Ophthalmic Ultrasound
Ophthalmic Ultrasound
Ophthalmic Ultrasound
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<strong>Ophthalmic</strong> <strong>Ultrasound</strong>Ellison Bentley, DVM, Diplomate ACVOUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonSchool of Veterinary Medicine
Principles of ultrasound• Standard: 10 MHz - 40 mm penetration• High resolution: 20 MHz - 10mm penetration• <strong>Ultrasound</strong> biomicroscopy - 50 MHz or higher- 7mm and less
• One dimensionaldisplay• Amplitude scan-thin,parallel sound beam;through one point ineye• Higher spike-greaterdifference betweeninterfacesA-scansProbe/cornea Anterior lens capsule Posterior lens capsule Vitreous A-scan of a dogRetina
• Brightness scanoscillatingA-scan,through cross sectionof tissue• Echos back are dotsforming image• Greater the differenceat the interface, brighterthe dotB-scans
Sound waves• Sound waves behave same as light raysrefracted,reflected, transmitted• Longitudinal wave-reflected toward sourcefrom tissue interface→echo• Refractive index = acoustic impedance
Acoustic impedance• Impedance = soundvelocity x density• Greater differencebetween two media,stronger reflectedsound wave• Ex-Aqueous and lenscapsule vs hypopyonand lens capsuleFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Echo formation• Angle of incidence =angle of reflection• ‘Thou shalt beperpendicular’• Oblique-echoes divertfrom origin = weakerecho• Brighter echo =perpendicularFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Echo formation• Irregular surfaceincreasedscattering– Smaller echo even ifperpendicular(wrinkled retina)• Small interfacepronouncedscatter• Small/irregularperpendicular↓importanceFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Absorption• US energy-absorbed bytissue→low heat• ↑ Frequency = ↑absorption• ↑ Sound velocity/ ↑tissue thickness =greater absorption• Absorption=shadowing– FB, calcification, cataractIntraocular glass splinterFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Refraction of sound waves• Occurs with differingsound velocitiesbetween media• Oblique soundwave→refraction• Highervelocity→lowervelocity = towardperpendicularFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Refraction• Occurs inside eye• Refraction may help make some soundwaves strike objects more perpendicularly– Imaging of extraocular muscles
Instrumentation• Need:– Pulser (something to create sound waves)– Transducer (probe)– Receiver– Display screen
Instrumentation• Probe-piezoelectric element-convertsmechanical energy to electrical energy (andvisa versa)• Usually a crystal• Electric stimulation = mechanical vibration =sound wave
Instrumentation• Pauses between vibrations-receive returningsound waves (echoes)• Echo→Crystal vibration→Electricsignal→Receiver/display• Repeated > 1000 times/sec = ‘real time’display
Instrumentation• Dampening:– Back of crystal– Limits vibrations→shortening pulse– Improves axial resolution– Axial resolution=Minimum distance between 2interfaces along direction of sound wave whichcan be displayed
Instrumentation• Shorter pulses= better axialresolutionFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Sound beam fields• Near field: Sound beam diameter ↓ with ↑distance from transducer• Far field: sound beam diameter ↑ with ↑distance from transducer• Greatest resolution in near field• Near field length-diameter and frequency ofcrystal– Larger diameter, higher frequency=longer nearfield
Crystal shape• Planar crystal-parallel beam• Concave crystal-focused sound beam• Focal distance = area of narrowest soundbeam• Focused beam-increased lateral and axialresolution of ultrasound
• Lateral resolution =minimumseparation between2 echo sourcesperpendicular todirection of soundwaveCrystal shapeFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Signal processing• Echo produces weak radio frequency signal• Receiver processes signal:– Amplification– Compensation– Demodulation– Rejection
