1848 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
1848 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
1848 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
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At his residence, Willow Grove, on Lake Erie, on the 1st ult., Wm. Laurie, Esq., third son of the late PatrickLaurie, Esq., of Urral.At Newton Stewart, on the 31st ult., Mrs M. Douglas, relict of the late Mr John Douglas - much regretted.At Wigtown, on the 14th inst., Mr Peter M'Kelvie.At Upper Hardland, parish of Balmaclellan, on the 2d inst., aged 20 years, Jane Bell, after a lingeringillness.At Birmingham, on the 10th inst., aged 74 years, Mrs William McGowan, late of New Galloway.24 th February 1847 (Week 8)BIRTHSHere, on the 20th inst., Mrs James M'Douall, draper, of a son.Here, at Canongate Street, on the 23d instant, Mrs William Hare, of a son.Here, at Queen Street, on the 6th instant, Mrs Michael M'Kean, of a daughter.On the 13th inst., at Park of Drumgussle, Stirlingshire, the lady of David Stewart, Esq., of a son.At 15, Clarence Street, Edinburgh, on the 5th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Mure, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Largs, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. David Buchan Dowie, the Rev. Adam Blyth, minister of the FreeChurch, Girvan, to Jane, only daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Allan, Esq.At Seaview, Newton-on-Ayr, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. James Stevenson, Mr Adam Reid, bookseller,London, to Jane, only daughter of Mr W. Ingram, jeweller, Ayr.DEATHSHere, on the 21st int., the infant son of Mr James M'Douall.At Gallowhill, on the 5th inst., Jean M'Creath, relict of the late Mr Wm. Speirs, farmer there.At Knowe, parish of Penningham, on the 14th inst., Alexander, son of Wm. M'Nairn, Esq., aged 20 years.At Portwilliam, on the 12th inst., Mrs Cloy.At Portwilliam, on the 19th inst., Susan, daughter of Mr John Sloan.At Boghouse, on the 20th inst., Mrs Shennan.At Rozelle, Ayr, on the 14th inst., in the 71st year of his age, Archibald Hamilton, Esq., of Rozelle andCarcluie - much and justly regretted.At Langholm, on the 17th inst., Mr William Lorrain, teacher of the Broomholm School, aged 40 years. Hewas distinguished as a scholar, and much respected by all who knew him.At Langholm, on the 18th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Irving, second son of John Irving, miller, aged 26; and the same day,Walter Forster, joiner there, aged 85 years.2 nd March <strong>1848</strong> (Week 9)BIRTHSHere, at George Street, on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr Edgar, shopkeeper, of a son.In St. James's Square, London, on the 23d ult., the Countess of Eglinton and Winton, of a son.At Kittydarroch, on the 23d ult., Mrs John M'Culloch, of a daughter.At Barrhill, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr William Murdoch, of twins, a son and a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, at Harbour Street, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. George Charles, of the Free Church, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Sibbet,tailor, to Miss Isabella Buchan.At Lochans, parish of Inch on the 28th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hogarth, Mr Alex.M'Fee, to Margaret, eldeset daughter of John M'Dowall, innkeeper there.At Waukmill Cottage, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. T. Blair, Mr Lewis M'Gregor, joiner, Barrhill, to SophiaDick.
At Glendusk, Colmonell, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. B. Laing, James, eldest son of Mr Joseph Blain, farmer,Lackhead, to Janet, second daughter of the late Mr John M'Culloch, Aird.At Glen Yerrick, parish of Kelton, on Tuesday, the 22d ult., by the Rev. Samuel Cowan, Mr John Stoddart, ofLiverpool, to Miss Clanachan, daughter of Mr William Clanachan, farmer, Glen Yerrick.At Kirkandrews, Borgue, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Samuel Smith, of the Free Church, Mr James M'Girr,to Miss Helen Sword.DEATHSAt High Mye, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 25th ult., Janet M'Kenzie, relict of the late Mr William M'Kie,aged 87 years.At Bute, parish of Colmonell, on the 15th ult., Mr Jas. Ferguson, advanced in life, leaving a large family tolament his loss.At Flourbank, near Newton-Stewart, on the 15th ult., Mrs M'Kean, widow of the late William M'Kean, Esq.,of Challoch.9 th March <strong>1848</strong> (Week 10)BIRTHSAt Droughtay, parish of Mochrum, on the 23d ultimo, the wife of Mr Stewart, farmer there, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr Simpson, Mr James Lavrie to Miss Sarah Adair.At Wood of Auchleand, parish of Wigtown, on the 29th ult., by Mr T. Young, pastor of the CongregationalChurch, Garliestown, Mr Wm. Walbran, Baptist minister, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr Ferguson,Wood of Auchleand.At Kildonan Lodge, Colmonell, on the 25th ult., Mr Lewis M'Gregor, to Miss Sophia Dick, Kildonan.At Maybole, on the 18th ult., by the Rev. A. Thomson, of the United Presbyterian Church, Mr JamesMilliken, spirit dealer, Girvan, to Elizabeth, third daughter of the late James Rodger, merchant, Dalrymple.DEATHSAt Hobart Stonehouse, near Plymouth, at the house of his brother in law (Mr George Cook), on the 25thult., aged 22 years, Mr Thomas Milroy, after a long and painful illness. The deceased was followed to thechurch by about 50 of his countrymen, who followed the mourners in procession two and two, andreturned in the same manner. He was a native of the neighbourhood of Stranraer, and a young man ofgreat promise.At Twynholm Village, near Kirkcudbright, on the 25th ult., after a lingering illness, Mary, daughter of MrBeck.At Barsyard, Buittle, on the 3d inst., John Gordon, farmer, on the 66th year of his age.At New Galloway, on the 17th ult., Provost J. M. Kay, in the 75th year of his age. Seldom have we beencalled upon to record the death of an individual whose loss has been so generally felt and lamented.At Townhead, near Gatehouse, on the 23d ult., Mr J. Rain, aged 78: he was an extensive farmer and grazier.Suddenly, on the 27th ult., at the residence of his son, Mr John M'Nish, builder Manchester, Mr GeorgeM'Nish.16 th March <strong>1848</strong> (Week 11)BIRTHSAt Glengyre, parish of Leswalt, on the 9th inst, Mrs Archibald Auld, of a daughter.At Dalrymple Street, Girvan, on the 12th inst., Mrs J. M'Quaker, of a son.At Penrose Terrace, Penzance, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr Gavin M'Fadzean, draper and tea dealer, ofa son.At Gatehouse, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr M'Dougal, manager of the Cotton Factory, of a son.
MARRIAGESHere, at Clayhole, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. R. Hogarth, Mr William <strong>Robert</strong>son, to Mary, daughter ofCaptain Aitken.Here, at St. Andrew Street, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. R. Hogarth, Mr Peter M'Kie, baker, to Margaret,daughter of Mr M'William, shoemaker.At Bridgebank, near Stranraer, on the 16th inst., Mr James M'Meikan, Aird, to Elizabeth, daughter of MrWylie, farmer, Bridgebank.At Alticry, parish of Mochrum, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr Hugh Gordon, to Miss CatherineDormand.At Creebridge, Newton Stewart, by the Rev. Mr Johnston, Minnigaff, Mr Wm. Paterson, to Miss MaryHeron.At Barlochan, on the 8th inst., John Wilson Browne, Esq., Liverpool, eldest son of the late Captain MurrayBrowne, of her Majesty's 75th Regiment, to Jane Susan, second daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> M'Knight of Barlochan,Esq.At Culvennan, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Whitson of Crossmichael, Mr Richard M'Morrine,accountant, British Linen Co's Office, Castle Douglas, to Janet, eldest daughter of Mr James Gordon, farmer,Culvennan.DEATHSHere, at Harbour Street, on the 13th instant, Mrs M'Dowall, aged 75 years.At Clayhole, here, on the 15th inst., Mr John Kerr, aged 88 years.At Gallowhill House, on the 13th inst., Mr Hugh M'Kissock, of the late firm of HughM'Kissock & Co., merchants, Ayr, aged 64 years - after 20 years illness, borne with Christian fortitude andresignation.At Sandhead, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 13th inst., Mrs William Campbell, aged 86 years.On the 4th inst., in his 79th year, Maitland Falcon, Esq., of Largs, Kirkcudbrightshire.At Dalbeattie, on the 4th inst., after a long and severe affliction, Mr John M'Nish, of the Maxwell Arms Innthere, aged 30 years - deeply regretted.At Gatehouse, on the 3d inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Harper, dyker, aged 72 years.23 rd March <strong>1848</strong> (Week 12)BIRTHSHere, at King Street, on the 20th inst., Mrs Alexander M'Clymont, of a daughter.Here, at Castle Street on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr John M'Caul, shoemaker, of twin sons.Here, in George Street, on the 12th instant, the wife of Mr John M'Douall, cabinetmaker, of a daughter.Here, in Greenvale Street, on the 18th inst., Mrs David Edgar, of a daughter.At Larbrax, parish of Leswalt, on the 21st instant, Mrs Charles Kerr, of a son.At Girvan, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr Thomas M'Quaker, bookseller, &c., of a son.At Bridge Street, Girvan, on the 13th inst., Mrs M. Morton, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt the Manse of Girvan, on the 15th inst. by the Rev. John Milroy, of Ballantrae, <strong>Robert</strong> M'Cartney Gordon,Esq., of Rattra, Commissary Clerk of Kirkcudbright to Helen, eldest daughter of the late Rev. PeterM'Master, minister of Girvan.At Stronesker, Argyllshire, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr Mackenzie, Free Church, Lochgilphead, MrM'Kay, farmer Kilbride, to Margaret, daughter of Mr Cochrane, Stronesker .DEATHSHere, in Hanover Street, on the 17th instant, Jane Ramsay, wife of captain Walker,Here, in Castle Street, on the 21st instant, Mr Alex. Henderson, sen., aged 71 years.
