Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books


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<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>International EditionPROGRAMMING IN VI SU AL BASIC.NET:Update Edi tion for VB.NET 2003 with 5-CD VB.Net2003 Software Setby Julia Case Bradley, Mt. San Antonio College and Anita CMillspaugh, Mt. San Antonio College2005 / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-225671-0 / MHID: 0-07-225671-0(with CD) (Out-of-Print)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111447-9 / MHID: 0-07-111447-5[IE with CD]NEW TO THIS EDITION• Reorganized and ex pand ed• New appendix on security. Information Assurance has becomean ex treme ly important topic in in for ma tion systems curriculum. Inaddition, security problems cause students many frus tra tions. Wehave added an appendix that addresses securing an application, aswell as getting around security re stric tions for testing and movingapplications.• The narrative, step-by-step exercises, screen captures, andap pen di ces have all been up dat ed to VB .NET 2003. The screencaptures are all based on Windows XP.• All code updated. All programs in the text are modified toconform to the new standards. Changes to coding conventionsinclude declaring all module level variables using the Privatekeyword, taking advantage of the feature to declare multiple variableson one state ment, and reducing the number of end-line comments.Program comments are now more readable and complete.CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction to Visual Basic.NET. Chapter 2 More Controls. Chapter3 Variables, Constants, and Calculations. Chapter 4 De ci sions and Conditions.Chapter 5 Menus, Sub Pro ce dures, and Sub Functions. Chapter 6 OOP:CreatingOb ject-Oriented Programs. Chap ter 7 Lists, Loops, and Printing. Chapter 8 Arrays.Chapter 9 Programming With Web Forms. Chapter 10 Accessing DataBase Files.Chapter 11 Saving Data and Objects in Files. Chapter 12 Graphics in Win dowsand the Web. Chapter 13 Advanced Topics in Visual Basic. Ap pen dix A Answers toFeed back Questions. Appendix B Meth ods and Functions for Working with Dates,Financial Cal cu la tions, Mathematics, and String Operations. Appendix C Tips andShortcuts for Mastering the Environment. Appendix D Security. Glossary. IndexCOMPLIMENTARYCOPIESComplimentary desk copies are availablefor course adoption only. Kindly contact yourlocal <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Representative or fax theExamination Copy Request Form availableon the back pages of this catalog.Visit <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> EducationWebsite: www.mheducation.comInternational EditionLEARNING PRO GRAM MING USING VISUALBA SIC .NETFourth Editionby William E Burrows, University of Wash ing ton2003ISBN-13: 978-0-07-293871-5 / MHID: 0-07-293871-4(with 4-CD Set)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111350-2 / MHID: 0-07-111350-9[IE with CD and VB.Net Software, 4 CD set)Browse http://www.mhhe.com/it/burrowsvbnetCONTENTSChapter 1 Problem Solving and the Object-Oriented Par a digm. Chapter 2 CreatingSimple Visual Basic .NET Windows Applications. Chapter 3 Rep re sent ing Data– Con stants and Variables. Chapter 4 Per form ing Cal cu la tions and Ma nip u lat ingData. Chapter 5 Spec i fy ing Al ter na tive Courses of Action: Se lec tion State ments.Chapter 6 Reducing Program Complexity: Pro gram mer-Defined Procedures andFunc tions. Chapter 7 Repeating Pro cess ing Tasks: Loop Struc tures. Chapter 8Accessing Data: Relational Database Processing. Chapter 9 Ac cess ing Data: UsingXML. Chapter 10 Working with Collections. Chapter 11 Using Visual Basic .NETto Create Web Ap pli ca tions. Comprehensive Projects: CP.1 Multiple Forms,Menus, and Logical Decision-Making. CP.2 Economic Order Quantity Calculator.CP.3 Order Policy Simulation. CP.4 Product/Supplier Da ta base Application. CP.5Order Entry Application Revisited. CP.6 Real Estate Listings Database ApplicationRevisited. Appendix A: De bug ging. Appendix B: Configuring and Using InternetInformation Server (IIS). Appendix C: Configuring and Using MS SQL Server.Appendix D: Answers to Selected ExercisesInternational EditionPRO GRAM MING IN VI SU AL BASIC 6.0 UPDATEEDITION WITH CDby Julia Case Bradley and Anita C. Millspaugh, Mt. San AntonioCol lege2002ISBN-13: 978-0-07-251874-0 / MHID: 0-07-251874-XISBN-13: 978-0-07-120481-1 / MHID: 0-07-120481-4 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/cit/program/bradley6CONTENTS1. Introduction to Visual Basic. 2. More Controls. 3. Variables, Constants, andCalculations. 4. Decisions and Conditions. 5. Menus, Sub Procedures, and SubFunctions. 6. Multiple Forms. 7. Lists, Loops, and Printing. 8. Arrays. 9. OOP-Creating Object-Oriented Programs. 10. Data Files. 11. Accessing DatabaseFiles. 12. Data Handling-Grids, Val i da tion, Selection, and Sorting. 13. Dragand-Drop.14. Graphics. 15. Advanced Topics in Visual Basic. Appendix AAnswers to Feed back Questions. Appendix B Functions for Working with Dates,Financial Calculations, Mathematics, and String Op er a tions. Appendix C Tipsand Shortcuts for Mastering the VB Environment. Appendix D A Preview ofMicrosoft’s VB.NETSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF VISUAL BA SICby Byron S Gottfried, Uni ver si ty of Pittsburgh, Pitts burgh2001 / 325 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-135671-8 / MHID: 0-07-135671-1Schaum's PublicationCONTENTSChapter 1: Introducing Visual Basic. Chapter 2: Visual Basic Fun da men tals. Chapter3: Branch ing and Loop ing. Chapter 4: Visual Basic Control Fun da men tals. Chapter5: Menus and Dialog Boxes. Chapter 6. Ex e cut ing and De bug ging a New Project.Chapter 7: Procedures. Chapter 8: Arrays. Chapter 9: Data Files. Appendix A:The ASCII Char ac ter Set. Appendix B: Incompatibilities with Visual Basic.NET.Answers to Selected Problems.2215-60_CompSc.indd 2211/15/06 5:05:11 PM

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