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Last printed 8/4/2009 2:26:00 PMChapter 8 – Place Value(Time Period: 15 Days)Section A – Tens and Ones8-1 Title of Lesson: Explore Tens and OnesObjective: Students will be able to explore two-digit numbers and expressed as tens and ones.Standard:8-2 Title of Lesson: Tens and Ones to 60Objective: Students will be able to express numbers to 60 as tens and ones.Standard:8-3 Title of Lesson: Numbers More Than TenObjective: Students will be able to express numbers to 100 as tens and ones.Standard:8-4 Title of Lesson: EstimationObjective: Students will be able to estimate number of objects to 100.Standard: 6.C.1b8-5 Title of Lesson: 10 Ones Make 1 TenObjective: Students will be able to determine whether a ten can be made when adding 1 or 2 more.Standard: 6.C.1b8-6 Title of Lesson: Problem SolvingObjective: Students will be able to use objects.Standard: 6.B.1, 6.C.1a, 6.C.1bSection B – Ordering and Comparing Numbers8-7 Title of Lesson: Compare NumbersObjective: Students will be able to compare 2-digit numbers and identify the one that is greater than or less than.Standard: 6.A.1a8-8 Title of Lesson: Order Numbers to 100Objective: Students will be able to order numbers to 100. Identify the numbers before, after, or between givennumbers.Standard:8-9 Title of Lesson: Patterns on the 100 ChartObjective: Students will be able to find and complete patterns on the 100 chart.Standard: 6.B.1, 8.A.1a, 8.B.1b, 10.A.1a, 10.A.1b8-10 Title of Lesson: Reading for Math/Problem SolvingObjective: Students will be able to classify and collect and use data in a Venn Diagram.Standard: 10.B.1b, 10.B.1cRevised 7/24/02 Grade 1 - 9

Last printed 8/4/2009 2:26:00 PMChapter 9 – Money(Time Period: 6 Days)Section A – Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies9-1 Title of Lesson: Nickels and PenniesObjective: Students will be able to identify the value of a nickel as 5 cents. Count groups of nickels and pennies.Standard: 7.A.1c9-2 Title of Lesson: Dimes and PenniesObjective: Students will be able to identify the value of a dime as 10 cents. Count groups of dimes and pennies.Standard: 6.B.1, 7.A.1c9-3 Title of Lesson: Dimes, Nickels, and PenniesObjective: Students will be able to count mixed groups of nickels and pennies and dimes and pennies.Standard: 7.A.1c9-4 Title of Lesson: Count Mixed CoinsObjective: Students will be able to count mixed groups of dimes, nickels, and pennies.Standard: 7.A.1c9-5 Title of Lesson: Use Data From a PictureObjective: Students will be able to solve problems by using data from a picture.Standard: 7.A.1cSection B – Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies9-8 Title of Lesson: Make a ListObjective: Students will be able to read a table and solve problems by making a list.Standard: 7.A.1c, 10.B.1b, 10.B.1cRevised 7/24/02 Grade 1 - 10

Last printed 8/4/2009 2:26:00 PMChapter 10 – Telling Time(Time Period: 8 Days)Section A – Telling Time10-1 Title of Lesson: Explore TimeObjective: Students will be able to explore events by time of day. Find place where clocks are located.Standard: 7.A.1b10-2 Title of Lesson: ClocksObjective: Students will be able to tell time to the hour.Standard: 7.A.1b10-3 Title of Lesson: Write Time to the HourObjective: Students will be able to write and tell time to the hour on analog and digital clocks.Standard: 7.A.1b10-4 Title of Lesson: Write Time to the Half HourObjective: Students will be able to read and write time to the half hour.Standard: 7.A.1b10-5 Title of Lesson: Tell TimeObjective: Students will be able to express elapsed time of an activity.Standard: 7.A.1b10-6 Title of Lesson: Problem SolvingObjective: Students will be able to solve problems by using logical reasoning.Standard: 7.A.1bSection B – Using Time10-7 Title of Lesson: Order EventsObjective: Students will be able to place a series of events in sequential order using 1 st , 2 nd , and 3rd.Standard:10-8 Title of Lesson: Estimate TimeObjective: Students will be able to estimate if it takes one minute or one hour to do an activity.Standard: 7.B.1a10-9 Title of Lesson: CalendarObjective: Students will be able to read a calendar and identify the days and months.Standard: 7.A.1b10-10 Title of Lesson: Too Much InformationObjective: Students will be able to identify main idea and supporting details and identify unnecessary information.Standard: 7.A.1b, 10.B.1b, 10.B.1cRevised 7/24/02 Grade 1 - 11

