Supplemental Report: Cracking and Leakage at ... - City of Pomona

Supplemental Report: Cracking and Leakage at ... - City of Pomona

Supplemental Report: Cracking and Leakage at ... - City of Pomona

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ContentsIntroduction 1Inspection 2PageNovember 8 <strong>and</strong> 9, 2007 – Tank Ro<strong>of</strong> 2Seepage 9December 5, 2007 – Tank Interior 9Petrography <strong>and</strong> Core Testing 16Discussion 17Concrete <strong>Cracking</strong> in Ro<strong>of</strong> 17Interior Conditions 20Summary <strong>and</strong> Recommend<strong>at</strong>ions 21ii

Figure 1. Typical large cracking found <strong>at</strong> the Ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Reservoir 5C.Figure 2. Typical ro<strong>of</strong> cracking observed <strong>at</strong> Reservoir 5C.3

Figure 3. Overall view <strong>of</strong> ro<strong>of</strong> showing scaling <strong>of</strong> the ro<strong>of</strong> co<strong>at</strong>ing.To facilit<strong>at</strong>e the inspection <strong>of</strong> the ro<strong>of</strong> from underne<strong>at</strong>h, the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pomona</strong> lowered the w<strong>at</strong>erlevel in the tank such th<strong>at</strong> an inspection could be performed from a small infl<strong>at</strong>able w<strong>at</strong>ercraftplaced into the w<strong>at</strong>er tank; a pr<strong>of</strong>essional diver maneuvered the bo<strong>at</strong> around to allow for ease <strong>of</strong>inspection. Only a portion <strong>of</strong> the slab was able to be inspected in th<strong>at</strong> manner, as the interiorwalls <strong>and</strong> baffles did not allow for access <strong>of</strong> the entire ro<strong>of</strong> from below.Inspection <strong>of</strong> the ro<strong>of</strong> from the interior revealed the following conditions:• The general condition <strong>of</strong> the ro<strong>of</strong> was observed to be good with only minor crackingobserved (Figure 4 through 6). The crack widths were observed to be on the order <strong>of</strong>1/64 inch, with some loc<strong>at</strong>ions showing signs <strong>of</strong> corrosion staining coming from thereinforcement (Figure 7).• The minor cracking ran along the length <strong>of</strong> the ro<strong>of</strong> from east-to-west. Two distinctcracks were found approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 8 feet <strong>and</strong> 4 feet from the inside face <strong>of</strong> the exteriorwall.• Larger cracks were found running north-to south, or perpendicular to the interiorlongitudinal wall, which corresponded closely with the large cracking discussed above<strong>and</strong> shown in Figure 1 <strong>and</strong> 2.4

• A total <strong>of</strong> 6 cores were taken from the ro<strong>of</strong> structure, three <strong>of</strong> these cores were throughthickness <strong>of</strong> the suspended slab.• Each <strong>of</strong> the thru-thickness-cores was drilled directly above cracks running from northto-south(perpendicular to the longitudinal wall). Once the core was removed, the crackwas observed to extend the entire length <strong>of</strong> the core; i.e. the entire thickness <strong>of</strong> the slab;the crack was wider <strong>at</strong> the top than <strong>at</strong> the bottom (Figures 8 <strong>and</strong> 9).• Of the three cores drilled completely through the slab, two were found to beapproxim<strong>at</strong>ely 9 inches long, whereas one <strong>of</strong> the cores was found to be approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 8inches long, indic<strong>at</strong>ing the deck was approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 8 inches thick in this loc<strong>at</strong>ion.• Concrete p<strong>at</strong>ch m<strong>at</strong>erial was observed on the interior <strong>and</strong> exterior walls. The p<strong>at</strong>chm<strong>at</strong>erial consisted <strong>of</strong> a thin crust-like, dark m<strong>at</strong>erial, which was easily removed by h<strong>and</strong>in some loc<strong>at</strong>ions (Figure 10).Figure 4. <strong>Cracking</strong> <strong>at</strong> underside <strong>of</strong> ro<strong>of</strong> is visible by observ<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> condens<strong>at</strong>ion.5

