Rittal - System climate control
Rittal - System climate control
Rittal - System climate control
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<strong>Rittal</strong> – <strong>System</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Safeguarding our futurewith consistent energy efficiency!
<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> is proven to boost energyefficiency by up to 45 percent – while ensuring optimumcooling performance for all <strong>control</strong> and IT components.Thanks to the significant reduction in energy consumption,<strong>Rittal</strong>’s innovative cooling concepts are major contributorsto cost efficiency in your company, while at the same timehelping to cut CO 2 emissions in the environment.
From system to solution:Comprehensively individualHowever individual your business, you can be surethat all <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systems provide acomprehensive expert package:● Exemplary energy efficiency● Plus special project engineering● Plus permanent innovative strength● Plus typical <strong>Rittal</strong> high-quality production.<strong>Rittal</strong> never loses sight of a project’s particularcustomer requirements. The aim is always the same:to produce maximum benefits for the customer.Expertise + Efficiency + Engineering + Innovation + High quality
<strong>System</strong> solutions from page 15For mechanical engineering .............................................................15For the IT sector................................................................................19For various ambient conditions.........................................................23For final assembly/handling systems................................................27Project planning from page 31Basic principles for the use of <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> components ............32Cooling with ambient air ...................................................................35Cooling units .....................................................................................36Liquid cooling IE/IT ...........................................................................37Enclosure heaters .............................................................................39Cooling with ambient air from page 41Fan-and-filter units ............................................................................42Rack-mounted fans...........................................................................50Tangential fans..................................................................................50Fan systems......................................................................................54Air/air heat exchangers.....................................................................60Cooling units from page 67Modular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> concept ......................................................68Roof-mounted cooling units..............................................................72Wall-mounted cooling units ..............................................................80Thermoelectric coolers .....................................................................96Liquid cooling IE from page 99Air/water heat exchangers, roof-mounted .....................................100Air/water heat exchangers, wall-mounted .................................... 100Direct Cooling Package (mounting plate cooling)......................... 110Recooling systems for water ..........................................................116Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> from page 157Cooling units for CS modular enclosures .......................................160Heat exchangers for CS modular enclosures ................................161Recooling systems for oil............................................................... 130Immersible recooling systems for oil/emulsion ............................. 132Liquid cooling IT from page 135CRAC systems................................................................................136Aisle containment........................................................................... 139Liquid Cooling Package (rack cooling) ......................................... 140Chillers for IT cooling ......................................................................146Water/water heat exchangers ........................................................150Piping systems................................................................................154Climate <strong>control</strong> units for Toptec CR............................................... 163Ex-proof <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systems ...................................................164Enclosure heaters from page 167Enclosure heaters ..........................................................................168<strong>System</strong> accessories from page 171Air routing....................................................................................... 174Control/regulation........................................................................... 177Mounting accessories.................................................................... 181Cold Plate....................................................................................... 184Liquid Cooling Package ................................................................ 186Filter technology ............................................................................ 189General .......................................................................................... 192Software service........................................................................... 195Tips and tricks from page 197Cooling with ambient air .................................................................198Cooling units ...................................................................................207Liquid cooling IE .............................................................................217Liquid cooling IT .............................................................................230Enclosure heaters ...........................................................................234Monitoring .......................................................................................235Technical details from page 239Cooling with ambient air .................................................................240Cooling units ...................................................................................245Liquid cooling IE .............................................................................251Liquid cooling IT .............................................................................266Enclosure heaters ...........................................................................267<strong>System</strong> accessories........................................................................268Overview of products and approvals from page 271Overview of products and approvals .............................................272Service .......................................................................................... 298List of model numbers................................................................. 300Index.............................................................................................. 303<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control3
<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>climate</strong> expertise4
<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>climate</strong> expertise –Outstanding breadth and quality.<strong>Rittal</strong> cooling concepts aresynonymous with guaranteedquality, from the product itselfright through to customer service.Global availability, globally soughtafter.International approvals arejust as much part of the <strong>Rittal</strong>“system concept” as uniformsystem platforms for cooling unitsand heat exchangers. <strong>Rittal</strong>’swinning formula for <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>expertise centres around onebasic idea, with infinitepossibilities. Flexible, inexpensive,and exceptionally efficient. <strong>Rittal</strong>cooling concepts are completesolutions, precisely tailored toyour requirements and offeringexceptional added-value.5
Total efficiency6
<strong>Rittal</strong> efficiency – A fresh take oncreativity and value-added.Thanks to its intensive researchand development work withPro Ozone cooling units, <strong>Rittal</strong>has helped to focus the world’sattention on “efficiency”. With ahost of innovative ideas such asnano surface protection, theLiquid Cooling product family andcoolants based on environmentallyneutral CO 2, <strong>Rittal</strong> is renowned asa world leader in this field.Less is more, is our guidingprinciple: Less consumption ofenergy and resources on theone hand, and more costeffectivenessand productivityfor customers on the other. <strong>Rittal</strong>’ssolutions successfully unite thesetwo principles.7
Engineering partners
<strong>Rittal</strong> engineering – Building oncooperation for a shared future.Whether you require analysis of anexisting <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> concept,or help planning a new one, <strong>Rittal</strong>is a partner you can rely on. Aswell as manufacturing system components,<strong>Rittal</strong> also collaboratesclosely with customers in theresearch and development field.We act as engineering partnersto our clients. A combination ofpractical experience and projectplanning leads to innovative,comprehensive <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>concepts.<strong>Rittal</strong>’s customer service and maintenancedivisions guarantee completecustomer satisfaction fromstart to finish.9
Innovative strength10
<strong>Rittal</strong>’s innovative strength –Deriving fresh growth fromideas.Innovation cannot be planned,but it can be continuously reevaluated.This is <strong>Rittal</strong>’s approachwhen tackling any new task. In aninstant, an idea is born, which the<strong>Rittal</strong> laboratories then developinto a new product solution. Thethermoelectric cooler, which cutsenergy consumption by more than60 % compared with conventionalsystems, is just one innovativehigh-end example among many.<strong>Rittal</strong>’s engineers are encouragedto think outside the box and comeup with new solutions. These ideasadd value and help to make ourcustomers more competitive.11
High quality production12
<strong>Rittal</strong> high quality production –Top quality begins with thetiniest detail.<strong>Rittal</strong> achieves outstanding highqualityat its own production sitesand in-house research departments,development units and testlaboratories. This in turn enablesus to guarantee outstanding productquality, because our processquality is second to none. Everydepartment is broken down intoindividual process units, each ofwhich plays a vital role in <strong>Rittal</strong>’soverall quality. High quality productionrelies on a perfect qualityassurance chain. This qualitystandard reflects <strong>Rittal</strong>’s 100 %customer dedication.13
<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for mechanical engineeringPrecision scoresan aceWhenever a higher enclosure protection category is required due to hot, metal dustladenor oily ambient conditions, <strong>Rittal</strong> liquid cooling concepts really come uptrumps.Precise temperature <strong>control</strong> of machine and process cooling is another priority.When cooling spindles with 40,000 rpm, for example, <strong>Rittal</strong> recooling systems<strong>System</strong> solutions/Mechanical engineeringsupply volumetric flows and coolant temperatures at precisely the required level.<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> is the key to a high level of dimensional accuracy,consistently perfect workpieces, and stable production conditions.<strong>Rittal</strong> recooling systemsEnergy-efficient cooling of liquidcooling media.● A high level of temperatureaccuracy.● Powerful performance.● Individual system solutions.Air/water heat exchangersThe classic liquid cooling solution● For extremely hot and dusty ambientconditions● To dissipate high heat loads without puttingthermal pressure on the ambient air.<strong>Rittal</strong> DCP –Direct Cooling PackageDirect cooling of power electronicsinside the enclosure● Using liquid-cooled mountingplates, with or without fans● No impairment to the protectioncategory● With efficient frequency convertercooling.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control15
<strong>System</strong> example<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for mechanical engineering<strong>System</strong> exampleC293132356B26 27 28 23 25 21 24 2230333473 2 1171819 2016411 12 10 89A5 13 14 16 15Example: <strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong><strong>control</strong> for mechanical and plantengineeringThe air inside the hall is contaminated withmetal swarf and oil mist, and is unable toabsorb waste heat from the <strong>control</strong>lers andmachine cooling system. A comprehensive<strong>Rittal</strong> liquid cooling concept with centralrecooling (1) provides a particularly efficientsolution.All function and safety-relevant componentsare remotely monitored with <strong>Rittal</strong> CMC-TC(3). The benefit to you: Added perfection andincreased productivity.Machining centre, welding robot A● The coolant temperature of the processemulsion is precisely coordinated with themachining cycle of the spindle rotating athigh speed, thanks to the immersionrecooling system (7).● Process heat from the welding robot andheat loss from the PC case of the robot<strong>control</strong>ler (18) – case based on TS 8,equipped with air/water heat exchanger(17) – is effectively dissipated via <strong>Rittal</strong>recooling systems (1).● The twin-doored enclosure ES 5000 withair/water heat exchanger, wall-mounted(8), is integrated into the design of themachines.● <strong>Rittal</strong> thermoelectric coolers (16) are aparticularly compact, efficient solutionfor cooling the <strong>Rittal</strong> Comfort Panel (13)command panels.The enclosure is custom-built andequipped to order, with a support armsystem (15) tailored to your individualrequirements.Machine <strong>control</strong>ler, low-voltage distributor B● Bayed Top enclosure system TS 8 (24).● <strong>Rittal</strong> DCP: Liquid-cooled mounting plates(Cold Plate) (21) for efficient frequencyconverter cooling and● TopTherm air/water heat exchangers, roofmounted(23) and wall-mounted (22), withinternal <strong>control</strong>lers for monitoring and<strong>control</strong>, reliably dissipate the heat loss.● The modular power supply is type-testedfor global use (28).Industrial IT and <strong>control</strong> room C● Network enclosures are effectively <strong>climate</strong><strong>control</strong>ledwith a special, low-noise officecooling unit (29).● EMC fan-and-filter units (30) cool thecommand <strong>control</strong>ler in the pedestals of theTopConsole systems (33).16 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> example<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for mechanical engineering123456<strong>System</strong>-wideComponentsPageCentral recooling system forenclosure and machine cooling148Piping systems 154CMC-TC for monitoringaccess, <strong>climate</strong>, power supplyCat. 32, p. 808Test workstation: <strong>Rittal</strong> Industrial Workstationwith support arm CP-S, TFT screen, membrane Cat. 32, p. 172keyboardAir/water heat exchanger on the IW pedestal 63Ex overpressure enclosure, <strong>climate</strong>-<strong>control</strong>led 164Ex overpressure enclosure withintegral enclosure cooling unitfor zone II, gas (6)<strong>System</strong> exampleA7891011121314151617181920Machining centre, welding robotComponentsPageImmersible recooling system for process emulsion 132Air/water heat exchanger, wall-mounted 104Free-standing enclosure ES 5000, twin-door Cat. 32, p. 155Cable entry, cable routing Cat. 32, p. 1045Interior installation, mounting levels Cat. 32, p. 988Signal pillar (in conjunction with CMC-TC) Cat. 32, p. 1125<strong>Rittal</strong> Comfort Panel command panel Cat. 32, p. 192Monitors, keyboards, handles for the Comfort Panel Cat. 32, p. 1133CP-L support arm system for Comfort Panel Cat. 32, p. 250Thermoelectric cooler for Comfort Panel 97Air/water heat exchanger, space-savingaccommodated on the roof of the PC case74PS enclosure system, based on TS 8 Cat. 32, p. 168Base/plinth for PC case system Cat. 32, p. 892Bus enclosure Cat. 32, p. 120More compact, lightweight andefficient.The powerful thermoelectriccooling unit in a lightweightdesign (16).The eco-friendly <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>solution for command panelsand small enclosures – anenergy saving of more than60 % compared with conventionalindustry systems.B2122232425262728Machine <strong>control</strong>ler, low-voltage distributorComponentsPage<strong>Rittal</strong> DCP Cold Plate – Liquid-cooled mountingplates112Air/water heat exchanger, wall-mounted 104Air/water heat exchanger, roof-mounted 102Baying enclosure system TS 8 Cat. 32, p. 136<strong>System</strong> accessories (base/plinth, walls, bayingtechnique, locks, interior installation, cable routing)Cat. 32, p. 926Ri4Power Form 1, heavy current power distributor Cat. 32, p. 438Ri4Power Form 2-4, form separation for low-voltageswitchgearCat. 32, p. 472RiLine60, busbar systems Cat. 32, p. 350<strong>Rittal</strong> DCP Cold Plate – Liquidcooledmounting plates (21)C29303132333435Industrial IT and <strong>control</strong> roomComponentsPageOffice cooling units for network enclosures 76EMC fan-and-filter units for console systems 48Network enclosures, based on TS 8 Cat. 32, p. 745<strong>System</strong> accessories for IT (patch panels,component shelves)Cat. 32, p. 1013TopConsole system Cat. 32, p. 156<strong>System</strong> accessories for consoles (base/plinth,interior installation)Cat. 32, p. 890<strong>System</strong> accessories for the human/machineinterface (keyboard drawers, TFT monitors,keyboards)Cat. 32, p. 1115Quiet performance: Officecooling units for networkenclosures (29)<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control17
<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for data centres and ITCool and efficient!A high performance server in the data centre or in the middle of the office? Withoutputting additional thermal pressure on the air-conditioning system? Without theirritating noise of high-speed fan-and-filter units? All that can now be achieved veryeasily!<strong>System</strong> solutions/IT sectorBecause <strong>Rittal</strong> Liquid Cooling concepts offer new framework conditions for yourIT infrastructures in terms of flexibility, safety and cost-efficiency. Independent of theroom situation, with almost zero heat and noise emissions, individual server CPUsand complete server units or electronic components receive direct, highly effectivecooling.Modular concepts, tailored precisely to your current requirements, and easilyscalable to meet future needs.<strong>Rittal</strong> CRAC systemsBy using <strong>Rittal</strong> aisle containment,● you can optimise air-conditioning ofthe room● in conjunction with the <strong>Rittal</strong> CRACsystem● in terms of energy efficiency andcooling output.LCP – Liquid Cooling Package<strong>Rittal</strong> solves the problem of <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> forhigh heat losses per rack with this systemfamily.● Extremely high heat loads are dissipatedfrom the rack via the LCP (air/water heatexchanger).● Additionally, this system also allowstemperature-neutral expansion of thedata centre.Piping systemsThe <strong>Rittal</strong> piping system provides thelink between the equipment and therefrigeration system.● An optimum design and targetedmedia supply ensure efficient operationof all cooling components.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control19
<strong>System</strong> example<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for the IT sector<strong>System</strong> example65471.12221B191202A121311101417183158169C3024 28 2925 26 27 23Example: <strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong><strong>control</strong> for data centres and ITHigh heat loads in modern data centres,maximum availability, and the most energyefficient<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> system available.To accommodate all three requirements, youwill need an individual concept:<strong>Rittal</strong> liquid cooling IT. Redundant chillers(1), free cooling (1.1) and heat recovery (7).Piping systems are designed on a projectspecificbasis.Data centre A● At the heart of this concept are serverracks (9) with the option of aislecontainment (8).● The cold air required is blasted in via theraised floor by two CRAC systems (10).● Other LCP-cooled (11) computer casesalso operate without dissipating heat tothe ambient air.Development server room, UPS B● The server systems are cooled via LCPs(14), without a raised floor and withoutputting pressure on the <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>system. The heat is dissipated completelysilently via the piping system.● All server racks are based on the TS 8enclosure platform (15).● The dissipation of heat loss from the UPSis also integrated into the liquid coolingconcept via the air/water heat exchanger.● Alternative recooling via LCP Inline orLCP Extend.Administration, monitoring C● All function and safety-relevantcomponents are remotely monitored with<strong>Rittal</strong> CMC-TC. Messages and <strong>control</strong>soccur centrally in the <strong>control</strong> room (23).● Super-low-noise roof-mounted fans (23)cool the network enclosures in the office.An even quieter alternative are air/waterheat exchangers integrated into thecoolant cycle.● EMC fan-and-filter units with speed<strong>control</strong> (24) ensure fault-free operationand cooling of the <strong>control</strong> room consoles.The result: Targeted, low-noise, energyefficient!20 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> example<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for the IT sector11.1234567<strong>System</strong>-wideComponentsPageIT chiller, redundant configuration,also with free cooling device146or external free cooling function 147Double pump unit 147Water/water heat exchanger 152Buffer storeWater/water heat exchanger 152Emergency water supplyHeat recoveryIT chiller, redundantconfiguration, also withfree cooling (1).<strong>System</strong> exampleA8910111213Data centre with raised floorComponentsPage<strong>Rittal</strong> aisle containment 139Server racks for aisle containmentCRAC systems for raised floor and aisle flooding 138Room temperature-neutral server extension,cooling with LCP Standard, Plus or SmartCat. 32, p. 726Server racks, based on TS 8, bayed with LCPs Cat. 32, p. 777<strong>System</strong> accessories for server racks (cablemanagement devices, monitor/keyboard unit,KVM switch, power distribution, plug-in modules, Cat. 32, p. 890component shelves, base/plinths and much morebesides)CRAC systems for raised floorand aisle flooding (10)B141516171819202122Server room without raised floor, UPSComponentsPageSeparate servers in the development department,cooling with LCP Standard, Plus or Smart140LCP Inline 145LCP Extend 143Server racks, based on TS 8, bayed with LCPs Cat. 32, p. 777<strong>System</strong> accessories for server racks Cat. 32, p. 787Air/water heat exchangers for UPS cooling 104UPS: Power Modular Concept PMC,rack basis TS 8Cat. 32, p. 786Power distribution: Power Distribution Rack PDR Cat. 32, p. 787Socket strips: Power <strong>System</strong> Module PSM Cat. 32, p. 789Ambient air-neutral servercooling with LCP air/waterheat exchangers (14)C2324252627282930Server and network administration, video monitoringComponentsPageRoof-mounted fan for the office sector 76EMC fan-and-filter units for console systemswith speed <strong>control</strong>48CMC-TC, modular system for monitoring<strong>climate</strong>, access and power supplyCat. 32, p. 806Network enclosures, based on TS 8 Cat. 32, p. 745<strong>System</strong> accessories for IT (patch panels,component shelves)Cat. 32, p. 1013TopConsole system Cat. 32, p. 156<strong>System</strong> accessories for consoles (base/plinth,interior installation)Cat. 32, p. 890<strong>System</strong> accessories for the human/machineinterface (keyboard drawers, TFT monitors,Cat. 32, p. 1115keyboards)Roof-mounted fan for the officesector (23)<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control21
<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for various ambient conditionsTopTherm-PlusCleaning, phosphating, dipcoat-priming, spray-finishing, drying. The processchain in a spray-finishing plant creates extremely varied ambient conditions – andthis also affects <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> of the <strong>control</strong>lers. Whether humidity, paint dust ordrying heat – these varying requirements are met by a single product range:<strong>Rittal</strong> TopTherm-Plus cooling units.With nano-coating of the heat exchanger surfaces, this ensures a high level ofefficiency and exceptional durability.<strong>Rittal</strong> cooling units – Masters of energy efficiency<strong>System</strong> solutions/Various ambient conditionsTopTherm-Plus cooling unitsCooling units keep the enclosureinternal temperature at a constantlevel, even to below room temperature,with the air routing being tailoredto individual requirements. Twoseparate circuits prevent the ingressof dust into the enclosure.● Climate <strong>control</strong> doors● Roof-mounted cooling units● Wall-mounted cooling unitsElectronic condensate evaporationAny condensate incurred is effectivelyevaporated and doesn’t need to becollected or dissipated.Your value-added:● Enhanced safety – No condensate dripsonto the floor.● Time savings – No need to emptycondensate containers.● Cost benefits – No need to lay condensatetubing.Master/slave modeIn open bayed enclosure systems,cooling units or air/water heatexchangers with Comfort <strong>control</strong>are set to master/slave mode via abus cable:● Even temperature distributionacross all sections of the enclosure.● Simultaneous activation anddeactivation of the devices.● Parallel system and door limitswitch function.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control23
<strong>System</strong> example<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for various ambient conditions<strong>System</strong> exampleB11 8 12 9 720212322D241913101718A31 2 5 61415164CExample: <strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong><strong>control</strong> for various ambientconditions<strong>Rittal</strong> TopTherm-Plus cooling units definethe performance class of the future. Evenunder extremely varied ambient conditions,the <strong>control</strong> electronics are <strong>climate</strong>-<strong>control</strong>ledat a stable level and with a high degree ofreliability.This is supplemented by plant-wide remotemonitoring with <strong>Rittal</strong> CMC-TC (23) – thisensures availability and also saves money.Control of the cleaning andpriming line – high humidity A● Roof-mounted cooling units (1) and wallmountedcooling units (2) in master/slavemode (3). The cooling output of severalcooling units in a bayed enclosure suite iscarefully coordinated to boost efficiency.● Wall-mounted cooling units (2) may beinternally mounted, partially internallymounted or externally mounted.● Design variants: Standard, stainless steel(4), NEMA 4x, all including RiNanocoating and condensate management.Control of the spray-finishing and dryingline – paint dust and heat B● Perfection in cooling and design with themodular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> concept (7). Theenclosure door and <strong>climate</strong> componentsare combined into one – no need for timeconsumingassembly.● Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (8) – the ideal <strong>control</strong>and safety electronics.● Bayed EMC systems TS 8 (9) with a highlevel of RF attenuation.Control and inspection workstations C● Test workstation with mini-cooling units(14).● Individual configuration from IW modules(15) (Industrial Workstation).● Command Panel (Optipanel) (17) withthermoelectric cooler (18) and individualpanel design.Support arm system CP-XL.Configured entirely to your requirements.Control room for the entire productionprocess D● Server enclosures – based on TS 8 (21) –in the <strong>control</strong> room, bayed with LCPcooling (20).● The central recooling system (19).supplies cooling medium in a particularlyenergy-efficient manner.24 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> example<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for various ambient conditionsA123456Control of the cleaning and priming lineComponentsPageTopTherm-Plus cooling units, roof-mounted 74TopTherm-Plus cooling units, wall-mounted 83Master/slave mode 235Cooling units in stainless steel 74Bayed Top enclosure system TS 8 Cat. 32, p. 136<strong>System</strong> accessories for TS 8 (base/plinth, walls,doors, baying system, rail systems for interior Cat. 32, p. 926installation, cable entry and much more besides)Cooling units also available instainless steel. TopTherm-Pluscooling units (1, 2) ensureconstant temperatures for<strong>control</strong> electronics, regardlessof variations in the ambientconditions.<strong>System</strong> exampleB78910111213Control of the spray-finishing and drying lineComponentsPageTopTherm-Plus <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> doors combined withTS 870Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 70Bayed Top enclosure system TS 8 with EMCshieldingCat. 32, p. 329Base/plinth (100/200 mm) for TS 8, compulsorywhen using <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> doors (modular <strong>climate</strong> Cat. 32, p. 893<strong>control</strong> concept)EMC system accessories Cat. 32, p. 572Signal pillars Cat. 32, p. 1125Recooling system to cool the robot <strong>control</strong>ler 127TopTherm-Plus <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>doors combined with TS 8enclosure system: Optimumairflow, no assembly work (7)C1415161718Control and inspection workstationsComponentsPageMini-cooling unit, wall-mounted, on IW andTopConsole83Industrial Workstation (IW) Cat. 32, p. 172TopConsole system (pedestal, desk unit) with TFTmonitor in the Optipanel (CP-S support arm system)Cat. 32, p. 156Comfort-Panel command panelon CP-XL support arm systemCat. 32, p. 192Thermoelectric cooler 97Mini-cooling unit, wall-mountedfor efficient cooling of small<strong>control</strong> and computer units (14)D192021222324Control room for the entire production processComponentsPageIT chiller with integral free cooling device 148Server cooling with LCP 141Server racks, based on TS 8, bayed with LCPs Cat. 32, p. 774<strong>System</strong> accessories for server racks Cat. 32, p. 890CMC-TC, modular system for monitoring <strong>climate</strong>,access and power supplyCat. 32, p. 806<strong>System</strong> accessories for the human/machineinterface (keyboard drawers, TFT monitors,Cat. 32, p. 1115keyboards)Server cooling with LCP:Horizontal cold air routing, nothermal pressure on the room,cost-effective, central recooling(19)<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control25
<strong>System</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for final assembly and handling systemsAir versus heatEven in apparently non-critical ambient conditions, for example when there is anadequate supply of clean, cool air, it is still worthwhile to provide <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>.Here too, the aim is to achieve maximum reliability with exceptional efficiency.Reliability and efficiency with fan-and-filter units: Temperature-dependent speed<strong>control</strong> plus temperature and airflow monitoring.Reliability and efficiency with air/air heat exchangers: Thanks to separate aircircuits (external/internal), dust remains excluded, while a micro-<strong>control</strong>lerprovides temperature-dependent <strong>control</strong> and monitoring of key parameters.The benefit to you: Efficient reliability at all times.<strong>System</strong> solutions/final assembly, handling systemsFan-and-filter unitsFan-and-filter units are ideal fordissipating heat loads cost-effectively.● The prerequisite is that the ambientair must be relatively clean with atemperature below the desiredenclosure internal temperature.● The entire range of fan-and-filterunits is also available with EMCshielding.Air/air heat exchangersThe requirement for using air/air heatexchangers is that the ambient temperaturemust be below the required enclosure internaltemperature.● Dust and contaminated ambient air isunable to ingress the enclosure, thanksto the two separate air circuits.Machine, process andenclosure cooling● Operational reliability thanksto liquid cooling e.g. of highfrequencymotor spindles andother drive technology.● Precise workpiece machiningthanks to precise, constanttemperatures of the cooling media.● In this way, temperature peaksinside enclosures – for example,in summer – can be effectivelydissipated via air/water heatexchangers.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control27
