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GLOBAL ZERO COMMISSION ON NUCLEAR RISK REDUCTION REPORTDE-ALERTING AND STABILIZING THE WORLD’S NUCLEAR FORCE POSTURESto their airspace during an attack. During such a blackoutof underground launch c<strong>on</strong>trol and switch to airborne c<strong>on</strong>trol,the opportunity exists for hackers to transmit signalsdirectly to the missile receivers. If they are able to replicatethe necessary codes (a tall feat that presumes insider collusi<strong>on</strong>and/or other prior deep penetrati<strong>on</strong> of the computersused in <strong>nuclear</strong> command, c<strong>on</strong>trol, and communicati<strong>on</strong>s),then outsiders could hack into the circuits to inject the threeshort radio signal bursts needed to fire them – the target,arm, and launch commands. Another potential entry pointto leap the air gap is the underground cabling network thatinterc<strong>on</strong>nects the unmanned missile silos with the mannedlaunch c<strong>on</strong>trol centers. It may be possible to surreptitiouslytap into these cables laid in trenches with a length of thousandsof miles and thereby gain access to the actual c<strong>on</strong>duitsused for c<strong>on</strong>trolling and firing the missiles.Very little is understood about the cyber threat to <strong>nuclear</strong>c<strong>on</strong>trol. A group of top U.S. technical experts recentlymet to review <strong>nuclear</strong> safety and c<strong>on</strong>cluded “cyber securityof <strong>nuclear</strong> command and c<strong>on</strong>trol networks in the UnitedStates, Russia, and other states is of critical importanceand warrants attenti<strong>on</strong>.” 46 A <strong>report</strong> by the Defense ScienceBoard warned recently that the vulnerability of the U.S.<strong>nuclear</strong> command system to cyber attack has never beenfully assessed. 47 Two years ago, the head of all U.S. <strong>nuclear</strong>forces acknowledged that a comprehensive review of thevulnerability of the U.S. <strong>nuclear</strong> command system to cyberattack still needed to be d<strong>on</strong>e, noting, “we d<strong>on</strong>’t know whatwe d<strong>on</strong>’t know.” 48 A recent <strong>report</strong> by the director of oper-46 Pierce Corden, et al., Summary Report: Workshop <strong>on</strong> U.S. NuclearWeap<strong>on</strong>s Safety and Security, December 12, 2012, Post c<strong>on</strong>ference<strong>report</strong> of the American Associati<strong>on</strong> for the Advancement of Science’sCenter for Science, Technology, and Security Policy and Uni<strong>on</strong> of C<strong>on</strong>cernedScientists, September 2013, http://www.ucsusa.org/sites/default/files/legacy/assets/documents/nwgs/<strong>nuclear</strong>-safety-security-workshop.pdf.47 U.S. Department of State, Task Force Report: Resilient Military Systemsand the Advanced Cyber Threat, <strong>report</strong> of the Defense Science Board,Washingt<strong>on</strong>, D.C., July 2013, http://www.acq.osd.mil/dsb/<strong>report</strong>s/ResilientMilitarySystems.CyberThreat.pdf,p. 42.48 Senate Armed Services Committee, U.S. Strategic Command andU.S. Cyber Command in Review of the Defense Authorizati<strong>on</strong> Request forFiscal Year 2014 and the Future Years Defense Program: Hearing beforeati<strong>on</strong>al tests and evaluati<strong>on</strong> found in fiscal year 2014 thatalmost every U.S. weap<strong>on</strong>s program tested showed “significantvulnerabilities” to cyber attacks. 49China and Russia undoubtedly have similar cyber vulnerabilities,but we know even less about them. Could thesecountries prevent a cyber attack from launching their missiles?The U.S. general in charge of Strategic Command testifiedthat he didn’t know. 50In all likelihood, cyber warfare in this domain mainly threatensto cause massive disrupti<strong>on</strong>. It seems more plausiblethat cyber attack could shut down computers and turn theweap<strong>on</strong>s into “bricks,” preventing authorized launch ratherthan triggering unauthorized launch. But given so manyunanswered questi<strong>on</strong>s and our weak comprehensi<strong>on</strong> of thiscyber threat, we have yet another reas<strong>on</strong> for c<strong>on</strong>cern aboutstrategic missiles <strong>on</strong> high alert and about trends am<strong>on</strong>g theother <strong>nuclear</strong> weap<strong>on</strong>s countries toward increased attackreadiness of their <strong>nuclear</strong> forces. If we cannot fully assessthe <strong>risk</strong>s, it would seem prudent to keep <strong>nuclear</strong> missiles offof high alert status at all times. This would be a sure-fire wayto mitigate foreseeable <strong>risk</strong>s as well as those that have not yetbeen imagined.the Committee <strong>on</strong> Armed Services, 113 th C<strong>on</strong>g., 1 st sess., March 12, 2013,p. 202.49 Andrea Shalal, “Nearly every U.S. arms program found vulnerableto cyber attacks,” Reuters, January 20, 2015, http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2015/01/20/technology/20reuters-cybersecurity-pentag<strong>on</strong>.html?_r=0.50 Col. (Ret.) Valery Yarynich, the lead systems integrator for theRussian “Perimetr” (Dead Hand) system that partially automatedRussian strategic retaliati<strong>on</strong> to an attack that decapitates the Russian topleadership, reviewed the main Russian strategic <strong>nuclear</strong> command andc<strong>on</strong>trol networks and raised dozen of questi<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>cerning avenues forunauthorized launches by insiders or outsiders. He recommended thatU.S. and Russian experts dig into these issues in a track II n<strong>on</strong>-governmentalcollaborati<strong>on</strong> that would hopefully evolve into a track I governmentalprocess. Cohesive and invulnerable <strong>nuclear</strong> command systemsimmune to cyber attack are critical to preventing the accidental, mistaken,or unauthorized use of <strong>nuclear</strong> weap<strong>on</strong>s. Therefore, a full-scalethorough review of the cyber security of all <strong>nuclear</strong> networks to identifyand remove cyber threats that could compromise the integrity of thesenetworks is absolutely essential.31

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