International EditionMODERN COMMUNICATION CIRCUITSSecond Editionby Jack R. Smith, Uni ver si ty of Florida1998 / 608 pages / HardcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-059283-4 / MHID: 0-07-059283-7ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115586-1 / MHID: 0-07-115586-4 [IE]CONTENTS1 Introduction to Ra dio Communication Systems/2 Small-Sig nal Am pli fi ers/3Net work Noise and Intermodulation Dis tor tion/4 Frequency-Selective Networksand Transformers/5 High-Frequency Amplifiers and Automatic Gain Control/6Hybrid and Transmission-Line Transformers/7 Os cil la tors/8 Phase-Locked Loops/9Phase-Locked Loop Analysis/10 Fre quen cy Synthesizers/11 Power Amplifiers/12Modulators and DemodulatorsInternational EditionAN INTRODUCTION TO FIBER OPTICS SYSTEMSSecond Editionby John Powers, Naval Postgraduate School1997 / 340 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-116679-9 / MHID: 0-07-116679-3 [IE]<strong>Contents</strong>1 Introduction/2 The Optical Fiber/3 Fiber Properties/4 Splicers, Connectors, andCouplers/5. Opticasl Sources/6 Optical Receivers/7 Optical Link Design/8 FiberOptic Networks/9 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing.International EditionPRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS OF OPTICALCOMMUNICATIONSby M. K.Liu, University of Arizona1996 / 728 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-114989-1 / MHID: 0-07-114989-9 [IE]CONTENTSPart I•Overview/1 Introduction to Optical Communications/2 From Pointto-PointLinks to Networking/Part II•Basic Point-to-Point CommunicationBlocks/3 Light Sources/4 Optical Fibers/5 Photo Detectors/6 Noise in OpticalCommunications/7 Incoherent Detection/Part III•Networking/8 Time DomainMultiple Access (SONET, FDDI, B-ISDN, etc.)/9 Time Domain Multiple Access/10Subcarrier Multiplexing/11 Photonic Switching/Part IV•Signal Processing/12Direct Modulation/13 External Modulation/14 DFB Modulation/15 CoherentDetection/16 Line Coding and Timing Recovery/17 Optical Amplification/18Solition TransmissionElectrical EngineeringCoding and Information TheoryInternational EditionINFORMATION THEORY, CODING ANDCRYPTOGRAPHYby Ranjan Bose, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi2002 / 288 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-048297-5 / MHID: 0-07-048297-7ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123133-6 / MHID: 0-07-123133-1 [IE](Tata <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Title) I: Information Theory and Source Coding: 1. Source Coding. 2. ChannelCa pac i ty andCoding. Part II : Error Con trol Coding (Channel Coding): 3.Linear Block Codes for Error Correction. 4. Cyclic Codes. 5. Bose-ChaudhuriHocquenghem (BCH) Codes. 6. Con vo lu tion al Codes. 7. Trellis Coded Mod u la tion(TCM). Part III : Coding for Secure Communications: 8. Cryptography. IndexProbability & Random ProcessesInternational EditionPROBABILITY, RANDOM VARIABLES ANDSTOCHASTIC PROCESSES WITH ERRATA SHEETFourth Editionby Athansious Papoulis and S Unnikrishna Pillai, both of PolytechnicUniversity2002 / 864 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-281725-6 / MHID: 0-07-281725-9(with Errata Sheet)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122661-5 / MHID: 0-07-122661-3[IE] (with Errata Sheet) 1 Probability and Random Variables. 1 The Meaning of Probability. 2 TheAxioms of Probability. 3 Repeated Trials. 4 The Concept of a Random Variable.5 Functions of One Random Variable. 6 Two Random Variables. 7 Sequences ofRandom Variables. 8 Statistics. Part 2 Stochastic Processes. 9 General Concepts.10 Random Walk and Other Applications. 11 Spectral Representation. 12 SpectralEstimation. 13 Mean Square Estimation. 14 Entropy. 15 Markov Chains. 16 MarkovProcesses and Queueing Theory149121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 14911/15/06 5:32:24 PM
Electrical EngineeringInternational EditionPROBABILITY, RANDOM VARIABLES ANDRANDOM SIGNAL PRINCIPLESFourth Editionby Peyton Peebles, University of Florida, Gainesville2001 / 480 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-366007-3 / MHID: 0-07-366007-8ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118181-5 / MHID: 0-07-118181-4 [IE] Probability. 2 The Random Variable. 3 Operations on one Random Variable—Expectation. 4 Multiple Random Variables. 5 Operations of Multiple RandomVariables. 6 Random Processes-Temporal Characteristics. 7 Random Processes-Spectral Characteristics. 8 Linear Systems with Random Inputs. 9 Optimum LinearSystems. 