<strong>System</strong> example<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for final assembly/handling systems<strong>System</strong> exampleA1 243513121514B1161881092324252631D17161819222021C30282729B 7<strong>System</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>for final assembly and handlingsystemsAir versus heat – Even in non-criticalambient conditions, it is still worthwhileproviding systematic <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>.Here too, the aim is to achieve maximumreliability with exceptional efficiency.Control of production plant and handlingsystems AReliability and efficiency with air/air heatexchangers (1) to cool the free-standingenclosures ES 5000 (3).● Thanks to separate air circuits (external/internal), dust is unable to ingress.● A high operating ratio and minimalcleaning required.● Monitoring of key parameters via a micro<strong>control</strong>ler.Robot: Effective liquid cooling of<strong>control</strong>ler and process BA central recooling system (7) “kills twobirds with one stone”:● Effective cooling of the PC case (8)via air/water heat exchangers (6).● Precise cooling of machine spindlesand/or welding heads.Machine operation,quality assurance CReliability and efficiency thanks to fan-andfilterunits (21) for Industrial Workstations IW(20):● Temperature-dependent speed <strong>control</strong>.● Temperature and airflow monitoring.Exceptionally energy-efficient cooling ofcommand panels with thermoelectriccoolers (17).Control room DThe aim is to minimise the level of noisepollution in offices:● This can be achieved with Office roofmountedfans (24) and speed-<strong>control</strong>ledfan-and-filter units (27).● Zero emissions of heat and noise, thanksto a liquid cooling concept.28 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> example<strong>Rittal</strong> system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for final assembly/handling systemsA12345Control of production plant and handling systemsComponentsPageAir/air heat exchangers, wall-mounted 62Alternatively or additionally: <strong>Rittal</strong> TopTherm-Pluscooling units, wall-mounted83Free-standing enclosure ES 5000 Cat. 32, p. 154Viewing window Cat. 32, p. 944<strong>System</strong> accessories (base/plinth, cable entry andinterior installation)Cat. 32, p. 890Platform concept:Air/air heat exchangers, wallmounted,have the samemounting interface asTopTherm-Plus (1, 2)<strong>System</strong> exampleB6789101112131415Robot <strong>control</strong> and process coolingComponentsAir/water heat exchanger, wall-mountedon the rear door of the PC caseRecooling system for central enclosure and processcoolingPage104116PS enclosure system, based on TS 8 Cat. 32, p. 168Base/plinth for PC case system Cat. 32, p. 892Bus enclosure Cat. 32, p. 120Signal pillar (in conjunction with CMC-TC) Cat. 32, p. 1125<strong>Rittal</strong> Comfort Panel command panel Cat. 32, p. 192Monitors, keyboards, handles for Comfort Panel Cat. 32, p. 1133CP-L support arm system for Comfort Panel Cat. 32, p. 250Thermoelectric cooler for Comfort Panel 97Recooling system forcentral enclosure andprocess cooling (7)C1617181920212223Machine operation, quality assuranceComponentsPage<strong>Rittal</strong> Comfort Panel command panel Cat. 32, p. 192Thermoelectric cooler for Comfort Panel 97Monitors, keyboards, handles for Comfort Panel Cat. 32, p. 1133CP-L support arm system for Comfort Panel Cat. 32, p. 250Industrial workstation IW Cat. 32, p. 172Fan-and-filter unit, speed-<strong>control</strong>led 44Optipanel with TFT monitor, CP-S support armsystemCat. 32, p. 204Compact Panel, CP-S support arm system Cat. 32, p. 231Thermoelectric cooler forComfort Panel (15, 17)D2425262728293031Control roomComponentsPageOffice roof-mounted fans for network enclosures 55Network enclosures, based on TS 8 Cat. 32, p. 745<strong>System</strong> accessories for IT (patch panels,component shelves)Cat. 32, p. 1013EMC fan-and-filter units for console systems 48TopConsole system Cat. 32, p. 156<strong>System</strong> accessories for consoles (base/plinth,interior installation)Cat. 32, p. 890<strong>System</strong> accessories for the human/machineinterface (keyboard drawers, TFT monitors,keyboards)CMC-TC for monitoringaccess, <strong>climate</strong>, power supplyCat. 32, p. 1115Cat. 32, p. 806Effective cooling, on requestwith RF shielding:EMC fan-and-filter unit (27)<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control29
Project planningBasic principles for the use of <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> components from page 32Guide to selecting suitable units.......................................................32Heat dissipation ................................................................................33Calculation basis for enclosure <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>................................34Cooling with ambient air from page 35Fan-and-filter units ............................................................................35Air/air heat exchangers.....................................................................35Project planning software .................................................................34Interactive performance diagrams ...................................................34Project planningCooling units from page 36Condensation and dehumidification of the enclosure air .................36Practical tips .....................................................................................36Liquid cooling IE/IT from page 37Air/water heat exchangers................................................................37Notes on water quality ......................................................................37Recooling systems/chillers ...............................................................38Cooling water....................................................................................38Form for designing recooling systems .............................................38Enclosure heaters from page 39Heating performance diagram..........................................................39<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control31
Project planningBasic principles for the use of <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> componentsProject planningGuide to selecting suitable unitsAs electronic components become ever smaller and aremore densely packed in enclosures and electronic cases,systems are becoming increasingly sensitive to externalfactors such as dust, oil, moisture and temperature.Heat in particular is a deadly enemy of sensitivemicroelectronics.For example, a general rule of thumb for semi-conductorsis that an increase in the operating temperature of 10°C,in relation to the maximum permissible operatingtemperature, will shorten its service life by half.In order to guarantee proper functioning of the electronics,this heat needs to be dissipated.Heat conductionConvectionRadiationAmbient conditionsHeatDustEnclosure interiorproblemsHeat lossCondensateThere are three basic forms of heat transfer:Thermal conduction:Heat is transported by matter, without the matter itself beingmoved. The energy is passed from particle to particle.Convection:Energy flows with the matter. The transport medium, e.g. aliquid or gas, takes up energy in the form of heat anddissipates energy as heat.Radiation:Heat is passed from one body to another in the form ofradiation energy, without a medium material.The decisive factor for the type of heat dissipation to be usedin enclosures is whether they are open (air-permeable) orclosed (air-tight). Whereas in open enclosures, the heat isdissipated by means of air circulation, in closed enclosuresthe heat can only be dissipated via the enclosure wall.<strong>Rittal</strong> cooling units provide the ideal system solution forensuring an optimum operating temperature inside an airtightenclosure, even at high external temperatures.On the following pages, you will find a chronologicalguide to help you to easily find the mostsuitable <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> solution.Cool32 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Project planningFast selectionHeat dissipationBefore you start, please consider your peripheralconditions such as external temperature, internaltemperature and protection category.In order to achieve targeted, effective cooling, it is importantto ensure correct calculation of the required <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>components and possible thermal analysis using computerassistedflow models (CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics).Basic selection:T i target > T u max.Protection categoryIP 54 importantYesNoIntegrated louvres, air inlet/outlet grilleRoof ventilation, fan-and-filter unitAir/air heat exchangerProject planningT i target < or = T u max.Cooling water cycleavailable at theinstallation siteNoYesAir/water heat exchangerRecooling systemCooling unitT i = Required internal temperature of enclosure [°C]T u = Ambient temperature of enclosure [°C]The following pages contain detailed calculation formulae for your chosen option.Calculation of effective enclosure surface areaOf the variables required for calculation purposes, the effectiveenclosure surface area A requires special explanation.The thermal output dissipated by the enclosure not onlydepends on its actual surface area; the installation type ofthe enclosure also plays a decisive role.An enclosure which stands in a room unobstructed on allsides may dissipate more heat than one sited against a wallor in a niche. For this reason, there are precise specificationson how to calculate the effective enclosure surface areadepending on the type of installation site. The formulaefor calculating A are specified in DIN 57 660, part 500 andIEC 890 (see table below).Enclosure installation type to IEC 890Single enclosure, free-standing on all sidesSingle enclosure for wall mountingFirst or last enclosure in a suite, free-standingInstallation typeto IEC 890First or last enclosure in a suite, for wallmountingEnclosure within a suite, free-standingFormula for calculating A [m 2 ]A = 1.8 x H x (W + D)A = 1.4 x W x (H + D)A = 1.4 x D x (H + W)A = 1.4 x H x (W + D)A = 1.8 x W x HA = 1.4 x W x (H + D)A = 1.4 x W x HA = Effective enclosure surface areaW = Enclosure width [m]H = Enclosure height [m]D = Enclosure depth [m]Enclosure within a suite, for wall mountingEnclosure within a suite, for wall mounting,covered roof surfaces+ 1.4 x W x D+ 1.8 x D x H+ 1.8 x W x H+ 1.4 x W x D+ 1.4 x W x D + D x H+ D x H+ 0.7 x W x D + D x H<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control33
Project planningGeneral informationProject planningCalculation basis for enclosure <strong>climate</strong><strong>control</strong>In natural convection, heat loss is dissipated to the outsidevia the enclosure panels. The prerequisite for this is that theambient temperature must be lower than the temperatureinside the enclosure. The maximum temperature increase(ΔT) max. which may occur inside an enclosure compared withthe ambient air is calculated as follows:.(ΔT) max. = QVk ANote:If the heat loss inside the enclosure is not known, thisbasic formula can be used to calculate actual heat loss,by measuring the ambient temperature T u and the enclosureinternal temperature T i.Q V = Heat loss installed in the enclosure [W].Q S = Heat . emitted by the enclosure surface [W]Q.S > 0: Radiation (T i > T u)Q S < 0: Irradiation (T i < T u).Q E = Required cooling output of an enclosure cooling unit [W].Q H = Required thermal output of an enclosure heater [W]q w = Specific thermal output of a heat exchanger [W/K].V = Required volumetric air flow of a fan-and-filter unit tomaintain the maximum permissible temperature differencebetween the extracted air and the emitted air [m 3 /h]ΔT =T i – T u = Max. admissible temperature difference [K]A = Effective, heat loss-dissipating enclosure surface area toIEC 890 [m 2 ]k = Heat transfer coefficient [W/m 2 K]for sheet steel k = 5.5 W/m 2 K.Q S = A k ΔT (watts)Project planning software<strong>Rittal</strong> ThermMake calculation even easier and faster by using our projectplanning software <strong>Rittal</strong> Therm.Model No. see page 195.EPLAN CabinetTool for the planning of enclosures and defining data for<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> calculations.Order information see page 195.Interactive performance diagramsInteractive performance diagrams may be found on theInternet at www.rittal.com on the respective component datasheets in the “Downloads” section, under the heading“Characteristic curve”.Enter your required interior temperature and the maximumexterior temperature in the relevant boxes, then click on“Calculate”. The heat loss that may be dissipated underthese conditions will be displayed.34 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Project planningFan-and-filter units, air/air heat exchangersFan-and-filter unitsThe following applies when calculating the volumetric air flow:..V = f QVΔTPerformance diagram SK 3325. . . .ΔPst140120100806050 Hz60 HzProject planning402000100 200 300V ..V = Volumetric flow (m 3 /h)ΔP st = Stat. pressure difference(P a)f = 3.1 m 3 K/Wh at h = ( 0 to 100)f = 3.2 m 3 K/Wh at h = (100 to 250)f = 3.3 m 3 K/Wh at h = (250 to 500)f = 3.4 m 3 K/Wh at h = (500 to 750)f = 3.5 m 3 K/Wh at h = (750 to 1000)f = Compensating factorh = Height above sea level [m].QV30002500200015001000800600500400300200Selection diagramΔ T 40 KΔ T 35 K Δ T 30 KΔ T 25 KΔ T 20 KΔ T 15 KΔ T 10 KΔ T 5 K10010 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 60080030 50 70 90 300 500 700V ..V = Volumetric flow (m 3 /h).Q V = Heat loss (W)The styling of thevent louvres in <strong>Rittal</strong>fan-and-filter unitsguarantees exemplarystability of the air volumesin relation topressure loss. Thecorrect fan-and-filterunit has been chosenif the specified heatloss is dissipatedwhilst complying withthe desired maximumenclosure internaltemperature.Air/air heat exchangersCalculate the specific thermal outputof the heat exchanger:.QV – (A ΔT k)q w =ΔTSelection diagramΔT304050252015105 0121086420A60703000 2000 1000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80.QVΔT = Temperature difference (K).Q V = Heat loss (W)q w = Specific thermal output (W/K)A = Enclosure surface area to IEC 890 (m 2 )k = Heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2 K)for sheet steel k = 5.5 W/m 2 K<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate ControlqwNote:For ambient temperatures that are lower than the desiredenclosure internal temperature, the use of air/air heatexchangers may be appropriate, particularly in cases wherethere are dust, oil and aggressive substances in the ambientair which must not be allowed to ingress the enclosure underany circumstances.35
Project planningCooling unitsCooling unitsMollier h-x diagramfor calculating the water content of air.x0 5 10 15 20 25x2x15030 35 404510%Project planningCalculate your required cooling output.. .Q E = Q V – k A ΔTT4035302520151020%30%40%50%80%60%70%➀90%100%5Condensation and dehumidification of enclosure airwhen using cooling unitsOne unavoidable side-effect of using cooling units is thedehumidification of the enclosure’s interior air. As it coolsdown, part of the humidity contained in the air condenseson the evaporator coil. This condensate must be reliablydischarged from the enclosure. The amount of condensateoccurring depends on relative humidity, the air temperatureinside the enclosure and on the evaporator coil, and the airvolume present in the enclosure. The Mollier h-x diagramshows the water content of air depending on its temperatureand relative air humidity.0– 5– 10– 15– 2005 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55P d = Water vapour partial pressure (mbar)T = Air temperature (°C)x = Water content (g/kg dry air)➀ = Relative humidityPd60Practical tipsIn all situations where optimum operating temperaturesare required inside an enclosure, even at high externaltemperatures, a <strong>Rittal</strong> enclosure cooling unit can providethe right solution. It is even possible to cool the interiortemperature of the enclosure to well below the ambienttemperature.The favourable aerodynamic arrangement of the air inlet andoutlet openings in the internal and external circuits ensuresoptimum air circulation inside the enclosure. This samplecalculation will show you a quick, time-saving method forcalculating a cooling unit.For example:A cooling unit with a refrigeration output of 1500 wattscommences operation with a temperature setting ofT i = 35°C.The relative ambient air humidity is 70 %. If air at 35°C ispassed over the evaporator coil, the surface temperatureof the evaporator coil (evaporation temperature of therefrigerant) is approximately 18°C.At the boundary layer adhering to the surface of theevaporator coil, water is deposited at the dew point. Thedifference Δx =x 1 – x 2 indicates how much condensation isincurred per kg of air with complete dehumidification. Theleak-tightness of the enclosure has a decisive effect on thequantity of condensation.The quantity of condensation is calculated from the followingequation:W = V ρ ΔxW = Water quantity in gV = Volume of the enclosure in m 3ρ = Density of air kg/m 3Δx = Difference of water content in g/kg dry air(from the Mollier h-x diagram)Enclosure door closed:Only the enclosure volume is dehumidified.V =width height depth = 0.6 m 2 m 0.5 mV = 0.6 m 3W =V ρ Δx= 0.6 m 3 1.2 kg/m 3 11 g/kgW = 7.92 g 8 mlPoorly sealed cable designs, damaged door seals and theattachment of display media to enclosure surfaces lead toincreased rates of leakage in the enclosure. Hence, with aleakage rate of, say, 5 m 3 /h, a continuous condensatevolume of up to 80 ml/h may occur.Summary:Enclosure cooling units should only operate with the doorclosed.● Seal the enclosure on all sides.● Use a door limit switch.● Use TÜV-tested equipment.● Only set the enclosure internal temperature as low as isactually needed.36 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Project planningAir/water heat exchangersAir/water heat exchangersCalculate your required cooling output:. .Q E = Q V – k A ΔTe.g. performance diagramAir/water heat exchanger 1000 W17501500125045°C.VW = 400 l/h.VW = 200 l/h.VW = 100 l/hProject planning.QK100035°C75025°C500250510 15 20 25 30TiTWT w = Water inlet temperature (°C).Q K = Continuous useful cooling output (W)T i = Enclosure internal temperature (°C)Notes on water qualityFor safe operation of the equipment, it is essential to observethe VGB guidelines on cooling water (VGB-R 455 P).Cooling water must not contain any limescale deposits orloose debris; in other words, it should have a low level ofhardness, particularly a low level of calcium hardness. Forrecooling within the plant, the calcium hardness should notbe too high. On the other hand, however, the water shouldnot be so soft that it attacks the operating materials. Whenrecooling the cooling water, the salt content should not beallowed to increase excessively due to the evaporation oflarge quantities of water, since electrical conductivityincreases as the concentration of dissolved substancesrises, and the water thereby becomes more corrosive. Forthis reason, not only is it always necessary to add acorresponding quantity of fresh water, but also to removepart of the enriched water.Gypsiferous water is unsuitable for cooling purposesbecause it has a tendency to form boiler scale, which isparticularly difficult to remove. Furthermore, cooling watershould be free from iron and manganese, because otherwisedeposits may occur which settle in the pipes and block them.At best, organic substances should only be present in smallquantities, because otherwise sludge deposits andmicrobiological contamination may occur.Material of the water-carrying partsHydrological data CuAl V4A 1)pH value 7 – 8.5 6 – 9Calcium hardness > 3 < 8° dH 1 – 12° dHFree carbonic acid 8 – 15 mg/dm 3 1 – 100 mg/dm 3Accompanying carbonic acid 8 – 15 mg/dm 3 freeAggressive carbonic acid 0 mg/dm 3 0 – 400 mg/dm 3Sulphides free freeOxygen < 10 mg/dm 3 < 10 mg/dm 3Chloride ions < 50 mg/dm 3 < 200 mg/dm 3Sulphate ions < 250 mg/dm 3 < 500 mg/dm 3Nitrates and nitrites < 10 mg/dm 3 < 100 mg/dm 3COD < 7 mg/dm 3 < 40 mg/dm 3Ammonia < 5 mg/dm 3 < 20 mg/dm 3Iron < 0.2 mg/dm 3 freeManganese < 0.2 mg/dm 3 freeConductivity < 2200 μS/cm < 4000 μS/cmResidue on evaporation < 500 mg/dm 3 < 200 mg/dm 3Potassium permanganateconsumption< 25 mg/dm 3 < 40 mg/dm 3< 3 mg/dm 3> 3 < 15 mg/dm 3 partial currentSuspended matterpurification recommended> 15 mg/dm 3 continuous purificationrecommended1)The complete absence of corrosion under experimental conditions suggeststhat solutions with a significantly higher salt content and greater corrosionpotential (such as seawater) may still be tolerated.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control37
Project planningRecooling systems/chillersRecooling systems/chillersRecooling systems may be used in all situations where ahigh cooling load is required, e.g. in process and machinecooling, in media cooling or when dissipating heat loss fromenclosures via air/water heat exchangers.Project planningOur project engineers will be happy to help you designa recooling system for your specific application area. Anoverview of the planning data required for this purposecan also be found on the Internet at www.rittal.com in thesection on system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>/process and machinecooling.Cooling waterPreparation and maintenance of the water in recoolingsystemsDepending on the type of installation to be cooled, certainrequirements are placed on the cooling water with respectto purity. According to the level of contamination and the sizeand design of the recooling systems, a suitable process isused to prepare and/or maintain the water.The most common types of contamination and mostfrequently used techniques to eliminate them in industrialcooling are:Contamination of the waterMechanical contaminationExcessive hardnessModerate content of mechanicalcontaminants and hardenersModerate content of chemicalcontaminantsBiological contaminants, slimebacteria and algaeProcedureFiltering of water via– Mesh filter– Gravel filter– Cartridge filter– Precoated filterWater softening viaion exchangeAddition of stabilisers and/ordispersing agents to the waterAddition of passifiers and/orinhibitors to the waterAddition of biocides to the waterForm for designing recooling systemsSimply tick the type of system, and select or enter the criteriato suit your requirements. Please also include your name,company and address. Once you have completed the form,you can generate a PDF to print out or send via e-mail as anenquiry. The form for the design of recooling systems may befound on the Internet at:www.rittal.com–> Products–> <strong>System</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>–> Product portfolio–> Process and machine cooling–> Recooling systems–> Form for designing recooling systems38 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Project planningEnclosure heatersEnclosure heatersThe required thermal output is calculated from:.Q H = A ΔT kHeating performance diagramA1086543257.510152030ΔTProject planning21.5110 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 300 500.Q H.Q H = Thermal output (W)A = Enclosure surface area to IEC 890 (m 2 )ΔT = Temperature difference (K)Based on:Interior siting, static air, heat transfer coefficient k = 5.5 W/m 2 KFor exterior siting (moving air):Double the determined thermal output<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control39
Cooling with ambient airFan-and-filter units from page 42 Fan-and-filter units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20/55 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 44 Fan-and-filter units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105/180 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 45 Fan-and-filter units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 46 Fan-and-filter units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550/700 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 47 Fan-and-filter units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 – 105 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 48 Fan-and-filter units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 – 700 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 49Rack-mounted fans from page 50 for 482.6 mm (19˝) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320/480 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 52Tangential fans from page 50 for 482.6 mm (19˝) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 53Cooling with ambient airFan systems from page 50 RTT roof-mounted fan and vent attachment. . . . . 400/800 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 54 Roof-mounted fan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 54 Roof-mounted fan for the office sector. . . . . . . . . . . 1500 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 55 Enclosure internal fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 55 Fan mounting plate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 56Fan expansion kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108/184 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 56 Fan mounting plate DC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 57 Fan roof, modular, two-piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 58 Fan unit, active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 58 Door-mounted fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 59 Fan expansion kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 m 3 /h. . . . . . . . 59With EMC shieldingStandardised installation482.6 mm (19˝) installationInterchangeable airflowdirectionPassive ventilationAir/air heat exchangers from page 60 Wall-mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12/62 W/K. . . . . . . . 62 Wall-mounted with <strong>control</strong>ler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.5 to 90 W/K. . . . . . . . 63 Wall-mounted, railway-compatible version . . . . . .27 to 98 W/K. . . . . . . . 64 Roof-mounted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 W/K. . . . . . . . 65Standardised installationWall-mounted24 V DC and 110 V DCSuitable for command panelsRoof-mounted<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control41
Fan-and-filter unitsFan-and-filter unitsFan-and-filter units are ideal for dissipating heat loadscost-effectively. The prerequisite is that the ambient airmust be relatively clean with a temperature below thedesired enclosure internal temperature. The entirerange of fan-and-filter units is now also available withEMC shielding and all required rated voltages.42 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Aesthetics andfunctionTypical of the <strong>Rittal</strong> fan-and-filterunit design is the extremely lowbuild height. The super-slimlinevent grille guarantees optimumair throughput with low noisegeneration. Combined with thetechnical features, <strong>Rittal</strong> fan-andfilterunits meet all applicationrequirements.Fast assemblySuper-fast clip-on mountingThis guarantees fast, completely secureattachment of the fan-and-filter unit. Theprerequisites for protection categoryIP 54 are met as standard. Screws are notrequired. Removal of the louvred grille, likewisewithout any screws, means that filtermat changes can be achieved in next to notime.Draw-in or extract?The air direction may be quickly reversedfrom draw-in (default setting) to extracting.Simply rotate the fan through 180°.Application diversity andfunctionsParticularly for applications in the foodindustry, the hose-proof hood prevents theingress of damp. The protection categoryof IP 56 is achieved in conjunction with filtermats.Not always full power!At lower ambient temperatures, the airthroughput may be reduced. By adaptingthe fan-and-filter speed to match thetemperature using a <strong>control</strong>ler, noisegeneration is reduced.Also available with EMC shieldingAll fan-and-filter units and outlet filters arealternatively available with EMC shielding.The required conductive connection isachieved via a metallic coating on the fanand-filterunit housing and a special sealingframe.Fan-and-filter unitsBenefits at a glance● Air throughput from 20 m 3 /h to 700 m 3 /h● Super-fast assembly● IP 54 as standard● Air flow direction may be reversed fromdraw-in (default setting) to extracting● All fans also available with EMC shielding● Minimal installation depth● Fan also bayableImportant● The prescribed heat loss and themaximum anticipated ambienttemperature define the requiredvolumetric flow● Always use the fan-and-filter unitsand outlet filters togetherTips and tricksApplications see page 198Selection criteria see page 199Assembly see page 200<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control43
Fan-and-filter unitsAir throughput 20/55 m 3 /hB2T2T1H1H2B1B = WidthT = DepthFan-and-filter unitsSupply includes:Fan-and-filter units ready forinstallation, including filter mats.German registered designno. M 93 04 846Approvals,see page 272.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK fan-and-filter unit 3321.107 3321.117 3321.027 3321.047 1) 3322.107 3322.117 3322.027 3322.047 1)Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 24 (DC) 48 (DC) 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 24 (DC) 48 (DC)Dimensions in mmB1/H1 116.5 148.5B2/H2 92 + 0.8 2) 124 2)T1 10 10.5Max. installation depth mm T2 42 57Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 20/25 m 3 /h 20 m 3 /h 55/66 m 3 /h 55 m 3 /hAir throughput with outlet filterincluding standard filter mat1 x SK 3321.207: 15/18 m 3 /h 1 x SK 3322.207: 43/50 m 3 /hAxial fanSelf-startingshaded pole motorDC motorSelf-startingshaded pole motorDC motorRated current max.69 mA 138 mA0.12 A 0.24 A125 mA 90 mA58 mA 115 mA0.11 A 0.23 A170 mA 90 mAPower 12.5 W/10.3 W 3.0 W 4.1 W 19.0 W/18.0 W 4.0 W 4.4 WNoise level 41/46 dB (A) 41 dB (A) 46/49 dB (A) 42 dB (A)Temperature range–10°C to +55°CColour RAL 7035 3)Protection category to EN 60 529IP 54 standardIP 56 when using a hose-proof hoodModel No. SK outlet filter 3321.207 3322.207Accessories Packs of PageSpare filter mats 5 3321.700 3322.700 191Thermostat 1 3110.000 178Temperature indicator 1 3114.100 3114.115 3114.024 – 3114.100 3114.115 3114.024 – 177Speed <strong>control</strong> 1 3120.000 3120.115 – – 3120.000 3120.115 – – 179Hose-proof hood 1 3321.800 3322.800 1931)Delivery times on request.2) For metal thickness > 2.5 mm the cut-out B2/H2 must be 1 mm larger.3)RAL 7032 on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 EMC-protected design Page 48 Configuration software Page 19544 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Fan-and-filter unitsAir throughput 105/180 m 3 /hB2T2T1H1H2B1Supply includes:Fan-and-filter units ready forinstallation, including filter mats.German registered designno. M 93 04 846B = WidthT = DepthApprovals,see page 272.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Fan-and-filter unitsModel No. SK fan-and-filter unit 3323.107 3323.117 3323.027 3323.047 1) 3324.107 3324.117 3324.027 3324.047 1)Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 24 (DC) 48 (DC) 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 24 (DC) 48 (DC)Dimensions in mmB1/H1 204 255B2/H2 177 2) 224 2)T1 12.5 12.5Max. installation depth mm T2 82.5 105Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 105/120 m 3 /h 105 m 3 /h 180/160 m 3 /h 180 m 3 /hAir throughput with outlet filterincluding standard filter mat1 x SK 3323.207: 71/82 m 3 /h2 x SK 3323.207: 85/98 m 3 /h1 x SK 3325.207: 78/90 m 3 /h1 x SK 3325.207: 115/95 m 3 /h2 x SK 3325.207: 165/140 m 3 /h1 x SK 3326.207: 155/130 m 3 /hAxial fanSelf-startingshaded pole motorDC motorSelf-startingshaded pole motorDC motorRated current max.0.12 A 0.24 A0.19 A 0.38 A170 mA 90 mA0.11 A 0.23 A0.20 A 0.40 A0.3 A 0.34 APower 19.0 W/18.0 W 4.0 W 4.3 W 30.0 W/35.0 W 7.2 W 14.0 WNoise level 46/49 dB (A) 42 dB (A) 52/48 dB (A) 52 dB (A)Temperature range–10°C to +55°CColour RAL 7035 3)IP 54 standardProtection category to EN 60 529IP 55 when using an additional fine filter matIP 56 when using an additional fine filter mat and hose-proof hoodModel No. SK outlet filter 3323.207 3325.207Accessories Packs of PageSpare filter mats 5 3171.100 3172.100 191Fine filter mats 5 3181.100 3182.100 191Thermostat 1 3110.000 178Temperature indicator 1 3114.100 3114.115 3114.024 – 3114.100 3114.115 3114.024 – 177Speed <strong>control</strong> 1 3120.000 3120.115 – – 3120.000 3120.115 – – 179Hose-proof hood 1 3323.800 3324.800 1931)Delivery times available on request.2) For metal thickness > 2.5 mm, the cut-out B2/H2 must be 1 mm larger.3) RAL 7032 on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 EMC-protected design Page 48 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control45
Fan-and-filter unitsAir throughput 230 m 3 /hB2T2T1H1H2B1B = WidthT = DepthFan-and-filter unitsSupply includes:Fan-and-filter units ready forinstallation, including filter mats.German registered designno. M 93 04 846Approvals,see page 272.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK fan-and-filter unit 3325.107 3325.117 3325.027 3325.047 1)Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 24 (DC) 48 (DC)Dimensions in mmB1/H1 255B2/H2 224 2)T1 12.5Max. installation depth mm T2 105Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 230/265 m 3 /h 230 m 3 /hAir throughput with outlet filterincluding standard filter mat1 x SK 3325.207: 170/205 m 3 /h2 x SK 3325.207: 200/230 m 3 /h1 x SK 3326.207: 190/215 m 3 /hAxial fan Self-starting shaded pole motor DC motorRated current max.0.28 A0.53 A0.24 A0.49 A0.59 A 0.31 APower 41.0 W/38.0 W 14.0 W 15.0 WNoise level 54/56 dB (A) 54 dB (A)Temperature range–10°C to +55°CColour RAL 7035 3)Protection categoryto EN 60 529IP 54 standardIP 55 when using an additional fine filter matIP 56 when using an additional fine filter mat and hose-proof hoodModel No. SK outlet filter 3325.207Accessories Packs of PageSpare filter mats 5 3172.100 191Fine filter mats 5 3182.100 191Thermostat 1 3110.000 178Temperature indicator 1 3114.100 3114.115 3114.024 – 177Speed <strong>control</strong> 1 3120.000 3120.115 – – 179Hose-proof hood 1 3324.800 1931) Delivery times available on request.2)For metal thickness > 2.5 mm, the cut-out B2/H2 must be 1 mm larger.3) RAL 7032 on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 EMC-protected design Page 48 Configuration software Page 19546 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Fan-and-filter unitsAir throughput 550/700 m 3 /hB2T2T1H1H2B1B = WidthT = DepthSupply includes:Fan-and-filter units ready forinstallation, including filter mats.German registered designno. M 93 04 846Approvals,see page 272.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Fan-and-filter unitsModel No. SK fan-and-filter unit 3326.107 3326.117 3327.107 3327.117 3327.147Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 400/460, 3~, 50/60Dimensions in mmB1/H1 323B2/H2 292 1)T1 12.5Max. installation depth mm T2 129 145Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 550/600 m 3 /h 700/720 m 3 /hAir throughput with outlet filterincluding standard filter mat1 x SK 3326.207: 360/390 m 3 /h2 x SK 3326.207: 440/495 m 3 /h1 x SK 3326.207: 525/575 m 3 /hAxial fan Capacitor motor Rotary current motorRated current max.0.29 A0.58 A0.65 A1.5 A0.27 A0.35 A0.70 A0.95 A2.0 A0.37 APower 64.0 W/80.0 W 115.0 W/212.0 W 167.0 W/230.0 W 146.0 W/220.0 WNoise level 59/61 dB (A) 75/76 dB (A)Temperature range–10°C to +55°CColour RAL 7035 2)Protection categoryto EN 60 529IP 54 standardIP 55 when using an additional fine filter matIP 56 when using an additional fine filter mat and hose-proof hoodModel No. SK outlet filter 3326.207Accessories Packs of PageSpare filter mats 5 3173.100 3327.700 191Fine filter mats 5 3183.100 191Thermostat 1 3110.000 – 178Temperature indicator 1 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 3114.115 – 177Speed <strong>control</strong> 1 3120.000 3120.115 3120.000 – – 179Hose-proof hood 1 3326.800 1931)For metal thickness > 2.5 mm, the cut-out B2/H2 must be 1 mm larger.2) RAL 7032 on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 EMC-protected design Page 48 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control47
