May 2010 - CIDG - Philippine National Police

May 2010 - CIDG - Philippine National Police

May 2010 - CIDG - Philippine National Police

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Republic of the <strong>Philippine</strong>sDepartment of the Interior and Local GovernmentNATIONAL POLICE COMMISSIONPHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICECRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND DETECTION GROUPCamp Crame, Quezon CityThis report features the accomplishments of the Group for the month of<strong>May</strong> <strong>2010</strong> based on the Program Thrust of the Chief, PNP and the 3-PointAgenda of the Director, <strong>CIDG</strong>.It centered primarily on its campaign against OCGs/CGs,Arrest/Neutralization of Most Wanted Persons and high profile crimes. Aside fromthese, the Group focused on the implementation of its Flagship Projects andother Special Anti-Criminality campaigns. Further, it also shows Administrative,Investigation, Intelligence and PCR accomplishments.Thus, we present to you a detailed report on the Group’saccomplishments that embodied the fitness, character and reputation of the<strong>CIDG</strong> as the best <strong>National</strong> Operational Support Unit in the PNP.GROUP’S 3-POINT AGENDA:OPERATIONS AGAINST OCGs/CGs:NO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 5NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 7NO. OF SUSPECTS KILLED - 3NO. OF OCGs/CGs NEUTRALIZED - 2NO. OF CASES FILED - 2Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong>OPLAN “Salikop”:1. NEUTRALIZATION OF SUSPECTS INTHE ROBBERYOF M. LHUILLER POULTRY PLANT IN CARMEN, CEBU• On <strong>May</strong> 19, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Cebu CIDT-7RCIDU of thisGroup together with RPSMB7, RID7 and Carmen <strong>Police</strong> Station implementedsearch warrants issued by Hon. SoliverPeras, Judge of RTC Branch 10, CebuCity against the following suspects:- Search Warrant No. 1298-05-1810-10Joshua PARING, Brgy. Corte, Carmen, Cebu- Search Warrant No. 1300-05-1810-10Rolando GONZALES JR, Brgy. Poblacion,Carmen, Cebu1Groups’ Accomplishment Report

• On <strong>May</strong> 20, <strong>2010</strong>, Ramon Tabinas, representative of MLhuiller Farms together with four (4) witnesses, namely: TomasaBayo, FlorezaCal, SGElizerMollena and SG Sidney Delos Reyes arrived at 7RCIDU Office.When Rolando GONZALES JR, JonidieSANICO, Melvin SENCIO and JesusMORALES were presented through a one-way mirror, SG DELOS REYESidentified Rolando GONZALES JR as the person who pointed a gun towards himand ordered him to drop facing the ground. When the photo of Joshua PARINGshown to them, SG MOLLENA positively identified as the same person whopointed him a gun and subsequently disarmed him. At that juncture, RolandoGONZALES JR was placed under arrest and informed of the nature of theoffense he committed and was apprised of his constitutional rights.• Cases for violation of RA 8294 and COMELEC ResolutionNo. 8714 (Gun Ban) against Rolando GONZALES JR docketed under CC No.DNO-4880and DNO-4882, while a separate case for violation RA 8294 docketedunder IS No. VII-03-INQ-10E-0432 and another case for Robbery-in-Banddocketed under IS No. VII-03-INQ-10E-0437, all were filed before the ProvincialProsecutor’s Office, Cebu.2. ARREST OF MEMBER OF THE “APENG SANTOS” GROUP• On <strong>May</strong> 18, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Bulacan CIDT-3RCIDU of thisGroup together with PIBBulacan PPO implemented Warrant of Arrest in CC No.2701-M-2002 issued by Hon. Roy A. Masadao, Judge of RTC Branch 9, City ofMalolos, Bulacan for the crime of Carnapping, which resulted in the arrest ofRamilVINAS @ Leo VINAS JR y Binarao at Brgy. Gabihan, San Ildefonso,Bulacan. Suspect is a member of the “Apeng Santos” Group involved inRobbery/Hold-up, Carnapping, Gun-for-Hire and Kidnapping incident in theprovinces of Bulacan, Nueva Ecija and Cavite.3. ARREST OF AKYAT-BAHAY GANG SUSPECTSIN ATIMONAN, QUEZON PROVINCE• On <strong>May</strong> 15, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Quezon CIDT-4ARCIDU ofthis Group together with Atimonan MPS conducted operation at Brgy. Talaba,Atimonan, Quezon, which resulted in the arrest of the following suspects whilehaving drinking of Cognac wine with a box of Chivas Regal in their table:- HernaniNIMO y Olivenza, alleged leader of thegroup and a resident of Brgy. Talaba, Atimonan,Quezon;- JopetLAYCO y Panco, member and a resident ofBrgy. Talaba, Atimonan, Quezon; and- Manolito MENDEZ y Alzte, member and a residentof Brgy. Talaba, Atimonan, Quezon.• The operation conducted was in response to the series ofrobbery/hold-up incidents in Atimonan, Quezon and nearby municipalitieswherein the group’s latest victim was a certain Msg. Noel Villareal of Brgy.Balubad, Atimonan, Quezon on <strong>May</strong> 14, <strong>2010</strong> by forcibly opening the back doorof the victim’s house.3Groups’ Accomplishment Report

• In the follow-up operation conducted, stolen items belongingto Msg. VILLARUEL were found and recovered inside the house of one of thesuspects Manolito Mendez located at BrgyTalaba, Atimonan, Quezon, to wit:- One (1) piece 14 inches colored TV marked JVC;- One (1) piecePromac DVD Player with remotecontrol and cartridges;- Two (2) pieces speakers of mini component;- One (1) piece Electric stove;- One (1) piece rice cooker;- Four (4) pieces pillows;- Two (2) bottles Chivas Regal;- One(1) bottle Black Label;- One(1) bottle Cognac wine;- One (1) piece Toshiba Laptop computer; and- One (1) piece bath towel with marking Fr. Noel V.• A case for violation of Article 293 of the RPC (Robbery) wasfiled against the arrested suspects before the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office,Lucena City docketed under IS No. IV-INQ-10E-00236.ARREST OF MOST WANTED PERSONS:NO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 583NO. OF MWP’s NEUTRALIZED:NATIONAL LEVEL - 1MUNICIPAL/CITY LEVEL - 6NO. OF WP (HEINOUS CASES) - 17NEUTRALIZEDNO. OF OWP (LOCAL) NEUTRALIZED - 169NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED THRU - 195CITARTOTAL ARRESTED/NEUTRALIZED - 3884Groups’ Accomplishment ReportMOST WANTED PERSONS ARRESTED1. ARREST OF NO. 5 MWP IN PANIQUI, TARLAC• On <strong>May</strong> 29, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Tarlac CIDT-3RCIDU of thisGroup implemented Warrant of Arrest in CC No. 15406 issued by Hon. DomingoC. San Jose Jr., Judge of RTC Branch 64, Tarlac City for the crime of FrustratedMurder, which resulted in the arrest of Alvin SUAREZ y Guevarra, 19 years old atBrgy. Samput, Paniqui, Tarlac. Suspect is listed as No. 5 Most Wanted Person inthe Municipality of Paniqui, Tarlac.

2. ARREST OF NO. 7 MWP IN IN PANIQUI, TARLAC• On <strong>May</strong> 29, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Tarlac CIDT-3RCIDU of thisGroup implemented Warrant of Arrest in CC No. 15406 issued by Hon. Alipio C.Yumul, Judge of RTC Branch 64, Tarlac City for the crime of Frustrated Murder,which resulted in the arrest of AljonTIONGSON y Marcos, 19 years old at Brgy.Abogado, Paniqui, Tarlac. Suspect is listed as No. 7 Most Wanted Person in theMunicipality of Paniqui, Tarlac.3. ARREST OF KFR SUSPECT LISTED IN PNP MWPKIDNAPPER NATIONWIDE• On <strong>May</strong> 23, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of EMMCIDT-NCRCIDU of thisGroup in coordination with Leyte PPO implemented Warrant of Arrest in CC No.R-SY-08-06697 issued by Hon. Pedro De Leon y Gutierrez, Judge of RTCBranch 119, Pasay City for the crime of Kidnapping-for-Ransom with DoubleMurder, which resulted in the arrest of Mariano DE LEON JR y De Luna, 49years old at JP Rizal Street, Bato, Leyte. Suspect is listed in the PNP MostWanted Kidnapper nationwide with a monetary reward of Php 300,000.00 perDILG Memorandum Circular No. 2009-29 dated March 9, 2009.4. ARREST OF NO. 5 MWP IN JOSE PANGANIBANCAMARINES NORTE• On <strong>May</strong> 18, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Camarines Norte CIDT-5RCIDU of this Group together with Jose Panganiban MPS implementedWarrant of Arrest in CC No. 13965 issued by Hon. Rolando Panganiban of RTCBranch 40, Daet, Camarines Norte for the crime of Rape, which resulted in thearrest of CarlitoCEPEDA y Dizon, 50 years old at Brgy. Calero, JosePanganiban, Camarines Norte. Suspect is listed as No. 5 Most Wanted Person inthe Municipality of Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte.5. ARREST OF MWP IN TAYUG, PANGASINAN• On <strong>May</strong> 17, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Pangasinan CIDT-1RCIDU ofthis Group together with PIBPangasinan PPO, PPPSMC, RID-PRO1 and Tayug<strong>Police</strong> Station implemented Warrant of Arrest in CC No. T-4736 issued by Hon.Emma Ines-Parajas, Judge of RTC Branch 52, Tayug, Pangasinanfor the crimeof Statutory Rape which resulted in the arrest of Marty COLOBONG y Carganilloat Brgy. Legaspi, Tayug, Pangasinan. Suspect was listed in the Most WantedPerson in the municipality of Tayug, Pangasinan.6. ARREST OF NO. 5 MWP IN GEN. TRIAS, CAVITE• On <strong>May</strong> 12, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Cavite CIDT-4ARCIDU of thisGroup implemented Warrant of Arrest in CC No. TMCR-396-2209 for the crime ofRape in relation to RA 7610 and CC No. TMCR-397-2009 for violation of Acts ofLasciviousness in relation to RA 7610, all issued by Hon Aurelio G. Icasiano,Judge of RTC Branch 23, TreceMartirez, Cavite which resulted in the arrest of5Groups’ Accomplishment Report

