashire.DEATHSAt Merton Hall, parish of Penninghame, on the 27th inst., Mrs Anthony M'Harg, advanced in years.At Balkerr, parish of Inch, on the 27 th instant, after severe affliction, Mr James M'Bryde, farmer, aged 76years.At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., in the 89th year of her age, Mrs Corrie, relict of Adam Corrie, Esq., ofParkfoot.At Dumfries, on the 22 inst., Mary M'Ken, wife of Edward M'Queen.At Burntskairth Green, on the 18 th inst., Mr Joseph Mundell Mitchell, of Whitestanes, in his 71st year.At Hallmyre, of Terregles, of hooping-cough, on the 10th inst., Helen, aged 4 years; on the 12th Peter, aged1 year; on the 18th Agnes, aged 5 years; and on the 24th Jane, aged 8 years, - children of Mr John Haining.At Parkneuk Toll-bar, in the parish of Troqueer, on the 21st inst., Thomas Blacklock, stocking-maker.At Whitecroft Gate, on the 21st inst., after a protracted illness, James Carruthers, late of Langdyke, - muchrespected.At Blackwood Bridge, Closeburn, on the 19th inst., aged 28 years, Alexander Thompson, late tea dealer,Strood, Kent - deeply regretted by his numerous friends.At Dunscore Village, on the 18th inst., Janet, infant daughter of Mr William Kirkpatrick, shoemaker.At Appleby, Glasserton, on the 14th inst., William M'Queen, aged 19 years, second son of Alexander
M'Queen, farmer there.At Stronquhan, parish of Dunscore, on the 13th inst., <strong>Robert</strong>, third son of Mr Wm. M'Callum, aged 15years, after a short but severe illness.At Bristol, on the 7th inst., aged 27 years, Maria, the beloved partner of Mr Wm. Sadler, tea-dealer, Bristol.At Whithorn, on the 15th inst., Mrs Broadfoot, aged 92 years.At Isle of Whithorn, on the 16 th inst., Isabella Findlay, relict of Mr Wm. M'Credie, mariner, aged 82 years.7 th March <strong>1844</strong> (Week 10)BIRTHSAt Culhorn Mains, on the 2d inst., Mrs Guthrie, of a son.Here, on the 4th inst. Mrs. William Galbraith, of a daughter.At 67, Shaw Street, Liverpool, on the 25th ult., the lady of William Davidson, Esq, of a daughter.At Langholm, on the 4th inst., Mrs William Renwick, plasterer, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 21st ult., the Lady of Wm. Harrison, Esq, (of London,) of a son.At Maxwelltown, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr John Maxwell, ironmonger, of a son.At Sterling, Waye County, Pennsylvania, on the 13th October last, the lady of Dr Dickson, late of Dunscore,of a son.MARRIAGESAt Sandhead, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> M'Neil, Mr James Gibson, to Miss Jean M'Kenzie.At Wood, parish of Penninghame, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr Towers of Wigtown, Mr John M'Lellan,joiner, Caswayend, to Helen, third daughter of Mr Ferguson, farmer, Wood.At Highmains, Carlaverock, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Gillies, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Thompson, ship-builder,glencaple, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr M'Kinnell, farmer.At Dumfries, on the 22d ult, Mr John Roddan, shoemaker, to Miss Sarah Edgar.At Holm Hollywood, on the 26th ult., by the Rev Dr Wightman of Kirkmahoe, Mr William Wallace,Kirktonfield, Kirkmahoe, to Miss Sarah Burgess, fourth daughter of Mr Burgess, farmer, Holm.At Walker Street, Edinburgh, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Kinnear, Moffat, Mr William Rae, Ryehill,Sanquhar, to Catherine, youngest daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kinnear.At Chaplefoot, parish of Tundergarth, on the 5th ult., by the Rev. Mr Douglas, of Lockerby, Mr William Bell,to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Common, farmer, Chaplefoot.At Rosehill, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. W. Begg, John Campbell, Esq., writer, Paisley, to Isabella Baird,only daughter of James Rankine, Esq., distiller, Falkirk.DEATHSAt Clayhole, here, on the 28th ult., Mr James M'William, in the 89th year of his age.Here, on the 1st inst., Alexander, aged 7 months, youngest son of Mr Alexander Douglas, draper.At Craigcaffie, on the 3d inst., Widow Rankine, aged 46 years.At Stoneykirk Village, on the 3d inst., Mr Thomas Kennedy, late farmer in Craigencrosh in the 76th year ofhis age.At Glasgow, on the 1st inst., Jean Morrow, aged 44 years.At Garlieston, on the 2d inst., Elizabeth wife of Mr Wm. Douglas, P.C. officer, aged 55 years.At Mochrum Kirk, on the 3d inst., Alexander Nish, at a very advanced age. The deceased was parochialteacher there for about 50 years, and in his younger days many first-rate scholars left his seminary, whohave since figured in different parts of the globe. He gave up teaching about two years ago, and of late wassubject at intervals to aberration of mind; when, on the 20th ult in one of these intervals, he unfortunatelymade an attempt at suicide with a razor. What is strange is that his intellect was much clearer since thanbefore; and he expressed his abhorrence of the deed whch he had committed; and was incessant inseeking for pardon and reconciliation at a throne of grace, and thanking his Mediator that time was givenfor repentance. - Corres.At Gatehouse, on the 28th ult., Mr Alex. Kennedy, tidewaiter.At Gatehouse, on the 1st inst., Mrs Anne Brown, relict of Alex Brown, Esq., Drumshangon.At Gatehouse, on the 4th inst., Mrs Jane Armstrong, relict of Mr John Armstrong, parish schoolmaster.At Garlieston, on the 2d inst., Mrs Elizabeth Clemont, relict of Mr William Douglas, port-surveyor, and
daughter of the late Mr A Clemont, Glen, Kirkmabreck.At Langholm, on the 4th inst, Margaret Watson, relict of Charles Hope, portioner there, aged 97 years.Ar Mumbiehirst, parishof Cannonbie, on the 2d inst., very suddenly, Elizabeth Graham, aged 28 years.At Keltonhead, near Dumfries, on the 26th ult., Dr Samuel Shortridge, (formerly of Wigtown) advanced inlife.At Sanquhar, on the 27th ultimo, Mr Thomas Campbell,At St. Domingo, on the 26th August last, of yellow fever, John Hannah, second son of the late SamuelThomson of Forrest, aged 19 years.At Latchford, Warrington, on the 29th ult., William, son of James Ireland, aged 21 years.At Wigtown, on the 2d inst., James Tweddale, Esq., late Collector of Customs, Wigtown, aged 76 years.14 th March <strong>1844</strong> (Week 11)BIRTHSAt Limekilns, parish of Inch, on the 8th curt, Mr Hugh Crawford, of a daughter.At the relief Manse, Newton-Stewart, on the12th inst., the lady of the Rev. William Reid, of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 7th curt, Mrs Nathaniel Murray, of a son.At Craigenbay, parish of Kells, on the 8th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> M'Taggart, of a son.At Maxwelltown, on the 9th inst., the wife of the Rev. John M'Dermid, minister of the ReformedPresbyterian congregation Dumfries, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 6th inst., the wife of Dean Irving, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr A. Barry, carver and gilder, of a son.At Whithorn, on the 1st inst., the lady of Dunbar White, M.D. of a daughter.At Adelaide, South Australia, on the 20th July last, Mrs O.K. Richardson, of a daughter.At Craigside, Newabbey, on the 5th inst., the wife of James Thomson, joiner, of a daughter.At Methyr Tydvil, Glamorganshire, on the 6th inst., the wife of David Gibson Currie, draper and tea-dealer,of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Newton-Stewart, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. S. Richardson, Mr Adam M'Lellan, ironmonger, to Maryyoungest daughter of the late Mr Samuel M'Connochie, Grapes Inn.At Annan, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. James Monilaws, Mr Joseph Davidson, cooper, to Jessie, eldestdaughter of Mr John Adamson, burgh-officer.At Wood, parish of Penninghame, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr Towers of Wigtown, Mr John M'Lellan,joiner, Caswayend, to Helen, third daughter of Mr Fergusson, Wood.DEATHSAt Knockbrax, parish of Penninghame, on the 10th inst., Mr Alexander M'Creadie, aged 84 years.At Freeman Terrace, Gateshead, on the 5th curt, after a short but severe illness, James Davidson, Esq., latea proprietor of the Gatehouse Cotton Factory - much and deservedly respected.At Gatehouse, on the 10th curt, John aged 2 ½ years son of Mr Alex. Sproat, late of Conchieton.At New Galloway, on the 8th inst., Janet Wallace, widow of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Andrew, mason there.At Howford, Tongland, on the 6th curt, Mrs Ann Charters, relict of Mr John Charters, wood forrester,Queenshill.At Carrick, Borgue, on the 10th curt., after a long and severe illness, Elizabeth M'Gowan, spouse of Mr J.Sproat.At Torhouse Muir on the 28th ult., Archibald, Reid, aged 44.At Corrbery, on the 5th curt, Mr John Smith, formerly proprietor of Farthingrush, aged 94.At Maxwelltown, on the 6th curt, aged 22 years, the wife of Mr Peter Brown, shoemaker, Dumfries.At Holm, parish of Holywood, on the 5th curt., Mr William Burgess, farmer.At Adelaide, on the 29th July last, the infant daughter of O.K. Richardson, Esq.At Murray Street, Annan, on the 3d inst., the wife of Mr Adam Carlyle, weaver - after a protracted illness.At Dunscore Village, on the 3d inst., Mrs Mary Brown, spouse of Mr John Boyes mason there.At Mavisgrove, near Brydekirk Village, on the 4th inst., Sarah Patterson, wife of Mr Wm. Kerr, dyer there.
At Nether Keir, on the 3d inst., Mrs Lottimer, after a few hours' illness, - much lamented by all who knewher.At Mumbiehirst, parish of Cannonbie, on the 2d inst., very suddenly, Elizabeth Graham, aged 28 years.At Kirkcudbright, on the 29th ult., advanced in life, Mr John M'Intyre, slater, - much respected.At Kirkcudbright, on the 29th ult., after a brief illness, aged 72, Mrs Mary Sword, widow of Mr JohnHouston, late innkeeper, Castlesod - much respected.At Kirkpatrick village, on the 7th curt, Jane, aged 3 years, daughter of Mr Michael Murdoch.At East Gate, Auchencruive, on the 22d ult., Janet Stewart, aged 81, relict of Mr James M'Skimming, whowas for many years in the employment of the late Mr Oswald. She had been for upwards of half a centuryon the estate of Auchencruive.At Symington Manse, on the 27th ult., the Rev. T.S. Wharrie, minister of Symington. Mr Wharrie wasordained minister of this parish in April, in 1809, and spent nearly 35 years in its pastoralsuperintendence.At Linkfieldhall, Musselburgh, on the 29th ult., the Rev John Tweedie.At the age of 38, Dr Andrew Moir, Lecturer on Anatomy at King's college Medical School, Aberdeen.At Herxheim, Landau, Salomon Herzi Levi, an Israelite, in his 109th year. He was followed to his grave by81 children, grand-children, and great-grand-children.DEATH OF DUNCAN GREGORY EST., We are sorry to have to announce the death of Duncan Gregory, Esq.,M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. He was the youngest son of the late Dr James Gregory (who so longkept up the fame of Edinburgh University as a medical school), and inherited the mathematical talent ofhis ancestor, the inventor of the Gregorian telescope.21 st March <strong>1844</strong> (Week 12)BIRTHSAt Portpatrick, on the 4th inst., the lady of Lieut. Oke, R.N., of a son.At Sandhead, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr James M'Nillie, blacksmith, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 15th inst. the wife of Mr John Dickson, wine and spirit-merchant, of a son.At Maxwelltown, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr James Thomson, mason, of twin sons - one still-born.At Tinwald House, on the 16th current, Mrs Thomas Tinning, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Craigs, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. Mr Nicholson, the Rev. Mr Balmer, minister of Portpatrick, toMary, eldest daughter of Mr Wm. M'Creddie, farmer, Craigs.At Crossmichael Village, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Whitson, Mr Locke, boot and shoemaker, to MissMary Couchar, youngest daughter of Mr Couchar, mason.At Lockerbie, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Mr Douglas, Mr Thomas Bell, eldest son of Mr John Bell, roadcontractor, to Miss Scott, dressmaker, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Scott, sawyer, both of Lockerbie.DEATHSHere, on the 13th inst., Mr Charles Brown, watchmaker, aged 46 years.At Larg Liddesdale Cottage, on the 16th inst., Mrs William Stevenson, 10 days after giving birth to adaughter.At Kirkcowan, on the 13 th instant, in child-bed, aged 46 years, Margaret Fleming, spouse of Mr AlexanderM'William - deservedly regretted.At New Luce, on the 10th inst., Mr Thomas Hannay, merchant, aged 30 years.At Drumore, on the 8th inst., Margaret M'Kelvie aged 93 years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 15th inst., after a long illness, which he bore with Christian patience, Mr Wm.Good, aged 81 years.At Ballochadee, parish of Kirkcowan, on the 16th inst., Mr Thomas Aitken, formerly of Cairnryan, aged 65years.At Kirkalla, parish of Penninghame, on the 17th inst., Mr Gilbert Gordon, farmer, at the advanced aged of93 years - justly regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.At Gatehouse, on the 16th inst., aged 78 years, Mr John Coltart, formerly gingham and muslinmanufacturer there; a man of much probity and uprightness.
At Newton-Stewart, on the morning of the 15th inst., Mr Wm. Good, senior, aged 81 years.At Gatehouse, on the 17th inst., Margaret, youngest child of Mr John Bone.At Slate Row, Rerwick, on the 17th inst., suddenly, Mr Thomas Ducher, much respected.At Trammonford, near Wigtown, on the 9th inst., John Dunn, aged 86.At Collin, Torthorwald, on the 6th inst., in the prime of life, after a long course of sickness, Miss JanetIrving, only surviving member of the family of the late Mrs Irving and Miss Blake, Collin.At Sanquhar, on the 10th inst., in his 3d year, James, son of Wm. Brown, flesher there.At Sanquhar, on the 10th inst. Ann Wilson.At Sanquhar, on the 7th inst., at the advanced age of 86, Mary Cook.At Langholm, on the 15th inst., very suddenly, Agnes Murray, aged 58 years.At Kirkstyle, Langholm, on the 14th inst., John Murray, aged 62 years.At Longtown, on the 12th inst., Mrs Margaret Dixon, widow of the late Thomas Dixon, farmer, of Hallburn,aged 75 years - much respected.At Calcutta, on the 28th December last, James Pagan, Esq., surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., son of William Pagan, Esq.,Curriestanes, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright.At Port Macquarrie, New South Wales, on the 1 st October last, John M'Lean, Esquire, second son of the lateAlex. M'Lean of Mark, aged 37 years.At Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies, on the 22d December last, at the house of Anthony Cumming, Esq.,John, third son of the late Mr John Clanahan, merchant-tailor, Whithorn, aged 26 years.At Madeira, on the 24th ult., James Goldie, eldest son of Mr Wm. Goldie, banker in Dumfries.At Madeira, on the 11th ult., Mr John Hunter, house-steward to the Right Hon, the Earl of Eglinton andWinton; and on the 13th inst., at Kidsnerick, Irvine, John, his second son, aged 7 years.28 th March <strong>1844</strong> (Week 13)BIRTHSAt High Eldrick, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 27th inst., Mrs William M'Murray, of a daughter.At Creetown, on the 23d inst., the wife of Mr George Nish, President of the Teetotal Society, of a son.At English Street, Dumfries, on the 16 th current, the wife of Mr John Caven, of a son and daughter.At Dumfries, on the 19th curt., the wife of Wm. Hotson, coach-maker, of a daughter.At Nunholm, near Dumfries, on the 27th inst., the wife of the Rev. J.R. Mackenzie, of a son.At Millisle, parish of Sorbie, on the morning of the 22d curt., Mrs Waldie, of a daughter - still-born.At Blacklake House, Staffordshire, on the 20th inst., the lady of Mr James Macbryde, surgeon, of adaughter.At Dobfield, Manchester, on the 20th inst., Mrs Charles Gilles Bell, of a son.At Arno Vale, South Australia, in June last, Mrs John Fisher, of a daughter.At Pau, on the 27th ult., the lady of George Lyon, Esq., of Dalruscan, late of the 2d Life Guards, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Bahazy, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. John Muir, Kirkmabreck, Mr Wm. Inglis, jun., Muirhead,Twynholm, to Miss Elizabeth Kelly, second daughter of the late Mr James Kelly, Laghead,Girthon.At Jardine-Hall, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Dunbar, Wellwood Maxwell, Esq., of Munshes, to JaneHome, eldest daughter of Sir William Jardine, Bart., of Applegarth, Dumfries-shire.At Marchhill, Dumfries, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr Fyfe, St. Mary's, Mr James Kerr, farmer, Cincinnati,State of Ohio, to Miss Blackstock, daughter of Mr Thos. Blackstock, Collin, Torthorwald.At Drumore, on the 25th inst., by the Rev. Mr Lamb, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gibson, to Miss Margaret M'Gaw.At Milton, parish of Mochrum, on the19th inst., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr John Milligan, farmer, May, toMiss Margaret M'Whinnie, daughter of the late Mr M'Whinnie, Milton.At Buchanan Place, Catrine, on the 19 th inst., by the Rev. Mr Johnstone, of Mauchline, Mr George Johnstone,to Mary Murray, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Maxwell, farmer, High Mains,Dalquhairn.At Morton House, near Edinburgh, on the 19th inst., Thomas Cunningham, Esq., Dalachy, Aberdour, Fife,to Marion Dell, youngest daughter of the late John Gilchrist, Esq., of Orchard, Lanarkshire.At Cumstone, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Hugh Douglas, Lockerby, Mr Richard Hetherington, Sloddiehill,to Miss Jane Little.
At Auchnacroish, on the 7th inst., Archibald James Lamont, Esq., of Lamont, to Harriett, fourth daughter ofAlex. Campbell, Esq., of Possil.At St. Cuthbert's Church, Carlisle, on the 10th instant, Captain James Wright, of the sloop "Rosina", to Jane,second daughter of Mr John Lawson, Dalton, Dumfries-shire.DEATHSAt Drumore, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 28 th inst., Mr Peter Nibloe, advanced in years.At Kirkcowan, on the 26th inst., Mr William Robb, shoemaker, a young man cut off in the prime of life,justly and deeply regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.At Auchencairn, parish of Rerwick, on the 19 th curt., suddenly, Mr Andrew Kiddy, Black Lion Inn. It wasonly five weeks since we recorded the sudden death of his wife.On the 23d inst., Margaret, daughter of James Craig, Esq., of Deanston, parish of Lochrutton.At Crocketford, on the 25th inst., James, son of Mr David M'Caig, postmaster there.Drowned at sea, on the 17th curt., William Henry, third son of Mr Watt, ironmonger, Dumfries.At Dumfries, on Thursday last, Mr Wm. Murphy, lately connected with the establishment of MessrsMonies & Co., drapers Bradford.At St. Michael's Lodge, near Dumfries, on the 13th inst., Thomas Hood of Hollybush - aged 19 years.On the 8th instant, John Irving, Esq., of Amisfield, late of Jamaica.At Lochfoot, on the 16th curt., Ann Wright, wife of Mr George Blount, innkeeper there.At Shankfoot of Goldilea, on the 23d inst., James Aitken, son of Mr John Aitken, aged 7 years.At Garliestown, on the 14th curt.,Capt. William M'Millan, aged 38 years, after a protracted illness, whichhe endured with much patience and Christian resignation.At New Orleans, on 28th January last, aged 24, Charles Clapperton Howe, a native of Annan, and nephewto Clapperton the African traveller.At Ohio, New England, New South Wales, on the 1st August last, James, infant son of Abraham Nivison andMary Wightman, - Friends will please accept the above notification.At Lochfoot, Lochrutton, on the 3d inst., Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr David Wilson, parochialschoolmaster of Lochrutton.At his house, Yarrow Fens, on the 13th inst., Mr Robt. Hogg, in the 94th year of his age.At Cairnryan, on the 15th inst., Annabella, daughter of Mr A. Anderson, Coast Guard Service, aged 20.At same place, on the 16 th instant, Mary M'Crackan, aged 42 years.At Wigtown, on the 17th instant, Mr P Cunningham, grocer, aged 53 years.At Barvernochan, Kirkinner, on the 19 th instant, Mr James M'William, aged 72 years.At West Culvennan, parish of Kirkcowan, on the 15th instant, Mr Thomas Aitken, farmer there, advancedin years.At Kildrochet, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 15th inst., Elizabeth Nibloe, spouse of Mr AbrahamM'William, farmer there.At South Milton, parish of Glenluce, on the 14th inst., Elizabeth M'Kie, wife of Mr William M'Creadie,farmer aged 71 years.At his house, near Richmond, Upper Canada, on the 14th Feb. last, aged 41 years, Major James Rollo,eldest son of the Hon. Roger Rollo, Ayr.At Lasswade, on the 21st instant, Isabella Campbell, relict of William M'Gavin, Esq., author of the"Protestant," &c., &c.At Longtown Union Workhouse, on the 12 th inst., Mr John Creighton, late of Hethersgill, aged 72 years.4 th April <strong>1844</strong> (Week 14)BIRTHSHere, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr James Shaw, baker, of a daughter.At Seabank House, here, on the 29th ult., the lady of the Rev. Mr Watt, of the Original Seceders, of adaughter.At Tynron manse, on the 21st ult., Mrs Wilson, of a son.MARRIAGES
Here, at the Catholic Chapel, on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. R. Sinnott, and afterwards on Tuesday, bythe Rev. D. Wilson, Mr Michael Finaghty, of the Ordnance Survey, to Miss Mary Biggam, second daughterof the late Thomas Biggam, Esq., merchant, Stranraer.At Gatehouse, on the 2d curt, by the Rev. Geo Murray of Girthon, Mr Alex. M'Gill, to Miss E. Hussock, dress-[word not completed].At Wigtown, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. P. Young, Mr John M'Master, shoemaker, to Miss Ann Logan.At Granton House, near Moffat, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. A. Stewart, Charles Dunlop, Esq., of WhitmureHall, near Selkirk, to Catherine, youngest daughter of Thomas Jardine, Esq., of Granton.At Moncreiffe House, on the 22nd ult., by the Rev. W. F. Hooper, Edmund, only son of Edmund Wright,Esq., of Maldeth Hall, Lancashire, to Helen, eldest daughter of the late Sir David Moncrieffe of Moncrieffe,Bart.At St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Henry James, John Cox, Esq., GeorgieMills, Edinburgh, to Margaret, eldest daughter of J. R. McCulloch, Esq.At Graitney, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. James Roddick, Mr John Coltart, farmer, near Toronto, UpperCanada, to Miss Jessie Marshal, daughter of Mr Thomas Marshal, contractor, Drury lane, parish ofKirkpatrick Fleming. The gallant bridegroom is threescore and ten years, and has raised up a numerousprogeny to replenish the wild woods of America. Four times has he been bound with the silken bands ofwedlock: and the present partner of his lot is a winsome lass just three years out of her teens.At Kenwyn, on Thursday, the 28th inst., by the Rev. George Cornish, Mr William Kerr, draper, Truro, toCharlotte, third daughter of John Cuming, Esq., merchant, of the same place.DEATHSAt Prince's Street, here, on the 28th inst., Elizabeth M'Meiken, relict of Mr Nevan Agnew, aged 83 years.At Colfin, parish of Portpatrick, on the 31st ult., Mr Gilbert Milvain, farmer, aged 62 years. Mr Milvain wasone of an old and respectable class of farmers which are daily passing from among us, and with themmuch of that steady friendship and straighforward manly character, associated with kindly feeling andgreat generosity. He was pre-eminently one of that class, and his loss will be most severely felt among thepoor and a very extensive circle of friends and acquaintances.At Drumore, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 28th inst., [sic] Mrs Peter Nibloe, advanced in years. - and notMr Nibloe, as stated last week.At Maxwelltown, Dumfries, on the 28th ult., after a protracted and painful illness, born with Christianfortitude and patience, Alexander, eldest son of Mr L.G. Guilmette, teacher, aged 29 years. - The merits andexemplary character of the deceased, who has been for some years an apothecary, &c, in Stranraer, inevery walk and obligation of life, render his early departure an event much to be regretted, and hisremembrance will be long held in great esteem, by an extensive circle of acquaintances.At Newton Stewart, on the 2d inst., Wilhelmina Hannay, daughter of Mr. R. Hannay, joiner.At Gatehouse, on the 31st ult., Ann Kennedy, wife of Mr James M'Kay, weaver, after a long illness.At Arbigland, on the 19th ult., Douglas Hamilton Craik, Esq., of Arbigland, aged 82 years.At Dumfries, on the 23rd ult, Esther Martin, spouse of Sergeant-Major Wright, of the Dumfries-shireMilitia.At St Michael Street, Dumfries, on the 23rd ult., suddenly, Mr William Maxwell, advanced in life.At Dumfries, on the 27th ult., Ellen, infant daughter of Mr John Caven, coach driver.At Clifton, parish of Southwick, on the 29th ult., Mr Wm Craik, farmer there, aged 86 years, - deeplyregretted.At Haugh of Urr, on the 25th ult., Janet Haining, wife of Mr George Kimm, at the advanced aged of 81 years.At Midtown of Killylour, parish of Irongray, on the 28th ult., Mrs Janet Craig, wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Hyslop,farmer there.At Wigtown, on the 30th ult., Mr John M'Guffie, innkeeper and harbourmaster.At his brother's residence London, aged 29 years, Mr Martin Donnan, a native of Wigtown.At Langholme, on the 30th ult., Mr John Armstrong, a descendant of the famous Armstrongs of Gilnockie,aged 70 years.At Leeds, on the 22d ult., Mrs Thomas Wilkinson, daughter of James Rennie, Esq., merchant, Bradford -much respected and deeply regretted.At Crocketford, on the 25th ult., James, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Caig, postmster there.At Woodhead Lead Mines, near Carsphairn, on the 17th ult., of hooping-cough Margaret, youngestdaughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Clymont, - Also, on the same day of hooping-cough, Margaret, daughter of MrWilliam Barbour.At Auchencrosh, parish of Ballantrae, on the 23d ult., Mr William M'Cracken.