Figure 5. <strong>Cracking</strong> <strong>at</strong> underside <strong>of</strong> ro<strong>of</strong> is visible by observ<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> condens<strong>at</strong>ion.Figure 6. Close-up <strong>of</strong> typical cracking running parallel to wall (moisture droplets had beenwiped down).6

Figure 7. <strong>Cracking</strong> <strong>and</strong> corrosion product under ro<strong>of</strong> slab.Figure 8. Typical core removed from ro<strong>of</strong> (Core #4 shown) illustr<strong>at</strong>ing crack along entire depth<strong>of</strong> core; the crack width is larger <strong>at</strong> the top <strong>of</strong> the core.7

Figure 9. Close-up <strong>of</strong> core #4.Figure 10. Spalling concrete p<strong>at</strong>ch m<strong>at</strong>erial.8

SeepageACI 350.1 defines st<strong>and</strong>ard r<strong>at</strong>es <strong>of</strong> seepage for hydrost<strong>at</strong>ic tests <strong>of</strong> open or covered concretetanks. 1 Table 1 shows the design<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>and</strong> quantities for each <strong>of</strong> the different levels <strong>of</strong> loss. Atthe time <strong>of</strong> our inspection, a “snapshot” measurement <strong>of</strong> w<strong>at</strong>er drained through the tank seepagecollection system was approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 520 gallons per day (gpd). It is important to note th<strong>at</strong> thetotal amount <strong>of</strong> w<strong>at</strong>er leaving the tank may be underestim<strong>at</strong>ed through use <strong>of</strong> this test. A moreaccur<strong>at</strong>e level <strong>of</strong> w<strong>at</strong>er tightness would be to very carefully observe the w<strong>at</strong>er levels in the tankr<strong>at</strong>her than monitoring only the w<strong>at</strong>er being collected by the underdrain. W<strong>at</strong>er loss may occurthrough the walls <strong>and</strong> into the ground, or directly into the ground through the slab-on-ground.ACI 350.1 contains appropri<strong>at</strong>e measures to gauge w<strong>at</strong>er-tightness.For a 10,000,000 gallon tank, a seepage r<strong>at</strong>e <strong>of</strong> 520 gpd represents 0.005% loss <strong>of</strong> w<strong>at</strong>er perday, i.e. five times less than the HST-025 design<strong>at</strong>ion. The construction drawings do notindic<strong>at</strong>e w<strong>at</strong>er tightness requirements for this tank. The American W<strong>at</strong>er Works Associ<strong>at</strong>ionrecommends a maximum leakage allowance <strong>of</strong> 0.1 percent <strong>of</strong> the total volume over 24 hours,measured by a drop in the w<strong>at</strong>er surface not less than five days. 2Table 1. Design<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>and</strong> tightness criterion for concrete tanks. (Source: ACI 350.1)Design<strong>at</strong>ionHST-NMLHST-025HST-050HST-075HST-100HST-VIOMaximum amount <strong>of</strong> w<strong>at</strong>erloss to meet design<strong>at</strong>ionNo measurable loss0.025% per day0.050% per day0.075% per day0.100% per dayVisual inspection onlyDecember 5, 2007 – Tank InteriorThe <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pomona</strong> had drained Reservoir 5C prior to the inspection by Dr. Piotr Moncarz, P.E.<strong>and</strong> Dr. P<strong>at</strong>xi Uriz, P.E. on December 5, 2007. A summary <strong>of</strong> findings is provided below:• Cracks were found <strong>at</strong> the slab on ground. A majority <strong>of</strong> these cracks had beenpreviously repaired by grinding <strong>and</strong> p<strong>at</strong>ching the crack with wh<strong>at</strong> appeared to be anelastomeric filler (Figure 11 <strong>and</strong> 12). A sketch <strong>of</strong> the crack p<strong>at</strong>tern is shown in Figure13.1 “Tightness Testing <strong>of</strong> Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures <strong>and</strong> Commentary,” ACI 350.1-01,American Concrete Institute, 2001.2 “Summary <strong>Report</strong> on Concrete W<strong>at</strong>er-Holding Structures,” AWWA, Committee on Concrete W<strong>at</strong>er HoldingStructures, American W<strong>at</strong>er Works Associ<strong>at</strong>ion Journal, Aug. 1978, Denver.9

