Self-Certified Paid Sick Leave Arrangements - Circulars

Self-Certified Paid Sick Leave Arrangements - Circulars

Self-Certified Paid Sick Leave Arrangements - Circulars


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As and from l sc August 2014, the rolling 24 month period will be calculated inaccordance with Section 4 of this circular, i.e. it is calculated from the latest absenceworking backwards over a 24 month period.On 4th August 2014 (i.e. when a full 24-month period has passed since 1 st August 2012),an employee applies for 2 days' self-certified sick leave. The manager examines the sickleave record counting back for a 24 month period from the latest date of absence, inthis case 4'h August 2014. The count back will be to 5th August 2012.10

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