Fan-and-filter units – EMCAir throughput 20 – 105 m 3 /hB2T2T1H1H2B1Fan-and-filter units – EMCSupply includes:Complete fan-and-filter unitsready for installation,including drilling template, filtermat and assembly parts.Approvals,see page 273.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.B = WidthT = DepthModel No. SK fan-and-filter unit 3321.607 3321.617 1) 3322.607 3322.617 1) 3323.607 3323.617 1)Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 230, 50/60 115, 50/60Dimensions in mmB1/H1 116.5 148.5 204B2/H2 92 + 0.8 2) 124 2) 177 2)T1 10 10.5 12.5Max. installation depth mm T2 42 57 82.5Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 20/25 m 3 /h 55/66 m 3 /h 105/120 m 3 /hAir throughput with outlet filterincluding standard filter mat1 x 3321.267: 15/18 m 3 /h1 x 3322.267: 43/50 m 3 /h2 x 3322.267: 48/55 m 3 /h1 x 3323.267: 48/55 m 3 /h1 x 3323.267: 71/82 m 3 /h2 x 3323.267: 85/98 m 3 /h1 x 3325.267: 78/90 m 3 /hAxial fanRated current max.Self-starting shaded pole motor69 mA/58 mA138 mA/115 mAPower 12.5 W/10.3 W 19.0 W/18.0 WNoise level 41/46 dB (A) 46/49 dB (A)Temperature range–10°C to +55°CColour RAL 7035 3)Protection category to EN 60 529IP 54 standardModel No. SK outlet filter – EMC 3321.267 3322.267 3323.267Accessories Packs of PageSpare filter mats 5 3321.700 3322.700 3171.100 191Fine filter mats 5 – 3181.100 191Thermostat 1 3110.000 178Temperature indicator 1 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 3114.115 177Speed <strong>control</strong> 1 3120.000 3120.115 3120.000 3120.115 3120.000 3120.115 179Hose-proof hood 1 3321.800 3322.800 3323.800 1931) Delivery times available on request.2)For metal thickness > 2.5 mm, the cut-out B2/H2 must be 1 mm larger.3) RAL 7032 on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.0.12 A/0.11 A0.24 A/0.23 A0.12 A/0.11 A0.24 A/0.23 AAccessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19548 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Fan-and-filter units – EMCAir throughput 180 – 700 m 3 /hB2T2T1H1H2B1Supply includes:Complete fan-and-filter unitsready for installation,including drilling template, filtermat and assembly parts.Approvals,see page 273.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.B = WidthT = DepthFan-and-filter units – EMCModel No. SK fan-and-filter unit 3324.607 3324.617 1) 3325.607 3325.617 1) 3326.607 3326.617 1) 3327.607 3327.617 1)Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 230, 50/60 115, 50/60Dimensions in mmB1/H1 255 323B2/H2 224 2) 292 2)T1 12.5 12.5Max. installation depth mm T2 105 129 145Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 180/160 m 3 /h 230/265 m 3 /h 550/600 m 3 /h 700/720 m 3 /hAir throughput with outlet filterincluding standard filter mat1 x 3325.267:115/95 m 3 /h2 x 3325.267:165/140 m 3 /h1 x 3326.267:155/130 m 3 /h1 x 3325.267:170/205 m 3 /h2 x 3325.267:200/230 m 3 /h1 x 3326.267:190/215 m 3 /h1 x 3325.267:170/205 m 3 /h2 x 3325.267:200/230 m 3 /h1 x 3326.267:360/390 m 3 /h1 x 3326.267:525/575 m 3 /hAxial fan Self-starting shaded pole motor Capacitor motor0.19 A/ 0.38 A/ 0.28 A/ 0.53 A/ 0.29 A/ 0.58 A/Rated current max.0.20 A 0.40 A 0.24 A 0.49 A 0.35 A 0.70 APower30.0 W/35.0 W41.0 W/38.0 W64.0 W/80.0 W0.65 A/0.95 A155.0 W/212.0 W1.50 A/2.00 A167.0 W/230.0 WNoise level 52/48 dB (A) 54/56 dB (A) 59/61 dB (A) 75/76 dB (A)Temperature range–10°C to +55°CColour RAL 7035 3)Protection category to EN 60 529IP 54 standardModel No. SK outlet filter – EMC 3325.267 3326.267Accessories Packs of PageSpare filter mats 5 3172.100 3173.100 3327.700 191Fine filter mats 5 3182.100 3183.100 191Thermostat 1 3110.000 178Temperature indicator 1 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 3114.115 177Speed <strong>control</strong> 1 3120.000 3120.115 3120.000 3120.115 3120.000 3120.115 3120.000 3120.115 179Hose-proof hood 1 3324.800 3326.800 1931) Delivery times available on request.2) For metal thickness > 2.5 mm, the cut-out B2/H2 must be 1 mm larger.3) RAL 7032 on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control49
Rack-mounted/tangential fans,fan systemsRack-mounted/tangential fans, fan systemsAll rack-mounted <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> components are fitteddirectly onto the 482.6 mm (19˝) mounting level forsubracks. Positioning directly beneath the electroniccomponents ensures effective cooling, and preventsthe formation of hot-spots.Ready-to-use, wired modules equipped with fans fornumerous <strong>Rittal</strong> enclosure system platforms offereffective air throughput and minimal assembly work.Fan roofs, door-mounted fans for server enclosures,internal fan mounting panels and enclosure internalfans are all available.50 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Rack-mounted fanmoduleThe rack-mounted fan slides intothe guide frame like a drawer.Connectors on the rear ensureimmediate contact. Installationoptions for the guide frame:Directly in the subrack, viatwo mounting brackets on the482.6 mm (19˝) mounting angles.Ideal for avoiding hot-spots in fullypopulated enclosures.Tangential fans320 m 3 /h air throughput, 2 UThe high air throughput means that <strong>Rittal</strong>tangential fans are capable of dissipatinglarge heat losses from the enclosure. Theminimal noise generation of 52 dB creates apleasant working environment. Front outletgrille 2 U for hot air outlet to the outside inthe upper section of the enclosure.Rack-mounted/tangential fans, fan systemsFor the office sector:Roof-mounted fanLow noise generation and high performancefor sensitive office areas.Unit consisting of TS roof plate and fan.Benefits at a glanceRack-mounted/tangential fans● Rapid installation on 482.6 mm (19˝)mounting levels● Direct, effective dissipation of heat loss,thanks to positioning beneath theassemblies● No externally mounted equipment todisrupt the aesthetic appearance ofthe enclosureFan systems● Fast assembly● Targeted air routing to avoid hot-spots● Perfect system integrationTips and tricksApplications see page 201<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control51
426482.6 (19˝)Rack-mounted fansfor 482.6 mm (19˝), air throughput 320/480 m 3 /h2001802142064324107355120100482.6 (19˝)1 21 HE1 HERack-mounted fansRack-mounted fan/Vario rackmountedfan supply includes:Wired unit ready for connection,including terminal strip andassembly parts.Guide frame supply includes:Guide frame including connectorand fitted connection cable(3 m), bracket for optionalattachment to the 482.6 mm(19˝) system, assembly parts.Also required:Remember to order theappropriate guide frame for yourchosen application.Approvals,see page 273.Detailed drawing,see page 240.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.2 fansDistance between axes 85 mm3 fansDistance between axes 85 mm3 fansDistance between axes 105 mm1 Rack-mounted fans 2 Vario rack-mounted fansModel No. SKModel No. SK3340.024 1) 3340.115 1) 3340.230 – – 3350.024 1) 3350.115 1) 3350.230 1) –3341.024 1) 3341.115 3341.230 – 9769.002 1)2) 3351.024 1) 3351.115 1) 3351.230 –3342.024 3342.115 1) 3342.230 3342.500 2)3) – 3352.024 1) 3352.115 1) 3352.230 3352.500 3)Rated operating voltage V 24 V (DC) 115 V (AC) 230 V (AC)24 V (DC)115 – 230 V(AC)36 V (DC)up to72 V (DC)24 V (DC) 115 V (AC) 230 V (AC)24 V (DC)115 – 230 V(AC)Model No. SKmatching guide frame– – – – – 3356.100 1) 3355.100 3355.100 3357.100AccessoriesPageTemperature indicator230 V (AC)714 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 3114.024 – 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 3114.024Thermostat 715 3110.000Speed <strong>control</strong> 716 3120.000 3120.115 3120.000 – – 3120.000 3120.115 3120.000 –Technical specificationsModel No. SK/CS3340.2303350.2303340.1153350.1153340.0243350.0243341.2303351.2303342.2303352.230AC 230 V3341.1153351.1153342.1153352.115AC 115 V3341.0243351.0243342.0243352.024DC 24 V3342.500 2)3352.500 2) 9769.002AC 230 V AC 115 V DC 24 VDC 24 V 36 V (DC)Rated operating voltageAC 115 – 230 V up toV, Hz50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz –50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz –50/60 Hz 72 V (DC)Rated current max.0.24 A/ 0.46 A/0.36 A/ 0.69 A/0.49 A0.22 A 0.46 A0.33 A 0.69 A0.74 A 0.85 A 0.28 APre-fuse T 6.0 A 6.0 ANumber of fans 2 3 3Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 320 m 3 /h 480 m 3 /h 250 m 3 /hTemperature range–10°C to +55°C–33°C to+55°CNoise level 51 dB (A) 52 dB (A) 51 dB (A) 51 dB (A) 52 dB (A) 51 dB (A) 52 dB (A)1) Delivery times available on request.2) Rack-mounted fan for metric mounting angles available on request.3) Version with monitoringAccessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19552 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Tangential fansfor 482.6 mm (19˝), air throughput 320 m 3 /h1631788380482.6 (19˝)Supply includes:Fully assembled and wired unit,ready for connection, includingfilter mat.Approvals,see page 274.Detailed drawing,see page 240.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Tangential fansModel No. SK 3145.000 3144.000Rated operating voltage V/Hz 115, 50/60 230, 50/60Dimensions in mmWHD482.6 (19˝)88 (2 U)158Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 320 m 3 /hRated current max. 0.32 A 0.16 APower37 WNoise level52 dB (A)Speed 2245 rpm –1Temperature range–10°C to +55°CMaximum static pressure difference65 – 70 PaAccessories Packs of PageTemperature indicator 1 3114.115 3114.100 177Thermostat 1 3110.000 178Filter mats 5 3177.000 189Front outlet grille 2 U 1 3176.000 193Roof vent 1 3148.007 54Speed <strong>control</strong> 1 3120.115 3120.000 179Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control53
Fan systems370550RTT roof-mounted fanand vent attachmentfor TSThe active roof-mounted fan and the passive ventattachment (TS 8801.380) integrate perfectly intothe system-wide mounting concept of the <strong>Rittal</strong>TopTherm platform. They fit precisely onto the cutoutsof the small and medium performance categoryof TopTherm roof-mounted cooling units.Of course, they may also be mounted on any sufficientlylarge roof surface.TS roof plates with prepared mounting cut-outsare additionally available.Roof-mounted fan supply includes:Unit ready to connect with built-in radial fan,sealing material and assembly parts.Vent attachment:see page 182.Protection category:IP 43 to EN 60 529Detailed drawing,see page 240.Fan systemsB = WidthT = Depth125500B290TModel No. SK 3149.410 3149.420 3149.440 3149.810 3149.820 3149.840 8801.380 Page400, 3~, 50/60400, 3~, 50/60Rated operating voltage V/Hz 115, 50/60 230, 50/60115, 50/60 230, 50/60 Roof vent460, 3~, 60460, 3~, 60Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 400 m 3 /h 800 m 3 /hWithoutmotorRequired mounting cut-out W x D mm 475 x 260 490 x 390Power consumption of fan 120 W/170 W 95 W/140 W 170 W/225 W 180 W/310 WRated current of fan 1.1/1.6 A 0.55/0.88 A 0.35/0.35 A 1.5/2.2 A 0.75/1.1 A 0.35/0.55 ATemperature range–10°C to +55°CNoise level 68/69 dB (A) 69/70 dB (A)Weight 10 kg 11 kg 6 kgColour shade RAL 7035AccessoriesRoof plate 600 x 600 mm for TS 8 with cut-out 8801.300 8801.310 181Roof plate 600 x 800 mm for TS 8 with cut-out 8801.320 8801.330 181Roof plate 1200 x 600 mm for TS 8 with cut-out – 8801.350 181Temperature indicator 3114.115 3114.100 – 3114.115 3114.100 – – 177Speed <strong>control</strong> 3120.115 3120.100 – 3120.115 3120.100 – – 179Roof-mounted fan● The roof-mounted fan is easily installed using6 screws. The sealing tape supplied can beused to seal it against the enclosure.● The attachment screws are invisible from theoutside.● The roof-mounted fan casing has a large airoutlet surface and labyrinth air ducting.Protection category:IP 43 to EN 60 529. By additionally installing thefilter holder with filter mat SK 3175.000, with roofvent SK 3148.007 a protection category of IP 44 isachieved.Fully wired unit ready for connection with built-inradial fan, sealing material and assembly parts,connection cable (3 m), drilling template.50340420Accessories:Filter holder,see page 194.Detailed drawing,see page 240.345265Model No. SK 3149.007 3169.007 3148.007Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 Without fan motorAir throughput 360 m 3 /hRated current max. 0.2 A 0.55 APower consumption 42 W 65 WTemperature range–10°C to +60°CNoise level53 dB (A)Weight7.8 kgColour 1)RAL 7035, textured enamel1) To order the version in RAL 7032, please add extension .000 to the Model No.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.54 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Fan systemsRoof-mounted fanfor TS/FR(i) for the office sectorThis new roof ventilation concept offers a wealthof performance, assembly and cost benefitsassociated with the use of integrated ventilationsystems. This roof-mounted fan may be orderedwith and without a roof plate. Another outstandingfeature is the enormous volumetric flow in proportionto exceptionally low noise levels, making itideal for use in sensitive office areas.Technical specifications:● Fitted onto a roof plate based on TS.● Easy assembly; mounting cut-outs have beenprovided.● Radial fan.Supply includes:Fully wired ready for connection,including assembly parts.Model No. SK 3164.610 3164.620 3164.810 3164.820 3164.115 3164.230 PageRated operating voltage V/Hz 115, 50/60 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 230, 50/60Air throughput (unimpeded air flow) 1500 m 3 /h 1)Version With roof plate without roof plateDimensions in mmWHD800240800Power consumption68 W/81 WRated current 0.6 A/0.7 A 0.3 A/0.35 A 0.6 A/0.7 A 0.3 A/0.35 A 0.6 A/0.7 A 0.3 A/0.35 ARadial fan –Noise level40 dB (A)Temperature range+20°C to +55°CColour RAL 7035AccessoriesTemperature indicator in 1 U patch panel 7109.035 177Temperature indicator 3114.115 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 3114.115 3114.100 177Thermostat 3110.000 1781) 800 m 3 /h at 40 Pa counterpressure using two integrated louvres, type DK 7825.801, in the enclosure base/plinth.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.800240900511227511Fan systemsMounting cut-outonly required for fans wtihout roof plate511511TBHHBT13.52024Ø 6.5(8x)450410450410450205225410B = WidthT = DepthEnclosure internal fanfor TSTo prevent hot-spots and support the air routingof active enclosure <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> components.Adjustable in two axes. Attached to the TS 8frame section. Several fans may be cascadedusing the quick-release clamping strip.Supply includes:Fully wired unit ready for connection with radialfan and lockable swivel device, as well asassembly parts.Air throughput(unimpededairflow)PowerconsumptionWRatedcurrentA213.5RatedvoltageV, HzModel No.SK160 m 3 /h 19.0/18.0 0.12/0.11 230, 50/60 3108.100160 m 3 /h 19.0/18.0 0.24/0.23 115, 50/60 3108.115160 m 3 /h 3.5 0.15 24 V (DC) 3108.024Ø 6 (2x)120100<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control55
Fan systemsFan systemsFan mounting platefor TSThe fan mounting plate may be retro-fitted in allTS 8 network enclosures from above. The plateis mounted at the front of the enclosure, whilst therear section is left free for cable entry. A rubbercable clamp strip is supplied loose for optionalsealing at the rear.The following combinations are also possible:● Solid roof plate raised with 20 or 50 mm roofspacers.● Roof plate for cable entry raised with 20 or50 mm roof spacers.● Vented roof plate for cable entry.In conjunction with the large swing frame, usageis only possible from an enclosure depth of800 mm, in conjunction with a roof plate for cableentry from 900 mm.Note:Not suitable for crane transportation. Not suitablefor combination with 482.6 mm (19˝) mountingframe.525/725385/58540For enclosuresWidthmmDepthmmNumberof fansMax.number offansModel No.DK600 600 2 4 7966.035600800900100012002 6 7968.035800 600 2 6 7986.035800800900100012002 6 7988.035The air throughput can be increased with the fanexpansion kit DK 7980.000.Technical specifications for one fan:Rated operating voltage: 230 VPower consumption: 15/14 W at 50/60 HzAir throughput (unimpeded air flow):160/180 m 3 /h, 50/60 HzTemperature range: –10°C to +55°CTechnical specifications of thermostat:Rated operating voltage: 250 VTemperature range: +5°C to +55°CColour:RAL 7035Supply includes:2 fans, 2/4 cut-outs to extend to 4/6 fans,thermostat, rubber cable clamp strip.Thermostat and fan fully wired to connectioncable (2.5 m).Accessories:Fan expansion kit,see page 56.Rubber cable clamp strip SZ 2573.000 for sealingat the sides and targeted air routing when bayed,see Cat. 32 page 1047.Fan expansion kitFor retro-fitting various fan units or to supplementthe fan mounting plate and modular fan roof.Technical specifications DK 7980.000:Rated operating voltage: 230 V~Power consumption: 15/14 W at 50/60 HzAir throughput (unimpeded air flow):160/180 m 3 /h, 50/60 HzNoise level (unimpeded air flow): 37 dB (A)Temperature range: –10°C to +55°CTechnical specifications DK 7980.100:Rated operating voltage: 230 V~Power consumption: 14/12 W at 50/60 HzAir throughput (unimpeded air flow):108/120 m 3 /h, 50/60 HzNoise level (unimpeded air flow): 34 dB (A)Temperature range: –20°C to +70°CTechnical specifications DK 7980.148:Rated operating voltage: 48 V (DC)Power consumption: 7.7 WAir throughput (unimpeded air flow): 184 m 3 /hNoise level (unimpeded air flow): 43 dB (A)Temperature range: –20°C to +70°CDimensionsW x H x D mmPacks of Model No. DK119 x 119 x 38 1 set 7980.000119 x 119 x 25 1 set 7980.100119 x 119 x 25 1 set 7980.148Supply includes:Fan, including assembly parts and connectioncable (0.61 m).56 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Fan systemsCover plates for fan panelsfor FlatBoxTo cover unused fan panels when using fans inthe FlatBox.Material:Sheet steelSurface finish:Powder coated in RAL 7035Supply includes:Assembly parts.Packs ofModel No. DK6 7507.760Fan systemsFan mounting plate DCfor TSSuper-low noise thanks to FCS speed <strong>control</strong>,fully fittedSuitable for TS 8 enclosures with a raised roof(> 20 mm) or TS 8 roof plate, vented. The fanmounting plate may be used as an alternative tofan mounting plate 7988.035. It is installed fromabove. Cable entry is prepared in the rear sectionof the plate.Not suitable for combination with 482.6 mm (19˝)mounting frame.Advantages of the DC fan mounting plate withFCS technology:● Super-low noise thanks to speed <strong>control</strong>.● All fans are monitored for failure.● High air throughput thanks to DC technology(unimpeded airflow 6 x 175 m 3 /h = 990 m 3 /h).● EMC compatibility.● Temperature monitoring and <strong>control</strong>.● High level of safety (low safety voltage with24 V DC power supply).● Visual and acoustic alarm messages, plus relayalarm output.● Freely selectable installation location for theFCS <strong>control</strong> unit (included with the supply of thefan mounting plate, in 482.6 mm (19˝) with7320.440 or on the frame with 7320.450).● Suitable for international use, thanks to widerangepower supply 100 – 240 V AC and socketto IEC 320.● Pre-configured.● Network-compatible via CMC-TC processingunit II 7320.100 (all relevant data such astemperature etc. are displayed in the webbrowser, or alarms are sent in the form of anSNMP trap).Forenclosureswidthmm800Forenclosuresdepthmm8009001000Technical specifications:Power pack rated voltage:100 – 240 V AC, 50/60 HzPower supply rated current: max. 1.5 APower supply secondary range: 24 V DC, 3 ATemperature range: +5°C to +40°CTotal air throughput (unimpeded air flow):6 x 175 m 3 /h = 990 m 3 /hTechnical specifications for one fan:Rated voltage: 24 V DCRated current: max. 0.3 AAir throughput (unimpeded air flow): 175 m 3 /hSpeed: 2650 rpmNoise level: up to 45 dB (A)at maximum speed activationAlso required:Connection cable 230/115 V.Example D version, Model No. 7200.210,see Cat. 32, page 818.Accessories:Number ofDC fans1 U mounting unit, Model No. 7320.440,see Cat. 32, page 821.Mounting module, Model No. 7320.450,see Cat. 32, page 821.Model No.DK6 7858.488Note:For more information on the FCS system,see Cat. 32, page 813.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control57
Fan systemsFan systems1253 4Fan roof, modular, two-piecefor TS, FR(i)The modular roof plate consists of individual componentsand can be configured for the ventilationof the enclosures in various ways.The modules consist of:Roof plate, two-piece with cut-outFor fan mounting and cable entry at the rear via asliding angular bracket with rubber cable clampstrip. Replacing the existing roof plate. The twopiecedesign allows convenient retrofitting ofcables at any time.Cover plateTo cover the cut-out, optionally solid or ventedoptions. The top-mounted cover plate may beraised for extra air throughput using the suppliedspacers.Fan insertFor active ventilation:A fully pre-wired fan tray including 2.5 m connectioncable, with two fan motors and additional cutouts.The air throughput may be increased with afan expansion kit.Material:Sheet steel, spray finishedColour:RAL 7035Technical specifications for one fan:Rated operating voltage: 230 VPower consumption: 15/14 W at 50/60 HzAir throughput (unimpeded air flow):160/180 m 3 /h at 50/60 HzTemperature range: –10°C to +55°CDetailed drawing,see page 241.Accessories:Fan expansion kit DK 7980.000,see page 56.Thermostat SK 3110.000,see page 178.Speed <strong>control</strong> SK 3120.000,see page 179.1 2For enclosuresWidthmmDepthmmRoof plateFR(i)Roof plateTSModel No. DKCover plate1 2 4 5 3With Withcut-out cut-out Solid Vented Fan insertFanspre-wiredFan insertMaximumno. of fans600 600 7856.366 1) 7826.366 2102.180 1) 2102.400 2102.320 2 2600 800 7856.368 1) 7826.368 2102.190 1) 2102.410 2102.490 2 6600 900 – 7826.369 2102.190 1) 2102.410 2102.490 2 6600 1000 7856.360 1) 7826.360 2102.190 1) 2102.410 2102.490 2 6600 1200 7856.362 1) 7826.362 2102.190 1) 2102.410 2102.490 2 6800 600 – 7826.486 7885.100 7885.200 7885.000 2 3800 800 7856.388 1) 7826.488 7886.100 7886.200 7886.000 2 8800 900 – 7826.489 7886.100 7886.200 7886.000 2 8800 1000 7856.380 1) 7826.480 7886.100 7886.200 7886.000 2 8800 1200 – 7826.382 7886.100 7886.200 7886.000 2 81) Delivery times available on request.Design panel FR(i) already included with the supply of the standard roof plate.Fan unit, activefor TEFor active ventilation of the TE 7000. The fanunit is installed in the prepunched cut-out. Anadditional fan may optionally be integrated.Supply includes:Fan unit including assembly parts, 2 fans,1 thermostat and open connection cable.Technical specifications for one fan:Fan extension kit, 7980.000,see page 56.Technical specifications of thermostat:Rated operating voltage: 250 VTemperature range: +5°C to +55°CFor enclosuresW x DmmAlldimensionsNote:Connection via distributor box or country-specificconnector.Accessories:Fan expansion kit,see page 56.Number ofpre-wiredfansPossiblenumber offansModel No.TE2 3 7000.670Active kitfor TEconsisting of fan unit including thermostat, complete,wired ready for connection, socket strip(DK 7000.630) for up to 8 earthing pin plugs,version D and connection cable (DK 7200.210).Packs ofModel No. DK1 set 7000.68058 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Fan systemsDoor-mounted fanfor server enclosures TS, TESpecifically for installing in perforated doors.The growing packaging density in datacommunications and network enclosures makeactive, direct ventilation of the enclosure indispensable.The door-mounted fan, which is attached tothe rear or front door, supports horizontal air routingvia the servers and therefore facilitates fasterheat dissipation from active components.Technical specifications:● Standard assembly with two fans.● Air throughput, unimpeded air flow 600 m 3 /h.● By adding two fan extension kits, the airthroughput is increased to 1200 m 3 /h.● The direction of air flow is easily reversed byrotating the fan.● Several units may be positioned in a cascadearrangement.● Simple mounting on the tubular door frame.Supply includes:Wired ready for connection with 2.5 m connectioncable, including assembly parts.Accessories:Fan expansion kit,see page 59.Note:Only for mounting on the tubular door frame!Door configuration for installation in 2 and 4-doorISP racks available on request.Fan systems59.5B5H5526069Ø 4.527230 (350)475 (675)493 (693)TB = WidthT = DepthModel No. SK 3165.624 1) 3165.648 1) 3165.615 1) 3165.630 3165.824 1) 3165.848 1) 3165.815 1) 3165.830 PageRated operating voltage V/Hz 24 (DC) 48 (DC) 115, 50/60 230, 50/60 24 (DC) 48 (DC) 115, 50/60 230, 50/60Air throughput (unimpeded air flow) 600 m 3 /hPower consumption for two fans 40 W 48 W 70 W/64 W 70 W/70 W 40 W 48 W 70 W/64 W 70 W/70 WRated current of fan 1.5 A 1.0 A 0.76 A/0.72 A 0.38 A/0.36 A 1.5 A 1.0 A 0.76 A/0.72 A 0.38 A/0.36 ADimensions in mmWHD49360664.5For doors with width (mm) 600 800Noise level55 dB (A)Temperature range+20°C to +55°CColour RAL 7035AccessoriesTemperature indicator 3114.024 – 3114.115 3114.100 3114.024 – 3114.115 3114.100 177Thermostat 3110.000 1781) Delivery times on request.Special voltages available on request. Technical modifications reserved.69360664.5Fan expansion kitfor door-mounted fanTo increase the air throughput of the doormountedfan.To fit door-mounted fan Model No. SKSK 3165.624, SK 3165.824 3165.024SK 3165.648, SK 3165.848 3165.048SK 3165.615, SK 3165.815 3165.115SK 3165.630, SK 3165.830 3165.230<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control59
Air/air heat exchangersAir/air heat exchangersThe requirement for using air/air heat exchangers isthat the ambient temperature must be below therequired enclosure internal temperature. Dust and anyaggressive ambient air is unable to ingress theenclosure interior, thanks to the two separate aircircuits.60 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Simple maintenanceThe heat exchanger unit is very easilyremoved and cleaned. The cleverly thoughtoutstructure enables fast, economical maintenance.SafetyHigh protection categoryThanks to the seamlessly sealed heatexchanger module, a protection categoryof IP 54 to EN 60 529 is achieved.High load capacityThe motors of the fans are equipped withthermal winding protection.Top quality: Guaranteed protection foryour electronics.All devices in the <strong>Rittal</strong> TopTherm-Plus seriesare tested in accordance with the internationallyvalid approvals (GS, UL).Air/air heat exchangersPlatform strategy/installationIdentical installation cut-outsfor various output classes.Easily retrofittedThanks to the low weight, simpleassembly cut-outs and problemfreeattachment of the heatexchangers, a cabinet orenclosure is easily retro-fitted.Benefits at a glance● Specific thermal output from 17.5 W/K to90 W/K● External and internal circuit may be<strong>control</strong>led separately● Mounting cut-outs and enclosuredimensions identical to TopThermwall-mounted cooling units● Suitable for external and internalmounting● Top design identical to TopTherm wallmountedcooling unitsImportantThe temperature difference between theroom temperature and enclosure internaltemperature will have a decisive effect onthe heat loss that may be dissipated.Tips and tricksApplications see page 202Selection criteria see page 203Assembly see page 204Air routing see page 205Electrical connectionand <strong>control</strong> see page 206<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control61
Air/air heat exchangersWall-mountedTTHHBBAir/air heat exchangersSupply includes:Fully wired unit ready for connection.Detailed drawing,see page 241.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.SK 3125.800Compact wall-mounted air/airheat exchanger. Ideal for smallenclosures and commandpanels.Suitable for external and internalmounting.SK 3129.800Super-slimline air/air heatexchangers. Ideal for externaldoor mounting.HTBB = WidthT = DepthModel No. SK 3125.800 3129.800Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60Dimensions in mmWHD2004001464001360110Specific thermal output 12 W/K 62 W/KFans2 per heat exchangerMax. rated current per fan 0.11 A/0.13 A 0.45 A/0.55 APre-fuse T2.0 AOutput per fan 25 W/30 W 100 W/130 WAir throughput of fans (unimpeded air flow)External circuit 265 m 3 /h / 315 m 3 /h 860 m 3 /h / 900 m 3 /hInternal circuit 265 m 3 /h / 315 m 3 /h 860 m 3 /h / 900 m 3 /hTemperature range–5°C to +55°CType of connectionConnection cableWeight 8 kg 30 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category to EN 60 529 Internal circuit IP 54Accessories Packs of PageThermostat 1 3110.000 178Temperature display 1 3114.100 177Speed <strong>control</strong> 1 3120.000 179Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems From page 116 Configuration software Page 19562 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Air/air heat exchangersWall-mounted with <strong>control</strong>ler55095028015042108400T150T2● With <strong>control</strong>ler and digitaltemperature display● Floating fault signal contactin case of overtemperatureSupply includes:Fully wired unit ready for connection.Approvals,see page 276.Detailed drawing,see page 244.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.158040021550165T = DepthAir/air heat exchangersModel No. SK230 V 3126.100 3127.100 3128.100 3129.100 3130.100115 V 3126.115 3127.115 3128.115 3129.115 3130.115Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230/115, 1~, 50/60Dimensions in mmWHT1T2280550150–Specific thermal output 17.5 W/K 30 W/K 45 W/K 60 W/K 90 W/K4009502051554009502251754001580215–Fans2 per heat exchangerMax. rated current per fan230 V 0.11 A/0.13 A 0.28 A/0.34 A 0.3 A/0.4 A 0.38 A/0.4 A 0.67 A/0.88 A115 V 0.23 A/0.25 A 0.55 A/0.7 A 0.6 A/0.8 A 0.65 A/0.8 A 1.3 A/1.8 APre-fuse T 2.0 A 4.0 AOutput per fan 23 W/27 W 60 W/75 W 70 W/90 W 85 W/90 W 150 W/200 WAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 265 m 3 /h / 315 m 3 /h 480 m 3 /h / 525 m 3 /h 600 m 3 /h / 625 m 3 /h 860 m 3 /h / 900 m 3 /h 850 m 3 /h / 945 m 3 /h(unimpeded air flow)Internal circuit 265 m 3 /h / 315 m 3 /h 480 m 3 /h / 525 m 3 /h 600 m 3 /h / 625 m 3 /h 860 m 3 /h / 900 m 3 /h 850 m 3 /h / 945 m 3 /hTemperature range–5°C to +55°CType of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 10 kg 18 kg 19 kg 21 kg 34 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category to EN 60 529 Internal circuit IP 54Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.300 3286.400 189Metal filters 1 3286.310 3286.410 190Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems From page 116 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control63
Air/air heat exchangersWall-mounted, railway-compatible versionHBT1T1Air/air heat exchangers<strong>Rittal</strong> air/air heat exchangers in arailway-compatible version areused specifically in the mobilerailway engineering sector, e.g.for local trains, locomotives andhigh-speed trains. Products areavailable both in 24 V DC and in110 V DC.Railway-compatible design ofthe units includes constructionto EN 50 155, halogen-free connectioncables, screw protection,shock and vibration testingto EN 61 373, preparation forEN 45 545, and spray-finishingin RAL 7035 S to DB TL 918340,among other things.ExternalmountingPartialinternalmounting 1)Benefits, technical details:● External and internal fans maybe <strong>control</strong>led separately● Simple maintenanceSupply includes:Fully wired unit ready forconnection.InternalmountingDetailed drawing,see page 242/243.B = WidthT = DepthModel No. SK 3126.424 3128.424 3129.424 3130.424 3126.410 3128.410 3129.410 3130.410Rated operating voltage 24 V (DC) 24 V (DC) 24 V (DC) 24 V (DC) 110 V (DC) 110 V (DC) 110 V (DC) 110 V (DC)Dimensions in mmBHT1280650127400950140400950150Specific thermal output 27 W/K 47 W/K 66 W/K 98 W/K 27 W/K 47 W/K 66 W/K 98 W/K40015801502806501274009501404009501504001580150Max. rated current per fan 2.7 A 7.5 A 10.5 A 9.2 A 2.7 A 1.9 A 2.47 A 2.3 AOutput per fan 65 W 180 W 240 W 220 W 65 W 203 W 256 W 230 WAir throughput of fans External circuit 360 m 3 /h 560 m 3 /h 1055 m 3 /h 1125 m 3 /h 360 m 3 /h 560 m 3 /h 1055 m 3 /h 1125 m 3 /h(unimpeded air flow) Internal circuit 360 m 3 /h 560 m 3 /h 1055 m 3 /h 1125 m 3 /h 360 m 3 /h 560 m 3 /h 1055 m 3 /h 1125 m 3 /hTemperature range–5°C to +55°CWeight 10 kg 16 kg 18 kg 25 kg 12.5 kg 18.5 kg 20.5 kg 27.5 kgColour RAL 7035Protection categoryto EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Accessories Packs of PageAdjustable frame 1 3286.260 3286.270 3286.270 3286.280 3286.260 3286.270 3286.270 3286.280 183Metal filters 1 3286.230 3286.240 3286.240 3286.250 3286.230 3286.240 3286.240 3286.250 190Delivery times available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.1) Partial installation is only supported with an adjustable frame (see accessories).The requirement for using air/air heatexchangers is that the ambient temperaturemust be below the requiredenclosure internal temperature.Dust and any aggressive ambient airis unable to ingress the enclosure,thanks to the two separate air circuits.Contamination of the outer circuitwith coarse dust can be reducedvia the use of optional metal filters.Attachment options: External mounting,internal mounting, partial internalmounting via a special mountingframe.64 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Air/air heat exchangersRoof-mountedTBHB = WidthT = DepthApplication:These units are used specificallyif the doors or side panelsmust not be obstructed, orspace must be kept clear forescape routes.Technical design:● The heat exchanger moduleand the enclosure of the heatexchanger form a single unit,thereby substantially enlargingthe surface area for heatdissipation.● This design gives the unit anextremely low weight (16.8 kg)combined with a high degreeof enclosure rigidity.● The built-in radial fans ensureeffective air circulation, evenwhere the enclosure isdensely packed.● All motors are equipped withthermal winding protection.● As you would expect, the heatexchanger membranes areconductively connected toone another and therebyincorporated into the electricalsafety features.● The internal and externalcircuits can be connectedseparately; separate routingeffectively prevents theingress of dust, moisture anddirt.Supply includes:Fully wired unit ready forconnection. The fans areconnected via two 3-wireconnection cables, with wireend ferrules.Detailed drawing,see page 241.Air/air heat exchangersModel No. SK 3248.000Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60Dimensions in mmSpecific thermal outputWHD59536244066 W/KFans2 per heat exchangerMax. rated current per fan0.45 A/0.55 APre-fuse T4.0 AOutput per fan75 WAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 965 m 3 /h(unimpeded air flow)Internal circuit 965 m 3 /hTemperature range–5°C to +55°CType of connectionConnection cableWeight16.8 kgColour RAL 7035/9005Protection category to EN 60 529 Internal circuit IP 54Accessories Packs of PageTemperature display 1 3114.100 177Thermostat 1 3110.000 178Hygrostat 1 3118.000 178Speed <strong>control</strong> 1 3120.000 179Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control65