At Kirkmabreck, parish of Stoneykirk, this morning, Mary eldest daughter of Mr M'Camon, farmer there.At her eldest son's house, 51, East Regent Street, Greenock. on the 20th inst., Mary Graham , relict ofWilliam Stewart, Esq., merchant, Glasgow.On the 19th inst., aged 65 years, Agnes M'Credie, relict of Mr John Gibson, Stewarton, Kirkcolm.At Fleet Street, Gatehouse, on the 13th instant, Mr John Stewart, architect and sculptor, aged 55 years.30 th March <strong>1848</strong> (Week 13)BIRTHSAt Barrhill, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Clery, of a daughter.At Scarhead, parish of Colmonell, on the 24th inst., the wife of Mr John M'Cracken, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt St. John's, Dalry, by the Rev. Samuel Blair, Mr M. Kelly, farmer, Birchhill, Crossmichael, to Miss MargaretCallender, St. John's.A Livingston House, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Dr Freeland, Mr T. Evans, Professor of Music, toMargaret, second daughter of Mr Gordon, farmer, Livingston House.At the Presbyterian Church, Canning Street, Liverpool, on the 15th inst., Mr W. Thomson, to Jane, youngestdaughter of John Rae, merchant.At Moray Place, Edinburgh, on the 22d inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Handyside, Esq., advocate, Sheriff of Stirlingshire, toHelen, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Bruce, Esq., of Kennet.DEATHSHere, at George Street, on the 29th instant, after a lingering illness, borne with Christian patience andresignation, Margaret Alexander, aged 81 years.Here, at Harbour Street, on the 26th inst., Alexander, aged 4 years and 6 months, son of Mr Cruickshanks.At Barrhill, on the 23d inst., Stewart M'William, relict of the late John Rowan, farmer in Lane of Barr, aged70 years.At Lochtan, parish of Colmonell, on the 27th instant, Christina M'Farland, wife of Mr James Morrison,farmer there, aged 73 years.At Newton Stewart, on the 12th inst., aged 54 years, Mr Thomas M'Adam, late merchant.At Castle Douglas, on the 21st inst., aged 23 months, James Hopkirk, son of James Laidlaw, surgeon.At Glencroft, Twynholm, on the 17th inst., aged 89, Mrs Williamson, relict of Mr Williamson, late farmerand grazier, Ingliston - much regretted.At Kirkcudbright, on the 22d ult., aged 30 years, Mr James M'Gowan, master of the schooner Earl of Stair,Wigtown.At Gatehouse, on the 21st inst., Peter M'Gaw, mason there, aged three score and ten years.Same day, aged 46 years, Mrs Rossana M'Tier, wife of Mr Cunningham, joiner.On the 23d aged 35 years, Miss Eliz Carmont, dressmaker.At Cardiff, on the 18th inst., of a disease of the heart, the Most Noble the Marquis of Bute.At Barskimming House, on the 17th inst., Lieutenant General Sir Jeremiah Dickson, K.C.B., Colonel 61stRegt. aged 73.6 th April <strong>1848</strong> (Week 14)BIRTHSIn St. John Street, here on the 6th instant, the wife of Mr Andrew M'Credie, shoemaker, of a son.At Gallowhill, on the 2d inst., Mrs Paterson, of a daughter.At Machermore, parish of Old Luce, on the 31st ult., Mrs Ross of a daughter.At Little Dangart, parish of Colmonell, on the 29th ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> M'Whirter, of a daughter.At Girvan, on the 25th ult., the wife of the Rev. P. Hately Waddell, of a son.Lately, at Aylesford, N.S. the wife of Mr Joseph Dougan, of four sons, who were baptised by the LordBishop of Nova Scotia, and named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
MARRIAGESOn the 4th inst., in Church Street, Stranraer by the Rev. W. Smellie, Jas Ritchie, Esq., Dunbar's Dock,Belfast, to Margaret Sprott, relict of the late William Sprott, Esq., writer, Stranraer.At Shalloch on Tig, parish of Colmonell, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr Blair, Mr Robt. M'Culloch youngestson of Mr John M'Culloch, farmer Auchenkibert, Ballantrae, to Jean, eldest daughter of Mr JohnDrummond, farmer, Shalloch.At St. George's Church, Hanover Square, London, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. George Mathias M.A.Chaplain of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, Lieutenant Gabriel Francis Chesney, Royal Artillery, to Louisa,youngest daughter of the late Edward Fletcher, Esq., of Park Street, London, and of Corsock, in theStewartry of Kirkcudbright.DEATHSAt Lauriston House, Edinburgh, on the 20th ult., Mrs Vans Agnew, senior, of Barnbarroch and Sheuchan,aged 87.In Greenvale Street, Stranraer, on the 26th ult., Janet Nelson, spouse of Charles Hood, gunner, Hon. E.I.C.S.Killapore, aged 41 years.In Queen street, here, on the 5th inst., Catherine, daughter of Mr John Hood, aged 23 years.On the 27th ult., Anne Wortley Montague, widow of the late J. M. Fector, Esq., and only daughter of the lateSir <strong>Robert</strong> Laurie, Bart, M.D. for Dumfrieshire.At Port Robinson, Niagara District, Canada West, on the 26th January last, Philip K. Fullarton, Esq., fourthson of the late W. Fullarton, Esq., of Skelton, Ayrshire.14 th April <strong>1848</strong> (Week 15)BIRTHSAt High Salchrie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 2d instant, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong>son, of a daughter.At Corswall Lighthouse, Kirkcolm, on the 2d instant, Mrs Reid of a son.At Bank Street, Wigtown on the 12th inst., Mrs W. M'Gowan, watchmaker, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Cleland, Lanarkshire, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Wm. Francis Sandys, A.M., vicar of St. Mary'sBeverley, and private chaplain to Lord Belhaven, John More Nisbett, Esq., of Cairnhill, to Agnes, thirddaughter of North Dalrymple, Esq., of Fordel.At Augusta, Ga, on the 17th February last, by the Rev. William Bussey, Dr. William M'Lean, of Stranraer toMiss Louisa Jeanette, youngest daughter of Lewis Park, Esq., of Lincoln county, Ga.At Glasgow, on the 5th instant, by the Rev.John W. MacMeeken, Lesmahagow, Mr Alex. Hewison,schoolmaster, Morton, Dumfriesshire, to Miss Elizabeth King, Ballantrae.At the Manse of Ayr, on the 9th inst., by Professor Gray, D.D. the Rev. David Ritchie, minister of Tarbolton,to Mary, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Auld, and widow of the late Alexander Wilson, Esq.DEATHSAt New York, on the 20th March, Elizabeth Hallan, wife of James Ross, Esq., M.D., late of Newtonards,Ireland.At Sun Street, Stranraer, on the 12th inst., Alexander, son of Mr William M'Lean, aged 21 years.At Glenluce, on the 7th instant Alex M'Clumpha, weaver, an old and respectable inhabitant.At Leith, suddenly, the Right Rev. Michael Russell, LLD. and D.C.L., Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway.At Torphichen street, Edinburgh, on the 6th instant, Grace Graham, fourth daughter of the late Thos.Bushby, Esq., Collector of her Majesty's Customs at Kirkcubdbright.21 st April <strong>1848</strong> (Week 16)
BIRTHSNo BirthsMARRIAGESAt Portwilliam, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Dunlop Mr H. Hamilton, to Miss Margaret Kennedy.At Mochrum Kirk, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. A. Young, Mr James Corance, to Miss Agnes Murray.DEATHSAt the Reformed Presbyterian Manse, Stranraer, on the 20th inst., John, son of the Rev. Mr Macleod, agedthree years and four months.At St. John Street, here, on the 17th instant, Grace M'Bryde, spouse of Mr George Murray, tailor, aged 67years.At Neptune Street, here, on the 14th instant, Mr William Morrison, carpenter, in his 83d year.At Stoneykirk Road, here, on the 18th inst., William Campbell, schoolmaster, aged 76 years.At Broadstone, near Stranraer, on the 14th instant, Alexander Wyse, son of Mr M'Culloch, aged 6 years.At Glenluce, on the 5th inst., Terrence Nish. For many years he acted as hostler to Mr M'Kenzie, - he wasan honest man, and much respected by all who frequented the King's Arms. His anecdotes were noted fororiginality, and will be long remembered in connection with the author, who was better known by thename of "Tarry".At Glenluce on the 16 th instant, Mrs Milroy – a young woman, who has left a husband and family todeplore her loss.At Whithorn, on the 16th ult., of smallpox, Mr - McQueen, flesher, - much regretted.At Garliestown, on the 17th inst., Mr John Dunsmore.At Knocktim, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 18th instant, Margaret Kerr, aged 17 years.At Lintmill, near Glenluce, on the 11th inst., Agnes, third daughter of John Milroy; and on the 13th inst,Jean Hills, mother of the said John Milroy, and on the 16th Agaes M'Vae, his spouse - all of typhus fever,leaving the son, father and husband with six helpless children to deplore his almost unsupportablebereavements.28 th April <strong>1848</strong> (Week 17)BIRTHSAt Crawick Mill, near Sanquhar, on the 22d inst., Mrs Elder, wife of Mr William Elder, accountant, UnionBank of Scotland, Kirkcaldy, of a son.At Innermessan, parish of Inch, on the 26th inst., Mrs Alexander Blain, of a daughter.On the 26th inst., Mrs Cochrane, Craigcaffie, of a son.At Killimore on the 20th inst., Mrs Arthur Culloch, of twins - a son and daughter.At Wigtown, on the 20th inst., Mrs S. Gibson, of twins, a son and daughter.At Bladnoch, by Wigtown, on the 12th inst., Mrs Andw. M'Clelland, of a daughter.At Waulk Mill, Colmonell, on the 15th inst., Mrs Wm. Galt, of a daughter.At Bents, Colmonell, on the 6th inst., Mrs M'Millan, of a daughter.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 19th inst., Mrs Cumming, of a son.At the Crichton Institution, Dumfries, on the 19th inst., Mrs W. A. F. Browne, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, in Hanover Street, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. Mr M. Simpson, Mr James Mitchell, smith, to MissGrace Paton, dyer.At Portpatrick, on the 25th inst., Mr John Alexander, carpenter, to Jean, second daughter of Mr W. Wallacethere.At 7 Royal Crescent Edinburgh, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Dr Muir, John M'Haffie Esq., yr. ofCorsemalzie, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late John Russell, Esq., Edinburgh.At Sorbie, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. James Fleming, Mr James Fleming, mason, Wigtown to Janet M'Kie.At Drumore Village, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 25th inst., Mrs James M'Gaw, late farmer in Cairngaan, to
Miss Jean Allison, of Drumore.At Drumore Village, same day, Mr William M'Culloch, of Kirdrine, to Miss Margaret M'Culloch of Drumore.On the 27th inst., Mr William Wallace, farmer, Cairngarroch, to Miss Agnes Hutchison, Crichan,Kirkmaiden.On the 27th inst., Mr Alexander M'Cormick, mason, in Muntlock, to Miss Agnes M'Colm, Mull of Galloway.DEATHSAt the Reformed Presbyterian Manse, Stranraer on the 20th inst., of scarlet fever, John, son of the Rev. J.MacLeod, aged three years and four months, He was a child of singularly interesting appearance, andaffectionate and engaging disposition, which endeared him to all who knew him. Judging from hisremarkable development, and the daily proofs given, his mental and moral capabilities were of a highorder. When alone, his infant mind seemed absorbed with the Divine character, the nature of Heaven, and,in a peculiar manner, the love of Christ to "little children". His sudden death has produced a deepsensation within a wide circle of Christian friends and relations. - Cor.At Bridge Street, here, on the 25th inst., Mr William Millar, aged 72 years - he was highly respected by alarge circle of friends.At George Street, here, on the 27th inst., aged 6 years, Alexander John Dalrymple, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong>Beattie, merchant - deeply regretted by his sorrowing relatives.At Greenock, on the 22d inst., Mr Alex. Skimming, ship carpenter, aged 27 years - a native of Stranraer.At Knocknnassy, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 21st inst. aged 5 years, John, youngest son of Mr JohnPaterson, farmer, Knocknassy.At Knocktimn, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 18th inst. in the 17th year of her age, after a painful illness,borne with Christian resignation, Janet, second daughter of Mr Hugh Kerr, Ballochdone Mill, parish ofBallantrae - This melancholy case affords a striking proof of the mutability of all terrestrial enjoyments.An amiable young female, in the full enjoyment of health, and buoyant with youthful hope, leaves home incompany with a companion of the same age and sex, to visit relatives in a neighbouring county: a few daysare spent in innocent pleasure when at a relative's house she is taken suddenly ill, and laid upon a bedfrom which she is doomed never to rise. How true that "in the midst of life we are in death!" What astriking address to all, "Be ye also ready."At Wigtown, on the 15th inst., Mr Alex Bell, mason aged 63 years: and on the 23d Miss Margaret M'Lean,advanced in years.At Boreland Cottage, Anwoth, on the 15th inst., after a brief illness, Mrs Isabella Hall, wife of Mr Robt.Carson, late of the Murray Arms Inn, Gatehouse.At Forfar, Isabella Smith, of Galloway, widow, aged 102.At Govan (Girvan?), on the 23d inst., Dr Andrew <strong>Robert</strong>son, late of High John Street, Glasgow. [letteringindistinct]The Rev. Dr. Cairne, Professor of Logic and Belles Lettres in the Belfast Academical Institution, died onFriday, from an attack of influenza. The rev. gentleman filled the logical chair for 32 years, and was a manof highly cultivated intellect and liberal opinions. H(e would have) been on the decline for several years.[lettering omitted]5 th May <strong>1848</strong> (Week 18)BIRTHSAt Stranraer, on the 1st inst., Mrs M'Neel Caird, of a daughter.At Hillhead, here, on the 30th ult., Mrs O'Brien, of a daughter.At Barrhill, on the 29th ult., Mrs Thomas Sloss, of a daughter.At Girthon Manse, on the 25th ult., Mrs Murray, of a daughter.At Dunmuir House, Castle Douglas, on the 29th ult., Mrs Clarke, of a daughter.At Abbey Green, Lesmahagow, on the 15th ult., the wife of the Rev. Jas. Goold, Newton-Stewart, of a son.MARRIAGESAt 5, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, on the 25th ult., <strong>Robert</strong> Bruce, Esq., of Keznet, to Jane HamiltonFergusson, daughter of Sir James Fergusson, late of Kilkerran, Baronet, and of the Right Hon. LadyHenrietta Fergusson.
