Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books


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Electrical EngineeringInternational EditionCOMPUTER TELEPHONY DEMYSTIFIEDby Michael Bayer2001 / 704 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-118915-6 / MHID: 0-07-118915-7 [IE with CD-ROM](International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)Professional BookCONTENTSWhat is <strong>Computer</strong> Telephony. CT Solutions and Benefits. Telephony Concepts.Devices. Call Processing: Features and Services. CTI Concepts. Switching Fabric.Media Services Concepts. CT Administration. Telephony CPE and TelephoneCompany Services. System Configurations. CT Software Components. CT Solutions.CD Info. AppendicesInternational EditionLEE’S ESSENTIALS OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSby William C Y Lee2001 / 450 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-116536-5 / MHID: 0-07-116536-3 [IE](International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)Professional BookCONTENTSHow Telephones, Wireline, and Wireless Were Born. Why Mobile Radio Systemsare Difficult to Develop. How to Evaluate a Spectrum - An Efficient System.Important Factors of Choosing a New Digital System. Learn From the Past.Application of CDMA. What Is Our Future? Internet and Wireless Future.International EditionPart Four: Solutions and Applications. Chapter 43: The Optical Hierarchy ofMotivation. Chapter 44: Players in the Network Game. Chapter 45: Reinventingthe Network. Chapter 46: Toward a New Network Paradigm. Chapter 47: Whythe Evolution? Chapter 48: The Evolving IP Protocol Model. Chapter 49: IP’sPromise. Chapter 50: Protocol Assemblies: Putting it Together. Chapter 51: OneMore time: Putting it All Together. Chapter 52: The Future.International EditionVIDEO COMPRESSION DEMYSTIFIEDby Peter Symes2001 / 346 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-118964-4 / MHID: 0-07-118964-5[IE with CD-ROM](International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)Professional BookCONTENTSIntroduction. What is Compression?. An Introduction to Images. Entropy Coding.Predictive Coding. Transforms. Quantization. JPEG. Motion Compression. MPEG-1. MPEG-2. MPEG-4. MPEG-7 and MPEG-21. Pro-MPEG and MPEG OperatingRanges. DV Compression. Wavelets. JPEG2000. Audio Compression. StreamingMedia. Closing Thoughts.International EditionMOBILE COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERINGSecond Editionby William C.Y. Lee1998 / 550 pages / HardcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-115766-7 / MHID: 0-07-115766-2 [IE](International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)Professional BookOPTICAL NETWORKING CRASH COURSEby Steven Shepard2001 / 269 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-120292-3 / MHID: 0-07-120292-7 [IE](International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)Professional BookCONTENTSPart One: The Optical Networking Market-place. Chapter 1: Toward a NewNetwork Model. Chapter 2: A Corollary: The Data Network. Chapter 3: The LocalService Providers’ Response. Chapter 4: Service Regions of the Optical Network.Chapter 5: The Optical Networking Applications Set. Chapter 6: A Brief Historyof the Network. Chapter 7: The Traditional Digital Hierarchy. Chapter 8: TheBirth of Optical Networking: Sonet and SDH. Chapter 9: Switching and Routing.Chapter 10: The Service Provider’s World: Back to Switching and Routing. Chapter11: Ring Architectures in the Optical Domain. Chapter 12: Amplification andRegeneration. Part Two: From Copper to Glass. Chapter 13: Overview of OpticalTechnology. Chapter 14: Total Internal Reflection. Chapter 15: Later Developmentsin Optical Networking. Chapter 16: Fundamentals of Optical Networking. Chapter17: Optical Sources. Chapter 18: Optical Fiber. Chapter 19: Optical Fiber.Chapter 20: Putting It All Together. Chapter 21: Fiber Nonlinearities. Chapter 22:Intermodulation Effects. Chapter 23: Scattering Problems. Chapter 24: An Aside:Optical Amplification. Chapter 25: Pulling it all Together. Chapter 26: OpticalReceivers. Chapter 27: Photodetector Types. Chapter 28: Optical Fiber. Chapter29: Multimode Fiber. Chapter 30: Single-Mode Fiber. Chapter 31: Why Do WeCare? Part Three: Corollary Technologies. Chapter 32: Introduction. Chapter 33:Optical Cable Assemblies. Chapter 34: Fiber Cable Architectures. Chapter 35: TheSpecial Case of Submarine Cables. Chapter 36: Fiber Installation Options. Chapter37: Commercial Fiber Products. Chapter 38: An Aside: Freespace Optics. Chapter39: Summary. Chapter 40: Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM).Chapter 41: Optical Switching and Routing. Chapter 42: Network Management.156121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 15611/15/06 5:32:29 PM

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