<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>NEWJAVA IN TWO SEMESTERSSecond Editionby Quentin Charatan, and Aaron Kans, University of East London2006 / 624 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-710889-2 / MHID: 0-07-710889-2(<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK Title)This second edition of the successful textbook, Java in TwoSemesters, provides a comprehensive treatment of objectorientedprogramming, covering both introductory materialand the more advanced topics of a second level course.Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the latest releaseof the Java language, the new edition covers the most recentdevelopments in Java programming. Part One presents thekey concepts of object-orientation and takes the student fromsimple programming concepts through to inheritance andHCI. The second part of the book introduces topics such asadvanced graphics programming, exceptions, threads, filehandling and network programming, and culminates in afinal chapter on Java in the context of the current softwaredevelopment environment. Based upon Java 1.5, the bookincludes topics such as generics, autoboxing and unboxing,a new chapter on network programming as well as a chaptercovering the recently updated Java Collections Framework.Program control is covered by two separate chapters, andthere is an entire chapter devoted to the implementation ofmethods. In addition to new technical developments, thebook retains frequent examples, extensive end of chapterexercises, unique case study chapters, and offers a free studentCD-ROM containing a Java IDE and all essential Java classesfrom the text.CONTENTSChapter One: The first step. Chapter Two: Selection. Chapter Three: Iteration.Chapter Four: Implementing methods. Chapter Five: Arrays. Chapter Six: Classesand objects. Chapter Seven: Implementing classes. Chapter Eight: Extendingclasses with inheritance. Chapter Nine: Software quality. Chapter Ten: Graphicsand event-driven programmes. Chapter Eleven: Case study--part 1. Chapter Twelve:Case study--part 2. Chapter Thirteen: Packages. Chapter Fourteen: Abstraction,inheritance and interfaces. Chapter Fifteen: Exceptions. Chapter Sixteen: Twodimensionalarrays. Chapter Seventeen: The Java collections framework. ChapterEighteen: Advanced graphics programming. Chapter Nineteen: Enhancing the userinterface. Chapter Twenty: Working with files. Chapter Twenty-One: Advancedcase study. Chapter Twenty-Two: Multi-threaded programs. Chapter Twenty-Three:Java in a network environment. Chapter Twenty-Four: Java in context.JAVA 5.0 PROGRAM DESIGNBy James P. Cohoon, and Jack W. Davidson, both of University OfVA-Charlottesville2006 / 920 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-325030-4 / MHID: 0-07-325030-9This site includes solutions, powerpoints, labs, source code, and more.(Browse http://www.mhhe.com/cohoon)Java 5.-0 Program Design is about the fundamentals ofprogramming and software development using Java. It istargeted for a first programming course and has been designedto be appropriate for people from all disciplines. The authorsassume no prior programming skills and use mathematics andscience at a level appropriate to first-year college students.The breadth of coverage and the arrangement of the chaptersprovide flexibility for the instructor in what and when topics areintroduced. Key to Java 5.0 Program Design is an introductionto problem solving. The basics of problem-solving techniquesare introduced in chapter one and then reinforced during theexplanations of Java programming and design. In addition,software engineering design concepts are introduced viaproblem studies and software projects. This updated versionof Java Program Design takes advantage of the improvementsto the language introduced with Java 5.0. The additions areespecially important for beginning programmers because theyhelp make program design and development a clearer andmore straightforward process.Key Handles: • Good Problem Solving Techniques • WideVariety of Examples • Placement of Objects first—Aidsstudents in Problem Solving • 5.0 update is included in thisrevisionFEATURES• Java is given broad coverage. The authors provide in-depthcoverage of all materials that an introductory course would need,introduce much of the remaining material, and give pointers to therest.• Introduction to problem solving. The basics of problem-solvingtechniques are presented in chapter one, and each successive chaptercontains a self-check section, an exercise section offering a varietyof problems requiring a wide array of efforts, and one or moreinteresting case studies presented in a manner that makes it suitableas a class assignment.• Classes are introduced early. Chapter one includes a gentleintroduction to the object-oriented paradigm, and the next severalchapters introduce standard Java classes and packages, and a limitednumber of objects. After this solid introduction, over 50 classes aredemonstrated in the remaining chapters.• Software-engineering design concepts are introduced via problemstudies and software projects.• Coverage of testing and debugging. Students learn varioustesting techniques (such as unit testing, integration testing, and codeinspections), and sections on debugging teach students how to usethe scientific method to find bugs.• Programming and style tips are presented in boxes that clearlydelineate this material from the main text. There are important tipson such things as avoiding common programming errors, writingreadable code, performance, and software engineering.CONTENTS1 Background 2 Java Basics 3 Using Objects 4 Being Classy 5 Decisions 6Iteration. Graphics Interlude 1: GUI-Based Programming 7 Programming withMethods and Classes 8 Arrays and Collections 9 Inheritance and PolymorphismGraphics Interlude 2: GUI-Based Programming 10 Exceptions 11 RecursiveProblem Solving 12 Threads 13 Testing and Debugging. Appendix A: Tablesand Operators. Appendix B: Number Representation. Appendix C: FormattedI/O. Appendix D: Applets. Appendix E: Standard Java Packages2515-60_CompSc.indd 2511/15/06 5:05:13 PM