Cooling unitsEModular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> concept from page 68 Cooling modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500/2500 W. . . . . . . . 70 Section doors for installing cooling modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71ERoof-mounted cooling units from page 72 Roof-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500/750 W. . . . . . . . 74 Roof-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 W. . . . . . . . 75 Roof-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100/3000 W. . . . . . . . 76 Roof-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500/2000 W. . . . . . . . 77 Roof-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000/4000 W. . . . . . . . 78 with CO 2 as the coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 W. . . . . . . . 79EWall-mounted cooling units from page 80Cooling units VIP small cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 W. . . . . . . . 82 Mini, in horizontal format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 W. . . . . . . . 83 Wall-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300/500 W. . . . . . . . 84 Wall-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 W. . . . . . . . 85 Cool Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 W. . . . . . . . 86 Wall-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000/1500 W. . . . . . . . 87 Wall-mounted cooling units, slimline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500 W. . . . . . . . 88 Wall-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000/2500 W. . . . . . . . 89 Wall-mounted cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4000 W. . . . . . . . 90 Design NEMA 4x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500/1000/1500 W. . . . . . . . 91 Design NEMA 4x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000/2500 W. . . . . . . . 92 for precision machine tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000/1500 W. . . . . . . . 93 Explosion-proof cooling unitsfor zone 22 (dust) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000/1500 W. . . . . . . . 94 with CO 2 as the coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 W. . . . . . . . 95EThermoelectric coolers from page 96 Thermoelectric coolers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 W. . . . . . . . 97EStainless steel versionEnergy-efficient andnano-coatedCoolant CO 2Standardised installationSuitable for command panelsIndustry solutionsIntegral condensateevaporationNEMA 4x<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control67
Modular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> conceptModular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> conceptLess is more! We offer almost limitless applicationpossibilities from just six cooling modules and eightdoor modules. Top cooling technology, complete andready to use – no need to make mounting cut-outs.The existing sheet steel doors are easily exchangedfor section doors with cooling modules. These canalso be exchanged or upgraded while the system isoperational.68 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
123456Cooling module, 1500 W useful coolingoutputCooling module, 2500 W useful coolingoutputSection doors for installing coolingmodules in 600 mm wide enclosuresSection doors for installing coolingmodules in 800 mm wide enclosuresSection doors for installing coolingmodules in 1200 mm wide enclosures;cooling module fitted on the leftSection doors for installing coolingmodules in 1200 mm wide enclosures;cooling module fitted on the right,including lockable door on the leftInfinite possibilitiesSeamless baying and perfect integration.Cooling of a bayed enclosure suite is easilyachieved, even under awkward room conditions,such as low ceiling heights.6001800/2000800Modular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> conceptModularityWith the section door and coolingmodule, you can create your ownindividual <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> solutionin next to no time.Choose from 48 different optionswith varying sizes, cooling outputsand voltages.31451800/200012001800/200012001800/200026Benefits at a glance● Combination of TS 8 section door and<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> module● One item number each for the door and<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> module● 8 section doors x 6 <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>modules = 48 combination options● Standard RTT PLUS version with integralcondensate evaporation and RiNanocoating● Intelligent <strong>control</strong>− Climate <strong>control</strong> module with Comfort<strong>control</strong>ler− Controller is identical to those usedwith TopTherm <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systemsImportantThe TS base/plinth is required for operationalpurposes.Tips and tricksApplications see page 207Selection criteria see page 208Assembly see page 209Air routing see page 210Condensate management see page 213Electrical connectionand <strong>control</strong> see page 215<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control69
Modular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> conceptCooling modules, 1500/2500 W useful cooling outputModular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> conceptSupply includes:Cooling module prepared forinstallation in section door, withRiNano coating and integratedcondensation evaporation.Also required:Section door, fits TS 8 enclosures,600, 800, 1200 mmwidths and 1800, 2000 mmheights, see page 71.Base/plinth, 100 or 200 mmhigh,see Cat. 32, page 893.Approvals,see page 277.Detailed drawing,see page 245.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 3307.700 3307.710 3307.740 3310.700 3310.710 3310.740Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60.Useful cooling output Q KL 35 L 35 1500 W/1550 Wto DIN 3168L 35 L 50 850 W/900 W400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 601500 W/1550 W930 W/950 W230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/602500 W/2520 W1620 W/1730 W400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 602500 W/2500 W1760 W/1800 WRated current max. 6.0 A/6.5 A 12.6 A/12.6 A 2.6 A/2.8 A 7.8 A/8.8 A 18.1 A/19.8 A 3.6 A/3.8 AStart-up current 22.0 A/24.0 A 36.0 A/39.0 A 8.5 A/9.2 A 22.0 A/24.0 A 36.0 A/39.0 A 13.0 A/14.0 APre-fuse gG 16.0 A/16.0 A 16.0 A/16.0 A 6.3 – 10.0 A 1) 16.0 A/16.0 A 20.0 A/20.0 A 6.3 – 10.0 A 1)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50910 W/1100 W1100 W/1250 W940 W/1130 W1140 W/1280 W850 W/910 W920 W/980 W1410 W/1620 W1580 W/1950 W1460 W/1670 W1630 W/2000 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8Refrigerant R134a, 700 g R134a, 900 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.28 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 2) 72 kg 72 kg 75 kg 74 kg 74 kg 76 kgColour RAL 70351380 W/1580 W1620 W/1920 WAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 1100 m 3 /h 1100 m 3 /hInternal circuit 520 m 3 /h 1100 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageDoor-operated switch 1 4127.000 176Filter media 1 See accessories section door 71SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cablesfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.1) Motor circuit-breaker2) Includes section door weightAccessories Page 171 TS 8 enclosures Cat. 32, from Page 142 Configuration software Page 19570 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Modular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> conceptSection doors for installing cooling modulesHHHHBBBB = WidthT = DepthBColour:RAL 7035Supply includes:Section door unit without prefittedcooling module, includingTS 8 hinges, door opening angleapprox. 110°.Note for 1200 mm wideTS 8 enclosures:With the device positioned onthe “right”, one pack consistsof a section door for installingin the right-hand half of theenclosure plus a speciallockable door for the left-handhalf.With the device positioned onthe “left”, one pack consists of asection door for installing in theleft-hand half of the enclosure.The existing lockable door onthe right may be used.Also required:Cooling module,see page 70.Base/plinth, 100 or 200 mmhigh,see Cat. 32, page 893.Detailed drawing,see page 245.Model No. SK for 1800 mm high TS enclosures 3300.040 3300.060 3300.080 3300.110Model No. SK for 2000 mm high TS enclosures 3300.050 3300.070 3300.090 3300.120Dimensionsto fit TS enclosuresWidthmm 600 800 1200(unit positionedon the left)1200(unit positionedon the right)AccessoriesPacks ofFilter media 1 3284.210 3284.210 3284.210 3284.210All SK 3307.700/.710/.740 or 3310.700/.710/.740 cooling module models, see page 70, can be integrated in the section doors mentioned above.Modular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> conceptAccessories Page 171 TS 8 enclosures Cat. 32, from Page 142 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control71
Roof-mounted cooling unitsRoof-mounted cooling unitsCooling units keep the enclosure internal temperatureat a constant level, with the air routing being tailored toindividual requirements. Two separate circuits preventthe ingress of dust into the enclosure.<strong>Rittal</strong> TopTherm-Plus roof-mounted cooling units:Top design and top performance with a host ofassembly benefits and sophisticated air routing.Superb performance plus cost-cuttingdesign.72 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Optimum flow conditionsTargeted air routing inside the enclosureThe internal air circulation is targeted andeffective: The heated air is extracted centrally.Air exhaust occurs in the four corners,depending on requirements. Cold air isrouted in a <strong>control</strong>led manner into the lowerenclosure chamber via the optional ductingsystem. The result is highly effective coolingand the avoidance of air short-circuits. Thetargeted air circulation inside the enclosurevia ducts also prevents the creation of hotspots.Versatility andflexibility of roofmountingCut your costsAll three-phase cooling units aresuitable for a voltage range of 400/460 V and a frequency range of 50/60 Hz without rewiring. No need forexpensive additional transformers.Flexible performanceJust 3 mounting cut-outs for 6 differentoutput categories provideinvestment security and facilitateeasy adaptation of the cooling outputto the ambient conditions andthe installed heat loss.<strong>Rittal</strong> platform strategyTopTherm air/water heat exchangersand roof-mounted fans are alsocompatible with the mounting cutouts.Integrated into TopTherm-Plus cooling unitsElectrical condensate evaporationCondensate arising inside the enclosureor on the evaporator coil of the cooling unitis effectively evaporated. The evaporatordevice inside the cooling units has a veryhigh evaporation output (several litres perday). This is achieved thanks to the principleof direct evaporation.RiNano coatingThe standard nano-coating on the heatexchanger membranes ensure a longer,constant cooling output and renders the useof filter media superfluous in many areas.Roof-mounted cooling unitsBenefits at a glance● Highly efficient in both performance andenergy consumption● Wide output range from 500 to 4000 W● Control and monitoring with Basic orComfort <strong>control</strong>lers● Three-phase cooling units supportmultiple voltages as standard● Uniform, performance-related, systemwidemounting cut-outs● Targeted, individual air routing● Electric condensate evaporation andRiNano coatingImportantAvoid overloading the roof plate by usingstays (with TS 8 system accessories,Catalogue 32, page 998)Tips and tricksApplications see page 207Selection criteria see page 208Assembly see page 209Air routing see page 210Condensate management see page 213Electrical connectionand <strong>control</strong> see page 215<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control73
Roof-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 500/750 W597417Property rights:German registered designno. 402 02 324German registered designno. 402 02 325380475260Roof-mounted cooling unitsSupply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation.Fully wired ready for connection,including drilling template andassembly parts.Accessories:Roof plate for TS 8 withmounting cut-out,see page 181.Approvals,see page 277.Detailed drawing,see page 246.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3382.100 3382.110 3359.100 3359.110 3359.140Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3382.500 3382.510 3359.500 3359.510 3359.540Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3382.200 3382.210 3359.200 3359.210 3359.240Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3382.600 3382.610 3359.600 3359.610 3359.640Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60 400, 2~, 50/60Dimensions in mm WHD 597 x 417 x 380.Useful cooling output Q KL 35 L 35 500 W/510 W750 W/810 Wto DIN 3168L 35 L 50 270 W/370 W545 W/590 WRated current max. 3.3 A/3.5 A 6.7 A/7.2 A 3.6 A/4.5 A 7.2 A/9.0 A 2.1 A/2.6 AStart-up current 9.2 A/10.2 A 18.4 A/18.4 A 10.0 A/10.7 A 20.0 A/21.4 A 5.8 A/6.2 APre-fuse T 10.0 A 10.0 A 10.0 A 16.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50500 W/550 W550 W/590 W510 W/560 W560 W/610 W550 W/660 W630 W/740 W560 W/675 W640 W/750 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.0 1.4Refrigerant R134a, 250 g R134a, 300 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 30 kg 35 kg 32 kg 37 kgAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 910 m 3 /h(unimpeded air flow)Internal circuit 440 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.500 189Metal filters 1 3286.510 190Quick-change frame 1 3286.700 182Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cables for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Air-ducting system 1 3286.870 174Cover stoppers for interior air outlet 2 3286.780 175Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921)Delivery times available on request. 2) Transformer protection switch.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19574 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Roof-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 1000 W597417Property rights:German registered designno. 402 02 324German registered designno. 402 02 325475490390Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation.Fully wired ready for connection,including drilling template andassembly parts.Accessories:Roof plate for TS 8 withmounting cut-out,see page 181.Approvals,see page 277.Detailed drawing,see page 246.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3383.100 3383.110 3383.140Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3383.500 3383.510 3383.540Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3383.200 3383.210 3383.240Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3383.600 3383.610 3383.640Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60 400, 2~, 50/60Dimensions in mm WHD 597 x 417 x 475.Useful cooling output Q KL 35 L 35 1000 W/1080 Wto DIN 3168L 35 L 50 760 W/820 WRoof-mounted cooling unitsRated current max. 4.9 A/5.1 A 9.5 A/10.0 A 2.8 A/2.8 AStart-up current 15.5 A/15.5 A 25.3 A/24.3 A 8.0 A/8.8 APre-fuse T 10.0 A 16.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50690 W/790 W800 W/890 W720 W/800 W810 W/900 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.4RefrigerantR134a, 500 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 40 kg 46 kg 46 kgAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 1760 m 3 /hInternal circuit 440 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.500 189Metal filters 1 3286.510 190Quick-change frame 1 3286.800 182Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cables for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Air-ducting system 1 3286.870 174Cover stoppers for interior air outlet 2 3286.880 175Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921)Delivery times available on request. 2) Transformer protection switch.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control75
Roof-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 1100/3000 W597597417417475895490390392692Roof-mounted cooling unitsEspecially for officeapplications. Low noise level(considerably quieter thancooling units for industrialapplications).Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation. Fully wired readyfor connection, including drillingtemplate and assembly parts.Property rights:(Not with SK 3301.800)German registered designno. 402 02 324German registered designno. 402 02 325Accessories:Roof plate for TS 8 withmounting cut-out,see page 181.Approvals,see page 278.Detailed drawing,see page 246.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 3273.500 3273.515 1) 3301.800Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60 230, 1~, 50Dimensions in mm WHD 597 x 417 x 475 597 x 417 x 895.Useful cooling output Q KL 35 L 35 1100 W/1200 WL 35 L 25 3000 Wto DIN 3168L 35 L 50 850 W/870 WL 45 L 35 3200 WRated current max. 5.2 A/5.4 A 11.0 A/11.5 A 9.2 AStart-up current 15.5 A/16.5 A 32.0 A/35.0 A 36.0 APre-fuse T gG 10.0 A 20.0 A Power circuit-breaker 16.0 APower consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50890 W/910 W960 W/1100 W920 W/940 W990 W/1140 WL 35 L 25L 45 L 351820 W2325 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.2 1.6Refrigerant R134a, 700 g R134a, 1200 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54 2)Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 42 kg 47 kg 72 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fansExternal circuit 1760 m 3 /h 1850 m 3 /hInternal circuit 440 m 3 /h 1450 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.500 3286.600 189Metal filters 1 3286.510 3286.610 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cables for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Air-ducting system 1 3286.870 3286.970 174Cover stoppers for interior air outlet 2 3286.880 3286.980 175Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921)Delivery times on request.2)In order to avoid increased condensation, we recommend enclosures with a protection category of at least IP 54.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19576 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Roof-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 1500/2000 W597417Property rights:German registered designno. 402 02 324German registered designno. 402 02 325475490390Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation. Fully wired readyfor connection, including drillingtemplate and assembly parts.Accessories:Roof plate for TS 8 withmounting cut-out,see page 181.Approvals,see page 277.Detailed drawing,see page 246.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3384.100 3384.110 3384.140 3385.100 3385.110 3385.140Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3384.500 3384.510 3384.540 3385.500 3385.510 3385.540Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler,stainless steel 1)3384.200 3384.210 3384.240 3385.200 3385.210 3385.240Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler,stainless steel 1)3384.600 3384.610 3384.640 3385.600 3385.610 3385.640Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60 400, 2~, 50/60 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60 400, 2~, 50/60Dimensions in mm WHD 597 x 417 x 475 597 x 417 x 475.Useful cooling output Q KL 35 L 35 1500 W/1520 W2000 W/2130 Wto DIN 3168L 35 L 50 1100 W/1210 W1570 W/1670 WRoof-mounted cooling unitsRated current max. 6.3 A/7.4 A 13.7 A/15.3 A 3.8 A/4.4 A 6.3 A/7.2 A 14.2 A/15.4 A 3.7 A/4.2 AStart-up current 16.6 A/17.1 A 30.7 A/29.1 A 9.8 A/9.6 A 16.8 A/18.4 A 36.0 A/32.0 A 10.0 A/12.0 APre-fuse T 10.0 A 20.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2) 10.0 A 20.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50955 W/1070 W1090 W/1230 W990 W/1090 W1140 W/1290 W1140 W/1310 W1240 W/1450 W1190 W/1390 W1300 W/1520 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.7Refrigerant R134a, 500 g R134a, 950 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 41 kg 47 kg 47 kg 42 kg 48 kg 48 kgAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 1760 m 3 /h 1820 m 3 /hInternal circuit 470 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.500 189Metal filters 1 3286.510 190Quick-change frame 1 3286.800 182Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cablesfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Air-ducting system 1 3286.870 174Cover stoppers for interior air outlet 2 3286.880 175Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921) Delivery times available on request. 2) Transformer protection switch.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control77
Roof-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 3000/4000 W796470Property rights:German registered designno. 402 02 324German registered designno. 402 02 325580692392Roof-mounted cooling unitsSupply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation.Fully wired ready for connection,including drilling template,eyebolt and assembly parts.Accessories:Roof plate for TS 8 withmounting cut-out,see page 181.Approvals,see page 277.Detailed drawing,see page 246.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3386.140 3387.140Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3386.540 3387.540Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3386.240 3387.240Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3386.640 3387.640Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Dimensions in mm WHD 796 x 470 x 580 796 x 470 x 580.Useful cooling output Q KL 35 L 35 3000 W/3300 W4000 W/4200 Wto DIN 3168L 35 L 50 2200 W/2500 W3250 W/3490 WRated current max. 3.4 A/3.4 A 3.9 A/3.9 AStart-up current 8.0 A/9.0 A 17.0 A/19.0 APre-fuse TMotor circuit breaker 6.3 A – 10.0 APower consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 501320 W/1630 W1570 W/1910 W1760 W/2200 W2010 W/2480 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 2.3Refrigerant R134a, 1600 g R134a, 1800 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection category to EN 60 529External circuit IP 34Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 70 kg 77 kgAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 3450 m 3 /h 3870 m 3 /hInternal circuit 1280 m 3 /h 1420 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.600 189Metal filters 1 3286.610 190Quick-change frame 1 3286.900 182Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cables for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Air-ducting system 1 3286.970 174Cover stoppers for interior air outlet 2 3286.980 175Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921) Delivery times available on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19578 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Roof-mounted cooling unitswith CO 2 as the coolant, useful cooling output 1000 W597417475490390Environmentally friendlycoolantThis generation of cooling unitsalready uses the alternative CO 2as the coolant for generating thecooling power.Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation.Fully wired ready for connection,including drilling template andassembly parts.Accessories:Roof plate for TS 8 withmounting cut-out,see page 181.Approvals,see page 278.Detailed drawing,see page 246.Roof-mounted cooling unitsModel No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 3383.740Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60Dimensions in mm WHD 597 x 417 x 475.Useful cooling output Q KL 35 L 35 1000 Wto DIN 3168Temperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection category to EN 60 529External circuit IP 34Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight42 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fansExternal circuit 1760 m 3 /hInternal circuit 440 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.500 189Metal filters 1 3286.510 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176Air-ducting system 1 3286.870 174Cover stoppers for interior air outlet 2 3286.880 175Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192We reserve the right to make technical modifications. Other specifications available upon request.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control79
Wall-mounted cooling unitsWall-mounted cooling unitsTop design and top performance with a host ofassembly benefits. The <strong>Rittal</strong> platform strategy withair/air heat exchangers allows easy adaptation to therequired cooling output, even retrospectively.system-wide mounting cut-outs to fit cooling units and80 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Integrated into TopTherm-Plus cooling unitsElectrical condensate evaporationCondensate arising inside the enclosureor on the evaporator coil of the cooling unitis effectively evaporated. The evaporatordevice inside the cooling units has a veryhigh evaporation output (several litres perday). This is achieved thanks to the principleof direct evaporation.RiNano coatingThe standard nano-surface finish on heatexchanger membranes ensures a long,constant cooling output and eliminates theneed for filter media in many areas.Versatility andflexibility of wallmountingWall-mounted cooling units –practical and elegant.Determination of the mounting cutoutdepends on the mounting variant– external, internal or partialinternal mounting. This makes optimumuse of the space available.With external mounting, openingsare only required for air inlet andoutlet. The enclosure surface containingthe cut-out for partial or fullinternal mounting is stabilised bythe divided internal case construction.Special internal or externalmounting kits are not required.Platform strategyFlexible performanceJust 5 mounting cut-outs for 8 different outputcategories provide investment securityand facilitate easy adaptation of the coolingoutput to the ambient conditions and theinstalled heat loss.<strong>Rittal</strong> platform strategyTopTherm air/air heat exchangers are alsocompatible with the mounting cut-outs.Wall-mounted cooling unitsBenefits at a glance● Super-efficient performance and energyconsumption● Wide output range from 225 to 4000 W● Controlling and monitoring via Basic orComfort <strong>control</strong>ler● Three-phase cooling units supportmultiple voltages as standard● Uniform, output-related, cross-systemmounting cut-outs, to match TopTherm-Plus air/air heat exchangers● Electrical condensate evaporation andRiNano coatingImportantAir inlet and outlet openings in the internaland external circuit must not be obstructedby electrical installations.Tips and tricksApplications see page 207Selection criteria see page 208Assembly see page 209Air routing see page 210Condensate management see page 213Electrical connectionand <strong>control</strong> see page 215<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control81
Wall-mounted cooling unitsVIP small cooling units, useful cooling output 225 W105526322961836032353.5602884651353.51183105465288Wall-mounted cooling units296The new VIP SK small coolingunits were developed especiallyfor cooling the VIP 6000 commandpanel. In addition, VIPsmall cooling units also offer aspace-saving, economical solutionfor the <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> ofsmall enclosures where smallheat loads are generated by thesystem.Supply includes:Fully wired ready for connectionand pre-mounted on analuminium rear panel to fitVIP 6000 operating housing 7 U.Property rights:German patent no. 198 17 9171Distance from installedequipment at least 60 mmModel No. SK 3201.100 3202.100Condenser version Left RightRated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 45526353.5105225 W/270 W160 W/200 WApprovals,see page 279.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Rated current max.1.5 A/1.5 AStart-up current1.9 A/2.0 APre-fuse T4.0 A/4.0 APower consumption P elL 35 L 35 285 W/300 Wto DIN 3168L 35 L 45 315 W/325 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 0.8/0.9RefrigerantR134a, 170 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.27 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +45°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 24to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionTerminal stripWeight10.5 kgColour Rear panel aluminium, vent grille RAL 7035Air throughput of fansExternal circuit 235 m 3 /h / 270 m 3 /hInternal circuit 160 m 3 /h / 180 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageTemperature indicator 1 3114.100 177Condensate hose 1 3301.608 192Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19582 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Wall-mounted cooling unitsMini cooling unit in horizontal format, useful cooling output 300 W3405251535598Mini cooling units in horizontalformat, ideal for cooling smallenclosures and operating housingswith optimum space utilisation.Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser. Fullywired ready for connection,including drilling template andassembly parts.Approvals,see page 279.Detailed drawing,see page 247.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK 3302.300 3302.310Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 50525340153300 W/320 W150 W/160 W300 W150 WWall-mounted cooling unitsRated current max. 1.6 A/1.7 A 4.0 AStart-up current 4.3 A/5.3 A 12.0 APre-fuse T 10.0 A 10.0 APower consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50285 W/300 W320 W/340 W290 W340 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.1Refrigerant R134a, 100 g R134a, 95 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight13 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fansExternal circuit 345 m 3 /hInternal circuit 310 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic <strong>control</strong>lerAccessories Packs of PageTemperature indicator 1 3114.100 177Condensate hose 1 3301.608 192Filter mats 3 3286.110 189Metal filters 1 3286.120 190Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control83
Wall-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 300/500 W1550280T110 10042T2T = DepthWall-mounted cooling unitsSupply includes:Nano-coated condenser. Fullywired ready for connection,including drilling template andassembly parts.1 Partial internal mountingpossible with 3303.XXXonly.Approvals,see page 280.Detailed drawing,see page 247.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Property rights:German registered designno. 402 02 324 andno. 402 02 325Japanese registered designno. 1 187 896Indian registered designno. 189 953US design patent no. D 488,480IR reg. design no. DM/061 967with validity for FR, IT, ESModel No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3302.100 3302.110 3303.100 3303.110Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 – – 3303.500 3303.510Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3302.200 3302.210 3303.200 3303.210Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) – – 3303.600 3303.610Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 60 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHTT2L 35 L 35L 35 L 5028055014098300 W/320 W150 W/170 W300 W150 W280550210164500 W/610 W280 W/350 W500 W280 WRated current max. 1.6 A/1.7 A 3.3 A 2.6 A/2.6 A 5.7 AStart-up current 3.0 A/3.4 A 8.0 A 5.1 A/6.4 A 11.5 APre-fuse T 10.0 A 10.0 A 10.0 A 10.0 APower consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50245 W/255 W255 W/275 W290 W340 W360 W/380 W420 W/390 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.2 1.4Refrigerant R134a, 100 g R134a, 170 gPermissible operating pressure p. max. 25 bar 28 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 13 kg 17 kgAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 310 m 3 /h 345 m 3 /hInternal circuit 345 m 3 /h 310 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.300 189Metal filters 1 3286.310 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 – 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cables for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 – 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 – 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.608 3301.610 1921) Delivery times available on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195470 W500 W84 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Wall-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 750 W550280280155 12545235Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser. Fullywired ready for connection,including drilling template andassembly parts.Approvals,see page 280.Detailed drawing,see page 247.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Property rights:German registered designno. 402 02 324 andno. 402 02 325Japanese registered designno. 1 187 896Indian registered designno. 189 953US design patent no. D 488,480IR reg. design no. DM/061 967with validity for FR, IT, ESModel No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3361.100 3361.110 3361.140Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3361.500 3361.510 3361.540Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3361.200 3361.210 3361.240Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3361.600 3361.610 3361.640Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 3) 115, 1~, 60 3) 400 2) , 2~, 50/60 3)Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 50280550280750 W/780 W510 W/540 W750 W500 W750 W/780 W510 W/540 WWall-mounted cooling unitsRated current max. 2.3 A/2.4 A 5.3 A 1.2 A/1.4 AStart-up current 5.6 A/5.6 A 12.0 A 3.1 A/3.3 APre-fuse T 10.0 A 10.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 4)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168.Q K/P elL 35 L 35L 35 L 50480 W/550 W530 W/640 W570 W670 W480 W/550 W530 W/640 WRefrigeration factor ε = L 35 L 35 1.5Refrigerant R134a, 280 g R134a, 260 g R134a, 280 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.28 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight22 kgAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 480 m 3 /h(unimpeded air flow)Internal circuit 600 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.300 189Metal filters 1 3286.310 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cables for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.610 1921) Delivery times on request. 2) External toroidal core transformer Ø 126 x 65 mm deep for mounting in the enclosure. 3) T u max. = 52°C/60 Hz.4)Transformer protection switch.Special voltages available on request. Technical modifications reserved.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control85