Ronnie CAYETANO y Bawalan @ Ron at his residence located at No. 093, Brgy.Dulong Bayan, Gen. Trias, Cavite. Suspect is listed as No. 5 Most WantedPerson in the Municipality of Gen. Trias, Cavite.7. ARREST OF NO. 1 MWP IN MANDAUE CITY, CEBU• On <strong>May</strong> 2, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Bulacan CIDT-3RCIDU and7RCIDU of this Group implemented Warrant of Arrest in CC Nos. DU-6621 andDU-6622 issued by Hon. Mercedes GozoDadole, Judge of RTC Branch 28Mandaue City, Cebu for the crime of Murder (2 counts), which resulted in thearrest of AnditoCADUSALE y Anog @ Andy, 44 years old at Brgy. Tibagan,Bustos, Bulacan.• Suspect is listed as No. 1 Most Wanted Person in MandaueCity, Cebu with a Monetary Reward ofPhp 90,000.00 per DILG MemorandumCircular No. 2002-39.INVESTIGATION OF HEINOUS ANDSENSATIONAL CASES:For the period in review, the different operating units of the Group tookcognizance of 255 cases, 98 or 38.43% of which are Index Crimes while 157 or61.57% are Non-Index Crimes. Two hundred forty-seven (247) cases were filedin court, while eight (8) are under investigation. The Group has a Case SolutionEfficiency(CSE) of 96.86%.On the investigation of heinous crimes, the Group investigated thirty-four(34)heinous crimes, thirty-two (32) of which were filed and solved, while two (2)casesis still under investigation, registering a CrimeSolution Efficiency (CSE)of 94.11%.Likewise, on the investigation of sensational cases, ten (10) caseswere investigated, seven (7) of which were filed/solved while three (3) still underinvestigation, registering a CSE of 70.00%.DETAILS OF SOLVED HEINOUS AND SENSATIONAL CASESATTACHED AS ANNEXESGROUP’S FLAGSHIP PROJECTS:CAMPAIGN AGAINST MISFITS, SCALAWAGS& “KOTONG” COPS:NO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 3NO. OF SUSPECTS ARRESTED - 3NO. OF CASES FILED - 5Significant accomplishments under<strong>CIDG</strong>LOI “Pitagan”:6Groups’ Accomplishment Report

1. ARREST OF PO1 SHERWIN REYES Y NITRO• On <strong>May</strong> 21, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of NCRCIDU of this Grouptogether with victim/complainant Maribel Lopez y Soriano, 34 years old,businesswomanof No. 30 Lakandula Street, Tondo, Manila conductedentrapment operation inside Jollibee Food Chain located at J.P. Rizal Avenuecorner Tayuman Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila which resulted in the arrest of PO1Sherwin REYES y Nitro, 33 years old, PNP member assigned at La Loma <strong>Police</strong>Station, Quezon City after receiving marked money from victim/complainant.• The operation stemmed from the referred cases of allegedRobbery, Carnapping and Robbery/Extortion against SPO2 Hector GUBATINA,SPO2 HARRIES, PO1 REYES and several John Does assigned at the NCRPOlodged by Maribel Lopez y Soriano together with <strong>Police</strong> Inspector II OrlandoCastro Mutuc of the Investigation Monitoring and Inspection Service (IMIS) of theNAPOLCOM, Makati City on <strong>May</strong> 5, <strong>2010</strong>.• In the sworn statement of the complainant, she averred thaton March 16, <strong>2010</strong>, her former live-in partner Rodolfo Martinez together with thelatter’s nephew a certain Joel Martinez, barrowed her color Maroon Toyota Revomodel 1994 with Plate No. WJL-249 to attend an occasion. However, at about11:00 P.M. of same day, Maribel Lopez received a telephone call from Ms.Rowena Martinez, the daughter of Rodolfo Martinez, informing her that the duo(Rodolfo and Joel) were arrested in front of San Roque Church, Avenida, Sta.Cruz, Manila for unknown reason and were brought to Camp BagongDiwa,Bicutan, Taguig City.• On March 17, <strong>2010</strong>, complainant Maribel Lopez togetherwith Mrs. Rebecca Martinez, the original wife of Rodolfo went to CampBagongDiwa, but failed to locate the whereabouts of their husband, hence, theydecided to go back home. While on their way home, Ms. Rowena called her upagain and informed them that the arresting officers of the duo were waiting forthem at the camp’s gate, thus, they were forced to go back to the said camp.Thereat, Mrs. Rebecca was approached by a male person riding on a motorcycleand identified him as police officer and brought her to their office, while hereincomplainant stayed inside a taxi cab. Moments later, Mrs. Rebecca came backand informed her that the police officers demandedPhp 150,000.00 in exchangeof not pursuing the drug cases against Rodolfo and Joel and they will be freedinstead.• When herein complainant and Mrs. Rebecca cannot producethe demanded amount, the police officers, later identified as SPO2 HectorGUBATINA reduced the amount to Php 100,000.00. On the night of March 17,<strong>2010</strong>, the money was handed over to the two (2) arresting officers, whereinPhp60,000.00 from herein complainant and the Php 40,000.00 from Mrs. Rebeccawho personally handed over to the said police officers inside their officeat RMG,Camp BagongDiwa, Bicutan, Taguig City. Immediately thereafter, Rodolfo andJoel were released to their custody leaving behind the complainant’s ToyotaRevo.• When Maribel Lopez asked SPO2 GUBATINA about thestatus of her car, the latter refused to release the same and told her that the saidcar was part of the recent settlement. Herein complainant insisted that she ownsthe vehicle and it has nothing to do in any manner with the offenses or crime7Groups’ Accomplishment Report

committed by Rodolfo and Joel, if there was any, much so with their casesettlement.• SPO2 GUBATINA however, refused to release the saidvehicle and demanded for the original OR/CR. Since then, complainant Lopezreceived several calls and text messages from SPO2 GUBATINA and PO1REYES who continuously asked for the original OR/CR. When the complainantrefused to give the original documents of the car, SPO2 GUBATINA and PO1REYES demanded another Php 200,000.00 in exchange for the release of saidcar which was later reduced to Php 160,000.00.• With the foregoing, an entrapment operation was planned atthe agreed place and time using marked money placed on top of thebogus/bundle cash amounting to Php 160,000.00. At the height of the stake-out,the team spotted PO1 REYES on board a blue Honda Wave motorcycle withPlate No. UT-4016 passed in front of the Jollibee Food Chainand parked at thenearby street. Minutes later, he was seen negotiating with the complainant insidethe said food chain and when the suspect received the marked money, the teameffected the arrest.• On <strong>May</strong> 22, <strong>2010</strong>, PO1 Sherwin REYES y Nitro wasinquested before Hon. Mary Jane T. Tarriela-Pagilagan, Assistant CityProsecutor of Manila docketed under IS No. 03762 for the crime ofRobbery/Extortion, Robbery and Carnapping. Further, included in the cases filedwere at-large suspects SPO2 Hector GUBATINA and SPO2 HARRIS both ofRMG, NCRPO.2. ARREST OF PO1 RONALD N. CASTILLO• On <strong>May</strong> 17, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Batangas CIDT-4ARCIDU ofthis Group conducted operation inside the <strong>Philippine</strong> Ports Authority Compound,Brgy. Sta. Clara, Batangas City acting on a telephone calls that a FordExpedition bearing Plate No. KEA-111 with undetermined number of armedpersons, embarked on a Monte Negro RO-RO vessel from Gloria, Oriental,Mindoro bound for Batangas Port, Batangas City.• Said operation resulted in the arrest of PO1 RonaldN.CASTILLO, 32 years old, single, resident of Brgy. San Antonio, Gloria, OrientalMindoro, PNP member assigned at Gloria MPS and detailed as Security Escortof Vice-<strong>May</strong>or Elect Romeo Donato Alvarez of Gloria, Oriental, Mindoro and theconfiscation from his possession and control the following items listed below afterthe aforementioned vehicle was flagged down and the same was caught in theact of carrying his firearm tucked-in his waist in civilian attire:- One (1) cal .40 (GLOCK 23) Mariner pistol withSN: KTK054;- One (1) magazine for cal .40; and- Twelve (12) rounds of ammunitions for cal .40.• The operatives also confiscated his issued firearm when thelatter failed to present a COMELEC exemption described as follows:- One (1) cal .9mm pistol (Taurus) with SN: TVKK09114;8Groups’ Accomplishment Report