Signal processing• Amplification:– Processing of received sound waves-ability todisplay differences in echo strength– Measured in decibels-unit of ultrasound intensity
Signal processing-Amplification• Linear-limited range; displays minordifferences between echoes• Logarithmic-wider range but less sensitive• S-shaped-combination-increased range andsensitivity
Gain• Similar to volume control-increasesamplification of signal display• Decibels• Adjusting gain-no change in energy fromtransducer-only change in screen intensity• ↑ gain = ↑ sensitivity, ↓ resolution
Gain• Weaker signals (vitreal opacities) disappear• Strong signals (retina, sclera, masses) remainFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Gain• ↓ gain = narrower sound beam (strongestechoes in central axis of returning soundwave)• ↓ gain = decreased penetration– Automatic time gain compensation-enhancesweak echoes from deeper tissues
A-scans• 1-D display, echoes are vertical spikes• Space between spikes dependent on time toreach interface and return• Distance:Distance = velocity x time• Height indicates strength of echo
Types of A-scans• Biometry-linear amplification, focusedtransducer, 10-15 MHz• Vector A-scan-simultaneous with B-scan;logarithmic amplification, focused transducer,10MHz• Standardized (diagnostic) A-scan-S-shapedamplification, non-focused 8 MHz transducer
Standardized A-scans• Tissue differentiation• Probe/instrumentcalibrated-TissueModel• TissueSensitivity=decibelsetting; unique to eachprobe/instrumentFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Standardized A-scans• Images compared toknown patterns →nearly definitivediagnosis• Used most often forposterior disease, notwell described inveterinary medicineFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
• Oscillating beams -slice/sector of tissue– Each slice=6 clock hours• 2-D display• Multiple A-scans• Probe marker-directionof slice– Upper portion ofechogram=markerB-scans
B-scans• Angle of transducer-area of eye/orbitexamined• Rate of oscillation-10-60 slices/second• Range of gray scale-greater range, greatersensitivity to differences in echo intensity
Artifacts• Multiple signals-reverberation of soundwaves between interfaces– Multiple ‘fake’ echo signals produced– Must distinguish between true and artifactual
Artifacts• External multiple signals-reverberationsbetween probe tip, interface• Reflection of significant magnitude back toprobe– Then: True echo-strong enough to reflect offprobe surface– Back to original interface-resultant echo distal totrue echo (twice distance)
Artifacts• Surface of lens, IOL, airbubbles, sclera, bone• Distinguish by:– Decreasing strength– Equal distance– Greater movement ofmultiple signals withprobe pressure againsttissuesExternal multiple signals dueto insufficient contact betweenprobe and eyeFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Artifacts• Multipleexternal signalsdue to IOL(luxated into AChere)IOL in AC
Artifacts• Internal multiple signals:– Reverberations within certain types of foreignbodies– Usually spherical FB, but can be flat (closelyspaced, parallel surfaces)– Closely placed signals emanating from FB echo
Artifacts• Energy from soundwave trapped in object• Bounces back/forth• Someescapes→returns toprobe• Chain of echoes ofdecreasing amplitudefrom objectFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Artifacts• BBs, gunshotpellets, small airor gas bubble,slivers of glass• “Comet tail”• May help withidentification ofFBIntraocular BBFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Artifacts• Shadowing:– Strong sound attenuation-absence or decrease ofechoes posterior to lesion– Shadowing also from refraction at edges ofsmooth curved surface• Globe, cystic lesion– Exam posterior to shadowing difficult