At 20, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, on the 24th ult., Lieutenant Charles William Hope, Royal Engineers,youngest son of the late Lieutenant-General Sir John Hope.At Glasgow, on the 22d ult., Edward Khull, sen., Esq., late printer, aged 77.At Helensborough, on the 21st ult., Mary Anne Hill, relict of Dr Henry David Hill Professor of Greek in theUniversity of St. Andrew's.11 th April <strong>1844</strong> (Week 15)BIRTHSAt Hillhead, here, on the 7th inst., Mrs William Barr, of a son.At Glenluce, on the 9th inst., Mrs N. Copland, of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Johnstone, game-dealer, of a son.At Kenview Cottage, New Galloway, on the 2d inst., Mrs John M'Cormick, of a daughter.At Caigmark, Dalmellington, on the 30th ult., Mrs Thomas Clark, of a daughterAt Dalmellington, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr John M'Whirter, baker, of a daughter.At the Manse of Westerkirk, on the 1st curt., the lady of the Rev. W.B. Dunbar, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Corfeckloch, Minnigaff, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. John Macleod, Stranraer, the Rev.John Inglis,Missionary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church to New Zealand, to Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr JohnM'Clymont.At Carsphairn, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. David Walsh, Mr John Wilson, Kenmure Arms Inn, NewGalloway, to Miss Dempster, daughter of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Dempster, innkeeper, Carsphairn.At Chapelknow on the 28th ult., by the Rev. W. Burnet, Minister of Half-Morton, Mr David Rutherford,Blackburn, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr Andrew Geddes, Chapelknow.DEATHSHere, at Sun street, on the 8th inst., William, infant son of Mr John Murray, shoemaker.At King Street, here, on the 7th inst., Mary Campbell, aged 63 years.At Lochans, on the 30th ult., Helen Girvan, spouse of the late Mr Peter M'Kinnon, farmer, Drumshang,Ayrshire, aged 81 years.At Clachan, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 7th inst., aged 14 months, Grace, youngest daughter of Mr DavidAgnew, farmer, Clachan.At Windyslap, parish of Glenluce, on the 7th inst., Mr James Thorburn, aged 45.At Gatehouse, on the 8th inst., Samuel, aged 11 years, eldest son of Mr John Cunningham, joiner.At Muirhead, parish of Twynholm, on the 8th inst., Mr Wm. Inglis, farmer there, advanced in years, andmuch and deservedly respected.At Whithorn, on the 29th ult., Susan, daughter of David M'Credie, - after a brief illness.At Brewery Street, Dumfries, on the 28th ult., at an advanced age, Mrs Palmer.At Newfield, Dalrymple, suddenly, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr Thomas M'Millan, late of Boathouse, nearDalmellington.At Dalmellington, on the 30th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Haldane, weaver, aged 68 years - Same place on the 30th ult.,Mr David M'Caa, shoemaker, aged 25 years - Same place on the 30th ult., Mary L'Leod, relict of Mr IvieGregg, merchant, aged 58 years. - Same place on the 1st instant, Mrs Janet Murray, aged 23 years.18 th April <strong>1844</strong> (Week 16)BIRTHSAt Glenluce, on the 12th inst., Mrs Andrew M'Dowall, tailor, of a son.On the 9th inst., Mrs Gardiner of Murraytown, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr John Jackson, painter, of a daughter.At Annan, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr John Thomson, draper, of a daughter.At Murrayton, parish of Girthon, on the 9th inst., Mrs Gardiner of a son.
At Dalmellington, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr M'Donald, miner, of a daughter.Same place, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr Quintin Wright, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Dumfries, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Dr. T. T. Duncan, Mr George Thomson M'Minn, clerk, CountyFiscal's Office, to Nicholas, eldest daughter of Mr John Anderson, bookseller, Dumfries.At Dumfries, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Dr. T. T. Duncan, Andrew Black, Esq., of Over Crossleys,Holywood, to Margaret, eldest dughter of the late Mr John Garmery, Kelton.At Dumfries, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Wallace, Mr James T. Creighton, to Miss Margaret Briley,Chester.At Annan, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr Monilaws, Mr Joseph Blacklock, son of Thomas Blacklock, Esq.,of Watchhall, to Miss Mary Farries.At Kirkandrews-upon-Esk, onn the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Hodgson, Mr John M'Naughten, Woodslee,Cannobie, to Jane, youngest daughter of Mr Andrew Armstrong of Beckhouse, near Longtown.At Blackburn, Lancashire, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. F. Skinner, Mr James Murray, draper, Blackburn, toMis Mary M'Gerrow, eldest daughter of Mr John M'Gerrow, Haugh of Urr, near Castle Douglas.DEATHSAt Glenluce, on the 14th instant, James M'Gaw, aged 18 years.At Glenluce, on the 13th inst., Thomas Taggart,At his residence, Bridge-end, Maxwelltown, on the 9th inst., James Lock, Esq., advanced in life.At Dumfries, on the 2d inst., Mary Affleck, wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Garmery.At Newfield of Dalry, Castle-Douglas, on the 6th inst., Mrs Marion Struthers, relict of James Struthers,writer of the signet.At 5, Inverleith Terrace, Edinburgh, on the 3d inst., Elizabeth Ord, youngest daughter of William Baillie,Esq., late Sheriff-Substitute of Dumfriesshire.At Dumfries, on the 5th inst., at an advanced age, Mrs Ann Dow, relict of William Jardine, Esq., Surgeon,R.N.At Dumfries, on the 3d inst., suddenly Mr John Mitchell, joiner,At Thornhill, on the 4th inst., after a short but severe illness, aged 12 years, Alexander, only child of Mr J.D.Ferguson.At Merthyr Tydvil, on the 28th ult., Mr James Mackinnel, tea dealer, aged 41 years - native of Rerwick,Kirkcudbrightshire.At Helensburgh, on the 30th ult. of typhus fever, caught in the discharge of his professional duties, JohnFrance, Esq., surgeon, in his 36th year, eldest son of the late Rev. James France, minister of the gospel,Minnyhive.At Lochmaben, on the 9th inst., Mr Richard Wells, aged 80 years.At Annan, on the 8th inst., Miss Catherine Johnstone, aged 60, sister of Mr J. Johnstone, painter, Langholm.At Longtown, on the 3d inst., Margaret Bell, widow of the late Mr Thomas Bell, schoolmaster, aged 95years.At Longtown, on the 8th inst., Mrs Janet Little, aged 72 years.At Bogburn, Kirkandrews-on-Esk., on Friday Last, Mrs Mary Graham, in child-bed, aged 38.At Kirkconnel Village, on the 3d inst., Janet, infant daughter of Mr John Sommerville, cattle-dealer, there.At West Muntloch, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 3d inst., Agnes Cairney.At Whitehill, Cumnock, on the 5th inst., Elizabeth Brydon, relict of Mr Charles Wyllie, farmer, at anadvanced age.At 2, Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh, on the 17th inst., Miss Guthrie, daughter of the late James Guthrie, Esq.of Craigie.At 18, Royal Terrace, Edinburgh, on the 10th inst., after a lingering illness, John Sinclair, Esq., typefounder,of Duncan Sinclair and Sons, Whiteford House, Canongate.25 th April <strong>1844</strong> (Week 17)BIRTHSAt Bridge Street, here, on the 21st inst., Mrs Alexander Christie, of a son
At Whiteleys, parish of Inch, on the 16th inst., Mrs Hunter, of a daughter.At Glenluce, on the 13th inst., Mrs Nathan Copeland, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 22d inst., the lady of Geo. Agnew, Esq., sheriff clerk, of a daughter.At Wigtown, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr William Carson, writer, of a daughter.At Brooklands, parish of Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 13th inst., Mrs P. AE. I. Smith, of a son.At Dalbeattie, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr William M'Leod, tailor, of a daughter.At Goldielea, on the 20th inst., the lady of J.S. Christie, Esq., of a daugher.At Dumfries, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr Alexander Turner, ironmonger, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 18th instant, Mrs Redmond, of a daughter.At Laurieknowe, on the 17th inst, Mrs W.D. Dickson, of a daughter.At Langholm, on the 21st inst., Mrs James Grieve, merchant, of a son.At Langholm, on the 21st inst., Mrs Thomas Robson, stone-mason, of a son.At No 6 Berkley Street, Liverpool, on the 20th inst., Mrs James Hill, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Girvan, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. Peter M'Master, Mr James Moore, brewer, here, to Miss MaryM'Master daughter of the late Mr M'Master, Inch.At Urral, parish of Kirkcown, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. John M'Dowall, Mr John Anderson, farmer, Mull,to Jane third daughter of the late Mr David M'Ilwrick, Altercannoch, Colmonell.At Drumboy, parish of Kells, on the 22d inst., Mr John Sproat, merchant, Bradford, to Elizabeth, thirddaughter of Mr John Barbour, shepherd, Drumboy.At Gatehouse, on the 19 inst., by the Rev. James Falconer, Mr George Ballantyne, to Miss Jane Purdie,there.At Howgill, by Annan, on the 15th inst., by the Rev, James Monilaws, William Bell, ship-carpenter,Maryport, to Janet Rae, Howgill.At Langholm, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr Watson, Mr Wm. Thorburn, to Miss Elizabeth Martin, fifthdaughter of Mr Thomas Martin, shoemaker there.At Newbie Barn, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. James Monilaws, William Beattie, sailor, "Corbie Castle," toElizabeth Bryden, Newbie.At Mull, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr Greig, Kirkpatrick-Durham, Mr Daniel Moffat, Darngarroch, toMiss Jean Clarke, eldest daughter of Mr John Clarke, Mull.At the British Chapel, Rio de Janeiro, on the 13th February, last, by the Rev. T. Thornton, Champness,Peter Sproat, Esq., surgeon, to Grace, daughter of the late Mr Thomas Anderson, merchant, Kirkcudbright.At Edinburgh, on the 16th inst., the Hon. William Maule, youngest son of the Right Hon. Lord Panmure, toElizabeth, daughter of Thomas Binny, Esq., of Maulesden and Fearn.At 38, Drummond Place, Edinburgh, on the19th inst., by the Rev. W.L. Alexanderm, James Richardson,Esq., merchant there, to Alison Ponton, second daughter of the Right Hon. Adam Black, Lord Provost.At Armagh, on the 13th inst., George Dunbar, Esq., lately M.P. for Belfast, to Harriet, second daughter ofthe late Lord George Beresford.DEATHSAt Balker, parish of Inch, on the 21st instant, suddenly, Grace, third daughter of the late Mr M'Bryde,farmer there.At Kirkbride, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 11th instant, Mr Peter Cochrane, farmer there, aged 86 years.At Port-Logan, on the 19th inst., Mr John M'Culloch, keeper of the fish-pond there.At Wigtown, on the 18th instant, Helen M'Gowan, wife of John M'William, weaver, aged 89 years.At Barglass, Kirkinner, on the 21st instant, the infant daughter of Mr Christison, factor, Barnbarroch.At Gatehouse, on the 17th inst., after a severe illness, Mr William Carson, surgeon, aged 28 years.At Glasgow, on the 20th inst., after a severe illness, Margaret Lesley, aged 50 years, spouse of the late MrAlex. Bain, woollen spinner.At Murrayton, parish of Girthon, on the 22d inst., William, infant son of Mr John Gardener, farmer, there.At Haslingden, Lancashire, on the 12th inst., John Maxwell, draper, aged 68. He was a native ofBalmaclellan.At Spittal, near Creetown, on the 15th inst., after a long and severe illness, Mr James Cooper, aged 64.At 80, South Portland Street, Glasgow, on the 20th inst., Mr Peter Clark - Friends will please accept of thisintimation.
At Dumfries, on the 14th instant, aged 15 months, <strong>Robert</strong> Thomas, youngest son of Mr John Sanders,writer.At Dumfries, on the 10th instant, Mary Thredie, relict of Mr George Blount, saddler.At the Relief Manse, Dumfries, on the 10th instant, Mr John Carruthers, late book agent, aged 43.At Nithbank, Dumfries, on the 19th instant, in the prime of life, Elizabeth, daughter of John Brown,formerly of Corrielaw, much regretted by her relatives and friends, for her amiable disposition andsuperior abilities.At Maxwelltown, on the 17th instant, Barbara Hairstens, advanced in years.At Annan, on the 17th instant, Mrs Shennan, and, on the following day, her husband, Mr John Shennan,collector of the poor rates, there - both advanced in years.At Edinburgh, on the 17th instant, Miss Margaret Forbes, daughter of the late Rev. David Forbes, ministerof Borgue.At Langholm, on the 16th instant, William Carruthers, aged 23 years; also, on the 17th James Warwick,aged 24 years.2 nd May <strong>1844</strong> (Week 18)BIRTHSAt Ardwell Cottage, on the 25th ult., the wife of Mr John Fergusson, overseer to Sir John M'Taggart, Bart.,M.P. of a daughter.At Stewarton, on the 27th ult., Mrs M'Clauchlan, of a daughter.At same place, on the 29th ult., Mrs Stewart, of twin sons.At Gatehouse, on the 26th ult., the lady of Mr William Baird, M.D. of a daughter.At Drumfries, on the 26th ult., Mrs John Balieff, of a son - still born.At Maxwelltown, on the 18th ult., Mrs J.G. Montgomery, of a daughter.At New-Galloway, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr James Hughan, of the rural police, of a son.At Hardland, parish of Balmaclellan, on the 27th ult., the wife of Mr Bell, of a son.At Maryhill, near Glasgow, on the 15th ult., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Montgomery, tailor and clothier, of ason.MARRIAGESAt Kirkcolm, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. T.B. Bell, Mr David M'Culloch, to Miss Jean Stewart.At Drumbuie, near New-Galloway, on the 22nd ult., by the Rev. Mr Patterson, Dalry, Mr John Sproat,merchant, Bradford, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of John Barber, Drumbuie.At Droughtag, Mochrum, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr Pace, gamekeeper, Monreith, to MissGrace Stewart.At Lochmaben, on Tuesday week, Mr John Lawrence M'Connell, son of the late John M'Connell, Limerick,to Miss Isabella M'Candlish, youngest daughter of Mr Wm. M'Candlish, architect, New-Galloway.At Southampton on the 17th ult., <strong>Robert</strong> Witham, eldest surviving son of William Witham, Esq., of EatonSquare, London, to Dorothy Mary Maxwell, of Kirkconnell, near Newabbey, Kirkcudbright.At Hawick, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Mr Ramsay, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hamilton, Waterbeck, to Hannah,youngest daughter of the late Mr George Milne, Cadder.At Nether-Gribton, Holywood, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Mr Wilson, of Irongray, Mr John Kirk to MissJane Crocket.DEATHSAt Sandhead, on the 30th ult., Janet Donaldson, wife of Peter M'Gaw, aged 71 years, after a long andpainfull illness which she bore with christian resignation.At Portpatrick, on the 30th ult., Commander J. Wyn, R.N. agent for her Majesty's packets.At Barhapple, parish of Kirkcowan, on the 28th ultimo, Elizabeth Milroy, relict of Mr James Milroy, latefarmer, Culvennan, at the advanced aged of 84 years.At Castle-Douglas, on the 30th ultimo, Eliza, daughter of Mr Craig, grain-dealer there.At Moffat, on the 23d ult., the Rev. John Menteath, minister of the United Secession Church, there, in the69th year of his age and 35th of his ministry.At 310, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, on the 25th ult., John M'Vicar, Esq., aged 76 years.
At his house in Chester Street, Birkenhead, on Thursday last, the 25th ult., Mr John Donaldson, wine andspirit merchant - much regretted by a numerous circle of friends.At the Lodge Cottage, Annan, on the 24th ult., Jean Gass, relict of Dr. Clapperton - after a severe andprotracted illness.At Annan, on the 21st ult., the wife of Mr Wm Welsh, burgh-officer - advanced in years.At Manchester, on the 17th ult., Mr John Douglas, formerly draper in Dumfries.At Balmae, Kirkcudbright, on the 20th ult., aged 7 years, Mary Ann, daughter of Mr Hanning, Skipmyre,Tinwald.At Closeburn, on the 12th ult., Mr Alexander Duff - greatly esteemed.At Lochrighead, parish of Kirkmichael, on the 19th ult., Violet Jardine, wife of Mr William Brown,shoemaker, there, much and deeply regretted by her relatives and friends.At Creebridge, Minnygaff, on the 24th ult., Mr Samuel Heron, aged 62. The deceased served underWellington during the Peninsular war.At Kirk of Mochrum, on the 21st ult., George Biggam, aged 20.At Dalmellington, on the 22d ult., John, son of Mr Hamilton, mason.At New Cumnock, on the 20th ult., James Brown, merchant, aged 68 years.At Langholm, on the 17th ult., James, son of Mr Wm Foster, joiner, aged 6 years.At Langholm, on the 21st ult., Mr Wm Warwick, horse-dealer, aged 84 years.9 th May <strong>1844</strong> (Week 19)BIRTHSAt Auchtralure, parish of Inch, on the 4th inst., Mrs William Rankine, of a daughter.At Douloch, parish of Leswalt, on the 4th inst., Mrs Alex Stevenson, of a son.At Gillespie, parish of Glenluce on the 6th inst., Mrs Anderson, of a son.At St. Heliers, New South Wales, on the 25th November last, Mrs John H. Keys, of a daughter.At Upper-Hardland, Balmaclellan, on the 27th ult., Mrs Bell, of a son.At Dressertland House, Closeburn, on the 27th ult., Mrs Little, of a son.At Conchietoune, on the 29th ult., Mrs Gordon, of a daughter.At Kirkcudbright, on the 23rd ult., Mrs Mure, of a son.On the 24th inst., at Church Street, Brighton, Mrs Alex. Macmath, of a son.At Gateside, Renfrew Road, Paisley, on the 1st instant, Mrs James Hannay, of a daughter.On the 21st ult., Mrs Leigh, wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Leigh, of Preston, the claimant of the Leigh Peerage andEstates, of a son - her twenty fourth child.MARRIAGESAt Dalbeattie, on Friday, the 26th ult., by the Rev. G. M. Burnside, Urr, Mr James M'Adam, of Kirkland,Terregles, to Miss Mary Carswell, eldest daughter of Mr John Carswell, Dalbeattie.At Annan, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. William Langton, Free Church, Greenock, Mr James Buyers, draper,Coventry, to Elizabeth, eldest dughter of Mr John Irving, flesher.At Drumhumphry, Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. G.J. Duncan, of Kirkpatrick-Durham,Mr Wm. Henderson, to Miss Murray, both of that place.At Walton, near Liverpool, on the 1st inst., Mr Andrew Wilson, to Miss Jane Elliot, both of Cannobie.At St. George's Church, Hanover Square, London, on Tuesday Week, J.Talbot Clifton, Esq., eldest son of J.Clifton, Esq., of Latham Hall, Lancashire, to Miss Lowther, daughter of the Hon. Colonel and Lady LucyEleanor Louther, Lord Lonsdale gave a spendid dejeuner on the occasion.At Willie Park, near Wenlock on Tuesday last, Viscount Newport, M.P. eldest son of the Earl of Bradford, tothe Hon Selina Louisa Forester, youngest dughter of the late, and sister to the present Lord Forester, andniece to the Duke of Rutland.At St. George's, Hanover Square, London, on the 30th ult., A. Way, Esq., son of the Rev. L. Way, of StansteadPark, Sussex, to the Hon. Emmeline Stanley, daughter of Lord Stanley of Alderley.DEATHSAt Elm Grove, Cheshire, on the 24th ult., Sir John Reid, Baronet - also at the same place, on the first May,Lady Reid.
At Girvillan, parish of New-Luce, on the 2d inst., after a painful illness, borne with great patience, andresignation, Mary Hill, relict of Mr Wallace, farmer.At Dumfries, on the 1st inst., Mary, daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Blacklock, shoemaker,At Newfield, Ruthwell, on the 25th ult., Johanas M'Kune - a native of Kirkbean.At North Park, Lochrutton, on the 1st inst., Mr Archibald Affleck, aged 86 years.At George Street, Edinburgh, on the 3d inst., Lady Colquhoun of LussAt Millbank cottage, Newton-Stewart, on the 1st inst., Miss Janet M'Lurg, advanced in life.At Thornhill, on the 24th ult., Mary Gracie, relict of James Hastings, aged 76 years. It may be interesting tothe public to know, that the deceased lost both father and mother by the upsetting of the ferry boatcrossing the Nith (where the Thornhill bridge now stands), in February, 1773 - an event that cast a greatgloom around the whole neighbourhood, there being four males and three females lost at the same time.At Salford, Manchester, on the 2d instant, Mr Walter Hunter, cabinet-maker, only son of Mr James Hunter,Carlisle, in the 27th year of his age.At Walsall, Staffordshire, on the 3d inst., after a long and painful affliction, J. Clark Shannon, eldest son ofMr J. C. Shannon, draper, of the former place.At Stratford - on - Avon, on Thursday, last, after a short but severe illness, William, second son of Mr Robt.Walker, hop-factor, of that town.At Battlebridge, Balmaclellan, on the 25th ult., Margaret Carson, advanced in life.On Monday, the 29th ult., Mary Lucy, youngest daugher of Mr David Gibson Currie, draper and tea dealer,Merthyr Tydvil, Glamorganshire, aged two months.At Brunswick Place, City Road, London, on the 27th ult., in his 93rd years, the Rev. Henry Moore, theconfidential friend and biographer of the late Rev. John Wesley.16 th May <strong>1844</strong> (Week 20)BIRTHSAt Harbour Street, here, on the 14th inst., Mrs Andrew M'Neillie, of a daughter.At Sand-mill, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 10th inst., Mrs John Stewart, of a son.At Annan, last week, the wife of Mr John Little, draper, of a son.At 128, Blackfriars' Road, London, on the 10th inst., Mrs Jas. Walker, of a son.At Nantwich, on Saturday, the 4th inst., Mrs Anthony M'Connel, of a son.At Stoney-Stratford, Bucks, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Anderson, draper, &c, of a daughter.At Fenton, East Lothian, on the 7th inst. Mrs Handyside, of a daughter.At Kerfield House, Peebles-shire, on the 5th inst., the lady of Chas. Sieveright, Esq., of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt the Catholic Church, Chelsea, on the 9th inst., by the Right Rev. Dr. Griffiths, Sir Pyers Mostyn, Bart., ofTalacre, to the Hon. Frances Georgina Fraser, second daughter of Lord Lovat.At Dumfries, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr Blackwood, Mr James Fergusson, Doctor's Well, Trench, toMiss Lockerby, grocer and spirit dealer, Queensberry Street.At Arthuret Church, on the 19th ult., by the Rev. John Wannop, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Sewell, to Miss Elizabeth Cullen.At St. Bride's Church, Liverpool, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Jame Haldane Stewart, Joseph Younghusbandof Ellerslie, eldest son of William Younghusband, Esq., of Floraville, Cumberland, to Harriet, fourthdaughter of the late John Oldham, Esq., of Pernambuco.DEATHSHere, on the 12th inst., Mr Charles M'Neillie, merchantHere, on the 10th inst., Mrs Jas.Thompson, merchant.Here, on the 13th inst., Mr George Kerr, shoemaker.At Paisley, on the 12th inst., George Agnew, Esq., late of Portpatrick, of the firm of Vallance and Co.,tobacconists.At Newton-Stewart, on the 10th inst., Mr Martin M'Millan, aged 80 years.At Creebridge, Minnigaff, on the 7th inst., after a long a tedious illness, Mr William Edgar, toll-keeper.At Nook of Balmaghie, on the 6th inst., in his 87th year, <strong>Robert</strong> M'Millan, late of Waterside of Kells - a manwhose admirers were coequal with his acquaintance.
