Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Science</strong>International EditionADVANCED MICROPROCESSORSSecond Editionby Daniel Tabak, George Madison Uni ver si ty1995 / 529 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-113715-7 / MHID: 0-07-113715-7 [IE](International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)Professional BookCONTENTSIntroduction. General Structure of Micro-processor. Microprocessor Architecture.Memory Hierarchy. Pipelining. Reduced Instruction Set <strong>Computer</strong> (RISC) Principles.The Intelx86 Family. The Pentium. The i486 and the i386 Microprocessors. TheMotorola M68000 Family. The MC680x0 Architecture. The MC68060 andMC68040. Earlier MC68000 Family Processors. Advanced RISC Micro-processor.The Power PC Family. The Sun SPARC Family. The MIPS Rx000 Family. TheIntel i860 Family. The Motorola M88000 Family. The HP Precision Architecture(PA) Family. System Development. System Comparison. Concluding CommentsOperating SystemsSURVEY OF OP ER AT ING SYSTEMSSecond Editionby Charles Holcombe and Jane Holcombe2006 / 608 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-225773-1 / MHID: 0-07-225773-3(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookThis book will teach the basic functions of an operating system,such as the graphical user interface, memory management,device management, and file management. It also explainshow to install, configure, and troubleshoot each of the majormicrocomputer operating systems, including DOS, Win dows,Macintosh, UNIX, and, Linux, as well as explain the purposeof operating systems in different hardware en vi ron ments, suchas microcomputers and networks.NEW TO THIS EDITION• Surveys the major operating systems, including DOS, Win dowsNT/2000/XP, Mac OS9/OSX, and Linux. Teaches students how toinstall, configure, and troubleshoot operating systems.• Covers objectives of A+ Operating Systems Technologies exam.• More DOS: Expanded coverage of DOS com mands.• Networking: Expanded coverage of networking and networkoperating systems including coverage of Windows Server 2003.• Mac & Linux: Updated for new versions of Macintosh and Linux.• A richly illustrated, four-color instructional design includes casestudies and step-by-step tutorials put concepts in real-world context.End of the Chapter lab exercises, questions, and review sectionsre in force key concepts.• Student CD: Book comes with latest ver sion of Red Hat Linux.CONTENTSChapter 1: Introduction to Desktop Operating Systems Chapter 2: Disk Operatingsystem (DOS) Chapter 3: Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Chapter 4: Windows 2000Professional Chapter 5: Windows XP Pro fes sion al Chapter 6: The MS WindowsDesktop Chapter 7: Managing Local Security in Windows Chapter 8: WindowsUnder the Hood Chapter 9: Network Server Operating Systems Chapter 10:The Client Side of Networking Chapter 11: Linux on the Desk top Chapter 12:Macintosh OS X Appendix: Answers to the Cross Check Exercises. Glossary BonusChapter available in the Instructor’s Resource Kit: Windows 98COMPLIMENTARYCOPIESComplimentary desk copies are availablefor course adoption only. Kindly contact yourlocal <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Representative or fax theExamination Copy Request Form availableon the back pages of this catalog.Visit <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> EducationWebsite: www.mheducation.com6015-60_CompSc.indd 6011/15/06 5:05:38 PM