• Some loc<strong>at</strong>ions indic<strong>at</strong>ed cracks had been ground down, but no elastomeric m<strong>at</strong>erialwas used as a fill (Figure 14)• Some repairs did not continue to control joints, <strong>and</strong> in many <strong>of</strong> these cases the crackscontinued to extend beyond the repaired area showing signs <strong>of</strong> corrosion product.• Many un-repaired cracks were observed. Many <strong>of</strong> these cracks contained wh<strong>at</strong>appeared to be a corrosion product (Figure 15).• Five cores were extracted from the ground slab (Core F1 thru F5). Cores F1 thru F4were cored directly over existing cracks. All cores were approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 8 inches inlength, except for core F2 which was 11 inches long. Figure 16 shows the severity <strong>of</strong>cracking as found in Core F3.• Cracks had been repaired also on the inside face <strong>of</strong> the exterior walls (FigureConsistently with the exterior observ<strong>at</strong>ions reported in the initial report, <strong>and</strong> with thecalcul<strong>at</strong>ions presented in th<strong>at</strong> report, these cracks were more heavily concentr<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> theground level <strong>and</strong> diminished in quantity along the height <strong>of</strong> the wall.• Concrete p<strong>at</strong>ch work was observed throughout the tank (Figure 19). The p<strong>at</strong>ch m<strong>at</strong>erialwas found to be placed on the walls vertically <strong>and</strong> around baffle openings. The p<strong>at</strong>chm<strong>at</strong>erial in most observed loc<strong>at</strong>ions was delamin<strong>at</strong>ing from the concrete wall, <strong>and</strong> waseasily removed by h<strong>and</strong>.• The concrete p<strong>at</strong>ch m<strong>at</strong>erial near one <strong>of</strong> the baffle openings was delamin<strong>at</strong>ed, revealingits thickness <strong>and</strong> appeared as if a portion <strong>of</strong> the spall was missing (Figure 20).• A large spalled portion <strong>of</strong> concrete was found near one <strong>of</strong> the baffle walls whichappeared to have been from a section <strong>of</strong> wall just below the ro<strong>of</strong>. No reinforcement wasfound in this spalled portion <strong>of</strong> concrete however, the loc<strong>at</strong>ion from which it had spalledappeared to have exposed reinforcement.10

Figure 11. Repaired concrete cracks.Figure 12. Close-up <strong>of</strong> concrete crack repair.11

Figure 13. Typical crack p<strong>at</strong>tern for portion <strong>of</strong> tank floor (not to scale).Figure 14. Previously ground cracks, with no filler present.12

Figure 15. Core F1, illustr<strong>at</strong>ing length <strong>and</strong> severity <strong>of</strong> cracking in slabFigure 16. <strong>Cracking</strong> <strong>and</strong> corrosion product near loc<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> Core F3.13

Figure 17. Repaired cracking on inside face <strong>of</strong> exterior wall.Concrete p<strong>at</strong>chm<strong>at</strong>erialFigure 18. Repaired cracking on inside face <strong>of</strong> exterior wall along with concrete p<strong>at</strong>ch m<strong>at</strong>erial.14

Figure 19. Close-up <strong>of</strong> delamin<strong>at</strong>ing concrete p<strong>at</strong>ch m<strong>at</strong>erial.Figure 20. Delamin<strong>at</strong>ing concrete p<strong>at</strong>ch on baffle opening.15