At the Manse, Colvend, on the 9th inst., the Rev. Mr M'Culloch, for many years minister of that parish.At Coplandhall, Terregles, on the 10th inst., at the advanced aged of 84 years, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gillies.At Bridekirk of Annan, last week, John Gray, weaver, advanced in years after a protracted illness.At Annan, last week, Jessy, daughter of the late Mr James Aitchison, joiner, in consequence of a kick on theknee, by a boy a few days before, mortification having supervened.At Langholm, on the 3d inst., Isabella Geddes, spouse of Mr Wm Fletcher, cooper, aged 99 years.At New Langholm, on the 11th Helen Grieve, advanced in life.At Southampton, on the 29th ult., aged 38 years, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Paterson, draper and tea dealer, late ofElizafield, Dumfries - much respected.At his home, 56, Lothian Street, Edinburgh, on the 2d inst., Dr David Clark, Fellow of the Royal College ofSurgeons.23 rd May <strong>1844</strong> (Week 21)BIRTHSAt Castle-Douglas, on the 22nd curt., Mrs Alex. M'Morrine, of a daughter.At Maxwelltown, on the 19th instant, Mrs Beveridge, of a daughter.At Dalbeattie, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr Rawline, draper, of a daughter.At Castle Street, Kirkcudbright, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr James Hornel, grocer, of twins - a son anddaughter.At Stockmoss, near Auchencairn Village, on the 13th inst., Mrs Tweedie, of twin daughters.At Moffat, on the 16th inst., Mrs William Tait, of a daughter. Death, in this instance, unfortunatelyoccurred shortly after the birth.At Newtown, Montgomeryshire, on the 10th inst., Mrs Andrew Milligan, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Port Logan, Kirkmaiden, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. Lamb, Mr James Hill, blacksmith, to MissElizabeth Goudy.At Dumfries, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Walter Dunlop, Mr Mathieson, cabinet maker, Liverpool, toMartha Hay, daughter of the late Mr Hay, farmer, Kaeside, Melrose.At Balmurrie, on the 21st May, by the Rev. John Cowan, Mr John Dalrymple, merchant, Manchester, toJane, youngest daughter of the late Peter Cowan, Balmurrie.At London, on the 12th inst., Mr Alex. Denholm, draper, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Denholm, Hills Cottage,Woodfoot, near Dumfries, to Miss Lavinia Ambrose, daughter of Mr Ambrose, Plymouth.DEATHSHere, on the 19th inst., Mr Samuel Vogan, brick manufacturer, aged 58 years.At Wigtown, on the 18th inst., Mr James M'Guffie, draper, in the 54th year of his age.At Glenluce, on the 10th inst., Susan M'Kie, aged 58 years; and on the 14th inst., Jean M'Creadie, after alingering and melancholy disease.At Cornwall, Upper Canada, on the 1st January last, in the 65th year of his age, Mr Nathan Tait, formerly ofBaraer, near Newton-Stewart, Wigtownshire.At Shellknowe, Ballantrae, on the 12th instant, Janet Wilson, wife of Mr James M'Whirter, tailor there, anddaughter of the late Mr William Wilson, late of Portencallie, Wigtownshire.At Kirkcudbright, on the 15th instant, aged 84, Mr Samuel Cavan, grocer, meal and flour dealer - muchregretted.At Chaplecroft of Buittle, on the 7th inst., Mrs Douglas, aged 54 years.At Castle-Douglas, on the 21st inst., John M'Pherson, late baker there, aged 44 years.At Dumfries, on the 9th instant, Mrs Agnes Frood, relict of the late Mr Nathaniel M'Kie, tailor - advanced inyears.At Manchester, on the 11th instant, Margaret Blyth, daughter of Mr James Blyth, late elder in Morton.At Minnihive, on the 9th inst., very suddenly, Thomas Hunter, Esq., M.D. in the prime of life. By Dr.Hunter's premature death, the locality has lost a medical practitioner of the highest standing in theprofession, and the poor a zealous and unwearied friend.
At Rigg of Gretna, on the 11th instant, highly esteemed and sincerely regretted by all her neighbours andacquaintances, Rosina Thomson, aged 76, wife of Mr William Carruthers, joiner there.30 th May <strong>1844</strong> (Week 22)BIRTHSAt Church street, here, on the 29th instant, Mrs Alex. Sinclair, of a son.At Ruphad Toll, near Stranraer, on the 29th inst., Mrs Matthew Petticrew, of a daughter.At Mayhar parish of Kirkcolm, on the 21st inst., Mrs Charles Kerr, of a son.At Port-Multon, on the 22d inst. Mrs Wright, of a son.At Balgown, on the 24th instant, Mrs M'Guffie, of a daughter.At Dumfries, on the 22d inst. Mrs William Bell, of a daughter.At Dumfries, on the 24th inst., Mrs John Wright, of a son.At Broomfields, Largs on the 22d inst., Mrs David Buchan Douie, of a daughter.At Dunlop House, on the 23d inst., the lady of <strong>Robert</strong> Ewart, Esq., of Allershaw, of a son and heir.At the Buck's Head Hotel, Glagow, on the 18th inst., the lady of Mr Charles M'Donald, of a son and heir.MARRIAGEAt Dumfries, on the24th inst., by the Rev. W. Reid, of St. Andrew's Chapel, Mr Charles M'Kay, cabinetmaker, to Mary, only daughter of Mr King, hairdresser there.DEATHSAt Cairn M'Neillie, parish of Inch, on the 17th instant, William M'Creadie, aged 65 years.At Barbae, parish of Colmonell, on the 5th inst., Janet M'Harg, aged 64, wife of John M'Geoch, Esq., ofBarbae.At Daltonzan, parish of Colmonell, on the 21st instant, Margaret Gordon, aged 77 years, relict of JamesM'Quaker, late farmer, Cragenmochie, Comonell.At Newton-Stewart, on the 22d instant, Andrew Haugh, aged 36 years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 24th instant, after a protracted illness, Joan Murray, wife of Peter M'Lellan,joiner.At Gatehouse, on the 22d inst., Jessie, third daughter of Mr Hugh Pollock, tinsmith.At same place Mr Wm. Bourbank, aged 69 years.At Dumfries, on the 23d curt, Agnes Fraser, aged 86 years, widow of the late John Fraser, after aconfinement of 14 years.On the 35th inst., at Glasgow, on his way to Argyle-shire, his native place, for the recovery of his health,the Rev. Mr Donald, minister of the Relief Church, Annan.At Lochmaben, on the 24th curt, after a long and painful illness, Miss Janet Fead, aged 47 years - deeplyregretted.At Millbank, Southwick, on the 16th curt., Mary M'Fie, wife of Samuel Lowden, Esq., of Millbank.At 310, St Vincent Street, Glasgow, on the 24th inst., Mrs M'Vicar, relict of the late John M'Vicar, Esq.,At Annan, last week, advanced in years, Mrs Nublow, or Irving, George street, - much respected.At Moffat, on the morning of the 19th inst., in consequence of a fall from his horse, on the road fromMoffat to Erickstane, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Welsh, eldest son of James Welsh, Esq., of Earlshaugh.Suddenly, at Farthing James, Keir, on the 23d curt, Janet, daughter of William Martin, farmer there.At Swillington House, Yorkshire, on the 20th instant, the Lady Elizabeth Lowther, relict of Sir JohnLowther, Bart, aged 74 years.At London, on the 24th inst., Matilda Stewart, youngest daughter of the late James Caird, Esq., Stranraer.6 th June <strong>1844</strong> (Week 23)BIRTHSAt Kirkmabreck, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 3d inst., the wife of Mr John Milligan, joiner, of a daughter.At Castle-Douglas, on the 30th ult., Mrs Alex. M'Morine, of a daughter.
At Dumfries, on the 30th ult., Mrs John Brodie, of a son.At St. John's Newfoundland, on the 29th April last, the lady of Dr Thomas M'Ken, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Mr Hogarth of the First United Secession Church, Mr Murdoch Jeffrey,writer, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr Peter Walker, bookseller.At Inch, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. William Smellie, Mr W. Groves, merchant, here, to Miss Janet Patterson.At Knochtim, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. T. B. Bell of the Leswalt Free church, Mr Wm.Carnochan, to Janet, eldest daughter of Mr John Brown, in Knocktim.At Drumflower, parish of Old Luce, on the 4th instant, Mr Andrew M'Quaker, to Miss Agnes M'Dowall.At St. Peter's Church, Liverpool, on the 24th ult., Mr James Hamilton, chief mate of the ship "Catherine", toMargaret, youngest daughter of Mr James M'Meiken, farmer, Ballscalloch, parish of Kirkcolm.At Culhorn-house, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. James Fergusson of Inch, Mr William M'Kelvine, son of MrM'Kelvine, schoolmaster, Kilkerran, to Miss Agnes White, of Gifford, East Lothian.At her mother's house, St. Andrew Street, Dumfries, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. D.L. Scott, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Muir,to Margaret Hepburn.At Nunfield, near Dumfries, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Andrew Bennet of Closeburn, Morris Charles Jones,Esq., Liverpool, only son of the late Morris Jones, Esq., of Gungrog, Montgomeryshire, to Elizabeth, eldestdaughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Paterson, Esq., of Nunfield.At Lochmaben, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Mr Marjoribanks, Mr Thomas Graham, mason, to Miss JessiePorteous, grand-daughter of the late Provost Graham.At Rigg of Gretna, on the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr M'Gill, Mr John Colthard, to Miss ElizabethHarbertson, both of the same place.At Glasgow, on Tuesday last, Mr John D. <strong>Robert</strong>son, jeweller, to Miss Norrie.At the Independent Chapel, Writtle, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. B. Law, M.A. Mr George Fullarton, teadealer, Chipping Ongar, to Miss Mary Ann Summerfield, eldest daughter of Mr J. Summerfield, Writtle,Essex.At Collart, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Mackintosh Mackay, minister of the Free Church of Scotland,Dunoon, Alexander Campbell of Monzie, Esq., to Christina, daughter of Sir Duncan Campbell of Fassfern,Baronet.DEATHSAt Wigtown, on the 24th ultimo, Peter Kevand, aged 83 years.At Wigtown, on the 22d ultimo, Elizabeth M'Clymont, aged 80 years.Suddenly, at Mobile, on the 3d April, William Milligan, Esq., merchant, in the 46th year of his age, muchand deservedly regretted. He was a native of the parish of Penninghame, county of Wigtown. -Friends willplease accept of this notice.At Gatehouse, on the 1st inst., after a lingering illness, which he bore with Christian patience andresignation, Mr Peter M'Tier Hunter, aged 24 years, sincerely regretted by a wide circle of friends andacquaintances.At Kircudbright, on the 22d ult., after a brief illness, Mrs Jane Halliday, wife of Mr Samuel Rae, meal andflour dealer, - regretted by her family, and by numerous friends.At Castle Douglas, on the 30th ult., Jane, second daughter of Bailie W. Martin.At Castle-Douglas, on the 31st ult., Mr Charles Hannay, tea-dealer, aged 48 years.At Dumfries, on the 30th ult., Helen, daughter of Mr Edgar, Assembly Rooms, aged 14 years.At Wrae, by Langholm, on the 25th ult., Miss Maxwell, daughter of Dr. C. Maxwell, Langholm, aged 45years.At Crocketford, on the 26th ult., after a protracted and painful illness, borne with Christian fortitude andpatience, William Shennan, aged 65 years.At Righouse, near Irvine, on the 20th ult. Colonel Fullarton of Fullarton. Colonel Fullarton commanded theGalloway Militia during the last war, and, as many may still recollect, trained it up to a high degree ofefficiency. Latterly he acted as Collector of Customs at Irvine, in a way which gave satisfaction to all.At Moffat, on the 21st ult., Mrs Morrison, relict (of) Mr John Morrison, advanced in years.At Glasgow, on the 23d ult., aged 104, William Milnes, the oldest pauper on the Barony roll, and pensioneron the Old Man's Friend Society, Glasgow. His brother Andrew is still alive and well, in the Old Man'sAsylum, in his 103d year.At Melrose, on the 18th May, at a very advanced age, Jean Burnett. She entered the service of the late Mrs
Gardiner, in the year 1771, and on her marriage, continued till her mistress's death, 11 years ago, whenshe passed into the service of her son, Alex. W. Gardiner, Esq., of Melrose, where she continued till herown death as above - thus completing, with undeviating integrity and industry, a service in the samefamily, without ever having left it, of no less a period than seventy-three years - a period which, it isbelieved, has few parallels in Scotland.13 th June <strong>1844</strong> (Week 24)BIRTHSAt Wigtown, on the 3d inst., the wife of Mr Gordon Frazer, brewer, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr John Graham, merchant.At Dumfries, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr Wm. Morrin, grain dealer, of a daughter.At Maxwelltown, on the 7th inst., Mrs John Clark, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 7th inst., Mrs Graham, of a son.At Kelton Mains, on the 1st inst., Mrs J.R. Rae, of a son.At Ecclefechan, on the 3d inst., the lady of David Ewart, Esq., writer, of a daughter.At Langholm, on the 29th ult., the wife of Mr J. Fenwick, stationer, of a daughter.At Cumnock, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr Daniel King, of a son.MARRIAGEAt Ouchtrelure, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Gregor, Mr Campbell, boot and shoemaker, to MissMilroy.A Chapleton Village, Borgue, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Smith, of the Free Church, Mr JohnErskine, blacksmith, Newton-Stewart, to Miss Agnes Payne.A Castle-Douglas, on the 10th curt., by the Rev. S. Cowan, Mr John Morton, of the cotton mill, Gatehouse, toJane, eldest daughter of Mr Fisher, manager of the theatre, Castle-Douglas.At Castle-Douglas, on the 11th curt., by the Rev. S. Tyne, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late JohnGraham, Esq., architect, Castle-Douglas.At Catrine, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr Johnston, of the Free Church, Mauchline, Mr Jas. Dunlop boxmaker, to Elspeth, third daughter of Mr James Black.At Redhills, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. J. R. Duncan, of Torthorwald, Mr Alex R. Swan, farmer, Millburn, toMary, eldest daughter of the late Mr Thomas Henderson, farmer there.At the house of Adam Anderson, Esq, Edinburgh, by the Rev. David Buchan Douie, of the Free Church,Largs, Mr Francis Moffat, merchant, Lockerbie, to Alison, third daughter of Mr John Grieve, late of Moffat.At Salisbury Place, Edinburgh, on the 6th inst., Thomas J. Boyd, Esq., publisher, of the firm of Messrs Oliver& Boyd, to Mary Ann, only daughter of the late John Ferguson, Esq, surgeon, Dunblane.At Fairholm, on the 5th inst., James Dobie, Esq., Millhill, Dumfries-shire, to Jemima Ann, second daughterof the late James Hall, Esq., Edinburgh.DEATHSAt Burgess Outown, near Whithorn, on the 11th inst., Mr Alexander Lawson, farmer there.At Midpark of Greenlaw, on the 5th inst., <strong>Robert</strong>, second son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gillies, joiner there.At Dunjop of Tongland, on the 8th inst., Mrs Ewart.At his mother's house, Castle-Douglas, on the 9th inst., John, second son of the late Mr James Rigg,Boreland of Kirkcudbright.At Dumfries, on the 1st int., Mrs M'Burnie, wife of Mr M'Burnie, White Hart Inn, aged 49.At Mount Elephant, near Port Philip, on the 28th December, Mr John Cunninghame Campbell, son of thelate Major Jas. Campbell of Walton Park, Kirkcudbright.At Grainhall, in the parish of Middlebie, on the10th ult., Mr John Barton, in the 90th year of his age.At Rivox, near Moffat, on the 28th ult., Mr John Halliday, sen., aged 79 years.At New Langholm, on the 2d inst., Mr James Park, aged 76 years.At New Langholm, on the 6th inst., Mr William Holson, aged 78 years.At Albaride, parish of Cannobie, on the 11th inst., Mr William Pott, farmer there.At Sanquhar, on the 4th inst., Mrs Jane Barker, aged 67, relict of Mr William Kerr, steward of the Hon. EastIndia Company's ship Southampton. - Friends will be pleased to accept of this notification.
At the house of the Rev. Mr Henderson, Wallacetown, Ayr, on the morning of Wednesday last, Miss Millea,late of Sanquhar, St. Quivox.At Methyr Tydvil, Glamorganshire, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr J. Mainwaring, gardener, and sister of MrDavid Gibson Currie, tea dealer there.At Dalbeattie, on the 1st inst., Jean Faulds: on the 2d inst., William Porter, formerly tenant, Meikle Culloch,aged 75; and, on the 4th inst., Margaret Anderson, wife of Alexander Garmary, there.At Kirkcudbright, on the 5th inst., at the venerable age of 81, Mrs Nicholas Black, of the "Farmers' ArmsInn."At Trochie House, near New-Galloway, on the 5th curt., in the 44th year of her age, Mrs Agnes Johnstone,wife of Mr Sinclair, farmer there.At 19, Heriot Row, Edinburgh, on the 4th inst., Catherine, youngest daughter of the deceased John Mackie,Esq., late of Glencard, Kirkcudbright.20 th June <strong>1844</strong> (Week 25)BIRTHSAt Newton-Stewart, on the 19thinst., the wife of Mr William Roy, shoemaker, of her 8th daughter.At Barrhill, Colmonell, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr Alex.M'Millan, boot and shoemaker, of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 3d curt, the wife of Mr Joseph Tait, painter, of a dauther.At Gatehouse, on the 8th current, the wife of Mr John Kennedy, tailor, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr A. M'Morine, painter, of a dughter.At Auchencairn, parish of Rerwick, on the 9th ult., Mrs Wilson, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 13th curt., the wife of Mr Alex M'Haffie, grocer, of a son.At London, on the 5th inst., the wife of Peter Ewart, Esq., of a son.MARRIAGESAt Fardinreoch, parish of Colmonell, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. B. Laing, William M'Culloch, Esq.,Glendusk, to Janet, daughter of John Dunlop, Esq., late of Fardenreoch.At Skyerburn, on the 16th current, by the Rev. Thomas Johnston, Anwoth, Mr Wm. Dixon, tea-dealer,Sheffield, to Eth, eldest daughter of Mr David Mason, joiner there.At Collin, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. W. Dunlop, Mr William Irving, Dalton, to Miss Catherine Craik, Collin.At Annan, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. James Monilaws, Mr William Robson, to Esther, second daughter ofMr Thomas Hill, Annan.At Kirkbank, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. M'Bryde Broun, of the Free Church, Lochmaben, Mr Jas. M'Kie,to Miss Janet Jardine.At Kirkpatrick-Durham Village, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. George Greig, Mr William Kirk, to Miss HelenDonaldson.At Kirkcowan, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Stewart, Mr John M'Kie, to Esther, third daughter of thelate Mr James Martin, Bridge of Bladnoch, by Wigtown.At No 7, Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, the Rev. James Murray, Manse of Old Cumnock, to Isabella, eldestdaughter of Mr White, Union Bank of Scotland.At St. Peter Port Church, Guersney, by license, on the 6th ult., Mr William Kerr, draper and tea-dealer,Southampton, late of Winborne, to Miss Elizabeth Fry, fourth daughter of Mr Goerge Fry, grocer,Winborne, Dorset.In the Chapel, at Bromley Palace, on the 4th instant, John S. Parkington, Esq., M.P. of Westwood Park,Worcestershire, to Augusta Anne, third daughter of the Bishop of Rochester, and the Lady Sarah Murray.At Lymphoy, Currie, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. R. Jamieson of Glasgow, William James Davidson, Esq.,yr. of Ruchill, to Judith, youngest daughter of the late Sir Alexander Grierson of Lag. Bart.At Lanercost Abbey, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Shadforth, M.A., University College, Oxford,George Alfred Currie, Esq., late Captain 67th Regiment, to Frances, eldest daughter of George Shadforth,Esq., Orchard house, Cumberland.At Ruthwell, on the 14th curt., by the Rev. Mr Stevenson, Mr John Jonstone, joiner, to Miss Mary Dunbar.At Longhbeoch, parish of Irongray, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. James Wilson, Mr M'Call, junior,Woodhouses, Holywood, to Jane, daugher of the late Mr Wm. Edgar of Longbeoch.At Minnyhive, on the 11th curt, by the Rev. James M'Geoch, Mr Peter Towart, merchant, Glasgow, to MissMargaret Muirhead, eldest daughter of the late Mr James Muirhead, innkeeper, Minnyhive.
DEATHSAt Cairnryan, on the 10th inst., Elizabeth Ross, spouse of Mr Thomas M'Master, late of the Coast GuardService, aged 74 years.At Lochland, parish of Colmonell, very suddenly, on the 5th inst., Mr Alex. Maxwell, travelling merchant.At Beluskie, Colmonell, on the 10th inst., Thomas, son of Mr George Murray there.At Whithorn, on the 13th inst., Grace, aged 14 years, only daughter of Mr Wm. Gibb, watchmaker there -deeply regretted.At Gatehouse, on the 7 th curt, after a short illness, Mr Alex. M'Millan, weaver.At Dunjab House, on the 8th inst., Eliza, the beloved wife of <strong>Robert</strong> Ewart, Esq., of Allershaw.At Bankhead, parish of Glencairn, on the 3d inst., after a lingering illness, in the - 5th year of his age,<strong>Robert</strong>, third son of Mr John Martin, farmer there.At Thornhill, on the 8 th curt, Mr John Fingland, farmer, Laught.At Glasgow, on the 12 th inst., Christopher, youngest son of Mr Thomas Smyth.At sea, on board the Ellen, from Jamaica to London, on the 24th March last, Henry, fourth son of the lateWalter Crichton, some time in Boreland of Southwick.At Drumgeon Bridge, parish of Kirkgunzeon, on the 13 th inst., after a long and lingering illness, and in theprime of life, Barbara, daughter of Mr John Robison, mason there.At Kirklebride, parish of Kirkpatrick Durham, on the 11 th inst., very suddenly, Mr Adam Paterson, farmer.At Woodfields, Gretna, on the 8 th inst., Georgina Irving, aged 34, wife of Mr David Bell, farmer there - muchlamented.At Garscube House, Dumbartonshire, on Friday, the 7 th inst., Lady Campbell, wife of Sir ArchibaldCampbell of Succoth, Bart.At Riverhead House, Kent, the seat of her nephew, Charles Carter Petley, Esq., on the 8 th inst., MrsMacleod, widow of the late Donald Macleod, Esq., of Geanies, in her 86th year.At Broughton Place, Edinburgh, on the 6 th inst., Maria Inglis Young, wife of William <strong>Robert</strong> Baillie, Esq.,W.S.At Green Bank, Selkirk, on the 5 th inst., after a long and very severe illness, Ann Veitch, wife of WmBrydone, Esq., Paymaster and Purser, R.N.At the houseof Mr John Cowan, Valleyfield, Penicuick, on the 8 th inst., Mrs A.M. Thompson, in her 79 th year.THE REV. DR FLEMING OF NEILSTON. - This venerable and talented clergyman died at Neilston Manse, onthe 10 th inst., in the 75 th year of his age, and 40th of his ministry.27 th June <strong>1844</strong> (Week 26)BIRTHSHere, At Sandhead, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 21 st current, Mrs John M'Nillie, smith, of a son.At High Ardwell, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 22d curt., Mrs Thomas Kerr, farmer, of a daughter.At Dumfries, on the 22d inst., Mrs W. Broun, of a sonAt Dumfries, on the 19th inst., Mrs M'Culloch, of a son.At Dalskairth, on the 18th inst., Mrs Maxwell, of a son.At Culdary House, Garliestown, on the 15 th curt., the Lady of the Hon. Captain Keith Stewart, of a daughter.At New-Galloway, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr David Campbell, merchant, of a son.At Crogo Mains, Balmaclellan, on the 10th inst., Mrs Thomas Moffat, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Strontian, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Colin A. M'Vean, Mr Donald M'Kenzie, schoolmaster there, toSarah Thomson, Wigtownshire.At Wigtown, on the 25th instant, by the Rev. Thomas Young, Garlieston, Mr Joseph Blacklock, to Miss JaneCarnochan.At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Wallace, Mr William Ross, tailor, to Miss Sarah Herries.At Bellevue, Newton-Stewart, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, J. Goodwin, Esq.,merchant, Glasgow, to Grace, daughter of the late William Kevan, Esq.At Barhoise, parish of Kirkcowan, on the 17 th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Stewart, Mr James Forsyth, farmer, toMiss Sarah Michael, Newton-Stewart.