At Maitland Street, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. James Meiklam of Brownfield, John Douglas, Esq., to MissJanet, youngest surviving daughter of the late Mr John Martin, farmer, Changue, Mochrum, Wigtownshire.At Girvan, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. D. Sym, Mr Hugh M'Janet, baker, Ayr, to Jane, youngest daughter ofthe late Mr John Lusk, farmer, Pinmore.At Barrhill, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. T. Blair, Mr James Caskrie to Miss Ann M'Grigor.DEATHSIn Charlotte Street, on the 1st inst., Mr James Espie, grocer aged 41 years.At George Street, here, on the 2d inst., Mary Bryce, daughter of Mr Walter Murray, grocer, aged 3 yearsand 8 months.At Barncaughlaw, parish of Minnigaff, on the 25th ult., Ebenezer Wilson, aged 82 years. Deceased wastenant of Barncaughlaw for 60 years, and died deeply regretted by all who knew him.At Newton Stewart, on the 28th ult., after two days illness, William Milligan, painter.At Gatehouse, on the 27th ult, Mr James Dunbar.At Kirkcudbright, on the 29th ult., <strong>Robert</strong> Beattie, mariner.12 th May <strong>1848</strong> (Week 19)BIRTHSAt High Street, Stranraer, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr James Smith, printer, of a son.MARRIAGESAt South-East Kirkbryde, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hyslop, Mr Alex. M'Gill, toMiss Ann Stevenson.At Church Street, Creetown, on the 18th ult., by the Rev. John Muir, Mr Thomas M'Nish, blacksmith, toMiss Jane Halliday.At John Street, Creetown, on the 2d inst., Mr William M'Nish, blacksmith, to Miss Elizabeth Johnstone.At Port-William, on the 4th curt., by the Rev. Alex. Young, Mr Thomas M'Crindle, mason, to Jane, eldestdaughter of Captain Alexander Hill, of the "Bargany".At Monreith Buildings, on the 9th curt., by the Rev. W. Dunlop, Mr William Kennedy, mariner, to Jane,daughter of Mr William Carruthers, coachman to Edward T. Bainbridge, Esq., Monreith House.DEATHSHere, at Bridge of Aird, on the 5th inst., Mr Samuel Irving, aged 85 years.At Doss, parish of Inch, on the 6th inst., Mr James Drynan, farmer there, aged 34 years.At Edinburgh, on the 8th inst., Elizabeth Anderson, wife of Mr David Hannay, late of Glenluce, after longand severe trouble, borne with Christian patience and resignation.At Barsalloch, on the 10th curt., Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr John M'Jannet, farmer.At Droughtag, Mochrum, on the 4th instant, Mary Kinnel, advanced in years.19 th May <strong>1848</strong> (Week 20)BIRTHSAt Kirkinner Village, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr John Crawford, tile maker, of a son.At Blenheim Palace, on the 6th instant, the Duchess of Marlborough, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Millhall, Borgue, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Samuel Smith, of the Free Church, Mr John Wilkinson toMargaret, youngest daughter of Mr James Maitland farmer there.At All Saint's Church, on the 13th February last, Mr John Murdoch, draper, Birmingham, formerly of<strong>Web</strong>ster Ligget, New Galloway, to Mrs Herriot Beardsmore, of New John Street West, Birmingham.
At St. George's Church, Hanover Square, London, on the 8th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Peel Dawson, Esq., late Captain inthe Grenadier Guards, to the Hon. Mary Elizabeth Brownlow, eldest daughter of the late and sister of thepresent Lord Lurgan.At Stoneleigh, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Lord Saye and Sele, the Hon. and Rev. Henry Pitt Cholmondely,youngest son of Lord Delameer, to the Hon. Mary Leigh, daughter of Lord Leigh of Stoneleigh Abbey.DEATHSHere, at church Street, on the 15th instant, Janet M'Culloch, aged 17 years.Here, at Queen Street, on the 11th inst, Mary Gardiner, aged 9 years.Here, at Neptune Street, on the 17th instant, Janet M'Whinnie, wife of Mr Gavin Weir, shoemaker, aged 31years.At Newton Stewart, on the 10th inst., Mary, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Hannay, M.D., Glasgow -deeply regretted by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.At Corseyard, Borgue, near Kirkcudbright, on the 10th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with Christianhumility and subdued resignation, Mr Thomas Porter, formerly tenant of the farm of Plunton, aged 81years.At Daltangan, on the 14th inst., Mary Sloan, wife of John Gordon, mason, aged 51 years.At 5, Little Dove Hill, on the 10th inst., Jemima, only daughter of Mr B. Davie, merchant, Glasgow - Friendswill please receive this intimation.At the house of his brother in law, Primrose Bank Blackburn, on the 8th instant, Mr John Holme Noble lateof Kirkcudbright.At Whithorn, on the 9th inst., after a very lengthened illness, borne with Christian patience andresignation, George M'Cracken, aged 22 years. The deceased was a very promising young man, and hisearly demise has made an irreparable breach in the family of his widowed mother. All who had thepleasure of his acquaintance, deeply lamented the removal of a true hearted friend.At Langholm, on the 26th ult., Mr John Dalgliesh, aged 80 years, - a man much respected.At Halcroft, parish of Langholm, on the 27th ultimo, Mr James M'Vity, very suddenly, aged 37 years.At Langholm, on the 9th instant, Mr John Howatson, thread manufacturer, aged 78 years.26 th May <strong>1848</strong> (Week 21)BIRTHSAt Drumdoch, parish of Inch, on the 21st inst., Mrs John M'Conchie, of a son.At Stewarton, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 23d inst., Mrs Logie, of a son.At Munches, on the 20th inst., the wife of Wellwood Maxwell, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Gatehouse, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Johnston, Mr Wm. Holmes, mariner, to Miss MaryHalliday.DEATHSHere, at St. John Street, on the 22d inst,. Mr William Hannah, baker, aged 22 years - much regretted.At Whithorn, of small-pox, on the 14th inst., Hathorn Callie, aged 21 years.At Sorbie Village, on the 14th inst., Mr W. Coughtrie, innkeeper, advanced in years.At Castle-Douglas, on the 11th inst., Mr John Kissock, auctioneer.At Ballantrae, on the 18th curt., Mr William Wilson, coach-driver, there. He had adjusted the harness, andwas about to take his seat in a car, when he fell down, and immediately expired. The deceased was wellknown on the road for many years, and was highly respected for his obliging disposition, and uprightconduct.2 nd June <strong>1848</strong> (Week 22)BIRTHS
Here, at Charlotte Street, on the 26th ultimo, the wife of Capt. David Kennedy, of a daughter.At the Mains of Kirkcowan, on the 21st ult., Mrs Hugh M'Clure, of three sons. One of the children has sincedied, but the other two, as well as the mother are doing well.MARRIAGESAt Larg of Corroughtree, parish of Minnigaff, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. James Goold, of the ReformedPresbyterian Church, Newton-Stewart, Mr James Fleming, chemist and druggist, Stranraer, to Jane, eldestdaughter of Mr James Milroy, farmer, there.At Kildonnan, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Mr Hogarth, Mr John M'Gill, to Miss JanePaterson.At Barrhill, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. P Fergusson, Inch, Mr John White, to Grace,youngest daughter of Mr Robt. Kelly, farmer.DEATHSHere, at Hanover Street, on the 31st ultimo, Elizabeth Wilson, wife of Serjeant John Black, aged 58 years -much regretted.Here, at St. John Street, on the 28th ultimo, of scarlet fever, David Smellie, aged 2 years; and on the 31stultimo, Jessie, aged 4 years, son and daughter of Mr John Crawford, sawyer.Here, on the 30th ultimo, Alexander, youngest son of Mr John M'Douall, cabinet-maker.At Waulkmill, parish of Leswalt, on the 16th ultimo, James son of Mr Benjamin Buchanan, aged 17 months.At Barscarrow, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 26th ultimo, after a short illness, Peter, son of Mr JamesGibson, farmer, there.At Sandhead, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 31st ultimo, Mr Hugh Stewart, innkeeper.At Kirkcudbright, on the 24th ult., Mr James Cavan, merchant, aged 56 years.At Castle Douglas, on the 28th ult., Samuel M'Keur, Esq., surgeon, aged 64 years.9 th June <strong>1848</strong> (Week 23)BIRTHSHere, at Castle Street, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr James Shaw, baker, of a son.At Edinburgh, on the 31st ult., the Lady of Captain Dalrymple Hay, of a son and heir.At her residence in London, on the 1st ult., the Lady Mary Oswald, of Auchencruive, of a son and heir.At Craigdarroch, on the 30th ult., the wife of J. G. Jarvis, Esq., of a daughter.At Myroch, on the 31st ult., Mrs M'Garvagh, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Myroch, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr Williamson, John M'Garvagh, to Miss Mary Keand.At Inch, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hogarth, Mr James Addiss, to Miss Mary Paterson.At Nithside, Dumfries, on the 5th curt., by the Rev. W. B. Clark, James Clark M'Michan, Esq., of Corbieton,to Elizabeth, only daughter of Philip Forsyth, Esq., of Nithside.At Newfield, Urr, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr Burnside of Urr, Mr John Blacklock, to Nicholas, fourthdaughter of Mr Mitchell, farmer, Newfield.At Delhi, on the 4th April, by the Rev. Fitzhenry W. Ellis, M.A., A. Reid, Esq., surgeon, 4th N.I., third son ofthe late <strong>Robert</strong> Reid, Esq., of Kirkennan, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, to Harriet, eldest daughter of MajorJohn Hamilton, late of H.M. 77th Regiment, eldest son of the late James Hamilton, Esq., Green Hills, countyof Donegal.DEATHSAt Clayhole, here, on the 3d inst, Samuel M'Cune, aged 2 years and 3 months, youngest son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong>Downie.At New Luce, on the 7th inst., Mr John M'Bryde, aged 80 years.At Drimnagh Lodge, Dublin, on the 3d instant, Mr William Campbell, late of Stranraer, aged 79.