Petrography <strong>and</strong> Core TestingOne <strong>of</strong> the cores (Core #6) from the ro<strong>of</strong> was examined through petrographic examin<strong>at</strong>ion, 3 <strong>and</strong>two cores (Core #1 <strong>and</strong> #3) were crushed to determine compressive strength. 4 Relevant findingsfrom these tests are reported below:• The concrete was properly consolid<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>and</strong> cured as determined by petrographicanalysis.• The Portl<strong>and</strong> cement was sufficiently hydr<strong>at</strong>ed, <strong>and</strong> the w<strong>at</strong>er to cement r<strong>at</strong>io appearedto be low.• The longitudinal crack through the length <strong>of</strong> the specimen contained secondary calciumcarbon<strong>at</strong>e deposits.• The crack contained fractured aggreg<strong>at</strong>e particles, indic<strong>at</strong>ing the concrete had achievedsufficient strength prior to the form<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> the crack.• Compressive strength tests for Core #1 <strong>and</strong> Core #3 were 6,210psi <strong>and</strong> 6,590 psi,respectively.3 Petrographic Examin<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> Concrete Core Specimen, Job Number C-4821 A-07, December 19, 2007, Micro-Chem Labor<strong>at</strong>ories, Murphys, California.4 Labor<strong>at</strong>ory Test Results, DCI No. 6817-M04, December 3, 2007, Dynamic Consultants, Inc, Mountain View,California.16

DiscussionConcrete <strong>Cracking</strong> in Ro<strong>of</strong>Shrinkage <strong>of</strong> concrete is a time-dependent decrease in volume compared to its originalplacement volume (see also the February 16, 2007 initial report). This well-known phenomenonis an integral part <strong>of</strong> any reinforced concrete design, as constrained concrete shrinkage can leadto tensile cracking <strong>of</strong> concrete. If the cracks are large enough, they prevent the high-alkalinitycement paste from protecting the embedded steel reinforcement (rebar) from corrosion.To accommod<strong>at</strong>e shrinkage <strong>and</strong> temper<strong>at</strong>ure dimensional changes <strong>of</strong> the large ro<strong>of</strong> area,contraction joints in the ro<strong>of</strong> are called out on structural drawings to be approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 30 feeton center. The joints are designed to allevi<strong>at</strong>e stress buildup in concrete <strong>and</strong> control the loc<strong>at</strong>ion<strong>of</strong> cracking by purposely cre<strong>at</strong>ing a weak plane in the cross-section <strong>of</strong> the slab. At the tank’sro<strong>of</strong>, the week plane was cre<strong>at</strong>ed by a saw cut soon after placement, or a tooled line in theconcrete where a crack would be expected to form. The American Concrete Institute (ACI)defines two common types <strong>of</strong> contraction joints, full <strong>and</strong> partial. 5 In full contraction joints, all<strong>of</strong> the reinforcement perpendicular to the joint is termin<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the joint (see Figure 21),additional smooth dowels are added (if needed) to help transfer shear loads across the crack. Inpartial contraction joints, <strong>at</strong> least 50% <strong>of</strong> the reinforcement is termin<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the joint, which mayalso utilize smooth dowels to transfer shear (if needed. Continuous reinforcement is helpful forregions <strong>of</strong> high seismic hazard (such as <strong>Pomona</strong>) to transfer tensile loads across the joint. Inboth cases, w<strong>at</strong>erstops are typically placed across the joint to protect against rain w<strong>at</strong>er leakage.The structural drawings for the tank indic<strong>at</strong>e all reinforcement to be continuous through thecontraction joint (see Figure 22); in essence this cre<strong>at</strong>es a partial contraction joint. A w<strong>at</strong>erstopis called out to be loc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the mid-depth <strong>of</strong> the slab in between the top <strong>and</strong> bottom layers <strong>of</strong>reinforcement. A crystalline membrane has been specified on the ro<strong>of</strong> structure to provideadditional sealing surface against rain w<strong>at</strong>er penetr<strong>at</strong>ion. As the crystalline membrane is likelyto have crack over the contraction joints, w<strong>at</strong>er intrusion may result in reinforcement corrosionfor all reinforcement loc<strong>at</strong>ed above the w<strong>at</strong>erstop.Table 2 gives recommended minimum values for temper<strong>at</strong>ure <strong>and</strong> shrinkage reinforcement forvarying distances between contraction joints. For contraction joints loc<strong>at</strong>ed 20 feet to 30 feetACI 350-06 recommends a reinforcement r<strong>at</strong>io (r<strong>at</strong>io <strong>of</strong> area <strong>of</strong> concrete to the area <strong>of</strong> steel in agiven cross-section, ρ) <strong>of</strong> 0.003 for strength <strong>of</strong> reinforcement specified (60 ksi). 6 For partial5 “Design Consider<strong>at</strong>ions for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures,” ACI 350.4R-04, AmericanConcrete Institute, 2004.6 “Code requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures <strong>and</strong> Commentary,” ACI 350-06,American Concrete Institute, 2006.17