Wall-mounted cooling unitsCool Efficiency, useful cooling output 1000 W950NEWup to 45 % lessenergy consumption400260155 10550210Wall-mounted cooling unitsSupply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral condensate evaporation.Fully wired ready forconnection, including drillingtemplate and assembly parts.Approvals,see page 280.Detailed drawing,see page 248.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3304.700Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3304.800Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL35 L354009502601000 WRated current max.3.0 AStart-up current12.0 APre-fuse T10.0 APower consumption P elL 35 L 35 520 Wto DIN 3168L 35 L 45 580 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.9RefrigerantR134a, 325 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.20 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +45°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight40 kgAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 600 m 3 /hInternal circuit 450 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.400 189Metal filters 1 3286.410 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cablesfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Delivery times on request.Special voltages and other output categories available on request. Technical modifications reserved.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19586 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Wall-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 1000/1500 W950400260155 10550210Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation. Fully wired readyfor connection, including drillingtemplate and assembly parts.Approvals,see page 280.Detailed drawing,see page 248.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Property rights:German registered designno. 402 02 325IR reg. design no. DM/062 557with validity for FR, IT, ESIndian registered designno. 190 269Japanese registered designno. 1 187 905Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3304.100 3304.110 3304.140 3305.100 3305.110 3305.140Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3304.500 3304.510 3304.540 3305.500 3305.510 1) 3305.540Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler,stainless steel 1)3304.200 3304.210 3304.240 3305.200 3305.210 3305.240Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler,stainless steel 1)3304.600 3304.610 3304.640 3305.600 3305.610 3305.640Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 504009502601000 W/1060 W790 W/840 W400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/604009502601500 W/1510 W1230 W/1250 W400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Wall-mounted cooling unitsRated current max. 5.4 A/5.0 A 10.6 A/11.1 A 2.8 A/2.9 A 6.0 A/6.5 A 12.1 A/13.6 A 2.6 A/2.9 AStart-up current 12.0 A/14.0 A 26.0 A/28.0 A 11.5 A/12.7 A 22.0 A/24.0 A 42.0 A/46.0 A 12.2 A/11.3 APre-fuse T 10.0 A 16.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2) 16.0 A 20.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50825 W/775 W875 W/835 W850 W/800 W900 W/875 W700 W/675 W785 W/800 W975 W/1125 W1125 W/1285 W1000 W/1175 W1165 W/1325 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6Refrigerant R134a, 325 g R134a, 500 g R134a, 600 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 39 kg 44 kg 40 kg 41 kg 46 kg 42 kg925 W/1100 W1085 W/1275 WAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 900 m 3 /hInternal circuit 600 m 3 /h 800 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.400 189Metal filters 1 3286.410 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cablesfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921)Delivery times available on request. 2) Motor circuit-breaker.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control87
Wall-mounted cooling unitsSlimline, useful cooling output 1500 W15901590435205140 6543516525140Wall-mounted cooling units● Simple, fast assembly withoutthe need to drill additionalholes● Ideal for restricted mountinglocations● Super-slimline design● Minimal installation depth andbuild height.Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation. Fully wired readyfor connection, including drillingtemplate and assembly parts.Approvals,see page 281/282.Detailed drawing,see page 249.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3366.100 3377.100 1) 3366.110 3377.110 1) 3366.140 3377.140 1)Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3366.500 3377.500 1) 3366.510 3377.510 1) 3366.540 3377.540 1)Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler,stainless steel 1)3366.200 3377.200 3366.210 3377.210 3366.240 3377.240Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler,stainless steel 1)3366.600 3377.600 3366.610 3377.610 3366.640 3377.640Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 5043515902051500 W/1500 W1050 W/1100 W43515901654351590205435159016543515902051500 W/1500 W980 W/1080 W4351590165Rated current max. 7.1 A/7.3 A 14.3 A/14.7 A 3.0 A/3.1 AStart-up current 22.0 A/24.0 A 43.0 A/47.0 A 8.0 A/8.8 APre-fuse T 10.0 A 20.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168.Q K/P elRefrigerantPermissible operating pressure p. max.Temperature and setting rangeProtection categoryto EN 60 529L 35 L 35L 35 L 501045 W/1175 W1220 W/1335 W1075 W/1200 W1265 W/1375 WRefrigeration factor ε = L 35 L 35 1.4 1.3R134a, 700 g28 bar+20°C to +55°CExternal circuit IP 34Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 45 kg 50 kg 46 kg1090 W/1240 W1260 W/1430 WAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 910 m 3 /h(unimpeded air flow)Internal circuit 860 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.400 3253.010 3286.400 3253.010 3286.400 3253.010 189Metal filters 1 3286.410 3253.220 3286.410 3253.220 3286.410 3253.220 190Trim frame for external device mounting 1 3377.000 182Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cablesfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921) Delivery times available on request. 2) Motor circuit-breaker.Special voltages available on request. Technical modifications reserved.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19588 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Wall-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 2000/2500 W401580400295150 14550245Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation. Fully wired readyfor connection, including drillingtemplate, eyebolt and assemblyparts.Also required:For installation in the door, werecommend the use of the rideuproller (TS 4538.000) seeCat. 32, page 967 and 180°hinges (TS 8800.710), seeCat. 32, page 961, and for usein the side panel we recommendthe use of the TS enclosurepanel fasteners (TS 8800.071),see Cat. 32, page 918.Approvals,see page 280.Detailed drawing,see page 248.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3328.100 3328.110 3328.140 3329.100 3329.110 3329.140Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3328.500 3328.510 3328.540 3329.500 3329.510 3329.540Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler,stainless steel 1) 3328.200 3328.210 3328.240 3329.200 3329.210 3329.240Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler,stainless steel 1) 3328.600 3328.610 3328.640 3329.600 3329.610 3329.640Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 5040015802952000 W/2350 W1450 W/1690 W400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/6040015802952500 W/2750 W1600 W/1750 W400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 602500 W/2700 W1900 W/1950 WWall-mounted cooling unitsRated current max. 7.5 A/9.1 A 14.7 A/17.3 A 2.8 A/3.3 A 8.6 A/10.6 A 17.0 A/22.0 A 3.7 A/3.8 AStart-up current 22.0 A/26.0 A 36.0 A/39.0 A 6.8 A/7.8 A 21.0 A/21.0 A 44.0 A/42.0 A 6.8 A/7.6 APre-fuse T 16.0 A 25.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2) 16.0 A 25.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 501025 W/1200 W1250 W/1350 W1085 W/1250 W1300 W/1410 W1050 W/1275 W1275 W/1525 W1450 W/1675 W1625 W/2000 W1500 W/1725 W1675 W/2065 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 2.0 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.8RefrigerantR134a, 950 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.28 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 66 kg 73 kg 67 kg 69 kg 76 kg 70 kg1425 W/1625 W1675 W/1975 WAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 640 m 3 /h 710 m 3 /hInternal circuit 550 m 3 /h 640 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.400 189Metal filters 1 3286.410 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cablesfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921) Delivery times available on request. 2) Motor circuit-breaker. Special voltages available on request. Technical modifications reserved.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control89
Wall-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 4000 W1580500340195 145Wall-mounted cooling unitsSupply includes:Nano-coated condenser andNote:External mounting and partialAlso required:integral electronic condensate internal mounting of the coolingWhen mounting in the door:evaporation. Fully wired ready unit are available as standard.Ride-up roller (TS 4538.000),for connection, including drilling Partial internal mounting notsee Cat. 32, page 967.template, eyebolt and assembly possible with:When fitted with 180° hingesparts.– 600 mm wide TS enclosures(TS 8800.710),andsee Cat. 32, page 961.– 1200 mm wide TS enclosuresWhen mounting in the sidein the lockable door.panel: Enclosure panel fasteners(TS 8800.071),see Cat. 32, page 918.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3332.140Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3332.540Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3332.240Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, stainless steel 1) 3332.640Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 5050015803404000 W/4400 W3070 W/3570 WApprovals,see page 280.Detailed drawing,see page 248.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Rated current max.4.2 A/4.2 AStart-up current9.2 A/11.0 APre-fuse TMotor circuit-breaker 6.3 A – 10.0 APower consumption P elL 35 L 35 1850 W/2250 Wto DIN 3168L 35 L 50 2120 W/2590 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 2.1RefrigerantR134a, 3000 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.28 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight91 kgAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 2000 m 3 /hInternal circuit 1500 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.400 189Metal filters 1 3286.410 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cables for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921) Delivery times available on request.Special voltages available on request. Technical modifications reserved.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19590 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Wall-mounted cooling unitsDesign NEMA 4x, useful cooling output 500/1000/1500 W2852382986202983581020405Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andpartly integral electricalcondensate evaporation. Fullywired ready for connection,including drilling template andassembly parts.Approvals,see page 282.Detailed drawing,see page 249.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler 1) 3303.104 3) 3303.114 3) 3304.104 3304.114 3304.144 3305.104 3305.114 3305.144Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1) 3303.504 3) 3303.514 3) 3304.504 3304.514 3304.544 3305.504 3305.514 3305.544Rated operating voltage V/HzDimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 50230, 1~,50/60285620298500 W/610 W280 W/350 W115, 1~,60500 W280 W230, 1~,50/6040510203581000 W/1060 W790 W/840 W115, 1~,50/60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60230, 1~,50/6040510203581500 W/1510 W1230 W/1250 W115, 1~,50/60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Wall-mounted cooling unitsRated current max. 2.6/2.6 A 5.7 A 5.4/5.0 A 10.6/11.1 A 2.8/2.9 A 6.0/6.5 A 12.1/13.6 A 2.6/2.9 AStart-up current 5.1/6.4 A 11.5 A 12.0/14.0 A 26.0/28.0 A 11.5/12.7 A 22.0/24.0 A 42.0/46.0 A 12.2/11.3 APre-fuse T 10.0 A 10.0 A 10.0 A 16.0 A6.3 A –6.3 A –10.0 A 2) 16.0 A 20.0 A10.0 A 2)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50360/380 W420/390 W470 W500 W825/775 W875/835 W850/800 W900/875 W700/675 W785/800 W975/1125 W1125/1285 W1000/1175 W1165/1325 W925/1100 W1085/1275 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P el L 35 L 35 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.9Refrigerant R134a, 170 g R134a, 325 gR134a,500 gR134a, 600 gPermissible operating pressure p. max. 28 bar 25 bar 25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection ratingNEMA 4xDuty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 25 kg 49 kg 54 kg 50 kg 51 kg 56 kg 52 kgMaterial Stainless steel 1.4404 (V4A) (AISI 316L)Air throughputExternal circuit 345 m 3 /h 900 m 3 /h 900 m 3 /hof fansInternal circuit 310 m 3 /h 600 m 3 /h 800 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)AccessoriesPacksofPageDoor-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 – 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cablesfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3159.100 195Interface cardfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.610 3301.612 1921) Delivery times available on request. 2) Motor circuit-breaker.3)Without integral condensate evaporation.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control91
Wall-mounted cooling unitsDesign NEMA 4x, useful cooling output 2000/2500 W3881650328405Wall-mounted cooling unitsSupply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation. Fully wired readyfor connection, including drillingtemplate and assembly parts.Approvals,see page 282.Detailed drawing,see page 250.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler 1) 3328.104 3328.114 3328.144 3329.104 3329.114 3329.144Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1) 3328.504 3328.514 3328.544 3329.504 3329.514 3329.544Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 5040516503882000 W/2350 W1450 W/1690 W400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/602500 W/2750 W1600 W/1750 W400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 602500 W/2700 W1900 W/1950 WRated current max. 7.5 A/9.1 A 14.7 A/17.3 A 2.8 A/3.3 A 8.6 A/10.6 A 17.0 A/22.0 A 3.7 A/3.8 AStart-up current 22.0 A/26.0 A 36.0 A/39.0 A 6.8 A/7.8 A 21.0 A/21.0 A 44.0 A/42.0 A 6.8 A/7.6 APre-fuse T 16.0 A 25.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2) 16.0 A 25.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 2)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 501025/1200 W1250/1350 W1085/1250 W1300/1410 W1050/1275 W1275/1525 W1450/1675 W1625/2000 W1500/1725 W1675/2065 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.7 2.3 1.9 2.0RefrigerantR134a, 900 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.28 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection ratingNEMA 4xDuty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 80 kg 87 kg 80 kg 83 kg 90 kg 83 kgMaterial Stainless steel 1.4404 (V4A) (AISI 316L)1425/1625 W1675/1975 WAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 640 m 3 /h 710 m 3 /hInternal circuit 550 m 3 /h 640 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageDoor-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cablesfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921) Delivery times available on request. 2) Motor circuit-breaker.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19592 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Wall-mounted cooling unitsfor precision machine tools, useful cooling output 1000/1500 W950400260155 10550210These new devices meet thecurrent requirements of precisionmachine tools. This includeshigh acceleration valuesand a massive reduction inweight. The associated increasedsensitivity to vibrationalso places greater demandson supply equipment such ascooling units.Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation. Fully wired readyfor connection, including drillingtemplate and assembly parts.Approvals,see page 283.Detailed drawing,see page 248.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 1) 3304.142 3305.142Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 1) 3304.542 3305.542Rated operating voltage V/HzDimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 50400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 604009502601000 W/1060 W790 W/840 W400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 604009502601500 W/1510 W1230 W/1250 WProperty rights:German registered designno. 402 02 325IR reg. design no. DM/062 557with validity for FR, IT, ESIndian registered designno. 190 269Japanese registered designno. 1 187 905Wall-mounted cooling unitsRated current max. 2.8 A/2.9 A 2.6 A/2.9 AStart-up current 11.5 A/12.7 A 12.2 A/11.3 APre-fuse TMotor circuit breaker 6.3 A – 10.0 APower consumption P elto DIN 3168L 35 L 35L 35 L 50700 W/675 W785 W/800 W925 W/1100 W1085 W/1275 W.Refrigeration factor ε = Q K/P elL 35 L 35 1.4 1.9Refrigerant R134a, 500 g R134a, 600 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +55°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 40 kg 42 kgAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 900 m 3 /hInternal circuit 600 m 3 /h 800 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.400 189Metal filters 1 3286.410 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cablesfor Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 1921) Delivery times available on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control93
Wall-mounted cooling unitsExplosion-proof cooling units for zone 22 (dust), useful cooling output 1000/1500 W950400260Wall-mounted cooling unitsThese cooling units have beenespecially developed for <strong>control</strong>lingthe <strong>climate</strong> in potentiallyexplosive dust Zone 22 sectors.Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser. Fullywired ready for connection,including drilling template andassembly parts.Approvals,see page 283.Detailed drawing,see page 248.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK with Basic <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3304.130 3304.160 3305.130 3305.160Model No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler, RAL 7035 3304.530 3304.560 3305.530 3305.560Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60 230, 50/60 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputto DIN 3168.Q KWHDL 35 L 35L 35 L 504009502601000 W/1060 W790 W/840 W4009502601500 W/1510 W1230 W/1250 WRated current max. 4.8 A/4.4 A 2.5 A/2.6 A 5.4 A/6.0 A 2.3 A/2.6 AStart-up current 12.0 A/14.0 A 11.5 A/12.7 A 22.0 A/24.0 A 12.2 A/11.3 APre-fuse T 10.0 A/10.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 1) 16.0 A/16.0 A 6.3 A – 10.0 A 1)Power consumption P elto DIN 3168.Q K/P elL 35 L 35L 35 L 50700 W/650 W750 W/710 W580 W/550 W660 W/680 W850 W/1000 W1000 W/1160 WRefrigeration factor ε = L 35 L 35 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.9Refrigerant R134a, 325 g R134a, 500 g R134a, 600 gPermissible operating pressure p. max.25 barTemperature and setting range+20°C to +50°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 54to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 39 kg 41 kg800 W/980 W960 W/1150 WAir throughput of fansExternal circuit 900 m 3 /hInternal circuit 600 m 3 /h 800 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.400 189Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180RiDiag II including cables for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3159.100 195Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Delievery times available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.1) Motor circuit-breakerAccessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 19594 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Wall-mounted cooling unitswith CO 2 as the coolant, useful cooling output 1000 W950400260155 10550210Environmentally friendlycoolantThis generation of cooling unitsalready uses the alternative CO 2as the coolant for generating thecooling power.Supply includes:Nano-coated condenser andintegral electronic condensateevaporation. Fully wired readyfor connection, including drillingtemplate and assembly parts.Approvals,see page 283.Detailed drawing,see page 248.Wall-mounted cooling unitsModel No. SK with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 3304.740Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60Dimensions in mm WHD 400 x 950 x 260.Useful cooling output Q KL 35 L 35 1000 Wto DIN 3168Temperature and setting range+20°C to +40°CProtection categoryExternal circuit IP 34to EN 60 529Internal circuit IP 54Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight47 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fansExternal circuit 900 m 3 /hInternal circuit 600 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageFilter mats 3 3286.400 189Metal filters 1 3286.410 190Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176Air-ducting system 1 – 174Cover stoppers for interior air outlet 2 – 175Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192We reserve the right to make technical modifications. Other specifications available upon request.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control95
Thermoelectric coolersThermoelectric coolersThe powerful thermoelectric unit in a light-weightdesign is the eco-friendly <strong>climate</strong>-<strong>control</strong> solution forcommand panels and small enclosures producingenergy savings of more than 60 % compared withconventional industry systems.Internal mountingWhen installed in the enclosure,the unit only protrudes by a fewmillimetres, and therefore doesnot interrupt either the aestheticappearance or freedom of movementon support arm systems.External mountingIts low weight also allows it tobe externally mounted on simplealuminium rear panels or blankingpanels.Scalable outputThe modular designs allowssimple scaling of the coolingoutput depending on yourrequirements.96 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Thermoelectric coolersUseful cooling output 100 WB = WidthT = DepthApplication:● Ideal for cooling smallenclosures and commandpanels.● Especially suitable for use onsupport arm systems as well.● Optimum space utilisation.● Targeted cooling of hot-spots.● RJ45 interface for connectingto the <strong>Rittal</strong> CMC systemSupply includes:Thermoelectric cooling unit,wired ready for connection, withmultilingual documentation andmounting accessories.Approvals,see page 284.Detailed drawing,see page 250.Model No. SK 3201.200 3201.300Dimensions in mmWHD125400155Rated operating voltage V/Hz 100 – 230 V (AC) 24 V DCRefrigeration factor/COP L 35 L 35 1.0 1.2.Useful cooling output Q KL 35 L 35 100 W 100 Wto DIN 3168Power pack integrated –Colour of cover/unitRAL 7024/Anodised aluminiumProtection rating IP 54Weight 3.0 kg 2.5 kgTemperature range 0°C to +55°C 0°C to +55°CAir throughput, unimpeded air flow 50 m 3 /hType of connectionPlug-in spring connection terminalPre-fuse gG 2 A 10 AAccessories Packs of PagePower pack 150 watts for 35 mm top-hat rail 1 – 3201.030 192Filter mat 1 3201.050 191Door-operated switch 1 4127.010 176Digital temperature indicator 1 3114.100/3114.115 3114.024 177CMC monitoring system See Cat. 32, from page 808.Condensate hose, ∅ 6 mm 1 St. 3301.606 –We reserve the right to make technical modifications. Special voltages available on request.Thermoelectric coolersInnovative <strong>control</strong>The PID <strong>control</strong> ensures optimumactivation of the Peltierelements and fans. Speed andoutput are energy-efficientlyadjusted to the optimum operatingpoint thanks to pulse widthmodulation.Accessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control97
Liquid cooling IEEAir/water heat exchangers from page 100 Roof-mounted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 W. . . . . . . 102 Roof-mounted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4000 W. . . . . . . 103 Micro, wall-mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 W. . . . . . . 104 Wall-mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600/1250 W. . . . . . . 105 Wall-mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500/1000 W. . . . . . . 106 Wall-mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000/3000 W. . . . . . . 107 Wall-mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5000 W. . . . . . . 108 Wall-mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7000 W. . . . . . . 109EWater-carrying partsstainless steelSuitable for command panelsWall-mountedStandardised installationRoof-mountedEEDirect Cooling Package from page 110 Cold Plate for frequency converters. . . . . . . . . . 2500 – 6000 W. . . . . . . 112 Cold Plate for frequency converters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Cooling Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 – 900 W. . . . . . . 114 Panel Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150/350 W. . . . . . . 115Stainless steelSuitable for command panelsLiquid cooling IEStandardised installationManufacturer-specificW Ö ERecooling systems from page 116 Mini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/1.5 kW. . . . . . . 118 Mini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4.5 kW. . . . . . . 119 Mini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 kW. . . . . . . 120 Power Fluid Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 to 59 kW. . . . . . . 121 In floor-standing enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 to 36 kW. . . . . . . 123 Power Fluid Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 to 502 kW. . . . . . . 125 In TS 8 Top enclosure system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 to 25 kW. . . . . . . 127 Mini for wall mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2.5/4 kW. . . . . . . 129 In floor-standing enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 to 26 kW. . . . . . . 130W Ö EImmersible recooling systems from page 116 Immersible recooling systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 to 5.6 kW. . . . . . . 132 Immersible recooling systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 to 17.3 kW. . . . . . . 133 Immersible recooling systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 to 78 kW. . . . . . . 134 Immersible recooling systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 to 5.6 kW. . . . . . . 132 Immersible recooling systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 to 17.3 kW. . . . . . . 133 Immersible recooling systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 to 78 kW. . . . . . . 134WMedium to be cooled:WaterEMedium to be cooled:EmulsionWall-mountedÖMedium to be cooled:OilRoof-mountedFast delivery range<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control99
Air/water heat exchangersAir/water heat exchangersThe air of the enclosure interior may also be cooled tobelow the level of the external temperature, if required,by using cooling water from a central recoolingsystem. The ingress of dust from outside into thethe enclosure does not raise the temperature of theambient air, provided the heat exchanger and coldwater supply system are spatially separated from oneanother.cooled enclosure is prevented. The waste heat from100 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Climate <strong>control</strong>platform strategyIdentical mounting interface forcooling units and air/water heatexchangers. In this way, the devicetype and cooling output are easilyvaried.VariantsRoof mountedEspecially for bayed enclosures,where wall-mounted devices wouldobstruct the door.Wall mountedFor mounting on the wall or anysufficiently large vertical surface.Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler● Switching hysteresis: 2 – 10 Kpreset to 5 K● <strong>System</strong> alarm, individually configurable for2 floating fault signal contacts● Visualisation of the current enclosureinternal temperature and all systemmessages on the display● Storage of all system statuses in the logfile● Optional extension card for integration intosuperordinate remote monitoring systemse.g. with CMCEffective in extremeconditionsAir/water heat exchangers can also be usedat particularly extreme ambient temperaturesfrom +1° to +70°C. Even extreme levelsof contamination in the ambient air, e.g.with dust and oil, do not affect functionality.High heat losses are dissipated in the mostconfined spaces without emitting themdirectly to the ambient air.A high operating ratio is achieved, thanks tothe large surface area of the heat exchangerunit.Air/water heat exchangersBasic <strong>control</strong>ler● Visualisation of the operating status viaLED display● Switching hysteresis: 5 K● Floating fault signal contact in case ofovertemperature● Setpoint externally adjustable via potentiometer(setting range 20°C – 55°C)Benefits at a glance● Useful cooling output from 300 W to7000 W● Suitable for use even under extremeconditions and at ambient temperaturesof up to +70°C● Also available with all water-carryingparts made from V4A● <strong>System</strong> for TS 8 integrated into the sidepanel● High protection category. Thanks to thesealed design, a protection category ofIP 55 to EN 60 529 is achieved.ImportantAir/water heat exchangers should alwaysbe used in conjunction with recoolingsystems or a cooling water circuit.Tips and tricksApplications see page 217Selection criteria see page 218Assembly see page 219Air routing see page 220/221Condensate managementsee page 222/223Electrical connectionand <strong>control</strong> see page 224/225<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control101
Air/water heat exchangersRoof-mounted, useful cooling output 2500 W47559741721390490Air/water heat exchangersSupply includes:Fully wired ready for connection,with connector, including drillingtemplate, sealing mat andassembly parts.Also required:Cooling water system such as<strong>Rittal</strong> recooling systems,from page 116.1 Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝(flexible)2 Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝(flexible)Approvals,see page 284.Detailed drawing,see page 251.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Property rights:German registered designsno. 402 02 324 andno. 402 02 325US design patentno. US D 492,319SIndian registered designno. 189 956Chinese registered designno. ZL 0330 6415.6Water-carrying partsModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3209.100 3209.110 3209.140 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3209.500 3209.510 3209.540 1)Useful cooling output CuAL L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 2500 WModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3209.104 1) 3209.114 1) 3209.144 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3209.504 1) 3209.514 1) 3209.544 1)Useful cooling output V4A L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 1875 WRated operating voltage V, Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 400, 2~, 50/60Dimensions in mmWHD597417475Rated current max. 0.40 A/0.48 A 0.85 A/0.95 A 0.25 A/0.30 APre-fuse T4.0 ACooling medium Water (refer to specifications on the Internet; assembly instructions chapter 13)Water inlet temperature> +1°C to +30°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.1 to 10 barTemperature range+1°C to +70°CProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 55 2)Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 23.5 kg 27.5 kg 27.5 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans (unimpeded air flow) 1030 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageDoor-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Air ducting system 1 3286.870 174Cover stoppers for interior air outlet 1 3286.880 175Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Flow regulator valve 1 See accessories 1941) Delivery times available on request.IP 65 available on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems Page 116 Configuration software Page 195102 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Air/water heat exchangersRoof-mounted, useful cooling output 4000 W47559741721390490Supply includes:Fully wired ready for connection,with connector, including drillingtemplate, sealing mat andassembly parts.Also required:Cooling water system such as<strong>Rittal</strong> recooling systems,from page 116.1 Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝(flexible)2 Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝(flexible)Approvals,see page 284.Detailed drawing,see page 251.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Property rights:German registered designsno. 402 02 324 andno. 402 02 325US design patentno. US D 492,319SIndian registered designno. 189 956Chinese registered designno. ZL 0330 6415.6Water-carrying partsModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3210.100 3210.110 3210.140 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3210.500 3210.510 3210.540 1)Useful cooling output CuAL L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 4000 WModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3210.104 1) 3210.114 1) 3210.144 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3210.504 1) 3210.514 1) 3210.544 1)Useful cooling output V4A L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 3000 WRated operating voltage V, Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 400, 2~, 50/60Dimensions in mmWHD597417475Air/water heat exchangersRated current max. 0.44 A/0.5 A 0.9 A/1.0 A 0.25 A/0.3 APre-fuse T4.0 ACooling medium Water (refer to specifications on the Internet; assembly instructions chapter 13)Water inlet temperature> +1°C to +30°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.1 to 10 barTemperature range+1°C to +70°CProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 55 2)Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 25.5 kg 29.5 kg 29.5 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans (unimpeded air flow) 925 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageDoor-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Air ducting system 1 3286.870 174Cover stoppers for interior air outlet 1 3286.880 175Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Flow regulator valve 1 See accessories 1941) Delivery times available on request.IP 65 available on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems Page 116 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control103
Air/water heat exchangersMicro, wall-mounted, useful cooling output 300 W85150851501300130022Especially for selective coolingof hot-spots in small enclosures.Supply includes:Fully wired ready for connection,including drilling template andassembly parts.12Condensate discharge 3 / 8˝Cooling water connection 3 / 8˝Approvals,see page 284.Detailed drawing,see page 251.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Air/water heat exchangersModel No. SK 3212.230 3212.115 1) 3212.024Rated operating voltage V, Hz 230, 50/60 115, 50/60 24 V (DC)Dimensions in mmWHD15030085Useful cooling output L 35 W 10, 200 l/h 300 WRated current max. 0.11 A/0.13 A 0.23 A/0.24 A 1.20 APre-fuse T4.0 ACooling medium Water (refer to specifications on the Internet; assembly instructions chapter 12)Water inlet temperature> +1°C to +30°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.1 to 10 barTemperature range+1°C to +70°CProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 55 2)Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionConnection clampWeight3 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans (unimpeded air flow) 280 m 3 /h 250 m 3 /hAccessories Packs of PageTemperature indicator 1 3114.100 177Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Flow regulator valve 1 See accessories 1941) Delivery times available on request.IP 65 available on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems Page 116 Configuration software Page 195104 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Air/water heat exchangersWall-mounted, useful cooling output 600/1250 W1002001002001250095012Supply includes:Fully wired ready for connection,with terminal strip, includingdrilling template, sealing matand assembly parts.Also required:Cooling water system such as<strong>Rittal</strong> recooling systems,see page 116 onwards.12Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝Approvals,see page 285.Detailed drawing,see page 251/252.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK 3214.100 3215.100Rated operating voltage V, Hz 230, 50/60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputWHDL 35 W 10, 200 l/hL 35 W 10, 400 l/h200500100600 W650 W2009501001250 W1300 WAir/water heat exchangersRated current max. 0.17 A/0.18 A 0.38 A/0.4 APre-fuse T 2.0 A 4.0 ACooling medium Water (refer to specifications on the Internet; assembly instructions chapter 12)Water inlet temperature> +1°C to +30°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.1 to 10 barTemperature range+1°C to +70°CProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 55 1)Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionTerminal stripWeight 7 kg 13 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans 120 m 3 /h 200 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Thermostat-<strong>control</strong>led magnetic valveTemperature monitoringInternal thermostat, with change-over contact, switching load 16 A,setting range +20°C to +60°C (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageTemperature indicator 1 3114.100 177Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Flow regulator valve 1 See accessories 1941) IP 65 available on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems Page 116 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control105
