Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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Electrical Engineering• Information on PIC processors and how to select them is included.Also explains how to use and communicate among multiple PICs ina project.FEATURES• Integrates design examples and problems throughout the text.• The text's focus on measurement systems, circuits and electronics,interfacing, sensors, and acutators, along with analysis and synthesisof mechatronic systems, provides a thorough cross-disciplinary andreal-world overview of Mechatronics.• Content coverage of important subjects like MEMS, cutting edgesensor technology, and micromachines.• Provides an overview of measurement systems, circuits,interfacing, sensors, actuators and design analysis and synthesis ofmechatronic systems.• Supporting information is available including a typical courseoutline and laboratory syllabus, MathCAD files for examples from thebook, Class Discussion Item hints, links to mechatronics resources,and other supplemental material, is available on the Internet at• Helpful pedagogy includes Integrated Lab Exercises and ClassDiscussion items, both of which link theory with practice and handsonexploration of mechatronics.CONTENTS1 Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems. 2 Electric Circuits andComponents. 3 Semiconductor Electronics. 4 System Response. 5 Analog SignalProcessing Using Operational Amplifiers6 Digital Circuits and Systems. 7 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing8 Data Acquisition. 9 Sensors. 10 Actuators. 11 Mechatronic Systems-ControlArchitectures and Case Studies. Appendixes. A Measurement Fundamentals. BPhysical Principles. C Mechanics of MaterialsInternational EditionPRINCIPLES OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ANDDEVICEThird Editionby S.O. Kasap, University of Saskatchewan2006 / 768 pages / Hard cov erISBN-13: 978-0-07-310464-5 / MHID: 0-07-310464-7(with CD-ROM)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124458-9 / MHID: 0-07-124458-1[IE with CD]The site includes: Se lect ed Topics in Elec tron ic Materials & De vic es,Selected Topics in Materials <strong>Science</strong>, Il lus trat ed Color Dictionary,Tables of Selected Prop er ties of Materials, Worked Examples & SolvedProblems, and an extensive Solutions Man u al for the in struc tor. (Browse of Electronic Ma te ri als and Devices, Third Edition,is a greatly enhanced version of the highly successful textPrinciples of Electronic Ma te ri als and Devices, Second Edi tion.It is designed for a first course on electronic materials givenin Materials <strong>Science</strong> and Engineering, Electrical En gi neer ing,and Physics and Engineering Physics De part ments at theundergraduate level. The third edition has numerous revisionsthat include more beautiful illustrations and photographs,additional sec tions, more solved problems, worked examples,and end-of-chapter problems with direct engineeringapplications. The revisions have improved the rigor withoutsacrificing the original semiquantitative approach that both thestudents and instructors liked and val ued. Some of the newend-of-chapter problems have been especially selected tosatisfy various professional en gi neer ing design requirementsfor accreditation across in ter na tion al borders. Advanced topicshave been collected under Additional Topics, which are notnecessary in a short in tro duc to ry treatment.NEW TO THIS EDITION• New Sections such that cover x-ray diffraction and crystalstructures, conduction in thin films, interconnect technology,amorphous semi con duc tors, piezoresistance, white LEDs,Reststrahlen absorption, optical properties of metals (free carrierabsorption). With these new sections and ad di tion al topics, the thirdedition is one of the most comprehensive introductory textbooks onelectronic materials devices.• Chapter 6 has been revised for a better coverage of heterostructureLEDs and photovoltaics that includes practical examples and whiteLEDs. The coverage is explained at the un der grad u ate level with cleardiagrams.• Thorough coverage including up-to-date topics: This textoffers in-depth discussions of topics which are im por tant to bothelectrical engineering majors as well as materials sci ence majors.From fresh treatment of piezo- and pyro-electric phe nom e na anddielectric devices, to coverage of relatively new materials, suchas the Buckminsterfullerene crystal, high Tc su per con duc tors, thecom pli cat ed concepts are always stated in plain language for studentswith different back grounds.• The third edition is almost unique amongst university textbooksbecause it comes with extensive web-support through Web-Materialswhich has now become one of the best known electronic materialswebsites averaging around something like thirty users at any instantfrom every corner of the world. Nearly all of this ma te ri al is nowincluded on a FREE CDROM that accompanies the book. Bothstudents and instructors using the textbook can use the followingsupplements from the CDROM or Web-Materials. Use of Web-Materials requires the book to be adopted or recommended as themajor text for the course.• The following features are available on Web-Materials (http://ElectronicMaterials.Usask.Ca): Selected Topics in Electronic Materialsand Devices, Selected Topics in Materials <strong>Science</strong>, Illustrated ColorDictionary of Electronic Materials and Devices, Tables of SelectedProperties of Materials, Worked Examples and Solved Problem,Professional Color Overhead Trans par en cy Diagrams in the CDROMand Extensive Solutions Manual in PDF for instructors.FEATURES• While aimed primarily at the junior un der grad u ates, the text withits advanced topics under Additional Topics, and Selected Topicsin the CD, it can easily be used at the senior undergraduate andgraduate courses.• By selecting suitable topics Selected Topics in the CD (such asmechanical properties, diffusion, thermal properties etc.) the text canbe also serve as a first course in Materials <strong>Science</strong> aimed at elec tri calengineers, and engineering physics students. It is suitable for bothone- and two-semester courses. By focusing only on those topicsrelevant to materials that make up electronic and op to elec tron icdevices, the book offers students a deeper and more meaningfuldiscussion of this material than is offered in general materials sciencetextbooks. The coverage is up-to-date and the applications are ofspecial relevance to students of electronics, materials science andengineering physics.• Explanatory illustrations and comparative tables: The excellentil lus tra tions clearly depict the concepts, further as sist ing in thelearning process. Throughout the text, comparative tables of differentmaterials and their properties can be used as references in solvingproblems. Such tables also give the student a “feel” for the conceptsand materials discussed.• Interesting photographs of materials, devices and inventions,in clud ing the inventors, that make the book en joy able to read.• Chapter flexibility: The chapters are designed such that they lendthemselves to allowing instructors to teach out of sequence or skiptopics as desired. Ex ten sive explanatory section headings and limitedreferences to other chapters make this possible. The “Ad di tion alTopics” sections also allow instructors to go into more detail whendetail is required.• Many worked examples and application prob lems: A three-stepapproach is used to show students how to apply concepts dis cussed.Examples with solutions appear within most sections of everychapter. These examples demonstrate both physical concepts andmathematical foun da tions. Questions and Problems sections arefound at the end of every chapter. These offer in-depth questionsabout concepts in tro duced, then follow up with problems, whichrequire the student to apply mathematical skills. Each question andproblem cites the main subject for ref er ence. An asterisk is used nextto the question problem if more ad vanced mathematical skills arerequired.131121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 13111/15/06 5:32:10 PM