Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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Electrical EngineeringTransistors. 29 Transistor Amplifiers. 30 Field Effect Transistors. 31 PowerAmplifiers. 32 Thyristors. 33 Operational Amplifiers.International EditionNEWELECTRONICS PRINCIPLESSeventh Editionby Albert Paul Malvino and David J Bates, Western WisconsinTechnical College2007 (April 2006) / HardcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-322277-6 / MHID: 0-07-322277-1(with Simulation CD)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110846-1 / MHID: 0-07-110846-7[IE with SIM CD)](A Glencoe/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Title)Browse seventh edition of Malvino’s classic Electronic Principlesoffers students a definitive overview of electronic circuits anddevices. Expert knowledge of electronic devices is presentedin a stimulating, clearly written, conversational style. The new,streamlined book design is full-color throughout, with ample,clear illustrations. Greater emphasis on modern integratedcircuit (IC) technology, and the revision of nearly one third ofthe previous edition’s chapter problems and review questionsrefresh this text while retaining its proven approach.In addition to the text there is a wealth of supplementarymaterial included for both student and instructor. An upgradedExperiments Manual, the optional use of MultiSIM software,an instructor’s manual with an Instructor Productivity CenterCD-ROM, the updated Workbook, and the brand new OnlineLearning Center website make this text a powerful learningtool. Electronic Principles is written for electronics studentswho have done course work in basic DC/AC circuit analysis,along with algebra and trigonometry prerequisites. The bookgives clear, accessible coverage of basic electronics conceptsin the first half of the book, then applies these to the importantelectronic circuits and devices most widely used in today’sindustry.NEW TO THIS EDITION• Greater emphasis on modern integrated circuits (IC) technology.• Extensive Online Learning Center website with resources forstudents and instructors.• Added by co-author David Bates, Worked-Out examples nowcontain embedded Practice Problems.• The new “Good to Know” feature offers practical informationrelated to topics explained on that page of the text.• Expanded MultiSIM usage. The optional use of this software provides“pre-lab” simulations students can work on virtually.• The upgraded Experiments Manual now includes more on thetesting of individual components along with circuits and systems inmany labs, with optional MultiSIM applications included. The updatedWorkbook reflects integration of revised chapter problems and reviewquestions.• The enhanced Instructor’s Manual with Productivity Center (IPC)CD-ROM includes instructional PowerPoint presentations, availabilityof the eInstruction Classroom Performance System in-class quizzingand classroom management system, test banks created with EZTestthat can be used in conjunction with CPS to deliver in-class quizzes,tests, or review.FEATURES• Malvino’s Electronic Principles combines proven expertise inall aspects of electronics with a student-friendly, contemporaryappearance. It is written in a conversational style at a technicianlevel.• Optical topics in modern electronics are covered, including fiberoptics and high intensity LEDs.• Free, bound-in CD-ROM contains Multisim exercises and selectedcircuits for simulation.CONTENTS1 Introduction. 2 Semiconductors. 3 Diode Theory. 4 Diode Circuits. 5 Special-Purpose Diodes. 6 Bipolar Junction Transistors. 7 Transistor Fundamentals. 8Transistor Biasing. 9 AC Models. 10 Voltage Amplifiers. 11 CC and CB Amplifiers.12 Power Amplifiers. 13 JFETs. 14 MOSFETs. 15 Thyristors. 16 Frequency Effects.17 Differential Amplifiers. 18 Operational Amplifiers. 19 Negative Feedback. 20Linear Op-Amp Circuits. 21 Active Filters. 22 Nonlinear Op-Amp Circuits. 23Oscillators. 24 Regulated Power Supplies.International EditionNEWMICROELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS ANDDESIGNThird Editionby Donald Neamen, University Of New Mexico-Albuquerque2007 (February 2006) / HardcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-328596-2 / MHID: 0-07-328596-XISBN-13: 978-0-07-125443-4 / MHID: 0-07-125443-9 [IE]This junior level electronics text provides a foundation foranalyzing and designing analog and digital electronic circuits.Numerous new pedagogical features continue the tradition ofproviding an accessible approach to learning through clearwriting and real-world pedagogy. The third edition includesnumerous design examples, a new Design Application feature,problem solving technique pointers, Test Your Understandingquestions at the end of every section, and chapter summarycheckpoints to reinforce learning. The author, Don Neamen,has many years of experience as an Engineering Educator. Hisexperience shines through each chapter of the book, whichretains a design focus supported by rich, realistic examples andpractical rules of thumb. The Third Edition continues to offerthe same hallmark features that made the previous editionssuch a success. Extensive Pedagogy: An Introduction at thebeginning of each chapter links the new chapter to the materialpresented in previous chapters. The objectives of the chapterare then presented in the Preview section and reinforcedat the beginning of each chapter subsection. Test YourUnderstanding Exercise Problems with provided answers haveall been updated. New Design Applications are included at theends of chapters. These applications lead students through thedesign and development of an electronic thermometer. Eachspecific design ties into the objectives of the chapter. SpecificDesign Problems and Examples are highlighted throughout thebook, along with design pointers which help students tackletricky design issues.NEW TO THIS EDITION• Preview Section Introductions and Objectives list begin eachchapter and are reinforced throughout the chapter.• Design Application• Frequency Response of Transistor Circuits, and Transistorsthemselves, will remain a separate chapter• Integration of PSpice. PSpice is integrated into the examples andproblems in the text where appropriate.FEATURES• Exercise Problems follows each example in the book• For select electronic devices, industrial data sheets are includedin the text. This helps students to read and interpret the specs from adata sheet and allows them to plug the specs into problems from thebook.CONTENTSPrologue I: Prologue to Electronics. Brief History. Passive and Active Devices.Electronic Circuits. Discrete and Integrated Circuits. Analog and Digital Signals.Notation. Summary. Part I: Semiconductor Devices and Basic Applications.Chapter 1: Semiconductor Materials and Diodes. 1.0 Preview. 1.1 SemiconductorMaterials and Properties. 1.2 The pn Junction. 1.3 Diode Circuits: DC Analysisand Models. 1.4 Diode Circuits: AC Equivalent Circuit. 1.5 Other Diode Types.1.6 Design Application. 1.7 Summary. Problems. Chapter 2: Diode Circuits.2.0 Preview. 2.1 Rectifier Circuits. 2.2 Zener Diode Circuits. 2.3 Clipper and128121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 12811/15/06 5:32:08 PM