Near Port Robinson, Canada West, on the 20th April, after a lingering and painful illness, John, second sonof Mr Wm. Murray, late farmer in Urral, parish of Kirkcowan, Wigtownshire. The premature demise of thisyoung man is deeply regretted by his friends and acquaintances.At Pisa, on the 12th ult., Fanny, the wife of Charles Cunningham, Esq., of <strong>Robert</strong>land, Ayrshire, and thirddaughter of the late Sir John Call, Bart.At Rickery Cottage, near Carlisle, on the 31st May, Isabella Taylor, third daughter of Lieutenant Taylor,Staff officer of Pensioners.16 th June <strong>1848</strong> (Week 24)BIRTHSAt Albemarle Street, London, on the 12th current, the lady of John Dalrymple, Esquire, yr. of Fordel andCleland, of a son.At Glasserton, on the 12th inst., Mrs Brooke Cunliffe, of a son.At the Original Seceder Manse, Stranraer, on the 12th instant, Mrs R. J. Watt, of a son.Here, at Harbour Street, on the 15th inst., the wife of Stewart Kennedy, gardener, of a son.Here, at St. John Street, on the 11th inst., the wife of John Crawford, sawyer, of a daughter.At Binnhouse, Colmonell, on the 8th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Harkness, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Wigtown, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. P. Young, Mr Alexander Kennedy, saddler, to Miss Margaret,only daughter of Mr James Byron Burgess, Wigtown.At Fell, Glasserton, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. S. Clanahan, Mr Andrew Leverie, teacher, Ravenstone, toMargaret, only daughter of Mr Jamieson, farmer.At Castle-Douglas, on the 2d instant, by the Rev. Samuel Cowan, Mr Francis C. Crosbie, third son of MrWilliam Crosbie, Midpark, Crossmichael, to Mary Fullarton, second daughter of Mr Alex. Fullarton, ofCastle Douglas.At Worthington, State of Pennsylvania, U.S., on the 28th April last, George W. Ross, Esq., to Jessie, youngestdaughter of Mr Stair Kerr, formerly tenant in Kirminnoch, parish of Kirkcolm, Wigtownshire.DEATHSHere, on the 13th inst., of scarlatina, in his sixth year, <strong>Robert</strong> Alexander, youngest child of Dr Mackie.Here, at St. Andrew Street, on the 13th inst., Ann Broadshaw, wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Stewart, shoemaker, -much regretted.Here, at Castle Street, on the 12th instant, Euphemia Flockhart, youngest daughter or Mr Francis Kerr,tinsmith.Here, in Castle Court, George Street, on the 9th inst., Jane, daughter of Mr John M'Douall, cabinetmaker.At Craighlaw, Kirkcowan, on the 8th instant, Mr Alex. Grange, in the 82d year of his age.At Tongland Village, on the 8th curt., Mr John Payne, joiner, aged 57.At Kirkcudbright, on the 7th curt., advanced in life, Mr James Aird.At Dabton, on the 1st curt., Thomas Crichton,Esq., of Auchenskeoch.23 rd June <strong>1848</strong> (Week 25)BIRTHSHere, on the 22d instant, the wife of Capt. Wm. Cumming, of the steamer "Briton", of a sonAt Leswalt, on the 18th inst., Mrs Thos. Spence, of a daughter.At Drumore Village, on the 14th instant, Mrs Captain Chalmers, of a son.At Drumore village, on the 16th inst., Mrs Wm. M'Gaw, innkeeper, of a daughter.At Drumore Village, on the 16th inst., Mrs Captain M'Millan, of a daughter.At Meikle Carse, Minnigaff, on the 16th May, Mrs Hughan, of a son.At 332, Argyll Street, Glasgow, on the 31st ult., the wife of Mr John Buchanan, of a son.At Paisley, on the 18th inst, the wife of Mr Hugh McCredie, of a son.
MARRIAGESHere, on the 20th inst., James Watson, hostler, to Elizabeth Welsh.At Meikle Mark, parish of Leswalt, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. John M'Gregor, Mr John Murray, farmer,Cairnhall, Balfron, Stirlingshire, to Grace, third daughter of Mr William M'Kissock, Meikle Mark.At Portpatrick on the 20th inst., by the Rev. A. Urquhart, Mr David Rankine, to Ann, eldest daughter of thelate Mr William Alexander of the Coast Guard.At Inch, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Peter Ferguson, Mr M'Donald of the Ordnance Survey, to MissMary Hannah, Glenluce.At Drumore Village, on the 15th inst., Mr Peter Nibloe, to Janet M'Culloch.DEATHSAt Airlour, on the 8th current, Mrs Cumming, wife of James Cumming, Esquire.At Low Curghie, Kirkmaiden, on the 18th inst., Miss Janet Jamieson.At Drumore Village, on the 16th inst., Elizabeth Leichman, relict of the late Mr Mearns, Lightkeeper, Mullof Galloway, aged 65 years.At Wigtown, on the 18th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Keand, procurator fiscal for the Burgh of Wigtown, aged 87years - the oldest lawyer in the county.At Meikle Carse, Minnigaff, on the 12th instant, Mary M'Kie, aged 82 years, relict of the late Mr SamuelHughan, farmer in Balhazie, by Creetown.30 th June <strong>1848</strong> (Week 26)BIRTHSAt Lochnaw, on the 21st inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Caldwell, of a son.At Allandoo, parish of Leswalt, on the 26th inst., Mrs Samuel Martin, of a son.At Challoch, parish of Leswalt, on the 27th inst., Mrs John Kirk, of a son.At Broadstone, parish of Leswalt, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr D. M'Culloch, of a daughter.At Blair, on the 24th current, the lady of Capt. Blair of Blair, Royal Navy, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 13th inst., Mrs J. Graham, of a daughter.At Port William, on the 13th curt., the wife of James M'Cormick, Esq., surgeon, of a daughter; and on the19th, the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Sim, watchmaker, of a son.At Plunton Mains, parish of Borgue, on the 24th inst., Mrs A.H. McNaught, of a son.At Govan, near Glasgow, on the 22d inst., the wife of Mr Andrew Riddel, baker, of a son.At Wigtown, N.B., on the 27th of June, the lady of John McMaster, of Kildarroch, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, at Hanover Street, on the 23d inst., James M'Creadie, farrier, to Mary, second daughter of the late Mr<strong>Robert</strong> M'Cloy.At Gelston, on the 23d curt., by the Rev. William Symington, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, CastleDouglas, Mr Samuel Smith, to Miss Janet Crosbie.At Glenluce, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Dowall, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Shearer, farmer, to Miss ElizabethChambers, Crows.At Madron, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. William Wood, Mr Richard Newman, Captain of the schooner"President" of Scilly, to Miss Ursula Mumford Rowe, builder, Penzance. The happy couple embarked thesame day on board of the "Lioness" packet for Scilly, en route for South America.DEATHSHere, at St. John Street, on the 26th inst., Anne McCredie, relict of the late Hugh Alexander, mariner.Here, at Hanover Street, on the 22d inst., Mary-Ann, only daughter of Mr John Maclure, innkeeper, agedfive years five months.Here, at London Road, on the 24th inst., Lucretia, daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Mackie, Esq., aged seven years andeight months.
7 th July <strong>1848</strong> (Week 27)BIRTHSHere, on the 26th ultimo, Mrs E. Todd, of a son - still born.Here, at Fisher Street, on the 24th ult., Mrs Torrance, of a son.At Rephad, on the 4th instant, Mrs W. Finlay, of a daughter.At Achenflour, on the 28th ult., Mrs M'Ilwraith, of a daughter.At Gillespie, parish of Old Luce, on the 5th instant, Mrs Anderson, of a daughter.At Portwilliam, on the 28th ultimo, the wife of Mr James Finlay, of a son.At Casterton, Old Hall, Westmorland, on the 1st inst., the wife of the Rev. R. Cowper Black, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, at St. John Street, on the 4th inst., by the Rev J. M'Gregor, Mr Richard Rankin, to Miss Agnes Watson.At Eldrig Village, on the 29th ultimo, by the Rev. Alexander Young, Mr Andrew Paterson, to Miss ElizabethHutcheson.At Nether-Lenkins, Rerrick, on the 27th ult., Joseph Kissock, Esq., Boreland of Anwoth, to Agnes, youngestdaughter of the late Alexander Cunningham, Esq., of Nether-Lenkins.DEATHSHere, at King Street, on the 30th ultimo, Alexander, eldest son of Mr M'Clymont, currier, aged 8 years. Hewas a boy of very great promise, and has died justly regretted.At Rose Street, on the 6th inst., aged 5 years and 6 months, Grace, second daughter of Mr Charles Murray,shoemaker.At Port William, on the 19th ultimo, Tethia Kirk, aged 37 years.At Portwilliam, on the 20th ultimo, William Bell, aged 60 years.At Ballantrae, on the 29th ult., Mr James Wylie, surgeon.At New Calabar, on the 11th January last, of fever, after nine days illness, Charles, second son of the lateCaptain Charles M'Crackan, of Stranraer, in his 20th year.Died, suddenly at Howgate, Pennicuick, on the 28th ultimo, Christian, elder daughter of the late Rev.Professor Duncan, D.D. Mid Calder.At Bankherd, Doonpark, Kirkpatrick Durham, on the 28th ultimo, Mr John Douglas, late farmer of Trudale,aged 83 years.At Kirkcudbright, on the 30th ultimo, <strong>Robert</strong>, youngest son of Mr Thomas Sproat, merchant, aged 10years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 27th ultimo, James Kelly, grocer, there aged 38 years.At Cornharrow, parish of Dalry, on the 17th ultimo, Mr James Ramsay, aged 62,At Barrhill, on the 27th ult., Mr John M'Kerney, innkeeper and postmaster there, aged 61 years. In him thewife has lost a loving husband, the child an indulging parent, and the public a faithful, attentive, andobliging servant, who in all relations will not be easily replaced.At Halfmark, parish of Colmonell, on the 30th ult., Sarah, daughter of Mr Alex. M'Calm, farmer there, aged29 years.14 th July <strong>1848</strong> (Week 28)BIRTHSHere, at North Strand Street, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr Anthony Martin, printer, of a son.At Drimnagh Lodge, Dublin, on the 7th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> M'Meiken, of a sonAt Kirkcudbright, on the 6th instant, Mrs Anthony Mackenzie, of a daughter.MARRIAGES
At Port-William, on the 10th curt., by the Rev. Mr Reid, of Kirkinner, Mr John Simpson, merchant, Kirk ofMochrum, to Ann, relict of the late Mr Wm. Hill.At 18 Gray Street, Newington, near Edinburgh, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. George Johnstone, JamesWaldie, Esq., Millisle, Garlieston, to Miss Jane Seyden Ker, Kelso.At Kirkcudbright, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. John Underwood, Mr James Whiggam, to Miss JaneMacintyre.At Ayr, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Davidson of Holywood, Mr Hugh Railton, writer, Glasgow, toElizabeth, daughter of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Davidson, merchant, Ayr.DEATHSAt South Ardwell, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 6th inst., Mr John Gibb, farmer.At Kirkcudbright, on the 2d inst., very suddenly, Agnes Halliday, relict of the late James Lidderdale.At Threave Mains, Balmaghie, on the 30th ult., Mrs Helen Corrie, wife of Mr James Gordon, in the 29thyear of her age.At the Free Manse of Langton, on the 25th ult., the Rev. John Brown. D. D., in the 71st year of his age, and44th of his ministry.21 st July <strong>1848</strong> (Week 29)BIRTHSAt Drumdough, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr Wm. M'Kelvie, of a daughter.At St. Andrew Street, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr Charles Morrow, of a daughter.At Whitehills, parish of Sorbie, on the 10th instant, Mrs Matthews, of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr David Hannay, of the Ordnance Survey, of a son.At Culhorn, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr Alexander Macloy, gamekeeper, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Trinity Crescent, Edinburgh, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. Mr Davidson, of North Leith, George L.Falconer, Esq., bank agent, Fettercairn, to Jane, daughter of David Macmillan, Esq., Viewfield,Kirkcudbrightshire.At Langland Street, Kilmarnock, on the 20th ult., by the Rev. Thomas Main, Mr James Williamson, KnoweVillage, Penninghame, to Alison, eldest daughter of Mr John Wright of Knowehead, Dalmellington.DEATHSAt Queen Street, here, on the 15th inst., Mr John Davidson, Seaman, at the advanced age of 84 years.At Clayhole, here, on the 17th inst., Jane McMurtrie, advanced in years.At Sheuchan Mill, on the 16th inst., Daniel, youngest son of Mr Thomas Cardie, in his tenth year.At Langholm, on the 10th inst., Mr James Beattie, sen. tailor, aged 67 years.At Wigtown, on the 18th inst., Mrs Jean M'Kinna, relict of the late James Jorie, schoolmaster, there.At 6, Upper Main Street, Gorbals, on the 1st inst., Helen Muir, relict of Mr James Stewart, formerly ofBarsolas, Inch, Wigtownshire28 th July <strong>1848</strong> (Week 30)BIRTHSAt Bellevilla House, Stranraer, on the 17th inst, the wife of Peter M'Lean, Esq., Mull, of a daughter.Here, at Neptune Street, on the 26th inst., the wife of Mr Henry M'Lean, of a son.At Balcraig, parish of Glasserton, on the 24th inst., Mrs John Gordon, of a daughter.At Crossclays, parish of Ballantrae, on the 18th inst., Mrs Fergusson, of a daughter.At St. Andrew Street, Kilmarnock, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr Andrew Murray, tailor, of a son.At New York, on the 5th inst., the lady of Stuart C. Maitland, Esq., yr. of Dundrennan, of a son.At Balgreddan, on the 17th inst., the wife of Wm. Bell, of Gribtae, of a son.