At Parton Manse, on the13th inst., by the Rev. W. G. Crosbie, Henry E. Turner, Esq., son of the Rev. JohnTurner, Vicar of Hennock, Devon, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Rev. James Rae, minister of Parton.At Argrennan Lodge, Tongland, on the 21 st curt., by the Rev. D.S. Williamson, Mr Thos. Pauling, to MissAnne Landsborough. Same day, at Newton, Twynholm, by the Rev. John Gordon, Mr John Shannon, to MissMary M'Keand.At No 69, Northumberland Street, Edinburgh, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. C. J. Brown, John Macmillan,M.A., High School, Glasgow, to Mary Ann, daughter of the late Thomas Hamilton, Esq.At 10, Graham Street, Lauriston, Edinburgh, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Alex. Stevenson of Ruthwell, theRev. James French, minister of St. Bernard's, Edinburgh, to Ann, daughter of the late Mr AlexanderM'Donald, Innerkip.At Glasgow, on the 18th inst., by the Rev.Dr. Barr of St. Enoch's, John <strong>Robert</strong>son, Esq., Cambletown, toEliza, second daughter of Mr William Crichton of Glencairn.At Riccarton, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr Jeffray, Mr James Maxwell Cree, teacher, Millwell, parish ofGlassford, to Miss Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr John Brown, builder.At Heatherwick, on the 19th inst., bythe Rev. David Arthur, Aberdeen, the Rev. John A. Miller,congregational minister, Inverury, to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Bruce, Esq., Heatherwick.DEATHSAt Wigtown, on the 25th inst., William M'William, Esq., writer, in the 29th year of his age.At Dumfries, on the 18th instant, at the house of his sisters, 54, High Street, John Hunter, painter, onlysurviving son of the late James Hunter.At Edinburgh, Francis Charles Stampa, second son of Mr Stampa, Gayfield Place, Edinburgh.At Bark Street, Little Bolton, on Tuesday, the 18th ultimo, Barbara, the beloved wife of Mr WilliamGowanlock, aged 33 years.At Charlotte, Square, Edinburgh, on the 12 th instant, Miss Jane Pringle, daughter of the late AlexanderPringle, Esq., of Whytbank.At Carlisle, on the 18th instant, Peter Nicholson, Esq., aged 78 years, author of several valuable works onMathematics, Architecture, &c.At Graplin, Borgue, on the 17th instant, aged 77, Mrs Mary Sproat, widow of Mr Samuel Brown, highlyrespected, and much regretted by her famly and friends.At Kirkandrews, Borgue, on the 18th instant, aged 75, Mr Peter Nevin - much respected.At Kirkcudbright, on the 16 th instant, Isabella Ker M'Whinnie, wife of Mr John Paul.At Drylaw, on the 9th instant, Jean Kerr, aged 25, wife of Mr D. Crooks; and on the 22d instant, Agnes Kerr,aged 35, wife of Mr Alexander Payne, India Place; daughters of Mr J. Kerr, merchant, No 14, Nelson Street,late of Dumfries.At Grennan Mill, Dalry, on the 14th instant, aged 38, William Grierson (son of Mr Alexander Grierson,farmer and miller), late tea-dealer, Pontefract, Yorkshire.At Liverpool, on the 14th inst., aged two years, Thomas, son of Mr Walter Easton, printer.At Culshan, Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 12 th current, Mr Andrew Crichton, aged 76 years.At Crawickbridge, Newton-Stewart, on the 16 th curt., Mr James Cringan, carpet-weaver, after a very shortillness.At Kirkhill, parish of Johnstone, on the 12 th inst., Mrs Halliday, relict of Mr Christopher Halliday, farmer,Kirkhill, aged 80 years.At Kirkbank, parish of Johnstone, on the 13 th instant, Dr Laidlaw, aged 81 years.At Boulogne-sur-Mer, on the 15th inst., Thomas Campbell, Esq., author of the "Pleasures of Hope."On the 9th inst., while addressing the congregation at the meeting-house of the Society of Friends atDarlington, W. Blackhouse, Esq., senior partner of the banking establishment of Blackhouse and Company,of that town.At Glasgow, on the 24th inst., aged 16 months, Jane, daughter of the Rev. James M'Conochie.4 th July <strong>1844</strong> (Week 27)BIRTHSAt Bladnoch Bridge, on the 3d inst., Mrs A. M'Clelland, of a son.At Collin, on the 29th ult., Mrs Eskdale, of a daughter.At Wallace-Hall, on the 1st curt., Mrs Ramage, of a daughter.
At Haregills, on the 24th ult., Mrs Dickson, of a daughter.At Tessera Place, Liverpool, on the 28 th ult., Mrs John Brydone, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Laggan, Ballantrae, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. James Porteous, <strong>Robert</strong> Steel, Esq., Glenbranter,Argyllshire, to Hannah, second daughter of Mr Hugh Lockhart, Laggan.At Pennymuir, Borgue, on Tursday, last, by the Rev. William Reid, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Papple, to Miss JeanShannon.At Wanlockhead, on the 25th ult., Mr John Reid, clerk at the Lead Works there, to Miss Mary Gilchrist,daughter of John Gilchrist, miner there.At St. Phillip's Church Liverpool, on the 29th ult., Mr Andrew Coltart, to Ann, eldest daughter of the lateMaxwell Neilson, shoemaker, Dumfries.At St. John 's Church, Liverpool, on the 19 th ult., Charles Bailey, mariner, to Rosanna, fourth daughter ofthe late Mr James Anderson, of Kirkcudbright.At Workington, on the 22d ult., Mr S. Blackstock, parochial schoolmaster, Thornhill, Dumfries-shire, toMiss Phoebe Eadie, of Workington.At Nantwich, Cheshire, by the Rev. R.H. Gretan, Mr John M'Cutcheon, draper, Manchester, to Miss Isabella,fourth daughter of Mr Forsythe, farmer, Kildarroch, parish of Kirkcowan, Wigtownshire.At Milton, Kent, on the 18th ult., Captain Archibald Park, of the 29th Bengal Native Infantry, son of the latedistinguished traveller, Mungo Park, to Rachel Anne, daughter of Adam Park, Esq.DEATHSAt Wigtown, on the 3d inst., Janet Yuill, wife of Mr A. M'Master, merchant, aged 56 years.At Auchengalie, Mochrum, on the 22d ult., after a long and painful illness, Mary Stewart, aged 22 years,youngest daughter of Mr Mair, farmer, Auchengalie.At Garliestown, on the 25th ult., Mr James M'L Robb, shoemaker, aged 24 years. His poetical talents, andmoral and Christian deportment, endeared him to all who had the pleasure of his society.At Knoxvill, Ilinois, North America, on the 21st April last, David, third son of David M'Ilwrick, late farmerin Laigh Altercannoch, parish of Colmonell.At Gatehouse, on the morning of the 28 th ult., Harriet, third daughter or Mr David Credie, nursery andseedsman there.At Chapelton Borgue, on the 28th ult., after a lingering illness, borne with becoming fortitude and calmresignation, aged 27, Thomas Gordon, M.D., (recently of Maidstone in Kent), eldest son of Mr MatthewGordon.At Dalry, on the 2d inst., Cutlar Wood, merchant, at an advanced age. He was a man of sterling integrity,and greatly respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. His demise has cast a gloom overthe village in which he has been long a resident.At Orchardton Mains, Buittle, on the 25th ult., in his 82d year, Mr Mungo Kelly - very much respected.At Dumfries, on the 25th ult., Margaret Peden, aged 84 years.At Robgill Tower, on the 20th ult., aged 83, Janet Lennox, widow of Rev. Dr James Cririe, minister ofDalton.At Terreglestown, on the 13th ult., Jane Barry, relict of James Blount, Esq., of Midpark, parish of Dumfries,in her 82d year.At Lochmaben, on the 22d ult., Mr David <strong>Robert</strong>son.At Moffat, on the 22d ult., Mr John Aitchison, joiner, aged 84 years.At Annan, last week, Peter Johnston, carrier, advanced in years.At 22, Carlton Place, Glasgow, on the 26 th ult., Mr James Hedderwick, sen., printer and publisher, in the63d year of his age. The deceased was a most worthy individual, a kind husband and father, and highlyhonourable in all his dealings. In short, he was "an honest man," in the strictest sense of the words, andwe can say no more. As an eminent printer, Mr Hedderwick will be long remembered by the profession.He was amongst the very first who brought it to its present state of tasteful perfection; and a quarter of acentury ago, even amongst the trade in Glasgow, anything that was peculiarly well done in thetypographic art was always designated as "Hedderwick print." - "Glasgow Constitutional."At Berwick-on-Tweed, on the 1st inst., the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Balmer, D.D., Professor of Systematic Theology tothe United Secession Church.At Dunkeld, on the 21st ult., after a lingering illness the Dowager Lady Glenlyon. Her ladyship was theyoungest sister of the Duke of Northumberland and Lord Prudhoe.
At Edinburgh, on the 21st ult., Mr Walter Moir, late Sheriff -Substitute of Lanarkshire.At Upper Gower Street, London, on the 19th ult., Clementina, wife of Major-General Birch, C.B., anddaughter of the late Sir James Hunter Blair, Bart.11 th July <strong>1844</strong> (Week 28)BIRTHSAt Little Genoch, parish of Inch, on the 4 th inst, Mrs Andrew M'William, of a daughter.At Glengyre, on the 3d inst., Mrs Wm. M'Dowall, of a daughter.At Falkirk, on the 7th instant, Mrs James Mann, of a daughter.At Dumfries, on the 4th instant, the wife of Mr David Stroak, late sergeant in the 93rd Highlanders, of ason.At Townhead, parish of Girthon, on the 29th ult., Mrs Rain, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Corse Head, parish of Old Luce, on the 8 th instant, by the Rev. Mr M'Dowall, Mr Wm. Lavery, to Esther,daughter of Mr Hugh Reid, farmer.At Dumfries, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. Wm. Blackwood, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Selkirk, flesher, to Miss Jane Welsh,fourth daughter of Mr James Welsh, tanner.At the independent Chapel Uppingham, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. Green, Mr John Woodburn, teadealer,Lutterworth, Leicestershire, to Mary Ann, third daughter of the late Mr John Parker of Presto,Rutland.At St. Margaret's, Westminster, Alexander Boyle, Esq., commander R.N. second son of the Right Hon. DavidBoyle, Lord Justice General of Scotland, to Anges, daughter of James Walker, Esq., of Great George Street,Westminster.DEATHSHere, on the 8th inst., Mr Alexander M'Creadie, car-hirer, aged 40 years.At Creachmore, parish of Leswalt, on the 8th instant, William, youngest son of Mr M'William, farmer there.At Holborn Hill, Cumberland, on the 7th inst., after a very protracted and painful illness, Margaret, thirddaughter of Mr J. Kerr, formerly of the customs, Portpatrick.At Kirkinner, on the 3d instant, Ann Stroyan, wife of Thomas Craig, late farmer in Sheep-park.At Dumfries, on Friday last, aged 5 years, Agnes, eldest daughter or Mr William Wright, provision dealer –deeply regretted.At Heatheryhaugh, near Moffat, on the 24th ult., Margaret, daughter of Mr James Sanderson, cooper,Moffat, aged 18 years.At Dornock, by Annan, on the 1st inst., the Rev. Nicholas Sloan, aged 80 years.At Craig of Balmaghie, on the 20th ult., aged 19 years, William, eldest son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Wilson. He was ayoung man of amiable dispositions.At Blackshaw, Carlaverock, on Wednesday, the 26th ult., Mr Alex. M'William, sen., schoolmaster there.At Manchester, on the 2d inst., aged 34 years, Mr John Manson, (a native of Glasgow), principal managerunder the firm of Messrs Schwabe & Gobert, merchants there, in whose employ he had been for 15 years -this being the first and only situation he had ever held.At Hong Kong, in December, 1843, Mr John Reid, late bookseller in Glasgow.At 7, St. Vincent Street, Edinburgh, on the 27th ult., in the 24th year of his age, the Rev. John <strong>Robert</strong>son(late of Dunse), after a lingering illness.18 th July <strong>1844</strong> (Week 29)BIRTHSAt Gatehouse, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr Alexander Boddan, shoemaker, of a daughter.At Ladykirk, on the 3d inst., Mrs Joseph H. Thompson, of a daughter.At Devonshire Terrace, near Carlisle, on th10th inst., Mrs Lonsdale, of a son.
At Glasgow Street, Maxwelltown, on the 14 th inst., Mrs Burgess, of a son.At Annan, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Ross, gardener, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Cairngarroch, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 4 th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Neel, Mr John Jolly to ElizabethM'Whirter, both of that place.At Colquhasen, parish of Old Luce, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. John M'Gregor of Stranraer, the Rev.Wm. Dunlop of Portwilliam, to Sarah, second daughter of Mr Jardine, Colquhasen.At Auchencairn, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. James Thomson of Rerwick, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Scott, parochialschoolmaster, to Helen, only daughter of Mr James Boddan, Auchencairn.At Gatehouse, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. G. Murray of Girthon, Mr Thomas Murdoch, grocer Gatehouse,to Mary, only daughter of Mr Hugh Gordon, horse-dealer.At Moffat, on the 5th inst., Mr Peter Halliday, Moffat and Edinburgh carrier, to Miss M. Johnstone, Moffat.At Hallcleuchside, by Sanquhar, on the 9 th inst., Mr William Frank, gamekeeper to the Duke of Buccleuch,to Miss Mary Ann, third daughter of the late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Williamson, formerly tenant in Bar of Sanquhar.At Glasgow, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Dr Henderson of Free St. Enoch's, Mr John Caldwell,manufacturer, Cormcoupe Mill, Douglas, to Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Alexander Murdoch,Esq., Dalmellington.At Edinburgh, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Clarke of St. Andrew's Church George Hope, Esq., FentonBarns, to Isabella, daughter of Alex Peterkin, Esq., S.S.C.DEATHSHere, on Saturday, the 13th instant, Miss Morland.Here, at Lewis Street, on the 16th inst., John Patterson, Esq.At Clayhole, here, on the 12th inst., Grace Agnew, relict of John M'William, smith, aged 74 years.At Mill Street, here, on the 16th instant, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Moodie, skinner, aged 9 months.At High Drumore, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 11 th current, Mrs Rodie, aged 85 years.At Blair Lodge on the 8th instant, Janet Macbride, wife of the deceased Andrew Cunningham, latemerchant in Stranraer.At Balgreggan, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 10 th inst., <strong>Robert</strong>, eldest son of Mr John Hay, aged eight years.At Dumfries, on the 9th instant, Sophia, second daughter of the late Mr John Underwood, Clarencefield,At Dumfries, on the 8th instant, after a lingering illness, aged 5 years, Janet, daughter of Mr John Sommers,pressman, "Herald Office".At Hangingshaw, on the 14th current, Esther Wallace, widow of the late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Brand, farmer there,aged 70 years.At Wigtown, on the 3d instant, aged 56 years, Janet, wife of Andrew M'Master, Esq., merchant.At Orchardknows, parish of Colvend, on the 29th ult., aged 87, Margaret Thomson, relict of WilliamM'Brair, Esq., of Orchardknows.At Annan, on the 9th instant, Mrs Margart Walker or Martin, at the advanced age of 86, - much regretted.At Sanquhar, on the 7th instant, James Kerr, Sen., aged 69 years.At Liverpool, on the 7th current, of fever after a short but severe illness, Mrs James Shortridge, ofDumfries.At Sanquhar, on the 8th instant, Thomas Hyslop, in the prime of life.At 30 Chatham Street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Manchester, on the 8th instant, in the prime of life, JoannaM'Kinna, (formerly of Newton-Stewart), wife of John M'Nish, of the firm of Hay, M'Nish, & M'Kean - after alingering illness, borne with great Christian fortitude, leaving a family, and infant eight days old, to lamenttheir loss.25 th July <strong>1844</strong> (Week 30)BIRTHSAt Heriot Row, Edinburgh, on the 20th inst., Lady Dunbar of Mochrum, of a son.At Branxholm Park, on the 15th inst., Mrs Grieve, of a son.
MARRIAGESAt Prince's Street, here, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. G. Charles of the Free Church, John FrederickBowman, Esq., London, to Mary Ann, only daughter of John Macmeikan, Esq., Stranraer, and granddaughterto the late John Bell, Esq., Gallahill, Northumberland.Here, at Church Street, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Donald of the Free Church, Mr James M'Chlearyto Miss Mary M'Coid.At Broadstone, near Stranraer, on the 16 th inst., by the Rev. A. M'Cubbin, David M'Culloch, Esq., ofBroadstone, to Miss Jean Wilson.A Leswalt Manse, on the 14th inst., Mr D. Torrance, wright, Clayhole, to Elizabeth Whan, relict of the lateD. Torrance, mariner, Clayhole, Stranraer.At Stoneykirk, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr Watt of Stranraer, Mr Alex. Kilpatrick to ElizabethKilpatrick.At Friars' Carse, on the 16 th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Brydon, the Rev. Stephen Hyslop, to Erasma, thirddaughter of William Hull, Esq., Olney, Bucks.At Ardwell, Newabbey, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. James Hamilton, Mr James Boyle, to Miss Douglas,eldest daughter of Mr James Douglas, late of Riddingwood, now resident in Melbourne, Port Philip, NewSouth Wales.At Rosehill, Holywood, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. R. Kirkwood, Mr John Turner, Auchencastle, Penpont,to Sarah, youngest daughter of the late John Crosbie, Esq., M'Cubbington, Dunscore.At Langholm, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. William Watson, Mr John Reid, mason, to Miss Helen, youngestdaughter of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Scott, mason.At Langholm, on the 20th curt., by the Rev. William Watson, James Scott, Esq., to Miss Janet, youngestdaughter of Mr James Fergusson there.At Sanquhar, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Montgomerie, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Call, labourer, to MissElizabeth Brown, daughter of Mr Archibald Brown, Sanquhar.At Moor Cottage, Gretna, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. James Roddick, Mr James Carruthers, L.R.C.S.R.surgeon, Rigg of Gretna, to Margaret, daughter of Mr Thomas Hope, farmer, Moor Cottage.At Gretna, on the 12th inst., W.F. Leeson, Lieut. 2d Gren. Regt. Bombay Army, youngest son of the late Hon.Robt. Leeson, of the Thorn, near Penrith, to Laura, fifth daughter of John CharlesBristow, Esq., Easemere House, Ullswater.At Ainslie Place, Edinburgh, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. R.S. Candlish, D.D., A. Dunlop, Esq., advocate, toEliza Esther, only daughter of John Murray, Esq.,At New York, on the 26th ult., John Tyler, President of the United States, to Julia Gardiner, eldest daughterof the late David Gardiner, Esq.,DEATHSAt Glenluce, on the 13th inst., John M'Creadie, advanced in years.At Kirkcowan, on the 7th inst., Margaret, daughter of Mr Cowan, parochial schoolmaster of Kirkcowan,aged 13 years.At Borgue Kirk Village, on the 18th curt., after a lingering illness, borne with humble resignation, aged 78,Mrs Isabella Mitchell - much respected.At Kilstag, Kirkmaiden, on the 5th curt., Miss Margaret Jamieson.At Sanquhar, on the 12th inst., in the 3d year of her age, Margaret, daughter of Joseph Dargavel, cottonweaver there.At Dalmellington, on the 15th inst., Mr Duncan Wight, of the Black Bull Inn, in the 36th year of his age.At Cumnock, on the 14th instant, Mr Adam Dickie, in the 67th year of his age.At Moniaive, on the 20th curt., after a lingering illness Mr Samuel Muirhead, flesher.At Greenbrae, near Dumfries, on the 12th inst., John aged 9 years, only surviving son of Mr ThomasJameson, late draper in Dumfries.At Gateside of Trench, on the 16th inst., very suddenly, James Campbell, road maker.At Crofts, Lochrutton, on the 20th inst., aged 11 years, Marion, only daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Craig.At Carsethorn, Kirkbean, on the 18th instant, after a lingering illness, Janet, youngest daughter of MrSamuel Corrie.At Langholm, on the 12th inst., at the advanced age of 77 years, Mr Walter Hope, merchant - highlyrespected, and deeply regretted.At Annan, on the 15th inst., aged 52, John Irving, at the United Secession Church, much esteemed onaccount of his modest works and Christian deportment.
At Sanquhar, on the 11th inst., aged 28 years, Ann Nevison, spouse of William Russell, cotton weaver,there.1 st August <strong>1844</strong> (Week 31)BIRTHSAt Low Ardwell, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 26th ult., Mrs James Spence, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Gatehouse, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. George Murray of Girthon, Mr Thomas Porter, Mason's ArmsInn, to Miss Margaret Richardson - both of that place.MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. - On Tuesday, at Hampton Church, Mr Cochrane, son of Rear-Admiral SirThomas Cochrane, Commander-in-Chief on the East India seas, led to the altar the eldest daughter ofRear-admiral Sir G.F. Seymour, Commander-in-Chief in the Pacific. Among other personages of distinction,the Earl of Haddington and Vice-admiral Sir W. Gage, Lords of the Admiralty, were present at theceremony.At Meadow Place, Edinburgh, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Dr. John Brown, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Aitken, merchant,Edinburgh, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Wm. Brown.At Bonnington Bank, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. Wm. Davidson, Cockpen, the Rev. Alexander Davidson,minister, North Leith, to Margaret Barron, eldest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Scott, Esq., merchant, Leith.At Edinburgh, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Dr Grant, of St. Mary's, the Rev. David Marten, minister of theparish of Strachan, Kincardineshire, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Mr William Millington, Shareshill,Staffordshire.At Inverness, on the 23d ult., by the Very Rev. Dean Fyvie, William Paul, Esq., banker, Dumbarton, to MaryMackenzie, eldest daughter of the late John Anderson Esq., writer to the signet, Edinburgh.At Dryburgh, on the 16th ult., by the Rev. G.M. Burnside of Urr, Mr John Ross, farmer, Fell, to Jessie, eldestdaughter of Mr M'Cubbin, farmer Dryburgh.DEATHSAt Glenluce, on the 25th ult., Samuel M'Dowall, eldest son of Mr William M'Dowall, carrier, aged 14 years,after a lingering illness, borne with Christian fortitude.At the Long Closs, Dumfries, on the 21st ult., Mrs Sarah Rae, advanced in years - much respected.At Glasgow Street, Maxwelltown, on the 22d ult., Ann Sharp, wife of Mr William Burgess, writer.At Trailflatt, near Dumfries, upon the 24 th ult, Wm. Cruickshanks, Esq.At Kirkhabble, Penninghame, on the 14th ult., after a few days' illness, John Stroyan, aged 17 years.At South Carse, Kirkbean, on the 18 th ult., aged 67 years, Elizabeth Crocket, relict of Mr John Kirk, farmer,South Carse.At Langholm, on the 21st ult., Mr Andrew Bell, flesher, aged 40 years, a man much respected, who has lefta wife and eight children to mourn his loss.At New Langholm, on the 22d ult., Margaret Scott, relict of James Scott, aged 78 years.At New Langholm, on the 26th ult., Margaret Graham, spouse of Thomas Hunam, aged 34 years.At Atchinson Bank, parish of Gretna, on the 23d ult., aged 18 years, George, only son of G. Waugh, Carlisle.At Garscube, near Glasgow, on the 22d ultimo, aged 2 years, Catherine Mary, youngest child of JohnMacmillan, A.M., High School, Glasgow.At Newton, Twynholm, on the 23d ultimo, advance in life, Mrs Barbara <strong>Robert</strong>son, widow, who was highlyrespected, and is much regretted by many friends.At Banff, on the 2d ultimo, Patrick Rose, Esq., Sheriff-Clerk of Banffshire, aged 64.At Prince's Island, on the 30th April, Thomas J. Fead, Esq., Commander of the ship "Gloucester", youngestson of Lieutenant-Colonel Fead, C.B., late of the Grenadier Guards, in his 25 th year.At Longford Hall, on the 22d ult., Anne Amelia, Countess of Leicester.At Downieston, parish of Dalmellington, on the 12th ult., Mr John M'Whirter, aged 83 years.8 th August <strong>1844</strong> (Week 32)
BIRTHSAt Wigtown, on the 6th inst., the wife of the late Mr John M'Guffie, harbour-master, of a son.At Whithorn, on the 27th ult., Mrs Christie, of a daughter.At Culmalzie, Kirkinner, on the 1st instant, Mrs Walker; a son.At Kirkcudbright, on the 30th ult., Mrs Macbean of a son .At Florence, on the 20th ult., the Viscountess Drumlanrig, of a son and heir.At English Street, Dumfries, on the 3d inst., the wife of Mr William Dickie, wine-merchant, of twins, - sonand daughter.At High Street, Dumfries, on the 4th inst., Mrs James Anderson, of a daughter.At Bonnington Park near Edinburgh, on the 1 st inst., Mrs R. Raimes, of a daughter.At Wilton Crescent, London, on the 25th ult., Lady Douglas, of a son.At Brompton Row, London, on Monday week, the lady of the Rev. James Fisher, M.A., of the Scotch Church,Swallow Street, Piccadilly, of a son.At New York, on the 12th ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> L. Maitland, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Greenock, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Frederick F. Anderson, Whithorn, <strong>Robert</strong> Cassels, Esq., merchant,to Helen, daughter of Mr Alex Anderson, late of the Excise.At Kenmure House, on the 23d ult., Graham Russell, Esq., son of the late Colonel Russell of Woodside, toHenrietta Jane, third daughter of William Stirling, Esq.At St. Catherine's Church, Liverpool, on the 1 st instant, Mr E. Gladstone, spirit merchant, South CastleStreet, to Eliza, only daughter of the late Mr John Broadfoot, of Gatehouse of Fleet.At St. Pancras' Church, London, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. W. H. Johnston, Wm. Grierson Houstoun, Esq.,of Garroch, to Emma, only daughter of the late Wm. Parker, Esq., Sunderland.At Sanquhar, on the 1st curt., by the Rev. Dr. Brown, Edinburgh, Thomas Johnston, Esq., surgeon, to Maria,relict of Quentin Barker, Esq., Rio Janeiro.At Southfield, on the 23d ult., Mr James Turnbull, draper in Hawick, to Wilhelmina, third daughter of MrWalter Grieve, farmer, Southfield.At St. George's Church, London, on the 23d ultimo, the Right Hon, the Earl Ferrers, to Augusta Annabella,daughter of the Lord and Lady Edward Chichester.DEATHSAt Craigenlee, parish of Portpatrick, on the 4th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with Christianfortitude, Jane Gibb, aged 64 years - relict of Mr Thomas Kerr, farmer there – much regretted by a widecircle of friends and relations.At Morrach, near whithorn, on the 30th ult., Mrs Jacobina M'Kie, much and deservedly regretted.At Morrach, near Whithorn, on the 30th ult., Jane M'Keand, wife of Mr Peter Law, aged 79 years.At New-Galloway, on the 29th ult., Barbara M'Gill, daughter of Mr Jas. M'Gill, flesher there, aged 35 years.At Dumfries, on the 1st inst., Ann Donaldson, relict of William Walker, Esq., mathematician.At Craigsanquhar, on the 31st ult., James, eldest son of Nathaniel Spens, Esq., of Craigsanquhar.At Lochmaben, on the 27th ult., Gilbert, son of the late James Richardson, farmer, Priestdicks, aged 22years.At Morrach, parish of Whithorn, on the 30th ult., Mrs M'Kie, - much and deservedly regretted.On the 19th April last, on board the ship "Fire Fly", Captain Kerr, at New Calabar, Africa, in the 26th yearof his age, after 35 day's illness, from fever, caught in the discharge of his professional duties, JohnWatson, C.M., lately surgeon in Newton-Stewart, and son of James Watson, Esq., surgeon, Gatehouse.On the 5th ult., on board the "British Queen," Captain Kennedy, on his passage from Antigua toWhitehaven, Mr James M'Haffie, mariner, a native of Stranraer, aged about 25 years.At Annan, on the 25th ult., (whilst on a visit,) Jane, daughter of Mr Andrew Aitchison, cooper, Liverpool,aged 5 years.At Kirkcudbright, on the 17th ult., William Herries, ship carpenter, in his 90th year. He was a descendantof the House of Herries of the Corra, whose chief conducted Queen Mary from the battle of Langside toGalloway.At same place, on the 23d ult., in her 90th year, Mrs Forrest, relict of Mr Forrest, surgeon, whom shesurvived 40 years.At same place, on the 25th ult., Elizabeth Herries, wife of Mr John Rae, aged 41 years.