Air/water heat exchangersWall-mounted, useful cooling output 500/1000 W922801422805505502121Supply includes:Fully wired ready for connection,with connector, including drillingtemplate, sealing mat andassembly parts.Also required:Cooling water system such as<strong>Rittal</strong> recooling systems,from page 116.Approvals,see page 285.Detailed drawing,see page 252.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Air/water heat exchangers1 Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝2 Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Water-carrying partsModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3363.100 3363.110 1) 3363.140 1) 3364.100 3364.110 1) 3364.140 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3363.500 3363.510 1) 3363.540 1) 3364.500 3364.510 1) 3364.540 1)Useful cooling output CuAL L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 500 W 1000 WModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3363.104 1) 3363.114 1) 3363.144 1) 3364.104 1) 3364.114 1) 3364.144 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3363.504 1) 3363.514 1) 3363.544 1) 3364.504 1) 3364.514 1) 3364.544 1)Useful cooling output V4A L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 375 W 750 WRated operating voltage V, HzDimensions in mmWHD230, 1~,50/6028055092115, 1~,50/60400, 2~,50/60230, 1~,50/60280550142115, 1~,50/60400, 2~,50/60Rated current max. 0.17 A/0.18 A 0.35 A/0.40 A 0.1 A/0.12 A 0.2 A/0.19 A 0.4 A/0.38 A 0.12 A/0.11 APre-fuse T 4.0 A 4.0 A 3) 4.0 A 4.0 A 3)Cooling medium Water (refer to specifications on the Internet; assembly instructions chapter 13)Water inlet temperature+1°C to +30°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.1 to 10 barTemperature range+1°C to +70°CProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 55 2)Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 12 kg 15 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans (unimpeded air flow) 270/320 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageDoor-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Flow regulator valve 1 See accessories 1941) Delivery times available on request.IP 65 available on request.3)2-pole miniature circuit breakerSpecial voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems Page 116 Configuration software Page 195106 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Air/water heat exchangersWall-mounted, useful cooling output 2000/3000 W14240095021Supply includes:Fully wired ready for connection,with connector, including drillingtemplate, sealing mat andassembly parts.Also required:Cooling water system such as<strong>Rittal</strong> recooling systems,from page 116.Approvals,see page 285.Detailed drawing,see page 253.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.1 Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝2 Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝1 Water-carrying partsModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3373.100 3373.110 1) 3373.140 1) 3374.100 3374.110 1) 3374.140 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3373.500 3373.510 1) 3373.540 1) 3374.500 3374.510 1) 3374.540 1)Useful cooling output CuAL L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 2000 W 3000 WModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3373.104 1) 3373.114 1) 3373.144 1) 3374.104 1) 3374.114 1) 3374.144 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3373.504 1) 3373.514 1) 3373.544 1) 3374.504 1) 3374.514 1) 3374.544 1)Useful cooling output V4A L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 1500 W 2250 WRated operating voltage V, HzDimensions in mmWHD230, 1~,50/60400950142115, 1~,50/60400, 2~,50/60230, 1~,50/60115, 1~,50/60400, 2~,50/60Air/water heat exchangersRated current max. 0.38 A/0.43 A 0.75 A/0.85 A 0.22 A/0.25 A 0.57 A/0.78 A 1.15 A/1.55 A 0.35 A/0.45 APre-fuse T 4.0 A 4.0 A 3) 4.0 A 4.0 A 3)Cooling medium Water (refer to specifications on the Internet; assembly instructions chapter 13)Water inlet temperature+1°C to +30°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.1 to 10 barTemperature range+1°C to +70°CProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 55 2)Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight20 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans (unimpeded air flow) 600/625 m 3 /h 700/730 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageDoor-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Flow regulator valve 1 See accessories 1941) Delivery times available on request.IP 65 available on request.3)2-pole miniature circuit breakerSpecial voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems Page 116 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control107
Air/water heat exchangersWall-mounted, useful cooling output 5000 W250450140021Supply includes:Fully wired ready for connection,with connector, including drillingtemplate, sealing mat andassembly parts.Also required:Cooling water system such as<strong>Rittal</strong> recooling systems,from page 116.Approvals,see page 285.Detailed drawing,see page 253.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Air/water heat exchangers1 Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝2 Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Water-carrying partsModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3375.100 3375.110 1) 3375.140 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler CuAL 3375.500 3375.510 1) 3375.540 1)Useful cooling output CuAL L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 5000 WModel No. SK Basic <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3375.104 1) 3375.114 1) 3375.144 1)Model No. SK Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler V4A (stainless steel) 3375.504 1) 3375.514 1) 3375.544 1)Useful cooling output V4A L 35 W 10, 400 l/h 3750 WRated operating voltage V, Hz 230, 1~, 50/60 115, 1~, 50/60 400, 2~, 50/60Dimensions in mmWHD4501400250Rated current max. 1.0 A/1.35 A 2.0 A/2.7 A 0.6 A/0.8 APre-fuse T 4.0 A 4.0 A 3)Cooling medium Water (refer to specifications on the Internet; assembly instructions chapter 13)Water inlet temperature+1°C to +30°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.1 to 10 barTemperature range+1°C to +70°CProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 55 2)Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionPlug-in terminal stripWeight 56 kg 59 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans (unimpeded air flow) 2365/2750 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Basic or Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler (factory setting +35°C)Accessories Packs of PageDoor-operated switch 1 4127.000 176SK BUS system for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.100 180Interface card for Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler 1 3124.200 179Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Flow regulator valve 1 See accessories 1941) Delivery times available on request.IP 65 available on request.2-pole miniature circuit breakerSpecial voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems Page 116 Configuration software Page 195108 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Air/water heat exchangersWall-mounted, useful cooling output 7000 W300450180021Supply includes:Fully wired ready for connection,with terminal strip, includingdrilling template, sealing matand assembly parts.Also required:Cooling water system such as<strong>Rittal</strong> recooling systems,from page 116.12Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝Approvals,see page 285.Detailed drawing,see page 254.Performance diagrams,available on the Internet.Model No. SK 3216.480 1)Rated operating voltage V, Hz 400, 3~, 50/60 480, 3~, 60Dimensions in mmUseful cooling outputWHDL 35 W 10, 500 l/hL 35 W 20, 500 l/h45018003007000 W4500 WRated current max. 1.4 A/1.6 A 1.2 APre-fuse T4.0 A, 3-polePower consumption P el 450 W/700 W 630 WCooling medium Water (refer to specifications on the Internet; assembly instructions chapter 12)Water inlet temperature+1°C to +30°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.1 to 10 barTemperature range+1°C to +70°CProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 55 2)Duty cycle 100 %Type of connectionTerminal stripWeight79 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans 2400 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Thermostat-<strong>control</strong>led magnetic valveAccessories Packs of PageTemperature indicator 1 3114.100 177Door-operated switch 1 4127.000 176Condensate hose 1 3301.612 192Flow regulator valve 1 See accessories 1941)Delivery times available on request.IP 65 available on request.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangersAdaptor frameFor mounting the air/water heat exchangerSK 3216.480 on side panels of 500 mm deepTS enclosures.Material:Sheet steelColour:RAL 7035Packs ofModel No. SK1 3216.470Detailed drawing,see page 254.Accessories Page 171 Recooling systems Page 116 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control109
Direct cooling packageDirect cooling packagePower electronic components can be cooledparticularly effectively using the liquid cooled DCPmounting plate. Heat losses are cleverly dissipatedfrom the enclosure or housing without compromisingthe high enclosure protection category in any way.Furthermore, liquid cooling is both quiet and1000 times more efficient than heat dissipationvia air.The <strong>Rittal</strong> DCP Cold Plate has receivedtype-tested certification from the TÜVinspection authority and is approved forpressures up to 10 bar.y p eteTe s110 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
AssemblyAttachment with retainersFrequency converters with dimensionsmarginally smaller than the T-slot spacingcan be secured with special retainers.Attachment with tapped holesPower electronics can be mounted at anyposition over the whole surface by drillingtapped holes up to max. 12 mm in depth.AssemblyHeight and depth-variable mountingpositions are offered by thesystem punchings of the TS 8profiles in conjunction withpunched section with mountingflange 17 x 73 mm (for the outermounting level).AssemblyAttachment directly in the T-slotDirect and fast mounting using sliding nutsfor components with suitable dimensions.Direct earthing or equipotential bondingpoints may be provided on the Cold Plate.Attachment with variable clamping systemSupports fast mechanical installation withoutthe need for drilling, independently ofthe original attachment points on the component.For use with a wide range of modelsand makes.Direct cooling packageBenefits at a glance● High surface quality (Ra = 1.2 μm) toreduce thermal resistance● No vibrations from compressors and fans● Ideal for precision machine tools● No noise generation● No top-mounted parts on the enclosure● Enclosure may be installed in themachine base and in niches● The protection category of the enclosureis preserved● Mounting surface on both sides may beused as a contact surface for heatdissipation● Space-saving configuration of electroniccomponents in the enclosureImportantManufacturer or customer-specific ColdPlates may be supplied on a project-relatedbasis on request.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control111
DCP – Direct Cooling PackageCold Plate for frequency convertersTHBB = WidthT = DepthDCP – Direct Cooling PackageWithout T-slotLiquid-cooled partial mountingplate with drilling surfaceWhole surface can be used bythe customer for own tappedholes (blind holes) to a maximumdrilling depth of 12 mm.With T-slotLiquid-cooled partial mountingplate for fastening with avariable clamping systemFast mounting of converters withsystem fastening and additionalpossibility for tapped holes(blind holes) to a maximumdrilling depth of 8 mm.Without T-slotVersion:Press-fitted copper or stainlesssteel tubes, dependent on theapplication, in closed recoolingsystems or existing (open) watercircuit. Cooling water connection:G 1 / 4˝, anti-twist.Supply includes:Mounting accessories for systemintegration into TS.Accessories:Accessories for fluid distributionconnection,see page 184.TS punched section with mountingflange 17 x 73 mm for theexternal mounting level,see Catalogue 32, page 1023.Recooling systems for closedcooling circuits,see from page 116.Further technicalinformation is available atwww.rittal.com/dcpApprovals,see page 286.Detailed drawing,see page 255.Model No. DCP 8616.610 8616.630 8616.810 8616.830 8616.010 2) 8616.030 2) 8616.210 2) 8616.230 2)For installation inDimensions in mmEnclosure width mm 600 600 800 800 1000 1000 1200 1200Enclosure depth (side) mm 600 600 800 800 1000 1000 – –WHD4993992549939925Output 1) 2500 W 2500 W 3000 W 3000 W 5000 W 5000 W 6000 W 6000 WMaterial CU VA CU VA CU VA CU VAPacks of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11) At 25°C medium inlet temperature, DCP surface temperature ≈ 50°C, medium flowrate = 200 l/h, surface roughness: 1.2 μm.2) Delivery times available on request.69939925699399258993992589939925109939925109939925Q . Q .With T-slotModel No. DCP 8616.600 8616.620 8616.800 8616.820 8616.000 2) 8616.020 2) 8616.200 2) 8616.220 2)For installation inEnclosure width mm 600 600 800 800 1000 1000 1200 1200Enclosure depth (side) mm 600 600 800 800 1000 1000 – –Dimensions in mmWHD4993992049939920Output 1) 2500 W 2500 W 3000 W 3000 W 5000 W 5000 W 6000 W 6000 WMaterial CU VA CU VA CU VA CU VAPacks of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11)At 25°C medium inlet temperature, DCP surface temperature ≈ 50°C, medium flowrate = 200 l/h, surface roughness: 1.2 μm.2) Delivery times available on request.69939920699399208993992089939920109939920109939920Recooling systems page 116 Accessories page 184112 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
DCP – Direct Cooling PackageCold Plate for frequency converters, manufacturer-specificTHBB = WidthT = DepthSiemens SINAMICSS120 series BooksizePre-manufactured tapped holeson a 50 mm pitch pattern forattaching the S120 modules.For the design of SINAMICSdrive modules in the S120series, please contact yourlocal Siemens agent.Danfoss frequency convertersVLT Automation Drive FC300for enclosure sizesA2 (0.37 – 4 kW/380 – 500 V)A3 (5.5 – 7.5 kW/380 – 500 V)with a channel spacing of257 mm may be used.Approvals,see page 286.Detailed drawing,see page 255.Version Siemens SINAMICS S120 Booksize Danfoss VLT Automation Drive FC300Model No. DCP 8616.640 8616.641 1) 8616.840 8616.841 1) 8616.650 1) 8616.651 1) 8616.850 1) 8616.851 1)For installation inDimensions in mmEnclosure width mm 600 600 800 800 600 600 800 800Enclosure depth mm 600 600 800 800 600 600 800 800WHD4994492049944920Material CU VA CU VA CU VA CU VAPacks of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Special sizes available on request. Surface roughness: 1.2 μm.Rear: Press-fitted copper or stainless steel tubes, dependent on the application, in closed recooling systems or existing (open) water infrastructure.Cooling water connection: G 1 / 4˝, anti-twist.1) Delivery times available on request.699449206994492049929920499299206992992069929920DCP – Direct Cooling PackageRecooling systems page 116 Accessories page 184<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control113
DCP – Direct Cooling PackageCooling UnitTHBB = WidthT = Depth1 2DCP – Direct Cooling PackageThe Cooling Unit is available intwo variants. As add-on 1 inconjunction with a <strong>Rittal</strong> ColdPlate or as a stand-alone unit 2with press-fitted pipework in thecooler. The optional housing forthe cooler ensures even moreefficient air routing and thusreliable cooling of the air insidethe enclosure.Functional principle:The warm air inside the enclosureis drawn in by a powerfulradial fan and passed throughthe cooler.The unit can be operated eitherindirectly, i.e. mounted on a<strong>Rittal</strong> Cold Plate, or as a fullyautonomous system with its owncooling water circulation. Thelatter supports direct mountingon the mounting plate in theimmediate vicinity of major heatloss sources.In this variant, additional copperor stainless steel tubes arepress-fitted into the cooler.Convincing arguments:● Direct cooling of powerelectronics on the <strong>Rittal</strong>Cold Plate and loweringof the enclosure internaltemperature● Decentralised cooling ofhigh-performance powerelectronics● No change to the existingprotection category of theenclosureVersion 1 Add-on 2 Stand-aloneApprovals,see page 286.Further technicalinformation is available atwww.rittal.com/dcpModel No. DCP 8616.500 8616.510 1) 8616.550 2) 8616.560 2)Dimensions in mmWHD252572205Power 400 W 800 W 500 W 900 WPacks of 1 1 1 11) Space required behind the DCP = 110 mm2) Cooling unit as stand-alone unit with its own fluid connection (2 x G 1 / 4˝), anti-twist.Delivery times available on request.252572205252572205252572205Recooling systems page 116 Accessories page 184114 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
DCP – Direct Cooling PackagePanel CoolingHTBB = WidthT = DepthThis integrated Panel Coolingsolution was developed by<strong>Rittal</strong> for optimum, space-savingcooling of operating housings.Heat losses of approx.150 – 350 W can be dissipatedwithout the need for externaladd-ons. The high protectioncategory of the enclosure isretained, thanks to the fluidconnection at the rear of thepanel.Functional principle:The fan unit with six individualfans ensures optimum air circulationat the cooler for efficientdissipation of the heat lossesarising in the housing.The unit can be connectedeither to an existing coolantcircuit or else to an externalrecooling system.Convincing arguments:● High performance withminimal space requirements● No reduction of the originalprotection category● No external add-onsnecessaryOperating housing cooling e.g.for the Comfort Panel and forspecial enclosures such asstainless steel enclosures for thefood and consumables industry.Cooling units may be ordered forheat losses of up to 350 W on aproject-specific basis.Model No. DCP 8616.300 8616.310Dimensions in mmWHD30025050Power 150 W 350 WPacks of 1 1Delivery times available on request.40030060Approvals,see page 287.Further technicalwinformation is available atwww.rittal.com/dcpDCP – Direct Cooling PackageRecooling systems page 116<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control115
Recooling systems IERecooling systems IERecooling systems ensure centralised, efficient coolingand supply of the cooling medium (generally water). Allcooling tasks on a system or machine can be solvedSpatial separation between cooling production andprocess cooling can be achieved with recoolingsystems.via a single pipeline system.116 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Standard RiNano coatingRecooling systems, mini-wall-mounted andPower Fluid coolers: with RiNano coating asstandard. The heat exchanger membranesultra-thin, glass-like seals prevent dirt fromsettling on the condenser.NEWApplication diversity ofcentralised coolingtechnologyEnclosure coolingIn conjunction with air/water heat exchangers,optimum dissipation of high heat loadsis guaranteed, even under extreme ambienttemperatures and air contamination levels.Cooling of liquid mediaThe direct and indirect cooling of liquids isessential for ensuring the required levels ofmachine accuracy and speed.Process coolingHigh-quality material processing, such aslaser cutting, necessitates high levels oftemperature precision with simultaneouscooling of the peripheral technology.Recooling systems IEFast delivery range upto 50 kW● Standardised versions● Basic version available off-the-shelf● Shorter delivery times for definedoptionsBenefits at a glance● Cooling output from 1 to 500 kW● A single system for enclosure cooling,process and machine cooling, and thecooling of liquid media.● Integration into bayed enclosure suites● Individual project management● Commissioning and servicing● Comprehensive pipeline calculation● Global service networkImportantCooling output calculated at 32°C ambienttemperature and an inlet temperature of10°C and 18°C (water) or 20°C (oil)Tips and tricksApplications see page 226Selection criteria see page 227Assembly see page 228Notes see page 229<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control117
Recooling systems for waterMini, cooling output 1/1.5 kW600400430Recooling systems for waterTechnical design:● Compact, modular structureof the cooling components ona base plate designed as acollecting tray.● With RiNano coating.● Pump to convey the medium.● Precise temperature <strong>control</strong>,based on microprocessortechnology.● Collective fault signal withfloating contact.● Application-specific specialequipment available onrequest.● Pressure-sealed system (.600)or open system with tank(.610).Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Approvals,see page 287.Layout diagram,see page 258.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 258.Other options,see page 256.Model No. SK 3318.600 3318.610 3319.600 3319.610Rated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD6004004300.8 kW/0.9 kW1.0 kW/1.1 kW1.2 kW/1.3 kW1.5 kW/1.7 kWPower consumption 0.63 kW/0.78 kW 0.85 kW/1.05 kWRated current max. 4.2 A 5.4 ARefrigerantR134aNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTank Pressure-sealed Made from PP plastic Pressure-sealed Made from PP plasticTank capacity – 2.5 l – 2.5 lWater connections1/ 2˝ internal threadWeight 48 kg 51 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 44Air throughput of fans 900 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Micro<strong>control</strong>ler <strong>control</strong> (factory setting +18°C)Accessories Packs of PageMetal filters 1 3286.510 190Special voltages and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Overflow valve Page 194 Cooling medium Page 194118 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Recooling systems for waterMini, cooling output 3/4.5 kW60264567625Technical design:● Compact, modular configurationof the cooling componentswith integral water tank.● With RiNano coating.● Integral tank level display.● Pump to convey the medium.● Precise temperature <strong>control</strong>,based on microprocessortechnology.● Collective fault signal withfloating contact.● Application-specific specialequipment available onrequest.Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Approvals,see page 287.Layout diagram,see page 258.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 258.Other options,see page 256.Model No. SK 3320.600 3334.600Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50/60/460, 3~, 60 1)Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD6026766452.7 kW/3.0 kW3.0 kW/3.4 kW3.9 kW/4.7 kW4.5 kW/5.4 kWRecooling systems for waterPower consumption 1.72 kW/1.95 kW 2.00 kW/2.51 kWRated current max. 3.8 A/4.6 A/3.9 A 4.9 A/5.9 A/5.0 ARefrigerantR134aNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTankPlasticTank capacity30 lWater connections1/ 2˝ internal threadWeight (empty) 88 kg 94 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 44Air throughput of fans 1785 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Micro<strong>control</strong>ler <strong>control</strong> (factory setting +18°C)Accessories Packs of PageMetal filters 1 3286.520 1901) Supports multiple voltages without rewiring.Special voltages and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Overflow valve Page 194 Cooling medium Page 194<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control119
Recooling systems for waterMini, cooling output 6 kW6026451050Recooling systems for water25Technical design:● Compact, modular configurationof the cooling componentswith integral water tank.● With RiNano coating.● Integral tank level display.● Pump to convey the medium.● Precise cooling <strong>control</strong> basedon microprocessor technology.● Collective fault signal withfloating contact.● Application-specific specialequipment available onrequest.Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Model No. SK 3334.660Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50/60/460, 3~, 60 1)Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD60210506454.8 kW/5.2 kW/5.2 kW6.0 kW/6.6 kW/6.6 kWApprovals,see page 288.Layout diagram,see page 258.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 258.Other options,see page 256.Power consumption4.3 kW/5.1 kW/5.1 kWRated current max.8 A/9.7 A/8 ARefrigerantR134aNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTankMade from PP plasticTank capacity30 lWater connections3/ 4˝ internal threadWeight125 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 44Air throughput of fans 2200/2500 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Micro<strong>control</strong>ler <strong>control</strong> (factory setting +18°C)Accessories Packs of PageMetal filters 1 3286.520 1901) Supports multiple voltages without rewiring.Special voltages and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Overflow valve Page 194 Cooling medium Page 194 Twin castors Catalogue 32, page 907120 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Recooling systems for waterPower Fluid Cooler, cooling output 7.5 kWHBTFastdelivery rangeB = WidthT = DepthTechnical design:● Enclosure in a modern industrialdesign.● Compact, modular layout ofthe refrigeration components.● With RiNano coating.● Collective fault signal withfloating contact.● Space-saving, compactdesign.Options:1. Flow monitor2. Flow monitor+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)3. Automatic bypass valve4. Automatic bypass valve+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)5. Hot gas bypass6. Flow monitor+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)+ hot gas bypassSupply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Model No. SK 3234.090Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD59513058005.2 kW7.5 kWApprovals,see page 288.Layout diagram,see page 258.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 258.Recooling systems for waterPower consumption3.8 kWRated current max.7 ARefrigerantR134aNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTankPlasticTank capacity57 lWater connections1˝ internal threadWeight (empty)147 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 44Air throughput of fans 3140 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Micro<strong>control</strong>ler <strong>control</strong> (factory setting +18°C)AccessoriesPacks ofMetal filters 1 on requestWe reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Overflow valve Page 194 Cooling medium Page 194<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control121
Recooling systems for waterPower Fluid Cooler, cooling output 10 to 59 kWHTBFastdelivery rangeB = WidthT = DepthRecooling systems for waterTechnical design:● Enclosure in a modern industrialdesign.● Compact, modular layout ofthe refrigeration components.● With RiNano coating.● Collective fault signal withfloating contact.● Space-saving, compactdesign.Options forSK 3234.100/.110/.120/.130/.140/.1501. Flow monitor2. Flow monitor+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)3. Automatic bypass valve4. Automatic bypass valve+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)5. Hot gas bypass6. Flow monitor+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)+ hot gas bypassOptions forSK 3234.160/.170/.180/.1901. Automatic bypass valve+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)2. Pressure-sealed tank+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)+ automatic bypass valve3. Pressure-sealed tankSupply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Approvals,see page 288.Layout diagram,see page 258.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 258.Model No. SK 3234.100 3234.110 3234.120 3234.130 3234.140 3234.150 3234.160 3234.170 3234.180 3234.190Rated operating voltage V, Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD655128011607 kW10 kW10 kW14 kW11 kW16 kW7551280136013 kW19 kW15 kW21 kW18 kW25 kW8551500156023 kW32 kW25 kW36 kW10401700200033 kW47 kW41 kW59 kWPower consumption 3.8 kW 4.8 kW 5.3 kW 6.4 kW 7.1 kW 8.1 kW 15.9 kW 17.6 kW 15.0 kW 21.0 kWRated current max. 10.6 A 13.1 A 14.1 A 16.2 A 18.2 A 19.7 A 24.4 A 26.9 A 28.0 A 36.0 ARefrigerantR407CNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTank Plastic Stainless steelTank capacity 60 l 100 l 150 l 220 lWater connections 1˝ internal thread 1 1 / 4˝ internal thread 1 1 / 2˝ internal threadWeight (empty) 215 kg 225 kg 235 kg 240 kg 250 kg 260 kg 280 kg 300 kg 460 kg 490 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 6280 m 3 /h 10880 m 3 /h 18000 m 3 /h 32000 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Micro<strong>control</strong>ler <strong>control</strong> (factory setting +18°C)AccessoriesPacks ofMetal filters 1 on requestWe reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Overflow valve Page 194 Cooling medium Page 194122 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Recooling systems for waterIn floor-standing enclosure, cooling output 2.1 to 7.7 kWHBTB = WidthT = DepthTechnical design:● Robust industrial standard in3 enclosure sizes.● Identical basic enclosurefor oil and water recoolingsystems.● Spare space for the integrationof special equipment● Variable air routing is possiblevia the l/h or r/h side panel● Floating contact for collectivefault signal.● Level monitor/float-actuatedswitch.● Multi-coil vaporiser in the tank.Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Note:The illustration shows units withcustomer-specific options.Accessories:Metal filter mats, castors andbypass valve available onrequest.Approvals,see page 288.Layout diagram,see page 260.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 260.Options,see page 256.Model No. SK 3336.100 3336.200 3336.300 3336.500 3336.600 3336.650Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD4707255401.7 kW2.1 kW4859656502.1 kW2.6 kW2.3 kW3.4 kW59511808003.6 kW5.0 kW4.8 kW6.2 kW5.2 kW7.7 kWRecooling systems for waterPower consumption 1.5 kW 1.7 kW 2.3 kW 2.9 kW 3.7 kW 3.9 kWRated current max. 3.4 A 3.0 A 4.2 A 5.5 A 6.2 A 7.3 ARefrigerantR134aNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTank Made from stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)Tank capacity 17 l 33 l 57 lWater connections 3/ 4˝ internal thread 1˝ internal threadWeight 75 kg 97 kg 99 kg 141 kg 143 kg 147 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 700 m 3 /h 1250 m 3 /h 1785 m 3 /h 3140 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display (factory setting +18°C)Delivery times available on request.Special voltages, other frequencies, and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Overflow valve Page 194 Cooling medium Page 194<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control123
Recooling systems for waterIn floor-standing enclosure, cooling output 10 to 36 kWHTBB = WidthT = DepthRecooling systems for waterTechnical design:● Robust industrial housing in2 enclosure sizes.● Identical basic enclosurefor oil and water recoolingsystems.● Integration of applicationspecificspecial equipmenton request.● Variable air routing is possiblevia the l/h or r/h sidepanel.● Optimum accessibility forservicing purposes by removingthe side panel.● Floating contact for collectivefault signal.● Flow monitor.Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Note:The illustration shows units withcustomer-specific options.Accessories:Metal filter mats, castors,eyebolts and bypass valveavailable on request.Approvals,see page 288.Layout diagram,see page 260.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 260.Options,see page 256.Model No. SK 3336.700 3336.710 3336.720 3336.730 3336.740 3336.750 3339.100 3339.200Rated operating voltage V, Hz 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD615117811608.3/10.4 kW10.0/12.6 kW11.9/15.514.4/18.713.5/16.616.3/20.17151178136015.0/18.118.5/22.417.0/20.720.9/25.420.6/26.425.2/32.38151400156026.2/31.432.0/38.429.6/35.536.2/43.5Power consumption 3.8 kW 4.8 kW 5.3 kW 6.4 kW 7.1 kW 13.1 kW 18.3 kW 18.6 kWRated current max. 10.6 A 13.1 A 14.1 A 16.2 A 18.2 A 23.7 A 29.2 A 30.7 ARefrigerantR407CNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°C 1)Liquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTank Made from stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)Tank capacity 60 l 100 l 150 lWater connections 1˝ internal thread 1 1 / 4˝ internal threadWeight 215 kg 225 kg 235 kg 240 kg 250 kg 260 kg 260 kg 300 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54 IP 54Air throughput of fans 6280 m 3 /h 10880 m 3 /h 16000 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display (factory setting +18°C)1) SK 3336.720 and SK 3336.750 +15°C to +40°C.Delivery times available on request.Special voltages and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Overflow valve Page 194 Cooling medium Page 194124 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Recooling systems for waterPower Fluid Cooler, cooling output 68 to 209 kWHTBB = WidthT = DepthTechnical design:● Compact design with <strong>control</strong>components in the front andair intake via both side panels,air outlet upwards.● Open system.● Digital thermostat for temperature<strong>control</strong> with setpoint andactual value display.● Flow monitor.Options:1. Automatic bypass valve+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)2. Pressure-sealed tank+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)+ automatic bypass valve3. Pressure-sealed tankSupply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Approvals,see page 289.Layout diagram,see page 258.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 258.Model No. SK 3234.200 3234.210 3234.220 3234.230 3234.240 3234.250 3234.260 3234.270 3234.280Rated operating voltage V, Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD11001606245048 kW68 kW11001606245055 kW79 kW11001606245063 kW90 kW11001606295071 kW101 kW11001875295087 kW124 kW11001875295095 kW135 kW110018752950111 kW158 kW110018752950123 kW175 kW110018753950146 kW209 kWRecooling systems for waterPower consumption 20.5 kW 24.0 kW 27.0 kW 28.0 kW 38.5 kW 41.2 kW 50.0 kW 55.8 kW 66.0 kWRated current max. 40.0 A 46.0 A 50.0 A 77.0 A 66.5 A 71.9 A 88.4 A 99.7 A 112.3 ARefrigerantR410ANo. of cooling circuits 2Temperature rangeEnvironment –20°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTank Made from stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)Tank capacity 300 l 500 lWater connections2 1 / 2˝ internal threadWeight (empty) 790 kg 820 kg 835 kg 920 kg 1115 kg 1140 kg 1215 kg 1305 kg 1485 kgColour RAL 9002Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 13720 m 3 /h 20450 m 3 /h 27300 m 3 /h 35500 m 3 /h 60900 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Micro<strong>control</strong>ler <strong>control</strong>We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Cooling medium Page 194<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control125