At Low Milton, parish of Mochrum, on the 20th inst., Mrs M'Leod, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Lewis Street Stranraer, on the 27th inst., by the Rev. George Charles, Charles R. Sibbald, Esq., RoyalBank, Leith, to Isabella Seamon, only daughter of the late Thomas Taylor Esq., Stranraer.At Clayhole, on Monday, the 17th instant, by the Rev. James Stewart, of Sheuchan, Mr John Freeman, toJessie, daughter of Mr Peter M'Haffie, mariner, Clayhole.At Springfield, Castle Douglas, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Whitson of Crossmichael, EbenezerGladstone, Esq., of Birchfield, Liverpool, to Agnes Hawthorn, third daughter of the late Nathaniel Neilson,Esq., of Springfield.At Little Cocklick, Urr, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. George M. Burnside, William Anderson Esq., draper,Blackburn, Lancashire, to Mary, eldest daughter of Thomas Gibson, Esq., of Cocklick.At Kirkcudbright, on the 21st inst, by the Rev. George Wood, of the United Presbyterian Church, Mr JamesIrvine, Gatehouse, to Miss Agnes Walker.At Glasgow, on the 11th inst., Mr John Douglas, measurer, to Mary Stewart, daughter of Anthony Nish,Esq., writer.DEATHSAt George Street, here, on the 21st inst, Peter, son of Mr Cairns, mason, aged 8 years; and at HarbourStreet, on the same day, Robina Morland, aged 7 years - both of scarletina.At Gravesend, on the 9th inst., Daniel M'Cartney, aged 32 years - master of the Barque "Sultan" ofGlasgow. The deceased was a native of Stewarton, parish of Kirkcolm, - much regretted.At Portpatrick, on the 27th inst., the wife of Mr John M'Kie.At Portpatrick, on the 25th inst., Miss Janet M'Culloch, after a lingering illness.At Kirkcudbright, on the 10th inst., Captain Alex. Hannay, late of Liverpool.At Red Ligget, Buittle, on the 18th inst., in the bloom of life, Margaret, youngest daughter of the lateMungo Kelly, farmer, Old Orchardton - much regretted.At Nantwich, on the 17th inst., William Brown, aged 23 years, son of Mr John Brown, tea-dealer, Nantwich,Cheshire, formerly of Argrennan, Tongland.4 th August <strong>1848</strong> (Week 31)BIRTHSAt Baldoon, Wigtown, on the 30th July, Mrs James Caird, of a daughter.At 6, Melville Street, Edinburgh, on the 29th ultimo, the lady of Thomas Anderson, Esq., advocate, of adaughter.Here, at St. Andrew's Street, on the 3d inst., the wife of Mr James O'Connell, of a son.At Glenluce, on the 27th ultimo, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Saunders, draper, of a son.At Alandoo, parish of Leswalt, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs Peter M'William, of a daughter.At Stroquhan, on the 25th ult., Mrs Johnstone Wilson, of a daughter.At Falkland Place, Glasgow, on the 19th ult., the Lady of <strong>Robert</strong> Hannay, Esq., of Rusko, of a son.At Lochhead, parish of Colmonell, on the 24th ultimo, Mrs James M'Blain, of a son.At Grahamston, parish of Colmonell, on the 24th ult., Mrs John Milroy, of a daughter.At East Altercannoch, parish of Colmonell, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs James Martin, of a daughter.At Corwar Mains, on the 31st ultimo, the wife of Mr John Dickson, gardener to Mr Wilson, Esq., Corwar, ofa son.MARRIAGESAt Clayhole, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. James Stewart, of Sheuchan, Mr James Addis, mariner, to MissMary Diamond.DEATHS
Here, at Stoneykirk Road, on the 14th ult., Thomas, son of the late Mr Lupton, gamekeeper, Culhorn, aged21 years.At Fineview, Glenluce, on the 1st instant, awfully sudden, Jannet M'Guffie, spouse of Thomas Saunders,farmer there.At Netherwood Bank, on the 21st ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Thomson, merchant, Dumfries, in his 73d year.At Blair House, Dalry, on the 22d ultimo, Adelaide, third daughter of Captain and Mrs Blair of Blair, agedtwo years and one month.At the Free Church Manse Logie, on the 30th June, the Rev. Andrew Melville, in the 74th year of his age,and 46th of his ministry.At Ardrossan, on the 24th ult., the Lady of Captain Hope Reid, R.N., Esq., of Grangehill.On the 19th ult., Ann, widow of the late Mr Cobbett, M.P., in her 74th year.11 th August <strong>1848</strong> (Week 32)BIRTHSAt Whithorn, on the instant, Mrs R.H. Smith, of a son.At the Grange House, on the 28th ult., the lady of Sir John Dick Lauder, Bart., of Fountainhall, of a son.At Auchencairn, Rerrick, on the 21st ult., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Scott, schoolmaster, of a son.At Walsall, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr Samuel Thompson, draper, Bradford Street, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Kirkcudbright, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. John Underwood, Mr Richd. Horton of Manchester, toHenrietta, second daughter of Mr John Gooch, Kirkcudbright.At Edinburgh, on the 1st inst, by the Rev. Dr. Candlish, the Rev. David Paton, Free Church, Fettercairn, toCatherine, eldest daughter of the late John Shaw, Esq., writer, Cupar Fife.DEATHSHere, at Hillhead, on the 6th inst., James, son of Mr Peter Harries, grocer.Here, at King Street, on the 7th instant, Elizabeth Hannah, Glasgow, formerly of Stranraer, aged 52 years.At Grennan, parish of Glasserton, on the 2d inst., Alexander Kingan, aged 38 years.At 4, Laurel Road, Fairfield, Liverpool, on the 3d inst., Mr James Roan, cattle salesmanAt Kirkcudbright, on the 1st inst., in the prime of life, Elizabeth Callie, wife of Mr James M'Ewen, Liverpool- much regretted.At Carrick House, Ayr, on the 2d inst., Anne Cunninhhame of Monkredden, relict of the Rev. JohnMonteath, D.D. minister of the united parishes of Houston and Killallan, in her 86th year.At Garliestown, on the 23d ult., Miss Jane Hadden Murray, aged 21 years, after a tedious illness - justlyregretted by all who knew her.18 th August <strong>1848</strong> (Week 33)BIRTHSAt Neptune Street, here, on the 17th instant, the wife of Mr David Tod, engineer, of a daughter.At Clay-Crop, parish of Kirkinner, on the 1st inst., Mrs Wallace, of a son.At Springkell, on the 7th inst., the lady of Sir J. Heron Maxwell, Bart. of Springkell, of a son.On the 30th ult., the Duchess of Argyll, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Craig, Balmacellan, on the 11th inst, by the Rev. Mr Wilson, Mr James Thomson, Borgue, to Miss MaryMilligan.At St. Barnabas' Church, Liverpool, on the 7th inst., Mr Wm. Miller, of Laurel Street, to Euphemia, youngestdaughter of the late John M'Murray, builder, &c., Kirkcudbright.
DEATHSAt North Strand Street, here, on the 14th curt., William, third son of Mr James Lavery, hostler, aged 5years.At Balscalloch, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 11th instant, Eliz. McCrea, relict of the late Mr Niven Agnew,farmer there, aged 91 years.At Wigtown, on the 14th curt., Mr Michael Owen, merchant, aged 75 years.At Creetown, on the 14th current, Miss Jean Kiterick, grocer there, aged 80 years.At Girvan, very suddenly on the 11th current, Mr James M'Queen, advanced in life.At Girvan, on the 9th current, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Niven, aged 86.At the United Presbyterian Manse, Moniaive, on the 7th inst., the Rev. James M'Geoch, in the 31st year ofhis ministery.At Kirkcudbright, on the 4th instant, Cathrine Thompson, youngest daughter of Mr James Hornel, aged 20years, after a tedious illness, which she bore with great Christian resignation and composure. Her deceaseis universally regretted by an extensive circle of relatives and acquaintances.At Boatcroft, Balmaghie, on the 10th instant, after a lingering illness, Mary, only daughter of the late MrJames Sproat, Gladepark, Borgue, who was much respected.25 th August <strong>1848</strong> (Week 34)BIRTHSHere, at Stoneykirk Road, on the 24th inst., the wife of Mr Hall, tailor, of a daughter.At Whithorn, on Friday the 4th inst, Mrs Thos. Simpson, of a daughter.At Garlieston, on the 15th inst., the lady of Capt. W. Martin, of the barque "Mary Sharpe", of a daughter.At Curzeon Street, Mayfair, London, on the 11th inst., the Lady Beaumont, of a son and heir.MARRIAGESHere, at Princes Street, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. George Charles, James Agnew, Esq., Paisley, to MissElizabeth, daughter of the late Mr Alex. Wallace, Kirkmagill, Stoneykirk.At Glasgow, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Dr Taylor, Mr James Murray, tailor, to Miss Janet M'Culloch, bothlate of Stranraer.At Whithorn, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Macindoe, Mr Samuel Wilson, Bridge of Bladnoch, toJanet, daughter of Mr Adam M'Keand, carrier.At Whitehills, Sorbie, on the 17th inst, by the Rev. E.K. Sloan, Mr David Robinson, to Miss MargaretM'Keand.DEATHSHere, at Queen Street, on the 18th inst., Jane, aged 7 years, daughter of Mr H. Findlay, innkeeper; and onthe same day William, aged 5 years, his son - both of scarletina - much regretted.Here, at Stoneykirk Road, on the 12th inst, Jessie, youngest daughter of Mr Hall, tailor, aged 3 years.Here, at Queen Street, on the 19th inst, William, son of Mr Davidson, mariner, aged 3 years and 9 months.At Greenfield, parish of Leswalt, on the 18th inst., Gavin and John, respectively aged 8 and 7 years; on the20th <strong>Robert</strong>, and on the 21st William - all of scarlatina, sons of Mr Gibson, farmer there.At Fleet Street, Gatehouse, on the 19th inst., Jas. Coates, pensioner.At Millbank Cottage, Newton-Stewart, on the 13th inst., Mrs Jean M'Kean, relict of the late Samuel M'Kean,farmer, Baltersan, aged 95. Her long and eventful life was characterised by a display of Christian virtue;and her superior intelligence caused her to be as widely esteemed as she is now deeply regretted.At Wigtown, on the 14th inst., Michael Owen, residenter, aged 75.At Newton-Lodge, Ayr, on the 3d inst., Mrs Gordon, relict of Maxwell Gordon, Esq., W.S.At the United Presbyterian Manse, Tarbolton, on the 2d inst., the Rev. John Campbell, in the 78th year ofhis age, and 45th of his ministry.At Oakdean, near Cowden, Kent, on the 20th inst., in the 61st year of his age, Lieut. Colonel William Ross,late Colonel of the 23d or Royal Welsh Fusileers.
