Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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CIT-Application SoftwareOther ProgrammingInternet/World Wide WebCRYSTAL REPORTS XI: THE COMPLETE REFERENCEBy George Peck2006 / 1200 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-226246-9 / MHID: 0-07-226246-X(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookFEATURES• Material in Crystal Reports XI: The Complete Reference will beupdated and enhanced as follows:All new user interface elements will be covered; New Dynamic/Cascading Parameter Fields will be covered in depth; CrystalReports use with Business Objects Universes will be covered;The Web Reporting section will be updated to include the newupdated of Business Objects Enterprise XI, as well as any updatedReport Application Server features; The previous on-line appendixdocumenting the Formula Language will be printed in the book; Mostillustrations and figures will be updated as the overall look and feelof XI has changed; All updated examples and sample reports, as wellas additional appendices, will be placed online.• The book addresses the entire spectrum of user knowledge; fromadvice to newbies on how to develop, design and build a simplereport to in-depth information on more complex features like CrystalServer Pages and integrating Crystal Reports into Visual Basic.NETprograms as well as taking advantage of extended Java support.• Understand how to build professional, complex, and effectivepresentation-ready reports.• Uncover vital advice and tips from expert author on how to bestutilize Crystal Reports features to analyze dataCONTENTSPart I--Designing Reports. Chapter 1: Getting the Feel of Crystal Reports XI.Chapter 2: Enhancing Appearance with Text Objects. Chapter 3: Sorting andGrouping. Chapter 4: Creating Geographic Maps. Chapter 5: Using Formulas.Chapter 6: Creating Custom Functions. Chapter 7: The Repository. Chapter 8:Analyzing with Advanced Selection Criteria. Chapter 9: Making Your ReportsVisually Appealing. Chapter 10: Using Sections and Areas. Chapter 11: Analyzingwith Cross Tabs. Chapter 12: Creating Charts. Chapter 13: Using Subreports.Chapter 14: Viewer Interaction with Parameter Fields. Chapter 15: ExportingReports. Chapter 16: Reporting from SQL Databases. Chapter 17: Creating andUsing Business Views. Chapter 18: Accommodating Database Changes and FieldMapping. Chapter 19: Reporting from OLAP Cubes. Chapter 20: Reporting fromProprietary Data Types. Part II--Crystal Reports XI on the Web. Chapter 21: CrystalReports Web Alternatives. Chapter 22: Crystal Reports with ASP and ASP.NET.Chapter 23: Crystal Reports with Java. Chapter 24: Introduction to Business ObjectsEnterprise. Chapter 25: Using the Launchpad and Web Desktop. Chapter 26:Administering Business Objects Enterprise. Part III--Developing Custom WindowApplications. Chapter 27: Integrating Crystal Reports with Visual Basic. Chapter28: Crystal Reports with Visual Studio .NET. Part IV—Appendixes. Appendix A:Formula Language ReferenceINTERNET LITERACYFourth EditionBy Fred T. Hofstetter, University Of Delaware2006ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321454-2 / MHID: 0-07-321454-X(with Student CD)Browse TO THIS EDITION• Dreamweaver coverage in addition to FrontPage and Nvu• Illustrated timelines detailing the history of the Internet• Learn how to conduct and correctly document scholarly searchesfollowing APA, MLA and CMS guidelinesFeatures• Increased coverage of Internet security to help protect from a widerange of computer attacks• Latest information on copyright issues, equity, wirelesstechnologies, PDAs and media hubs• Windows and Macintosh compatible textbook with coverage ofiTunes for bothCONTENTSIntroduction. Part One: Understanding The Internet. Chapter 1. Definitions.Chapter 2. How The Internet Is Changing The World. Part Two: Getting On TheInternet. Chapter 3. Getting Connected. Chapter 4. Surfing The Net. Part Three:Communicating Over The Internet. Chapter 5. Internet Etiquette (Netiquette).Chapter. Electronic Mail. Chapter 7. Listserv Mailing Lists. Chapter 8. UsenetNewsgroups,Web-Based Forums, And Rss Blogs. Chapter 9. Communicating InReal Time. Chapter 10. Streaming Media And Synchronized Multimedia. PartFour: Finding Things On The Internet. Chapter 11. Searching For Information.Chapter 12. Commonly Found Internet File Types. Chapter 13. Downloading FromThe Internet. Chapter 14. Bibliographic Style For Citing Internet Resources. PartFive: Creating Web Pages. Chapter 15. Web Page Creation Strategies. Chapter16. Web Page Design. Chapter 17. How Html Works. Chapter 18. Creating YourWeb Page Resume. Chapter 19. Putting Images On Web Pages. Chapter 20.Using Tables And Css For Web Page Layout. Chapter 21. Making A Local WebSite And A Home Page. Chapter 22. Publishing Files On The World Wide Web.Part Six: Using Multimedia On The Internet. Chapter 23. How Web BrowsersDo Multimedia. Chapter 24. Audio Recording And Embedding. Part Seven:Planning For The Future Of The Internet. Chapter 25. Societal Issues. Chapter 26.Emerging Technology. Chapter 27. How To Keep Up And Stay Secure. AppendixA: Internet Toolkit For Windows And Macintosh. Appendix B: Progressive CaseProjects. Appendix C: Basic Windows And Macintosh Tutorials.HOW TO DO EVERYTHING WITH YOUR EBAYBUSINESSSecond EditionBy Greg Holden2006 / 496 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-226164-6 / MHID: 0-07-226164-1(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookThis user-friendly book shows you how to turn the satisfactionand excitement of eBay sales into a lucrative small business--and possibly even a full-time job! Find out how to establisha seller’s account, post attention-getting auction listings,and build confidence among bidders. Author Greg Holdenexplains how to apply the secrets of successful brick andmortar businesses to the online world. After learning the ropes,you’ll find out how to boost sales with techniques such as noreserveselling and “buy it now” pricing. Plus--tips for locatinginventory, implementing marketing plans, and getting freeadvertising are revealed.7561-86_CIT-Appication.indd 7511/15/06 5:08:44 PM