Last printed 8/4/2009 2:26:00 PMChapter 11 – Measurement(Time Period: 17 Days)Section A – Length11-1 Title of Lesson: Explore Measuring With Nonstandard UnitsObjective: Students will be able to measure length using different nonstandard units.Standard: 7.A.1a, 7.B.1a, 7.B.1b11-2 Title of Lesson: Estimate, Measure, and Compare LengthsObjective: Students will be able to estimate, measure, and compare lengths.Standard: 7.A.1a, 7.B.1a, 7.B.1611-3 Title of Lesson: Estimate and Measure With InchesObjective: Students will be able to estimate and measure length in inches.Standard: 7.A.1a, 7.B.1a, 7.B.1b11-4 Title of Lesson: Compare to One FootObjective: Students will be able to compare lengths to one foot.Standard: 7.A.1a, 7.B.1a, 7.B.1b11-6 Title of Lesson: Group Decision MakingObjective: Students will be able to make group decisions involving estimating and measuring.Standard: 7.A.1a, 7.B.1a, 7.B.1b, 7.C.1Section B – Mass and Capacity11-7 Title of Lesson: Explore WeightObjective: Students will be able to explore and compare weights using a balance.Standard: 7.A.1a11-8 Title of Lesson: Compare to One PoundObjective: Students will be able to compare the weight of an object to one pound.Standard: 7.A.1a, 7.B.1a, 7.B.1b11-10 Title of Lesson: Compare Cups, Pints, and QuartsObjective: Students will be able to compare capacities using cups, pints, and quarts.Standard: 7.A.1a, 7.B.1a, 7.B.1b11-12 Title of Lesson: Use a ThermometerObjective: Students will be able to match thermometer readings to weather conditions.Standard: 7.A.1d11-13 Title of Lesson: Reading for Math/Problem SolvingObjective: Students will be able to use technical words and use logical reasoning to solve problems involvingmeasurement tools.Standard: 7.C.1Revised 7/24/02 Grade 1 - 12

Last printed 8/4/2009 2:26:00 PMChapter 12 – Facts and Strategies to 18(Time Period: 14 Days)Section A – Addition12-1 Title of Lesson: Add Doubles to 18Objective: Students will be able to find sums for doubles through 18.Standard: 6.B.1, 8.A.1b12-2 Title of Lesson: Add Doubles Plus OneObjective: Students will be able to find sums by using doubles and doubles plus one.Standard: 6.B.1, 8.A.1b12-3 Title of Lesson: Add 3 NumbersObjective: Students will be able to use strategies to add 3 numbers.Standard: 6.B.1, 6.C.1a, 8.A.1b, 8.D.112-4 Title of Lesson: Explore Making 10 to Add 7, 8, or 9Objective: Students will be able to explore finding sums by making 10.Standard: 8.A.1b, 8.C.1, 8.D.112-5 Title of Lesson: Make 10 When Adding 7, 8, or 9Objective: Students will be able to find sums by using the make 10 strategy.Standard: 6.B.1, 8.A.1b, 8.D.112-6 Title of Lesson: Choose a StrategyObjective: Students will be able to choose a problem solving strategy.Standard: 6.B.1, 6.C.1a, 8.C.1Section B – Subtraction12-7 Title of Lesson: Relate Addition and SubtractionObjective: Students will be able to use addition to solve related subtraction facts.Standard: 8.A.1b12-8 Title of Lesson: Use Doubles to SubtractObjective: Students will be able to find differences by using related addition doubles facts.Standard: 8.A.1a, 8.A.1b, 8.B.1b, 8.D.112-9 Title of Lesson: Subtraction Facts for 13 and 14Objective: Students will be able to solve subtraction facts for 13 and 14 by using related facts.Standard: 8.A.1b, 8.D.112-10 Title of Lesson: Subtraction Facts for 15 to 18Objective: Students will be able to solve subtraction facts for 15-18 by using related facts.Standard: 8.A.1b12-11 Title of Lesson: Fact FamiliesObjective: Students will be able to find families of facts through 18.Standard: 6.B.1, 8.A.1b12-12 Title of Lesson: Reading for Math/Problem SolvingObjective: Students will be able to use main idea and choose an operation.Standard: 6.C.1a, 8.C.1Revised 7/24/02 Grade 1 - 13

Last printed 8/4/2009 2:26:00 PMChapter 13 – Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction(Time Period: Optional)Section A – Addition13-1 Title of Lesson: Explore Adding TensObjective: Students will be able to explore adding a 2-digit number and a multiple of 10.Standard: 8.C.113-2 Title of Lesson: Add TensObjective: Students will be able to add a 2-digit number and a multiple of 10 without regrouping.Standard: 6.B.1, 8.A.1a, 8.A.1b, 8.B.1b13-3 Title of Lesson: Add Tens and OnesObjective: Students will be able to add 2-digit numbers without regrouping.Standard: 8.A.1b13-5 Title of Lesson: Use ObjectsObjective: Students will be able to retell the story and solve problems by using objects to add.Standard: 6.B.1, 8.C.1Section B – Subtraction13-6 Title of Lesson: Subtract TensObjective: Students will be able to subtract a multiple of 10 from a 2-digit number without regrouping.Standard: 8.A.1b13-7 Title of Lesson: Subtract Tens and OnesObjective: Students will be able subtract 2-digit numbers without regrouping.Standard: 8.A.1b13-9 Title of Lesson: Choose an OperationObjective: Students will be able to choose addition or subtraction.Standard: 6.B.1, 6.C.1aRevised 7/24/02 Grade 1 - 14

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