Artifacts-Shadowing• Usually caused bydense interface: bone,calcium, large FB• Aid to diagnosisFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
Artifacts• Enhancement:– Echoes ↑ amplitude posterior to weaklyattenuating structure/lesion• Orbital soft tissue/bone-enhanced through lowreflectivity vitreous cavity
Artifacts• Perpendicular soundbeam incidence– Strikes smooth, highlyreflective surface→brightfocal signal in center ofechogram• DDX-calcification, FB– Re-orient probeobliquely-shoulddisappear
Artifacts• Baum’s bumps– Appears elevations ofperipheral fundus– Refraction of soundbeam through peripherallens-axial positions– Probe positionperipheral to limbusFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
A-scan• Biometry• Awake, sedated, oranesthetized animals• Probe on cornea orscleral shell withwaterbath (immersiontechnique)www.eyetec.ne
A-scan• Axial probe placement• Equal spikes• Perpendicular spike (noslope)• Hard to get posteriorlens capsule in dogsProbe/cornea Posterior lens capsule Anterior lens capsule Vitreous
A-scan• Sound velocity: varies by study:– Canine lens:• 1710 m/s (Schiffer, 1982)• 1706 m/s (Gorig, 2006)-same study: 1535 m/s vitreous– Human lens-1641 m/s lens, 1532 m/s vitreous– Difference in IOL calculations:• Human values-43D IOL• Canine values-41.8 D IOL
A-scan• Used clinically for:– Disease-glaucoma– IOL calculations– Determination of cause of refractive errors• One study-Baptista 2006: Standardized A-scans for anterior uveal melanomas– Low to medium internal reflectivity, internalvascularity
B-scans• Intraocular exam with opaque media• Topical anesthetic, coupling medium, probedirectly on globe• Closed lids-Bell’s phenomenon• Left side of image-probe face• Upper part of image-probe marker• Best resolution-center of echogram
B-scan probe positions• Standardized positioning in human patients– Ensures complete examination– Standardized labeling– Facilitates communication between operators
B-scan probe positions• 3 main positions:– Transverse– Longitudinal– Axial• 2/3 bypass lensFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
B-scan probe positions• Humans directed tolook away from probe• More exposed sclera inhumansFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
B-scan probe positions• Optic nerve-reference point• Label according to what’sbeing examined, probeposition, and/or location ineye (anatomic, clock hour)• P=posterior pole• PE=posterior/equator• EP=equator/posterior• E=equator• EA=equator/anterior• O=ora serrata• CB=ciliary bodyFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
B-scan probe positions• Axial most common in veterinary medicine• Optic nerve-center of image• Sound attenuation, refraction through lens– Easiest to use in awake animals• Superior temporal position (through skin,dorsal to zygomatic arch)-best for orbitaldisease
B-scan probe positions• No standardizednomenclature in vetmed• Human standard:Probe-superior or nasal• 12-Vertical Axial• 3/9-Horizontal Axial• Clock hour at markerFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
• Anterior/posterior lenscapsule• Nucleus, cortexanechoic• Artifact from lenscapsuleB-scan lens
B-scan lens• Cataracts echogenic• Alterations in lensthickness• Luxated lens• Persistent hyaloid,PHPV, lenticonus
• Normal-anechoic• Turn down gain toDDX vitreal vs retinaldetachment• Floaters (vitrealdegeneration)• Asteroid hyalosismultiplebright whitedotsB-scan vitreous
Vitreal degeneration/asteroidhyalosis
Posterior vitreal detachment
B-scan-Vitreal hemorrhage• DDX-tumor,inflammatory exudate• Varies by location,amount, duration• Settles ventrally• Pseudomembranes• Hemorrhagedisappearswith ↓ gainHemorrhage for several weeks
B-scan-vitreal hemorrhage• Fresh hemorrhagelowerdensity, moves• Old hemorrhagedifficultdiagnosis• Monitor over time withconsistent probepositions/gain settingsFrom Byrne, Green, 2002
