Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books


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<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>first edition will cover the new data struc tures and languageadditions with version 1.4. The book will support the major<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong> textbooks used in first year computerscience class rooms in colleges across the country.International EditionPROGRAMMING WITH JAVA WITH CD-ROMby Julia Case Bradley and Anita C Millspaugh, Mt. San AntonioCollege2002 / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-251244-1 / MHID: 0-07-251244-X(with Student CD)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112478-2 / MHID: 0-07-112478-0[IE with Student CD]http://www.mhhe.com/cit/program/bradleyjavaCONTENTSChapter 1: Introducing Java. Chapter 2: Using Variables and Constants. Chapter 3:De sign ing the Interface with Layout Managers. Chapter 4: Per form ing Calculationsand For mat ting Numbers. Chapter 5: Creating Classes. Chapter 6: Decisions andConditions. Chapter 7: Making Selections with Check Boxes and Option Buttons.Chapter 8: Using Lists, Choices, And Looping. Chapter 9: Arrays. Chapter 10:Applications, Frames, Menus, And Dialogs. Chapter 11: Multimedia In Java:Images, Sounds, Animations And Video. Chapter 12: More OOP, Interfaces,And Inner Classes. Chapter 13: Storing In for ma tion, Object Serialization, andJDBC. Chapter 14: Javascript. Chapter 15: Advanced Features of Java . AppendixA: Using an IDE. Appendix B: Conventions and Standards. Appendix C: Java 1.0Event Handling And Depreciated Methods. Appendix D: Solutions to FeedbackQuestions. Appendix E: Creating Jar Files. Appendix F: Math Functions. AppendixG: Debugging.International EditionAN IN TRO DUC TION TO COMPUTER SCIENCEUSING JAVASecond Editionby Samuel N Kamin, and Dennis Mickunas, both of the University ofIllinois, Champaign2002 / 784 pages / softcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-112232-0 / MHID: 0-07-112232-X [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/kaminCONTENTS1 What Is Programming? 2 Classes and Methods I. 3 Fundamental Data Types ofJava. 4 Decision Making. 5 Classes and Objects II: Classes with Multiple Methods.6 Iteration. 7 Classes and Methods III: Working with Objects. 8 One-DimensionalArrays. 9 Nested Loops and Two-Dimensional Arrays. 10 Classes and Methods IV:Static Methods and Variables. 11 The Java AWT Part I: Mouse Events (Optional).12 Inheritance and Exceptions. 13 Java AWT Part II (Optional). 14 Recursion.15 Text Processing and File Input/Output. 16 Case Study: The Game of Reversi.Appendix A Other Java Features. Appendix B Precedence Rules. Appendix CClasses in the Java API. Appendix D Class DiagramsInternational EditionOBJECTS HAVE CLASSAn Introduction to Programming with Java withCD-ROM and OLCby David A. Poplawski, Michigan Tech no log i cal University2002ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112406-5 / MHID: 0-07-112406-3 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/poplawskiCONTENTS1 <strong>Computer</strong>s, Programs, and Java. 2 Writing Programs. 3 Getting Started. 4Variables, Expressions, and Assignment. 5 Defining and Creating Multiple Objects.6 Interacting Objects and Events. 7 Making Decisions. 8 Program Testing. 9 SimpleClass Extension. 10 Repetition, 11 Arrays. 12 Application Programs. 13 Input andOutput. 14 Graphical User Interface Classes. 15 Class Hierarchies. 16 AbstractData Types and Linked Data Structures. 17 Introduction to Recursion. AppendixA Java Reserved Words. Appendix B Java Primitive Types. Appendix C The JavaDevelopment Kit. Appendix D The AnimatorInternational EditionJAVA ELEMENTSPrinciples of Programming in Javaby Duane Bailey, Williams College2000 / 352 pages / softcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-116353-8 / MHID: 0-07-116353-0 [IE]CONTENTSPreface. Welcome. Chapter 1: Values, Variables, and Expressions. Chapter 2: TheElement Package. Chapter 3: Conditions and Loops. Chapter 4: Methods. Chapter5: Strings. Chapter 6: Recursion. Chapter 7: Arrays and Vectors. Chapter 8: Classes.Chapter 9: Recursive Structures. Chapter 10: Threads. Chapter 11: Machines. A:Selected Answers. B: Basics. C: Contest Problems. D: Documentation of SelectedClasses. E: The Element Package. Index.International EditionJAVAAN OBJECT-ORI ENT ED LANGUAGEby Michael Smith, University of Brighton1999 / 450 pages / softcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-116914-1 / MHID: 0-07-116914-8 [IE](<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK Title)CONTENTSIntroduction to Pro gram ming. Introductory Con cept. Fundamentals of ProgramInstructions. Solving a Simple Problem Using Java. The Full Language: Introductionto Design Using an OO Meth od ol o gy. Introduction - Part 1 Introduction - Part 2The Class: Class Variables and Methods. Wrapper Classes. Parameters to Methods.Windowed Pro gram ming. Arrays. Inheritance. Polymorphism. The Game ofCheckers. Exceptions. Clonable Objects. File I/O. Object Serialization2715-60_CompSc.indd 2711/15/06 5:05:15 PM

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