Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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Electrical EngineeringCABLE COMMUNICATIONS TECHNIOLOGYThird Editionby Eugene R Bartlett2006 / 400 pages / Hard cov erISBN-13: 978-0-07-145781-1 / MHID: 0-07-145781-XProfessional BookCable is now as much in the broadband business as it istelevision. This book explains the fundamentals of coaxialcable technology and the DSP that controls it, along with thecable modem and voice over IP technology now drasticallychanging the cable operators’ business. Aimed at workingengineers and technicians, it can also be used a textbook forthe a basic cable communications course in a 2 year techprogram.FEATURES• Coaxial cable basics• Cable modems• DSP for cable• Fiber optics• Voice over IP• Worked examples and problems at the end of each chapterCONTENTSChapter 1: Introduction to Cable Communications Systems. Chapter 2: CoaxialCable Systems and Networks. Chapter 3: Headends and Signal Processing. Chapter4: Fiber-Optic Technology in Cable Systems. Chapter 5: Digital Technologyand Cable System Applications. Chapter 6: Subscriber Installation and TerminalDevices. Chapter 7: Cable Plant Testing and Maintenance Procedures. Chapter8: Cable System Network Design Considerations.ELECTRICAL SAFETY HANDBOOKThird Editionby John Cadick, Mary Capelli-Schellpfeffer, and Dennis K Neitzel2006 / 560 pages / Hard cov erISBN-13: 978-0-07-145772-9 / MHID: 0-07-145772-0Professional BookThis is an accident-avoiding prescription for electricians,safety managers, and inspectors, and engineers dealing withelectricity any voltage level. Presenting crucial protectivesafety strategies for industrial and commercial systems, theHandbook references all major safety codes (OSHA, NEC,NESC, and NFPA) where appropriate, creating a unique, onestopcompliance manual for any company’s electrical safetytraining and reference needs.NEW TO THIS EDITION• New chapter on electrical maintenance• Complete coverage of the new IEEE 1584• NEC 2005• NFPA 70E 2004• NESC 2002CONTENTSForeword. Preface. Chapter 1: Hazards of Electricity. Chapter 2: Electrical SafetyEquipment. Chapter 3: Safety Procedures and Methods. Chapter 4: Groundingof Electrical Systems and Equipment. Chapter 5: Electrical Maintenance and ItsRelationship to Safety. Chapter 6: Regulatory and Legal Safety Requirementsand Standards. Chapter 7: Accident Prevention, Accident Investigation, Rescue,and First Aid. Chapter 8: Medical Aspects of Electrical Trauma. Chapter 9: Low-Voltage Safety Synopsis. Chapter 10: Medium- and High-Voltage Safety Synopsis.Chapter 11: Human Factors in Electrical Safety. Chapter 12: Safety Managementand Organizational Structure. Chapter 13: Safety Training Methods and Systems.ELECTRICITY DEMYSTIFIEDby Stan Gibilisco2006 / 320 pages / Softcov erISBN-13: 978-0-07-143925-1 / MHID: 0-07-143925-0Professional BookFEATURES• Solve electrical circuit problems• Make power and energy determinations• Calculate voltage, current and resistance issues• Prepare for advanced courses in electricity• Improve sales and management skills in the area of electricity• Enhance knowledge of how electrical devices work• Each section ends with a 50-question, multiple-choice test. Thebook concludes with a 100-question final examCONTENTSPart One: DC Electricity. 1. Atoms and Charge Carriers. 2. Current, Voltage,and Resistance. 3. Power and Energy. 4. Series and Parallel Circuits. 5. Cells andBatteries. Test: Part One--50 questions. Part Two: Ac Electricity. 6. Basics of AC.7. Power Conversion. 8. Wire and Cable. 9. The Utility Grid. 10. AlternativeElectricity. Test: Part Two--50 questions. Part Three: Magnetism. 11. What isMagnetism? 12. Types of Magnets. 13. Motors and Generators. 14. ElectromagneticWaves. 15. Universal Magnetism. Test: Part Three--50 questions. Final Exam--100questions. Answers to Quiz and Test Questions. Symbols Used in Circuit Diagrams.Suggested Additional References.TEACH YOURSELF ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICSFourth Editionby Stan Gibilisco2006 / 672 pages / Softcov erISBN-13: 978-0-07-145933-4 / MHID: 0-07-145933-2Professional BookThe best combination self-teaching guide, home reference, andclassroom text on electricity and electronics has been updatedto deliver the latest advances. Great for preparing for amateurand commercial licensing exams, this guide has been prizedby thousands of students and professionals for its uniquelythorough coverage ranging from DC and AC concepts tosemiconductors and integrated circuits.• Written by Stan Gibilisco, an electronics legend and <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s most popular TAB author• Perfect for hobbyists, students, and those of you who want to getahead in tech-related careers• Packed with everything needed to enhance learning: 600+illustrations, practical examples, and hundreds of test questionsNEW TO THIS EDITION• Simple current-voltage-resistance determinators• Power calculations• Designing acoustical and audio systems• Designing circuits and systems• Contains several concise multiple-choice self-test questions• Helps readers solve problems such as: Simple current-voltageresistancedeterminations; Power calculations; Preparing for amateuror commercial license exams; Designing acoustical and audiosystems; Using radiolocation and radionavigation systems; Designingcircuits and systems; and Supplementing study in electricity andelectronics curriculaCONTENTSPART ONE: DIRECT CURRENT. Chapter 1. Basic Physical Concepts. Chapter2. Electrical Units. Chapter 3. Measuring Devices. Chapter 4. Basic DC Circuits.Chapter 5. Direct-current Circuit Analysis. Chapter 6. Resistors. Chapter 7. Cellsand Batteries. Chapter 8. Magnetism. Test: Part One. PART TWO: ALTERNATINGCURRENT. Chapter 9. Alternating Current Basics. Chapter 10. Inductance. Chapter11. Capacitance. Chapter 12. Phase. Chapter 13. Inductive Reactance. Chapter14. Capacitive Reactance. Chapter 15. Impedance and Admittance. Chapter 16.RLC Circuit Analysis. Chapter 17. Power and Resonance in AC Circuits. Chapter18. Transformers and Impedance Matching. Test: Part Two. PART THREE:BASIC ELECTRONICS. Chapter 19. Introduction to Semiconductors. Chapter20. Some Uses of Diodes. Chapter 21. Power Supplies. Chapter 22. The BipolarTransistor. Chapter 23. The Field-effect Transistor. Chapter 24. Amplifiers andOscillators. Chapter 25. Data transmission and Reception. Chapter 26. DigitalPrinciples. Chapter 27. Measurement and Monitoring. Test: Part Three. PART158121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 15811/15/06 5:32:30 PM