15 YEARS - Zain

15 YEARS - Zain

15 YEARS - Zain


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Plastic BagsEvery year <strong>Zain</strong> Jordan distributes around 30,000 plastic bagsto its customers, which is why we are currently working onconverting to using paper bags in the future.We are committed to reducing the use of plastic bags in 2011and using recyclable paper bags instead.As part of our continued commitment to greening ourservices, in 2011 we commit to conduct feasibility studies intothe possibility of rolling out biodegradable and micro SIMcards.<strong>Zain</strong> E-mal<strong>Zain</strong> Jordan’s mobile commerce service <strong>Zain</strong> E-mal will helpto reduce the environmental impacts of the financial servicesindustry as all transactions are conducted online saving theenvironmental costs of transport and paper usage.E-WasteE-waste is increasingly becoming a major issue in Jordan asnew technologies are deployed and old electronic devicesdiscarded, with no widely available e-waste options availableto businesses, government and the public at large.Since the mobile telecommunication industry is a majorcontributor to this issue, <strong>Zain</strong> Jordan is currently exploringthe potential of launching a nation-wide e-waste recyclingprogram that would provide all Jordanians with a safer andmore environmentally friendly option for discarding their oldhandsets and other electronic devices. We hope that this mayalso prove to be a unique stand alone business opportunityas e-waste from all sectors is ever increasing and naturalresources decreasing.In 2011 we commit to begin the implementation of anationwide e-waste recycling program.Community RecyclingIn 2010, <strong>Zain</strong> Jordan launched a schools recycling project inpartnership with JETT 7 and the Jordan Environment Society toinclude all schools in the Madrasati initiative. Paper waste willbe collected from schools to be recycled and re-distributedlater to schools in recycled forms.In 2011 <strong>Zain</strong> Jordan is planning to distribute recycling binsacross all its shops, King Hussein Park, and Zaha CulturalCentre.7 JETT is a bus company in Jordan39

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