At same place, on the 22d ult., Margaret Atkinson, wife of Capt. Carnochan, aged 28.At same place, on the 24th ult., Elizabeth Robinson, widow of the late Capt. M'Lachlan, aged 41.At Barewine, parish of Balmaclellan, on the 27th ult., aged 76 years, William Bell - much beloved, anddeservedly regretted by his acquaintances and friends.At the George Hotel, Kilmarnock, on the 26 th ultimo, Miss J. Dinning, after a long and lingering illness.At Kinturk, Ireland, on the 7th ultimo, Mr James Crawford, youngest son of Kennedy Crawford, Esq., Ayr.The Dowager Countess of Leicester, daughter of the Earl of Albemarle, relict of Mr Coke of Holkham (whowas subsequently Earl of Leicester), and wife of the Hon. E. Ellice, M.P. for Coventry, died on Monday last,after giving birth to a son, who survived but a few hours.At Dundrennan Village, Rerwick, on the 30 th ultimo, Andrew Carter, parochial schoolmaster, in his 65thyear. Mr Carter obtained the situation of teacher of one of the parochial schools of Rerwick in 1797, and,till within a few days of his death, discharged its duties with much efficiency.15 th August <strong>1844</strong> (Week 33)BIRTHSHere, at George Street, on the 13th instant, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Beattie; a son.At Portpatrick, on the 11th inst., Mrs John Cosh, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 8th inst., Mrs Alexander Donnan, of a daughter.At Castledykes, on the 6th inst., the lady of John B. Hepburn, Esq., of a son.At Inverleith House, Edinburgh, on the 6 th inst., the Right Hon. Lady Elizabeth Douglas, of a son.At Liverpool, on the 24 th ult., the wife of Mr William Wallace, tinsmith, late of Gatehouse, of twins - a sonand daughter.MARRIAGESAt Alton, parish of Durisdeer, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Montgomery, Sanquhar, Mr JamesMadan, watchmaker and jeweller, Sanquhar, to Miss Janet Gracie, daughter of Mr Thomas Gracie, farmer,Alton.At the Independent Chapel, Ashton-under-Lyne, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Dr Clunie, L.L.D., SudleyGrove, Pendleton, Manchester, Mr John Carruthers, draper, Bury, to Elizabeth, third daughterof Mr John M'Kay, Manufacturer, Maxwelltown.At Hutton Manse, on the 7th inst., Mr David Bogue, bookseller and publisher, London, to Alicia, seconddaugher of the Rev. John Edgar, A.M.At Cloan, the residence of James Brugh, Esq., on the 31st ult., by the Rev., George Smeaton, of the Freechurch, Auchterarder, John Stephenson, Esq., to Margaret, second daughter of Mr William Dow, of Gask.DEATHSHere, at George Street, yesterday, William, third son of Mr William Galbraith, shoemaker.At Tannochrae, parish of Glenluce, Fergus McMaster, aged 98 years,. While a young man residing inEdinburgh, he was brought to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, under the ministry of thecelebrated Adam Gibb, and from that time until his death he adorned the profession which he made a holywalk and conversation. Those who had the privilege of his acquintance will not soon forget this "ageddisciple;" and especially will his memory be dear to the church under the care of the Rev. R. Hogarth, ofwhich he was long an honoured and beloved member. As he lived, so he died - looking to Jesus, trusting inhis finished work, and holding fast by the divine promises. His latter end was emphatically "peace.""Servant of God, well done! Rest from thy loved employ; The battle fought, the victory won, Enter thyMaster's joy."At Edinburgh, on the 31st July, Michael Shaw Stewart, second sonof Sir William Maxwell of Monreith,Baronet.At Dumfries, on the 4th instant, Mr William Farish, shoemaker, late of Dunscore village, aged 77 years.At Glasgow, Miss Johnston of Knockhill, eldest daughter of the late William T. Johnston, Esq., of Knockhill,Dumfries-shire.At Annan, on the 6th instant, James Jardine, church-warden in the parish of Annan for thirty three years,aged 75 years.At Langholm, on the 6th inst, Jane Graham, spouse of Thomas M'Vittie, joiner there.
At Culbratten, parish of Penninghame, on the 31st ult., Mary M'Geoch, wife of Mr Alexander Milligan.At Chapelton village, Borgue, on the 6th inst., after a tedious illness, Agnes M'Keand, aged 17, daughter ofMr John M'Keand.At Seaforth, near Liverpool, on the 3d current, very suddenly, aged 26 years, Jane S. Rose – deeplyregretted by all who knew her.At Bath, aged 81, Major-General Edward Scott, K.C., of Scottstown, Monaghan, one of the oldest GeneralOfficers in the army.At Pinkieburn, on the 5th inst., the Rev. John Watson, for many years pastor of the Congregational Church,Musselburgh, and Secretary to the Congregational Union of Scotland.22 nd August <strong>1844</strong> (Week 34)BIRTHSAt Garden cottage, Galloway House, on the 20 th inst, Mrs Dodds, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 15th instant, the wife of Mr John Coupland, perfumer, of a daughter.At Plymouth, on the 12th instant, the lady of D. Thorburn, Esq., of Cargenholm of a son.At White Hall, Hoddam on the 12th instant, Mrs John Bell Irving, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Kilbreen, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Mr Campbell, Mr Arthur Hill Gordon,Portpatrick, to Mary, fourth daughter of Mr Alexander M'Geoch, farmer, Kilbreen.At Dumfries, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Walter M'Farlane, of Troqueer, Mr Henry Melbourne,merchant, Dumfries, to Jane, only daughter of the late Mr John Kelly, grain-dealer.At Maxwelltown, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. Mr Rankin, Mr Archibald M'Turk, merchant, to Anne,daughter of the late Mr Douglas, of the Excise.At Dumfries, on the 16th instant, Mr Thomas Thomson, mason, to Miss Elizabeth Haddon.At Annan, on the 9th instant, John Thomson, spinner, factory, to Mary Murray.At Shinnoch, parish of Kirkcowan, on the 6 th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Stewart, Mr Thomas Cumming,farmer, East Culvennan, to Jane, daughter of Mr M'Tier, farmer, Shinnoch.At Creetown, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. John Muir, Mr John Milligan, shoemaker, Kirkcowan, to MissJane M'Culloch, Creetown.At Eldrig Village, Mochrum, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr John Kerr, to Miss Mary Milhem.At Edinburgh, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Thomas Clark, St. Andrews, Andrew Balfour, Esq.,Rector, Grammar School, Peebles, to Miss Jane Weir, daughter of the late Mr Andrew Weir, Edinburgh.At the Independent Chapel, Walsall, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. S. Jackson, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Douglas, draper,Walsall, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Douglas, Chaplecroft, near Castle-Douglas, to Miss MaryMiddlemore, Walsall.DEATHSAt Stair's Arms Inn, Stranraer, on the 10 th instant, Alexander, son of Mr Jame Kerr, lately in Kirkland,Leswalt, aged three years.At Ballochjargan, Glenluce, on the 12th instant, Jane Clarke, aged 83 years.At Glenluce, on the 15th instant, Marion Agnew, aged 73 years.At Gatehouse, aged three years, Mary, daughter of Mr James M'Lauchlan.At Leamington, on the 13th inst., aged 48, Lady Ann Elizabeth Scott, eldest sister of the Duke of Buccleuch.At Dumfries, on the 13th inst., in the prime of life, Matthew, son of Mr John Johnstone, bookseller – deeplyregretted.At White Sands, Dumfries, on the 16th inst., <strong>Robert</strong>, youngest son of Mr John M'Murdo, innkeeper.At Devonshire Terrace, Carlisle, on the 9th inst., Frederick Wilkinson, infant son of Mr Lonsdale.At Corson's Cottage, near Dumfries, on Friday week - aged 19 years, John, son of Mr Jas. Rigg, molecatcher.At Kirkconnel Park, on the 7th inst., Rachel aged 23 years, youngest daughter of Mr Thomas Irving, farmerthere – much regretted.At Valleyfield, parish of Crossmichael, on the 5th inst., Elizabeth Wilson, relict of James Donaldson, Esq.,At Walton Park, on the 13th inst., aged 50, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Bodden, for 30 years a faithful servant there.
At Shankfoot of Goldilea, parish of Troqueer, on the 17th inst., aged five years, Mary Ann, daughter of MrJohn Aitken.At Clonyard, Colvend, on the 10th inst., Mary Muir, daughter of Mr Samuel Lowden, farmer, Millbank.At Paris, on the 25th last, Lewis, the fourth son of Mr Guilmette, French teacher, Dumfries, after a shortbut severe illness, aged 25 years.At Langholm, on the 12th inst., Thomas Cowan, son of John Cowan, weaver there, aged 18 years.At Liverpool, on the 6th inst., William Wright, eldest son of the late Joseph Wright, East Glen, Newabbey.At St. John's. Dalry, on the 5th inst., Mrs G. Campbell - much regretted.At Meikle Killantrae, Mochrum, on the 9 th instant, after a painful and protracted illness, Thomas, aged 4years, youngest son of Mr William M'Fee.At Eldrick Village, on the 11 th instant, Janet Davidson, wife of Mr William M'Keand, aged 24 years.At Broomfields, Largs, on the 6 th instant, Elizabeth Barbara, infant daughter of the Rev. David BuchanDouie.At Irvine, on the 14th instant, Daniel Stewart, Esq., rector of the Academy there.29 th August <strong>1844</strong> (Week 35)BIRTHSAt Waulk-Mill Cottage, Kildonnan, on the 23d instant, the wife of Mr John Dick, forester there, of adaughter.At Laggan, parish of Colmonell, on the 24 th inst., Mrs John Gunnion, of a son.At Low Balfern, Kirkinner, on the 24 th inst., Mrs M'Clelland, of a son.At Moffat, on the 20th inst., the wife of Mr John Blackstock, Glasgow, of a daughter.At Albany Street, Edinburgh, on the 18th inst., Mrs C. J. Kerr, of a son.At Dalmellington, on the 16th inst., Mrs Williamson, of a son.At Charles Street, Berkely Square, London, on the 8th ult., the Countess of Craven, of a daughter.On the 13th curt., H.R.H. the Princess de Joinville, of a daughter. The child was born on the birth-day of thePrince de Joinville, who had just entered his 27th year.MARRIAGESAt High Street, here, on Monday, the 26 th instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Laurie, plasterer, Belfast, to Elizabeth,youngest daughter of Mr William Buchanan.At Corwhar, parish of Colmonell, on the 20 th inst., by the Rev. T. Blair, Mr George Cochrane, to Jane, eldestdaughter of Mr James Caskrie, Corwharhill.At Rockville, Borgue, on the 22d current, by the Rev. Wm. Reid, the Rev. Maitland Thomson, minister ofAberdalzie, Perthshire, to Miss Elizabeth Sproat, daughter of the late Thomas Sproat, Esq. Bridge House.At Machermore, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Michael S. Johnstone, James Newell, Esq., agent for theBritish Linen Bank, Newton-Stewart, to Marion, eldest daughter of Charles W.D. Thomson, Esq.,At the Cathedral Church, Bangor, on the 19 th inst., by the Rev. Morris Williams, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Wallace, of theNational Bank of Scotland, Langholm, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr James Beck, Dumfries.At Dalbeattie, on the 20th instant, by the Rev. G.M. Burnside, Urr, Mr Maxwell Kirkpatrick, mason, to MissMary Milligan, both of that place.At Auchenroy, on the 19th curt., by the Rev. Mr Blair, Straiton, Mr John Murdoch, farmer, Kiers, to Grace,eldest daughter of Mr Andrew Clark, Black Bull Tavern, New Cumnock.At Docherneil, parish of Colmonell, on the 13 th inst., by the Rev. Mr Blair, Mr James Harvey, farmer, SouthAltercannoch, to Grace, youngest daughter of the late Mr James Brown, Docherneil.DEATHSHere, on Monday morning, Mr Thomas King, farmer, Back-o'-the-Wa', and upwards of twenty yearsinnkeeper in Stranraer.At Cairgnargit, Glenluce, on the 20th inst., Mr Andrew Smith, aged 23, after a lingering illness.At Wigtown, on the 25th inst., Mrs Blain, relict of Rev. Henry Blain of Stoneykirk, - aged 87 years.At Wigtown, on the 26th inst., James Hadaway, advanced in life.At Wigtown, on the 26th inst., William Martin, sailor, of typhus fever, aged 23 years.At New Market Street, Dumfries, on the 1st instant, Grace Roan, wife of Mr David Coulthard.
At Friars' Vennel, Dumfriies, on the 20 th inst., aged 2 ½ years, Margaret, only surviving daughter of MrJohn Thomson, baker and flour dealer.At English Street, on the 24th inst., in his fifth year, James, eldest son of Mr Andrew Wilkinson, hairdresser.At Plymouth, on the 15th inst., Charles, youngest son of James Wilson, draper, aged 21 months.At Meadow Place, Edinburgh, on the 16 th inst., Jane Gray, widow of the Rev. James Gardner, minister ofTweedsmuir, Peebles-shire.At Boston, America, on the 15th ult., deeply and deservedly regretted, after a short illness of 24 hours,Margaret, wife of Mr Wm. Young, gardener, second daughter of the late Mr William Moffat, Nunholm,Dumfries.At Hightae, parish of Lochmaben, on the 14 th instant, William Rae, tailor, at an advanced age.At Lochmaben, on the 15th instant, Archibald Brown, aged 60 years, wellknown as "Lang Archie theLochmaben jailor." His remains were interred on Saturday week, with masonic honours.At Peth, near Longtown, on Sunday week, Mrs Elizabeth Little, widow, at the advanced age of 99 years.At Garshew, parish of Penninghame, whither she had gone for the benefit of health, Hamilton Wilson, wifeof Mr Dickson of Wigan.At Balmaclellan, on the 17th inst., Mrs Lorimer.At Dalbeattie, on the 11th inst., Agnes M'Lellan, wife of James Adamson, joiner there.At Dalbeattie, on the 15th inst., Margaret Cochrane relict of Daniel Haining.5 th September <strong>1844</strong> (Week 36)BIRTHSHere, in George Street, on the 29th ult., Mrs Walter Murray, of a daughter.Here, on the 22d ult., the lady of <strong>Robert</strong> Mackie, Esq., surgeon, of twins, a son and daughter.At Dalmellington, on the 21st ult., Mrs Simson, of a son.At Dalmellington, on the 22d ult., Mrs James Smith, of a son.At Ayr, on the 29th ult., the lady of Adam Campbell, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, of a son.At Corfu, on the 9th ult., the lady of Sir James John Reid, of a son.At Dunfermline, on the 30th ult., Mrs Robt., Beveridge, of a daughter.At Barjarg House, on the 29th ult., Mrs A.C. Saunderson, of a son.At High Kelton, on the 28th ult., Mrs John K. Corrie, of a son.At Queensberry Street, Dumfries, on the 26 th ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Fergusson, of a son.At Dumfries, on Saturday last, the wife of Mr William Wright, provision-dealer, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Clone, Mochrum, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr William Anderson, to Miss Margaret, seconddaughter of Mr James Wallace, farmer, Clone.At Content Street, Wallacetown, Ayr, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Dr M'Quae, Mr Andrew Cairnduff,schoolmaster, Eaglesham, to Agnes, fourth daugher of Mr Wm. Gibson, builder, Ayr.At Drumockloch, near Gatehouse, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Thomas Johnstone, of Anwoth, Mr SamuelCunningham, miller, Dunrod mill, to Margaret, third duaughter of Mr Brown, farmer Drumuckloch.At Lockerbie, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. T. Duncan, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Rule, to Miss Johnstone, youngestdaughter of the late Mr A. Johnstone, Well Street, Lockerbie.On the 6th ult., at Frankfort-on-Maine, by the Rev. Mr Bolton, the Rev. W.F. Lanfear, British Chaplain atWiesbaden, to Agnes, youngest daughter of the late Col. Murray of Murraythwaite, Dumfries-shire.DEATHSHere, in George Street, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr Walter Murray, grocer.At Wigtown, on the 30th ult., <strong>Robert</strong> Henry, aged 9 years, only son of Thomas Anderson, Esq., advocate,Edinburgh.At London, on the 11th ult., Dr Jas. Crichton, colonial surgeon, Swan River. Dr C. was a native of Cumnock,Ayrshire.At Ardrossan, on the 27th ult., Mrs Jane Coventry, relict of the Rev. Dr. Dick, Glasgow.At Dalmellington, on the 23d ult., Helen Donnan, aged 16 years.
At Mountainhall, near Dumfries, on the 22 nd ult., Miss Agnes Brand, of Mountainhall.At Brow, parish of Ruthwell, on the 30th ult., Mr Jas. M'Kune, draper.At Foreside, parish of Lochrutton, on the 30th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Cubbin, son of Mr John M'Cubbin, farmer,Dryburgh.At Edgarton, on the 13th ult., the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Swan, late minister of Wanlockhead, aged 85 years.At High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, on the 9 th ult., Mr William Little, tea-dealer, aged 29 years - a nativeof Annan.At Ulverston, on the 24th ult., William Love, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Love, cutler, Dumfries.At Brydekirk Village, on the 23d ult., Mr Joseph Rae, weaver, aged 40 years.12 th September <strong>1844</strong> (Week 37)BIRTHSHere, at Hanover Street, on the 7th inst., Mrs William Gibson, of a son.At Clachan, Kirkcolm, on the 5th inst., Mrs Skimming, of a son.At 3, St.Enoch Square, Glasgow, on the 1st inst., Mrs William Sloan, of a son.At Glencaird, parish of Minnigaff, on the 4 th inst., Mrs Alexander Murray, farmer there, of a daughter.At Gatehouse, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr David Lidderdale, of a daughter.At Dalmellington, on the 2d inst., Mrs Hogg, of a daughter.At Dalmellington, on the 3d inst., Mrs Tho. M'Burnie, of a son.At No 26. Drummond Place, Edinburgh, on the 1 st inst., Mrs Younger, of Craigielands, of a son.At Cotton House, Warwickshire, on the 1 st inst., the Lady Jane Johnstone Douglas, of a daughter.At 15, Rutland Street, Edinburgh, on the 24 th ult., the lady of R. <strong>Robert</strong>son Glasgow, Esq., yr. ofMontgrecnan, [sic] of a son.At Oak Street, Manchester, on the 4th inst., Mrs Francis Cron, tailor and draper, of a son.MARRIAGES.At Arbroath, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr Hay, the Rev. David Lumgair, of the United Secession Church,Newtown, near Dumfries, to Ann, eldest daughter of Mr William Salmond, merchant, Arbroath.At Blindhillbush, on the 9th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Dunbar of Applegarth, Mr James Hanna, to Miss AgnesLawson, eldest daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Lawson, architect and builder, Blindhillbush.At Waterbeck, on the 28th ult., Mr Christopher Bell, Langholm, to Miss Helen Moffat, Waterbeck.At Heathfield, Annan, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. James Monilaws, Mr George Robinson, draper Hexham, toJane Laidlaw, daughter of Mr G.D. Rome, land-surveyor and civil engineer, Heathfield.At Dunscore Village, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mathew Beattie, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Farish, seedsman, Dumfries, toJane Jackson, Dunscore.At Barnhill, Dumbartonshire, on the 3d inst., Andrew Jameson, Esq., Advocate, Sheriff-Substitute of thecounty of Ayr, to Miss A.G. Campbell, youngest daughter of Alexander Campbell, Esq.,Sheriff-Substitute of Renfrewshire.DEATHSHere, on the 30th ult., Margaret Thomas, aged 25 years - much esteemed.Here, yesterday morning, under circumstances of a very painful nature, Mr John M'Crea, painter.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 4th inst., Alexander Cardy, aged 69 years.At North Park, Kirkcolm, on the 7th inst., Mrs Brown.At Moor of Ravenston, on the 23d ult., Mr Peter Kelly, in his 59th year - much regretted.At Whithorn, on the 2d inst., George M'Kerlie, Esq., for 52 years resident in Jamaica, aged 82 years.At Waterside, parish of Kells, on the 8 th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> M'Turk, Esq., - much and deeply regretted.At Borgue Kirk, on the 10th inst. from the sting of a bee on the head, Mr John Clinton, merchant.At Ringford, parish of Tongland, Mr John Boddon.At East Viewfield, Edinburgh, on the 1st inst., Anna M'Diarmid, wife of ______ Allardice, Esq., W.S.,Edinburgh, and daughter of the late Captain John M'Diarmid, of the 42d Highlanders. [name not entered]Drowned, on the 21st ult., whilst bathing in the Danube, at Vienna, George Drysdale, aged 19 years, son ofthe late Sir William Drysdale, of Pittenchar.At Glencaple Quay, on the 25th ult., in his 13th year, James Thomson, son of the late Mr William Thomson,
Glencaple.On the 2d inst., <strong>Robert</strong> M'Knight, Esq., of Barlochan near Castle-Douglas, in the 101st year of his age.At Hermitage of Spottes, Urr, on the 13 th ult., John Johnston, joiner, formerly of Middlebie, aged 71 years –much regretted.At Kirkcudbright, on the 23d ult., Miss Jane Drew.At Woodside, Newabbey, on the 1st inst., James Copland, aged 81 years.At Magheramorne House, county of Antrim, on the 17th ult., James M'Vicar, Esq.At his father's house, Pointfoot, Glencairn, on Tuesday week, Mr John Dunbar, draper and tea-dealer,Stratford-on-Avon.On the 3d inst., Mr James Mitchell, blacksmith, Twynholm Village, aged 58 - much regretted.At the Township of Tuckersmith, Huron Track, Canada West, on the 1st ult., Mrs Margaret Carnochan,wife of Mr Alex. Broadfoot - much and justly regretted by her family and friends.She was second daughter of Mr Samuel Carnochan, formerly of Little Barlay, near Gatehouse.At Dornoch Village, on the evening of the 1 st or morning of the 2d inst., Jannet Bell. The deceased wasfound dead in her house, on the forenoon of Monday, by her neighbours - no one being present when shedied.At Annan, on the 1st inst., Elizabeth Johnstone Dickson, the beloved wife of John Potts Halbert, druggist -much and deservedly esteemed by all who knew her.At Whitehaven, on the 31st ult., very suddenly, Margaret, wife of Mr Hammond, aged 55 years.19 th September <strong>1844</strong> (Week 38)BIRTHSHere, on the 5th curt., Mrs George King, of a daughter.Here, at Hanover Street, on the 18th current, Mrs James M'Queen, of a son.At Charlotte Street, here, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr Alex. Thorburn, cabinet-maker, of a son.At Glen Street, here, on the 17th inst., the wife of Capt. James Agnew, of a daughter.At Queen Street, here, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr M'Neillie, tailor, of a daughter.At Portpatrick, on the 17th current, the wife of Mr Johnston Smith, of a son.At Portpatrick, on the 17th current, Mrs Andrew Thomson, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 17th inst., Mrs John Fraser, of a daughter.At Craigs Cottage, Dumfries, on the 13th inst., Mrs C. Harknes, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr Henry Stanley, teacher of music, of a son.At 36, English Street, Dumfries, on the 13 th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Scott, boot and shoemaker, of adaughter.At Woodhead Lead Mines, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr James Harvie, of a son.At Liverpool, on the 12th current, Mrs H. Fernie, of a daughter.At Liverpool, on the 15th current, Mrs Hugh Workman, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Ballantrae, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. James Porteous, of the Free Church, Mr Hugh Clark, Girvan andStranraer carrier, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Andrew Campbell, Claddo House, Colmonell.At Whib, parish of Colmonell, on the 13 th inst., by the Rev. James Proteous, Mr Hugh M'Creath, Whitecairn,to Catherine, fourth daughter of Mr David Galt, farmer, Whib.At Kirkcudbright, on the 17th current, by the Rev. Mr Underwood, Mr James M'Candlish, architect, NewGalloway, to Miss Anderson, dress-maker, Kirkcudbright.At Dumfries, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Duncan, Joseph R. Beck, Esq., Manager of the North andSouth Wales Bank, Bangor, to Grace Smith, eldest daughter of the Rev. Andrew Fyfe of St. Mary's Church,Dumfries.At Dumfries, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. A. Fyfe, Donald Cameron, mate of the schooner "<strong>Robert</strong> andEllen", to Agnes, second daughter of Captain Cowan.At Dumfries, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Duncan, David Kirkpatrick, to Abigail Clarke, second daughterof Sergeant-Major David Wright, of the Dumfries-shire, Militia.At Burnton, Dalmellington, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr Blair, Straiton, Mr Thomas Stewart,Downieston, to Jane, second daughter of Mr Turner, Burnton.At Christ church, Baltimore, on the 25 th July, by the Rev. J.N. Jilton, Mr William Maclure, of New York,
formerly of Gatehouse-of-Fleet and Manchester, to Miss Ellice H. Cone, youngest daughter of the late Rev.Joseph Cone, Philadelphia.DEATHSAt Kilsaintninian, Colmonell, on the 11 th inst., Margaret, second daughter of Mark Dunn, mason, aged twoyears and nine months.At Markbrooms, Old Luce, on Tuesday last, Elizabeth M'Caa, after a severe and lingering illness.At Gatehouse, on the 15th inst., Henrietta Hornall, aged 55 - a poor blind creature, beloved by all whoknew her for her innocent character and grateful conduct.At his father's house, Wanlockhead, on the 7 th inst., William, son of William Watson, Esq., surgeon there.At Capetown, Cape of Good Hope, on the 4 th June last, Archibald Wilson, youngest son of Mr John Wilson,late farmer in Troas, Ayrshire.At Cheltenham, on the 10th inst., Maria, widow of Capt. Geo. Hope Johnston, R.N.At the Manse of Kirkpatrick-Fleming, on the 8th inst., the Rev. Archibald Hunter, minister of that parish –deeply regretted. Friends will please accept this intimation.At Dublin, on the 4th inst., aged 84, Mr James M'Muldroch, of Glenluce.At Dumfries, on the 12th inst., in his 19 th year, William, eldest son of the late Thomas Harkness, Esq.,writer.At Mauchline, on the 7th inst., James, youngest son of Mr John Maxwell, merchant.At Auchinleck Manse, on the 10th inst., Mrs Roger, formerly of Aberdeen - highly respected.At Dunino, on the 11th inst., Thos Gillespie, L.L.D., Professor of Humanity in the University of St. Andrew's.26 th September <strong>1844</strong> (Week 39)BIRTHSAt Waulk Mill, Kildonnan, on the 22d inst., Mrs Hugh Galt, of a son - still born.At Bauleah, Bengal, on the 12th July, the lady of Wm. Maxwell Dirom, Esq., of the Civil Service, of adaughter.At 26, Portland Square, Cheltenham, on the 19th inst., Mrs David Johnstone, tea dealer, of a daughter.At Smallholmburn, parish of Lochmaben, on the 11th inst., Mrs Wm. <strong>Robert</strong>son, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, at St. Andrew Street, on the 23d insstant, by the Rev. R. Hogarth, Mr John Boyd, shoemaker, toIsabella, eldest daughter of Mr Alexander M'William, shoemaker.At Highbury Chapel, Cheltenham, by special licence, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. A. Mortan Brown, MrSamuel Borthwick, draper, 15, Portland Square, to Miss Isabella Lorimer, fourth daughter of Mr GeorgeCallander, Clouden, Holywood.At Dornock, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. James Laidlaw, Kirtlebridge, Mr George Herbertson, parochialschoolmaster, Annan, to Miss Mary Irving, Wellington Street, Annan.At Bowfield, Lochwinnoch, on the 17th inst., the Rev. Mr Gebbie, Dunlop, to Catherine, daughter of JohnCampbell, Esq.At Campbeltown, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Struthers of Glasgow, the Rev. James Boyd, A.M., toJean, eldest daughter of John Colville, jun., Esq., banker, Campbeltown.DEATHSAt the residence of Mr Wm. Hannah, Toronto, Canada, on the 14th August, of fever, the Rev. ThomasM'Keachy, Missionary from the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Scotland. Mr M'Keachy wasa native of Leswalt.At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., Margaret, daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Lindsay, cabinet-maker - much regretted.At Dumfries, on the 18th instant, Ann Callan, wife of Edmund Hollis, aged 63 years.At Charlesfield, Holywood, on the 12 th instant, Walter Thorburn, aged 28 years - deeply regretted.At Clonyard, on the 15th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Welsh Lowdon, Esq., youngest son of the late John Lowdon, Esq.,Clonyard.At Redhall, parish of Lochmaben, on the 14 th instant, Samuel Irving, aged 76 years.