- One (1) magazine for said firearm; and- Nine (9) rounds of ammunition for said firearms.• Acase for violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 inrelation to COMELEC Resolution 8714 was filed against PO1 CASTILLO beforethe City Prosecutor’s Office, Batangas City docketed under NPS No. V-11-INQ-10E- 00104.ANTI-BANK/ARMORED VAN ROBBERYNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 1NO. OF CASES FILED - 1Other significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong>OPLAN“WildCampa”:1. ROBBERY/HOLD-UP INCIDENT OF RURAL BANKIN GEN. TRIAS, CAVITE• On <strong>May</strong> 17, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of AOCD of this Group incoordination with Gen. Trias MPS filed a criminal complaint for Robbery againstBaldwin BULAON y Lopez @ Bulalo/Macho and MarcelinoCAMENARES y Otico@ Taba/@ Enan before the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, Imus, Cavitedocketed under IS No. IV-03-INV-10E-2118.• The heist occurred on April 8, <strong>2010</strong> at about 10:30 A.M.,wherein a Rural Bank in Gen. Trias, Cavite Extension Branch located alongGovernor’s Drive, Brgy. Manggahan, Gen. Trias, Cavite was robbed by three (3)suspects armed with short firearms and carted away cash money amounting toMOLPhp 1,480,000.00 and fled on foot towards undisclosed direction.• On April 9, <strong>2010</strong>, a team from AOCD of this Group wasdispatched to Gen. Trias, Cavite to conduct investigation. They coordinated withPSUPT GREGORIO G. EVANGELISTA, COP of Gen. Trias MPS and proceededto bank wherein they conducted initial interviews of witnesses present during therobbery. The team was able to secure composite sketch of suspects from theartist of the Cavite PPO.• On April 21, <strong>2010</strong>, another team from AOCD of this Groupwas dispatched to Gen. Trias, Cavite to conduct follow-up investigation. Theycoordinated with PCINSP ISAGANI L CULANDING, Chief Admin of Gen. TriasMPS and concurrent PCP Commander of Manggahan Sub-Station which hasjurisdiction over the place of incident. PCI CULANDING discussed the details oftheir investigation and then furnished the team with a copy of sworn statementsof the two (2) witnesses identified as AlenBaldeo y Banaban and Ritchie Arcilla yLoren.• On the basis of the documents obtained, the AOCD teamanalyzed and thoroughly studied the modus operandi as well as description ofthe suspects given by the witnesses. On April 22, <strong>2010</strong>, the AOCD team returnedto Gen. Trias MPS and arranged for another round of meeting with the witnesses9Groups’ Accomplishment Report

wherein photos of bank robbery suspects contained in the AOCD Photo Galleryof Bank Robbers.• Witness BALDEO, 30 years old, married, security guard ofsaid bank readily recognized the photograph of Baldwin BULAON andMarcelinoCAMENARES in the photo gallery and immediately executed asupplemental affidavit pointing to the two (2) suspects from the picturespresented to him. The two (2) were the entering party who pretended as clientsand poked a gun on him. Suspect BULAON was the one who took the moneyfrom the bank teller while CAMENARES was left at the door holding BALDEO.• Witness ARCILLA, 32 years old, Bank Teller likewiserecognized BULAON and also executed a supplemental affidavit identifyingBULAON as one of the perpetrators of the heist. According to him, BULAON wasthe one who carted the cash money from his drawer and the money from thevault of the bank.• Suspects Baldwin BULAON y Lopez @ Bulalo/@ Macho, aresident of Gate 3, Parola Compound, Tondo, Manila andMarcelinoCAMENARES y Otico @ Enan/@ Taba, a resident of Brgy. 176 Zone15 District 1, BagongSilang, Caloocan City are both active members of thedreaded/notorious Bank/Armored Van Robbery group known as Alvin FloresGang headed by Daniel FLORES @ Alvin Flores @ Bunso/@ Bartolo who waskilled in an encounter with the NBI Agents in Cebu City.• BULAON and CAMENARES were previously charged withtwo (2) counts of Robbery/Hold-up after they were positively identified inseparate consummated heists perpetrated by the Alvin Flores Group as follows:• Robbery/Hold-up at Park Trade Center,Muntinlupa City on <strong>May</strong> 25, 2009, said case wasfiled before the City Prosecutor’s Office inMuntinlupa City docketed under IS No. 09-440 onFebruary 5, <strong>2010</strong>.• Robbery/Hold-up of BPI ATM Booth at ShellGasoline Station inside SLEX, Brgy. Pututan,Muntinlupa City on June 19, 2009, another casealso filed before City Prosecutor’s Office,Muntinlupa City docketed under IS No. XV-08-00174 on February 9, <strong>2010</strong>.ANTI-CARNAPPINGNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 1Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “Clean Sweep”:1. RECOVERY OF A MITSUBISHI LANCERIN BRGY. LONGOS, PULILAN, BULACAN• On <strong>May</strong> 13, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Bulacan CIDT-3RCIDU of thisGroup recovered one (1) Mitsubishi Lancer with Plate No. NJW-875 inside the10Groups’ Accomplishment Report

compound of Noel SAPIANDANTE of Brgy. Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan. Suspectfailed to present pertinent document to legally possess said motor vehicle, hencehe voluntarily surrendered the same to the operating team.• Recovered motor vehicle was brought to BulacanCIDTOffice for proper disposition pending verification with the LTO and HPG on thestatus of the same.ANTI-ILLEGAL GAMBLINGNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 25NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED:COLLECTORS - 10BETTORS & OTHERS - 9TOTAL CASH BETS CONFISCATED- Php8,317.75NO. OF CASES FILED - 9Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “Roulette”:1. OPERATIONS AGAINST ILLEGAL GAMBLING MAINTAINEDBY A KOREAN NATIONALS• On <strong>May</strong> 22, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of STG “Maverick” of this Groupimplemented Search Warrant No. 10-15888 to 89 issued by Hon. Jansen R.Rodriguez, Judge of RTC Branch 6, NCJR, Manila against Michelle SAGA @Victor, Kim and James of Unit Nos. 17A and 27G located at Orient Towers,Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, Manila which resulted in the arrest of the followingsuspects:• Yun CHEONG YEOL @ Justine, 40 years old,married, a native of No. 37-29 Bong Mong Dong,Chu Ching, South Korea (maintainer/operator andcomputer technician of illegal gambling on On-lineGaming);• Song BYEONGHAN @ Dennis, 35 years old,single, a native of No. 427-18 Jung Jusi Su Dong,South Korea (maintainer/operator and computertechnician);• Song YOUNG JI, 35 years old, single, a native ofKorean Sunsan City, Kasandong City 624(SunsanKamjam 664), (computertechnician/maintainer);• Jin DONG SIK, 36 years old, a native of 113-5Eong Am Jong EunPyungGu, Seoul, South Korea(maintainer/computer technician);11Groups’ Accomplishment Report

• Michelle Abada SAGA, 28 years old, a native ofBrgy. Bandalagan, Eureco, Bacolod City(maintainer);• Dharyn Joy CANA y Fabila, 20 years old, aresident of Block 38, Farmers 1, Tumana, MarikinaCity (gambling personnel/card dealer); and• JonadyLOBITANA y Cabahug, 21 years old, anative of Sagay, Negros Occidental (gamblingpersonnel/card dealer).• The following pieces of evidence were seized/confiscated:• from Unit 27G:- One (1) gambling table color blue withmarking “Dragon/Tiger”;- Three (3) gambling table color blue withmarking “Player/Banker”;- Several pieces of playing cards;- Eight (8) pieces LCD monitors;- Four (4) computer keyboards;- Four (4) computer CPU;- Three (3) calculators;- Three (3) videocams;- Three (3) computer stands;- Three (3) office chairs;- One (1) computer printer;- Two (2) telephones; and- Several employees logbook/DTRs’• from Unit 17A:- Two (2) Heddy computer sets andaccessories;- Two (2) GMC computer sets andaccessories;- One (1) I-NIS computer set andaccessories; and- One (1) Samsung printer.• The search operations were conducted in an orderly mannerand in the presence of Michelle SAGA, Brgy. Tanod Willy B. Bantad of Brgy. 667,Zone 72, Ermita, Manila and SG Reynaldo A. Cartel of Pearl of the Orient Tower,Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, Manila.• A case for violation of PD 1602 as amended by RA 9287(Illegal Operation of Gambling Den) was referred for Inquest before AssistantCity Prosecutor Edita G. Miña-Agoda of Manila City Prosecutor’s Office docketedunder NPS No. IOE-03773-0371.2. ARREST OF BOOTH ATTENDANT OF LAST-TWO/12Groups’ Accomplishment Report

PICK THREE DIGITS IN COMVAL PROVINCE• On <strong>May</strong> 19, 2009, elements of COMVAL CIDT-11RCIDU ofthis Group together with Compostela MPS conducted operation on theproliferation of illegal number games locally known as “Last Two/Pick Three”digits and its variants derived from the daily PCSO Lottery Sweepstakes draw,which resulted in the arrest of Lourdes CUYOS y Rosales, 63 years old, boothattendant who was caught in the act of accepting bets inside an exposed bettingcubicle situated at the vicinity of Purok 7, PoblacionCompostela, COMVALProvince and the seizures of the following pieces of evidence:• Php 790.00 cash bets;• One (1) pad of Mercury Tally sheets withcorresponding number combination;• Bet stubs;• One (1) black ballpen; and• One (1) calculator.• On <strong>May</strong> 20, <strong>2010</strong>, a case for violation of PD 1602 asamended by RA 9287 was filed against the arrested suspects before theProvincial Prosecutor’s Office, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Provincedocketed under NPS No. X1-01-INQ-10E-00100.CAMPAIGN AGAINST PRIVATE ARMED GROUPS &LOOSE FIREARMSNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 46NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 64NO. OF HPFAs SEIZED - 58NO. OF LPFAs SEIZED - 40NO. OF HOMEMADE FAs SEIZED - 6TOTAL FIREARMS SEIZED - 104NO. OF EXPLOSIVE/S SEIZED - 14NO. OF AMMUNITION SEIZED - 2,041NO. OF CASES FILED - 51Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong>OPLAN “PaglalansagOmega”:1. ARREST OF A FORMER POLICE OFFICER FOR GUNRUNNING• On <strong>May</strong> 22, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Bacolod CIDT-6RCIDU of thisGroup conducted buy-bust operation at Dunkin Donuts located along SanSebastian corner Araneta Streets, Bacolod City which resulted in the arrest of13Groups’ Accomplishment Report

