Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books


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<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>LANNetwork SecurityInternational EditionLOCAL AREA NET WORKSby Behrouz A. Forouzan, De Anza College2002 / 640 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-115080-4 / MHID: 0-07-115080-3 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/forouzanCONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction. Chapter 2 Data Communication Models. Chapter 3 DataTransmission. Chapter 4 Transmission Media. Chapter 5 Error Detection. Chapter6 LAN Topologies. Chapter 7 Flow & Error Con trol. Chapter 8 Medium AccessMethods. Chapter 9 Logical Link Control (LLC). Chapter 10 Ethernet: 10 Mbps.Chapter 11 Ethernet Evolution: Fast and Gigabit Ethernet. Chapter 12 TokenBus. Chapter 13 Token Ring. Chapter 14 ATM LANs. Chapter 15 Wireless LANs.Chapter 16 LAN Performance. Chapter 17 Connecting LANs. Chapter 18 TCP/IP.Chapter 19 Data Encryption. Chapter 20 Network Management. Ap pen dix AASCII Code. Appendix B Numbering Sys tems & Trans for ma tion. Appendix CSpan ning Tree. Appendix D In for ma tion Theory. Appendix E ATM. Appendix FDQDB. Appendix G FDDI. Appendix H Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs).Appendix I Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Appendix J Probability. Glos sa ry.Solutions. IndexInternational EditionLOCAL AREA NETWORKSSecond Editionby Gerd Keiser, PhotonicsComm Solutions, Inc.2002 / 552 pages / hardcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-122650-9 / MHID: 0-07-122650-8[IE with CD-ROM]www.mhhe.com/engcs/electrical/keiser2CONTENTS1 Overview of LANs. 2 Network Architectures and Protocols. 3 DataCommunication Concepts. 4 LAN Access Techniques. 5 Ethernet. 6 Token-Passing LANs. 7 ATM LANs. 8 Wireless LANs. 9 Fibre Channel and SANSs. 10Internetworking. 11 Network Management. 12 Network SecurityInternational EditionNEWNETWORK SECURITYby Behrouz A. Forouzan, De Anza College2008 (March 2007) / Hardcover / 480 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-332753-2 / MHID: 0-07-332753-0ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110223-0 / MHID: 0-07-110223-X [IE]Browse http://www.mhhe.com/forouzanIn this new first edition, well-known author Behrouz Forouzanuses his accessible writing style and visual approach tosimplify the difficult concepts of cryptography and networksecurity. Forouzan presents difficult security topics from theground up. A gentle introduction to the fundamentals ofnumber theory is provided in the opening chapters, paving theway for the student to move on to more complex security andcryptography topics. Difficult math concepts are organized inappendices at the end of each chapter so that students canfirst learn the principles, then apply the technical background.Hundreds of examples, as well as fully coded programs, roundout a practical, hands-on approach which encourages studentsto test the material they are learning.FEATURES• Hundreds of figures are used to visually illustrate concepts,making technical material easier to understand.• Usuable programs, so students can do hands on activities.• Up-to-date coverage of all of the latest networking technologies.• Extensive practice sets at the end of each chapter help studentsreinforce what they have learned and give them an opportunity towork through some more challenging exercises.• Student-friendly approach moves math to the ends of chapters foran easier explanation of concepts.• An accompanying website that provides both colorful PowerPointsand solutions.CONTENTSCryptography and Network Security. Part I: Introduction. Chapter 1: Introduction.Part II: Number Theory. Chapter 2: Modular Arithmetic, Divisibility, andInverses. Chapter 3: Prime Numbers and Factorization. Chapter 4: Number Setsand Algebraic Constructs. Chapter 5: Equations in Modular Arithmetic. Part III:Cryptography. Chapter 6: Traditional Symmetric-Key Ciphers. Chapter 7: ModernCiphers. Chapter 8: Modern Symmetric-Key Block Ciphers. Chapter 9: Public-Key Cryptosystem: Part I. Chapter 10: Public-Key Cryptosystem: Part II. Part IV:Network Security. Chapter 11: Message Integrity and Authentication. Chapter 12:Hash Algorithms. Chapter 13: Digital Signature. Chapter 14: Entity Authentication.Chapter 15: Key Management. Part V: Internet Security. Chapter 16: Security atNetwork Layer: IPSec. Chapter 17: Security at Transport Layer: SSL and TLSChapter 18: Security at Application Layer: PGP4615-60_CompSc.indd 4611/15/06 5:05:28 PM

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