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16 <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines has absolute discretion without givingany reason to refuse any bid, to divide any lot to combine anytwo or more lots, to withdraw any lot from the auction and incase of dispute to put up any lot for auction again.17(a) Any indemnity under these Conditions shall extend to allactions, proceedings, costs, expenses, claims and demandswhatever incurred or suffered by the person entitled to thebenefit of the indemnity.(b) <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines declares itself to be trustees for itsrespective relevant staff and agents of the benefit of everyindemnity under these Conditions to the extent that suchindemnity is expressed to be for the benefit of its staff andagents.18 Any notice by <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines to a seller, consignor,prospective bidder or buyer may be given by pre-paid mail inHong Kong or Macau or airmail outside Hong Kong andMacau and if so given shall be deemed to have been dulyreceived by the addressee one week after posting.19 These Conditions shall be governed by and construed inaccordance with Hong Kong law. All transactions to whichthese Conditions apply and all matters connected therewithshall also be governed by Hong Kong law. <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wineshereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kongcourts and all other parties concerned hereby submit to thenon-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.20 In these Conditions of business:-(a) ‘catalog’ includes any advertisement, brochure, estimate,price list and other publication; (b) ‘hammer price’ means theprice at which a lot is knocked down by the auctioneer to thebuyer; (c) ‘total amount due’ means the ‘hammer price’ inrespect of the lot sold together with any premium, andadditional charges and expenses due from a defaulting buyer inHong Kong dollars; (d) ‘sale proceeds’ means the net amountdue to the seller being the ‘hammer price’ of the lot sold lesscommis sion at the ‘stated rates . and ‘expenses’ and any otheramounts due to <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines by the seller in whatevercapacity and howsoever arising; (e) ‘expenses’ in relation to thesale of any lot means <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines’s charges and expensesfor insurance, illustrations, special adver tising, packing andfreight of that lot.21 The headings in these Conditions do not form part of theConditions but are for convenience only.NOTICEBidsIf instructed, <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines will execute bids, and advisethe intending purchaser. Lots will always be bought as cheaplyas is allowed by such other bids or reserves as are on <strong>Spink</strong> FineWines’ books. Bids may be placed in writing before thecommencement of the sale by giving to <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines a bidform for the lot, duly filled in with the name, contact phonenumber(s), full address of the buyer, number of the lot, andamount of the bid in Hong Kong dollars. All bids when placedby telephone are accepted only at the sender’s risk, and mustbe confirmed to <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines in writing, or by facsimile,before the sale.Clearance of PurchasesIn order to avoid delay in clearing purchases, buyers unknownto <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines are advised to make arrangements beforethe sale for pay ment or for references to be supplied. If sucharrangements are not made, checks will be cleared beforepurchases are delivered.Purchase by Non-ResidentsPurchases made by non-residents in Hong Kong may beexported on the instructions of the buyer at his expense.Payment shall be made in the full amount equivalent to thesuccessful bid in Hong Kong dollars. Ship ping instructionsmay be given upon payment to <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines.Please note some lots are marked EU to indicate that they arelying within the European Union tax free for export from theircountry of origin.Applicable local tax and/or duty will apply for local deliveryoutside of Hong Kong.Currency ConverterA currency converter will be operated at our auctions but onlyfor the guidance of bidders. All foreign currency amountsdisplayed are ap proximations based on recent exchange rateinformation and may not be relied upon to calculate anyinvoices or statements. <strong>Spink</strong> Fine Wines assumes noresponsibility for any error or omission in foreign or HongKong currency amounts shown.THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED IN HONG KONGDOLLARS.<strong>Spink</strong> Wine (01/13)

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