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to offer advice onfundraising andserved as a Trusteeand has recentlyoffered to be anambassador for<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Hearts</strong> <strong>Matter</strong>in order to promotethe charity to thecorporate marketand the localcommunity,working with IanAsh.Sally took a career break as aPhysiotherapist to care for Thomas inthe early years but when he startedschool Sally was able to graduallyincrease her hours and we are morethan happy to help in collectingThomas from school and being able tocare for the children in school holidays,etc.Thomas loves school and he excelsat mental arithmetic, has an incrediblyenquiring mind and has a greatknowledge of the mechanics of my car,brought about by his interest in readingthe Renault manufacturer's manual onour way home! He is particularlypopular with the girls in his class basedon the number of party invitations hecomes home with. Only last week Iwas particularly proud to see Thomasbeing awarded a certificate inassembly for his ‘Big writing’ and anentry in the Golden Book.Joe is extremely caring towards hisbrother and whilst they have a healthycompetitive edge on the X Box Joe iscurrently teaching Thomas ‘selfdefence’. Duvets and cushions areplaced on the living room floor whilethey create a wrestling ring andThomas is deftly developing his ownwrestling moves. Joe is proud thatThomas is learning how to defendhimself if necessary, while we look onwith trepidation. I’m not sure Thomasactually enjoyed it initially but Joe wassure he needed the skills and Thomasnow gives as good as hegets.Thomas is very consciousof healthy eating and one ofhis most significantachievements for us isbeing our mentor insuccessfully losing over 5stone in weight betweenus. Being a huge fan of theWii Thomas becameworried and quite upset todiscover I registeredoverweight and Colin obesewhen doing a body test.We were encouraged to doa daily body test andThomas would note ourprogress and encourage usto have a healthier diet – itworked and now we daren’tstray, having reached our‘ideal’ goal.Thomas is so proud of us but he willnever know just how proud we are ofhim.Calling allGrandparentsPhoenix Cardso impressedrange, goodciate havingp and thankthe last fivew.phoenixctand everyThis page has been addedto give our very importantgrandparents the chance toshare their story, why they dothings for LHM and what theirinvolvement is.Contributions can be as big oras small as you like, the mostimportant thing is that wewould love to hear from you.If you'd like to be a part of thenewsletter just email Deb ondeb@lhm.org.uk or give us acall - 0121 455 8982We are really looking forwardto hearing from you.15

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