Learner's Edge Course Numbers

Learner's Edge Course Numbers

Learner's Edge Course Numbers


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FALL 2013Learner’s <strong>Edge</strong> Professional Development <strong>Course</strong> OfferingsLourdes University partners with Learner’s <strong>Edge</strong> in extending graduate creditIn association with distance learning (print-based and online) continuing LENcationcourses. Registration information may be found athttp://www.learnersedgeinc.comCRN#LourdesUniversityLEN<strong>Learner's</strong><strong>Edge</strong> #<strong>Course</strong> TitleCreditHoursLEN 501 505 Brain Works: Better Teaching with the Brain in Mind 3LEN 502 506 Literacy and Learning: The Building Blocks 3LEN 503 523 Literacy, the Write Way: Developing Writers in All3Content AreasLEN 504 598 The Writer's Notebook 3LEN 505 608 The Write Foundation 3LEN 506 642 Conferring with Young Writers 3LEN 507 644 Knowing What You Know: Summarizing Savvy 3LEN 508 648 Teaching With Technology 1LEN 509 653 Reaching Young Readers: Improving Reading Skills 3LEN 510 665 Differentiation in Grading 3LEN 511 681 WEB LEN 3LEN 512 693 Fully Wired: Understanding and Empowering3AdolescentsLEN 513 698 Words Matter: Using Teacher Language to Help3StudentsLEN 514 704 Instructional Strategies That Work 3LEN 515 705 Super Sub: How to Succeed as a Substitute Teacher 2LEN 516 706 Raising Student Achievement in Your Classroom 3LEN 517 712 Sticks and Stones: The No-Bully Zone 3LEN 518 716 Engaging Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles in 3Your ClassroomLEN 519 717 Differentiated Learning: How to Teach to Varying Ability 3LevelsLEN 520 721 Integrating the Brain and the Arts Into Your Classroom 3LEN 521 729 Drawing to Learn 1LEN 522 737 Effective Classroom Management: Discipline With3DignityRevised 8/13/2013

FALL 2013LEN 523 738 Gender Matters: How Boys and Girls Learn 3LEN 524 753 Succeeding with the Struggling Student 3LEN 525 760 Building Comprehension in the Primary Grades 3LEN 526 764 Succeeding in the Multicultural Classroom 3LEN 527 766 Reading for Understanding 3LEN 528 776 Across the Spectrum 3LEN 529 783 Tapping the Talent: Working With Gifted Students 3LEN 530 842 Achieving Success with English Language Learners 3LEN 531 846 Virtual Field Tripping: Explore the World WithoutLeaving SchoolLEN 532 854 Caring for the Mental Health of Your Students 1LEN 533 855 What Great Teachers Do 3LEN 534 859 Parent Trap: Dealing with Difficult Parents 3LEN 535 880 Building Successful Readers in All Content Areas 3LEN 536 897 Professional Learning Communities: Moving fromKnowing to DoingLEN 537 900 What Great Leaders Do 3LEN 538 901 CSI: Creating Science Instruction Through Inquiry 3LEN 539 910 Excelling in the Early Childhood Classroom 3LEN 540 915 Caring for the Mental Health of the Young Learner 1LEN 541 920 Good to Great: Principles of Great Teaching 3LEN 542 921 Teach Well, Learn Well: RTI 3LEN 543 958 The Courage to Care: Working with At-Risk Students 3LEN 544 964 What Kids Need: Building Self- Discipline 1LEN 545 966 In the Face of Poverty 3LEN 546 968 What Great Middle School Teachers Do 3LEN 547 969 Follow the Leader: What Great Teacher- Leaders Do 3LEN 548 970 Math Works: Teaching Math with the Brain in Mind 3LEN 549 988 The Driving Force: Keys to Developing a MotivatingClassroomLEN 550 990 180 Degrees: Rethinking Classroom Management 3LEN 551 992 Reaching the Top: Taking Coaching and Advising to theNext LevelLEN 552 993 Shaping Respectful, Responsible Learners in YourClassroomLEN 553 996 I-<strong>Course</strong>, Topics in the Field 3LEN 554 5026 Lost In Translation: New Languages, New Learning 3LEN 555 5027 ADHD: Focusing, Learning, Teaching 3LEN 556 5044 Successful Strategies in Literacy (revised title) 313333Revised 8/13/2013

FALL 2013LEN 557 5045 Assignment Homework: Where, When & Why 3LEN 558 5046 The Future is Now: Re-Visioning Skills for the 21stCentury ClassroomLEN 559 5047 Dive Into Digital: Understanding the Digital Learner 3LEN 560 5048 A New View: Teaching, Learning & Creating 3LEN 561 5049 The Sky's the Limit: The Outdoor Classroom 3LEN 562 5061 Technology: Byte-Size, Big Learning 3LEN 563 5063 Engaging and Empowering Student Citizens in thePrimary GradesLEN 564 5064 Service Learning: Engaging Students in MeaningfulExperienceLEN 565 5079 The Write Stuff 3LEN 566 5081 Igniting Creativity, Comprehension and CollaborationThrough InquiryLEN 567 5394 Inclusion Strategies: Success in the Classroom 3LEN 568 5683 Teach Like a Champ: Effective Strategies for an EngagedClassroomLEN 569 5702 The Culturally Competent Educator 3LEN 570 5750 Education Revolution: Real, Relevant and GlobalEducationLEN 571 5751 Anytime, Anywhere: Today's Learners 3LEN 572 5792 Refocus and Recharge: Strategies for Finding Balance inTeachingLEN 573 5793 The Science C-U-E: Content, Understanding andEnvironmentLEN 574 5832 Cyberbullying: Safeguarding Students & ImprovingSchool ClimateLEN 575 5833 One Stop Shop: Online Docs, Sketches, Spreadsheets,and Virtual Travel for your ClassroomLEN 576 5834 Bringing Your Classroom Online: Best Practices to GetYou ThereLEN 577 5835 Create and Captivate: Using Online Presentations toTeachLEN 578 5836 Building Problem Solving Skills in Grades K-4 3LEN 579 5837 Promoting Mathematical Conversation in Grades K-4 3LEN 580 5838 The Challenging Child: Strategies for the Early ChildhoodClassroomLEN 581 5839 Common Core: Successful Transition for Your 6-12 ELAClassroomLEN 582 5831 Using Real Data in the Math Classroom 333333333333333Revised 8/13/2013

FALL 2013LEN 583 5842 The Flipped Classroom 1Revised 8/13/2013

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