Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books


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CIT-Application SoftwareSecurity - Information SecurityNEWINFORMATION ASSURANCE FOR THE ENTERPRISE:A ROADMAP TO INFORMATION SECURITYby Corey Schou, Idaho State University and Daniel Paul Shoemaker,University of Detroit Mercy2007 (March 2006) / Softcover / 560 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-225524-9 / MHID: 0-07-225524-2FEATURES• Written by the most authoritative voice on information security inboth academia and industry.• Introduces the concepts of information security, the securityassessment and the implementation of security via minimal technicalterminology and acronyms to appeal to a broader audience• Real world examples and case studies for illustrations.• End-of-chapter review includes summaries, key terms list,vocabulary quiz, multiple-choice test, true/false ques tions, andperhaps research projects as hands-on projects.• Instructor support includes instructor manual, test bank softwarewith hundreds of questions, PowerPoint® slides.CONTENTSPart I: The Organizational/Policy Domain: Ch. 1: Or ga ni za tion al Security Policyand Planning. Ch. 2: Defined and Doc u ment ed Infrastructure. Ch. 3: Educationand Awareness. Ch. 4: Asset Management. Ch. 5: Business Continuity. Ch. 6:Legal and Regulatory Com pli ance. Part II: The Man a ge ri al/Ad min is tra tive Domain:Ch. 7: Building Security Func tions Into Development. Ch. 8: Personnel Security.Ch. 9: Physical Security. Part III: The Operational/Technical Do main: Ch. 10:Access Control. Ch. 11: Operations Security. Ch. 12: Network Security. Ch. 13:Application and System Soft ware Security. Ch. 14: Op er a tion al Risk Assessmentand Audit. Part IV: The Community/Contextual Domain: Ch. 15: Ethics. Ch. 16:A Standard Im ple men ta tion Model. Glos sa ry. Index.HACKER'S CHALLENGE 3Third Editionby David Pollino, Bill Pennington, Tony Bradley, and HimanshuDwivedi2006 / Softcover / 400 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-226304-6 / MHID: 0-07-226304-0(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookCatch a Phish. Chapter 2: Owning the Pharm. Chapter 3: Big Bait, Big Phish.Chapter 4: Shooting Phish in a Barrel. Chapter 5: Too Few Secrets. Chapter 6:Upgraded or "Owned?" Chapter 7: Pale Blue Glow. Chapter 8: Crossing the Line.Chapter 9: The Root of the Problem. Chapter 10: Firewall Insights. Chapter 11:Peter LemonJello's "A Series of Unfortunate Events" Chapter 12: Share and ShareAlike. Chapter 13: The Holy Grail. Chapter 14: Open Source. Chapter 15: Cupof Chai. Chapter 16: Love Plus One. Chapter 17: Bullet in the Blue Sky. Chapter18: The Insider III. Chapter 19: Jumping Someone Else's Train. Chapter 20: TheNot-So-Usual Suspects. INDEX.Security - Network SecurityCWSP CERTIFIED WIRELESS SECURITYPROFESSIONAL OFFICIAL STUDY GUIDE (EXAMPW0-200)Second Editionby Tom Carpenter, Grant Moerschel, and Richard Dreger,Waveguard, Inc.2007 (September 2006) / Softcover / 592 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-226320-6 / MHID: 0-07-226320-2(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookThe ONLY official study guide for the industry-standardwireless security certification examCowritten by the creators of the exam and leading expertsin wireless security, CWSP Certified Wireless SecurityProfessional Official Study Guide, Second Edition, offerscomplete coverage of all the objectives for the vendor-neutralwireless network certification that focuses on the technologiesbehind the brands. The fully integrated study system includesnotes that reinforce and teach practical skills, step-by-stepexercises, chapter self-tests, and more than 150 practice examquestions.CONTENTSChapter 1: Wireless LAN Auditing Tools. Chapter 2: Gathering Information.Chapter 3: Unauthorized Access. Chapter 4: Denial of Service. Chapter 5:Legislation. Chapter 6: General Policy. Chapter 7: Functional Policy: Guidelines& Baselines. Chapter 8: Functional Policy: Design & Implementation. Chapter 9:Functional Policy: Monitoring & Response. Chapter 10: Securing the EnterpriseChapter 11: Authentication. Chapter 12: Authentication Framework Components.Chapter 13: Encryption. Chapter 14: WEP/WPA. Chapter 15: 802.11i. Chapter 16:Network and Application Layer VPN Technology. Chapter 17: Wireless Monitoringand Protection. Chapter 18: Wireless LAN Switches.Every day, hackers are devising new ways to break into yournetwork. Do you have what it takes to stop them? Find out inHacker’s Challenge 3. Inside, top-tier security experts offer 20brand-new, real-world network security incidents to test yourcomputer forensics and response skills. All the latest hot-buttontopics are covered, including phishing and pharming scams,internal corporate hacking, Cisco IOS, wireless, iSCSI storage,VoIP, Windows, Mac OS X, and UNIX/Linux hacks, and muchmore. Each challenge includes a detailed explanation of theincident--how the break-in was detected, evidence and clues,technical background such as log files and network maps, anda series of questions for you to solve. In Part II, you’ll get adetailed analysis of how the experts solved each incident.CONTENTSPart I: Challenges. Chapter 1: To Catch a Phish. Chapter 2: Owning the Pharm.Chapter 3: Big Bait, Big Phish. Chapter 4: Shooting Phish in a Barrel. Chapter 5:Too Few Secrets. Chapter 6: Upgraded or "Owned?" Chapter 7: Pale Blue Glow.Chapter 8: Crossing the Line. Chapter 9: The Root of the Problem. Chapter 10:Firewall Insights. Chapter 11: Peter LemonJello's "A Series of Unfortunate Events"Chapter 12: Share and Share Alike. Chapter 13: The Holy Grail. Chapter 14: OpenSource. Chapter 15: Cup of Chai. Chapter 16: Love Plus One. Chapter 17: Bulletin the Blue Sky. Chapter 18: The Insider III. Chapter 19: Jumping Someone Else'sTrain. Chapter 20: The Not-So-Usual Suspects. Part II: Solutions. Chapter 1: To8161-86_CIT-Appication.indd 8111/15/06 5:08:48 PM

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