contraction joints, it is recommended th<strong>at</strong> this number be multiplied by 1.5, which would elev<strong>at</strong>ethe recommended reinforcement r<strong>at</strong>io to 0.0045. The reinforcement r<strong>at</strong>io for shrinkageprovided in the structural drawings is 0.0036 (#4 <strong>at</strong> 12 inches on center – each face).Furthermore, ACI 350-06 section also stipul<strong>at</strong>es th<strong>at</strong> for regions <strong>of</strong> high constraint(where concrete is restricted from free shrinking), special consider<strong>at</strong>ions need to be given for theincreased amount <strong>of</strong> temper<strong>at</strong>ure <strong>and</strong> shrinkage reinforcement required. The ro<strong>of</strong> slab <strong>at</strong>Reservoir 5C is cast monolithically with the interior walls <strong>and</strong> large beams in each <strong>of</strong> the fourro<strong>of</strong> quadrants. This results in a restraint to the slab when trying to shorten in the longitudinaldirection.Reinforcing steel is placed inside the concrete elements to provide additional strength incarrying tensile stresses. Once the concrete cracks perpendicularly to the rebar, the rebar plays aprincipal role in keeping the crack width under the control. If insufficient reinforcement isprovided, it becomes ineffective in controlling the distribution <strong>and</strong> the width <strong>of</strong> cracks, resultingin fewer, wider cracks. As shown in our previous report ACI 224 7 reports reasonable crackwidths for the ro<strong>of</strong> would be about 1/64 inch (0.016 inch) (Table 3). The larger, more widelyspaced cracks observed were more than twice th<strong>at</strong> size. Repetitive loading (such as temper<strong>at</strong>urecycles) <strong>of</strong> narrow cracking has been observed to over the time double the widths <strong>of</strong> cracks. The<strong>Pomona</strong> tank can be considered a rel<strong>at</strong>ively new structure thus, in the long term, it is to beexpected th<strong>at</strong> the observed cracking will continue to exp<strong>and</strong>.Figure 21. ACI 350.4 recommended contraction joint details.7 “Control <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cracking</strong> in Concrete Structures,” ACI 224R-01, American Concrete Institute, 2001.18

Figure 22. Contraction (construction) joint from structural drawings. Note: reinforcement iscontinuous through contraction joint. (Source: Sheet DS-2 <strong>of</strong> the constructiondrawings)Table 2. Minimum shrinkage <strong>and</strong> temper<strong>at</strong>ure reinforcement. (Source: ACI 350-06)19

