15 YEARS - Zain

15 YEARS - Zain

15 YEARS - Zain


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Appendix B – Scope of the ReportDefining Report ContentThe data in this report corresponds to the year 2010 ending31st of December, 2010. However, the report was written inMarch, 2011 and thus has reported on the launch of servicesup to March, 2011. We believe the information presented inthis report covers the range of economic, environmental, andsocial impacts relevant to <strong>Zain</strong> Jordan.Materiality - We have undertaken a systematic approachto identify material issues relevant to our economic,environmental and social impacts which are captured inour sustainability framework. We believe that we havecaptured all of our and our stakeholders’ material issues inour sustainability framework, and have covered those areasthroughout the report.Stakeholder Inclusiveness - We believe that we haveidentified all of our key stakeholders, and the sector specificstakeholders that we deal with as a telecommunicationscompany in Jordan. We have also outlined our stakeholders’expectations of us, the communications channels that wehave with them, and our response to their expectations.Sustainability Context – We considered the sustainabilitycontext of this report and our sustainability framework takinginto account local and regional realities, while consideringglobal and international trends. In some instances, we drawattention to the more specific sustainability context of Jordan.Ensuring QualityBalance - We believe that the information and data providedin this report represent a balanced account of the positives ofour performance, and the negatives that require improvementin the future.Comparability - Wherever applicable, we have providedKPIs and data from 2008 – 2010 (each year ending 31st Dec)to aid the year-on-year comparison of our performance.We have also attempted to adhere to the GRI G3 reportingguidelines to facilitate the comparison of our performance tosector peers and other companies engaging in sustainabilityreporting.Accuracy - We strived to ensure the most accurate collectionand presentation of our performance data in the report.We have clearly indicated within the report wherever anyassumptions or estimations have been made.71

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