Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong><strong>Computer</strong>/Machine VisionNumerical Methods & AnalysisNEWHUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTIONMulti-Disciplinary Approachby Gerrit van der Veer2008 (July 2007) / Softcover / 750 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-709996-1 / MHID: 0-07-709996-6(<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK Title)This book provides a systematic account of all that is needed fordesigning complex interactive systems. It provides a multidisciplinarycontent, from a user-centred and pragmatic point of view. The bookaims to provide the theory students need to understand the varioustechniques and provides illustrations, examples and exercises toprepare students for collaborating with design teams in industrialpractice.CONTENTSPart 1: Introduction: Chapter 1: Preface. Chapter 2: Introduction to HCI. Part 2:Human users in context: Chapter 3: Introduction to the sciences of humanity.Chapter 4: Basic cognitive processes. Chapter 5: Complex processes. Chapter 6:Applications of cognitive psychology in ergonomy. Chapter 7: Mental modelsof complex systems. Chapter 8:"Working" in context. Part 3: Design approach:Chapter 9: DUTCH: Designing for users and tasks, from concepts to handlesChapter 10: Formal models. Chapter 11: Task analysis. Chapter 12: Detaildesign. Chapter 13: Evaluation. Chapter 14: User centred design patterns. Part4: Application domains: Chapter 15: Designing persuasive web sites. Chapter16: Design of experiences--virtual reality. Chapter 17: Introducing user centreddesign in practise. Chapter 18: Designing for knowledge intensive businesssystems. Chapter 19: Design as an industry. Chapter 20: Multimedia applicationsfor cultural domains.International EditionMACHINE VISIONby Ramesh C. Jain, University of California - San Diego andRangacher Kasturi, Penn State University, Brian G. Schunck1995 / 549 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-113407-1 / MHID: 0-07-113407-7 [IE]CONTENTS1. Introduction. 2. Binary Image Processing. 3. Regions. 4. Image Filtering. 5. EdgeDetection. 6. Contours. 7. Texture. 8. Optics. 9. Shading. 10. Color. 11. Depth.12. Calibration. 13. Surfaces. 14. Volumetric Representations. 15. Motion. 16.Object RecognitionNEWAPPLIED NUMERICAL METHODS WITH MATLABFOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTSSecond Editionby Steven C. Chapra, Tufts University2008 (November 2006) / Hardcover / 544 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-313290-7 / MHID: 0-07-313290-XThe web site features student and instructor resources such as an imagebank, lecture slides, helpful web links, study objectives, and more!(Browse Chapra’s second edition, Applied Numerical Methodswith MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, is written forengineers and scientists who want to learn numerical problemsolving. This text focuses on problem-solving (applications)rather than theory, using MATLAB, and is intended forNumerical Methods users; hence theory is included only toinform key concepts. The second edition feature new materialsuch as Numerical Differentiation and ODE's: Boundary-ValueProblems.For those who require a more theoretical approach, seeChapra's best-selling Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5/e(2006), also by <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>.NEW TO THIS EDITION• Based on response from users and reviewers, 4 New Chaptershave been added to the second edition to provide a more accessiblepresentation, while maintaining its student-friendly flavor.~Optimization~Numerical Differentiation~ODES: Boundary-Value Problems~Fast Fourier Transform. This appendix chapter is presented in anintroductory fashion to illustrate the power of MATLAB and to letstudents go away recognizing that although they have just scratchedthe surface, they might want to pursue the topic in greater depth infuture courses.• 50% new or revised chapter and homework problemsFEATURES• Explanations are straight-forward and practically oriented. Themath level is considered, just to be at the right level--not too easy orrigorous, just right.• Extensive use of engineering examples, case studies, andapplications are given throughout the text.• Each chapter is well integrated with MATLAB M-files. In addition,relevant MATLAB functions are introduced in each chapter.• MATLAB is used as the primary computing environment. Allalgorithms are presented as m-files.• A text Web site is available at One Modeling, <strong>Computer</strong>s, and Error Analysis. 1. Mathematical ModelingNumerical Methods and Problem Solving. 2. MATLAB Fundamentals. 3.Programming with MATLAB. 4. Roundoff and Trunication Errors. Part Two Rootsand Optimization. 5. Roots: Bracketing Methods. 6. Roots: Open Methods. 7.Optimization. Part Three Linear Systems. 8. Linear Algebraic Equations andMatrices. 9. Gauss Elimination. 10. LU Factorization. 11. Matrix Inverse andCondition. 12. Iterative Methods. Part Four Curve Fitting. 13. Linear Regression.14. General Linear Least-Squares and Non-Linear Regression. 15. PolynomialInterpolation. 16. Splines and Piecewise Interpolation. Part Five Integration andDifferentiation. 17. Numerical Integration Formulas. 18. Numerical Integration ofFunctions. 19. Numerical Differentiation. Part Six Ordinary Differential Equations.20. Initial-Value Problems. 21. Adaptive Methods and Stiff Systems. 22. Boundary-Value Problems Appendix A: Eigenvalues Appendix B: MATLAB Built-in FunctionsAppendix C: MATLAB M-File Functions Bibliography Index5015-60_CompSc.indd 5011/15/06 5:05:31 PM