ClodualdoCALUAG y Barroa, 44 years old, a former PNP personnel with the rankof PO1 assigned in Precinct No. 6, Bacolod CPO and the confiscation from hispossession one (1) cal .45 Colt pistol with SN 715293 with an empty magazineafter receiving the marked money from poseur buyer.following:• Also confiscated from his possession and control were the• Two (2) old PNP IDs;• One (1) police badge with No. 056185;• Various documents most notable of which is thesubpoena for him for the crime of FrustratedHomicide issued by RTC Branch 54, Bacolod Cityunder CC No. 09-32019; and• His appointment order as PO1 of PRO 6 datedSeptember 16, 1996.• On <strong>May</strong> 24, <strong>2010</strong>, a case for violation of Section 1, PD 1866as amended by RA 8294 (Illegal Possession of Firearm) in relation to theOmnibus Election Code was filed against the arrested suspect before the CityProsecutor’s Office, Bacolod City docketed under IS No. VI-03-INQ-10E-229.2. INTERCEPTION OF SECURITY ESCORTS OFMAYOR WINIFREDO B. OCO OF LABO, CAMARINES NORTE• On <strong>May</strong> 9, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Camarines Norte CIDT-5RCIDU of this Group together with Camarines Norte PPO while conductingCOMELEC checkpoint at Purok 2, Brgy. Luigi, Labo, Camarines Norteintercepted one (1) Isuzu Altera colored silver with Plate No. ZMW-660 registeredunder the name of Romulo P. CALMATEO of Brgy. Bautista, Labo, CamarinesNorte being driven by Gerardo JAMITO y Velante, alleged personal driver ofgubernatorial candidate Winifredo B. OCO and incumbent <strong>May</strong>or of Labo,Camarines Norte. Aside from the driver, the following suspects were alsoarrested whileon board said vehicle, namely:• PO2 Randy RARO y Villaruel, 32 years old, PNPmember assigned at PPHAU of Camarines NortePPO and detailed security escort ofWinifredoOCO;• PFCJoemarieGARETE y Sorongan, 32 years old,member of the <strong>Philippine</strong> Army, assigned at SanAntonio Detachment, Alpha Coy, 31 st IB in Labo,Camarines Norte and serving as security escort ofWinifredoOCO;• PFC Melvin BONGAT y Garcia, 23 years old,member of the <strong>Philippine</strong> Army, assigned at SanAntonio Detachment, Alpha Coy, 31 st IB in Labo,Camarines Norte;• Rodrigo VILLAFUERTE y Escarda, 34 years old,security escort of WinifredoOCO;14Groups’ Accomplishment Report

• Edgar VILLAFUERTE y Villamonte, 38 years old,member of the Kabalikat 216-22; and• JoemarBARDON y Magana, 30 years old, driver.• A case for violation of RA 8294 in relation to COMELEC GunBan Resolution No. 8714 was filed against the arrested suspects before theProvincial Prosecutor’s Office, Daet, Camarines Norte docketed under NPS Nos.V-09-INQ-10-E-00258 to 00262.3. IMPLEMENTATION OF SEARCH WARRANTS ATDISTRICT3, GAMU, ISABELA• On <strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Isabela CIDT-2RCIDU of thisGroup together with IPPSMC, PIS Isabela PPO and Gamu MPS implementedSearch Warrant Nos. 03-<strong>2010</strong> to 11-<strong>2010</strong> at District 3, Gamu, Isabela against thefollowing subjects:• Search Warrant No. 07-<strong>2010</strong> against <strong>May</strong>or Fernando“Ando” CUMIGAD (BigkisPinoy)- One (1) M14 rifle (modified) with SNLS85B132ZR/1481572 (tampered) with magazine;- One (1) baby M16 rifle Bushmaster with SNL379711;- One (1) baby M16 rifle Elisco with SN RP120773;- One (1) baby M16 rifle Eliscowith SN RP152344;- One (1) M16 rifle Colt AR with SN 1228771;- One (1) cal .45 Armscor 1911 pistol with SN1163118;- One (1) cal .9mm Beretta pistol with SNPG121559;- One (1) cal .9mm Sig Sauer P250 pistol withoutserial number;- One (1) cal.9mm HerstalBelgioue pistol withoutserial number;- One (1) Shotgun Armscor with SN 1051781;- One (1) Shotgun Karatay with SN 3537342;- One (1) Shotgun Armscor 1051782;- Eleven (11) rifle grenades;- Six (6) Metal rifle butts;- Two (2) magazine for cal .9mm pistol;- One (1) magazine for cal.45 pistol;- One (1) short magazine for M16;- Five (5) live ammo for 12-gauge shotgun;- Twenty-eight (28) live ammo for cal .9mm;- Fifty (50) live ammo for cal.40;- Thirty (30) live ammo for M16;- Twenty (20) live ammo for M14;- Sixteen (16) empty shells for M16 rifle;- Two (2) empty shells for M14 rifle; and- Eight (8) empty shells for cal. 45.15Groups’ Accomplishment Report

• Search Warrant No. 10-<strong>2010</strong> against <strong>May</strong>or Fernando“Ando”CUMIGAD (BigkisPinoy)- One (1) M16 rifle with defaced SN;- Two (2) long magazines for M16;- One (1) short magazine for M16;- Thirty (30) live ammo for M16; and- Twenty (20) live ammo for M16.• Search Warrant No. 04-<strong>2010</strong> against Brgy. CaptainJesus VILLAREAL- One (1) cal .30 Carbine Choate with SN 3634179;- One (1) long magazine for cal .30;- One (1) short magazine for cal .30; and- Forty-one (41) rounds of ammunition for cal .30.• Search Warrant No. 05-<strong>2010</strong> against Ricky GUITTO andJun PICO- Three (3) long aluminum magazines for M16 rifle;- Five (5) short plastic magazine for M16;- Three (3) short aluminum magazines for M16;- One (1) standard magazine for cal .45;- One hundred thirty-three (133) rounds ofammunition for M16; and- Fourteen (14) rounds of ammunition for cal .45.• Search Warrant No. 08-<strong>2010</strong> against BennyCARBAJOSA- One (1) cal.45 Armscor pistol with SN 1062297;- One (1) cal.9mm Bryo with SN 1051889;- Two (2) magazines for cal .45;- One (1) handcuff;- Two (2) holsters for cal .45; and- One (1) holster for cal .9 mm.• However, Search Warrant Nos. 03-<strong>2010</strong> againstLuisitoCUMIGAD, 06-<strong>2010</strong> against Robert CARBAJOSA, 09-<strong>2010</strong> and 11-<strong>2010</strong>against <strong>May</strong>or Fernando CUMIGAD yielded negative result.• The operations resulted in the arrest of <strong>May</strong>or CUMIGADand witnessed in the presence of Rosalinda Domingo, Marie FrancilynTanjusay,Harris Julio of the ABS-CBN, VillamorVisaya Jr. of the <strong>Philippine</strong> DailyInquirer/GMA7. Likewise, the inventory and receipt of the seized items were dulyaccomplished and the same were witnesses by Marie FrancilynTanjusay, JoeDasig of DZRH, Jun Fuentes of REMATE, Romy Santos of BomboRadyo andConrad Reyes of DWDY.• On same date at about 11:30 P.M., after all the necessarydocuments for inquest proceedings were prepared, <strong>May</strong>or CUMIGAD wasbrought before the Hon. Prosecutor Dinahlyn S. Gelacio of the ProvincialProsecutor’s Office, Ilagan, Isabela. During inquest proceedings, respondent wasduly informed of his constitutional rights. After having been duly informed of his16Groups’ Accomplishment Report

