Popisi na Slovenskem 1948-1991 in Popis 2002 - Statistični urad ...

Popisi na Slovenskem 1948-1991 in Popis 2002 - Statistični urad ...

Popisi na Slovenskem 1948-1991 in Popis 2002 - Statistični urad ...


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<strong><strong>Popis</strong>i</strong> <strong>na</strong> <strong>Slovenskem</strong> <strong>1948</strong>-<strong>1991</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Popis</strong> <strong>2002</strong>Censuses <strong>in</strong> Slovenia <strong>1948</strong>-<strong>1991</strong> and Census <strong>2002</strong>UVODKer je človek osnovno gibalo vseh prizadevanj, dogajanj <strong>in</strong> sprememb, sopodatki o tem, kakšni so bili, so <strong>in</strong> bodo številčni razvoj ter starostno-spol<strong>na</strong><strong>in</strong> druge sestave prebivalstva, deležni precejšnje pozornosti tako vsvetu kot v posameznih državah.Kot <strong>na</strong> marsikaterem področju človekovega delovanja, se danes tudi <strong>na</strong>področju demografskega razvoja oziroma gibanj v svetu <strong>in</strong> pri <strong>na</strong>ssrečujemo z mejnimi situacijami <strong>in</strong> z njimi povezanimi problemi <strong>in</strong> posledicami.Velikost, starostno-spol<strong>na</strong> sestava <strong>in</strong> prostorska razporejenost<strong>na</strong>šega prebivalstva v <strong>na</strong>slednjih desetletjih so odvisne od prihodnjihvrednosti rodnosti, umrljivosti <strong>in</strong> selivnosti.Slovenci smo demografsko, predvsem glede stanja <strong>in</strong> gibanja števila prebivalstva,<strong>na</strong> ravni razvite Evrope. Sedanje število prebivalstva, njegovasestava <strong>in</strong> prostorska razporeditev so posledica prepletanj številnih gospodarskih,političnih <strong>in</strong> socialnih dejavnikov, ki so v preteklosti, posredno<strong>in</strong> neposredno, vplivali <strong>na</strong> demografski razvoj prebivalstva Slovenije.Vir podatkov o številu prebivalstva določenega območja <strong>in</strong> njegovih strukturahso pri <strong>na</strong>s <strong>in</strong> v svetu tudi popisi prebivalstva. Z njimi zbiramo temeljnepodatke, ki so bistveni za <strong>na</strong>črtovanje prihodnosti, tako za tiste, kiodločajo o razvoju države <strong>in</strong> ga <strong>na</strong>črtujejo, kot za <strong>na</strong>črtovalce lokalnega razvoja<strong>in</strong> razvoja <strong>na</strong> različnih področjih človekovega življenja <strong>in</strong> delovanja.Statistični <strong>urad</strong> Republike Slovenije (SURS) izvaja popise prebivalstva,gospod<strong>in</strong>jstev <strong>in</strong> stanovanj skladno z med<strong>na</strong>rodnimi priporočili vsakihdeset let.<strong>Popis</strong> prebivalstva, gospod<strong>in</strong>jstev <strong>in</strong> stanovanj <strong>2002</strong> sodi v okvir popisovprebivalstva, ki se v svetu izvajajo okrog leta 2000. V skladu s programomprilagajanja evropskemu pravnemu redu <strong>na</strong> področju statistikemora SURS pri pripravi metodologije <strong>Popis</strong>a <strong>2002</strong> upoštevati vsa določilamed<strong>na</strong>rodnih priporočil za to področje statistike.INTRODUCTIONBecause people are the ma<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>itiators of all endeavours, activities and changes,the data on what were, are and will be the numerical development and the age, sexand other structure of the population draw considerable attention both <strong>in</strong> theworld as well as <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dividual countries.As <strong>in</strong> many fields of human activities, today <strong>in</strong> the field of demographic developmentor trends <strong>in</strong> the world and <strong>in</strong> Slovenia we are faced with borderl<strong>in</strong>e situationsas well as with problems and consequences connected with them. The size,age and sex structure and spatial distribution of our population <strong>in</strong> the next tenyears depend on the future values of fertility, mortality and migration.Slovenes are demographically, especially as regards the situation and changes <strong>in</strong>the number of population, on the level of developed European countries. Thepresent number of the population, its structure and spatial distribution are theresult of <strong>in</strong>tertw<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g of numerous economic, political and social factors that <strong>in</strong>the past directly or <strong>in</strong>directly <strong>in</strong>fluenced the demographic development of Slovenia'spopulation.One of the sources of data on the number of population <strong>in</strong> a certa<strong>in</strong> area and itsstructures are also population censuses. With them we collect basic data thatare essential for plann<strong>in</strong>g the future, both for people determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and plann<strong>in</strong>gthe development of the country as well as for people plann<strong>in</strong>g local developmentand development <strong>in</strong> various fields of human life and activities.The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS) carries out censuses ofpopulation, households and dwell<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> accordance with <strong>in</strong>ter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l recommendationsevery ten years.The <strong>2002</strong> census of population, households and dwell<strong>in</strong>gs is part of the 2000round of population censuses <strong>in</strong> the world. In accordance with the programme forthe adoption of the acquis <strong>in</strong> the field of statistics, <strong>in</strong> prepar<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>2002</strong> Censusmethodology all <strong>in</strong>ter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l recommendations for this field of statistics have tobe taken <strong>in</strong>to account.Tomaž Banovec,generalni direktor Statističnega <strong>urad</strong>aRepublike SlovenijeSTAT IS TI Č NI URAD REPU BLIKE SLOVENIJESTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIATomaž Banovec,Director-General of the Statistical Officeof the Republic of Slovenia1

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