Elster Kent Bulk Irrigation Meter Brochure - Incledon
Elster Kent Bulk Irrigation Meter Brochure - Incledon
Elster Kent Bulk Irrigation Meter Brochure - Incledon
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ELSTER KENT R1000IRRIGATION WATER METER<strong>Meter</strong>ing technology that stands up to all conditions
Totally open metering compartmentfor unhindered flowThe metering of raw water presents special challenges.But the wide passageways through the range of <strong>Elster</strong> <strong>Kent</strong> raw watermeters allows the free flow of water and suspended solids throughthe meter without compromising the meter measuring integrity.Durable on dutyGood to know: ourirrigation meters havebeen meticulouslyprepared for use inagricultural conditions,incorporating specialfeatures which differentiatethem from the ultrasophisticatedWoltmannmeters used in waterresources management.Consummate inconstructionThe housing has beenreduced to purefunctionality. Theconnection flangesconform to SABS 1123 T16.The material is GG 25. Thesurface is coated withepoxy resin all over,meaning inside and out.The housing is topped bya generously dimensionedbrass-cast head. And thecover above the countermechanism is made ofbrass, too, instead ofplastic; it can be securedwith a padlock.Good in the detailsOur irrigation meter offersthe water free passage.In contrast to Woltmannmeters, the cross-sectionin the meteringcompartment is notconstricted, which resultsin extremely - andgratifyingly - favourablepressure loss figures.Accurate in <strong>Meter</strong>ingThe dry-dial type countermechanism operates withconsistent meteringaccuracy, regardless ofthe water quality involved.Flexible inemploymentThe MULTI-PULS registeris well equipped withpulse options as per pulsetransmitter table.Pulse sequenceStandardPulse Transmitter TableT 160 ReedReedDN mm50 ... 100litre/pulse100/11 0000/1DN mm150 ... 250litre/pulse1 000/110 000/1
Features• Dry dial consisting of adry dial polymer multipulsecounter.• Pulse transmitter forWP-T-Mremote reading.• Completely openmetering compartment.• Flanges are drilled toallow connection toSABS 1123 Table 16• Sturdy constructionthrough and through:designed to cope withtough operatingconditions.• Corrosion-proofhousing in GG 25 greycast iron, durablycoated with epoxyresin.• Hard-wearing meterbrass-cast head.• Guaranteedwaterproof separationbetween meteringcompartment/metering insert andcounter mechanism.• Counter mechanism industproof enclosure.• Clear reading alwayspossible.• Available Sizes: 50mm,80mm, 100mm,150mm, 200mm,250mm.Maintenancefriendly• Simple construction ofmeter in modules:housing, meter head,metering insert,counter mechanism.• A single measuringelement fits all meterhousings.• Minimized inventoryrequirement forstandardmaintenance: meteringinsert, countermechanism.• Please note eachcounter has differentgearing for differentsizes.Flowrate in m 3 /h0.1Q n 15 25 40 60 100 150 250 4000.05Head loss in bar0.010.0050.0011 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000
BBH 2H 1LDTechnical DataNormal size DN mm 50 80 100 150 200 250<strong>Meter</strong> size / nominal flowrate Q n m 3 /h 15 40 60 150 250 400D Connecion flange - SABS 1123 T16 mm 50 80 100 150 200 250L <strong>Meter</strong> length mm 200 225 250 300 350 450B Width mm 130 130 130 130 130 130H 1 Centerline height mm 72 95 105 135 160 200H 2 Overall height mm 130 250 260 290 315 355Weight kg 11 15 19 30 48 85Actual measuring rangeHorizontal/vertical installationOverload flow Q s m 3 /h 70 150 250 500 900 1200Transitional flowrate Q t m 3 /h 4.5 12 18 45 75 120Minimum flowrate Q min m 3 /h 1.2 3.2 4.8 12 20 32Permanent flow Q p m 3 /h 30 80 120 300 500 800Temperature T max ºC 50 50 50 50 50 50Pressure rating PN 16 10/16 16 16 10/16 10/16Flow capacity - at 10 Kpa pressure loss m 3 /h 55 145 270 950 1200 1900Required measuring range ISO 4064 Class A A A A A A AOverload flow Q s m 3 /h 30 80 120 300 500 800Transitional flowrate Q t m 3 /h 4.5 12 18 45 75 120Minimum flowrate Q min m 3 /h 1.2 3.2 4.8 12 20 32Typical SpecificationAn irrigation type meter with a corrosion proof GG25 epoxy coated cast iron bodied paddle wheel axle running tangential to the bore. Cast brasshead and protection lid protecting the IP 67 dry dial counter, which can be secured using a padlock. The meter to be flanged Table 16, (SABS 1123).The meter counter is to have a pulse output.WarrantyAll goods are tested and inspected prior to despatch. In the event of defects resulting from faulty workmanship or materials, such goods will bereplaced/repaired at our discretion, free of charge at the factory, but no responsibility will be accepted for any direct or consequential damage.This warranty covers the malfunction of a correctly installed item due to a manufacturing fault, but does not cover wear and tear considered normal atthe locality of installation. <strong>Meter</strong> warranty 2 years from date of manufacture.JOHANNESBURGTel: (011) 470-4900Fax: (011) 474-0175DURBANTel: (031) 266-4915Fax: (031) 266-9521CAPE TOWNTel: (021) 511-8465/6Fax: (021) 511-8446BLOEMFONTEINTel: (051) 430-2603Fax: (051) 435-1455PORT ELIZABETHTel: (041) 363-1943/2026Fax: (041) 363-2127The company's policy is one of continuousimprovement and the right is reserved tomodify the specifications without notice40002/08/2008