Recooling systems for waterPower Fluid Cooler, cooling output 271 to 502 kWHTBB = WidthT = DepthRecooling systems for waterTechnical design:● Compact design with <strong>control</strong>components in the front andair intake via both side panels,air outlet upwards.● Pressure-sealed system.● Digital thermostat for temperature<strong>control</strong> with setpoint andactual value display.● Flow monitor.Options:Automatic bypass valve+ pump (4 bar stainless steel)Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Approvals,see page 289.Layout diagram,see page 258.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 258.Model No. SK 3234.290 3234.300 3234.310 3234.320 3234.330 3234.340Rated operating voltage V, Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD220024503400190 kW271 kW214 kW305 kW237 kW339 kW220024504250284 kW406 kW316 kW452 kW351 kW502 kWPower consumption 80 kW 88 kW 96 kW 120 kW 132 kW 144 kWRated current max. 200 A 219 A 237 A 300 A 328 A 355 ARefrigerantR410ANo. of cooling circuits 2Temperature rangeEnvironment –20°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTankSteelTank capacity700 lWater connections 3˝ internal thread 4˝ internal threadWeight (empty) 2650 kg 2740 kg 2780 kg 3400 kg 3500 kg 3600 kgColour RAL 9002Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 83000 m 3 /h 78000 m 3 /h 76000 m 3 /h 112000 m 3 /h 111500 m 3 /h 111000 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Micro<strong>control</strong>ler <strong>control</strong>We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Cooling medium Page 194126 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Recooling systems for waterIn TS 8 Top enclosure system, cooling output 6/7.5 W100HBTB = WidthT = DepthTechnical design:● Compact structure with <strong>control</strong>components in the frontand air intake via the rear.● Suitable for bayed siting.● Special fittings and optionsavailable on request.● Float-actuated switch as protectionagainst running dry.● Floating collective fault signal.● Equipped with Grundfospumps and Siemens components.● Service accessibility from allsides.Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Note:The illustration shows units withcustomer-specific options.Accessories:Metal filter mat and bypassvalve available on request.Model No. SK 3335.060 3335.075Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions in mmWHD6002150600Base/plinth height mm 100Cooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°C4.8 kW6.0 kW6.0 kW7.5 kWApprovals,see page 289.Detailed drawing,see page 263.Layout diagram,see page 263.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 263.Options,see page 256.Recooling systems for waterPower consumption 2.4 kW 2.5 kWRated current max. 8.0 A 8.5 ARefrigerantR407CNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +10°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +30°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTankMade from PP plasticTank capacity105 lWater connections3/ 4˝ external threadWeight 180 kg 190 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 4000 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display, setting range +10°C to +30°C(factory setting +18°C)Delivery times available on request.Special voltages, other frequencies and refrigerants, and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 TS 8 lock systems Cat. 32, from page 947 TS 8 baying system Cat. 32, from page 138Overflow valve page 194 Cooling medium page 194<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control127
Recooling systems for waterIn TS 8 Top enclosure system, cooling output 10/25 W100100HHBTBTB = WidthT = DepthRecooling systems for waterTechnical design:● Compact design with <strong>control</strong>components in the front andair intake via the rear.● Suitable for bayed siting.● Special fittings and optionsavailable on request.● Float-actuated switch as protectionagainst running dry.● Floating collective fault signal.● Magnetic valve in the coolingcircuit.● Equipped with Grundfospumps and Siemens components.● Service accessibility from allsides.Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Note:The illustration shows units withcustomer-specific options.Accessories:Metal filter mat and bypassvalve available on request.Approvals,see page 289.Layout diagram,see page 263.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 263.Options,see page 256.Model No. SK 3335.100 3335.120 3335.150 3335.200 3335.250Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions in mmWHD8002150600Base/plinth height mm 100Cooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°C8.0 kW10.0 kW10.0 kW12.0 kW11.5 kW15.0 kW1200215060017.0 kW20.0 kW22.0 kW25.0 kWPower consumption 4.0 kW 4.8 kW 5.8 kW 8.0 kW 9.0 kWRated current max. 12.0 A 14.0 A 17.0 A 20.0 A 22.0 ARefrigerantR407CNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTankMade from PP plasticTank capacity 120 l 240 lWater connections 3/ 4˝ external thread 1˝ external threadWeight 250 kg 270 kg 380 kg 530 kg 560 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 6000 m 3 /h 8000 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display (factory setting +18°C)Delivery times available on request.Special voltages, other frequencies, and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 TS 8 lock systems Cat. 32, from page 947 TS 8 baying system Cat. 32, from page 138Overflow valve page 194 Cooling medium page 194128 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Recooling systems for waterMini, for wall mounting, cooling output 1/2.5/4 kWHHBBTTB = WidthT = DepthTechnical design:● Compact, modular configurationof the cooling componentswith integral water tank.● With RiNano coating● Application-specific specialequipment available onrequest.● Open system with tank.Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Approvals,see page 289.Layout diagram,see page 264.Characteristic curves of pump,see page 264.Other options,see page 256.Model No. SK 3360.100 3360.250 3360.470Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50/60/460, 3~, 60 1)Dimensions in mmCooling output atT w = 10°C/T u = 32°CT w = 18°C/T u = 32°CWHD4009503100.8 W/0.9 kW1.0 kW/1.1 kW40015802902.1 kW/2.3 kW2.5 kW/2.8 kW50015803903.3 kW/3.7 kW4.0 kW/4.5 kWRecooling systems for waterPower consumption 0.7 kW/0.76 kW 1.55 kW/2.0 kW 1.85 kW/2.74 kWRated current max. 2.7 A/3.0 A 3.7 A/3.8 A 4.6 A/5.2 ARefrigerantR134aNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CPump capacitySee characteristic curveTankPlasticTank capacity 5 l 10 l 15 lWater connections Quick-release coupling (counterpart included in accessory bag) 3/ 4˝ internal threadWeight 47 kg 78 kg 103 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 44Air throughput of fans 500 m 3 /h 710 m 3 /h 2000 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Micro<strong>control</strong>ler <strong>control</strong> (factory setting +18°C)AccessoriesPacksofPageFilter mat 1 3286.400 189Metal filter mat 1 3286.410 1901)Supports multiple voltages without rewiring.Special voltages and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Air/water heat exchangers From page 102 Overflow valve Page 194 Cooling medium Page 194<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control129
Recooling systems for oilIn floor-standing enclosure, cooling output 2.5 to 8 kWHBTB = WidthT = DepthRecooling systems for oilTechnical design:● Robust industrial standard in2 enclosure sizes.● Identical basic enclosurefor oil and water recoolingsystems.● Variable air routing is possiblevia the l/h or r/h side panel● High-capacity gear pump.● Floating contact for collectivefault signal.● Integration of application-specificspecial equipment onrequest.Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Note:The illustration shows units withcustomer-specific options.Accessories:Metal filter mats and castorsavailable on request.Approvals,see page 290.Layout diagram,see page 265.Options,see page 256.Model No. SK 3337.200 3337.300 3337.500 3337.600 3337.650Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions in mmCooling output with oil ISO VG 32T oil = 20°CT u = 32°CWHD48596565059511808002.5 kW 3.4 kW 5.2 kW 6.7 kW 8.0 kWPower consumption 1.4 kW 1.9 kW 3.0 kW 3.9 kW 4.9 kWRated current max. 3.1 A 3.5 A 5.0 A 7.0 A 7.8 ARefrigerantR134aNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°CLiquid media +15°C to +25°CPump capacity at 10 bar 10 l /min 24 l /minOptional tank Made from stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)Optional tank capacity 33 l 57 lConnections 3/ 4˝ internal thread 1˝ internal threadWeight 103 kg 105 kg 148 kg 150 kg 154 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 1250 m 3 /h 1785 m 3 /h 3140 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display (factory setting +20°C)Delivery times available on request.Special voltages, other frequencies, and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.^go Layout diagram Page 265130 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Recooling systems for oilIn floor-standing enclosure, cooling output 11 to 26 kWHTBB = WidthT = DepthTechnical design:● Robust industrial housing in2 enclosure sizes.● Identical basic enclosurefor oil and water recoolingsystems.● Variable air routing is possiblevia the l/h or r/h sidepanel.● Optimum accessibility forservicing purposes by removingthe side panel.● High-capacity gear pump.● Floating contact for collectivefault signal.● Integration of applicationspecificspecial equipment onrequest.Supply includes:Recooling system wired readyfor connection, with multilingualdocumentation including functionaldiagram and wiring plans.Note:The illustration shows units withcustomer-specific options.Accessories:Metal filter mats and castorsavailable on request.Approvals,see page 290.Layout diagram,see page 265.Options,see page 256.Model No. SK 3337.700 3337.710 3337.720 3337.730 3337.740 3337.750Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Dimensions in mmCooling output with oil ISO VG 32T oil = 20°CT u = 32°CWHD615117811607151178136011 kW 15.5 kW 17.2 kW 19.0 kW 22.0 kW 26.0 kWRecooling systems for oilPower consumption 5.3 kW 6.4 kW 7.1 kW 8.7 kW 9.6 kW 10.5 kWRated current max. 12.0 A 15.0 A 16.0 A 19.0 A 21.0 A 22.0 ARefrigerantR407CNo. of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +43°C 1)Liquid media +15°C to +25°CPump capacity at 10 bar 45 l /min 68 l /minOptional tank Made from stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)Optional tank capacity 60 l 100 lConnections1˝ internal threadWeight 222 kg 232 kg 242 kg 248 kg 258 kg 268 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 6280 m 3 /h 10880 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display (factory setting +20°C)1) SK 3337.720 and SK 3337.750 +15°C to +40°C.Delivery times available on request.Special voltages, other refrigerants, and technical modifications available on request.We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Layout diagram Page 265<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control131
Immersible recooling systems for oil/emulsionCooling output 2.4 to 5.6 kWT1B1H2H1B2T2B = WidthT = DepthApplication:Ideal for cooling contaminatedcooling lubricants, such as drilling,cutting and grinding oils inmachine tools. The units areplaced on top of the oil or emulsiontank and immersed in thefluid.Technical design:● For the cooling of oil/emulsion.● Robust industrial standard.● Flat evaporator coil insensitiveto dirt.● Bi-frequency components(50/60 Hz).Supply includes:Immersible recooling systemwired ready for connection,metal filter, eyebolts, withmultilingual documentation,including functional diagramand wiring plans.Approvals,see page 290.Layout diagram,see page 265.Options,see page 257.Immersible recooling systems for oil/emulsionModel No. SK for oil 3338.020 3338.040 3338.060 3338.080Model No. SK for emulsion 3338.500 3338.520 3338.540 3338.560Rated operating voltage V, Hz 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Cooling output atT oil/EM = 20°C/T u = 32°C 2.4 kW/2.7 kW 3.2 kW/3.6 kW 4.6 kW/5.2 kW 5.6 kW/6.3 kWDimensions in mmDimensions of immersible part, mmB1H1T1B2T27851650785719719Immersion depth mm H2 550Minimum media level with oil/emulsion mm 203/178 278/203Power consumptionOil 1.6 kW/1.9 kW 1.8 kW/2.2 kW 2.4 kW/3.0 kW 2.6 kW/3.3 kWEmulsion 1.8 kW/2.1 kW 2.0 kW/2.5 kW 2.6 kW/3.2 kW 2.8 kW/3.6 kWRated current max.Oil 3.5 A/3.7 A 3.8 A/4.0 A 5.5 A/5.9 A 5.6 A/5.8 AEmulsion 3.8 A/4.0 A 4.1 A/4.3 A 5.9 A/6.3 A 6.0 A/6.3 ARefrigerantR134aNumber of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +42°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CWeight 133/130 kg 143/140 kg 158/155 kg 173/170 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 1500/1560 m 3 /h 2200/2350 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong>ler with digital display; +10°C to +25°C adjustment range(factory setting +20°C)Delivery times available on request.Special voltages available on request. Technical modifications reserved.Layout diagram Page 265132 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Immersible recooling systems for oil/emulsionCooling output 8.5 to 17.3 kWT1B1H2H1B2T2B = WidthT = DepthApplication:Ideal for cooling contaminatedcooling lubricants, such as drilling,cutting and grinding oils inmachine tools. The units areplaced on top of the oil or emulsiontank and immersed in thefluid.Technical design:● For the cooling of oil/emulsion.● Robust industrial standard.● Flat evaporator coil insensitiveto dirt.● Bi-frequency components(50/60 Hz).Supply includes:Immersible recooling systemwired ready for connection,metal filter, eyebolts, withmultilingual documentation,including functional diagramand wiring plans.Approvals,see page 290.Layout diagram,see page 265.Options,see page 257.Model No. SK for oil 3338.100 3338.120 3338.140 3338.160 3338.180 3338.200Model No. SK for emulsion 3338.580 3338.600 3338.620 3338.640 3338.660 3338.680Rated operating voltage V, Hz 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Cooling output atT oil/EM = 20°C/T u = 32°CDimensions in mmDimensions of immersible part, mmB1H1T1B2T28.5 kW/9.5 kW785165078571971910.5 kW/11.8 kW12.0 kW/13.4 kW13.6 kW/15.2 kWImmersion depth mm H2 550Minimum media level with oil/emulsion mm 328/278 378/278 428/32815.3 kW/17.1 kW17.3 kW/19.4 kWImmersible recooling systems for oil/emulsionPower consumptionOil 4.6 kW/5.5 kW 5.0 kW/6.0 kW 5.6 kW/6.6 kW 6.1 kW/7.3 kW 6.7 kW/8.1 kW 7.5 kW/9.0 kWEmulsion 4.8 kW/5.7 kW 5.3 kW/6.3 kW 5.8 kW/6.8 kW 6.3 kW/7.6 kW 6.6 kW/8.5 kW 7.7 kW/9.3 kWRated current max.Oil 8.4 A/8.6 A 9.2 A/9.3 A 10.1 A/10.5 A 11.1 A/11.5 A 12.1 A/12.4 A 13.3 A/13.7 AEmulsion 8.5 A/9.0 A 9.6 A/9.9 A 10.6 A/11.2 A 11.5 A/12.0 A 12.5 A/13.2 A 13.7 A/14.1 ARefrigerantR407CNumber of cooling circuits 1Temperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +42°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CWeight 183 kg 203 kg 228 kg 248 kg 253 kg 263 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 7200/7480 m 3 /h 7900/8480 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display (factory setting +20°C)Delivery times available on request.Special voltages available on request. Technical modifications reserved.Layout diagram Page 265<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control133
Immersible recooling systems for oil/emulsionCooling output 21 to 78 kWB1T1H2H1T2B2B = WidthT = DepthApplication:Ideal for cooling contaminatedcooling lubricants, such as drilling,cutting and grinding oils inmachine tools. The units areplaced on top of the oil or emulsiontank and immersed in thefluid.Technical design:● For the cooling of oil/emulsion.● Robust industrial standard in2 enclosure sizes.● Flat evaporator coil insensitiveto dirt.● Bi-frequency components(50/60 Hz).Supply includes:Immersible recooling systemwired ready for connection,metal filter, eyebolts, withmultilingual documentation,including functional diagramand wiring plans.Approvals,see page 290/291.Layout diagram,see page 265.Options,see page 257.Immersible recooling systems for oil/emulsionModel No. SK for oil 3338.220 3338.240 3338.260 3338.280 3338.300 3338.320 3338.340 3338.360Model No. SK for emulsion 3338.700 3338.720 3338.740 3338.760 3338.780 3338.800 3338.820 3338.840Rated operating voltage V, Hz 400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Cooling output atT oil/EM = 20°C/T u = 32°CDimensions in mmDimensions of immersible part, mmB1H1T1B2T221.0 kW/23.0 kW78516501830719176431.0 kW/35.0 kW35.0 kW/39.0 kW46.0 kW/50.0 kW1830165018301764176449.0 kW/54.0 kW61.0 kW/69.0 kW73.0 kW/81.0 kW78.0 kW/87.0 kWImmersion depth mm H2 550Minimum media level with oil/emulsion mm 378/278 428/328 378/278 428/278 428/328 428/378Power consumptionRated current max.OilEmulsionOil9.7 kW/9.9 kW10.1 kW/12.6 kW17.3 A/17.8 AEmulsion17.9 A/18.4 ARefrigerantR407CNumber of cooling circuits 113.0 kW/16.2 kW13.4 kW/16.7 kW21.6 A/23.0 A22.2 A/23.6 A14.6 kW/18.2 kW14.0 kW/18.7 kW24.3 A/25.5 A24.9 A/26.1 A18.8 kW/22.6 kW19.5 kW/23.5 kW35.5 A/35.2 A36.7 A/36.5 A20.0 kW/24.1 kW20.8 kW/25.0 kW35.4 A/35.8 A36.6 A/37.0 A23.6 kW/28.5 kW24.4 kW/29.5 kW42.7 A/42.9 A43.9 A/44.1 A27.3 kW/32.9 kW28.0 kW/33.9 kW50.0 A/50.0 A50.2 A/51.1 A29.0 kW/34.9 kW29.8 kW/35.9 kWTemperature rangeEnvironment +15°C to +45°CLiquid media +10°C to +25°CWeight 305 kg 380 kg 425 kg 435 kg 455 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughput of fans 15000/15600 m 3 /h 30000/31200 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display (factory setting +20°C)Delivery times available on request.Special voltages available on request. Technical modifications reserved.53.0 A/53.0 A54.2 A/54.2 ALayout diagram Page 265134 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid cooling ITCRAC systems from page 136 CRAC systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 – 118 kW. . . . . . . 138Water-cooledWith heaterWith humidifierRefrigerant-cooledWithout heaterWith heater and humidifierAisle containment page 136Aisle containment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139––++Scalable outputStandardised installationLiquid Cooling Package from page 136 LCP Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up to 20 kW. . . . . . . 141 LCP Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up to 40 kW. . . . . . . 142 LCP Extend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 kW. . . . . . . 143 LCP Smart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up to 20 kW. . . . . . . 144 LCP Inline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up to 30 kW. . . . . . . 145Suitable for retrofittingLow densityMid densityHigh densityLiquid cooling ITW Ö EChillers for IT cooling from page 146 Chillers for IT cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 to 123 kW. . . . . . . 148 Chillers for IT cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 to 462 kW. . . . . . . 149Medium to be cooled:WaterMedium to be cooled:OilW Ö EMedium to be cooled:EmulsionEWater/water heat exchangers from page 150 Water/water heat exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 to 250 kW. . . . . . . 153EWater-carrying partsstainless steel (optional)Piping systemspage Piping systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154User-specific<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control135
CRAC systems,Liquid Cooling PackageCRAC systems, Liquid Cooling PackageModular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> concepts – tailored to yourspecific requirements! <strong>Rittal</strong> solves the problem of<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for high heat losses per rack with liquidcooling components. Extremely high heat loads aredissipated from the network enclosures and serverracks via air/water heat exchangers.Additionally, this system allows data centres to beextended in a temperature-neutral way.136 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
CRAC systemsPerfect solutions for cooling via araised floor. Integral, scalable, andenergy-efficient.LCP Smart/LCP PlusThese units provide reliable <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>and precise server loads up to 30 kW.LCP InlineThe LCP Inline is designed for siting within abayed enclosure suite. The hot air is drawnin from the room or hot aisle at the rear of thedevice and expelled at the front into the coldaisle after cooling. The LCP Inline achievesmaximum performance and efficiency inconjunction with <strong>Rittal</strong> aisle containment.With this product, a raised floor is notnecessary.CRAC systems, Liquid Cooling PackageBenefits at a glanceCRAC systems:● An alternative to water and refrigerant● Energy-efficient EC fan systemLCP Plus:● Complete unit with 30 kW useful coolingoutput● Touchscreen● Basic CMC as standardLCP Smart:● Complete unit with 20 kW useful coolingoutput● Basic CMC as standard● Optional touchscreenLCP Extend:● Complete unit with 12 kW useful coolingoutput● Independent unit; ideal for retrofitting toracks while operational● Relieves the pressure on the room airconditioningsystemLCP Inline:● Complete unit with 30 kW useful coolingoutput● No raised-floor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> is requiredin the cold aisleAll LCPs come with networking capabilityas standard, thanks to the Basic CMC withintegral graphic user interface.Important● All enclosures are bayable with the correspondingTS 8 racks.● To ensure proper use of LCP components,the racks being cooled should besealed against the ingress of ambient airwherever possible.For suitable accessories see page 187.Tips and tricksApplications see page 140Selection criteria see page 227Assembly see page 228<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control137
CRAC systemsUseful cooling output 18 – 118 kWTBHB = WidthT = DepthApplication and mode ofoperation:The CRAC system draws warmwaste air from the top of yourdata centre, cools it using eitherwater or refrigerant in a closedheat exchanger, and blows thecooled, filtered supply air intothe raised floor with overpressure.Benefits:● The unit is available in abroad output range, and for avariety of cooling media.● The unit supports optimumintegration of both hardwareand software.● Optimum energy and spaceefficiency thanks to intelligentdesign features, such as theslanted heat exchanger andbase-integrated fan.● Frame based on the popularTS 8 system.Equipment:User-friendly, high-quality <strong>control</strong>lerwith an extensive rangeof functions and connectivity.Space-saving, readily accessible,high-efficiency fan.Flow and energy-optimisedspecial heat exchanger witha generous safety factor.Colour:RAL 7035CRAC systemsModel No. SK Without heater 3301.620 3301.660 3301.830 3301.870 3300.510 3300.560 3300.710 3300.760Model No. SK With heater 3301.630 3301.670 3301.840 3301.880 3300.520 3300.570 3300.720 3300.770Model No. SK With humidifier 3301.640 3301.680 3301.850 3301.890 3300.530 3300.580 3300.730 3300.780Model No. SKWith heaterand humidifier3301.650 3301.690 3301.860 3301.990 3300.540 3300.590 3300.740 3300.790Useful cooling output 1) 23 kW 39 kW 78 kW 118 kW 18 kW 30 kW 43 kW 54 kWOperating voltage V/Hz 400/50 400/50 400/50 400/50 400/50 400/50 400/50 400/50Dimensions in mmWHD1100195065011001950850180019508502600195085011001950850110019508501400195085018001950850Cooling medium Water 2) Refrigerant R407C 2)Volumetric airflow at an external pressure lossof 20 Pa6000 m 3 /h 11000 m 3 /h 22000 m 3 /h 33000 m 3 /h 6000 m 3 /h 8500 m 3 /h 12500 m 3 /h 16000 m 3 /hNo. of fans 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2Power consumption of fans 0.6 kW 1.5 kW 3.0 kW 4.6 kW 0.6 kW 0.9 kW 1.8 kW 1.7 kWStart-up current of fans 1.8 A 4.6 A 9.2 A 13.8 A 1.8 A 4.6 A 4.6 A 9.2 AMax. speed 1150 rpm 1200 rpm 1200 rpm 1200 rpm 1150 rpm 1200 rpm 1200 rpm 1200 rpmNo. of compressors – 1 2 3 3Power consumption of compressors – 5 kW 8.8 kW 13.1 kW 15 kWStart-up current of compressors – 13.1 A 25.6 A 38.4 A 39.3 AType of connection Terminal strip –Weight 300 kg 360 kg 550 kg 770 kg 455 kg 505 kg 585 kg 935 kgNoise output 75 dB (A) 79 dB (A) 82 dB (A) 84 dB (A) 74 dB (A) 74 dB (A) 81 dB (A) 76 dB (A)Filter quality to DIN EN 779 G4 G41) Output figures less heat from the fans.CW: 26°C/45 % air inlet and 10°C/15°C water temperatures DX: 26°C/45 % air inlet and 50°C condensation temperature2) Other media available on request.Other options available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Recooling systems From page 146138 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Aisle containment600/80012002000Application and mode ofoperation:<strong>Rittal</strong> aisle containment is acombination of door and roofcomponents which facilitateconsistent separation of the hotand cold air in the data centre.Such separation is elementarywhen it comes to saving energyand increasing the efficiency ofthe available <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>technology. It is the cold air thatdetermines whether your equipmentis at its best in the enclosures.With this in mind, <strong>Rittal</strong> hasdeliberately chosen to focus onthis aspect, and to route cold airselectively to the equipment.Benefits:● Increased energy efficiencyand performance capabilityof <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>.● Superior output density isfacilitated, thanks to guaranteedcold air supply.● Easily installed and retrofitted,as it is fully compatiblewith the TS 8 enclosuresystem.● An inexpensive way to boostthe performance of your existingplant, lengthening theinvestment cycle until areplacement needs to be purchased.Equipment:Slimline door element with viewingwindow.Stable roof components in acomposite metal with a highlevel of light permeability.Where required, safety glassmay also be used.Note:Other size variants andindividually modified systemsavailable on request.Aisle containmentModel No. SK roof element 3300.170 3300.180 –Model No. SK door element – – 3300.160Width of element (identical to enclosure width), mm 600 800 –Width of cold aisle mm 1200 1200 1200Height of cold aisle mm – – 2000LCP Extend From page 143<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control139
Liquid Cooling PackageApplicationsPossibleinterfaces for● Emergencywater supply● Freecooling● HeatrecoveryWater/water heatexchangerIT chillerControlDistributionEfficient <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> concepts – tailored to your specificrequirements!<strong>Rittal</strong> solves the problem of <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> for high heatlosses per rack with liquid cooling components. Extremelyhigh heat loads are dissipated from the enclosures, IT andserver racks via air/water heat exchangers. Additionally,data centres may be extended in a temperature-neutralmanner, and cold aisles efficiently supplied with cold air.LCP StandardLCP SmartLiquid Cooling PackageBayable with TS 8 server racksAs the height and depth areidentical, it may be bayed eitherin the middle of an enclosuresuite or at the end.LCP PlusMaximum efficiency withEC fan technologyThe latest yardstick in the midrangeperformance category.Highly efficient and compact.LCP InlineUseful cooling output up to40 kWUseful cooling outputs of 30 kW(rack height 2000 mm) or 40 kW(rack height 2400 mm) areachieved with 6 or 8 high-performancefans, which may beexchanged without the need fortools.LCP ExtendTargeted cooling of selectedaislesWith a useful cooling output ofup to 30 kW, aisles can be efficientlycooled in conjunctionwith aisle containment.Installation while operationalAir/water heat exchanger(12 kW) to support <strong>climate</strong><strong>control</strong> of the room.140 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid Cooling PackageLCP Standard, useful cooling output up to 20 kWBTHB = WidthT = DepthApplication and mode ofoperation:Air/water heat exchanger,bayable with server racksbased on TS 8 (H x D 2000 x1000/1200 mm).The useful cooling output ofmax. 20 kW can be achievedby installing additional modules.Benefits:● The separation of cooling andrack prevents water from penetratingthe server rack.● Increased assembly- andservice-friendliness● LCPs are easy to handle(max. 2 m) and may be transportedin lifts and throughdoors.● The low weight means a minimalarea load.Approvals,see page 293.Model No. SK 3301.230 1) 3301.420DescriptionLCP StandardRated operating voltage V/Hz 230, 50/60Dimensions in mmWHD30020001000Usable U 42Useful cooling outputUp to 20 kWRated current3.8 A/4.4 APre-fuse10 A/10 ACooling mediumWater (for specifications see Internet)Water inlet temperature+6°C to +20°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.5 barProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 30Duty cycle 100 %Electrical connectionConnection cableWater connection3/ 4˝ external threadWeightmax. 160 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans 3000 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>4-way fan <strong>control</strong>Electro-magnetic valveAccessories Packs of PageAdd-on cover for height compensation with 2200 mm high racks 1 3301.221 3301.421 188Special voltages and sizes available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.1) Also available with 115 V, Model No. 3301.210.30020001200Liquid Cooling PackageCooling moduleThe cooling module allows theuseful cooling output of theLCP Standard to be increasedin 6.6 kW increments.Model No. see page 186.Accessories Page 186 IT chillers From page 146 Server racks Cat. 32, from page 774<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control141
Liquid Cooling PackageLCP Plus, useful cooling output up to 40 kWBTHB = WidthT = DepthApplication and mode ofoperation:Air/water heat exchanger,bayable with server racksbased on TS 8 (H x D 2000 x1200 mm).Complete unit with 40 kW usefulcooling output.Benefits:● The separation of cooling andrack prevents water from penetratingthe server rack.● Increased assembly- andservice-friendliness● LCPs are easy to handle andmay be transported in lifts andthrough doors.● The low weight means a minimalarea load.Approvals,see page 293.Liquid Cooling PackageModel No. SK 3301.480 1) on requestDescription LCP Plus LCP PlusRated operating voltage V/HzDimensions in mmWHD230, 1~, 50/60400, 3~, 50/6030020001200230, 1~, 50/60400, 3~, 50/6030024001200Usable U 42 51Useful cooling output Up to 30 kW Up to 40 kWRated currentPre-fuseCooling medium9.3 A/10.4 A16 A/16 AWater(for specifications see Internet)+6°C to +20°C5 barWater inlet temperaturePermissible operating pressure p. max.Protection category to EN 60 529 IP 30Duty cycle 100 %Electrical connectionConnection cableWater connection1˝ external threadWeight230 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans 5000 m 3 /hTechnical specificationsavailable on request.Temperature <strong>control</strong>4-way fan <strong>control</strong>Two-way <strong>control</strong> valveAccessories Packs of PageAdd-on cover for height compensation with 2200 mm high racks 1 3301.421 188Special voltages and sizes available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.1)Delivery times available on request.Accessories Page 186 IT chillers From page 146 Server racks Cat. 32, from page 774142 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid Cooling PackageLCP Extend, useful cooling output 12 kWTBHB = WidthT = DepthApplication and mode ofoperation:Air/water heat exchanger forretrofitting to racks while operational.The stand-alone unit replacesthe rear door (for other brandson request).Benefits:● Mounted on the rear ofthe server rack; eases thepressure on the room airconditioningsystem.● Water connection either atthe bottom or top.Approvals,see page 294.Model No. SK 3301.490 1)DescriptionRated operating voltage V/HzDimensions in mmWHDLCP Extend230, 1~, 50/60400, 3~, 50/605201910160Usable U 42Useful cooling output12 kWRated current2.4 A/3.0 APre-fuse6 A/6 ACooling mediumWater (for specifications see Internet)Water inlet temperature+15°CPermissible operating pressure p. max.5 barProtection category to EN 60 529 IP 20Duty cycle 100 %Electrical connectionConnection cableWater connection3 / 4˝ external threadWeight130 kgColour RAL 7035Air throughput of fans 3000 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong>Fan <strong>control</strong>Special voltages and sizes available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.1) Delivery times available on request.Liquid Cooling PackageAccessories Page 186 IT chillers From page 146 Server racks Cat. 32, from page 774<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control143
Liquid Cooling PackageLCP Smart, useful cooling output up to 20 kWBTHB = WidthT = DepthApplication and mode ofoperation:The LCP Smart draws in the airat the sides of the server enclosurerear, cools it using highperformancecompact registers,and blasts the cooled air backinto the front part of the serverenclosure at the sides.Maximum efficiency is achieved,thanks to the use of EC fans.The heat exchanger of the LCPSmart supports the longestpossible usage of free cooling.Benefits:● High energy efficiency.● Bayable with server/networkenclosures based on TS 8(H 2000, D 1000).● Fans may be individuallyexchanged with the systemoperational, self-contacting.● Basic CMC as standard.● Touchscreen display may beretrofitted.● Shorter servicing times.● Extended functionality of themonitoring and <strong>control</strong> technology/software.● Optimum adaptability thanksto dynamic, continuous <strong>control</strong>of the cold water volumeflow.● Control of the inlet air temperatureand the temperature differencefor the best possiblesupply to your server systems.Liquid Cooling PackageModel No. SK 3301.460Number of preassembled cooling modules 1Rated operating voltage V/Hz200 – 230, 1~, 50/60400, 3~, 50/60Dimensions in mmWHD30020001000Usable U 42Useful cooling outputUp to 20 kWPre-fuse10 APower consumption P elmax. 600 WCooling mediumWaterPermissible operating pressure p. max.5 barDuty cycle 100 %Electrical connectionConnection cableWater connection1˝ external threadWeight230 kgColour RAL 7035Temperature <strong>control</strong>Via integral <strong>control</strong>lerMax. air throughput 3000 m 3 /hTouchscreendisplayfor LCP Smart,Model No. see page 186.Accessories Page 186 IT chillers From page 146 Server racks Cat. 32, from page 774144 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid Cooling PackageLCP Inline, useful cooling output up to 30 kWT1BHB = WidthT = DepthApplication and mode ofoperation:The LCP Inline is designed forsiting within a bayed enclosuresuite. The hot air is extractedfrom the room or warm aisle atthe rear of the unit, cooled, thenexpelled forwards into the coldaisle, where it is available to yourIT equipment.The LCP Inline achieves maximumperformance and efficiencyin conjunction with <strong>Rittal</strong>cold aisle containment. With thisproduct, a raised floor is notnecessary.Equipment:High-performance heatexchanger with very eventemperature distribution.Integrated condensatemanagement.Controller with networking capability,compatible with all commoncommunication standards(SNMP, BACnet etc.).Model No. SK 3301.470Rated operating voltage V/Hz230, 1~, 50/60400, 3~, 50/60Dimensions in mmBHT1Benefits:● Combines the slimline designof the LCP with the function ofroom air-conditioning.● Climate <strong>control</strong> technology,specially designed for IT environmentswith comprehensivemonitoring functions.● Frame based on the popularTS 8 system.30020001200Usable U 42Useful cooling outputUp to 30 kWLiquid Cooling PackageRated current9.3 A/10.4 APre-fuse16 A/16 ACooling medium Water 1)Permissible operating pressure p. max.5 barDuty cycle 100 %Electrical connectionConnection cableWater connection1˝ external threadWeight230 kgColour RAL 7035Temperature <strong>control</strong>Via integral <strong>control</strong>lerMax. air throughput 4600/4300 m 3 /h1) Water quality according to unit specifications.Front coverThe optional front cover reduces the air outletspeed, thereby minimising draught effects.Model No. see page 186.Accessories Page 186 IT chillers From page 146 Server racks Cat. 32, from page 774 Aisle containment Page 139<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control145