At Pennymuir, Borgue, on Friday last, after a brief illness, James aged 17 years, third son of Mr JamesSproat – much regretted.At Langholm, on the 12th inst., Hannah, spouse of Peter Telford - much lamented by her family and a widecircle of friends.At Longtown, on the 12th inst., Mr John Foster, blacksmith, at an advanced age; same place on the 16thFrancis O'Brien, cattle drover, of Dumfries, on his way from London to Dumfries, aged 60 years.At Dalmellington, on the 14th inst., Thomas, infant son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Murtrie, Wallace Tower Inn, Ayr.At Haslar Hospital, on the 11 th inst., Captain Basil Hall, R.N., in the 56th year of his age.3 rd October <strong>1844</strong> (Week 40)BIRTHSAt Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 28th ult., Mrs M'Culloch, of a son.At Clagg, Kildonnan, on the 25th ult., the wife of Mr John Milroy, of a daughter.At Scarrhead, by Barrhill, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Forsyth, shoemaker, of a son.At Lochend, Colmonell, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kerr, farmer, of a son.At the Manse of Middlebie, on the 18th ult., Mrs Nivison, of a daughter.At Carronbridge, on the 28th ult., Mrs James Kerr, of a son.At Annan, last week, Mrs John Sawyer, jun., of a daughter.At Grove Street, Liverpool, on the 21st ult., the lady of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> C. Crosbie, of a son.At Stratford-on-Avon, on the 19th ult., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Walker, hop merchant, of a daughter.At Tewkesbury, on the 20th ult., the wife of Mr James Kerr, tea-dealer, of a daughter.At New Yards, Maybole, on the 22d ult., Mrs Mathews, of a daughter.At Rochester, Kent, on the 21st ult., the wife of Mr James Creighton, draper and tea-dealer, of a son.At Ochiltree Manse, on the 22d ult., the wife of the Rev.Mr Walker, of a daughter.At Whitegift Hall, Yorkshire, the lady of Capt. Sir J.G. Ross, R.N. of a son.MARRIAGESAt Dumfries, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. J. Small, of the Catholic Chapel, Mr F. Campbell, coachbuilder, toMiss Jane Thompson.At Portobello, on the 16th ulto., by the Rev. John Clark, <strong>Robert</strong> Selby, Esq., of Samiston, to Mina Irving,eldest daughter of the late William Irving, Esq., Arkin, Langholm, Dumfries-shire.At Glencaple Quay, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Robt. Gillies, A.M., of Carlaverock, Capt. John Heuchan, toMrs Dick, of that place.At the High Town of Craigs, parish of Dumfries, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. W. Dunlop, Mr David Kerr,Dalton, to Miss Mary Ann Nicholson, Mousewald.At Sanquhar, on the 17th ult., by the Rev. Mr Logan, Mr James M'Connell, farmer, Glassmick, Penninghame,to Miss Isobel, daughter of the late Mr Nivison, farmer, Burnmouth, near Sanquhar.At Gasswater Works, Auchenleck, on the 26[?] th [figure indistinct] ult. by the Rev. Ninian Bannatyne, ofthe Free Church, Cumnock, Mr James Baird, Dalfaud, to Jane, second daughter of Mr David M'Leod.DEATHSAt his house, Buccleuch street, Dumfries, on the 20th ult., Thomas Hairstens, Esq., tanner in Maxwelltown.At St. Andrew Street, Dumfries, on the 21 st ult., Miss Harriett White, daughter of the late Mr White,mathematician.At Laudheads, on the 22d ult., Janet Edgar, aged 19 years, after a lingering illness.At Liverpool, on the 21st ult., aged two months, Helen M'Naught, daughter of Mr B. J. Black, No. 4, JohnStreet, Toxteth Park.At Liverpool, on the 17th ultimo, aged 16 years, Mary, eldest daughter or Mr James Welsh, late of Firthead.At 11, Dean Terrace, Edinburgh, on the 14 th ult., Mrs Agnes Black, widow of the Rev. David Black, lateminister of Lady Yester's Church.At High Holehouse, parish of Mauchline, on the 11th ult., Mr William Lindsay, farmer in the 90th year ofhis age.
10 th October <strong>1844</strong> (Week 41)BIRTHSAt Culhorn, on the 7th inst., Mrs William Allan, of a daughter.Here, on the 30th ult., Mrs Brown, of a daughter.At Kirkmabreck Quarry, on the 2d inst., Mrs Welsh, of a son.At Rutland Gate, London, on the 2d inst., Mrs Bogle, of Rosemount, Ayrshire, of a son.At Windyedge, Dalry on the 29th ult., Mrs William Logan, of a daughter.At Montgreenan, parish of Kilwinning, on the 3d inst., Mrs James M'Quilten, of a daughter.At Shawalton Mains, on the 3d inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Martin, of a son.At Dundonald, on the 8th inst., Mrs William Orr, of a son.At Rossvale, on the 2d inst., Mr Cameron, of a son.At Morison Place, Piershill, near Edinburgh, on the 1st inst., the wife of Wm. Bell, Esq., S.S.C., of a son.At Rammerscales, on the 27th ult., Mrs Common, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Auchtermuchty, on the 2d instant, by the Rev. A. Moody Stewart, the Rev. George Charles, minister ofthe Free Church, Stranraer, to Margaret, daughter of the late John Renton, Esq., W.S.At Cally Garden, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Mr Hannay of Gatehouse, Mr Henry M'Lellan Chesney, ofGoderich, Canada West, to Jane Hester, second daughter of Mr William Pearson, gardener, Cally.At Gatehouse, on Tuesday week, by the Rev. Mr Hannay, Mr John Kennedy, master of the sloop "Elizabeth"of Stranraer, to Agnes Whan, widow of Skipper D. Gordon, Gatehouse.At Dusk Lodge, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr Blair, J.B. Tuitle, Esq., of Deighton Grove, Yorkshire, toLouisa, eldest daughter of Edward Dawson, Esq., Pocklington, Yorkshire.At Saltcoats, by the Rev. John Bryce, minister of Ardrossan, Mr James Park, parochial schoolmaster, toMiss Helen Shearer, Raise Street, Saltcoats.At Stewarton, on the 27th ult., Mr Wm. Wilson, spindle-maker, to Isabella, daughter of the late Mr JohnBarclay.At Irvine, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. John Leechman, Capt. Thomas Brown, of the "Flora Mure" ofGlasgow, to Isabella, daughter of the late Willie Balsillie, builder, Irvine.At Mount Annan, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. John Hunter, the Rev. William Muir, D.D., Minister of St.Stephen's Edinburgh, to Anne, youngest daughter of the late Lieut.- General Diron, of Mount Annan.At Dumfries, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. James Clyde, Mr James Clarke, Eaglesfield, to Jessie M'Ritchie,third daughter of Mr George M'Ritchie, baker, Strathallan Castle, Perthshire.At Yett, parish of Johnstone, on the 30 th ult., by the Rev. Dr Colvin, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Charters, turner, Dumfries,to Isabella, fourth daughter of Mr George Wilson, farmer, Yett.At Markland Well, Lochrutton, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Thos. Inglis, Mr Wm. Wilson, parochialschoolmaster of Southwick, to Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Mr W. Dinwiddie, farmer,Markland Well.DEATHSHere, on the 27th ult., David Wilson, aged 84 years.Here, on the 26th ult., Ellen <strong>Robert</strong>son, widow of the late Hugh M'Hallum, aged 70 years.Here, on the 29th ult., Agnes Kerr, spouse of P. M'Cracken, gardener.At Bladnoch-bridge, on the 29th ult., Mr William Donnan, late draper, London, aged 32 years.At Creetown, on the 2d curt., Mr Andrew Rain - much respected.At Greenlaw House, Crossmichael, on the 3d inst., Isabella M'Whinnie, spouse of Samuel M'Knight, lateprovost of Kirkcudbright.At Surat, on the 13th August on his way to Bombay to embark for England, William Sprot Boyd, Esq.,Political Commissioner for Guzerat and the Resident at Baroda, eldest son of Edward Boyd, Esq., MertonHall, in the county of Wigtown.At Fullarton Street, Ayr, on the 5th inst., Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr John Parker, builder.At Ayr, on the 30th ult., Marion, aged 37 years, daughter of Mr David Clark, late joiner in Ayr.At New York, U.S., on the 6th September last, James Wardrop Auld, third son of Mr Patrick Auld, Ayr.At Tarbolton Manse, on the 3d instant, Christian Stodart, relict of the late Rev. John Ritchie, D.D. minister
of Tarbolton.At Stewarton, on the 1st inst., aged 76, Mr Duncan Macfarlane, parochial teacher of Stewarton for the last57 years.At Saltcoats, on the 1st instant, James Gilkison, son of the Rev. James Giffen.At Dumfries, on the 2d inst., in his 81 st year, Mr John Rogerson, spirit merchant, much and deservedlyregretted.At Maxwellton, on the 30th ult., Francis Armstrong, aged 82.At Annan, on the 2d inst., Margaret Cuthbertson, infant daughter of Mr Wm. Gowanlock, aged 5 months.At Annan, on the 4th instant, after two hours' illness, Sergeant David Drummond, advanced in years, andmuch and deservedly regretted.At Corriemains, on the 4th curt., Mr Wm. Maxwell.At Manse of Grange, on the 23d September, the Rev. Wm. Duff, in the 53d year of his age, and the 23d ofhis ministry.At his seat, Euston Hall, Suffolk, on the 28th ult., the Duke of Grafton, aged 84.At New York, on the 1st Sept., Mr Thomas Young, son of the late Mr Archd. Young, farmer, Ingliston.At Rome, a few days ago, aged 70 years, Vincent Cammuacini, the most celebrated of the Italian paintersof the present day.17 th October <strong>1844</strong> (Week 42)BIRTHSAt Kirkcolm, on the 9th inst., Mrs John M'Intyre, of a son.At Knockmalloch, on the 13th instant, Mrs John Galloway, of a daughter.At 8, Apsley Place, Glasgow, on the 8th instant, Mrs Thomas Rhind, of a son.At Knockbrex, on the 10th inst., the lady of Henry M'Culloch, Esq., of a daughter.At High Street, Ayr, on the 5th instant, the wife of Mr John Templeton, watchmaker, of a son.At Otterden House, parish of Maybole, on the 9th inst., Mrs John Rankine, of a son.At Portobello, on the 1st instant, the Right Hon. Lady Colville of Ochiltree, of a son, who merely survivedhis birth.At Pollokshaws, on the 6th instant, the wife of the Rev. J.G. Scoular, of a son.At Troon, on the 11th instant, Mrs Captain Marr, of a daughter.At Exchange Street, Manchester, on the 10th curt., Mrs James Dinwiddie, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Mossknow Lodge, parish of Kirkpatrick-Fleming, by the Rev. R. M'Gill, Rigg of Gretna, Mr AlexanderFlaws, of Manchester, to Miss Jane Hepburn.At the English Independent Chapel, Merthyr Tydvil, Glamorganshire, on the 6th inst., Mr Thomas Jones,mason, &c., Liverpool, to Miss Catherine Brown, formerly of Thornhill, Dumfries-shire.At Dumfries, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. T.T. Duncan, Mr Wm. Locke, to Miss Robina Shortridge, seconddaughter of the late Provost Shortridge, Maxwelltown.At Dumfries, on Friday last, William Roddan, weaver, to Miss Mary Wilson.At Hamilton, Upper Canada, on the 29th July last, by the Rev. A. Gale, Mr John Landsburgh, of Goderich,Canada, to Eliza, daughter of Mr Landsburgh, Lochinbreck Well.At Lanark, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Wm. Menzies, Mr David Galbraith, parochial teacher, Hoddam,Dumfries-shire, to Agnes, third daughter of Mr David Lindsay, Lanark.At No. 26, Windsor Street, Edinburgh, on the 10th inst., the Rev. James Fraser, minister of Colvend, to Jane,daughter of the late James Paterson, Esq., merchant, Leith.At Linn House, Dalry, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. John Duff, John Patrick, Esq., factor at Blair, toElizabeth Burns, only surviving daughter of the late John Crichton, Esq., of Linn.At St.John's Church, Waterloo Road, Lambeth, London, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Irvine,Thomas Henderson, to Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Mr James Tomlinson, chandler,Kilmarnock.At Matilda Cottage, Greenock, on the 8 th instant, by the Rev. William Auld, Mr H. M'Farlane, jun.,manufacturer, Paisley, to Anne, eldest daughter of Mathew Orr, Esq.DEATHS
At Girvan, on the 4th instant, Mr Edward Armstrong, manufacturing agent, aged 47 years.At Auchingramont, Hamilton, on the 7th inst., Archibald Buchanan, infant son of the Rev. Dr. Keith.At the house of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'George, draper, Byrom Street, Liverpool, on the 22d ult., Mr David Charters,aged 36 years, a native of Crossmichael, Kirkcudbrightshire. He was a gentlemanuniversally respected by all who knew him, and his death is much regretted.At Bushill, Kirkcudbright, on the 5th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Commelin, in the 93d year of his age.At Dumfries, on the 11th inst., after a few day's illness, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Howat, relict of Mr Howat, late wineand spirit merchant, Dumfries.At Dumfries, on the 13th inst., after a lingering illness, Mr John Powell, late hay-dealer.At Maxwelltown, on the 12th curt., Douglas M'Intyre, relict of Mr David Walker, aged 88 years.At Manse of Holywood, on this day week, the Rev. Mr Kirkwood.At Sanquhar, on the 5th inst., in the 26th year of his age, Adam Kerr, previously shopman to Mr Halliday,postmaster, Sanquhar.At Bentpath, parish of Westerkirk, on the 27th ult., Mr William Millar.At Crofthead, parish of Cannobie, on the 4 th inst., Mr Andrew Lawson, aged 62 years.At New Langholm, on the 6th ult., Margaret Mundell, spouse of Mr Thomas Thorburn, aged 74 years.At Glasgow, on the 9th instant, Mr Thomas Stevenson, late teacher, Kilmarnock.At Glasgow, on the 6th inst., after a short illness, Nicholas Gordon, aged 56, wife of Mr John M'Lellan, latein Mains of Duchrae, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright.At Glasgow, on the 6th curt., Samuel Black, Esq., youngest son of the late Rev.James Black, minister ofPenninghame.At Goldsborough, Island of Tobago, on the 30 th August last, Andrew Caruth, Esq., aged 61 years, son of thelate Mr Caruth, farmer, Brae, Girvan, Ayrshire.At Tarbolton Manse, on the 3d inst., Christian Stodart, relict of the late Rev. John Ritchie, D.D., minister ofTarbolton.At Rochampton, near London, suddenly, on Saturday week, Alex. Speirs, Esq., of Elderslie, Lord-Lieutenantof Renfrewshire, and late M.P. for Richmond.At Edinburgh, on the 10th instant, in the 38th year of his age, John Shedden Patrick, Esq., of HessilheadF.R.S.E.24 th October <strong>1844</strong> (Week 43)BIRTHSHere, on the 19th inst., Mrs William Connell, of a son.At Merslaugh, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 19 th instant, Mrs Kerr, of a daughter.At Dumfries, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr S. Dickson, jeweller, of a daughter.At Mount Pleasant, Gretna, on the 14th inst., Mrs Barclay, of a son.At Myrton, Monreith, on the 11th instant, Mrs Higgin, of a daughter.At Muirkirk Manse, on the 10th inst., Mrs Symington, of a son.At Ayr, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr John Brown, cabinet-maker, of a daughter.At Ayr, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr John Wallace, shoemaker, of a son.At Kilmarnock, on the 14th inst., Mrs Hugh Paton, of a son.At Kilmarnock, on the 13th inst., Mrs R.C. <strong>Robert</strong>son, of a son.At Kilmarnock, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr Hugh Dunlop, tailor, of a son.At Strontian, on the 14th inst., Mrs William Kennedy, of a daughter.At Lowick Manse, Northumberland, on the 14th inst., Mrs Nicholson, wife of the Rev. Thos. D. Nicholson,of a daughter.At 51, Portland Place, London, on the 12 th inst., the Countess of March, of a daughter. At Kilkenny Castle,on the 5th inst., the Marchioness of Ormond, of a son and heir.MARRIAGESAt Port-William, on the 10th inst., Mr John Nelson, Whithorn, to Miss Catherine Lindsay.At Dalbeattie, on the 10th inst, by the Rev. George M. Burnside, Mr Thos. Hamilton, tailor, Dalry, to MissAgnes Raleigh, eldest daughter of Mr James Raleigh, mason, Dalbeattie.At Kilmarnock, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. James Buchanan Hamilton, John Borland, Esq., M.D. to
Susannah, only daughter of Mr R. Nicholson, factor, Kingencleuch.At Longtown, on the 18th inst., Mr Andrew Plenderleath, tea-dealer, to Miss Esbel Johnstone, dressmaker.At Inverness, on the 15th instant, Patrick Park, Esq., sculptor, Brunton Street, Berkeley Square, London, toRobina <strong>Robert</strong>s, daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Carruthers, Esq., of the "Inverness Courier".At St. John's Church, Liverpool, on Monday last, Mr M. M'Allister, coachman to John Moss, Esq., Otterspool,to Miss Jane Liddell, daughter of Mr John Liddell, blacksmith, Annan.At Eldrig, on the 8th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Love, to Miss Anne Stanhope.At Wichnor, Hugh Montgomery Campbell, Esq., of the Royal Scots Greys, to Isabella, daughter of the Hon.<strong>Robert</strong> Kennedy, and niece of the Marquis of Ailsa.At her brother's house, Baltimore, U.S., on the 19th ult., by the Rev. J.C. Bacchus, George Reid, Esq., ofNorfolk, Virginia, to Robina Wallace, daughter of John Spence, Esq., 50, Great King Street, Edinburgh.DEATHSAt Glenluce, on the 21st inst., John Wilson, after a short but painful illness.At Milbain, parish of Ballantrae, on the 21 st instant, Mary, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Milroy, farmerthere.At Dalbeattie, on Monday, the 7th inst., Mary M'Gill, wife of John M'Kie, mariner.At Nithbank House, on the 11th curt., Katharine, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Yorstoun, Esq.At Friars' Vennel, Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 15th inst., aged 68, Elizabeth Grierson, wife of Mr EdwardKnight.At Annan, last week, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Alex. Chalmers, High Street.At Ayr, on the 16th inst., Sarah, eldest daughter of the late Mr John Carnie.At Dundonald, on the 15th inst., Mr Andrew Steven, parochial teacher, aged 37.At Kilwinning, on the 15th inst., Mr Hugh Wilson, aged 61.At Drumbain, Maybole, on the 18 th inst., in the 72d year of her age, Agnes Hamilton, relict of Mr WilliamM'Nider, master of the sloop "Carrick" of Ayr.At Kilmaurs, on the 15th inst, Margaret Fairlie Lamberton, aged 22.At Kilmarnock, on the 13th inst., Mr Charles Bashford, calico printer.At Catrine, on the 15th inst., Mr William Niven, aged 60 years.At London, on the 16th curt., eight days after his arrival, William Church, Esq., of Bombay, aged 29, son ofthe late John Church, Esq.On board the "Nereid", of London, on her homeward bound passage from Batavia, off the island ofAscension, on the 31st August, James Roan, aged 16 years, son of Mr James Roan, salesman, Liverpool.At Philadelphia, on the 7th August last, Mr William Chalmers, aged 54 years, gardener to the late Mr Stott,of Castledykes, and who accompanied Mrs Stott to America in the same capacity.At Calcutta, on the 22d July last, Mr Boyd Smith, in the 21st year of his age, second mate of the barque"Culdee" of Greenock, and fourth son of the late Mr James Smith, agent, Saltcoats.At Madeira on the 3d ult., Charlotte, the infant daughter of the Hon. Francis Scott, aged 15 months.At Madeira, on the 21st Sept., Lieut. James Gordon Caulfeild, H.E.I.C.'s Service, eldest son of Major-GeneralCaulfeild, C.B.At New Harmony, Indiana, on the 5th September, last, Miss Anna Maclure.At Goderich, Upper Canada, on the 19th Sept. last, Henry Hyndman, Esq., of Sunderston. Friends willplease accept of this notification.31 st October <strong>1844</strong> (Week 44)BIRTHSAt Highton, Kirkcolm, on the 29th inst., Mrs Samuel Horner, of twin sons.At Castle-Douglas, on the 24th instant, Mrs James Mure, of a daughter.At New-Galloway, on the 22d instant, the wife of Mr Archibald Little, tailor, of a daughter.At Minnigaff Mill, on the 25th instant, Mrs Alexander Hannah, of a son.At Ayr, on the 26th instant, Mrs Dunlop of Clober, of a son.At Ayr, on the 22d instant, the wife of Mr Hugh Parker, of a daughter.At Ayr, at the New Bridge Toll, on the 28 th current, Mrs Buchanan, of a daughter.At Pathfoot, Kilwinning, on the 22d instant, Mrs Hugh Wyllie, of a daughter.At Grangeton, parish of Maybole, on the 24 th instant, Mrs Caldwell, of a son.
