Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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Management Information SystemsInternational EditionTHE MAN AGE MENT OF TELE COM MU NI CA TIONS:Busi ness So lu tions to Busi ness ProblemsSecond Edi tionby Houston H Carr, Auburn University - Auburn and Charles Snyder,Auburn University - Auburn2003 / 736 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-291893-9 / MHID: 0-07-291893-4(with NETVIZ CD)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-119928-5 / MHID: 0-07-119928-4 [IE]CONTENTSPart I Communication Basics. Chapter 1 What is Technology? What isTele com mu ni ca tions? Chapter 2 Where did the Telephone come from andhow does it Work? Chapter 3 What Media do we use for Telecommunications?Part II Networks. Chapter 4 Data Com mu ni ca tions: What is it? Chapter 5Data Com mu ni ca tions: Conversion, Modulation, and Multiplexing. Chapter 6Tele com mu ni ca tions Models. Chapter 7 Networks by Topology: Protocols. Chapter8 Networks by Geography: Network Equipment. Part III Uses of Networks. Chapter9 The Internet – The Ultimate WAN. Chapter 10 Using Telecommunications forAc com mo da tion. Chapter 11 Business Ap pli ca tions of Telecommunications. PartIV Legislation and Global Issues. Chapter 12 How do Legislation and Regulationaffect Telecommunications? Part V Managing Telecommunications. Chapter 13How do you Manage Tele com mu ni ca tions in Organizations? Chapter 14 Howdo you Manage Tele com mu ni ca tions Projects? Part VI The Need for Band width.Chapter 15 How much Bandwidth do you need? Chapter 16 Lower reaches ofBroadband Technologies. Chapter 17 Competing Broadband Technologies. PartVII The Future. Chapter 18 The End . . . The BeginningInternational EditionBUSINESS DATA COM MU NI CA TIONSby Behrouz A. Forouzan, De Anza College2003 / 736 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-123018-6 / MHID: 0-07-123018-1 [IE with OLC]CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction. Chapter 2 Basics. Chapter 3 Data Com mu ni ca tionModels. Chap ter 4 Data Transmission. Chapter 5 Transmission Media andChannels. Chapter 6 Data Link Control. Chapter 7 Tra di tion al LANs. Chapter 8High-Speed LANs. Chapter 9 Wire less LANs. Chapter 10 Switch ing. Chapter 11Traditional WANs. Chapter 12 High-Speed WANs. Chapter 13 Networking andInternetworking Devices. Chapter 14 TCP/IP Protocol Suite. Chapter 15 InternetApplicationsInternational EditionGLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS REVOLUTIONThe Business Perspectiveby Tom Housel and Eric Skopec2001 / 312 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-118137-2 / MHID: 0-07-118137-7 [IE]CONTENTSChapter One: Perspectives on Business Tele com mu ni ca tions ChapterTwo: Telecommuni-cations Applications in Busi ness Chapter Three: TheTelecommunications Business Chapter Four: Government Regulation ofTelecommunications Chapter Five: Network Fun da men tals Chapter Six: ThePublic Switched Tele phone Network Chapter Seven: Local Area NetworksChapter Eight: Wireless Networks Chapter Nine: The In for ma tion Superhighwayand Elec tron ic Commerce Chapter Ten: Emerging Business Ap pli ca tions ChapterEleven: Capitalizing on New Re al i ties in Telecommunications Chapter Twelve:Reshaping Our WorldDecision Support SystemsInternational EditionDECISION SUPPORT AND DATA WARE HOUSESYSTEMSby Efrem G Mallach, Uni ver si ty Mas sa chu setts Lowell2000 / 672 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-116356-9 / MHID: 0-07-116356-5 [IE]CONTENTSPreface Chapter 1: In tro duc tion to Decision Support Systems Chapter 2: HumanDecision Making Processes Chapter 3: Systems, In for ma tion Quality, and ModelsChapter 4: Types of Decision Support Systems Chapter 5: DSS Architecture,Hardware and Operating System Plat forms Chapter 6: DSS Soft ware Tools Chapter7: Build ing and Im ple ment ing De ci sion Support System Tools Chapter 8: Modelsin De ci sion Support Systems Chapter 9: Math e mat i cal Models and OptimizationChapter 10: Group Decision Support Sys tems Chapter 11: Expert Systems Chapter12: Data Warehousing and Executive Information System Fun da men tals Chapter13: The Data Warehouse Database Chapter 14: Analyzing the <strong>Contents</strong> of theData Warehouse Chap ter 15: Constructing a Data Warehouse System Chapter16: Putting it all Together: Systems In te gra tion and the Future of DSS Appendix:Selected Case StudiesProject ManagementTHE AMA HANDBOOK OF PROJECT MANAGEMENTSecond EditionBy Paul Dinsmore and Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin2006 (January 2006) / 512 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-8144-7271-2 / MHID: 0-8144-7271-0<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK TitleA Professional ReferencesThe second edition of The AMA Handbook of ProjectManagement is a vital resource containing all the criticalconcepts and theories project managers must master. Thebook includes definitive models, advice and in-depth solutionsto specific project management dilemmas and illustrates keyideas with illuminating case studies. Thoroughly revised andcompletely up-to-date, it is a a comprehensive reference thatshould have a place on every project manager’s bookshelf.Includes the latest techniques on how to:• establish project goals• implement planning on both the strategic and operational levelsdesign dependable, but flexible, organisational structures• manage the project life cycle and meet objectivesbudget the project• handle the transition from project idea to project reality10493-110_MIS.indd 10411/15/06 5:27:19 PM