Modelling _ Replaces a Bunsen burner at the dental lab or dental ...

Modelling _ Replaces a Bunsen burner at the dental lab or dental ...

Modelling _ Replaces a Bunsen burner at the dental lab or dental ...


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<strong>Modelling</strong>_<strong>Replaces</strong> a <strong>Bunsen</strong> <strong>burner</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>dental</strong> <strong>lab</strong> <strong>or</strong> <strong>dental</strong> office_F<strong>or</strong> fast and controlled he<strong>at</strong>ing of modelling instruments by means ofinduction_ Non-sooting, emission-free, and od<strong>or</strong>less; no he<strong>at</strong> emission into <strong>the</strong> environment_Immedi<strong>at</strong>ely oper<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>at</strong> any electric socket - no gas required

M O D E L L I N G : CLEAN, FAST, AND ENERGY EFFICIENTwww.hellblau.com 911675GB 0405NoFlame ® Plus is a st<strong>at</strong>e of <strong>the</strong> art "electric <strong>Bunsen</strong> <strong>burner</strong>".Besides <strong>the</strong> same easy handling as <strong>the</strong> open flame, it offersnumerous o<strong>the</strong>r advantages. Noflame ® Plus ensures safe oper<strong>at</strong>ion,does not require gas connection, reduces <strong>the</strong> powerconsumption to a minimum, spares <strong>the</strong> environmental air, andkeeps modelling instruments and m<strong>at</strong>erials clean.The "secret" of <strong>the</strong> Noflame ® Plus is it's induction he<strong>at</strong>ing. It he<strong>at</strong>s<strong>the</strong> modelling instrument as soon as it is held into <strong>the</strong> coil openingand is recognized by <strong>the</strong> sens<strong>or</strong>. Non-metallic items such asclothing, fingers, etc. are completely safe.But this technique offers even m<strong>or</strong>e advantages. Noflame ® Plus isimmedi<strong>at</strong>ely oper<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>at</strong> any place where an electric socket isavai<strong>lab</strong>le; no gas connection is required. Since <strong>the</strong> handling isidentical to <strong>the</strong> open flame, you can start right away with <strong>the</strong>Noflame ® Plus, without adjustment.SUMMARY_Noflame ® Plus replace <strong>Bunsen</strong> <strong>burner</strong>s, spirit lamps, alcohol<strong>or</strong> gas <strong>burner</strong>s_F<strong>or</strong> quick and controlled he<strong>at</strong>ing of modelling instrumentsby means of clean, electric induction_ Harmless - no risk of getting burned <strong>or</strong> causing fire -, nonsooting,emission-free, od<strong>or</strong>less, elimin<strong>at</strong>es he<strong>at</strong> emissioninto <strong>the</strong> environment, and does not consume oxygen_ Immedi<strong>at</strong>ely oper<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>at</strong> any electric socket, no gas required_ Handling is similar to an open flame, no adjustment required_Safe and energy efficient oper<strong>at</strong>ion due to electronic sens<strong>or</strong>and shutoff mechanism in case of overhe<strong>at</strong>ing with autom<strong>at</strong>icreactiv<strong>at</strong>ion_Keeps instruments and m<strong>at</strong>erials clean, no deposit ofcarbon particlesNo carbon particles can deposit on <strong>the</strong> modelling instrumentsand m<strong>at</strong>erials. The environmental air is nei<strong>the</strong>r contamin<strong>at</strong>ed n<strong>or</strong>he<strong>at</strong>ed, which spares <strong>the</strong> <strong>dental</strong> technician's health and <strong>the</strong> environment.Fur<strong>the</strong>rm<strong>or</strong>e, Noflame ® Plus reduces <strong>the</strong> power consumptionby impressive insert 75% since energy is only used <strong>at</strong><strong>the</strong> moment of he<strong>at</strong>ing.Safe and continuous oper<strong>at</strong>ion is guaranteed by <strong>the</strong> sens<strong>or</strong> th<strong>at</strong>only responds to elements containing metal and by <strong>the</strong> autom<strong>at</strong>icshutoff mechanism th<strong>at</strong> prevents overhe<strong>at</strong>ing an instrument.Thanks to its innov<strong>at</strong>ive fe<strong>at</strong>ures, Noflame ® Plus is ideally suited t<strong>or</strong>eplace <strong>the</strong> open flame in <strong>dental</strong> <strong>lab</strong>s and <strong>dental</strong> offices.Access<strong>or</strong>ies/Components:116210 Protective caps (10 caps)342040 <strong>Modelling</strong> instrument Noflame Plus, PKT1342050 Modellierinstrument Noflame Plus, LeCronPacking list:116250 basic unit with power cable, 2 protective covers,instructions f<strong>or</strong> useTechnical D<strong>at</strong>a:Dimension L/W/H: 195 x 85 x 83 mmWeight: 600 gMains supply: 230 V/50 Hz/130 WAmann Girrbach GmbHDürrenweg 4075177 Pf<strong>or</strong>zheim | GermanyFon +49 7231 957-100Fax +49 7231 957-159Herrschaftswiesen 16842 Koblach | AustriaFon +43 5523 62333-0Fax +43 5523 55990austria@amanngirrbach.comgermany@amanngirrbach.comwww.amanngirrbach.com

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