2007-2008 NEW <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Computer</strong> Titles <strong>Science</strong>Introduction To <strong>Computer</strong><strong>Science</strong>/CSIInternational EditionNEWINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING SYSTEMS:From Bits & Gates to Programming & BeyondThird Editionby Yale N. Patt, University Of Texas At Austin, and Sanjay J. Patel,University Of Illinois-Champaign2009 (January 2008) / 640 pages / HardcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-299465-0 / MHID: 0-07-299465-7ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110716-7 / MHID: 0-07-110716-9 [IE]An expanded website for the text, www.mhhe.com/patt3, includesfor instructors: the complete Solutions Manual, Source Code of theexamples, JPEGs of all of the figures, and Test Questions for EfficientGrading. For instructors and students, the site has: the LC-3 Simulator(Windows and UNIX versions), lab manuals for both versions of theLC-3, PowerPoint presentations created by instructors using the bookin their course, selected solutions (Appendix F), Appendices A, D & E(for easy reference) and a Message Board. (Browse http://www.mhhe.com/patt3)Published ahead of its time, this trendsetting textbook was firstintroduced to electrical engineering, computer engineeringand computer science instructors in 1999. Since then, Patt andPatel’s Introduction to Computing Systems: From bits & gatesto programming & beyond has changed the curriculum. Insome cases it has even created new introductory courses, whilein others it has enhanced existing courses from introductoryprogramming to computer organization, fulfilling the authors’vision for a modern approach.The Third Edition maintains the “motivated” bottom-upapproach, showing students how a computer works throughaccess to a simulator and by giving them hands-on programmingexperience with the C language. The authors first introducethe underlying structure of a computer, and then build on thatfoundation to present programming methodology, as stated,using the C language. Every step of the way, students learnnew things, building on what they already know. The authorsfeel that this approach encourages deeper understandingand downplays the need for memorizing. Students developa greater breadth of understanding, since they see how thevarious parts of the computer fit together.In an effort to further serve different course needs, teachingflexibility has been added to the Third Edition through additionalexamples and exercises, as well as new supplementary materialrelated to topics such as C++ and computer organization.NEW TO THIS EDITION• NEW! Privilege: Based on market feedback, the coverage ofprivilege will be augmented in this edition.• NEW! <strong>Computer</strong> Organization Topics: Optional, supplementalmaterial on topics such as virtual memory, cache and pipelining willbe provided at the book’s website.• NEW! C++: Optional, supplemental material highlighting keyfeatures for the usage of the C++ language will also be provided atthe book’s website.FEATURES• Bottom-Up Organization: For Patt and Patel, the bottom levelabstraction is the switch level representation of a MOS transistor.From there, they quickly move to logic gates, latches, logic structures(MUX, decoder, full adder, and gated latches), finally culminatingin an implementation of memory. Then the book moves on tofinite state control, its implementation as a sequential circuit,the von Neumann model of execution, a simple computer (theLC-3), machine language programming and assembly languageprogramming of the LC-3, the high level language C, recursion, andfinally elementary data structures.• Debugging: Because students are taught debugging techniquesfrom the first program they write and are required to use the LC-3Simulator’s debugging tools from the start, they are better able tomaster the art of programming and can complete their programmingassignments with a lot less help from the TA.• The LC-3 Simulator: Central to the student’s learning is hands-onaccess to the LC-3 Simulator, which has been created specifically toaid the student’s mastery of the concepts. (Students can downloadthe LC-3 Simulator from the book’s website at no cost).• Programming Methodology: Students are provided with numerousmeaningful, simple examples on how to take a problem andtransform it into a computer program via systematic decomposition.Students are exposed to the fundamental similarities in programming,whether it be in the LC-3 or in C, which provides the student with theuseful ability to quickly understand other programming languages.• Website: An expanded website for the text, www.mhhe.com/patt3, includes for instructors: the complete Solutions Manual, SourceCode of the examples, JPEGs of all of the figures, and Test Questionsfor Efficient Grading. For instructors and students, the site has: theLC-3 Simulator (Windows and UNIX versions), lab manuals for bothversions of the LC-3, PowerPoint presentations created by instructorsusing the book in their course, selected solutions (Appendix F),Appendices A, D & E (for easy reference) and a Message Board.CONTENTS1 Welcome Aboard. 2 Bits, Data Types, and Operations. 3 Digital LogicStructures. 4 The Von Neumann Model. 5 The LC-3. 6 Programming. 7 AssemblyLanguage 8 I/O. 9 TRAP Routines and Subroutines. 10 And, Finally...The Stack.11 Introduction to Programming in C. 12 Variables and Operators. 13 ControlStructures. 14 Functions. 15 Testing and Debugging. 16 Pointers and Arrays. 17Recursion. 18 I/O in C. 19 Data Structures. Appendix A The LC-3 ISA. AppendixB From LC-3 to x86. Appendix C The Microarchitecture of the LC-3. Appendix DThe C Programming Language. Appendix E Useful Tables. Appendix F SelectedSolutions (available at website).NEWSCHAUM'S OUTLINE OF PRINCIPLES OFCOMPUTER SCIENCEby Paul Tymann, Rochester Inst Of Technology, Carl Reynolds,Rochester Inst Of Technology2007 (December 2006) / Softcover / 384 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-146051-4 / MHID: 0-07-146051-9Schaum's PublicationSchaum’s Outline of Principles of <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong> providesa concise overview of the theoretical foundation of computerscience. It also includes focused review of object-orientedprogramming using Java.Introduction to <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>/CSI1715-60_CompSc.indd 1711/15/06 5:05:07 PM
