will be pleased to address the City' s correspondence ... - eCode360

will be pleased to address the City' s correspondence ... - eCode360

will be pleased to address the City' s correspondence ... - eCode360

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2451OLDBUSINESS:Ald. O' Neil said cars have started parking right up <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> treesagain at Weiler Park and asked when arrangements can <strong>be</strong> made <strong>to</strong> put polesdown. Highway Supt. Loscavio said arrangements have <strong>be</strong>en made with CONTELfor poles but <strong>the</strong> poles still have <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> taken out of <strong>the</strong> ground <strong>be</strong>fore <strong>the</strong>ycan <strong>be</strong> used.1NEW BUSINESS:RESOLUTION # 22 - 1989. ADOPTING RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITIONSCHEDULEfinicncidAld. Guinn introduced <strong>the</strong> following and moved its adoption:WHEREAS, Article 57 - A of <strong>the</strong> state Arts and Cultural Affairs Law hasestablished a Local Government Records Law; andWHEREAS, pursuant <strong>to</strong> such law <strong>the</strong> State Archives and Records Administrationhas developed a Records Retention and Disposition Schedule which providesfor minimum retention periods for local government records; now, <strong>the</strong>re-fore <strong>be</strong> itRESOLVED, that in accordance with Article 57 - A of <strong>the</strong> state Arts andCultural Affairs Law:1. <strong>the</strong> City does hereby adopt Records Retention and DispositionSchedule MI - 1 as developed by <strong>the</strong> State Archives and Records Administra-tion of <strong>the</strong> State Education Department;12. only those records <strong>will</strong> <strong>be</strong> disposed of that are descri<strong>be</strong>din such schedule and only after <strong>the</strong>y have met <strong>the</strong> minimum retentionperiod set forth in such schedule; and3. only those records <strong>will</strong> <strong>be</strong> disposed of that do not havesufficient administrative, fiscal,tion <strong>be</strong>yond established time periods.legal or his<strong>to</strong>rical value <strong>to</strong> merit reten-Seconded by Ald. Horovitz and duly adopted, ayes all.Mayor Jones noted <strong>the</strong> resolution had <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> adopted by April 30 or norecords could <strong>be</strong> disposed of after that date until a resolution is adopted.Mayor Jones reported <strong>the</strong> State budget has <strong>be</strong>en approved.He said<strong>the</strong> City <strong>will</strong> continue <strong>to</strong> receive <strong>the</strong> increase in CHIPS aid but <strong>will</strong> loseone -third of its sewer aid, with <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r two- thirds scheduled <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> phasedout next year. This <strong>will</strong> result in a two <strong>to</strong> three percent increase inwastewater charges. He said that recreation and Youth Bureau aid <strong>will</strong> remain<strong>the</strong> same. He noted real estate taxes <strong>will</strong> increase due <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> City notreceiving any increase in state revenue sharing aid for <strong>the</strong> third year in arow.In addition, County revenue sharing aid has <strong>be</strong>en abolished which also<strong>will</strong> result in greater tax bills <strong>to</strong> property owners.RESOLUTION # 23 - 1989. AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES FROM HIGHWAY EQUIPMENTRESERVE FUND FOR TWO WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP TRUCKAld. Carpenter introduced <strong>the</strong> following and moved its adoption:WHEREAS, bids have <strong>be</strong>en received and <strong>the</strong> Public Works Committee and<strong>the</strong> Common Council have approved purchases for highway equipment; andWHEREAS, funds for such purchases are required from <strong>the</strong> Highway EquipmentReserve Fund; now, <strong>the</strong>refore <strong>be</strong> itRESOLVED, that <strong>the</strong> Cham<strong>be</strong>rlain <strong>be</strong> and hereby is authorized <strong>to</strong> expend<strong>the</strong> following from <strong>the</strong> Highway Equipment Reserve Fund:

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