1 st September <strong>1848</strong> (Week 35)BIRTHSAt Harbour Street, here, on the 25th ult., the wife of Mr Andrew Haswell, shoemaker, of a daughter.At Clayhole on the 28th ult., Mrs Thomas Bell of a daughter.At Clayhole, same day, the wife of Mr M'Kenzie, mariner, of a daughter.At Portwilliam, on the 21st ult., Mrs Jamison, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Edinburgh, on the 23d ultimo, George M'Haffie, Esq., of Corsemalzie, to Mary, daughter of the late MrWilliam Inglis, Edinburgh.At Merchiston Castle, on the 23d ultimo, by the Rev. Dr. Hanna, the Rev. Chas. Watson, Free Church,Langholm, to Mary Bertram, eldest daughter of Charles Chalmers, Esq., Merchiston Castle.DEATHSHere, at Garden House, Stoneykirk Road, on the 28th ult., Sarah M'Dowall, relict of the late WilliamCampbell, schoolmaster, aged 65 years.At Balsarroch, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 16th ultimo, in the 22d year of his age, David, fifth son of MrThomas Bell, farmer, Balsarroch. This is the second young person who has fallen a victim to typhus fever,which has been long prevailing in this district.At Portpatrick, on the 29th ultimo, Miss Mary Montgomery.At Wigtown, on the 27th ultimo, William Shaw Burgess, aged 72 years.At Port William, on the 28th ult., Susan Guffock, aged 51.At Port William, on the 28th ult., Mary Perrey, aged 71.At Kilantrea, Mochrum, on the 28th ult., Bridget Boyle, aged 65.At Monreith Village, Glasserton, on the 28th ultimo, May Heron, advanced in years.At Dumfries, on the 22d ultimo, after a few days' illness, Mr James Henderson, merchant - deeplyregretted.8th September <strong>1848</strong> (Week 36)BIRTHSAt Blackwood, Dumfriesshire, on the 18th ult., the lady of Wm. Copland, Esq., of Colliston, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Abercrombie Place, Edinburgh, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Patrick Borrowman, Free Church ministerof Gencairn, John Hamilton, Esq., Accountant, youngest son of the late Colonel Hamilton of Angostura, toMargaret, second daughter of the late Philip Grierson, Esq., Glasgow.At Kirkconnell Village, on the 18th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr Donaldson, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Baird, mason, NewCumnock, to Anne, youngest daughter of the late Mr Peter M'Crie, Kirkcudbright.DEATHSAt Rephad House, of scarlet fever, on the 5th Sept., James, aged 4 years and 5 months, youngest son ofGeorge Guthrie, Esq.,At Clayshant, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 1st inst., Miss Jean McMaster, aged 80 years.At Isle of Whithorn, on the morning of the 1st Sept., Peter Logan, innkeeper, much regretted. He has actedas pilot in this port for many years back, and has often ventured his own life to save the lives of others.At Newton-Stewart, on the 26th ult., Mr John Craik, aged 68 years. The deceased was landlord of theGalloway Arms Inn for upwards of 20 years. He was a man of the most sterling integrity, and uprighthonourable feeling. His urbanity and genuine kindness endeared him to an extensive circle of friends,
who will not soon forget his memory. His remains were followed to the grave by an unusually largeassemblage of mourners.At Meikle Isle, Borgue, on the 27th ult., Mr James Hutchison, aged 86 years, being the oldest person in thatparish, and much respected for primitive simplicity of character, and honesty in his dealings. He had beenan inhabitant for the lengthened period of nearly 70 years.15 th September <strong>1848</strong> (Week 37)BIRTHSAt Hanover Street, Stranraer, on the 9th instant, the wife of Mr M'Clure, innkeeper, Buck's Head, of a son.At Elrig Village, on the 7th instant, Mrs Kerr, of twin daughters.At Port-William, on the 7th inst., Mrs Sloan, of a son.At the Gas Works, Girvan, on the 7th instant, the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Herbert, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Queen Street, Kilmarnock, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. A. Dickie, of Aberdeen, the Rev. Matthew Dickie,of the United Presbyterian Church, Cumnock, to Agnes A. Stevenson, daughter of the late Mr Stevenson.At Grange House, Edinburgh, on the 31st ult., by the Right Rev. Bishop Terrot, Capt. W. J. Wilson, H.E.I.C.S.,to Madalina, sixth daughter of the late Sir Thomas Dick Lauder of Grange and Fountainhall, Bart.DEATHSAt Laurelbank House, Stranraer, on the 9th instant, Wilhelmina, daughter of John Adair, Esq., writer, aged7 years and 3 months.At Bridge Street, here, on the 9th inst., Agnes, daughter of the late Mr Shaw, tailor, aged 5 years.At High Street, here, on the 10th instant, Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late Mr Lister, tailor, aged 9years.At St. Andrew's Street, here, on the 8th instant, Mary Helen, granddaughter of Arthur Kelly, painter, &c.,aged 2 years and 8 months.At Hillhead, here, on the 8th inst., David, son of Mr William Orr, aged 1 years and 4 months.At New Luce, near Stranraer, on Saturday, the 9th instant, aged 26 years, Mr James Muir, jun., commercialtraveller, Glasgow.At Monreith Village, on the 10th instant, Samuel M'Culloch, in the 16th year of his age.At Port-William, on the 12th inst., James Robb aged 5 years.At Ayr, on the 4th inst., John M. Cowan, Esq.At Edinburgh, suddenly, on the 31st ult., Mr David Haig, of the Advocate's LibraryAt No. 46 Great King Street, Edinburgh, on the 1st instant, Alex. Inglis, Esq., advocate.At Whitehouse, Lamlash, Arran, on the 24th ult., John Paterson, Esq., factor to his Grace the Duke ofHamilton.22 nd September <strong>1848</strong> (Week 38)BIRTHSHere, at Castle Street, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr Thorburn, painter, of a son.At Dumfries, on the 18th curt., the wife of the Rev. James Mann, of a son.At 128, Park Line, Liverpool, on the 8th inst., the wife of W. R. Gunyon, woollen draper, of a daughter.At Castle-Douglas, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr William Fleming, flesher there, of a son.At Edinburgh, on the 9th inst., the wife of the Rev. Dr. Cunningham of a son.MARRIAGESNo MarriagesDEATHS
At Belnab, parish of Inch, on the 4th inst., Anna, seventh daughter of Mr Smith, farmer, there, aged 8 years.At Stewarton, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 14th inst., Agnes, daughter of Mr Carmichael, farmer, Bellevue,aged 21 years.At Maxwelltown, on the 12th instant, Mr David Beveridge, baker, aged 47 years.At Fish House, Kirkcudbright, on the 10th ult., Mr Andrew Wishart, aged 33 years.At Laurieston Crown Inn, on the 9th inst., suddenly, Margaret Landsburgh, spouse of David M'Quhae, aged28 years.At Glasgow, on the 14th inst., aged 35, Jessie, the relict of Mr Hugh Milligan, and eldest daughter of the lateJames Watson, Esq., surgeon, GatehouseAt Wemyss Castle, on the 7th inst., Edward Pellew, second and youngest son of Captain Erskine Wemyssof Wemyss and Torrie.29 th September <strong>1848</strong> (Week 39)BIRTHSHere, at St. John Street, on the 26th inst., the wife of Mr James Collins, shoemaker, of a son.At Balkerr, parish of Inch, on the 27th inst., Mrs Jas. M'Ilwrick, of a daughter.At Buccleuch Street, Dumfries, on the 23d inst., the lady of Dr. M'Knight, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, at Bridge Street, on the 27th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hogarth, Mr Drynan, farmer, Doss, toElizabeth, daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Millar, farrier.At Blair, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Campbell, Mr W. Thompson, to Mary,daughter of Mr Bark, Carnweil.At No 33, Magdalen Yard Road, Dundee, on the 20th inst by the Rev. Thomas Hill of Willison's Church, theRev. Alex. Milne of the Free Church, Canonbie, to Jessie, second surviving daughter of the late ThomasKidd, Esq.,At Eccles, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Hugh Stowell, M. A., Incumbent of Christ's Church, Salford, <strong>Robert</strong>Adair Ramsay, Esq., M. D., M.R.C.S., Edinburgh, of Fleetwood and Wyre, to Fanny Harriett, eldest daughterof Edward Connell, Esq., Leaf Square, Pendleton, Manchester.DEATHSHere, at Greenvale Street, on the 25th inst., Mr Hugh Sloan, aged 84 years.Here, at Hanover Street, on the 28th inst., Janet, aged 3 years and 8 months, youngest daughter of MrAlexander Small, boot and shoemaker.Here, at Trade Street, on the 8th inst., Elizabeth, and on the 21st inst., Janet, both of scarlatina, daughtersof Mr James Irving, mason; aged respectively 2 and 5 years.Here, at Trade Street, on the 8th inst., Elizabeth, and on the 21st inst., Janet, both of scarlatina, daughtersof Mr James Irving, mason; aged respectively 2 and 5 years.Here, at Strand Street, on the 25th inst, David, son of Mr Blakely, fisher, aged 3 years.6 th October <strong>1848</strong> (Week 40)BIRTHSHere, at George Street, on the 30th ult., Mrs M’Caig, of a son.At Boreland, parish of Inch, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr John Crawford, farmer there, of a son.At High Ardwell, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 29th ult., Mrs Andrew Milligan, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Lochnaw Castle, on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Thos. B. Bell, Frederick Lewis Maitland Heriot, Esq., ofRansornie, advocate, to Martha, second daughter of Sir Andrew Agnew, of Lochnaw, Bart.