Table 3. Guide to reasonable* crack widths, reinforced concrete under service loads. (Source:ACI 224)Interior ConditionsThe general conditions <strong>of</strong> the interior concrete in the tank were good. No indic<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>of</strong> visibledeterior<strong>at</strong>ion or construction defects which would lead to immedi<strong>at</strong>e serviceability concernswere identified. The repaired cracks in the slab-on-ground were found to be generally in goodcondition. In loc<strong>at</strong>ions where new (possibly existing prior to previous repair) cracks wereobserved, corrosion product was observed <strong>at</strong> the surface, <strong>and</strong> extraction <strong>of</strong> cores illustr<strong>at</strong>edfairly wide cracking. Some <strong>of</strong> those cracks previously not existing or not repaired arec<strong>and</strong>id<strong>at</strong>es for repair in one <strong>of</strong> the soonest tank emptying cycles.The corrosion product observed is a potential problem for long-term serviceability. The loss <strong>of</strong>reinforcement steel can potentially weaken the concrete slab leading to reduced w<strong>at</strong>er-tightnessduring the intended life <strong>of</strong> the tank. For this reason, the observed cracking with corrosiondeposits should be repaired to maintain serviceability.Similar to the cracking in the slab-on-ground, the observed repairs on the wall did not showsigns <strong>of</strong> deterior<strong>at</strong>ion. The repaired wall cracks appeared to be fairly stable, <strong>and</strong> while leakingto the exterior notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing (see the initial Exponent report), these walls were in goodcondition.Cementitious p<strong>at</strong>ching repairs to the concrete walls were delamin<strong>at</strong>ed in many cases. In thedelimit<strong>at</strong>ion observed near the baffle opening, the very thick p<strong>at</strong>ch m<strong>at</strong>erial was no longeradhered to the wall, rendering it ineffective. It is important to maintain the repairs to the levelwhich was intended during its original design or in the post-construction problem elimin<strong>at</strong>ion.20

Summary <strong>and</strong> Recommend<strong>at</strong>ionsBased on the inspections <strong>and</strong> analysis the concrete tank structure is in a good condition.Although the ro<strong>of</strong> structure has some large cracks, they do not seem to constitute any importantchange in the operability nor in the structural capacity <strong>of</strong> the structure. The general concretequality was very good, as verified by petrographic examin<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>and</strong> visual inspection. Repairsmade previously to the slab-on-ground are in good condition <strong>and</strong> appear to be working properly.The amount <strong>of</strong> seepage observed through the underdrain did not raise a serious concern forsafety or large amounts <strong>of</strong> w<strong>at</strong>er loss – although a more rigorous test would be recommended tobenchmark, <strong>and</strong> accur<strong>at</strong>ely gauge, the total amount <strong>of</strong> w<strong>at</strong>er leakage from the tank over thefuture life <strong>of</strong> the tank..In order to maintain the structure in good working condition for the rest <strong>of</strong> its intended oper<strong>at</strong>inglife, Exponent recommends the following:• Monitor external wall seepage <strong>and</strong> for clear w<strong>at</strong>er flow on the surface carry out interiorinspection <strong>of</strong> the area <strong>and</strong> repair the corresponding interior cracks(s) <strong>at</strong> the nextmaintenance inspection <strong>of</strong> the emptied tank. Should the seepage become visiblesignificant <strong>and</strong> the next scheduled maintenance more than a few months away, considerthe condition as requiring exception <strong>at</strong>tention.• Repair the large cracks on the ro<strong>of</strong> gre<strong>at</strong>er than 0.012 inch wide by grinding <strong>and</strong> fillingcracks with an elastomeric m<strong>at</strong>erial suitable for exposed exterior conditions.• Continue inspection <strong>and</strong> maintenance on existing crack repair to the slab-on-ground <strong>and</strong>walls on the tank interior.• Grind <strong>and</strong> repair other cracks observed <strong>at</strong> the slab-on-ground, especially those withcorrosion deposits visible.• The concrete p<strong>at</strong>ch m<strong>at</strong>erial on the inside <strong>of</strong> the tank needs to be repaired.• A more rigorous test <strong>of</strong> the seepage r<strong>at</strong>e is recommended to determine if w<strong>at</strong>er seepageis excessive, <strong>and</strong> determine the loc<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> leakage if the amount is determined to beexcessive.21

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