<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>International EditionAN INTRODUCTION TO OBJECT-ORI ENT EDPRO GRAM MING WITH JAVAFourth Editionby C Thomas Wu (Otani), Naval Post grad u ate School2006 / 976 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-294652-9 / MHID: 0-07-294652-0ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111680-0 / MHID: 0-07-111680-X[IE, Mandatory package)http://www.mhhe.com/wuAn Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Javaprovides an accessible and technically thorough in tro duc tionto the basics of pro gram ming using java. The fourth editioncontinues to take a truly object-oriented approach. Objectsare used early so that students think in objects right from thebeginning. In the fourth edition, the cov er age on definingclasses has been made more accessible. The material has beenbroken down into smaller chunks and spread over two chapters,making it more student-friendly. Also, new to this edition isthe incorporation of Java 1.5 features, including use of theScanner Class and the Formatter Class. The hallmark featureof the book, Sample Development Programs, are continuedin this edition. These provide students with an opportunityto in cre men tal ly, step by step, walk through program design,learn ing the fundamentals of soft ware engineering. Objectdiagrams, using a subset of UML, also continue to be animportant element of Wu’s approach. The consistent, visualapproach assists students in understanding concepts.NEW TO THIS EDITION• The fourth edition takes a gentler approach to teaching students tobuild their own classes, which makes the dif fi cult topic accessible tostudents.• The fourth edition contains many new examples geared towardbeing student-mo ti vat ing and accessible.• New Java 1.5 features are in corporated in clud ing two newclasses, the Scanner Class for input and the Formatter class.• A Testbank is available to instructors, with questions that can beassigned as exam questions or homework.Features• Objects are emphasized from the start, training students to thinkabout programming in an object-oriented way.• The fundamentals of incremental program design are emphasizedby taking students through large Sample Development Programs thatreinforce software engineering principles.• Wu presents concepts visually. His diagrams representing objectsand classes make these concepts easier for students to understand.• An Online Learning Center (OLC) con tain ing solutions forin struc tors, PowerPoint Slides, Labs, Source Code, an Example Bank,Com pil er HowTos and more is available with this book at www.mhhe.com/wu.• Small complete pro grams are used the book throughout to providestudents with small and digestible examples, making material easierto comprehend.CONTENTS1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Software Development. 2Getting Started with Java. 3 Numerical Data. 4 Defining Your Own Classes-Part 1.5 Selection Statements. 6 Rep e ti tion Statements. 7 Defining Your Own Classes-Part2. 8 Exceptions and Assertions. 9 Characters and Strings. 10 Arrays. 11 Sortingand Search ing. 12 File Input and Output. 13 Inheritance and Poly mor phism. 14GUI and Event-Driven Programming. 15 Re cur sive AlgorithmsInternational EditionJAVA 1.5 PROGRAM DESIGNby James P Cohoon, University of Virginia, Charlottesville and JackW Davidson, University of Virginia, Charlottesville2004ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121841-2 / MHID: 0-07-121841-6[IE with Bind-In Card]http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/007235447xJava 1.5 Program Design is about the fundamentals ofprogramming and software development using Java. It istargeted for a first programming course and has been designedto be appropriate for people from all disciplines. The authorsassume no prior programming skills and use mathematics andscience at a level appropriate to first-year college students.The breadth of coverage and the arrangement of the chaptersprovide flexibility for the instructor in what and when topics areintroduced. Key to Java 1.5 Program Design is an introductionto problem solving. The basics of problem-solving techniquesare introduced in chapter one and then reinforced during theexplanations of Java pro gram ming and design. In addition,software engineering design concepts are introduced viaproblem studies and software projects. This updated versionof Java Program Design takes ad van tage of the improvementsto the language introduced with Java 1.5. The additions areespecially important for beginning pro gram mers because theyhelp make program design and development a clearer andmore straightforward process.CONTENTS1 Background. 2 Java Basics. 3 Using Objects. 4 Being Classy. 5 Decisions. 6Iteration. Graph ics Interlude I: GUI-Based Programming. 7 Programming withMethods and Classes. 8 Arrays and Collections. 9 Inheritance and Polymorphism.Graphics Interlude II: GUI-Based Programming. 10 Ex cep tions. 11 RecursiveProblem Solving. 12 Threads. 13 Testing and Debugging. Appendix A Tables andOperators. Appendix B Number Representation. Appendix C Applets. AppendixD Standard Java Packages. Appendix E Standard Java Graphical PackagesSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF PRO GRAM MING WITHJAVASecond Editionby John R Hubbard, Uni ver si ty of Richmond2004 / Softcover / 352 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-142040-2 / MHID: 0-07-142040-1Schaum's PublicationSince its inception in 1995, Java has transformed the waypeople use the internet. Built by Sun Microsystems over a5-year period, Java moved the Internet from its infancy intoearly childhood by enabling web pages to do more than justsit there on the screen like a computerized brochure. Javaenabled users to view media, listen to the radio, interact withother users, bid on products on EBay, virtually tour a homefor sale, and check stock prices in real time. Sun has nowreleased Java 1.4, a version that includes many updates forprogrammers that make creating web pages even easier. Withversion 1.4 there are new data structures, new additions to theJava language, and more ap pli ca tions that can use Java, not tomention the advancements in applet tech nol o gy which usesJava as its programming lan guage. Java has emerged as thesoftware developer’s clear choice for web development, andJava users today far out num ber those of all other programminglanguages, such as C++ or Visual Basic. The AP coursein <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong> will reflect these changes as its focuschanges from C++ to Java 1.4 beginning with the Spring 2004Exam. This second edition of the successful Schaum’s OutlineProgramming with Java will address these advances in the Javaprogramming language since 1999. It will include updatedand expanded ex am ples and solved problems, a feature thatno other com pet i tive books on the subject have, which willalso appeal to students of <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong> at the AP level inHigh School. New chapters and additions to chapters from the2615-60_CompSc.indd 2611/15/06 5:05:14 PM