<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>International EditionINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING SYS TEMS:From Bits and Gates to C and BeyondSecond Editionby Yale N Patt, University of Texas at Austin and Sanjay J Patel,University of Illinois, Champaign2004 / 656 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-246750-5 / MHID: 0-07-246750-9(with CD-ROM)ISBN-13: 978-0-0-07-124501-2 / MHID: 0-0-07-124501-4[IE - 2 Color]The website contains updated versions of the solutions manual, amessage board, LC-2 Simulator [to LC-3], lab manuals for LC-3,PowerPoint pre sen ta tions, source code of the examples, and figures.Browse http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072467509This book is based on the premise that starting with a highlevel programming language is not the best approach. Thereason most students are unsuccessful using a programminglanguage when they encounter it in their first course is be causethey are forced to memorize a lot of tech ni cal details withouthaving any idea why these details are necessary. That is, theydo not understand the basic un der pin nings of how a computerworks. From this basic notion evolves the motivated bot tomupapproach found in Patt/Patel’s In tro duc tion To ComputingSystems, now in a second edition. The text starts with the logicstructures and architecture of a computer and moves up tothe ap pli ca tion software that runs on it. Every treat ment thatpurports to start at the bottom and work up begins with someab strac tion. For Patt/Patel, that abstraction is the switch levelbe hav ior of an MOS tran sis tor. From a very short treatment ofthat abstraction, the book covers in turn: Log ic Gates, latches,logic structures (MUX, Decoder, Adder, gated latches), finallyculminating in an implementation of mem o ry. From there, thebook moves on to the Von Neumann model of ex e cu tion, thena simple computer (the LC-3), ma chine language pro gram ming,assembly language and how an assembler works, and thenassembly language pro gram ming of the LC-3. The LC-3treatment con cludes with a sub stan tial treatment of Phys i calI/O, including both polling and interrupt-driven I/O, the natureof traps and subroutine calls/returns. The book then movesto the high level language C, cov er ing recursion, pointers,and finally el e men ta ry data structures. The book es tab lish esa foundation that every subsequent course in the computerscience or com put er engineering curriculum can benefit fromand build on.CONTENTSPart I: 1 Welcome Aboard! 2 Bits, Data Types, and Op er a tions. 3 Digital LogicStruc tures. 4 The Von Neumann Model. 5 The LC-3. 6 Pro gram ming. 7 AssemblyLanguage. 8 I/O. 9 TRAP Rou tines and Sub rou tines. 10 And, Finally...Part II:11 In tro duc tion to Pro gram ming in C. 12 Vari ables and Operators. 13 ControlStructures. 14 Func tions. 15 Debugging. 16 Re cur sion. 17 Pointers and Arrays.18 I/O in C. 19 Data Structures. Appendix A The LC-3 ISA. Appendix B FromLC-3 to x86. Appendix C The Microarchitecture of the LC-3. Appendix D The CPro gram ming Language. Appendix E Ex tend ing C to C++. Appendix F UsefulTablesInternational EditionSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF IN TRO DUC TION TOCOM PUT ER SCIENCEby Ramon Mata-Toledo and Pauline K Cushman, James MadisonUniversity in Harrisonburg, Virginia2000 / 240 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-134554-5 / MHID: 0-07-134554-XISBN-13: 978-0-07-116596-9 / MHID: 0-07-116596-7 [IE]Schaum's Publication(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)International EditionCAPPLIED CAn In tro duc tion and Moreby Alice Fischer and Stephen M Ross, both of the University of NewHaven2000 / 1136 pages / softcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-021748-5 / MHID: 0-07-021748-3ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118459-5 / MHID: 0-07-118459-7 [IE]CONTENTSI Introduction. Chapter 1: <strong>Computer</strong>s and Systems. Chapter 2: Programs andProgramming. Chapter 3: Fundamental Concepts. II Computation. Chapter 4:Writing Sentences in C. Chapter 5: Using Functions and Libraries. Chapter 6: MoreRepetition and Decisions. III Basic Data Types. Chapter 7: Integers and IntegerOperations. Chapter 8: Real Numbers and Computation. Chapter 9: ProgramDesign. Chapter 10: An Introduction to Arrays. Chapter 11: Character Data andEnumerations. Chapter 12: An Introduction to Pointers. IV Structured Data Types.Chapter 13: Strings. Chapter 14: Structured Types. Chapter 15: Streams and Files.Chapter 16: Simple Array AlgorithmsChapter 17: Two Dimensional Arrays. Chapter18: Calculating with Bits. V Advanced Techniques. Chapter 19: Dynamic Arrays.Chapter 20: Working With Pointers. Chapter 21: Recursion. Chapter 22: MakingPrograms General. Chapter 23: Modular Organization. VI Appendix. Appendix A:The ASCII Code. Appendix B: The Precedence of Operators in C. Appendix C: TheTools Library. Appendix D: A Simple Makefile For the Tools Library. Appendix E:Advanced Aspects of C Operators. Appendix F: Glossary and Alphabet Soup.International EditionC PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERING ANDCOMPUTER SCIENCE(B.E.S.T SERIES)by H H Tan, Morrison Knudsen Corporation, and T.B. D’Orazio1999 / 600 pages / softcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-913678-7 / MHID: 0-07-913678-8(with 3.5” disk)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116788-8 / MHID: 0-07-116788-9[IE with 3.5” Disk]Browse http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0079136788CONTENTS1 <strong>Computer</strong>s and Com put ing Fundamentals. 2 Getting Started with C. 3 TheBasics of C. 4 Beginning De ci sion Making and Looping. 5 Functions. 6 Arraysand Index Variables. 7 Character Ar rays and Strings. 8 Pointers, Addresses, andSpecial Variable Types. 9 Introduction to C++1815-60_CompSc.indd 1811/15/06 5:05:08 PM
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Electrical EngineeringCABLE COMMUNI
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