At At Newton, Inverary, on the 20th instant, Mrs W.S. King, of a son.At Patna, on the 21st instant, the wife of Mr James Lees, merchant, of a son.MARRIAGESOn the 23d instant, at Blair Vadock, Dumbartonshire, by the Rev. John Laurie Fogo, Patrick Maitland, Esq.,of Freugh, Wigtownshire, to Matilda Frances Harriet, youngest daughter of Mr and Lady Janet Buchanan. -The happy pair, we observe by the Peerage, are connected with many of the noblest families in Scotland.At Aldons, parish of Colmonell, on the 22d instant, by the Rev. Thomas Blair, Mr Thompson Weir, toMargaret, fourth daughter of Mr Andrew Sloss, farmer, Aldons.At Ayr, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Cuthill, Mr William Shankland, grocer and victualler,Church Street, Thornhill, to Miss Mary MacNiel, of Newton of Ayr.At Prestwick, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. George Laurie, Monkton, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Tarbet, Troon, to MissAnnabella Guthrie, Prestwick.At Ayr, on the 28th instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Renwick, Mr William M'Ewen, cloth merchant, to Margaret,eldest daughter of Mr A. Buchanan, toll keeper.At 131, Prince's Street, Edinburgh, on the 22d instant, by the Rev. Dr. Colvin, the Rev. Walter L. Colvin,minister of the parish of Cramond, to Anne Grace, youngest daughter of the late William Hine, Esq., ofHampshire, Trelawney, Jamaica.DEATHSAt Bankfield, Glenluce, on the 30th inst, Mr John M'Clymont, farmer, - much regretted by his friends andneighbours.At Whitecairn, Glenluce, on the 25 th inst., Mary Gowan, wife of Thomas M'Harg, late farmer in Gass,Kirkcowan.At Glenluce, on the 20th inst., John Wilson.At Drumgrier, parish of Colmonell, on the 18th inst., Catherine Kennedy, relict of Mr John Lamb, aged 90years.At Academy Street, Dumfries, on the 21 st instant, after a lingering illness, Mr John Blacklock, shoemaker,aged 72 years.At Friars' Vennel, Dumfries, on the 20 th inst., William, infant son of Mr John Thomson, baker and flourdealer.At Sands, Dumfries, on the 19th instant, Mr William Bryden, after a long illness - much regretted.At Kirkcudbright, on the 22d inst., Mr Peter Harkins, licensed hawker, Newton-Stewart - much respectedin life and deeply regretted in death.At Hitchill, on the 18th instant, Mrs Elizabeth Brown, at an advanced age - much regretted.At Aird of Kells, on the 14th instant, aged 26, Alexander, eldest son of Mr <strong>Web</strong>ster, Airds.At Moffat, on the 22d instant, Mr James Johnston, saddler, aged 54.At Netherbar, Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 22d instant, Sarah Coates, aged 82.At Ayr, on the 26th inst., Ann Morrison, aged 32.At Kilmarnock, on the 27th inst., Mrs Sulter, aged 83.Suddenly, on the 22d inst., at Ardrishaig Point, Lochgilphead, Margaret Hossack, wife of Mr John M'Cowan,schoolmaster, Ardnamurchan, when on their passage from Glasgow.At Budleigh, Salterton, on the 15 th inst., Harriet, the beloved wife of Wm. Nation, Esq., and eldest survivingdaughter of Alexander Hamilton Hamilton, Esq., of the Retreat, in the Countyof Devon, and of Hullerhirst, in Ayrshire - having completed her 25th year the previous day.At Langholm, Auchinleck, on the 22d inst., Peter, son of Mr M. Lennox, farmer there.At Lessnessock, parish of Ochiltree, on the 25th inst., after a long illness, Mrs Agnes Colvill, wife of Mr JohnPaterson, farmer.At Ochiltree, on the 24th inst., Cochran Duncan, in the 20th year of his age.At Irvine, on the 27th inst., Wm. Gray, Esq., of Altonhead, merchant in Irvine, aged 72.7 th November <strong>1844</strong> (Week 45)BIRTHSAt Ardeer, on the 4th inst., the lady of Patrick Warner, Esq., of Ardeer, of a daughter.
At Edge, parish of Lochwinnoch, on the 28 th ult., Mrs William Wyllie, of a son.At Wallace Cottage, Upper Kingston, Glasgow, on the 4th curt., Mrs John Strathern of a daughter.At Dumfries, on the 29th ult., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Selkirk, flesher, Townhead, of a son.At Queen Street, Dumfries, on the 25th ult., the wife of Mr Thomas Watson, stone-cutter, of a daughter.At Laurieknowe, Maxwelltown, on the 28 th ult., the wife of Mr Samuel Milligan, grocer, Dumfries, of a son.At Lockerbie, on the 30th ult., Mrs Monteath, of the Western Bank, of a son.At Cally Mains, on the 26th ult., Mrs J. Rain, of a son.At St. Alban's, Herts, on the 23d ult., the wife of Mr James Harkness, draper, of twin daughters.At Edinburgh, on the 28th ult., the lady of Sir John S. Richardson, Bart., of a son.At Castle Bernard, county Cork, on the 26 th ult., the Viscountess Bernard, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Killiemore, parish of Penninghame, on the 15th ult., by the Rev. John Thomson of Kirkcowan, Mr Jas.Baird, teacher there, to Agnes, eldest daughter of the late Mr Henry Crosbie, Killiemore.At Boreland, parish of Kirkcowan, on the22d ult., by the Rev. John Thomson, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Houston,shoemaker, Kiltersan, to Miss Jane Carson, Killiemore.At Argrennan, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. John Gordon of Twynholm, Mr James M'Lauren, merchant,Dalbeattie, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Brown, in Argrennan.At the Lodge, Kelton, on Tuesday week, by the Rev. Mr M'Lachlan, Castle Douglas, Mr Joseph Haining,Edgarton, Balmaghie, to Jane, only daughter of the late Adam Gray, Esq.,At Corsock Bridge, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. W. G. Crosbie, of Parton, W. M. Ireland, farmer, Howmoor,to Marion Douglas, eldest daughter of Edward Bell, Corsock Bridge.At Wallacetown, Ayr, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. S. Blair, Mr William White, Glasgow, to Helen, eldestdaughter of Mr D. Currie, pawnbroker.At Braehead, Cramond, on the 29th ult., Wm. Keith, Esq., to Isabella, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Jas.M. H. Craufurd, and Mrs Houison Craufurd, of Braehead and Craufurdland.At Dumfries, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. William Blackwood, of the Relief Church, Mr John Austen,Maxwelltown, to Miss Janet Welsh, eldest daughter of Mr Jas. Welsh, tanner, St. Michael's Street.At Gretna, on the 17th ult., Mr T. Lee, esquestrian, to Miss Cook, daughter of Mr W. Cook, Jun.At Annan, on the 21st ult., Mr James Lotimer, corn merchant, to Miss Jane Carruthers, straw-bonnetmaker.At Dumbarton, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. Smith, Mr David Harvie, Isle of Wight, to Rachel, youngestdaughter of Mr Thomas Turner, Dailly.DEATHSHere, on the 2d inst., Sarah Thompson, relict of Mr William Thompson, at the advanced aged of 82 years.At Wellington Square, Ayr, on the 30 th ult., James Donaldson, Esq., of the firm of Messrs Hugh Donaldsonand sons - aged 72.At Mauchline, on the 2d inst., Mr John Maxwell, merchant.At Cairn Cottage, parish of Coylton, on the 29th ult., Mr Dennis Marr, shoemaker, aged 21 years.At Troon, on the 28th ult., Robt. Henderson, shoemaker, aged 39 years.At High Street, Dumfries, on the 29th ult., aged 32 years, Mr David M'Kie, late draper, and son of the lateMr Nathaniel M'Kie, Church Place.At Dumfries, on the 29th ult., Sergeant William White, of the Permanent Staff, Dumfriesshire Militia.At Maxwelltown, on the 17th ult., Mr James Brown, dyer - highly respected.At 31, Broughton Place, Edinburgh, on the 30 th ult., P. A. Ramsay, Esq., S.S.C.At his residence, Tavistock Place, London, Mr George Horncastle, the celebrated vocalist.At the School-house, of Mousewald, on the 10th ult., Mary Swan, wife of Mr F. Halliday, parochialschoolmaster.At Lockerbie, on the 27th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Shankland, of the Commercial Inn.14 th November <strong>1844</strong> (Week 46)BIRTHS
At Ross, Borgue, on the 3d inst., Mrs Campbell, of a son.At Culraven, Borgue, on the 4th inst., Mrs Gordon, of a daughter.At Graystone Cottage, near Dumfries, on the 5 th inst., Mrs Reid, of a daughter.At Ayr, on the 1st inst., Mrs R. Paton, of a son.At Bellory, Madras, on the 30th August, the lady of Captain J. G. S. Neill, yr. of Barnweill, D.A. AdjutantGeneral, Ceded districts, of a son.At Dundonald, on the 7th inst., Mrs James Boyd, of a daughter.At Kilmarnock, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr Adam M'Kay, tailor, of a son.At Paisley, on the 6th inst., the lady of Dr. Wyllie, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Troweir Lodge, Girvan, on the 5 th inst., by the Rev. Peter M'Master, John Shepherd Shiels, Esq., winemerchant, London, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late John Rowan, Esq.At Barrhill, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. Mr Blair, Samuel M'Gregor, eldest son of Lewis M'Gregor,blacksmith there, to Janet, youngest daughter of John Gardener, farmer, Altercannoch.At Stewarton, Ayrshire, on the 5 th inst., by the Rev. P.Cairns, the Rev. David Laughland, Newarthill, toMary, third daughter of Mr Wm. Black, of the firm of Muir & Black, worsted spinners and carpetmanufacturers, Stewarton.At Crocketford, on the 7th inst., Mr Alex. Crombie, mason, to Jean, daughter of Mr Allan Burgess,Shankfoot.At Dumfries, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Wightman, Kirkmahoe, Mr Maxwell Harley Johnston,Auchencairn, Kirkmahoe, to Miss Jane Ritchie, Dumfries.At Christ's Church, Liverpool, on the 5th inst., Capt. John Broadfoot, of the ship "Ann Jeffrey" of Liverpool,to Elizabeth Gladstone, youngest daughter of the late John Gladstone, engineer, Castle-Douglas.At Garmouth, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. John Gordon, minister of Speymouth, the Rev. Jas. Thomson,minister, Gartley, to Marion, second daughter of the late Lieutenant Hay, 93d Regiment.At the British Embassy, Frankfort, on the 26th ult., Theodore Gudin, to Margaret Louis, eldest daughter ofthe Right Hon. Lord James Hay.DEATHSAt Wigtown, on the 3d inst., Susannah Coulter, aged 79 years.At Isle of Whithorn, on the 6th instant, Anne, eldest dughter of Mr Thomas Broadfoot, innkeeper there.At his house, Castle Street, Dumfries, John Litt, Esq., late of Glasgow.At Cloudanbank Mills, Holywood, on the 4 th instant, Janet Blackie, aged 80 years - much regretted.At Moffat, on the 3d inst., in the 65th year of her age, Mrs Sarah Neilson - much and justly regretted.At Annan, on the 30th ult., George Oliver, joiner, aged 74, after a long illness, much regretted.At Bankhead, Glencairn, on the 8th curt., William, son of John Martin, there, aged 18 years.At Robiewhat, parish of Mousewald, onthe 6th inst., at an advanced age, Agnes Burnie, relict of the late Mr Charles Gilchrist, Blawplain, ofCloseburn.At Heathery Hall, near Chesterhall, in the parish of Wiston and <strong>Robert</strong>on, on the 6th instant, Mr WilliamReid, son of Joseph Reid, formerly of Creetown, aged 17 years - much respected by his acquaintances.At Whitehaven, on the 6th inst., Mr Charles Magee. For forty long years he travelled as a wholesale grocerin Cumberland, Westmoreland, Dumfriesshire, and Galloway, and in that capacity became known tothousands, and was an especial favourite wherever he went. So universally was Mr Magee esteemed, thatwe learn it was the purpose of his fellow-townsmen to close their places of business during the time of hisfuneral.On the 24th ult., in the 90 th year of his age, Mr Alex. Egelsom, Walton Street, Oxford Road, Manchester. Hewas a native of Ayr, and served his apprenticeship in New-Galloway; he removed from there to Chowbent,in Lancashire, and became a mechanic. It may be said that he was the oldest cotton-machine maker of anythat are now living.At Dalbeattie, on the 31st ult., Violet Alexander, of Kirk, aged 85 years.At Charlotte Town, Prince Edward's Island, North America, on the 22d September, Mr Alex. Brown, anative of Applegarth. He was master of the Central Academy, Charlotte Town, for upwards of 22 years.At Polmont, Stirlingshire, on the 2d inst., James Gray, Esq., one of the proprietors, and for many yearsmanager, of the North British Advertiser - aged 50 years.
At Wallacetown, Ayr, on the 2d inst., Mary, second daughter of Mr Wm. Smith, tailor - much regretted.At Holmes, parish of Galston, on the 8 th inst., in the 18th year of his age, Andrew, fourth son of Mr AndrewShennan, coachman, there.At Troon, on the 2d inst., Jane, aged 9 years, daughter of Mr William Brown, Troon.At Ardrossan, on the 3d inst., Mary Snodgrass King, widow of the late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Lean, Glasgow.At Felix-hall, Essex, on the 4 th inst., the Right Hon. Lord Western, in his 78th year. The deceased wasunmarried, and has died, it is said, without a male heir. The title, which was conferred by Lord Melbourne,is therefore extinct.21 st November <strong>1844</strong> (Week 47)BIRTHSAt Aird, parish of Inch, on the 17th inst., Mrs Galbraith, of a son.At Cyprus, on the 19th October, the Lady of Niven Kerr, Esq., British Consul there, of a daughter.At Balkail, on the 17th instant, Mrs Jorie, of a son.At Barnkirk, by Newton-Stewart, on the 16 th inst., the wife of Mr T. Rowatt, ironmonger, of a daughter.At Sandgate Street, Ayr, on the 18th inst., Mrs Hugh Henry, of a son.At Wallacetown, Ayr, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr John Paterson, draper, of a son.At Newton, Ayr, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr John Fraser, railway guard, of a son.At Burnside, Kilmarnock, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Templeton, shawl manufacturer, of ason.At Colebrooke, Brookesborough, on the 8 th inst., Mrs Andrew Graham, of a daughter.At St. Evox, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr James Miller, schoolmaster, of a son.At Banda, in Bundeleund, on the 9th September last, the lady of Captain Frederick Rainsford, 67 BengalN.I. of a son.At Dumfries, on the 7th inst., Mrs James Dinwiddie, hosier, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 7th inst., Mrs James Affleck, of a son.At Woodside, parish of Troqueer, on the 12 th inst., Mrs A.H. M'Naught, of a son.At Glasgow, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr Wm. Coupland, hair-dresser, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. David Wilson, Captain Thomas Kerr, Ardrossan, to Miss Eliza M'Gaw,eldest daughter of Mr Alexander M'Gaw, Stranraer.At the Secession Manse, West Calder, on the 13th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> H. Smith, Esq., writer, Whithorn, to Agnes,daughter of the Rev. William Fleming.At St. Michael's Church, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, on the 13th curt, by the Rev. G. Sandbach, ofKidderminster, Samuel Sandbach, jun., Esq., of Handley fourth son of Samuel Sandbach, Esq., ofWoodlands, to Anne, eldest daughter of the late Archibald Maxwell, Esq., of Threave.At Kurrachee, on the 3d Sept. Capt. W. Montagu Scott M'Murdo, 78th Regt. youngest son of the lateColonel M'Murdo of Lotus, Dumfries, to Susan, eldest daughter of his Excellency Major-General Sir CharlesNapier,, G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief in Scinde.At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. T. T. Duncan, Sergeant John Sloan, of the 72d or Duke ofAlbany's own Highlanders, to Elizabeth Wright, youngest daughter of Mr James Creighton, cabinet-maker,Dumfries.At Dumfries, on the 8th curt., by the Rev. J. R. Mackenzie, Mr George H. Rae, baker, to Margaret, seconddaughter of Mr John Robinson, shoemaker, Friars' Vennel.At the George Inn, Dumfries, on the 1st curt, by the Rev. Mr Ranken, Mr David Bell, to Elizabeth, seconddaughter of Mr Wm. Neilson; and, same place, on the 4th curt., by the Rev. Mr Scott, Mr William Lees, toJanet, eldest daughter of Mr William Neilson.At Browhouses, Gretna, on the 14th curt, by the Rev. M. M'Gill, Rigg of Gretna, Mr John Milligan, to MissMary Straiton.At Springfield, Gretna, on the 15th curt., by the Rev. M. M'Gill, Rigg of Gretna, Mr Wm.Hewitson, to MissJane Stevenson.At Langholm on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. Dobie, Mr Jas. Armstrong, farmer, Effgill, to Miss ChristianLittle, Langholm; and, same place, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. W. Watson, Mr Geo. Scott, joiner, to MissMary, youngest surviving daughter or Mr John Clarke, saddler, Langholm.
At Liftingstone, Closeburn, on the 8th inst., James, only son of Mr David Pagan, Gateside, to Mary, thirddaughter or Mr Thos. Milner.At Marjoryhill, Closeburn, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Mr Stark, Mr James Black, architect, Keir, to Mary,fifth daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Wightman, farmer, Marjoryhill.At Wardie Lodge, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. John Milroy, minister of the parish of Ballantrae, Capt.James Alexander Duncan Fergusson, of the Sixth Regiment Bengal Light Cavalry, second surviving son ofthe late Sir James Fergusson of Kilkerran, Baronet, and of the Right Hon. Lady Henrietta Fergusson, toMargaret, fourth surviving daughter of the late James Hope, Esq., Writer of the Signet.At Kilmarnock, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. James B. Hamilton, Mr John Willock Osborne, to JemimaDalziel Borland, daughter of Mr Thomas Borland, grocer.At Loans, near Troon, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. Fleming, Mr Thos.King, to Miss Mary Fullarton,daughter of Mr Thomas Fullarton, Loans.DEATHSHere, on Monday morning, David, infant son of Mr Andrew Murray, road-surveyor.At Gravesend, on the 13th inst., very unexpectedly, and after a short illness, Mary, wife of Major JamesGlencairn Burns, late of the H.E.I.S.At Nith Place, Dumfries, on the 7th inst., Anna Stuart Brydone, relict of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Porteous, Supervisor ofExcise, Castle-Douglas.At English Street, Dumfries, on the 13 th inst., after a severe and protracted illness, borne with Christianfortitude and resignation, Mary, third daughter of the late Alexander Milligan, Nunholm- advanced inyears.At Rosebank Cottage, Dumfries, on the 8 th inst., Francis Dalziel, formerly farmer at Streath, parish ofGlencairn, aged 79.On the 16th ult., near Geneva, state of New York, America, Mr Christopher Pringle, late of Moat ofTroqueer.At Waulkmill, Moniaive, upon the 17th curt., after lingering illnesss, borne with Christian patience andresignation, Jean Armstrong, wife of Mr George Proudfoot, dyer, Waulkmill.At High Balfern, Kirkinner, on the 17 th curt., Eliza, third daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Clelland.At Annan, on the 14th inst., Mr Alexander Chalmers, pork-curer, and cattle-dealer, after a short illness.At Garliestown, on the 11th instant, Jane Gowan, relict of Anthony M'Millan, aged 77.At Garliestown, on the 14 th instant, Isabella Riggs, relict of William Stevenson, aged 90 years.At Colesberg, Cape of Good Hope, on the 1 st Aug. the Rev. James Murray, a native of Carlaverock. In 1833he emigrated from Castle-Douglas to that colony; and during the last years of his life, besides instructing aschool supported by Government, he officiated as chaplain to the military at the said station.At Ringford village, on the 14th inst., John Cockburn, aged 45.On the 14th inst., in her 42d year, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr Samuel M'Gowan, Governor of the UnionWorkhouse, Milnthorp, Westmoreland, formerly of Parkgate, Kirkcudbright.At Garliestown, on the 12th inst., Mr M'Millan, advanced in years; and, on the 14th inst., Mrs Stevenson,aged 90 years.At Hawick, on the 14th inst., Elizabeth Pringle, second daughter of Peter Wilson, Esq., manufacturer.At Glasgow, on the 14th inst., aged 27, Mr William Clinton, mason, eldest surviving son of the late Mr JohnClinton, innkeeper, Borgue Kirk Village.At Liverpool; on the 12th inst., Mr John Birk, shipwright.At Longtown, on the 12th inst., Mrs Jane Brown, widow, aged 84, and on the 10th Mr James Bell, aged 30years.At Craigencrosh, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 1st inst., James, son of Mr Wm.Black, farmer there, aged 7months.At Mid-Calder, on the 10th inst., the Rev. Alex.Duncan, D.D. late professor of Pastoral Theology to theUnited Associate Synod.At Bedford, on the 7th inst., John Horne Gow, Esq., formerly of No 31, Great Marlborough Street, London,grandson of the late Neil Gow.At Alahabad, on the 15th August last, Walter Scott, M.D. Assistant-Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., second son of WalterScott, Esq., of Wauchope, Roxburghshire.At Ayr, on the 17th inst., Miss Thomas Thomson, second daughter of the late Mr Thomas Thomson,skinner.At Castlehill, near Ayr, on the17th inst., Mr John M'Arthur, butler to James Ballantine, Esq., of Castlehill.At Colebrooke, Brookesborough, on the 12 th inst., the wife of Mr Andrew Graham, land-steward.
At Maybole, on the 9th inst., Mrs Wm. Dick, relict of Mr W. Dick, sen. in the 86th year of her age.At Newton, Ayr, on the 17th inst. Mr John Napier, aged 40 years.At Catrine, on the 12th inst., Mr John Brown, merchant, in the 79th year of his age.28 th November <strong>1844</strong> (Week 48)BIRTHSHere, in Queen Street, on the 14th inst., Mrs Davidson, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 21st inst., the lady of the Rev. James Towers, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 20th instant, the lady of Henry Stuart, Esq., of a son.At Artnoch, parish of Colmonell, on the 21 st instant, the wife of Daniel Clews, of a daughter.At Newton, Ayr, on the 21st instant, the wife of Mr W. Johnston, painter, of a son.At Newton, Ayr, on the 22d inst., Mrs Adam Smith, of a son.At Kilmarnock, on the 25th inst., Mrs D. M'Dougall, of a daughter.At English Street, Dumfries, on the 22d inst., the wife of Serjeant Bright, 95th Regt., of a daughter.At Smallholm, Lochmaben, on the 24 th inst., the wife of Mr Thomas Kirkpatrick, of a daughter.At Cleughhouse, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr James M'Kinnell, parochial schoolmaster of Keir, of a son.At Dalkeith Palace, on Tuesday, the 19 th instant, the Duchess of Buccleuch, of her first daughter.At Denbie, Patrick's Plains, New South Wales, on the 29th of April last, the lady of the Rev. IrvingHetherington, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, at Park-House, on the 26th instant, by the Rev. Mr Watt, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Fergusson, gardener, to MissMargaret Hall.At Paisley, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. James Gibson, of Kingston Free Church, Glasgow, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong>Donald, of Sheuchan Free Church, Stranraer, to Mary, daughter of the late Mr Colin M'Queen, manager ofAuldfield cotton works, Pollokshaws.At Cairnryan, on the 16th instant, by the Rev. Mr Fergusson, Mr John Burns, of the ordinance survey, toMiss E. M'Clelland.At Dalbeattie, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. James M'Kenzie, Dalbeattie, Mr James Faulds, to Miss IsabellaPatterson, grocer, Dalbeattie.At Kilmarnock, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr Campbell, of the Free Church, Mr William Broadfoot,tailor, Sanquhar, to Miss Ann Bell, of Paisley.At Dumfries, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Dr Wallace, Mr Robt. Armstrong, merchant, to Helen, seconddaughter of the late John Dunn timber merchant.At Buenos Ayres, on the 20th August last, by the Rev. Mr Brown, of the Scotch Church there, Mr JohnM'Morine, late of Aikybush, Terregles, to Miss Mary Hall, late of Carruchan, Troqueer.At Little Burnside, parish of Holywood, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Kenzie, of the Free Church,Dumfries, Mr George Dunn, Marchhouse, Holywood, to Miss Mary Walker, Little Burnside.At Glen Mills, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. Ranken, Mr Samuel Dickson, farmer, Kilford, to MissEuphemia, daughter of Joseph M'Kitterick, Esq.At Lockerbie, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hill Whyte of Dryfesdale, Mr Thomas Grierson, boot &shoemaker, Hightae, to Miss Rule, Bridge Street, Lockerbie.At Crawickmill, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr Logan, Mr Wm. Whigham, carpet weaver, Sanquhar, toMiss Vigor M'Call, third daughter of Mr James M'Call, shareholder and master at the carpetmanufactory, Crawickmill.At Mauchline, on the 25th inst., by the Rev. James Fairlie, A.M., John Mitchell, Esq., surgeon, to Jane, eldestdaughter of Andrew Smith, Esq., box-manufacturer.At her father's house, parish of Colmonell, on the 22d inst., Mr John Rowcastle, Billybeg, parish of Dailly,to Miss Margaret Drummond.DEATHSHere, on the 20th inst., Mr Andrew <strong>Robert</strong>son, youngest son of the late Rev. John <strong>Robert</strong>son.At Curghie, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 13th inst., Edward Cameron, infant son of George M'Bryde, Esq.At High Balfern, Kirkinner, on the 17 th curt., Eliza, third daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Clelland.
