Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books


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CIT-Application SoftwareNEWOffice CompleteADVANTAGE SERIES:MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007by Glen Coulthard2008 (April 2007) / Spiral Bound/Comb / 1056 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-351922-7 / MHID: 0-07-351922-7(Details not available at press time)NEWO’LEARY SERIES:MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007By Linda I. O'Leary, Independent2008 (June 2007) / Spiral Bound/Comb / 1312 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-351916-6 / MHID: 0-07-351916-2(Details not available at press time)International EditionADVANTAGE SERIES:MICROSOFT OFFICE 2003by Glen Coulthard; Sarah Hutchinson-Clifford; Ann Miller, ColumbusState University; and Pat Graves, Eastern Illinois Uni ver si ty2005 / 1,040 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-283444-4 / MHID: 0-07-283444-7ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121599-2 / MHID: 0-07-121599-9 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/cit/advantage2003The Advantage Series presents the Feature-Method-Practiceapproach to computer software applications to today’stech nol o gy and business students. This series implements anefficient and effective learning model, which enhances criticalthink ing skills and provides students and faculty with completeapplication coverage.FEATURES• SimNet for Office 2003 Incorporate SimNet for Office 2003 intoyour classes! This simulated learning and assessment tool consists ofa Learn ing Component as well as an Assessment Component, both ofwhich are based on the MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Objectives.The Learning Com po nent teaches key con cepts using a variety ofmethods and allows students to practice new skills. The AssessmentComponent consists of two pools of questions (one for pre-tests andone for exams) and also allows instructors to create their own exams.Go to www.mhhe.com/it/simnetxp for more information about whatmakes SimNet for Office 2003 a cutting-edge tool for learning andassessment.• Self-Check questions help students test their understanding on anongoing basis.• Modularity: Each chapter section is modular so you can teachskills in the order you prefer without having to worry about skippingcritical, pre req ui site knowledge. Chapter Prerequisites in theChapter Overview provide detailed ex pla na tion of skills needed tosuccessfully complete the chapter.• Business case-based Hands-on Projects with level of difficultyicons so students can measure their level of com pre hen sion andwork at a pace they are com fort able with.• Sessions begin with a business case study that introduces animmediate problem/opportunity. Throughout the session, studentsobtain the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the challengespresented in the case study and the case study problems/exercises atthe end of the session are directly related to the case study.• In Addition Boxes briefly expose students to advanced topics.• Advantage Series has double the number of screenshots frompre vi ous editions, which enhances the visual appeal and helpsstu dents successfully complete the hands-on steps• Advantage Series Website now contains product specific OnlineLearning Center with 50% More End Of Chapter content• MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Certified:• Every Introductory text is MOS Certified at Level 1 (Core Level)• Every Complete text is MOS Certified at Expert Level Certification.• Command Summary Table provides a review of chapter contentand helps students to pre pare for the MOS exams and to completethe end-of chapter questions.• Feature, Method, and Practice Boxes prepare students for eachses sion exercise within the chapter (indicates that a student is aboutto practice a task). “Fea ture” describes the command, “Method”shows how to perform the command, and “Practice” asks the studentto try their hand at it.CONTENTSMICROSOFT OFFICE WORD 2003:Chapter 1: Creating a Doc u ment. Chap ter 2: Mod i fy ing a Document. Chapter 3:En hanc ing a Doc u ment’s Appearance. Chapter 4: Print ing and Web Publishing.MICROSOFT OFFICE POWERPOINT 2003:Chapter 1: Creating a Pre sen ta tion. Chapter 2: Modifying and RunningPresentations. Chapter 3: Adding and Editing Graphic Images. Chapter 4: CreatingTables, Charts and Diagrams.MICROSOFT OFFICE EX CEL 2003:Chapter 1: Creating a Worksheet. Chapter 2: Mod i fy ing a Worksheet. Chapter 3:For mat ting and Printing. Chap ter 4: Analyzing your Data.MICROSOFT OFFICE AC CESS 2003:Chapter 1: Working with Access. Chapter 2: Creating a Database. Chapter 3:Or ga niz ing and Retrieving Data. Chap ter 4: Presenting and Managing Data.INTEGRATING & EX TEND ING MICRO-SOFT OFFICE 2003:Chapter 1: Integrating Word and Excel. Chapter 2: Per form ing More IntegrationTasks. Chapter 3: Extending Microsoft Office to the Web.International EditionI-SERIES:MICROSOFT OFFICE 2003, VOLUME Iby Stephen Haag, Uni ver si ty of Denver; James T Perry, Universityof San Diego; Merrill Wells, University of Denver; Amy Phillips,University of Denver and Paige Baltzan, University of Denver2005 / 1, 096 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-283048-4 / MHID: 0-07-283048-4ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121610-4 / MHID: 0-07-121610-3 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/i-seriesFEATURES• www.mhhe.com/i-series features Inform-ation Center: SampleChapter, Table of <strong>Contents</strong>, About the Authors, Ask the Author,Feature Summary, Instructor’s Resources, MOS Guide, links toPageOut, Primis, Supersite, Course Management Tools, & DigitalSo lu tions Site. Student Center: Did You Know, Life-Long Learning,Data Files, The Buzz in IT, Purchasing, Cool Web Sites, I-Witness,Ask the Author. In struc tor Center/Downloads: Instructor’s Manual,PowerPoint, Text Figures, Crossword.CONTENTSWord 2003:Chapter 1: Working With Word 2004: Session 1.1: All About Word. Session1.2: Creating and Working with Documents. Session 1.3: Saving Documentsand Exiting Word. Chapter 2: Editing and For mat ting Doc u ments: Session 2.1:Editing Your Documents. Session 2.2: Formatting Doc u ments and Text. Session2.3: Formatting Paragraphs. Chapter 3: Ad vanced For mat ting Op tions: Session3.1: Advanced For mat ting Tips and Tech niques. Session 3.2: Using Templates.Session 3.3: Cre at ing Reports. Chapter 4: Graph ics and Tables: Session 4.1:6461-86_CIT-Appication.indd 6411/15/06 5:08:36 PM

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