ights, respondent opted to waive his rights under Article 125 of the RPC andduly assisted by his own counsel Atty. Bernard P. Olalia. The InvestigatingProsecutor issued an order for the respondent to submit his counter-affidavitwithin ten (10) days from receipt thereof.• At about 2:00 A.M of <strong>May</strong> 9, <strong>2010</strong>, after the inquestproceedings of <strong>May</strong>or CUMIGAD, respondent was able to post his cash bond inthe amount of Php 400,000.00 covered with Official Receipt No. 7106807-A forhis temporary liberty pending the result of the preliminary investigation.• On <strong>May</strong> 10, <strong>2010</strong>, separate cases for violation of PD 1866as amended by RA 8294 against Valentin DELOS SANTOS y Vidal, RickyGUITTO y Monteagudo and Laurence FERNANDEZ y Penergaling were filed forinquest proceedings before the Hon. Ma. Jeanette Layugan and Hon. DonAntonio Marie V. Abogado, all of Provincial Prosecution Office, <strong>National</strong>Prosecution Service, Department of Justice, Ilagan, Isabela docketed under NPSNos. II-04-INQ-10E-00057 to 00059, respectively.• Likewise, cases for the same complaint against their coaccusedwho were subject of the Search Warrant No. 04-<strong>2010</strong> against Brgy.Captain VILLAREAL (at-large), Search Warrant No. 05-<strong>2010</strong> against Jun PICO(at-large) and Search Warrant No. 10-<strong>2010</strong> against <strong>May</strong>or CUMIGAD weredocketed for regular preliminary investigations.• During the inquest proceedings, above-named accused wereinformed of their constitutional rights being presented by their counsel Atty.Christine S. Genoveza wherein they opted not to waive their rights under Article125 of the RPC. The recommended bailbond for each accused amounted toPhp 200,000.00 for DELOS SANTOS, Php 12,000.00 for GUITTO and Php200,000.00 for the firearm and Php 12,000.00 for the ammunition forFERNANDEZ.• Accused DELOS SANTOS and FERNANDEZ werecommitted at the Provincial Jail, Ilagan, Isabela by virtue of Commitment Ordersin CC Nos. 5387 and 5388, respectively. While GUITTO remained under thecustody of IsabelaCIDT due to unavailability of Judge in Gamu, Isabela.• Furthermore, the Inquest Case for Search Warrant No. 07-<strong>2010</strong> against <strong>May</strong>or CUMIGAD was docketed under NPS No. II-04-INQ-10E-0056.4. IMPLEMENTATION OF SEARCH WARRANTSIN BUENAVISTA, QUEZON• On <strong>May</strong> 6, <strong>2010</strong>, elementsof this office, Quezon CIDT-4ARCIDU of thisGroup together with PIB, RIO and Public SafetyManagement Company (PSMC) implementedsimultaneous raid/search at theresidence/premises of following respondentsdescribed below, by virtue of Search WarrantNos. 1695-10, 1696-10 and 1697-10, issued byHon. Cesar A. Mangrobang, Judge of RTCBranch 22, Imus, Cavite, which yielded the17Groups’ Accomplishment Report

following pieces of evidence:• Search Warrant No. 1695-10 at the residence of Mr.Alexander N. Riverainin Brgy. Cadlit, Buenavista, Quezon:- One (1) Armscor Shotgun with SN: A1207801;- One (1) M16 Baby Armalite Rifle (Colt) with SN-883317;- One (1) Ingram Machine pistol with SN:SAP94782;- Five (5) rounds of ammunition for 12-GaugeShotgun;- Fifty (50) rounds of ammunition for cal .9mmpistol;- Six (6) pieces long magazine for M16 rifle;- Four (4) pieces short magazine for M16 rifle;- Two (2) pieces long magazine for Ingram;- One (1) cal .45 Armscorpistol with SN;- One (1) piece Magazine for cal .45 pistol; and- Eight (8) rounds of ammunition for cal .45.• However, the aforementioned items/firearms recovered fromthe residence of said respondent, Mr. RIVERA were immediately turned-over tohim after he was presented legal document/licenses and its authenticity topossess same.• Search Warrant No. 1696-10 at the Residual RecoveryPlant/Office ofMr. Beinvenido H. URI located in Brgy. Bulo, Buenavista, Quezon:- One (1) M16 Baby Armalite (A1) with SN: 153428(Tampered);- One (1) cal .45 pistol, marked Llama with SN:7104003904;- One (1) cal .45 marked Norinco with SN: 521954;- One (1) cal .45 pistol marked Colt with SN:841573;- One (1) cal .38 revolver marked Taurus with SN:PD395676;- One (1) 12-Gauge shotgun marked SquireBingham SN: 1034560;- One (1) piece barrel of cal .45 pistol;- Three (3) pieces short magazines of M16Armaliterifle;- Four (4) pieces of long magazines for M16 rifle;- Six (6) pieces short magazine (Standard) of cal.45 pistol;- Three (3) pieces of magazine for cal .45 pistol;18Groups’ Accomplishment Report

- Thirty-nine (39) rounds of ammunition for 12-Gauge shotgun;- One (1) piece magazine for cal .30 M1 Carbine;- Two (2) rounds of ammunition for cal .30 M1Carbine;- Eighty-nine (89) rounds of ammunition for cal.45pistol; and- Four (4) pieces black holster for cal .45 pistol• Search Warrant No. 1697-10 at residence of Mr. ReynaldoB. RICARDO in Brgy. Lilukin, Buenavista, Quezon:- One (1) cal .45 pistol marked NorincoSN: 708067;- Forty-nine (49) rounds of ammunition for cal .45pistol; and- One (1) piece of short magazine for cal .45 pistol.• Likewise, the above-mentioned items/firearms alsorecovered from the residence of said respondent, Mr. RICARDO wereimmediately turned-over to him after he was presented legal document/licensesand its authenticity to possess same.• During the search, ElizardoELOCARIOyCodello, formerCAFGU who stand as Security Guard inside the premises of said plant wasapprehended by the raiding team while holding an M16 Baby Armalite with SN:153428 (Tampered).• The raid was done in an orderly manner in the presence ofabove-named respondents, Mr. Reynaldo B. RICARDO and Mr. Alexander N.RIVERA, and witnessed by Brgy. Captain Filex P. Palanca, Brgy. KagawadNorielL. Bilbao and Brgy. Captain Antonio A. Mendoza, of said locality. Respondent Mr.BienvenidoH. URI was not around during raid/search at his Gold ResidualRecovery Plant/Office in Brgy. Bulo, Buenavista, Quezon. However, during theSearch it was witnessed by his brother Leonardo H. Uri and Brgy. CaptainRonnie L. Miranda, of said locality.• Items recovered from the Gold Residual RecoveryPlant/Office of Mr. BienvenidoH. URI were brought to Quezon CIDT office forproper disposition. On <strong>May</strong> 7, <strong>2010</strong>, a case of Violation of PD 1866 as amendedby RA 8294 (Illegal Possession of Firearms and Ammunition) against BienvinidoURI y Hondrade (at-large) and ElizardoELOCARIO y Codello (arrested) was filedbefore the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, Lucena City, Quezon docketed underIS Nos. IV-09-INQ-10E-00119 and IV-09-INV-10E-00252, respectively.5. IMPLEMENTATION OF SEARCH WARRANTAT THE HOUSE OF BRGY. CAPTAIN CALATONOF SAN MARIANO, ROXAS, ORIENTAL MINDORO• On <strong>May</strong> 5, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Oriental Mindoro CIDT-4BRCIDU of this Group together with the RIU of PRO 4B and Mindoro OrientalPPO implemented the Search Warrant No. <strong>2010</strong>-07 issued by Hon.EdralinC.Reyesof 3 rd MCTC, Mansalay, Bulalacao, Oriental Mindoro at thepremises of EngracioCALATONy Arellanoat Brgy. San Mariano, Roxas, OrientalMindoro, which resulted in the seizures of the following pieces of evidence:19Groups’ Accomplishment Report

- One(1) cal .45 pistol Taurus with SN NCS90246;- One(1) cal .9mm Browning with SN 245NR54465;- One(1) improvised homemade shotgunrifle.- Two(2) pieces magazine for cal .45 pistol;- Sixteen (16) rounds of ammunition for cal .45;- One(1) piece gun case for cal .45 pistol;- Seven(7) rounds of ammunition for cal .9mm;- Two(2) pieces magazine for 9mm Browning;- One(1) piece gun case for cal .9mm;- One(1) magazine pouch for cal .9mm;- One(1) Air Gun (unserviceable);- Four (4) pieces inside holster for cal .9mm;- One(1) piece holster for cal .45;- One(1) piece bikini holster for cal .45; and• The operation resulted to the arrest ofthe above subject whois the incumbent Barangay Captain of said barangay.• A case for violation of RA 8294 (Illegal Possession ofFirearms and Ammunition) was filed against the arrested suspect before theProvincial Prosecutor’s Office, Oriental Mindoro docketed under IS No. IV-07-INV/INQ-10E-00095.ANTI-ILLEGAL DRUGSNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 18NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 29TOTAL SHABU CONFISCATED (gms) - 2.7925TOTAL DRIED MJ CONFISCATED (gms) - 99.253TOTAL DDB VALUE-Php19,576.0020Groups’ Accomplishment ReportNO. OF CASES FILED - 17Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “Big Berta”:1. BUSTING OF A MINI SHABU LABORATORYAT NO. 1088 AGUILAR STREET, MANILA• On <strong>May</strong> 24, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of WMMCIDT-NCRCIDU of thisGroup together with Station Anti-Illegal Drugs SOTG and Anti-Crime Unit of PS11-MPD implemented Search Warrant issued by Judge Amor Reyes, RTCBranch 21, Manila at premises of No. 1088 Aguilar Street, Manila which resultedin the arrest of Liang HUNG-HUI, Ko Kwon PING and one (1) John Doe. Thefollowing pieces of evidence were seized/confiscated:• One (1) plastic bottle containing suspectedSodium Hydroxide;• One (1) bottle containing suspected ethanol;

