Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books

Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books


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International EditionPRINCIPLES OF COM PUT ER SE CU RI TY: SE CU RI TY+AND BEYONDby Wm. Arthur Conklin, University of Texas at San Antonio; GregoryB White, Center for In fra struc ture Assurance and Security, Universityof Texas San Antonio; Chuck Cothren, University of Texas at SanAntonio; Dwayne Wil l iams, University of Texas at San Antonio andRoger L. Davis2005 / Softcover / 704 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-225509-6 / MHID: 0-07-225509-9ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124500-5 / MHID: 0-07-124500-6 [IE]http://mhteched.com/security/conklinLearn the essentials of com put er and network security whilegetting complete cov er age of all the objectives for CompTIA’sSecurity+ cer ti fi ca tion exam, plus coverage of the (ISC)2SSCP certification, which focuses on best practices, roles, andresponsibilities of security experts. Written and edited by leadersin the IT security field, this text explains the fundamentals ofcom mu ni ca tion, infrastructure, and operational security. You’llalso get details on methods to defend your computer systemsand networks and how to prevent attacks.FEATURES• 100% coverage of all exam objectives for the Security+Certification.• NWCET Reviewed: The National Workforce Center for EmergingTechnologies (NWCET) will review the book, create a crosswalk tothe NWCET IT Skills Standards, and provide additional exercises thatwill help teachers and students meet those standards.• Well illustrated• Informative sidebars that help students check their knowledge,re in force key concepts• Exam Tip, Caution, and Note icons highlight key topics, end ofchapter quizzes test retention and exam readiness, and Exam Tipsguide the reader through tough technical topics.• Chapter Review section includes bulleted chap ter summaryorganized by exam objective, key term list, vocabulary buildingexercises, multiple-choice ques tions, case-study ques tions, and labprojects.• Student CD-ROM will include self-assessment engine withpractice exams and 1-hour of LearnKey online video training.CONTENTS1: Introduction and Security Trends. 2: General Security Concepts. 3: Operational/Organizational Security. 4: The Role of People in Security. 5: Cryptography. 6:Public Key Infrastructure. 7: Standards and Protocols. 8: The Impact of PhysicalSecurity on Network Security. 9: Network Fun da men tals. 10: InfrastructureSecurity. 11: Remote Access. 12: Wireless and Instant Mes sag ing. 13: IntrusionDetection Systems. 14: Security Baselines. 15: Attacks and Malware. 16: E-mail.17: Web Components. 18: Software Development. 19: Disaster Recovery, BusinessContinuity, and Organizational Policies. 20: Risk Management. 21: ChangeManagement. 22: Privilege Management. 23: <strong>Computer</strong> Forensics. 24: Securityand Law. A: About the CD-ROM. B: About the Security+ ExamCIT-Application SoftwareSun Microsystem CertificationSCJP SUN® CERTIFIED PROGRAMMER FOR JAVA 2PLATFORM 5 STUDY GUIDEBy Katherine Sierra, and Bert Bates2006 / 816 pages / SoftcoverISBN-13: 978-0-07-225360-3 / MHID: 0-07-225360-6 (with CD)(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookGet the book that shows you not only what to study, but howto study. The only classroom-based integrated study system forprofessional certification gives you complete coverage of allobjectives for the Sun Certified Programmer and Developer forJava exam, hundreds of practice exam questions, and hands-onexercises. The CD-ROM features full practice exam softwarewith interactive tutorials and lab simulations, plus an adaptivetest engine.CONTENTSPart I: The Programmer’s Exam. Ch. 1 Language Fundamentals. Ch. 2 Declarationsand Access Control. Ch. 3 Operators and Assignments. Ch. 4 Flow Control,Exceptions, Assertions. Ch. 5 Overloading, Overriding, and OO. Ch. 6 java.lang.Ch. 7 Objects and Collection. Ch. 8 Inner Classes. Ch. 9 Threads. Part II: TheDeveloper’s Exam. Ch. 10 Introduction to the Developer’s Exam. Ch. 11 Codingand Development Practices. Ch. 12 Clarity and Maintainability. Ch. 13 GUI.Ch. 14 Networking Issues. Ch. 15 DB Server. Ch. 16 Exam DocumentationCh.17 Final Submission and Essay.Oracle - SQLHANDS-ON SQL SERVER 2005 INTEGRATIONSERVICESby Ashwani Nanda2007 (August 2006) / Softcover / 592 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-226319-0 / MHID: 0-07-226319-9(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookIn-depth coverage of Microsoft’s powerful new dataintegration tool. Learn to maximize the features of SQL Server2005 Integration Services from this essential guide. Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services makeslearning SSIS easy through the use of extensive real-worldexercises structured around every component within the tool.You will learn to collect corporate data from various sourcesand transform that data for analysis, mining, and reporting8361-86_CIT-Appication.indd 8311/15/06 5:08:49 PM

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