10 Some Practical Applications of the Theory. Appendix A Review of theImpulse Function. Appendix B Gaussian Distribution Function. Appendix C UsefulMathematical Quantities. Appendix D Review of Fourier Transforms. Appendix ETable of Useful Fourier Transforms. Appendix F Some Probability Densities andDistributions. Appendix G Some Mathematical Topics of Interest.NEWDigital Logic DesignINTRODUCTION TO LOGIC AND COMPUTERDESIGN WITH CDby Alan B. Marcovitz, Florida Atlantic University-Boca Raton2008 (January 2007) / Hardcover with diskISBN-13: 978-0-07-331417-4 / MHID: 0-07-331417-XBrowse to Logic and <strong>Computer</strong> Design by Alan Marcovitztakes the successful formula realized in the author’s previousbooks and makes it even better. With the inclusion of severalchapters on computer design, Marcovitz now offers everythinga fundamentals-oriented logic design course might include.Further, this new book is supported by an ARIS site and a hostof new media supplements to make both the instructor’s andthe student’s job easier. As with Marcovitz’s previous books,the clear presentation of concepts and well-paced writing stylemake Introduction to Logic and <strong>Computer</strong> Design the idealcompanion to any first course in digital logic. Users rave aboutthe book’s extensive set of examples—well integrated intothe body of the text and included at the end of each chapterin sections of solved problems— that give students multipleopportunities to understand the topics being presented.FEATURES• Includes coverage of computer design.• Marcovitz is accompanied by an ARIS website: The site features a test bank for instructors (overa semester’s worth of tests keyed to material in the text) as well asonline quizzing for students. It also includes solutions, PowerPointslides of most figures and key material, instructor notes, parallelexamples so the instructor can do a different example in class fromthe one offered in the book, algorithmic problems to give studentsunlimited practice, links, and more.• An extensive set of examples, well integrated into the body ofthe text as well as at the end of each chapter in sections of solvedproblems, gives students multiple opportunities to understand thetopics being presented.• "Test Yourself" sections, designed to help students measure theircomprehension of key material, are included at the end of chapters.• Answers to selected exercises are included in an easy-to-referenceappendix for the second edition.• A clear and well-paced writing style makes this text especiallywell-suited for students who might otherwise find this course areaparticularly challenging.CONTENTSIntroduction to Logic and <strong>Computer</strong> Design. 1 Introduction. 2 Design Processfor Combinational Systems. 3 The Karnaugh Map. 4 Decoders, Encoders,Multiplexers. 5 Analysis of Sequential Systems. 6 Design of Sequential Circuits.7 Larger Sequential Problems. 8 <strong>Computer</strong> Organization. 9 <strong>Computer</strong> DesignFundamentals. 10 The Design of a CPU. 11 Beyond the Central ProcessingUnitInternational EditionFUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL LOGIC WITH VHDLDESIGNSecond Editionby Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, University of Toronto2005 / pages / HardcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-249938-4 / MHID: 0-07-249938-9(with CD-ROM)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124482-4 / MHID: 0-07-124482-4[IE with CD]This website contains: PowerPoint Slides, So lu tions Manual, andPageOut (Browse of Digital Logic With VHDL Design teaches thebasic design techniques for logic circuits. It emphasizes thesynthesis of circuits and ex plains how circuits are im ple ment edin real chips. Fun da men tal concepts are illustrated by usingsmall examples, which are easy to understand. Then, a modularapproach is used to show how larger circuits are designed.VHDL is used to demonstrate how the basic building blocksand larger systems are defined in a hard ware descriptionlanguage, producing designs that can be implemented withmodern CAD tools. The book emphasizes the concepts thatshould be covered in an introductory course on logic design,focusing on:• Logic functions, gates, and rules of Boolean algebra •Circuit synthesis and optimization techniques • Numberrepresentation and arithmetic circuits • Combinational-circuitbuilding blocks, such as multiplexers, decoders, encoders, andcode converters • Sequential-circuit building blocks, such asflip-flops, registers, and counters • Design of synchronoussequential circuits • Use of the basic build ing blocksin designing larger systems • It also includes chapters that dealwith important, but more advanced topics:• Design of asynchronous sequential circuits• Testing of logic circuitsFor students who have had no exposure to basic electronics, butare interested in learning a few key concepts, there is a chapterthat presents the most basic aspects of electronic implementationof digital circuits. Major changes in the second edition of the bookinclude:• new examples to clarify the presentation of fundamental concepts• over 50 new examples of solved problems provided at the end ofchapters• NAND and NOR gates now introduced in Chapter 2• more complete dis cus sion of techniques for minimization of logicfunctions in Chapter 4 (including the tabular method)• a new chapter ex plain ing the CAD flow for synthesis of logiccircuits• Altera’s Quartus II CAD software provided on a CD-ROM• three appendices that give tutorials on the use of Quartus IIsoftware150121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 15011/15/06 5:32:24 PM