At Newton-Stewart, on the 20th inst., James Thorburn, aged 66 years.At Whithorn, on the 15th inst., George M'Culloch, slater, aged 58 years.At Garliestown, on the 15th inst., Mrs Isabella Stevenson, at the advanced aged of 90 years - muchregretted.At Creetown, on the16th inst., Mrs M'Credie, aged 75 years, wife of Mr Hugh M'Credie, late farmer inAuchenlarie of Anwoth, after a lingering illness, borne with Christian patience andresignation - much respected and regretted.At Corseyard, Borgue, on the 21st curt, aged 84, Mr William Henry, formerly of Low Muncraig, who wasextensively known, and very highly respected.At Bank of Bishopton, near Kirkcudbright, on Friday week, after a brief illness, aged 19, Janet Wasson,eldest daughter of Mr Wm. Wasson, blacksmith - deeply regretted.At Artnoch, parish of Colmonell, on the 23d inst., David aged 11 months, son of David Wardrope, foresterto Rigby Wason, Esq., of Corwar.At New Cumnock, on the 14th inst., Mr William Kennedy, aged 82.At Ayr, on the 16th inst., Mr John Duncan.At Ayr, on the 21st inst., Captain Andrew Gray, late of the brig "Helen" of Ayr, aged 69 years.At St. Quivox, on the 22d inst., James Davidson, infant son of Mr Miller, schoolmaster.At Dundonald, on the 23d inst., Mrs Ann Thomson, wife of Mr David Lockhart.At Dalmellington, on the 22d inst., Mr Wm. Galbraith, late of Auchenroy, aged 83 (88) years. [figureindistinct]At Irvine, on the 20th inst., Mrs Marion Dunlop, relict of John Black, Esq., of Locherbank, aged 71years.At the house of Mrs Marjoribanks, Moffat, on the 28th ult., Mary, daughter of the late John Irving, Esq., ofAmisfield.At Carsethorn, on the 20th curt., Ann, daughter of William M'Kune, much regretted by all who knew her.At Smallholm, Lochmaben, on the 24th inst., Helen Richardson, wife of Mr Thomas Kirkpatrick.At Donaghadee, on the 20th curt., in the prime of life, John, son of Mr Wm. Jardine.5 th December <strong>1844</strong> (Week 49)BIRTHSHere, in Greenvale Street, on the 3d inst., Mrs Hugh M'Douall, of a daughter.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 24th ultimo, Mrs Alex. M'Dowall, of a daughter.At Port-William, on the 17th ult., Mrs Captain Innes, of a son, same day, Mrs Johnstone, of a son; same day,Mrs M'Culloch, of a son.At High Barr, Mochrum, on the 18th ult., Mrs Biggam, of twins, a son and daughter.At Ringheel, Mochrum, on the 17th ult., Mrs William Black, of a son.At Craigdarroch, on the 25th ultimo, the lady of J. G. Jarvis, Esq., late Capt. 52d Lt. Inf., of a daughter.At Maxwelltown, on Friday week, Mrs J. W. Guilmette, of a daughter.At Ayr, on the 2d inst., the lady of the Rev. W.S. Wilson, of a daughter.At Ayr, on the 26th ult., Mrs John Baxter, of a son.At Doonfoot Mill, on the 27th ult., Mrs M'Whinnie, of a son.At Ardrossan, on the 25th ult, Mrs Adam Wilson, of a son; and on the 26th, Mrs Captain John Johnstone ofa daughter.At Dunraven Castle, on the 25th ult., the Viscountess Adare, of a daughter.At Lee, on the 28th ult., Lady Macdonald Lockhart, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Smellie, Mr Jas. Paterson, of Inch, to Miss Jane M'Gowan. Here, on the3d inst., by the Rev. Mr Hogarth, Mr T. Edgar, Port-Logan, to Mary, only daughter of Mr James Stewart,Sheuchan Parks.At Colmonell, on Monday, the 2d instant, by the Rev. James Porteous, of the Free Church, Ballantrae, MrAlexander Shaw, farmer, Laffis-Donald, Ballantrae, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Mr GilbertM'Whirter, Colmonell.At Barrhill, on the 3d inst., James, eldest son of John Gordon, mason, to Matilda Montgomery.At Challochglass, Mochrum, on the 12 th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr Young, Capt. Hugh Hardie, Girvan, to MissRiddell, daughter of the late Mr Riddell, farmer, Challochglass.
At Gatehouse, on the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. Thomas Johnstone of Anwoth, Mr Archibald Bingham, latebutler at Cardoness, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M. Murdoch, grocer and provision dealer,Gatehouse.At Cubbox, parish of Balmaclellan, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. Mr Wilson, Mr Archibald Affleck, Dinnance,to Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr John Murray, farmer, Cubbox.At Greenbrae, near Dumfries, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Wallace, of St. Michael's, Mr James Ellison,preacher, from Berwick-on-Tweed, to Jessie, eldest daughter of James Murray, Esq.At Dumfries, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. James Ranken, Mr John M'Quhae, tinsmith and gas-fitter, to JaneReid Milligan, youngest daughter of Mr William Milligan, stocking-manufacturer, Dumfries.At Brae, Irongray, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. James Wilson, Mr James Miller, blacksmith, Bowes ofTerregles, to Jane, daughter of Mr Wm. M'Leod, of Kirkbean.At Dalswinton Village, on the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. William Andson, Mr William Johnston, to Miss JanetM'Kenzie.At Newton-on-Ayr, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Wm. Grant, Mr Alex. Cook, tailor, Kilmaurs, to MissMargaret Paterson.At Maybole, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. A. Thomson, of the Free Church, Mr Alexander Fergusson,teacher, to Anne, second daughter of Mr John Shaw, there.DEATHSHere, on the 3d inst., John, infant son of Dr M'Kie, aged four months.At King Street, here, on the 5th inst., Mrs Agnew, aged 79 years.At Glenluce, on the 4th inst., Mr James Withers, aged 85 years.At Glen, parish of Kirkmabreck, on the 25th ult., Mr David A. Clement, farmer there, aged 55 years.At Kirkcudbright, on the 26th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Carson, landlord of the Commercial Inn, and a Magistrate ofthe burgh, aged 63.At Barlochan, on the 24th ult., in his 18 th year, <strong>Robert</strong>, eldest son of <strong>Robert</strong> M'Knight, Esq.At Dalbeattie, on the 20th ult., Janet Kirkpatrick, relict of David Clark, mason, there, aged 82.At Friars' Vennel, Dumfries, on the 28 th ult., William M'Naught, spirit merchant, highly respected by hisfriends and relations.At Dumfries, after a short illness, on the 29th ult., Mr Thomas Johnston, gun-maker.At Dumfries, on the 21st ult., Andrew M'Knight, brother of R. M'Knight, Esq., of Barlochan.At Dumfries, on the 27th ult., Mrs M'Clatchie, at an advanced age.At Dumfries, after a short illness, Margaret, infant daughter of Mr James Millar, small-ware dealer.At Penpont, on the 26th ult., Mr John Henderson, cooper.At Broomland Cottage, parish of Kirkmichael, on the 25th ult., Mr John Craig, aged 83.At New Cumnock, on the 28th ult., Mr Arch. Pagan, aged 66.On the 24th ult., Mr Jas. Watson, of the Hotel, Blackburn, Lancashire, in the 54th year of his age, secondson of the late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Watson, Kirkpatrick-Durham, - much and justly regretted.At Glenlogan, Sorn, on the 1st inst., George Ranken, Esq., of Whitehill.On board the Sultan of Glagow, on her passage homeward from China, on the 4th June, Capt. <strong>Robert</strong> Muir,of the Sultan - a native of Irvine, and much respected.At Lamlash, Island of Arran, on the 20 th ult., James <strong>Robert</strong>son, late farmer, Gunsell, parish of Stewarton,aged 92 years.At Glagow, on the 27th ult., Daniel Wharton, Esq., writer, eldest son of the late John Wharton, Esq.,collector of Excise, Greenock.At Nobiel, America, on the 3d of October last, Alex. Gibson, aged 23 years, son of Sergeant James Gibson,Dumfries-shire Staff.12 th December <strong>1844</strong> (Week 50)BIRTHSHere, at Church Street, on the 6th inst., Mrs James M'Coid, of a daughter.Here, at Burnside, on the 6th inst., Mrs Hugh Mann, of a son.At Castle Kennedy, on the 3d instant, Mrs Faulds, wife of Mr Wm. Faulds, gamekeeper to the Earl of Stair,of a son.At Clendry Parish of Kirkcolm, on the 9 th inst, Mrs Hannah, of a son.
At Stewarton Kirkcolm, on the 10th inst., Mrs James M'Gowan, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 11th inst, the wife of Mr John Kennedy, draper, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 7th curt., Mrs Wm. Craik, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 26th ult, Mrs John Todd, of a son.At Twynholm Manse, on the 30th ult., Mrs Gordon, of a son.At Brownhill, Kildonnan, Colmonell, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr William Kennedy, of a daughter.At Kildonnan Hill, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr John Patterson, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 2d curt., the wife of Mr Thomas Coltart, senior, baker, of a son.At Nith Bank, Dumfries, on the 8th curt., Mrs Patrick Clark, of a son.At Albany Place, Dumfries, on the 8th curt., Mrs Geo. Thomson, of a son.At West Regent Street, Greenock, on the 3d curt., Mrs David Buchanan, of a daughter.At Bishopcleugh, Dryfesdale, on the 5th curt., Mrs Jas. Turner, of a son.At Glasgow, on the 7th instant, Mrs Woodburn, of a daughter.At Kilmarnock, on the 9th curt., Mrs John Dickie, of a son.At Carfin House, on the 2d inst., the lady of <strong>Robert</strong> Steurt, Esq., of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Newton-Stewart, on the 3d curt., by the Rev. Wm. Reid, Mr Alexander M'Candlish, flesher, Wigtown, toMiss Jessie, daughter of Mr John M'Clean, Newton-Stewart.At Lughead, near Gatehouse, by the Rev. George Murray of Girthon, Samuel Kelly, farmer, to ElizabethSpence.At Dumfries, on the 6th curt., by the Rev. Dr. T. T. Duncan, Mr Peter Murphie, flesher, to Miss FrancesBaliaff.At Dumfries, on the 6th curt., by the Rev. W. Dunlop, Mr Thomas Muir, shoemaker, to Jane, daughter of thelate Mr Thomas Chalmers, clogger, Dumfries.At Annan, on the 3d curt., by the Rev. Thomas Morrow, of Macharmore, Ulster, Mr James Beck, to MissElizabeth Calvert.At Auchinleck, on the 3d curt., by the Rev. George Roger, Mr John Howat, Hill, Mauchline, to Elizabeth,daughter of Mr James Young, Crighton Row, parish of Cumnock.At Ayr, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. James Knox, Mr James Affleck, late of Montreal, to Maria, youngestdaughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Scott, teacher, Smithston.At Kilmarnock, on the 2d inst., by the Rev Mr M'Indoe, Mr Archibald Clark, merchant, Beith, to Mary,daughter of Mr Matthew Anderson.At Barnbarroch, Wigtownshire, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Henry Jeffreys, curate of Hawkhurst, Kent,Edmund Richard Jeffreys, Esq., Major in the 88th Regiment, son of the late Rev.John Jeffreys, of 16, Eaton Place, to Mary, daughter of the late Colonel Vans Agnew, C.B., of Barnbarrochand Sheuchan.At Currary, parish of Colmonell, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Blair, Mr Gilbert Jackson, of the excise,Perth, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr Alexander M'Clelland, farmer, Currary.At Thornhill, Greenock, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. Dr. M'Farlan, the Rev. John M'Farlan, minister of theFree Church, Monkton, to Eliza Duncan, second daughter of John Thomson, Esq.,At Annandale, on the 4th curt., by the Rev. James Morrison, Kilmarnock, the Rev. John Guthrie, Kendal, toAnn, daughter of Thomas Orr, Esq., Annandale.At Ardrossan, on the 4th inst., Captain <strong>Robert</strong> Crawford, of the barque Hope of Port-Glasgow, to Ann, onlydaughter of the late John Bell, Esq.At Saltcoats, on the 2d inst., Mr James Fullerton, ironmonger, to Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr HughBaird, Postmaster.At Irvine, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. James Drummond, the Rev. Alexander Dalrymple, of the UnitedSecession Church, Tarbolton, to Jane, daughter of Mr John Armour, agent.DEATHSAt Milton Mill, Old Luce, on the 6 th inst., James, son of Mr William Ewart, miller.At Wigtown, on the 7 th inst., John Murray, joiner, aged 60 years.At Kirkinner, on the 9 th inst., after a short illness, Catherine Waugh.At Clauchrie, Kirkinner, on the 8 th inst., the wife of Thomas M'Kinnell, mason, in childbed.At Balaird, parish of Colmonell, on the 4 th inst., James Johnstone, labourer.At Colmonell Village, on the 4 th inst., Mr Gilbert Holmes, blacksmith, after a lingering illness.
At Knockbain, parish of Colmonell, on the 4 th inst., suddenly, Jean Logan, at an advanced age.At Janefield, near Kircudbright, on the 25 th ult., Elizabeth, relict of John Church, Esq., of Kirkchrist.At Moffat, on the 30 th ult., at an advanced age, the Honourable Sir James Broun, Bart., of Colstoun.At Parkgate, on the 5 th curt., Mr Benjamin Eskdale, youngest son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Eskdale, farmer there, aged22 years.At Annan, on the 30 th ult., Mrs Thomson, or Park, wife of Mr John Thomson, shoemaker, Hope Street, aftera short illness, and much regretted.At Millhousebridge, on the 1 st curt., aged 80, Agnes Richardson, wife of Francis Dinwoodie.At Sanquhar, on the 6 th curt., William Blackwood, aged 82 years, who honourably, faithfully, andjudiciously fulfilled the office of elder in the Established church for more than 50 years.At Ayr, on the 8 th inst., Miss Murdoch, in 93d year, sister of the late John Murdoch, Esq., formerly Sheriff-Sustitute of Ayrshire.At Millerfield, Ayr, on the 6 th instant, the wife of Mr Joseph M'Whinnie, late in Doonfoot Mill.At Ayr, on the 5 th instant, Rachel, eldest daughter of Mrs Beveridge - much regretted.At Newton Green, Ayr, on the 6 th inst., Thomas Reid, aged 7 months, son of Mr Wm. Hamilton, tailor andclothier, Newmarket Street.At Kilmarnock, on the 5 th inst., Matthew Rankin, eldest son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Rankin, baker.At Ardoch, parish of Dalry, on the 5 th instant, George Creighton, Esq.At Ivy Bank, Rothesay, on the 3d instant, Daniel Morrison, Esq., late comptroller of H.M. Customs, Glasgow.At Buchanan Place, Catrine, on the 5 th inst., after a short but severe illness, Mr William Maxwell, roadoverseer,in the 34 th year of his age.At Saltcoats, on the 4 th inst., Margaret Hendry, wife of Mr Alex. H. Maule, painter.At Saltcoats, on the 29 th ultimo., Miss Janet Duncan, daughter of the late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Duncan, clothmerchant.At Hamilton, on the 27 th ultimo, Ann, aged 12 years, daughter of Mr Wm. Aiton, Troon.19 th December <strong>1844</strong> (Week 51)BIRTHSAt Drumdoch, parish of Inch, on the 12 th inst., Mrs Graham, of a daughter.At Knocktim, on the 9th inst., Mrs Carnochan, of a daughter.At North Cairn, on the 13th inst., Mrs Galloway, of a daughter.At Garliestown, on the 4th curt, Mrs Marshall, of a daughter.At Thornhill, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr Shanks, road surveyor, of a son.At Ayr, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr John M'Ammond, merchant, of a daughter.At Saltcoats, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr James M'Kie, of the book emporium, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Drumdoch, parish of Inch, on the 12th inst., Wm. Erskine to Agnes Jamieson.At Barnshangan, parish of New Luce, on the 17 th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Kergo, Mr John Kelly, Balmurrie,to Miss Margaret M'Lelland.At Glenluce, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. R. M'Neil of the Free church, Stoneykirk, Mr Hugh M'Credie, toMiss Millar.At Portobello, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Jame Mann, Musselburgh, the Rev. John Spence, of theCongregational church, Denholm, to Ann, eldest daughter of William Drew, Esq., Portobello.At Gatehouse, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Mr Hanna, Peter M'Bryde, tailor, Rhonehouse, to Jane, eldestdaughter of Wm. M'Leod, Gatehouse.At Bushabield, Urr, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. J. M. Burnside, Mr Thomas Biggar, farmer, King's Grange, toMargaret, youngest daughter of the late Mr W. Thopmson, farmer there.At Crocketford, on Friday last, by the Rev. G. Greig, Kirkpatrick-Durham, Mr Thomas M'Moreland, Borgue,to Miss Mary Dickson.At Portrack, parish of Holywood, on the 13 th inst, by the Rev. James Wilson, Mr John M'Courtie, to Mary,youngest daughter of Mr G. Neilson, farmer, Portrack.DEATHS
Here, on the 19th inst., Jane Gulline, wife of Mr Alex. Douglas, draper here.At Clayhole, here, on the 9th inst., Mr Alex. Torrance, seaman, after a protracted illness, aged 38 years.At Lochnaw, on the 17th inst., Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr John Porteous.At Broompark, Glenluce, on the 17th inst., John, aged 14 months, son of Mr William Heron.At Near Mains, Whithorn, on the 7th inst., Mr M'Guffie, farmer there, aged 78 years.At Lochbank, Castle-Douglas, on the 10 th inst., Agnes, daughter of James Lidderdale, Esq.,At Hardgate of Urr, on the 6th inst., after a long illness, Joseph, son of Mr John Moffat, aged 23 years.At Townhead of Kirkcudbright, on the 3d inst., Grace, sister of Mr M'Candlish, farmer there.At Antigua, on the 19th October last, aged 24 years, Mr David Armour, a native of Anwoth.At M'Naughton, parish of Irongray, on the 12 th inst., Alex.Welsh, Esq., of Skarr.At Ryedale Cottage, Troqueer, on the 10th inst., Mr Wm. Corrie.At Langholm, on the 11th inst., Mary Bell, spouse of John Cowan, weaver.At Edinburgh, on the 5th inst., aged 84, Dr James Home, late Professor of the Practice of Physic, inOrdinary to the Queen for Scotland.At Newton, Ayr, on the 11th inst., Thomas Hall, hoiser, [sic] in the 79th year of his age.At Maybole, on the 13th inst., William Niven, Esq., of Kirkbride, aged 85.26 th December <strong>1844</strong> (Week 52)BIRTHSAt North Strand Street, here, on the 24th inst., the lady of John Adair, Esq., writer, of a son.At North Strand Street, here, on the 21 st inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Findlay, of a daughter.At the Reformed Presbyterian Manse, here, on the 22 inst., Mrs MacLeod, of a son.At Stoneykirk, on the 17 th instant, Mrs Thomas Kennedy, of twins, a son and daughter.At Adelaide, on the 1st June, Mrs O.K. Richardson, of a son.At Ayr, on the 14th curt., Mrs Thomas Stewart, of a daughter.At Ayr, on the 17th instant, Mrs John Spiers, of a daughter.At Craig, on the 22d instant, the Lady of Wm. Pollock Morris, Esq., of Craig, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Mr Alexander's house, Ayr, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. Mr Grant, Mr John Niven, Mayhar, Kirkcolm, toMiss Janet M'Murtrie.At Madron, on the 14th instant, by the Rev.M. N. Peters, Mr Gavin M'Fadyean, draper and tea dealer, toMary Hawkin, eldest daughter of Mr Richard Row, undertaker, Penzance.At Gatehouse, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. Mr Falconer, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Irving, to Miss Elizabeth Riddick.At Gatehouse, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. George Murray, Mr Gordon M'Cubbin, mason, to MissMargaret Graham, eldest daughter of Mr William Graham, there.At Grove Chapel, Gomersall, Yorkshire, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. H. Cooke, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Bowman,Bethel Chapel Sunderland, son of Mr James Bowman, near Langholm, to Sarah Ackroyd, daughter of thelate Thomas Ackroyd, of Birkenshaw, Esq.,At Beith Manse, Ayrshire, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Colville, Francis Johnstone Wilson, Esq., ofStroquhan, to Jane Margaret, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr Colville.At Doonbank, parish of Maybole, on the 12 th inst., by the Rev. Mr Renwick, Mr Maitland Nicol,confectioner, Glasgow, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr John M'Creath, farmer, there.At Irvine, on the 10th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Allison, Troon, to Miss Catherine M'Kelvie, daughter of Mr T.M'Kelvie, Irvine.At Ardrossan, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Mr Bryce, of the parish church, Ardrossan, Mr John Boyle,baker, Ayr, to Jane, second daughter of Mr John Boyd, Saltcoats.At 100, Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr Guthrie, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Burns, D.D.,minister of St. George's Free Church, Paisley, to Elizabeth Bell, daughter of the late Thomson Bonar, Esq.,of Grove.At Hollygreen, Kilmaurs, on the 10th inst., Mr William Ritchie, Glasgow, to Jessie, eldest daughter of theRev. David <strong>Robert</strong>son.At New-Galloway, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. James Maitland, Mr James Conehor, to Mary, youngestdaughter of Mr Andrew M'Jannet, cooper there.
At Chapel-Knowe, Half Morton, on the13th instant, by the Rev. William Bernet, Mr George Davidson,Southwoodfoot, to Mary, daughter of Mr James Little, late in Tarrasfoot.At Palmerston, Maxwelltown, on the 16 th instant, by the Rev. William Blackwood, Mr John Moffat, spiritmerchant, Dumfries, to Miss Mary Copeland.At No 131, Clarence Place, Glasgow, on the 17th inst., Captain Greig, Staff officer of the Liverpool District,to Frances, only daughter of Douglas Veitch M'Murdo, Esq., collector of her Majesty's customs at Glasgow.At Campbell, Closeburn, on the 6 th instant, by the Rev. William Rogerson, Thornhill, Mr Herbert M'Clellan,to Isabella - and Mr John Smith, to Jane - both daughters of Mr Hamilton, farmer, Campbell.At Campbell, Closeburn, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. William Rogerson, Thornhill, Mr Herbert M'Clellan,to Isabella - and Mr John Smith, to Jane - both daughters of Mr Hamilton, farmer, Campbell.At Flowdence, Half-Morton, on the 13 th instant, by the Rev. William Burnet, Mr John Beattie, Sarkshields,to Janet, eldest daughter of Mr Abraham Richardson, Flowdence.At St. George's Church, Hanover Square, London, on the 14th instant, Sir Francis Hastings Doyle, Bart., toSidney, youngest daughter of the Right Hon. C.W. Williams Wynn, M.P.&c.At Ayr, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Schaw, Mr Charles Imrie, nurseryman, to Elizabeth, third daughterof the late Mr John Cochrane, merchant.At Ochiltree, on the 20 th inst., by the Rev. Mr Walker, Mr Wm. Morton, to Miss Baird, Holmhead,Auchinleck.DEATHSAt Sheuchan Mill, near Stranraer, on the 19th inst., of croop, Margaret Milvain, youngest daughter of MrThomas Cardie.At Glenluce, on Sabbath last, John M'Clean, advanced in years. For some time he was engaged in theSpanish wars, and was present at the severe conflict in Saragossa.At Ayr, on Friday, the 20th inst., the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> M'Millan, Rector of Ayr Academy, and formerly Rector ofthe Dumfries Academy - A more extended sketch of our departed friend will be published in our next.At Carinside, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 23d instant, Mary Griffins, aged two years.At Rosebank, near Newton-Stewart, on the 23d instant, Miss Mary Logan, aged 73 years.At Castle-Douglas, on the 11th instant, Mr John Alexander, mason, for many years a Sergeant in theGalloway Local Militia, aged 90 years.At Gatehouse, on the 18th instant, Janet, infant daughter of Captain John Edgar, of the schoonerWoodman, of Kirkcudbright.At Gatehouse, on the 11th instant, Mr David Milligan, joiner.At Gatehouse, on the 13th instant, Mr Thomas Biggam, carter.At Dumfries, on the 19th instant, William Stirling Graham, Esq., of Duntrune.At Dumfries, on the 19th instant, in the 53d year of his age, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Huddleston, smith and veterinarysurgeon.At Kilmarnock, on the 11th inst., James, only son of Mr Kemp, Excise Officer.At Little Laught, parish of Ardrossan, on the 12th inst., Margaret Ramsay, wife of the late Mr John Skeoch,aged 87 years.At New Langholm, on the 10th instant, Helen, spouse of John Cowan, writer.At Glasgow, on the 17th inst., the Rev.John Macallister, of the Free Church, Kilbride, Arran.At West Waterfoot, Annan, on the 14th instant, Mrs Kelton, or Jessie Montgomery, relict of the late MrKelton, farmer, in Torthorwald, at an advanced age - much respected.At Dalbeaettie, on the 13th instant, Mr George Copeland, late gunner, Royal Navy, aged 80 years.At 15, Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, on the 13th instant, the Rev. James Inglis.