• One (1) plastic container containing grayish crystal(wet);• One (1) reparatory funnel;• One (1) cover round bottom fresh on top sink;• One (1) 800 ml. beaker;• One (1) white “tabo” containing grayish crystallinepowder;• One (1) 2,000 ml. Erlenmeyer flask containingbrownish black liquid;• One (1) suction motor attach to a 200 ml.Erlenmeyer flask containing brownish black liquidsubstance;• One (1) ceramic funnel containing black residue;• One (1) thermometer;• One (1) plastic measuring cup 500 ml.;• One (1) Konka hotplate (black);• One (1) unknown with round bottom containingblack residue;• One (1) plastic bag containing grayish roundgranules suspected to be iodine in a plasticcylinder;• Twenty (20) plastic bottles containing suspectedred phosphorus;• One (1) box containing twenty (20) plastic bottlessuspected red phosphorus;• One (1) suspected red phosphorous;• One (1) box of nineteen (19) bottles suspected redphosphorus;• Twenty (20) bottles containing suspected redphosphorus;• One (1) cylinder containing suspected iodine;• One (1) iron stand attached to unknown;• One (1) plastic bottles containing suspectedsodium hydroxide;• One (1) bottle of HCL found at the bottom of thecabinet; and• One (1) unknown item inside box.• The SOCO-MPD arrived at the scene to conduct technicalinvestigation wherein the above-mentioned seized/confiscated pieces ofevidence were turned-over to MPD Crime Laboratory for examination and properdisposition. The arrested suspects were brought to PS 11 for investigation andproper disposition.CAMPAIGN AGAINST UNLAWFUL DESTRUCTIONOF NATURAL RESOURCESNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED:ILLEGAL LOGGING - 3ILLEGAL FISHING - 1TOTAL - 421Groups’ Accomplishment Report

NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED:ILLEGAL LOGGING - 7ILLEGAL FISHING - 0TOTAL - 7AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE SEIZED:ILLEGAL LOGGING- Php159,106.40ILLEGAL FISHING- Php2,500.00TOTAL AMOUNT- Php161,606.40NO. OF CASES FILED - 1Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong>OPLAN “Kalikasan”:1. RECOVERY OF ILLEGALLY CAUGHT FISHIN CABANGAN, ZAMBALES• On <strong>May</strong> 25, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Zambales CIDT-3RCIDU ofthis Group conducted operation on the rampant illegal fishing in Brgy. Camiling,Cabangan, Zambales. Upon arrival thereat, the unidentified suspects on board afishing boat noticed the presence of the operating team and immediatelyscampered to different directions thereby evading arrest.• Recovered from the scene was one (1) Styrofoam containingmore or less fifty (50) kilos of DalagangBukid which were caught with the use ofimprovised explosives or locally known as “paputok”.2. ARREST OF SUSPECT FOR BRIBERYIN PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, PALAWAN• On <strong>May</strong> 4, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Palawan CIDT-4BRCIDU ofthis Group together with DENR PENRO and PuertoPrincesaBantayGubatintercepted one (1) Fuso truck bearing Plate No. GMP-646loaded with 2,376.84 board feet of undocumented Ipillumbers in differentdimensions with an estimated market value of Php118, 842.00 driven by AlfredoPICAR y Mangaser, 43 years old,who failed to present papers and documents totransport that prompted the operating team to confiscateof said logs.• Two (2) hours later after the interception of the lumbers, theowner of the said shipment who was later identified as RomuloMOREÑO yBalintugo @ Rommel @ Neptune, 41 years old, single, a resident of Brgy. SanPedro, Puerto Princesa City appeared before Palawan CIDT Office and handedPhp 35,000.00 to PINSP EVAN IBAÑEZ the Deputy Provincial Officer of PalawanCIDT as bribein exchange of dropping the case against him, that resulted in hisarrest for Bribery.• Acase for violation of Article 212 of the RPC was filedagainst MOREÑO before the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, Puerto PrincesaCity, Palawan docketed under NPS No. IV-17-INQ-10E-00023.22Groups’ Accomplishment Report

CAMPAIGN AGAINST CHILD ABUSE, MALTREATMENT &EXPLOITATIONNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 28NO. OF MINORS RESCUED - 53NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 3NO. OF CASES FILED - 4Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong>OPLAN “SagipAnghel”:1. RESCUE OF A 17-YEAR OLD GIRL WHO WAS ABDUCTEDIN A BAR AT BINANGONAN, RIZAL• On <strong>May</strong> 21, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Bulacan CIDT-3RCIDU of thisGroup conducted operation at Poblacion, Calumpit, Bulacan which resulted in therescue of Maria Elaine LIZARONDO, 17 years old and the arrest of EnricoMANAOG y Sarasua @ Enrico LAUREL.• The operation stemmed from the request for policeassistance of spouses Victor and Maxima LIZARONDO for their daughter MariaElaine who was being held against her will by the above suspect. After therescue, victim claimed that the suspect whom she met only on <strong>May</strong> 16, <strong>2010</strong> atthe bar where she was working in Pag-asa, Binangonan, Rizal thru sweettalkwas able to convince her to accompany the latter in going to suspect’s housein Hagonoy, Bulacan. But instead of taking her home, suspect sexually assaultedher for four (4) days in a motel in Caloocan City, Hagonoy, Bulacan and BaguioCity.• Cases for Abduction, Rape and Grave Threats in relation toRA 7610 were filed before the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, City of Malolos,Bulacan docketed under IS No. III-04-inq-10e=E-00488.2. THE FILING OF CASES FOR SEDUCTIONIN RELATION TO RA 7610AND RA 9262• On <strong>May</strong> 6, <strong>2010</strong>, SPO3 NeliaLamac, WCPDPNCO ofQuezon CIDT-4ARCIDU of this Group, assisted a walk-in-complainant/victimMykaAngelie Hernandez, 17 years old, who was sexually molested by oneRommel GUINTOof Yale Street, University Site, Lucena City, Quezon.• Investigation revealed that suspect courted the victimMykaAngelie Hernandez and order to win her affection the suspect pretendedthat he was unmarried. That in doing so, suspect was able to bring the victim toDREWZ Hotel located at Brgy.Bocohan, Lucena City on April 27, <strong>2010</strong> whereshe was sexually molested twice. The incident was repeated on April 28, <strong>2010</strong>,also at the same hotel where she was sexually molested thrice. Prior to thesecond incident, victim came to know that suspect was legally married, but whenshe confronted him on the matter, he merely brushed it aside and consoled herwith a promise that he would separate from his wife in order to be with her sothey can live as husband and wife.23Groups’ Accomplishment Report

• CasesforSeduction in relation to RA 7610 and RA 9262werefiled against Rommel GUINTO(at-large) before the City Prosecutor’s Office,Lucena City, Quezon docketed under IS No. IV-16-INV-10E-00202.CAMPAIGN AGAINST PROSTITUTION, VAGRANCY& INDECENT SHOWSNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 6NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 13NO. OF ARRESTED ESTABLISHMENTOWNER/ OPR/ MAINTAINER - 6TOTAL NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 19NO. OF CASES FILED - 7Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong>OPLAN “Nena”:1. OPERATION AGAINST PROSTITUTION AT TREE LOVER’SGRILL VIDEOKE BAR IN ANGELES CITY, PAMPANGA• On <strong>May</strong> 22, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Pampanga CIDT-3RCIDU ofthis Group conducted operation at Tree Lover’s Grill and Videoke Bar located atBrgy. Cutcut, Angeles City, Pampanga, which resulted in the arrest of RebeccaTAN y Lobo, (GRO) while in the act of having sexual acts to a confidential agentinside one of the VIP rooms at said establishment.• Also arrested during the operation was JackielynBONDOC yBelmonte, Cashier who received Php 2,000.00 marked money from confidentialagent as payment for the sexual services. Likewise, the following suspects whowere seen working at said bar were also arrested:• ArcelTUDLA y Samson, Manager;• MailaRAZON y Manalese, Supervisor; and• Suzette BONDOC y Belmonte, Manager.• The operation was based on the information that themanagers and supervisors of said videoke bar control and supervise thetransactions of their GROs to engage in sexual services to prospective customer.• Cases for violation of Article 202 of the RPC, PD 969 andCouncil Ordinance No. 7-S-97 (Public Liability Insurance and Providing Penaltiesthereof and Section 2 of Angeles City Ordinance 9, series of 1979) were filedagainst the arrested suspects before the City Prosecutor’s Office, Angeles Citydocketed under IS No. III-01-INQ-00252.24Groups’ Accomplishment Report

2. ARREST OF PICK-UP GIRLS IN IANNSON PLAZAIN VITO CRUZ, MANILA• On <strong>May</strong> 14, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of WMMCIDT-NCRCIDU of thisGroup conducted operation against prostitution at Iannson Plaza located at VitoCruz, Manila, which resulted in the arrest of three (3) women/pick-up girls whowere loitering at the said place without visible means of support despite theirphysical ability to work and who were then looking for prospective customers.• A case for violation of Article 202 (Vagrancy) of the RPC wasfiled against the arrested suspects before the Assistant City ProsecutorJovencioSenados of Manila Prosecutor’s Office docketed under IS No. 10E-03538-40.CAMPAIGN AGAINST SMUT AND PORNOGRAPHYNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 16NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 2NO. OF PIECES OF EVIDENCE SEIZED:Pornographic/pirated CDs, VCDs, DVDs& VHS Tapes(pcs) - 2,274Tabloids and Magazines (pcs) - 55TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT- Php124,150.00NO. OF CASES FILED - 2Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “Magdalena”:1. OPERATION AGAINST PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIALSIN EVANGELISTA STREET, QUIAPO, MANILA• On <strong>May</strong> 19, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of WMMCIDT-NCRCIDU of thisGroup conducted operation against proliferation of pornographic materials alongEvangelista Street, Quiapo, Manila, which resulted in the confiscation of forty-one(41) pieces of pornographic DVDs, however, the owner identified as Roy REYESy Nunez managed to run and elude arrest.• A case for violation of Article 201 of the RPC in relation toPD 960 and PD 969 was filed against Roy REYES before the ManilaProsecutor’s Office docketed under IS No. 10E-03668.2. OPERATION AGAINST PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIALSIN ILUSTRE STREET, DAVAO CITY• On <strong>May</strong> 13, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Davao City CIDT-11RCIDU ofthis Group conducted operation against rampant proliferation of pornographicDVDs along Ilustre Street, Davao City, particularly located beside Mac Donald’s25Groups’ Accomplishment Report