At Sandhead, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> M'Neil, Mr W. Boyes, to MissOsburn.At Auchenflower House, Ballantrae, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr Blythe of the Free Church, Girvan, MrAlex. Wallace, Balrazy, to Miss Ann, daughter of James M'Ilwraith, Esq., of Auchenflower.At Maidland, on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Peter Young, Wigtown, Mr John Muir, of banks, Kirkcudbright, toMiss Marion, daughter of James Muir, Esq., Maidland.At Bladnoch Bridge, Wigtown, on the 3rd ult., by the Rev. Peter Young, Mr William Chesney, grocer,Whithorn, to Miss Charlotte Stitt.DEATHSAt Sandhead, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 29th ult., Mr Hugh M'Clean, shoemaker.At Ballantrae, on the 27th ult., Mrs Helen Earl, aged 85 years.At Mary Place, Edinburgh, on the 24th ult., Mr Duncan Maclaren, late of the commercial Bank, Stirling.At Gothic Cottage, Trinity, on the 25th ult., Mr John Marshall, Stamp Office, Edinburgh.13 th October <strong>1848</strong> (Week 41)BIRTHSHere, at High street, on the 10th instant the wife of Mr John McGuire, of a son.At 20, Ann Street, Greenock, on the 7th instant, Mrs James Broadfoot, of a daughter.At Kilisaintninian, parish of Colmonell, on the 2d instant, the wife of Mark Dunn, mason, of a daughter.At Ross, parish of Borgue, on the 6th instant, Mrs James Campbell, of a son.At Arbigland, Kirkcudbrightshire, on the 2d instant, the lady of Samuel Daniel, Esq., of a son - still born.At Acton House, Middlesex, on the 8th ult., Mrs Pollard Urquhart, of Craigston, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Moore, Mr Samuel Kerr, grocer, to Lucinda, youngest daughterof Mr John M'William, burgh officer.Here, at London Road, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. W.M. Simpson, Mr Anthony M'Kie, baker, to Miss MaryWallace.At Leaths, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. Mr Bayne, Mr Alexander Thomson, farmer, Chapeltown, to Helen,eldest daughter of Mr Hunter, farmer, Leaths.At Port-William, on the 8th curt., by the Rev. Mr Ryan, of the Catholic Chapel Newton-Stewart, Mr JamesM'Cornish, to Helen, daughter of Mr James Hartley, farmer, Drumdoo, Mochrum.At Cowbridge Chapel, Hertford, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. H. Bowhay, William Sadler, Esq., merchant,Bristol, to Georgina Dalrymple, widow of the late James Dalrymple, Esq., Bristol.DEATHSAt Culgroat, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 8th inst,. Mrs Smith, aged 74 years.At Crongart, parish of Colmonell, on the 2d inst., Agnes Blain, aged 78 years, relict of <strong>Robert</strong> Shearer, latefarmer in Crongart.At Castle-Douglas, on the 7th instant, Mr James Rae Kirkpatrick.At Newton-Stewart, on the 30th ultimo, Mr John Crawford, grain dealer, aged 57. The deceased had beenin business in Newton-Stewart upwards of thirty years, and was highly respected as an upright, honestman.At Redcastle, Kirkcudbright, on the 1st inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kerr, farmer, Boghouse, Mochrum.20 th October <strong>1848</strong> (Week 42)BIRTHSAt Lochnaw Castle, on the 19th inst., the Lady Louisa Agnew, of twin daughtersHere, at St. John Street, on the 16th inst., Mrs Thomas Rennie, of a son.
Here, at Clayhole, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr Henry McCready of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 13th inst., the lady of Henry Stuart, Esq., of a daughter.At Anwoth Schoolhouse, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr W. J. Stark, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Portpatrick, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Andrew Urquhart, of the Free Church, Mr Matthew Miller,joiner, Belfast, to Miss Mary, second daughter of Mr John Milmine, merchant there.At Barmofity, Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. Jamieson Willis, Mr Wm. M'Adam, onlyson of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Adam, farmer, Craigadam, to Margaret, only daughter of John Milligan, Esq.,Barmofity.At Christ's Church, Cambridge, on the 7th instant, by special license, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Hiddleston, tea dealer, toMiss Mary Walker Milligan, eldest daughter of Mr David Milligan, Enrick, near Gatehouse-of-Fleet.DEATHSAt Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land, on the 25th May John Elliot Addison, Esq., a native of Kirkcolm,having been upwards of 20 years in that colony.At Gatehouse, on the 27th ult., after a protracted illness, Mr James Murray, aged 72, formerly landlord ofthe Crown and Thistle Inn, Free Street. Same place, on the 12th inst., John Leckie, tailor, aged 19 years.At Gatehouse, on the 27th ult., after a protracted illness, Mr James Murray, aged 72, formerly landlord ofthe Crown and Thistle Inn, Free Street. Same place, on the 12th inst., John Leckie, tailor, aged 19 years.At Ross, parish of Borgue, on the 8th inst., Margaret Roy, wife of Mr James Campbell, farmer there - muchregretted.On the 8th inst., at Manchester, the wife of Mr William Bell, tailor, a native of the Stewartry ofKirkcudbright.27 th October <strong>1848</strong> (Week 43)BIRTHSHere, at Princes Street, on the 20th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Todd, of a daughter.At Auchleach, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 20th inst., Mrs Todd, of a son.At Kirkcolm, on the 22d inst., the wife of Mr John M'Intyre, of a son.At Kirkcolm, on the 23d inst., the wife of Mr John McCammon, of a son.At the Free Church Manse, Castle Douglas, on the 19th inst., Mrs G. Brown, of a son - still born.MARRIAGESAt Whithorn, on the 17th inst., Mr George Kennedy, tailor, Wigtown, to Miss Robina, daughter of Mr Thos.Edgar, mason, Whithorn.At Whithorn, on the 24th inst., Mr Thomas Campbell, farmer, Bailiewhir, to Miss Mary Gourlay.At Garliestown, on the 24th inst., Mr John Blain, shoemaker, Whithorn, to Miss Margaret Brodie.DEATHSAt Cairnryan, on the 25th inst., Margaret Earl, relict of the late Mr Hugh M'Gaw, aged 83 years.At Kirkinner, on the 23d inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Dickson, shoemaker, late of Stranraer, aged 27 years.On the 17th inst., at his residence Portwood Street, Windsor, near Liverpool, Captain Alexander Kennedy,a native of Portpatrick.At Drumore, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 21st inst., Anne Gunnion, aged 60 years.At the Fishpond, Portlogan, on the 23d inst., Mrs Nibloe aged 90 years.At High Curghie, on the 23d inst., Mr William Dollis.At Newton Stewart, on the 21st inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Aikin, - Friends at a distance will please to accept thisintimation.3 rd November <strong>1848</strong> (Week 44)
BIRTHSAt Lochnaw Castle, on the 31st October, the Lady of the Rev. Thomas B. Bell, of a son.In Neptune Street, Stranraer, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr John Morrison, joiner, of a son.Here, at Castle Street, on the 27th ult., the wife of Mr Montgomery, of a son.Here, at Cannongate, on the 31st ult., the wife of Mr Charles Dun Monteith of a son.At Ervie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 29th ult., Mrs Kenmure, of a son.At Merslaugh, Kirkcolm, on the 31st ult., Mrs Peter Kerr, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Kildrochat, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 31st ult., by the Rev Mr Campbell, Mr James Hannay, Freugh, toBarbara, daughter of Mr M'William, farmer, Kildrochat.At Torhouse muir, by Wigtown, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Mr Young, Captain Thomas Rae, to Miss MaryCrozier.At Ayr, on the 18th ult., by the Rev. Mr Grant, David Campbell, Esq., Mounthamilton, to Janet Stewart,daughter of the late Hamilton Douglas Boswell, Esq., of Garallan.DEATHSAt Demerara, on the 20th April last, after a long and lingering illness, Mr William M'Dowall, tailor, late ofStranraer.At Newton Stewart, on the 29th ult., Mr Archibald Agnew, carrier.At Kilmarnock, on the 18th ult., in the prime of life Mr A. Papple, son of the late Dr Papple, Gatehouse.At Gatehouse, on the 21st ult., James M'Ewen, joiner, in the 76th year of his age.At Dormont, on the 26th ult., William T. Carruthers, Esq., of Dormont and Arthington.10 th November <strong>1848</strong> (Week 45)BIRTHSAt Glenluce, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr James M'Caw, of a son.At Castle-Douglas, on the 3d inst., Mrs Wm. Burnside, of a daughter.At Kelton Manse, on the 28th ult., Mrs Cowan, of a son.At Kelton Manse, on the 27th ult., the lady of Sir Charles Metcalfe Ochterlony of Ochterlony, of a son.At Ayr, on the 7th current, the Lady of the Very Rev. W.S. Wilson, of a son.At Barrhill, on the 27th ultimo, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Cumming, of a daughter.At Girvan, on the 28th ultimo, Mrs Thomas Dunlop, of a daughter.MARRIAGEAt Montreal, on the 20tn Sept. the Right Hon the Earl of Errol, to Eliza Amelia, eldest daughter of Major-General the Hon. Charles Gore.DEATHSHere, at London Road on the 7th inst., Anne daughter of the Rev. George Charles, aged 3 years.Here, at George Street, on the 5th inst., Helen Stewart, wife of Mr Andrew Donnan flesher, aged 7(5) years- much regretted. [figure indistinct]At Glenluce, on the 3rd inst., Mr James Milroy, advanced in years.At Portwilliam, on the 1st inst., Mrs Leyburn.At Portwilliam , on the 4th inst., Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr James M'Millan, of the schooner"Watchman".At Wigtown, on the 28th ult., Alexander, son of John M'Master, Bank Street.At Gatehouse, on the 1st inst., aged fourscore years, Mrs Thomson, who at one time was hostess of theMurray Arms Inn there.
