Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>PASCALJavaSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF PRO GRAM MING WITHPASCALSecond Editionby Byron S Gottfried, University of Pittsburgh1994 / 448 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-023924-1 / MHID: 0-07-023924-XSchaum's PublicationCONTENTSIntroductory Concepts. Pascal Fundamentals. Simple-Type Data. Data Input andOutput. Preparing and Running a Complete Pascal Program. Control Structures.Procedures and Functions. User-Defined Simple-Type Data. Arrays. Records. Files.Sets. Lists and Pointers. Appendices: A: Reserved Words. B: Standard Identifiers.C: Standard Procedures. D: Standard Functions. E: Operators. F: Syntax Diagrams.G: The ASCII Character Set. Answers to Selected Problems.International EditionCOBOLCOMPREHENSIVE COBOL, VOL IIAdvanced COBOL ProgrammingFourth Editionby A S Philippakis and L J Kazmier1991 / 485 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-112768-4 / MHID: 0-07-112768-2 [IE]NEWA COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION TO OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING WITH JAVAby C. Thomas Wu (Otani), Naval Postgraduate School2008 (February 2007) / Softcover / 256 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-331708-1 / MHID: 0-07-331708-X(with ARIS Bind-in card)An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Javaprovides an accessible and technically thorough introductionto the basics of programming using java. The text takes atruly object-oriented approach. Objects are used early so thatstudents think in objects right from the beginning.FEATURES• The Comprehensive Edition of Wu includes chapters on MemoryAllocation Schemes and Linked Data Structures, Generics, Lists,Queues, and Stacks.• New Java 5.0 features are incorporated into the text includingtwo new classes, the Scanner Class for input and the Formatter class.Revisions for the Comprehensive edition include introducing theScanner Class at the outset rather starting students off with JOptionPane as Wu did in the 4th edition.• The fundamentals of incremental program design are emphasizedby taking students through large Sample Development Programs thatreinforce software engineering principles. CONSISTENT PROBLEMSOLVING APPROACH AT THE END OF EVERY CHAPTERFOLLOWS: Problem Statement; Overall Plan; Design; Code; Test.• Wu presents concepts visually. His diagrams representing objectsand classes make these concepts easier for students to understand.WU HAS MORE DIAGRAMS THAN ANY OTHER TEXT.• The accompanying ARIS site contains solutions for instructors,Anitmated PowerPoint Slides, Labs, Source Code, an Example Bank,Compiler HowTos and more.• A Testbank is available to instructors, with questions that can beassigned as exam questions or homework.CONTENTS0 Introduction to <strong>Computer</strong>s and Programming Languages. 1 Introduction toObject-Oriented Programming and Software Development. 2 Getting Startedwith Java. 3 Numerical Data. 4 Defining Your Own Classes--Part 1. 5 SelectionStatements. 6 Repetition Statements. 7 Defining Your Own Classes--Part 2. 8Exceptions and Assertions. 9 Characters and Strings. 10 Arrays. 11 Sorting andSearching. 12 File Input and Output. 13 Inheritance and Polymorphism. 14 GUIand Event-Driven Programming. 15 Recursion. 16 Memory Allocation Schemesand Linked Data Structures. 17 Generics. 18 List ADT. 19 Queue ADT. 20 StackADTCOMPLIMENTARYCOPIESComplimentary desk copies are availablefor course adoption only. Kindly contact yourlocal <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Representative or fax theExamination Copy Request Form availableon the back pages of this catalog.Visit <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> EducationWebsite: www.mheducation.com2415-60_CompSc.indd 2411/15/06 5:05:12 PM