Restaurant, which resulted in the arrest of CasibNARON y Sarico, after beingcaught in the act of displaying and selling to the public several pornographicDVDs. The team confiscated thirty (30) pieces of assorted pornographic DVDsfrom the suspect.• A case for violation of Article 201 of the RPC was filedagainst the arrested suspect before the City Prosecutor’s Office, Davao Citydocketed under IS No. INQ10-E-00393.CAMPAIGN AGAINST ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT ANDTRAFFICKING OF MIGRANT WORKERSNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 5NO. OF VICTIMS ASSISTED - 19NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 4NO. OF CASES FILED - 4Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong>OPLAN “Pagsisikap”:1. IMPLEMENTATION OF CLOSURE ORDER AGAINSTCREW MASTER MANNING SERVICES, INCORPORATION• On <strong>May</strong> 13, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of TFAR-ATCD of this Grouptogether with POEA implemented the Closure Order No. 03 at the office of CrewMaster Manning Services, Incorporation located at 2687 Arellano Street, P.Ocampo Sr. Avenue, Singalong, Manila for violation of RA 8042 (MigrantWorkers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995).• The closure was done in peaceful and orderly manner in thepresence of Mr. Raul Maglasang and Cesar G. Meñez, President and Vice-President, respectively of the Crew Master Manning Services, Incorporated.2. ENTRAPMENT OPERATION AGAINST ILLEGAL RECRUITERALONG VITO CRUZ, TAFT AVENUE, MANILA• On <strong>May</strong> 5, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of TFAIR-ATCD of this Groupconducted entrapment operation at Jollibee Food Chain along Vito Cruz cornerTaft Avenue, Manila, which resulted in the arrest of Nikkie DE BELENO yParinas, 28 years old, a resident of Avida Residence, Sta. Catalina Home, Phase3, Block 6, Lot 2, Salawag, Dasmarinas, Cavite after receiving Php 600.00marked money from victims/complainants.• The operation stemmed from the complaints of JenniferMariano and three (3) others against the suspect who promised them anoverseas job as private nurse in Dubai and welders in Canada without job orderand authority from POEA.26Groups’ Accomplishment Report

• Cases for violation of RA 8042 (Migrant Workers andOverseas Filipino Act of 1995) and Article 315 (Swindling) of the RPC were filedagainst the arrested suspect before DOJ, Manila.CAMPAIGN AGAINST SMUGGLING & MANUFACTURING,DISTRIBUTION & TRADING OF COUNTERFEITEDITEMSNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 22NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 3TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT OFITEMS SEIZED- Php20,429,900.00NO. OF CASES FILED - 3Significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “Mega Shoppers”:1. SEIZURES OF COUNTERFEIT NOKIA PRODUCTSIN RAMON MAGSAYSAY AVENUE, DAVAO CITY• On <strong>May</strong> 27, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of 11RCIDU and NCRCIDU ofthis Group implemented search warrants dated <strong>May</strong> 24, <strong>2010</strong> issued by Hon.Amor S. Reyes, Executive Judge, RTC, NCJR, Branch 21, Manila for violation ofSection 155 (Trademark Infringement) and Section 168 (Unfair Competition), inrelation to Section 170 of RA 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, to wit:• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15916 and 10-15931Harlene S. TAN and/or “Faivel”Space Communication Enterprises/TylexStall No. 1 Ground Floor, DCLA PlazaAGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 112 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones;- 80 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Casings;- 20 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries;- 50pieces of assorted fake Nokia Keypads;- 20 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Earphones;- 11pieces of assorted fake Nokia Chargers; and- 16 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Boxes withChargers.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15917 and 10-15932Henry C. TUMABING and/orSally ANG and/or “Sarah”City Star Cell Station, Stall No. 2 Ground FloorDCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Ave., Davao City- 545 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones;27Groups’ Accomplishment Report

- 56 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Chargers;- 208 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries; and- 30 pieces of assorted Nokia Boxes.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15918 and 10-15933Jenny Tan LI and/orMichelle ANG and/or “Shane”Super Kyle Enterprises, Stall No. 09, Ground FloorDCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 213 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones;- 369 piece of assorted fake Nokia Chargers;- 24 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Headsets;- 115 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Casings; and- 1,152 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15919 and 10-15934Manqing Angel C. TAN and/or “Jillian”HPT Cell Accessories Shop, Stall No. 24Ground Floor, DCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 106 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones;- 133 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Chargers;- 7,796 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries; and- 3,050 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Casings.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15920 and 10-15935Harlene S. TAN and/or “Faivel”Space Communication Enterprises/Tylex2 nd Floor, DCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 5,100 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Casings;- 700 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Earphones;- 35 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries; and- 100 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Car Chargers.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15921 and 10-15936Michelle ANG and/or Lucy DE MESARight Choice Shopper, Ground Floor, DCLA PlazaAGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 8 pieces of assorted fake Nokia cellphones.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15922 and 10-15937Michelle ANG and/orLucy DE MESARight Choice Shopper, Ground FloorDCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 31 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones;- 39 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries; and- 16 pieces of assorted fake Nokia USB Wire.28Groups’ Accomplishment Report

• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15923 and 10-15938Johnson V. OUYANG and/or “KC”Josalex Cell Center, Fifth Cluster of Glass DisplayGround Floor, DCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 93 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones; and- 125 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15924 and 10-15939Changquing T. CAI and/or “Rose”Hang Choo Traders, Stall No. 28, Ground FloorDCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 285 pieces of assorted fake Nokia cellphones;- 6,338 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Housings;- 1,120 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Casings; and- 2,250 pieces of assorted fake Nokia batteries.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15925 and 10-15940Changquing T. CAI and/or “Rose”Hang Choo Traders, First Cluster Glass DisplayGround Floor, DCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 20 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones; and- 3 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Charger Boxes.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15926 and 10-15941Changquing T. CAI and/or “Rose”Hang Choo Traders, Second Cluster Glass DisplayGround Floor, DCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 50 pieces of assorted fake Nokia cellphones; and- 50 pieces of assorted fake Nokia batteries.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15927 and 10-15942Changquing T. CAI and/or “Rose”Hang Choo Traders, Third Cluster Glass Display StandsGround Floor, DCLA Plaza, AGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 31 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones;- 13 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Chargers;- 43 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries; and- 34 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Adaptors.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15928 and 10-15943Wilson CHUA and/or“Wawa” and/or “Rubi”Stall No. 29, Ground Floor, DCLA PlazaAGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City29Groups’ Accomplishment Report

- 486 pieces of assorted fake Nokia cellphones;- 4,052 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries;- 486 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Chargers;- 4,445 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Casings;- 12 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Car Chargers;- 272 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Earplugs; and- 248 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Adopters.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15929 and 10-15944Wilson CHUA and/or “Wawa” and/or “Rubi”Stall No. 29, Ground Floor, DCLA PlazaAGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 86 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones;- 93 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Casings; and- 193 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries.• Search Warrant Nos. 10-15930 and 10-15945Wilson Chuaand/or “Wawa” and/or “Rubi”Stall No. 29, Ground Floor, DCLA PlazaAGL and Sons BuildingR. Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City- 67 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Cellphones;- 6 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Chargers; and- 83 pieces of assorted fake Nokia Batteries.• The owners of the said establishments were not aroundduring the implementation of the search warrants, however the simultaneoussearches were done in an orderly manner in the presence of Janice P. Suson,Nancy M.Labasano, Cherry Mae Saladin, LeslyFallorina – all Salesladies of thesaid establishment together with RamilMabul, Marlow Bondas, Brgy. Kagawadsof the said barangay and Estella Yap, Building Supervisor.Confiscated itemsestimated to Php 5 Million were brought to 11RCIDU Office for proper dispositionand documentation.• Appropriate criminal charges for violation of Section 155(Trademark Infringement) and Section 168 (Unfair Competition)in relation toSection 170 of RA 8293, otherwise known as the “Intellectual Property Code ofthe <strong>Philippine</strong>s” is being readied for filing by this Group in coordination with theNokia Corporation Company against the owners of the said establishments.2. SEIZURES OF 83 UNITS OF DESKTOP COMPUTER LOADEDWITH COUNTERFEIT MICROSOFT AND ADOBE PRODUCTS• On <strong>May</strong> 24, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of AFCCD of this Groupimplemented Search Warrant Nos. 10-15912 and 10-15913 issued by Hon. AmorA. Reyes, Executive Judge of RTC Branch 21, Manila for violation of Section 217of RA 8293 also known as Intellectual Property Code of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s againstNew-Fields (Asia Pacific Incorporation) located at Unit 1603-A, 16 th Floor, EastTower, <strong>Philippine</strong> Stock Exchange Centre, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center,Pasig City.30Groups’ Accomplishment Report

