XFINITY™ Internet 2go Service Agreement - Official Customer Site

XFINITY™ Internet 2go Service Agreement - Official Customer Site

XFINITY™ Internet 2go Service Agreement - Official Customer Site

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10. ASSIGNABILITYThis <strong>Agreement</strong>, the Leased Equipment and the <strong>Service</strong> furnished hereunder may notbe assigned by you. We may freely assign our rights and obligations under this<strong>Agreement</strong> with or without notice to you.11. TERMINATIONComcast reserves the right at any time to terminate your use of the <strong>Service</strong> if youfail to comply in full with any term of this <strong>Agreement</strong>, or any other terms,agreements, or policies that apply to the <strong>Service</strong>.a. Term. This <strong>Agreement</strong> will be in effect from the time that charges commenceuntil (i) it is terminated as provided for by this <strong>Agreement</strong> or by any addendum tothis <strong>Agreement</strong> or (ii) it is replaced by a revised <strong>Agreement</strong>. <strong>Service</strong> chargesgenerally will begin two (2) days after the date we ship the Leased Equipment orPurchased Equipment to you. If you self-install, activate or use the <strong>Service</strong> with<strong>Customer</strong> Equipment you obtained from a source other than Comcast, charges beginthe day that your order for the <strong>Service</strong> is entered into our system. The option to selfinstallis subject to availability.b. Termination by You. Unless you have signed a minimum term addendum,you may terminate this <strong>Agreement</strong> for any reason at any time by notifying Comcastin one of three ways: (i) send a written notice to the postal address of your localComcast business office; (ii) send an electronic notice to the e-mail address specifiedon www.comcast.com; or (iii) call our customer service line during normal businesshours. Subject to applicable law or the terms of any agreements with governmentalauthorities, all applicable fees and charges will accrue until this <strong>Agreement</strong> hasterminated, the <strong>Service</strong> has been disconnected and, if applicable, all LeasedEquipment has been returned. We will refund all prepaid monthly service feescharged for the <strong>Service</strong> after the date of termination (less any outstanding amountsdue Comcast for the <strong>Service</strong>, third party services for which Comcast is the collectionagent, Leased Equipment, or other applicable fees and charges).c. Suspension and Termination by Comcast. Under the conditions listedbelow, Comcast reserves the right, subject to applicable law, to act immediately andwithout notice to terminate or suspend the <strong>Service</strong>. Comcast may take these actionsif it: (i) determines that your use of the <strong>Service</strong> does not conform with therequirements set forth in this <strong>Agreement</strong>, (ii) determines that your use of the <strong>Service</strong>interferes with Comcast's ability to provide the <strong>Service</strong> to you or others, (iii)reasonably believes your use of the <strong>Service</strong> may violate any laws, regulations, orwritten and electronic instructions for use, or (iv) reasonably believes that your useof the <strong>Service</strong> interferes with or endangers the health and/or safety of our personnelor third parties. Comcast's action or inaction under this Section shall not constitutereview or approval of your or any other user’s use of the <strong>Service</strong> or informationtransmitted by or to you or users.d. Your Obligations upon Termination.You agree that upon termination of this <strong>Agreement</strong> you will do the following:1. You will immediately cease all use of the <strong>Service</strong>;2. You will pay in full for your use of the <strong>Service</strong> up to the date that this<strong>Agreement</strong> has been terminated and the <strong>Service</strong> is disconnected,7

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