B-scan-retina• Retinal detachments-– Classic-’gull wing’– Different appearances:• Partial• Complete• Exudative• Disinsertional– Follow to optic nerve toprove retina– Turn down gain
B-scan-retinaPartial detachment inuveodermatologicsyndromeExudative detachmentin dog withblastomycosis
High gainLow gainAxialviewTransverseviewShih Tzu with hyphema
B-scan-choroid• Chorioretinitisthickeningof choroidand/or retina• Hyper or hypoechoic• Choroidal detachmentsharperangle atdetachment siteCourtesy D Ramsey
• Scleral rupture-look forhemorrhagic track• Scleritis: diffusethickening of posteriorsclera– Retinal/choroidalinvolvement common– Distension of sub-Tenon’s space=‘T-sign’B-scan-scleraOld scleral rupture
B-scan-orbit• Deformities-posterior globe• Diffuse, increased echogenicity retrobulbarspace• Discrete masses• Tumors-hyperechoic, deformation of globe,+/- discrete masses• Inflammatory-diffuse, hyper/hypoechoic– Fluid-abscess
B-scan-orbit10 year old sheepdog
High resolution ultrasound• <strong>Ultrasound</strong> biomicroscopy (UBM) and highresolution ultrasound (HRUS)– Low power histology-like view• Resolution-20-80µm– 10MHz-300-400µm• Tissue penetration limited to 5-10mm
High resolution ultrasound• Clinical Uses: anteriorsegment evaluation, uvealtumors, cysts, scleral andcorneal disease, drainageangle, changes in thesestructures in disease• Research: effect of drugson anterior segmentstructures, pathophysiologyof anterior segmentdiseasesHRUS image of canine eye
UBM vs HRUSUBM• 50MHz-higherresolution• Smaller field of view• Less penetration• Positioning critical• Sedation/anesthesia• Higher costHRUS• 20MHz -35 MHz-lowerresolution• Larger field of view• Deeper penetration• Easier positioning• Topical anesthesia• Lower cost
UBM vs HRUS50MHz20MHz10MHzCourtesy C. Kendall, Innovative Imaging, Inc.
UBM vs HRUSUBM image High resolution ultrasound image
50MHz 50MHz 20MHz• Not all probes created equal
Technique• Topical anesthetic• Genteal Gel• Superior and temporal quadrants easiest– Ventral and nasal may require sedation
Probe position-longitudinalCan label by clock hour
Probe position-transverseNote ciliary processes
Cornea• Corneal thickness assessment• Sequestrums-deeply pigmented lesionshyperechoic• Deeper, faintly stained area may appearnormal via ultrasound• Use contralateral eye as control for depth
SequestrumHyperechoic sequestrum‘Normal’ cornea=0.27 Normal contralateral eyeCorneal thickness=0.58mm
Corneal tumors• Corneal tumors in horses– Sometimes difficult to assess depth• Limbal melanomas with corneal extension indogs
Hemangioma in a horse
Uvea• Useful to differentiate tumors versus cysts• Useful to evaluate tumor extension• Useful to determine which patients are goodcandidates for laser therapy for tumors;progression• Can use to determine location of ciliaryprocesses for cyclophotocoagulation
Uveal cysts2 yr FS Golden retriever Note bilobed uveal cysts
Uveal cysts14 year old Macaw referred for iris mass
Uveal cysts10 yr old DSH referred for ciliary body tumor
Uveal tumors4 yr MNmixed CNPre laser=0.80mm Immediatepost laser=1.17mm
Uveal tumors3 months post laser=0.58 mm15 months post laser=0.82 mm; re-lasered
Location of ciliary processes• 8 yr mixed breed withprevious lens luxation;sulcus IOL; developedsecondary glaucoma• Location of ciliary body:– 2.18 mm nasally– 2.08-3 mm temporal– 3.01 mm nasal
Lens• Useful to detectperipheral lensabnormalities9 yr FS mixed breed, diabeticLIU more severe OS; HRUSperipheral lens capsule rupture,closed cleft
Iridocorneal angle• Can examine ciliary cleft in greater detail• Can be useful in ‘suspicious’ cases, pre-opcataract cases (?)• 12 yr FS Cocker with goniodysgenesis;unilateral acutely red eye; improving by thetime owner presents dog• IOP 10 OD, 18 OS
Iridocorneal angleOD-note open ciliary cleftIOP 10 mm HgOS-note closed ciliary cleftIOP 18 mm Hg
Iridocorneal angle• Predictive value for onset of glaucoma?