• The operation resulted in the seizure/confiscation of eightythree(83) sets of computer loaded with pirated softwares from Microsoft andAdobe with an estimated amount of Php 5,403,000.00. The confiscated itemswere brought to Sekurit System and Allied Services located at Marian Road, SanMartin de Porres, East Road, Paranaque City for temporary safekeeping.OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIESNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 23NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 42NO. OF CASES FILED - 24Significant accomplishments on <strong>CIDG</strong> Other Law EnforcementActivities:1. ARREST OFSUSPECTS INVOLVED IN THE SELLINGOF FAKE JEWELRY IN APALIT, PAMPANGA• On <strong>May</strong> 25, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Pampanga CIDT-3RCIDU ofthis Group together with Apalit <strong>Police</strong> Station conducted entrapment operation atPG Pawnshop located at Mac Arthur, San Vicente, Apalit, Pampanga, whichresulted in the arrest of Marissa ADRIANO y Panlilio and two (2) others.• The operation stemmed from the request for policeassistance of Mr. Joseph PONCE y Gomez of said pawnshop regarding a largevolume of assorted jewelry pawned to them since <strong>May</strong> 1, <strong>2010</strong>. Allegedly, in mid<strong>May</strong> <strong>2010</strong>, complainant noticed that suspects have loaned almost Php 40,000.00per day which is not usual to their branch at Apalit, Pampanga. They checkedand appraised the jewelry pawned at their pawnshop and found out it is 18Kgold, but out of curiosity and doubt they destroyed one of the jewelries and foundout that it is silver coated with 18K gold. That upon inventory the total amount offake jewelries pawned to them amounted to Php 400,000.00.• A case for Estafa was filed against the arrested suspectsbefore the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, Pampanga docketed under NPS No.III-12-10E-00417.2. ARREST OF A BLACK MAILER IN JENRA MALLANGELES CITY, PAMPANGA• On<strong>May</strong> 7, <strong>2010</strong>, elements of Pampanga CIDT-3RCIDU ofthis Group together with the victim/complainant Cristina Jianoran y Catliconducted entrapment operation at Jenra Mall, Angeles City which resulted in thearrest of JodelCAYANAN y Fabian after receiving Php 4,000.00 marked moneyfrom victim/complainant.• The operation was based on the complaint of JIANORANagainst the arrested suspect who intentionally downloaded her uncompromisingpictures with her boss, Nelson L. Deang, an Auditor on Commission on Audit31Groups’ Accomplishment Report

from her laptop. Suspect post those pictures on Facebook where he tagged thevictim’s relatives, friends and officemates without her knowledge and approvaland put some nasty comments of the photos.Further, suspect asked Php12,000.00 from the victim/complainant in order to stop him from uploading andposting of other pictures on Facebook.• A case for Robbery with Violence/Intimidation AgainstPerson was filed against the arrested suspect before the City Prosecutor’s Office,Angeles City, Pampanga docketed under IS No. III-01-INQ-10E-00230.ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS:PERSONNEL MANAGEMENTAs of <strong>May</strong> 31, <strong>2010</strong>, the Group has an actual strength of 1,250; registeringa 64.97%, fill-up out of a 1,924 authorized strength. Of this number, 266 are<strong>Police</strong> Commissioned Officers (PCO’s), 891 are <strong>Police</strong> Non-CommissionedOfficers (PNCO’s) and 93 are Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP). Likewise, 7.87%of the uniformed personnel are assigned at H<strong>CIDG</strong> while 92.13% at the RegionalCriminal Investigation and Detection Units and Special Operating Divisions.Based on the authorized strength of 1,924, <strong>CIDG</strong> has a percentage fill-up of85.81% for PCO’s, 59.80% for PNCO’s and 75.00% for NUP.With the end view of enhancing the accountability and responsibility of allRegional Chiefs, Division Chiefs and Special operating units, H<strong>CIDG</strong> undertookthe following courses of action:a) ConductedGroup Conference at 7RCIDU Office, Cebu City andattended by selected Chiefs of Divisional and Regional Chiefs ofVisayasRCIDUs;b) Conducted Staff Conferences at the Headquarters, <strong>CIDG</strong> andattended by all Chiefs, Divisional and Special Staffs, SectionChiefs and Chiefs, SODs; andc) Approved, recommended to NHQ-PNP, and/or caused theissuance of orders for the assignments, reassignments andtransfer of personnel with the following results:NO. OF PERSONNEL GAINS LOSSES RETIREDPCOs 17 1 2PNCOs 3 21 1NUP 0 1 0NO. OF PERSONNEL REASSIGNED SUSPENDED REINSTATEDPCOs 11 4 0PNCOs 27 9 0NUP 0 0 0REVIEW OF POLICE DOCTRINE32Groups’ Accomplishment Report

To improve the efficiency and performance of personnel and to check forany violation of <strong>Police</strong> regulations and <strong>Police</strong> Operational Procedures, thefollowing reforms were introduced:a. Maintenance and proper dissemination to all personnel ofthis Group, the directives, LOIs, memoranda and circulars issued by the higherheadquarters; andb. Conduct of Monthly Ranks Inspection, PI & E, PhysicalFitness Test and Sports Development of all personnel of the Group.INTELLIGENCE ACCOMPLISHMENTS:The Group conducted one (1)Security Survey Inspection (SSI), recordedeighty (80)Summaries of Information (SOI’s), and prepared four (4) COPLANsagainst Organized Crime Groups, Criminal Gangs and Most Wanted Persons.On the implementation of OPLAN MAGIC EYE II, the Group identified andinvestigated twenty-seven(27) PNP misfits and prepared sixty (60) periodicintelligence reports (WIR/MIR) and intelligence summaries.HRDD ACCOMPLISHMENTS:TRAININGS AND SEMINARS:KNOWLEDGE ENHANCEMENT:Programmed Enhancement - 2Course/SeminarsUnprogrammed Course - 2PHYSICAL FITNESS EXERCISES - 95MORAL RECOVERY AND VALUES - 3FORMATION PROGRAMSTITLE OF SEMINARS/TRAININGS ATTENDED/CONDUCTEDTITLEUpdating of Personnel on the Revised PNP<strong>Police</strong> Operational ProcedureSeminar on RA 1066 and<strong>Police</strong> Operational ProcedureDATE AND PLACECARCIDU Conference RoomCBAO Building, DPS CompoundBaguio City<strong>May</strong> 17 – 18, <strong>2010</strong>3RCIDU Conference RoomCamp Olivas, San Fernando CityPampanga33Groups’ Accomplishment Report

<strong>May</strong> 17 – 18, <strong>2010</strong>Moral Recovery Program and ValuesOrientation SeminarHuman Rights SeminarGAD Seminar1RCIDU Conference RoomLingayen, Pangasinsn<strong>May</strong> 11 – 12, <strong>2010</strong>7RCIDU Conference RoomCamp Sotero CabahugGerordo Avenu, Cebu CityApril 29 – 30, <strong>2010</strong>11RCIDU OfficeCamp Leonor, Davao CityApril 23 - 24, <strong>2010</strong>PCR ACCOMPLISHMENTS:SANTINIG ACTIVITIES• <strong>Police</strong> Information & Continuing Education - 36• Advocacy/Awareness Activities - 34• Production/Dissemination of IEC Materials - 277• Press Release - 46• Radio Broadcast/TV Guesting and Interview - 22SAMBAYAN ACTIVITIESINTER-AGENCY COORDINATION/LINKAGES ACTIVITIES:• Participation in Consultative Meeting/ - 51Dialogue Activities• Participation/Attendance in Peace and Order - 3Council (POC) Meetings• Participation/Attendance in Law Enforcement - 5Coordinating Council (LECC) MeetingsCommunity Assistance Activities - 22MOA/MOU Operationalization - 1FAMILY, JUVENILE AND GENDER AWARENESS ANDDEVELOPMENT34Groups’ Accomplishment Report• GAD Initiated Projects - 2

• Participation in GAD Related Projects - 1SALAAM POLICE• Submission of List of Muslim personnel - 52(Uniformed and Non-uniformed)• Submission of List of Muslim and - 37Non-Muslim Assigned in Salaam <strong>Police</strong> Center• SPC Initiated Related Activities - 2IMPACT PROJECTS - 19ASSESSMENT AND CONCLUSIONThe month of <strong>May</strong> <strong>2010</strong> has been a remarkable period for the <strong>CIDG</strong> inaccomplishing significantly in one of its flagship projects. The arrests of severalpersonalities engaged in gun-running including some members of the PNP,other high ranking government officials and the seizure/confiscation of a largevolume of loose firearms and ammunition are among of the highlights in thisreport.The <strong>CIDG</strong> has likewise performed well and has contributed much in theefforts of the PNP to identify and dismantle Private Armed Groups (PAGs) andthis has been one of the factors for the success of the recently concluded <strong>May</strong>10, <strong>2010</strong> <strong>National</strong> and Local Elections.Accomplishments on other flagship projects and the Three-Point Agendaof the Director, <strong>CIDG</strong> as well as the Program Thrust of the CPNP have beenconsistent with the last few months but the Group is aimed to improve the sameby enhancing the capabilities of its personnel.MARIO N RARIZA JR, PESE<strong>Police</strong> Senior Superintendent (DSC)Chief, Operations Management DivisionFilename: JOMARMOAR (<strong>May</strong> <strong>2010</strong>)35Groups’ Accomplishment Report

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