Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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Electrical EngineeringNEW TO THIS EDITION• C.O.S.M.O.S. Solutions Manual, provided to instructors onCD, allows for assignment generation, tracking, and distribution.Instructors also have the ability to edit homework problems.• A new four color design program• NEW!! Over 300 new homework problems have been added tothe new edition, with over 1800 total problems provided in the text.• “Enhancing Your Skills” chapter openers in several chapters• Knowledge Capturing Integrated Design Environment (KCIDE)software provided on the Online Learning Center leads studentsthrough end of chapter problems using the six-step problem solvingmethod, and keeps a record for how problems are solved so studentscan share and check their work. An appendix on KCIDE has beenadded to the text.FEATURES• The six-step problem solving methodology is introduced inchapter one and carried throughout the text to promote soundproblem solving practices. A bookmark is included with each copy ofthe book to remind students of the solution steps (and to mark theirplace).CONTENTSPart 1 DC Circuits: 1 Basic Concepts. 2 Basic Laws. 3 Methods of Analysis. 4 CircuitTheorems. 5 Operational Amplifiers. 6 Capacitors and Inductors. 7 First-OrderCircuits. 8 Second-Order Circuits. Part 2 AC Circuits: 9 Sinusoids and Phasors. 10Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis. 11 AC Power Analysis. 12 Three-Phase Circuits.13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits. 14 Frequency Response. Part 3 AdvancedCircuit Analysis: 15 Introduction to the Laplace Transform. 16 Applications ofthe Laplace Transform. 17 The Fourier Series. 18 Fourier Transform. 19 Two-PortNetworks. Appendix A Simultaneous Equations and Matrix Inversion, AppendixB Complex Numbers, Appendix C Mathematical Formulas. Appendix D PSpicefor Windows. Appendix E MATLAB. Appendix F KCIDE. Appendix G Answersto Odd-Numbered ProblemsInternational EditionNEWENGINEERING CIRCUIT ANALYSISSeventh Editionby William H. Hayt (deceased), Jack Kemmerly (deceased), andSteven M. Durbin, University of Canterbury, New Zealand2007 (January 2006) / Hardcover / 800 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-326318-2 / MHID: 0-07-326318-4(with Aris bind-in card)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110937-6 / MHID: 0-07-110937-4 [IE] book website contains the solutions manual (instructorsonly), tutorials, Virtual Professor, COSMOS and much more.The hallmark feature of this classic text is its focus on the student– it is written so that students may teach the science of circuitanalysis to themselves. Terms are clearly defined when theyare introduced, basic material appears toward the beginningof each chapter and is explained carefully and in detail, andnumerical examples are used to introduce and suggest generalresults. Simple practice problems appear throughout eachchapter, while problems that are more difficult appear at theends of chapters, following the order of presentation of textmaterial. This introduction and resulting repetition provide animportant boost to the learning process. Hayt’s rich pedagogysupports and encourages the student throughout by offeringtips and warnings, using design to highlight key material, andproviding lots of opportunities for hands-on learning. Thethorough exposition of topics is delivered in an informal waythat underscores the authors’ conviction that circuit analysiscan and should be fun.NEW TO THIS EDITION• Practical Applications boxes throughout the book connect materialto real-world situations and tie in concepts of design and problemsolving.• PSpice examples are included in relevant chapters to introducestudents to practical features such as DC sweeps, transient analysis,writing expressions in Probe, and also to show useful simulations thattie in to the text material.• Many new examples have been added, particularly in the transientanalysis chapters (7, 8, and 9), and closely related practice problemsare provided alongside examples.• Many basic level, “confidence building” end-of-chapter exerciseshave been added for the seventh edition, something specificallyrequested by students around the world.• Problem-solving techniques are introduced in Chapter One toprepare students for developing a methodical approach to circuitanalysis. The step-by-step approach is used in each subsequentchapter, with a carefully selected example in each chapter re-statingthe problem-solving methodology as a reminder to the students.• A new full color design has been implemented throughout.• Design-oriented questions appear at the ends of selected chaptersto help students grasp the complexities of the design process.• The Online Learning Center offers students eProfessor Videos,Algorithmic Problems, a Problem Solving Workbook, NetworkAnalysis Tutorials, FE Exam Review Material, a PSpice Manual, anextra chapter on State-Variable Analysis, and text updates. And forinstructors the site provides Solutions and PowerPoint slides.• COSMOS gives instructors the ability to edit all text homeworkproblems to create assignments, quizzes and tests.CONTENTS1 Circuit Analysis and Electrical Engineering. 2 Basic Components and ElectricCircuits. 3 Voltage and Laws. 4 Basic Nodal and Mesh Analysis. 5 Useful CircuitAnalysis Techniques. 6 The Operational Amplifier. 7 Capacitors and Inductors. 8Basic RL and RC Circuits. 9 The RLC Circuit. 10 Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis.11 AC Power Circuit Analysis. 12 Polyphase Circuits. 13 Magnetically CoupledCircuits. 14 Complex Frequency and The Laplace Transform. 15 Circuit Analysis inthe s-Domain. 16 Frequency Response. 17 Two-Port Networks. 18 Fourier CircuitAnalysis. 19 State-Variable Analysis--*on Web Site Only. Appendixes Appendix1 An Introduction to Network Topology. Appendix 2 Solution of SimultaneousEquations. Appendix 3 A Proof of Thevenin’s Theorem. Appendix 4 A PSpiceTutorial. Appendix 5 Complex Numbers. Appendix 6 A Brief MATLAB tutorial.Appendix 7 Additional Laplace Transform Theorems. Appendix 8 Answers toOdd-Numbered ProblemsNEWPSPICE FOR BASIC CIRCUIT ANALYSISSecond Editionby Joseph G Tront, Virginia Polytech Institute & State University2007 (January 2006) / Softcover / 128 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-326319-9 / MHID: 0-07-326319-2 (with CD)NEW TO THIS EDITION• Examples will be based on the most current version of PSPice (acopy of OrCAD PSpice will be packaged on a CD-ROM with thisbook) but the principles are applicable to other versions of PSpice.• The examples (with solutions) will be updated 20% for the newedition.Features• Includes step-by-step instructions to support novice users as theyperform schematic capture and circuit simulation.• Provides detailed explanations and examples of the use of PSpicein typical problem solving situations.• Explains some of the salient features of PSpice, includinginformation on Capture and Probe.• Chapters are written in a modular format so the organization isflexible.• This manual will work well with either <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> circuits’ text:Alexander/Sadiku’s “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 2e” & Hayt/Kemmerly/Durbin’s “Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6e.”124121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 12411/15/06 5:32:05 PM