17 th November <strong>1848</strong> (Week 46)BIRTHSHere, at High Street, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr Cowan, tailor, of a daughter.Here, at St. John Street, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr John M'Candlish, seaman, of a son.At Ringuinea, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 14th instant Mrs Spence, of a daughter.At Dalbeattie, on the 2d instant, the wife of Mr Rawline draper, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt 14, George Street, Edinburgh, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Paul of St. Cuthbert's, the Rev. JohnJames Campbell, minister of Stoneykirk, to Eliza Earle, eldest daughter of the late William Paul, Esq.,accountant, Edinburgh.At Hannaston, by the Rev. Mr Maitland of Kells, on the 7th instant, Mr John Brown, Largmore, to MissAgnes Sproat.DEATHSAt Kirkland, parish of Leswalt, on the 10th instant, Mr John Stevenson, aged 84 years.At Drumore Village, parish of Kirkmaiden, Mrs Marion Wallace, wife of Mr Alexander Murray, miller there,leaving her husband and a large family to lament her loss, and much regretted by a large circle of friendsand neighbours.On the 7th instant, at Lochmaben, <strong>Robert</strong> Henderson Broun, Esquire, Surgeon to the Naval Hospital atHaulbowline, second son of the late Honourable Sir James Broun, Baronet, of Colstoun.At Cardoness, parish of Anwoth, on the 3d inst., John Cowan, in his 99th year, having been upwards of halfa century in the service of the late and present baronets of Cardoness.At 12, Norfolk Street, Laurieston, Glasgow, on the 4th instant, the Rev. S. Stevenson.At Frithfield Baths, Leith on the 3d instant, Thomas Duncan, Esq., Deputy Inspector of Military Hospitals.24 th November <strong>1848</strong> (Week 47)BIRTHSAt the Missionary Station, Apia, Upolu, South Seas, on the 2d June last, Mrs Mills, of a daughter.At Corwar House the lady of Rigby Wason, Esquire, of a son.At Ochtrelure, on the 18th inst., Mrs Gibson, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 10th instant, the lady of John M'Millan, Esq., of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Moss House, Govan, on the 17th inst, by the Rev. David Buchan Douie of Largs, <strong>Robert</strong> Douie, Esq.,Glasgow, to Eliza, eldest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Urquhart, Esq., of Moss.At Trinity Presbyterian Church, Stafford, on the 16th instant, by the Rev. J. Speirs, Mr William Sharp,Bellevue, Dudley, to Miss M.C. Campbell, daughter of William Campbell, Esq., of Dalhanny, Ayrshire.At Stoneykirk, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. John James Campbell, Mr James Lockie of the Royal Sappersand Miners, to Elizabeth Hunter, youngest daughter of Mr Thomas Hunter, postmaster there.At Wigtown, on the 20th ultimo, by the Rev. Michael Ryan, C.P. of Newton-Stewart, Mr James O'Neil,merchant, Dumfries, to Susanna, only daughter of Mr Michael Walls, merchant, Wigtown.DEATHSAt Newton-Stewart, on the 17th ult., Mr Hugh Mitchell, residenter, aged 82 years.At Cambret, parish of Kirkmabreck, on the 13th inst., William, and on the 17th, Jane, after a few daysillness, eldest son and daughter of Mr John M'Conchie, farmer there.At Falbae, parish of Kirkmabreck, on the 19th instant, Miss Agnes Burnie.At John Street, Creetown, on the 19th inst., Mr David Shaw, mason, leaving a wife and five children to
lament his loss.At sea, on the 8th October last, William Fleming, second officer of the ship Casandrew of Port Glasgow,only surviving son of the late Mr Wm. Fleming of Ayr, aged 37 years.At Gatehouse, on the 18th inst., rather suddenly, Mr William Porter, in the 60th year of his age.On the 5th inst., after a short and severe illness, aged 21, Margaret, eldest daughter of the late JamesKinna, Borgue - much regretted.1 st December <strong>1848</strong> (Week 48)BIRTHSHere at Millhill Street, on the 30th ultimo, Mrs Wylie of twins, a son and daughter.At Cairnryan, on the 17th utimo, Mrs McCarlie of a daughter.At the Manse, Kilmarnock, on the 17th ult., the wife of the Rev. J. B. Hamilton, of a son.At Changue, parish of Mochrum, on the 29th ultimo, the wife of Mr John Blain, farmer, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, at George Street, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. James Stewart of Sheuchan, Mr William Biggam, toJane, youngest daughter of the late Mr M'Cartney, Kirkbride, Kirkcolm. Immediately after the ceremony,the happy couple embarked for Australia.Here, at Hanover Street, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. James Stewart of Sheuchan, Mr John Dingwall, tailor,to Miss Mary M'Gill.At Whitedyke, parish of Mochrum, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr George M'Cormick, farmer,Barwhill, Kirkowen, to Helen, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Martin, farmer, Whitedyke.At Gatehouse, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. George Murray of Girthon, Edward Marsdon, mason, to MissJane M'Lean.At Carseduncan, parish of Minnigaff, on the 29th ult., Mr Alexander M'Kie, shoemaker, Newton-Stewart, toElizabeth, daughter of Mr Samuel Oram, farmer in Carseduncan.DEATHSHere, on the 24th ultimo, Mr Alexander M'Whinnie, innkeeper aged 38 years.At Barrhill, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 25th ultimo, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kelly, aged 77 years.At Home Park, near Adelaide, on the 6th April, after a short illness, of scarlet fever, Thomas D. AuchnaAuld, youngest son of Patrick Auld, Esq., aged 5 years.At Strabracken, parish of Ballantrae, on the 26th ult., William, eldest son of Mr M'Harg, farmer there, aged12 years.On board the Briton steamer during the passage to Ayr, on Friday the 24th ultimo, James Todd, labourer,aged 43 years.At Lauriston, parish of Balmaghie, on the 14th ultimo, Margaret M'Clellan, aged 84, relict of the late MrSamuel Bean.At Gatehouse, on the 22d ultimo, Georgina Linton, grocer and tea dealer there.At Newton Stewart, on the 29th ultimo, at an advanced age, and after a painful and lingering illness, MrAndrew Oliver. The deceased was a native of, and resided long in the town of Liverpool; and his heavyloss is deeply regretted by a very wide circle of acquaintances.8 th December <strong>1848</strong> (Week 49)BIRTHSHere, at Stoneykirk Road, on the 1st instant, the wife of Mr John Muir, shoemaker, of a son.At Knockmalloch, parish of Colmonell, on the 1st inst., Mrs John Galloway, of a daughter.At Gatehouse, on the 25th ult., Mrs Blythe, of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 30th ultimo, Mrs Fyfe, of a son - still born.MARRIAGES
At Balsarroch, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 28th ultimo, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hyslop, Mr Andrew M'Intyre,farmer, Cairnbowie, to Agnes, second daughter of Mr James Murdoch, Barbeth, parish of Stair, Ayrshire.At Clenrie, parish of Inch, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. James Ferguson, Alexander Gillies, Esq., Glasgow,to Jessie, daughter of John M'Kenzie, Esq., farmer there.At Kirkdale House, the residence of Miss Hannay, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. John Muir, Captain <strong>Robert</strong>Gordon, of the 32d Regiment M.N.I. to Susan Hannay, eldest daughter of Captain Rainsford.At Gelston, on the 28th ultimo, by the Rev. George Brown of the Free Church, Castle Douglas, Mr SamuelM'Vey, cordwainer, Carsethorn, to Miss Catherine Murray, Girvan.At Outon, parish of Whithorn, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. C. Nicholson, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Anderson, parochialschoolmaster of Sorbie, to Janet, eldest daughter of Mr John Hannay, farmer, Outon.DEATHSAt Thornbank, on the 3d inst., of scarletina, James Milwain, son of <strong>Robert</strong> Wither, aged 1 years and 9months.At Galdenoch, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 24th ultimo, Helen Neilson, aged 21 months; and at MrGibson's house, Hanover Street, Stranraer on the 3d inst., Margaret, her sister, aged 11 years, both ofscarletina - grand daughters of Mr John Muir, farmer, Galdenoch.At Dumfries, on the morning of the 3d instant, Thomas Crichton, Esq., of Aucehinskeoch, writer inDumfries, and late Provost of the Burgh.At Dumfries, on the 2d inst., Mrs Harkness, (late in Holestain), aged 73 years.15 th December <strong>1848</strong> (Week 50)BIRTHSAt Kirkland, parish of Leswalt, on the 30th ult., Mrs M'Mickan, of a son.At Stewarton, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 31st ult., Mrs Alexander McCrae, of a daughter.At Corsewall, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 12th inst., Mrs Stalker, of a daughter.At Auchencairn, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr John Bray, Ordnance Survey, of a daughter.At Liverpool, on the 4th inst., the wife of the Rev. David Brown, of the Scotch Church, Rodney Street, of ason.MARRIAGESAt Aird, parish of Inch, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hogarth, Mr Dalrymple, Sandmill, to Mary,daughter of Mr M'Meikan, farmer there.At Edinburgh, on the 30th ult., Major Rawdon Vassall, son of the late Lieut-Colonel Vassall, to MargaretEmily, daughter of the late Sir Alexander Boswell, Bart. of Auchinleck.DEATHSHere, at South Strand Street, on the 11th inst., Mr David Blakley, brickmaker, aged 58 years; and atGlenluce, on the 8th inst., Agnes, his daughter, aged 29 years.At Pinminnoch, parish of Portpatrick, on the 5th inst., Elizabeth M'Intyre, wife of Mr John M'Dowall, aged46 years.At Ardwell, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 25th ultimo, of scarletina, Andrew; and on the 10th inst., Gilbert,the two youngest sons of Mr William Muir, coachman.At Ardwell, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 25th ultimo, of scarletina, Andrew, and on the 10th inst., Gilbert,the two youngest sons of Mr William Muir, coachman.At Portwilliam, on the 10th inst., Mary, aged 92 years, wife of Mr John Thomson.At Newton-Stewart, on the 5th inst., Mary Dunbar Ker, relict of the late Alexander Gordon, Esq., ofManchester.At Kirkcudbright, on the 5th inst., at the venerable age of 88, Mr William Livingston, who was for manyyears tenant of the farm of High Borgue.At Kirkcudbright, on the 2d inst., Margaret White, relict of Mr John Hope, Master of the Commercialdepartment in Kirkcudbright Academy.
At Clachan of Girthon, on the 8th inst., at an advanced age, Mr Samuel Brown, farmer.At his house in Irish Street, Dumfries, on the 10th inst., James M'Lauchlin, Esq., surgeon.At Dumfries, on the 7th inst., Mr James Grierson, Master of the English department of the Academy, in the32d year of his age.22 nd December (Week 51)BIRTHSHere, at Hanover Street, on the 15 th inst., the wife of Mr Alexander Small, shoemaker of a daughter.Here, at St. Andrew Street, on the 18 th inst. the wife of Mr James Main, shoemaker, of a son.Here, at Stoneykirk Road, on the 19 th inst., the wife of Mr William Watson, of a daughter.At Edinburgh, on the 6 th inst., the Hon. Mrs William Maule, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Clayhole, here, on the 12 th inst., by the Rev. Mr Stewart of Sheuchan, Mr Inglis, painter, to Mary Agnew.At Glasgow, on the 8 th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Black, Mr Thomas Baird, Millwright, Crosshill, to ElizabethClarke, eldest daughter of T.H. Herbertson, Esquire, Collector, Port-Dundas.In Dumfries shire, Francis Smith, Esq., to Emily, youngest daughter of the Viscount Bolingbroke.At 122, George Street, Edinburgh, on the 13 th instant, Alfred Triton Fawkes, Esq., Chester Square, London,to Graham, eldest surviving daughter of Thomas Maitland, Esq., of Dundrennan, M.P., Her Majesty’sSolicitor-General for Scotland.DEATHSAt Stranraer, on the 15 th inst., of consumption, Alexander, son or William Drynan, farmer, Knockibay, aged21 years.Here, at Stoneykirk Road, on the 17 th inst., Elizabeth Campbell, relict of the late Mr Alexander Milwain,aged 75 years.At New Luce, on the 19 th inst., Jane, eldest daughter of Mr William M’Millan, merchant there, aged 19years.At Calliness, on the 13 th inst., Margaret M’Kie, relict of the late Mr Thomas M’Kay, farmer in Calliness inthe 85 th year of her age.At Wigtown, on the 14 th inst., Miss Helen Kelly, daughter of Mrs Kelly, Craig Inn, aged 14 years.At High Ardwell, parish of Anwoth, on the 10 th inst., Elizabeth M’Lachlin, spinster.At Kirkmabreck House, near Creetown, on the 12 th inst., Mary, eldest daughter of William Welsh, Esq.,there.At Fleet Street, Gatehouse, on the 13 th instant, Mr Richard Murdoch at an advanced age.At Twynholm Village, on the 6 th instant, Mrs Mary Welsh, innkeeper – much regretted.At Waterside, Urr, on the 29 th ultimo, the Reverend Thomas H. Haining, aged 70 years.At Corbieton, on the 13 th inst., James Clark M’Mickan, Esq., of Corbieton.29 th December <strong>1848</strong> (Week 52)BIRTHSNo BirthsMARRIAGESHere, at High Street, on the 22d instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Donald, of the Free Church, Sheuchan, MrWilliam M'Credie, compositor, to Helen, fourth daughter of Mr John Vint, joiner.Here, at Princes Street, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Mr Charles, Adam, son of the late Captain Mackieof Irvine, to Anne, youngest daughter of Mr William Thorburn, brewer Stranraer.At Appleby, parish of Glasserton, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. T. Macindoe, of the ReformedPresbyterian Church of Whithorn, George Dods, to Grace, second daughter of Mr George Adair.
DEATHSHere, at Cannongate, on the 23d instant, William, son of Mr William Wright, baker, aged 15 years.Here, at Stoneykirk Road, on the 20th instant, Mr John M'Master, weaver, aged 65 years.At Bridge of Aird, parish of Inch, on the 25th instant, Agnes, daughter of the late Mr William M'Dowall,aged 16 years.At Glenluce, on the 24th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Saunders, draper, aged 39 years, leaving a widow and four youngchildren to deplore his loss. He was a man greatly respected, and will be very much lamented.At 80, Portland Street, Glasgow, on the 19th instant, Alexander, only son of Mr Adair, Stair Arms' Inn,Stranraer, aged 31 years.At his residence, St. David's Street, Dumfries, on the 23d instant, Bailie Joseph Hammond.At Dumfries, on Tuesday last, Dr. Robt. Stephenson Templeton.