Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
Computer Science ~ Contents - McGraw-Hill Books
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CIT-Application SoftwareORACLE DA TA BASE 10G LINUX AD MIN IS TRA TIONby Wim Coekaerts and Edward Whalen2006 (October 2005) / Softcover / 560 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-223053-6 / MHID: 0-07-223053-3(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookOracle’s “Mr. Linux” details everything from installing theOS (Red Hat and United Linux) to installing the database todebugging and troubleshooting to performance, availability,and scalability. Wim is the Director of Linux Engineering atOracle.CONTENTSPart I: Oracle on Linux Over view: Ch 1. Introduction to Oracle on Linux. Ch2. Linux Architecture. Ch 3. Oracle Architecture. Part II: De ploy ing OracleDatabase 10g on Linux: Ch 4. Sizing Oracle Database 10g on Linux sys tems. Ch5. Configuring the Linux system for Oracle. Ch 6. Installing Oracle on Linux. PartIII: Oracle RAC on Linux: Ch 7. RAC Concepts. Ch 8. De ploy ing RAC on Linuxusing OCFS. Ch 9. Deploying RAC on Linux using RAW Devices. Ch 10. RAC onSAN, NAS and Shared SCSI. Ch 11. Tuning RAC on Linux. Ch 12. Ad min is ter ingOracle RAC on Linux. Part IV: Ad min is ter ing Or a cle Da ta base 10g on Linux: Ch13. Administering the Linux Sys tem. Ch 14. Administering Oracle on Linux. Ch15. Back up. Ch 16. Re cov ery. Ch 17. High Availability Options. Ch 18. OracleStandby Da ta base on Linux. Ch 19. Oracle Replication on Linux. Part V: OracleDatabase 10g on Linux: Ch 20. Tuning the Oracle Instance on Linux. Ch 21.Hardware Tuning and Trou ble shoot ing. Ch 22. Tuning SQL. Ch 23. Indexes,Par ti tion ing and other Oracle Per for mance FeaturesAnd Middleware (Revised). Chatper 26. Databases (New). Chapter 27. DevelopingWeb Applications And Running A Website (New). VII – Appendices. Appendix A.How To Find Out More (Revised). Appendix B. Command Summaries(Revised)WINDOWS VISTA: THE COMPLETE REFERENCEby Margaret Levine Young, and John Levine2007 (December 2006) / Softcover / 912 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-226376-3 / MHID: 0-07-226376-8(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookHere is the ultimate one-stop desk reference for WindowsVista users. Windows Vista: The Complete Reference providescomprehensive coverage of the newest features of theoperating system. From setting up for optimum performanceand understanding the OS internals to finding files and keepingcomputer systems secure and free from spyware, this volumecovers it all. It's the ideal resource for anyone who wants totruly master Windows Vista.CONTENTSPART I: Windows XP Basics. PART II: Keeping Track of Your Files. PART III:Configuring Windows for Your <strong>Computer</strong>. PART IV: Working with Text, Numbers,Pictures, Sound, and Video. Part V: Windows Vista on the Internet. Part VI:Home and Office Networking with Windows Vista. Part VII: Windows and DiskHousekeeping. Part VIII: Behind the Scenes: Windows Vista Internals. Part IX:Appendixes. Appendix A. Differences between Windows Vista versions. AppendixB: Installing or Upgrading to Windows Vista.Operating Systems - WindowsXPUNIX: THE COMPLETE REFERENCESecond Editionby Kenneth H. Rose, AT&T Laboratories, Douglas A. Host, RachelKlee, and Richard R. Rosinski2007 (December 2006) / Softcover / 800 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-226336-7 / MHID: 0-07-226336-9(Osborne Media Title)Professional BookThis expansive resource covers every aspect of UNIX--the fastgrowing,open-source operating system. All existing chaptershave been revised to provide the most cutting-edge coverageof the latest versions of UNIX. UNIX:The Complete Reference,Second Edition provides step-by-step instructions on how toinstall and configure UNIX on a PC or Mac and use all thepowerful tools and utilities. The book includes up-to-dateexamples, new features, and advanced options.CONTENTSPart I – Basics For Linux/unix (Revised). Chapter 1. Background (Revised). Chapter2. Getting Started (Revised). Chapter 3. Working With Files And Directories(Revised). Chapter 4. Working With Shells And Enhanced Shells (Revised).Chapter 5. Text Editing (Revised). Chapter 6. The Desktop: Gnome (New).Chapter 7. Cde And Other Desktops (New). Part II – User Networking. Chapter8. Electronic Mail (Revised). Chapter 9. Tcp/ip And Other Basic NetworkingProtocols (Revised). Chapter 10. Using The Internet (Revised). Part III – SystemAdministration. Chapter 11. Processes And Scheduling (Revised). Chapter 12.Security And Authentication (Revised). Chapter 13. Basic System Administration(Revised). Chapter 14. Advanced System Administration (Revised). Part IV– Network Administration. Chapter 15. Clients And Servers (Revised). Chapter16. Administering The Network (Revised). Chapter 17. Using Unix And WindowsTogether: Samba And Other Integration Tools (Revised). Part V--tools. Chapter 18.Filters And Utilities (Revised). Chapter 19. Shell Programming (Revised). Chapter20. Awk And Sed (Revised). Chapter 21. Perl (Revised). Chapter 22. Python AndPhp (New). Chapter 23. Developing Applications (Revised). Chapter 24. OverviewOf Java (Revised). Part VI – Enterprise Solutions. Chatper 25. Unix ApplicationsSURVEY OF OPERATING SYSTEMSSecond Editionby Charles Holcombe, and Jane Holcombe2006 / Softcover / 704 pagesISBN-13: 978-0-07-225773-1 / MHID: 0-07-225773-3Browse textbook offers a survey of all the major microcomputeroperating systems through real-world case studies, annotatedillustrations, and step-by-step tutorials and projects. It isdesigned for IT students who want to learn how to install,configure, and troubleshoot operating systems. This bookwill teach the basic functions of an operating system, suchas the graphical user interface, memory management, devicemanagement, and file management. It also explains howto install, configure, and troubleshoot each of the majormicrocomputer operating systems, including DOS, Windows,Macintosh, UNIX, and, Linux, as well as explain the purposeof operating systems in different hardware environments, suchas microcomputers and networks.NEW TO THIS EDITION• Covers objectives of A+ Operating Systems Technologies exam.• More coverage of DOS with expanded coverage of DOScommands.• Expanded coverage of networking and network operating systemsincluding coverage of Windows Server 2003.• Mac & Linux: Updated for new versions of Macintosh and Linux.FEATURES• Surveys the major operating systems, including DOS, WindowsNT/2000/XP, Mac OS9/OSX, and Linux. Teaches students how toinstall, configure, and troubleshoot operating systems.CONTENTS1 Introduction to Operating Systems. 2 Disk Operating system (DOS). 3 WindowsNT 4.0 Workstation. 4 Windows 2000 Professional. 5 Windows XP Professional. 6Making the Windows GUI Work for you. 7 Managing Local Security in Windows.8 A Look under the Hood. 9 Introduction to Network Server Operating Systems10 The Client Side of Networking. 11 Linux on the Desktop. 12 Macintosh OSX. Appendix. Glossary8561-86_CIT-Appication.indd 8511/15/06 5:08:51 PM