Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books


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General EngineeringInternational EditionPROJECT MANAGEMENTThird Editionby Clifford F. Gray, and Erik W. Larson2006 / Hardcover with CD-ROMISBN-13: 978-0-07-312699-9 / MHID: 0-07-312699-3ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124446-6 / MHID: 0-07-124446-8[IE with Student CD and MS Project CD]http://www.mhhe.com/graylarson3eThis text approaches Project Management from a holistic,balanced perspective. The text is developed around aphilosophy of a project-driven organization committed tocontinuous improvement and organizational learning. Thetext is holistic--it directs attention to the needed linkagebetween projects and organizational strategy. Many projectmanagement textbooks emphasize the technical aspects of thesubject, while providing scant attention to the human elementin projects. This text succeeds in redressing the balance bytreating both the technical and the behavioral aspects ofthe subject in nearly equal parts. Such a balance is possiblebecause of the complementary backgrounds of the authors:Gray, a specialist in project management systems with anoperations background, provides strong technical coverage ofproject management. Larson, whose professional backgroundis in organizational behavior, brings a distinctive behavioralperspective to the subject.NEW TO THIS EDITION• Many new and updated “Snapshots from Practice” and “ResearchHighlights” boxes; many new charts and figures.• Thoroughly revised chapters on strategy (Chapter 2) andperformance measurement and evaluation (Chapter 13). These newchapters give students an understanding of how project managementneeds to be tied to the fundamental bottom line concerns of business,i.e., an organization’s overall mission and the strategies designed toaccomplish its goals, as well as the application of measurements forassessing the accomplishment of those goals.• Chapter 3 on structure and culture has been revised to incorporatesteps organizations are taking to work within current structures andbureaucracies. This acknowledges the importance of structure andculture and its challenges and shows how flexibility and introducingchange can have a positive effect on project work.CONTENTSPreface. 1. Modern Project Management. 2. Organization Strategies and ProjectSelection. 3. Organization: Structure and Culture. 4. Defining the Project. 5.Estimating Project Times and Costs. 6. Developing a Project Plan. 7. Managing Risk.8. Scheduling Resources. 9. Reducing Project Duration. 10. Leadership: Being anEffective Project Manager. 11. Managing Project Teams. 12. Partnering: ManagingInter-organizational Relations. 13. Progresses and Performance Measurement andEvaluation. 14. Project Audit and Closure. 15. International Projects. 16. TheProcess of Project Management and the Future. Acronyms. Appendix <strong>Computer</strong>Project Exercises. Glossary. Project Management Equations. Index.NEWEntrepreneurshipTECHNOLOGY VENTURES: FROM IDEA TOENTERPRISESecond Editionby Richard C. Dorf, University Of California Davis, and Thomas H.Byers, Stanford University2008 (October 2006) / HardcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-329442-1 / MHID: 0-07-329442-X(with Student DVD)Technology Ventures is the first textbook to thoroughlyexamine a global phenomenon known as "technologyentrepreneurship". Now in its second edition, this bookintegrates the most valuable entrepreneurship and technologymanagement theories from some of the world’s leading scholarsand educators with current examples of new technologies andan extensive suite of media resources.Dorf and Byers's comprehensive collection of action-orientedconcepts and applications provides both students andprofessionals with the tools necessary for success in startingand growing a technology enterprise. Technology Venturesdetails the critical differences between scientific ideas and truebusiness opportunities.NEW TO THIS EDITION• Concise case studies and boxed examples throughout the bookhave been updated and expanded to highlight the most currenttechnologies and include international ventures.• A new chapter focused on the business plan includes a businessplanning "roadmap" and is supplemented by numerous onlineresources.• A new student DVD is packaged with the text and features videoanecdotes from well-known technology entrepreneurs. "See DVD"icons are marked in the text to allow for easy referencing betweenprint and virtual resources.• An updated suite of web resources includes a book-specificwebsite featuring additional videos, case studies, and samplesyllabi as well as a password-protected instructor's site with lecturepowerpoints and a solutions manual• An updated design and art program give the text a more engaginglook and feel.FEATURES• A running case study (on AGRAQUEST, a bio-technology firm) isblended into all chapters of the text.• The book focuses specifically on technology-based ventures (bothstart-ups and initiatives within existing companies), and emphasizesthe role of the team in the entrepreneurial process.CONTENTSPART I 1 Capitalism and the Technology Entrepreneur. 2 Opportunity and theBusiness Summary. 3 Building a Competitive Advantage. 4 Creating a Strategy5 Innovation Strategies. PART II 6 Risk and Return. 7 Venture Creation and theBusiness Plan. 8 Independent Versus Corporate Ventures. 9 Knowledge, Learning,and Design. 10 Legal Formation and Intellectual Property. PART III 11 TheMarketing and Sales Plan. 12 The New Enterprise Organization. 13 Acquiring,Organizing, and Managing Resources. 14 The Management of Operations. 15Acquisitions, Mergers, and Global Business. PART IV 16 The Profit and HarvestPlan. 17 The Financial Plan. 18 Sources of Capital. 19 Presenting the Planand Negotiating the Deal. 20 Leading a New Technology Venture to Success.References. Appendix A Business Plans. Appendix B Cases. Information Sourceson the Internet. Glossary. Index176161-178_GENERAL ENGG.indd 17611/15/06 5:34:07 PM

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