Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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Electrical EngineeringNEWSignals & SystemsFUNDAMENTALS SIGNALS SYSTEMSby M.J. Roberts, University Of Tennessee-Knoxville2008 (January 2007) / Hardcover / 800 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-330950-7 / MHID: 0-07-330950-8(with Bind-in card)As in most areas of science and engineering, the most importantand useful theories are the ones that capture the essence, andtherefore the beauty, of physical phenomena. This is trueof signals and systems. Signals and Systems: Analysis UsingTransform Methods and MATLAB captures the mathematicalbeauty of signals and systems and offers a student-centered,pedagogically driven approach. The author has a clearunderstanding of the issues students face in learning thematerial and does a superior job of addressing these issues. Thebook is intended to cover a one-semester sequence in Signalsand Systems for juniors in engineering. This text is created inmodular format, so instructors can select chapters within theframework that they teach this course.FEATURES• The new brief version of Roberts is somewhat shorter than thecomprehensive version and, most importantly, has been modularizedto allow reduced topic coverage without loss of continuity.• This version includes many exciting new examples with apractical flavor.• Roberts continues to offer alternating parallel coverage ofcontinuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems, somethingmost professors want.• Roberts includes unified and consistent notation for all transformmethods to aid retention and understanding of relations amongtransform methods.• Since MATLAB is key to many Signals and Systems courses, alarge number of MATLAB examples and a comprehensive Appendixon the important MATLAB operators and functions used in signal andsystem analysis have been included.• An ARIS site accompanies the book and features such thingsas solutions and ppts for instructors, and concept simulators andalgorithmic problems for students.CONTENTS1 Introduction. 2 Mathematical Description of Continuous-Time Signals. 3Mathematical Description of Discrete-Time Signals. 4 Properties of Continuous-Time Systems. 5 Properties of Discrete-Time Systems. 6 Time-Domain Analysis ofContinuous-Time Systems. 7 Time-Domain Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems8 The Continuous-Time Fourier Series. 9 The Discrete-Time Fourier Series. 10 TheContinuous-Time Fourier Transform. 11 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform12 Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems. 13Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems. 14 Sampling andthe Discrete Fourier Transform. 15 The Laplace Transform. 16 The z TransformAppendix A: Useful Mathematical Relations. Appendix B: The Continuous-TimeFourier Series Pairs. Appendix C: Discrete-Time Fourier Series Pairs. AppendixD: Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Pairs. Appendix E: Discrete-Time FourierTransform Pairs. Appendix F: Laplace Transform Pairs. Appendix G: z TransformPairs.International EditionSIGNALS AND SYSTEMSAnalysis of Signals Through Lin ear Systemsby M J Roberts, University of Ten nes see—Knoxville2004 / 832 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-293044-3 / MHID: 0-07-293044-6(with OLC Bind-In Card)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123268-5 / MHID: 0-07-123268-0 [IE]The website will contain solutions, pdf files of fi gures, conceptsim u la tions, and Frontiers in Signals and Systems featuring the author swork on biological sys tems and other in ter est ing applications in the field.(Browse and Systems by M.J. Roberts offers a student-cen tered,pedagogically driven approach to teaching Signals andSystems. The author has a clear understanding of the issuesstudents face in learning the material and does a superior jobof addressing these issues. The book is intended to cover atwo-semester sequence in Signals and Systems for Juniors inengineering.CONTENTS1 Introduction. 2 Mathematical Description of Signals. 3 De scrip tion and Analysisof Systems. 4 The Fourier Series. 5 The Fourier Transform. 6 Fourier TransformAnalysis of Signals and Systems. 7 Sam pling and the Discrete Fourier Transform.8 Correlation, Energy Spectral Density, and Power Spectral Density. 9 The LaplaceTransform. 10 Laplace Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems. 11 The zTrans form. 12 z-Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems. Ap pen dix A: UsefulMath e mat i cal Relations. Appendix B: In tro duc tion to MATLAB. Appendix C: LeastCommon Multiples. Appendix D: Convolution Properties. Appendix E: Table ofFourier Pairs. Appendix F: Table of Laplace Transform PairsAppendix G: Table of z Trans form Pairs. Appendix H: Com plex Num bers andFunc tions. Appendix I: Differential and Difference Equations. Appendix J: Vectorsand Ma tri ces. Bib li og ra phyInternational EditionSIGNALS AND SYSTEMSby I J Nagrath, formerly Deputy Director, Birla Institute ofTechnology and <strong>Science</strong>, Pilani and S N Sharan, R Ranjan and SKumar of BITS, Pilani2001 / 512 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-463771-5 / MHID: 0-07-463771-1ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120271-8 / MHID: 0-07-120271-4 [IE](Tata <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Title) to Signals and Systems. Analysis of Continuous-time Systems - timedomain and Frequency Domain. Analysis of LTI Discrete-time Systems - timedomain and Frequency Domain. Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast FourierTransform. State Space Analysis. Stability Analysis of LTI Systems. Analog andDigital Filter Design. Fundamentals of Random Processes. Matlab Tools for Designand Analysis of Digital Filters.142121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 14211/15/06 5:32:18 PM