Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books


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Electrical Engineeringpresentations for each chapter, EZTestelectronic test generator andquestions, and solutions to all textbook and Experiments Manualquestions and activities.CONTENTS1 Digital Electronics. 2 Numbers We Use in Digital Electronics. 3 Logic Gates. 4Combining Logic Gates. 5 IC Specifications and Simple Interfacing. 6 Encoding,Decoding, and Seven-Segment Displays. 7 Flip-Flops. 8 Counters. 9 Shift Registers.10 Arithmetic circuits. 11 Memory and Storage. 12 Digital Systems. 13 <strong>Computer</strong>Systems. 14 Connecting with Analog DevicesNEWMICROELECTRONIC CIRCUIT DESIGNThird Editionby Richard C. Jaeger, Auburn Univ-Auburn, and Travis Blalock,University Of VA-Charlottesville2008 (January 2007) / Hardcover / 1120 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-330948-4 / MHID: 0-07-330948-6Browse http://www.mhhe.com/jaegerMicroelectronic Circuit Design is known for being a technicallyexcellent text. The new edition has been revised to make thematerial more motivating and accessible to students whileretaining a student-friendly approach.A pedagogical framework has been added that includeschapter opening vignettes, chapter objectives, "Electronics inAction" boxes, a problem solving methodology, and "designnote" boxes.The number of examples, including new design examples,has been increased, giving students more opportunity tosee problems worked out. Additionally, some of the lessfundamental mathematical material has been moved to thewebsite.NEW TO THIS EDITION• At the request of users and reviewers, the authors have focused onthe fundamentals and given a briefer coverage of Electronics.• A pedagogical framework has been added that includes chapteropening vignettes, chapter objectives, "Electronics in Action" boxes,a problem solving methodology, and "design note" boxesFEATURES• Emphasis on design through the use of "Design Examples" and"Design Notes".• "Electronics in Action" sections connect the student to the realworld of Electronics with the use of practical applications.• Consistent problem solving methodology.CONTENTSPart I Solid State Electronic and Devices. 1 Introduction to Electronics. 2 Solid-StateElectronics. 3 Solid-State Diodes and Diode Circuits. 4 Field-Effect Transistors. 5Bipolar Junction Transistors. Part II Digital Electronics. 6 Introduction to DigitalElectronics. 7 Complementary MOS (CMOS) Logic Design. 8 MOS Memoryand Storage Circuits. 9 Bipolar Logic Circuits. Part III Analog Circuit Design.10 Analog Systems. 11 Operational Amplifiers. 12 Operational AmplifierApplications. 13 Small-Signal Modeling and Linear Amplification. 14 Single-Transistor Amplifiers. 15 Multistage Amplifiers. 16 Analog Integrated Circuits.17 Frequency Response. 18 Feedback, Stability, and Oscillators. Appendix AStandard Discrete Component Values. Appendix B Solid-State Device Modelsand SPICE Simulation ParametersInternational EditionNEWBASIC ELECTRONICSTenth Editionby Mitchel E Schultz, Western Wisconsin Technical College2007 (June 2006) / 1,056 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-322276-9 / MHID: 0-07-322276-3(with MultiSIM CD-ROM)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110848-5 / MHID: 0-07-110848-3 [IE](A Glencoe/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Title)http://www.mhe.com/grob10eGrob’s Basic Electronics, Tenth Edition, is written for thebeginning student pursuing a technical degree in ElectronicsTechnology. In covering the fundamentals of electricityand electronics, this text focuses on essential topics for thetechnician, and the all-important development of testing andtroubleshooting skills. This highly practical approach combinesclear, carefully-laid-out explanations of key topics withgood, worked-out examples and problems to solve. Reviewproblems that follow each section reinforce the material justcompleted, making this a very student-friendly text. It is athoroughly accessible introduction to basic DC and AC circuitsand electronic devices. This tenth edition of this longtimebest-selling text has been refined, updated and made morestudent friendly. The focus on absolutely essential knowledgefor technicians, and focus on real-world applications of thesebasic concepts makes it ideal for today’s technology students.NEW TO THIS EDITION• A new beginning chapter, “The Powers of Ten,” initiates thecourse with scientific notation, a math skill that every electronicsstudent must be able to use.• New Streamlined Design: The new edition of Grob has acontemporary, streamlined design that underscores the text’s tightfocus on essential topics. Marginal text features--Calculator Tips,Pioneers in Electronics, and Good to Know--have been selected anddesigned to reinforce basic skills and key concepts.• Superior Examples and Problems: Examples, carefully laid outin a step-by-step fashion, now include Practice Problems, whichprovide the students with immediate feedback. On a similar note,review problems have been reorganized to follow each sub-chaptersection, allowing an immediate link to the text material just covered.In addition, selected examples can be used with Multisim files(provided on the bound-in Multisim CD-ROM) to show students theuse of modern computer simulation techniques in circuit analysis andtroubleshooting.• Well-Integrated Ancillary Materials for Students: Ancillarymaterials flesh out all aspects of this well-considered text. TheExperiments Manual also includes a Multisim CD-ROM so studentscan combine both hands-on and simulated lab work, and a ProblemsManual provides students with an alternative set of skill-buildingproblems and exercises. The Online Learning Center websiteprovides a complete overview of the basic math needed in DC/ACelectronics, along with other useful instructor and student resources.• Instructor Ancillary Content: For the instructor, there is a printedInstructor Solutions Manual with a bound-in Instructors ProductivityCenter (IPC) CD-ROM; the IPC contains the Classroom PerformanceSystem (CPS) for in-class quizzing and classroom management,instructional PowerPoint slides, and electronic testbanks for all bookchapters.FEATURES• Extensive coverage of TroubleshootingCONTENTSPreface Introduction to Powers of 10. 1 Electricity. 2 Resistors. 3 Ohm’s Law. 4Series Circuits. 5 Parallel Circuits. 6 Series-Parallel Circuits. 7 Voltage Dividersand Current Dividers. 8 Direct-Current Meters. 9 Kirchhoff’s Laws. 10 NetworkTheorems. 11 Conductors and Insulators. 12 Batteries. 13 Magnetism. 14Electromagnetism. 15 Alternating Voltage and Current. 16 Capacitance. 17Capacitive Reactance. 18 Capacitive Circuits. 19 Inductance. 20 InductiveReactance. 21 Inductive Circuits. 22 RC and L/R Time Constants. 23 AlternatingCurrent Circuits. 24 Complex Numbers for AC Circuits. 25 Resonance. 26Filters. 27 Semiconductor Diodes: Theory and Applications. 28 Bipolar Junction127121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 12711/15/06 5:32:07 PM

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