Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>Software EngineeringInternational EditionNEWOBJECT-ORIENTED AND CLASSICAL SOFTWAREENGINEERINGSeventh Editionby Stephen R. Schach, Vanderbilt University–Nashville2007 (June 2006) / Hardcover / 608 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-319126-3 / MHID: 0-07-319126-4ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110303-3 / MHID: 0-07-110303-1 [IE]Browse and Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 7/epresents an excellent introduction to software engineeringfundamentals, covering both traditional and object-orientedtechniques. The coverage of both Agile processes andOpen Source Software has been considerably expanded. Inaddition, the Osbert Oglesby running case study has beenreplaced with a new case study on the Martha StocktonGreengage Foundation. The new study highlights even moreaspects of the Unified Process. New to this Edition:. • Allnewcoverage of agile processes. eXtreme Programming (XP)is now presented within the larger context of agile processes.• Expanded material on open-source software. Additionalcoverage on open-source software development is includedthroughout the manuscript, particularly Chapters 2 and 4. •More problems. New problems have been added to everychapter. • Brand new Case Study. Based on feedback fromreviewers and users, a new case study on the Martha StocktonGreengage Foundation illustrates techniques of softwaredevelopment in Chapters 10-15. The case study deals with areal-world situation that students will be likely to encounter inreal life: home mortgages. This case study replaces the OsbertOglesby case study from previous editions. • New OnlineContent. This text is available with a website that containsPowerPoints, solutions, and C++ and Java code for the TermProject and Case Studies. The book’s unique organizationremains in place, with Part I covering underlying softwareengineering theory, and Part II presenting the more practicallife cycle. Complementing this well-balanced approach is thestraightforward, student-friendly writing style, through whichdifficult concepts are presented in a clear, understandablemanner. The new seventh edition provides an extensiveupdating of this classic software engineering text!NEW TO THIS EDITION• Expanded material on agile processes• New Case Study--Martha Stockton Greengage Foundation CaseStudy.• Updated and expanded material on Open-Source software• 30% new problems• Many new references have been added to Schach's extensivecollection of over 600 references that help students access relevantreading in the field.FEATURES• This book is accompanied by a website that contains PowerPoints,solutions, and C++ and Java code for the Term Project and CaseStudies.CONTENTSPart One Introduction to Software Engineering. 1 The Scope of SoftwareEngineering. 2 Software Life-Cycle Models. 3 The Software Process. 4 Teams. 5The Tools of the Trade. 6 Testing. 7 From Modules to Objects. 8 Reusability andPortability. 9 Planning and Estimating. Part Two The Workflows of the SoftwareLife Cycle. 10 Requirements. 11 Classical Analysis. 12 Object-Oriented Analysis.13 Design. 14 Implementation. 15 Postdelivery Maintenance. 16 More on UML.Appendix A Term Project: Osric's Office Appliances and Decor. Appendix BSoftware Engineering Resources. Appendix C Requirements Workflow: The MSGFoundation Case Study. Appendix D Structured Systems Analysis: The MSGFoundation Case Study. Appendix E Analysis Workflow: The MSG FoundationCase Study. Appendix F Software Project Management Plan: The MSG FoundationCase Study. Appendix G Design Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case Study.Appendix H Implementation Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case Study (C++Version). Appendix I Implementation Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case Study(Java Version). Appendix J Test Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case StudyInternational EditionSOFTWARE EN GI NEER ING: A PRAC TI TIO NER’SAPPROACHSixth Editionby Roger S Pressman, R.S. Pressman & Associates2005 / 896 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-301933-8 / MHID: 0-07-301933-X(with OLC Bi-Card)ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123840-3 / MHID: 0-07-123840-9 [IE] over 20 years, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’sApproach has been the best selling guide to softwareen gi neer ing for students and in dus try professionals alike.The sixth edition continues to lead the way in softwareen gi neer ing. A new Part 4 on Web Engineering presents acom plete engineering approach for the analysis, design, andtesting of Web Applications, in creas ing ly important for today’sstudents. Additionally, the UML cov er age has been enhancedand signficantly increased in this new edition. The pedagogyhas also been improved in the new edition to include sidebars.They provide information on relevant softare tools, specific workflow for specific kinds of projects, and additional in for ma tionon various topics. Additionally, Pressman pro vides a runningcase study called “Safe Home” throughout the book, whichprovides the application of software en gi neer ing to an industryproject. New additions to the book also include chapters onthe Agile Process Models, Requirements Engineering, andDesign En gi neer ing. The book has been completely updatedand con tains hundreds of new ref er enc es to software tools thataddress all important topics in the book. The ancillary materialfor the book includes an expansion of the case study, whichillustrates it with UML diagrams. The On-Line Learning Centerincludes resources for both instructors and students such aschecklists, 700 categorized web references, Powerpoints, atest bank, and a software engineering library-containing over500 software engineering papers.NEW TO THIS EDITION• Five new chapters on Web Engineering (Part 3) present methodsfor formulation, planning, analysis, design and testing of Webap pli ca tions.• The new modular organization allows instructors to use the bookin a variety of different course formats. Options include a “designcourse,” a “survey course,” “man age ment course,” and a “webengineering course.”• The SafeHome case study has been enhanced and extendedto il lus trate important topics and to allow the student to betterunderstand the inner workings of a project team as software isengineered and built.• New sidebars are used extensively to present complimentarysoftware engineering topics, suggest relevant tools, and defineworkflow for various technical and management activities.• A new chapter on design engineering emphasizes importantdesign con cepts and principles and lays the foundation for the fourdesign chapter that follow.• The coverage on UML(Unified Modeling Language)has beensignificantly enhanced for the sixth edition.• A new chapter on agile development considers ExtremeProgramming and other agile methods.• A new chapter on requirements en gi neer ing that emphasizestechnique that em pha siz es techniques for requirements inception,elicitation, elaboration, negotiation, spec i fi ca tion, validation, andmanagement.• Object-oriented design has been integrated throughout the text inthis edition.5415-60_CompSc.indd 5411/15/06 5:05:33 PM