Chillers for IT coolingChillers for IT coolingIT chillers in conjunction with free cooling, for example,ensure efficient cooling and supply of the coolingmedium. Specially designed for supplying critical ITSafety-relevant options such as redundant pumps,emergency cooling or buffer stores are the distinguishingfeatures of these atmospherically sealed systems.applications cooled via LCP, air/water heat exchangersor CRAC systems.146 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Piping systemThe <strong>Rittal</strong> piping system provides the linkbetween the equipment and the refrigerationsystem.SafetyChillers are particularly well-suitedfor cooling IT applications, such asLCP or air/water heat exchangers.Redundant pumps and optionalspecial equipment for emergencycooling or thermal recovery are thedistinguishing features of thesesystems.Energy-saving free coolingchillersCold ambient air is used for cooling. If theambient temperature is too high, the chillerwill cut in. Free cooling systems are particularlyenergy-saving. The operating costsmay be cut by up to 80 %. The service lifeof components is extended, and operationalreliability is increased. The waste heat producedmay be effectively used for heatingand hot water supply in facility management.Energy savingsof up to 80 %Chillers for IT coolingBenefits at a glanceCooling output from 15 to 462 kW● A system for cooling server racks andIT applications● Compact structure with <strong>control</strong>components in the front and air intakevia both sides● Individual project management● Commissioning and servicing● Comprehensive pipeline calculation● Global service networkTips and tricksApplications see page 226Selection criteria see page 227Assembly see page 228Notes see page 229<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control147
Chillers for IT coolingCooling output 15 to 123 kWHTBB = WidthT = DepthChillers for IT coolingApplication:Especially for cooling IT applications,such as LCP or air/waterheat exchangers. Safety-relevantfeatures such as redundantspeed-<strong>control</strong>led pumps, compressorsor buffer stores are thedistinguishing features of theseatmospherically sealed systems.Technical design:● Compact design with <strong>control</strong>components in the front andair intake via both side panels,air outlet upwards.● Pressure-sealed system.● Digital thermostat for temperature<strong>control</strong> with setpoint andactual value display.● Monitoring interface with <strong>Rittal</strong>CMC-TC supported.● Integral automatic bypassvalve.● Flow monitor.Supply includes:Chiller wired ready forconnection, with multilingualdocumentation includingfunctional diagram and wiringplans.Options:● Free cooling may be integratedfrom 61 kW.Please follow the instructions!● Buffer store for separate siting● Emergency cooling withmains water infeed● Special voltagesNote:The illustration shows a unit withcustomer-specific options.Technical deviations in terms ofcooling output, dimensions orweight are possible for unittypes with free cooling.Layout diagram,see page 266.Model No. SK 3232.700 3232.710 3232.720 3232.730 3232.740 3232.750 3232.760 3232.770 3232.780 3232.790Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions in mmCooling outputat T w = 15°C/T u = 35°CWHD81514001560815140015608151400156010002180200011001606245011001606245011001606245011001606295011001875295011001875295015 kW 24 kW 36 kW 48 kW 61 kW 72 kW 82 kW 92 kW 113 kW 123 kWPower consumption 6900 W 9700 W 14600 W 21000 W 21400 W 24400 W 27500 W 31100 W 38900 W 42600 WRated current max. 23.0 A 25.0 A 37.0 A 46.5 A 71.2 A 74.2 A 77.2 A 83.2 A 106.1 A 112.1 ARefrigerantR407CP max. cooling circuit28 barTemperature rangeEnvironment –20°C to +43°CLiquid media +5°C to +15°CPump capacity 60 l/min. 120 l/min. 240 l/min. 500 l/min.Pump pressure2.5 barNumber of cooling circuits 1 2Tank with 10 mm condensate insulation SteelTank capacity 48 l 100 l 300 l 500 lWater connections 1˝ 1 1 / 4˝ 2 ˝ 2 1 / 2˝Operating weight 375 kg 390 kg 480 kg 710 kg 810 kg 849 kg 864 kg 949 kg 1150 kg 1175 kgColour RAL 7035 RAL 9002Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughputof fansm 3 /h 10880 14000 18000 13720 20450 27300 35000Temperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display (factory setting +15°C)Delivery times available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Cooling output makes allowance for 35 % glycol.Accessories Page 181148 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Chillers for IT coolingCooling output 145 to 462 kWHTBB = WidthT = DepthApplication:Especially for cooling IT applications,such as LCP or air/waterheat exchangers. Safety-relevantfeatures such as redundantspeed-<strong>control</strong>led pumps, compressorsor buffer stores are thedistinguishing features of theseatmospherically sealed systems.Technical design:● Compact design with <strong>control</strong>components in the front andair intake via both side panels,air outlet upwards.● Pressure-sealed system.● Digital thermostat for temperature<strong>control</strong> with setpoint andactual value display.● Monitoring interface with <strong>Rittal</strong>CMC-TC supported.● Integral automatic bypassvalve.● Flow monitor.Supply includes:Chiller wired ready forconnection, with multilingualdocumentation includingfunctional diagram and wiringplans.Options:● Free cooling may be integratedfrom 61 kW.Please follow the instructions!● Buffer store for separate siting● Emergency cooling withmains water infeed● Special voltagesNote:The illustration shows acustomised unit design up to180 kW.Technical deviations in terms ofcooling output, dimensions orweight are possible for unittypes with free cooling.Layout diagram,see page 266.Model No. SK 3232.800 3232.810 3232.820 3232.830 3232.840 3232.850 3232.860 3232.870 3232.880Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensions mmCooling outputat T w = 15°C/T u = 35°CWHD110018752950110018752950110018753950220024503400220024503400220024503400220024504250220024504250220024504250145 kW 161 kW 193 kW 248 kW 280 kW 312 kW 372 kW 415 kW 462 kWChillers for IT coolingPower consumption 50900 W 57600 W 63700 W 89100 W 97300 W 105400 W 138000 W 148200 W 158400 WRated current max. 141 A 146 A 153 A 208 A 227 A 245 A 311 A 339 A 366 ARefrigerantR407CP max. cooling circuit28 barTemperature rangeEnvironment –20°C to +43°CLiquid media +5°C to +15°CPump capacity 500 l/min. 810 l/min. 1200 l/min.Pump pressure2.5 barNumber of cooling circuits 2Tank with 10 mm condensate insulation SteelTank capacity 500 l 700 l 1000 lWater connections 2 1 / 2˝ 3˝ 4˝Operating weight 1250 kg 1340 kg 1520 kg 2702 kg 2795 kg 2831 kg 3460 kg 3567 kg 3667 kgColour RAL 9002Protection category (electrics) IP 54Air throughputof fansm 3 /h 35500 60900 86000 76000 111000Temperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong> with digital display (factory setting +15°C)Delivery times available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Cooling output makes allowance for 35 % glycol.Accessories Page 181<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control149
Water/water heat exchangersWater/water heat exchangersWater/water heat exchangers allow existing watercircuits within the company to be used, even if theysuch as water circuits with cooling tower, process orwell water, or aggressive or contaminated water.are not suitable for direct enclosure <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>,150 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
RedundancyDouble pump, speed-<strong>control</strong>led, with alternating24 h operation.Interrogate operatingstatusesand make settings via the Web(TCP/IP).Stainless steel pipeworkFor added safety (optional).Water/water heat exchangersBenefits at a glance● Redundancy thanks to double pump unitfitted with linear speed <strong>control</strong>● Linear <strong>control</strong>led 3-way valve (4 – 20 mA)● Floating contact for collective fault signal● Flow rate display and monitoring● Digital <strong>control</strong>ler● Water connection in base● Integrated into a TS 8 enclosure● Compact construction mounted in atubular frameImportantThe pipework may also be supplied instainless steel (1.4401).<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control151
Water/water heat exchangersLayout diagram79810564Water/water heat exchangers123All <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> solutionsfrom a single source:123<strong>Rittal</strong> aisle containmentCRAC systemsLCP Standard/Plus/Smart4 + 8 Water/waterheat exchangers567910IT chillerDouble pump unitHeat recoveryBuffer storeEmergency water supply152 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Water/water heat exchangersCooling output 25 to 250 kWHBTB = WidthT = DepthApplication:Water/water heat exchangersare primarily used to hydraulicallyand physically separate adefinable primary water circuit(dirt, pressure fluctuations) froma defined secondary water circuit.Technical design:● Compact constructionmounted in a tubular frame● Integrated in a TS 8 enclosure● Digital <strong>control</strong>ler● Floating contact for collectivefault signal● Flow rate display andmonitoring● Water connection in base● Double pump unit fitted withlinear speed <strong>control</strong>ler● Linear <strong>control</strong>led 3-way valve(4 – 20 mA)Supply includes:Water/water heat exchangerwired ready for connection, withmultilingual documentationincluding functional diagramand wiring plans.Note:The illustration shows units withcustomer-specific options.Accessories:● Buffer store 1000 – 3000 l● Standard pump withautomatic bypass● Emergency water infeed● Secondary flow monitor● Ethernet, BACnet andSNMP link● Magnetic filter● Pipework in stainless steel1.4401 (AISI 316)● Tubular frame,without TS 8 enclosureLayout diagram,see page 267.Model No. SK 3232.900 3232.910 3232.920 3232.930 3232.940 3232.950 3232.960Rated operating voltage V/Hz 400, 3~, 50Dimensionsincl. base/plinth in mmWHD1200190080012001900800Cooling output atT wp = 6°C/T ws = 15°C 25 kW 50 kW 75 kW 100 kW 150 kW 200 kW 250 kWPower consumption 3.54 kW 5.7 kW 5.7 kW 10.4 kW 10.4 kW 13.6 kW 13.6 kWRated current max. 3.5 A 5.9 A 5.9 A 10.2 A 10.2 A 10.8 A 10.8 AEnvironment +5°C to +45°CTemperature rangeTp primary side +6°C to +30°CTs secondary side +6°C to +30°CPump capacity (l/min.) primary/secondary 62 125 187 250 375 500 625primary 1.5 – 6.0Pump pressure (bar)secondary(equipment)2.5Water connections primary/secondary RP 1˝ RP 1 1 / 4˝ RP 1 1 / 2˝ RP 2˝ RP 2˝ RP 2 1 / 2˝ RP 2 1 / 2˝Weight 400 kg 450 kg 450 kg 700 kg 700 kg 900 kg 900 kgColour RAL 7035Protection category (electrics) IP 54Temperature <strong>control</strong>Electronic <strong>control</strong>ler with digital display; +5°C to +50°C adjustment rangeDelivery times available on request.Special voltages, other frequencies, and technical modifications available on request.1200190080016001900800160019008002000190080020001900800Water/water heat exchangersAir/water heat exchangers From page 102 TS 8 lock systems Cat. 32, from page 947 TS 8 baying system Cat. 32, from page 138Overflow valve Page 194 Cooling medium Page 194<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control153
Piping systems in the data centreEfficient cooling solutions rely on an excellent infrastructure.The <strong>Rittal</strong> piping system provides the linkbetween the equipment and the refrigeration system.efficient operation of all cooling components. This alsoincludes safety-relevant options such as redundantpumps, emergency cooling or buffer stores.An optimum design and targeted media supply ensurePiping systems in the data centreSpeed-<strong>control</strong>led pumps are used to conveythe coolant.The pumped volume may be varied by usingstate-of-the-art EC motors.Your practical benefit:Lower energy consumption thanks to “coldwater on demand”.Only the volume of water that is actuallyneeded for cooling is moved through thesystem.The standard hydraulic layout includes the useof a hydraulic separating filter.Different volumes of water on the producer sideand equipment side for process cooling do notadversely affect the function of the cooling systems.Your practical benefit:Less energy consumption thanks to the use offree-cooling heat exchangers including redundancy.Chiller pumps may be switched on and off asrequired.Use of compact distributors to distributethe cooling medium among differentpieces of equipment.Your practical benefit:Redundancies in the supply lines tothe equipment may be designed asrequired. For example, a layout canbe designed to facilitate the automaticshut off of sub-sections in theevent of pipe leaks.154 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Piping systems in the data centre● Pipeline systems are part of a turnkey solution for the targetedcooling of IT operating environments● Media network for the connection of coolers (IT chillers) andcooling equipment (liquid cooling package and CRAC systems)● Free scalability of chiller and equipment output via the hydraulicseparation of the producer and equipment sides● Use of a hydraulic separating filter with dual function as a bufferstore● Maximum energy efficiency thanks to the use of polypropylenepiping with exceptionally low pipe friction losses● <strong>System</strong>s are suitable for the use of cold water and water/antifreezemixtures (glycol)● Media pumping redundancy by fitting every chiller with its ownprimary pump and via the use of redundant main pumps on theequipment side1 247Piping systems in the data centre35 6The innovative polypropylene piping isdistinguished by minimal pipe frictionresistance.Your practical benefit:Less energy consumption for conveyingthe cooling medium, thanks to lower flowresistance.The material is corrosion-resistant and maybe machined without residues.1234Direct cooling systems(e.g. LCP)CRAC systemsIT chillerBuffer store567Dirt collector stationwith maintenance bypassMain pump (redundant)Compact distributorwith lockable outlets<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control155
Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Cooling unitsfor CS modular enclosures from page 158 for roof-mounted type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 W. . . . . . . 160 for door-mounted type 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 W. . . . . . . 160 for wall-mounted type 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900/1400/2500 W. . . . . . . 160 for universal installation type 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500 W. . . . . . . 160Heat exchangersfor CS modular enclosures from page 158 for roof-mounted type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 W/K. . . . . . . 161 for roof-mounted type 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 W/K. . . . . . . 161 for wall-mounted type 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 W/K. . . . . . . 161 for door-mounted type 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40/60 W/K. . . . . . . 162 for door-mounted type 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85/120 W/K. . . . . . . 162Climate <strong>control</strong> units for Toptec CR from page 158 Heat exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85/105 W/K. . . . . . . 163 Cooling units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000/1600 W. . . . . . . 163Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Ex-proof <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systemspageEx overpressure enclosure with integral enclosure cooling unit . . . . . . . 164Integral heaterAluminiumWall-mountedProtection category IP 55Roof-mounted<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control157
Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong><strong>Rittal</strong> Communication <strong>System</strong>s offer everything youneed to protect your electronic equipment, fromweather-tested enclosure solutions, to a variety of<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> components, through to completesecurity management systems. Cooling units, heatexchangers, fans and heaters especially designed foroutdoor use ensure constant interior temperatures. Aprotection category of IP 55 is retained for the systemas a whole when using Outdoor heat exchangers andcooling units.158 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
FlexibilityClimate <strong>control</strong> modules in varyingoutput categories may be positionedon the door, rear panel, sidepanel or roof of the modular enclosure.Suitable for use within the temperaturerange –33°C to +55°C(cooling units) and +65°C (heatexchangers). Many units featurean integral heater.Heat exchanger/cooling unitWith three mounting positions for internalmounting, partial internal mounting or externalmounting plus a choice between coolingvia the front or rear door of the Toptec CR.Standardised installationThe full 25 mm double wall takes care ofheat exchange and minimises the influenceof sunlight, featuring an active <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>concept with fixed cut-out sizes and amounting frame for depth-variable positioningof the <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> unit. Depending onthe local conditions at the installation site,either a heat exchanger or a cooling unitmay be used.Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Benefits at a glance● The IP 55 protection category of theenclosures is retained.● Hermetically separate air circuits –Pollutant-laden ambient air is unableto penetrate the enclosure● Backup-compatible 48 V DC air/air heatexchangers● Integral heater in many unitsImportant● CS Outdoor cooling units and CS Outdoorheat exchangers are manufacturedto order.● CS Outdoor cooling units and CS Outdoorheat exchangers are supplied asfully integrated units on the CS Outdoorenclosure. Mounting on other <strong>Rittal</strong>enclosures is only possible by arrangement.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control159
CS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Cooling units for CS modular enclosuresType 1 for roof mountingWith micro<strong>control</strong>ler and400 watt heater as standard.Mounting frame:Required for CS 9764.012.Type 2 for door mountingWith micro<strong>control</strong>ler and400 watt heater as standard.Type 3 for wall mountingWith micro<strong>control</strong>ler and400 watt heater as standard.Alternative mounting on the rearor side panels is also possible.The picture shows the coolingunit with designer cover (notincluded in the supply).Type 4 for universalinstallationWith micro<strong>control</strong>ler and800 watt heater as standard.Installation options:● in the door or rear panel● in the side panelCS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Model No. CS 9762.012 9768.100 9761.012 9761.032 9761.042 9768.150 PageInternal mountingType 1Roof-mountedRated operating voltage AC 230 V, 50/60 HzUnit dimensions (mm)Minimum enclosuredimensions (mm)Useful cooling outputEN 814WHD535390400Type 2Door-mounted4301070210Type 3Wall-mounted5151170151.56951132151.57761100250Type 4Universal4001050310W x H/D x H – 600 x 1200 600 x 1200 800 x 1200 800 x 1200 600 x 1200W x D 600 x 500 – – – – –L35 L35L35 L50900 W750 W900 W650 W900 W750 W1400 W1050 W2500 W2000 WHeater 400 W 400 W 400 W 400 W 400 W 800 W1500 W1250 WRated current max. 4.0 A 4.0 A 3.5 A 5.5 A 10.0 A 5.8 AStart-up current max. 10.7 A 11.6 A 10.8 A 15.5 A 32.0 A 19.0 APower consumptionL35 L35 460 W 470 W 450 W 900 W 1450 W 940 WL35 L50 520 W 530 W 520 W 1000 W 1650 W 1045 WCoolantR134ap. max. 26 bar 28 bar 24 bar 24 bar 28 bar 28 barTemperature range–33°C to +55°CAir throughput of fans– unimpeded air flowInternal circuit fanExternal circuit fan570 m 3 /h570 m 3 /h580 m 3 /h430 m 3 /h880 m 3 /h880 m 3 /h850 m 3 /h880 m 3 /h1450 m 3 /h1450 m 3 /h850 m 3 /h680 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong> Micro<strong>control</strong>ler 1)Type of connectionPlug panelWeight 29 kg 31 kg 45 kg 48 kg 52 kg 40 kgProtection category to EN 60 529/IEC 529 IP 55 (internal circuit to external circuit)Material (enclosure) Aluminium Sheet steel AluminiumSurface finish Spray finished in RAL 7035CE Declaration of Conformity AccessoriesCable connection kit 9765.105 9765.105 9765.105 9765.105 9765.105 9765.105 180Mounting frame 9765.051 – – – – – –1) With temperature-<strong>control</strong>led activation of the components (internal/external circuit, heater).Setpoints are preset. Modifications can only be made by arrangement.Delivery times available on request.Cooling units for modular enclosures are manufactured to order. The units are assembled and supplied connected to the modular enclosure.Adaptations to other enclosure platforms are available on request.CS modular enclosures Cat. 32, page 874 Test adaptor Page 180 Heaters Page 169160 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
CS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Heat exchangers for CS modular enclosuresProperty rights for Type 1and 2:German patent no. 196 09 796Type 1 for roof mountingWithout micro<strong>control</strong>ler,without heater.Type 2 for roof mountingWith micro<strong>control</strong>ler and heateras standard.Mounting frame:Required for CS 9764.012.Type 3 for wall mountingWith micro<strong>control</strong>ler and heateras standard. For external mountingon side or rear panels.The picture shows the heatexchanger with designer cover(not included in the supply).Model No. CS 9764.040 9764.012 9763.012 PageInternal mountingRated operating voltageUnit dimensions (mm)Type 1Roof-mountedType 2Roof-mountedDC (fan/micro<strong>control</strong>ler)48 VAC (heater) – 230 V, 50/60 HzWHD470158380535390400Type 3Wall-mounted5151170151.5Minimum enclosureW x H/D x H – – 600 x 1200dimensions (mm)W x D 600 x 500 600 x 500 –Specific thermal output 30 W/K 60 W/K 60 W/KHeater – 400 W 400 WRated currentmax.DC (fan/micro<strong>control</strong>ler)1.3 A 3.1 A 3.2 AAC (heater) – 1.9 A 1.9 A–33°C to +65°CTemperature rangeAir throughput of fansinternal/– unimpeded air flowexternal circuit fan345 m 3 /h 830 m 3 /h 830 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong> without 1) Micro<strong>control</strong>ler 2)Type of connectionPlug panelWeight 7 kg 17 kg 31 kgProtection category to EN 60 529/IEC 529IP 55 (internal circuit to external circuit)Material (enclosure) Aluminium Sheet steelSurface finish Spray finished in RAL 7035CE Declaration of Conformity UL/CUL – AccessoriesCable connection kit 9765.110 9765.110 9765.110 180Thermostat 3110.000 – – 178Mounting frame – 9765.051 – –1) Customers may fit their own temperature <strong>control</strong> (SK 3110.000).2) With temperature-<strong>control</strong>led activation of the components (internal/external circuit, heater).Setpoints are preset. Modifications can only be made by arrangement.Delivery times available on request.Heat exchangers for modular enclosures are manufactured to order. The units are assembled and supplied connected to the modular enclosure.Adaptations to other enclosure platforms are available on request.CS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>CS modular enclosures Cat. 32, page 874 Test adaptor Page 180 Heaters Page 169<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control161
CS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Heat exchangers for CS modular enclosuresType 4 for door mountingWith micro<strong>control</strong>ler and400 watt heater as standard.Type 5 for door mountingWith micro<strong>control</strong>ler and heateras standard.CS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Model No. CS 9768.032 9768.012 9768.042 9768.062 PageInternal mountingRated operating voltageUnit dimensions (mm)Minimum enclosure dimensions(mm)Type 4Door-mountedDC (fan/micro<strong>control</strong>ler)48 VAC (heater) 230 V, 50/60 Hz –WHDWH4801005110600120051010051506501200Type 5Door-mounted4451050150650130057510501958001300Specific thermal output 40 W/K 60 W/K 85 W/K 120 W/KHeater 400 W –Rated currentmax.DC (fan/micro<strong>control</strong>ler)2.0 A 3.2 A 6.4 A 7.9 AAC (heater) 1.9 A ––33°C to +65°CTemperature rangeAir throughput of fansinternal/– unimpeded air flowexternal circuit fan515 m 3 /h 530 m 3 /h 1020 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong> Micro<strong>control</strong>ler 1)Type of connectionPlug panelSub-D connector13W3 2)Weight 13 kg 15 kg 28 kg 32 kgProtection category to EN 60 529/IEC 529IP 55 (internal circuit to external circuit)Material (enclosure)AluminiumSurface finish Spray finished in RAL 7035CE Declaration of Conformity UL/CUL AccessoriesCable connection kit 9765.110 9765.110 9765.115 – 1801) With temperature-<strong>control</strong>led activation of the components (internal/external circuit, heater).Setpoints are preset. Modifications can only be made by arrangement.2) Special connection cable included in the supply.Delivery times available on request.Heat exchangers for modular enclosures are manufactured to order. The units are assembled and supplied connected to the modular enclosure.Adaptations to other enclosure platforms are available on request.CS modular enclosures Cat. 32, page 874 Test adaptor Page 180 Heaters Page 169162 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
CS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Climate <strong>control</strong> units for Toptec CRB2T1H1H2B1B = WidthT = Depth1 21 Heat exchanger/cooling unitWith three mountingpositions for internalmounting, partial internalmounting or externalmounting plus a choicebetween cooling via front orrear door.2Heat exchanger/cooling unit,built into the Toptec CR.Heat exchangers Cooling units PageModel No. CS 9776.100 9776.150 9776.500 9776.550Internal mounting Universal UniversalRated operating voltageDC 48 V –AC – 230 V, 50/60 HzUnit dimensions (mm)B1H1T15001000150Minimum enclosure dimensions (mm) W x H 800 x 1200 800 x 1200Specific thermal output 85 W/K 105 W/K – –Useful cooling outputEN 81450010002005001000150L35 L35L35 L50 – – 1000 W/1180 W650 W/700 WHeater – – 400 W50010002601600 W/1750 W1200 W/1250 WRated currentDC 4.2 A 4.5 A – –max.AC – 5.0 A/5.0 A 6.0 A/6.8 AStart-up current max. – 24.0 A/22.0 A 34.0 A/32.0 AL35 L35Power consumptionL35 L50 – 640 W/760 W780 W/920 WCoolant – R134ap. max. – 28 bar 28 barTemperature range –33°C to +65°C –33°C to +55°CAir throughput of fans– unimpeded air flowinternal/externalcircuit fan530 m 3 /h 1130 m 3 /h600/625 m 3 /h600/625 m 3 /h960 W/1170 W1125 W/1310 W880/950 m 3 /h1000/1090 m 3 /hTemperature <strong>control</strong> Micro<strong>control</strong>ler 1) Micro<strong>control</strong>ler 2)Type of connection Plug panel Female multi-point connector 9-poleWeight 22 kg 30 kg 35 kg 45 kgProtection category to EN 60 529/IEC 529IP 55 (internal circuit to external circuit)Material (enclosure)AluminiumSurface finish Spray finished in RAL 7035CE Declaration of Conformity AccessoriesCable connection kit 9765.115 – – – 1801)With temperature-<strong>control</strong>led activation of the components (internal/external circuit, heater).Setpoints are preset. Modifications can only be made by arrangement.2) Settings may be amended directly on the unit display.CS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Toptec CR Cat. 32, page 877 Heaters Page 169<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control163
Ex-proof <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systemsEx overpressure enclosure with integral enclosure cooling unit for zone II (gas)Ex-proof <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systems for zone II (gas) provideprotection for high-tech monitoring systems in the oil andgas extraction industry.These days, high-tech monitoring systems have become apermanent feature in almost every sector. Whether in industrialzones or public areas, a sophisticated camera systemmakes everything more transparent and manageable. In thisspecialist field, it is necessary to ensure signal tranasmissionover long distances, from the camera systems to the<strong>control</strong> room. To this end, amplifier units, known as concentrators,are needed, and are installed half-way betweenthe camera system and the <strong>control</strong> room. The technicalchallenge faced by <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> technology in theseapplications is the potentially explosive zone II (gas) occurringin selected areas of the oil and gas extracting industry.Ex-proof <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systemsThe compressed air connection including<strong>control</strong> unit integrated into the enclosureensures a constant overpressure (2 mbar).This produces an ex-free zone in the enclosureinterior.The design challenge with this type of <strong>climate</strong><strong>control</strong> technology is to arrange the external aircircuit with all the components of the coolingcircuit in such a way that effective cooling outputis provided, while at the same time meetingthe ex-proof requirements for zone II (gas).Further information available onrequest.164 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Ex-proof <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systemsEx overpressure enclosure with integral enclosure cooling unit for zone II (gas)These concentrator units must be kept at a certain internaltemperature in order to ensure optimum performancecapabilities and transmissions from the camera systems.<strong>Rittal</strong> has taken up the challenge and designed enclosureand <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> components for use in potentially explosivezone II. A compact cooling output of up to 4 kW isensured by a unit designed specifically for potentiallyexplosive areas.Ex-proof <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systemsThe sealed cover and intelligentfilter design in the extraction zoneof the external circuit provideseffective protection against externalambient influences such ascoarse dust or even sand.Special fans designed for potentially explosiveareas are used here.Control of the cooling unit with the popularComfort <strong>control</strong>ler ensures an efficient supplyof useful cooling output. Visualisation of theoperating states and the current enclosureinternal temperature are easily read via thedisplay positioned centrally in the enclosure.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control165
Enclosure heatersEnclosure heaters from page 168 Enclosure heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 – 150 W. . . . . . . 169 Enclosure heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 – 800 W. . . . . . . 169Indoorwith fanOutdoorwithout fanBenefits at a glance● Useful cooling output from 10 to800 watts● Self-regulating PTC technology● Quick-assembly systemImportant● For the correct temperature and to avoidcondensation, use a thermostat and/orhygrostat,see page 178● Heaters should always be installed in anupright position. Leave a distance of50 mm at the top and bottom to allowconvection● The thermal output is increased with fans● Heat is distributed evenly in largeenclosures by using several low-outputheatersTips and tricksApplications see page 234Assembly see page 234Electrical connection see page 234Enclosure heaters<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control167
Enclosure heatersEnclosure heatersCondensation poses a particular risk for <strong>control</strong>electronics, especially with outdoor siting, but alsoindoors. A range of output categories ensures that thecorrect thermal output is always available. In this way,the total required thermal output can be distributedwith complete accuracy within an enclosure.Fast assemblyAchieved using snap fastening on35 mm support rails to EN 50 022 orvia screw fastening directly onto themounting plate.Fully wired unit ready forconnectionClamp-type terminal connectionfor simple, effective wiring.168 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Enclosure heatersContinuous thermal output 10 – 800 WB = WidthT = DepthSupply includes:Ready-to-install unit with clamptypeterminal connectionNote:● Thermostat SK 3110.000(see accessories) is recommendedfor precise temperature<strong>control</strong> in the enclosure.● In order to prevent condensationon assemblies, hygrostatSK 3118.000 (see accessories)is recommended toregulate heating.● In larger enclosures, evenheat distribution is bestachieved by installing severallow-output heaters.● The installation of heaters isgenerally advisable, evenwhen using heat exchangersand cooling units, in order toprevent condensation.Approvals,see page 297.Detailed drawing,see page 267.Enclosure heaters without fanModel No. SK 3105.110 3106.120 3115.130 3116.140 3107.150 3107.160 3102.170Dimensions in mmEnclosure heaters with fanModel No. SK 110 V 3105.210 3105.220 3105.230Model No. SK 230 V 3105.180 3105.190 3105.200Dimensions in mmWHDWHD8112349142170101811644910215560Rated operating voltage V, Hz110 – 240 V ACContinuous thermal output at T u = 10°C 10 W 20 W 30 W 50 W 75 W 100 W 150 WPre-fuse T 2 A 4 AAccessories Packs of PageThermostat 1 3110.000 178Hygrostat 1 3118.000 178Temperature indicator 1 3114.100 177Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Rated operating voltage V, Hz110 or 240 V ACContinuous thermal output at T u = 10°C 250 W 1) 400 W 1) 800 W 1)Pre-fuse gG for 110 V 4 A 6 A 10 APre-fuse gG for 230 V 4 A 6 A 6 AAccessories Packs of PageThermostat 1 3110.000 178Hygrostat 1 3118.000 178Temperature indicator 1 3114.100 1771421701011) Output with fan.Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.10222560102260811421701011402056014025081Enclosure heatersAccessories Page 171 Configuration software Page 195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control169
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFeatures from page 172Air routing from page 174Air duct system ...............................................................................17490° deflector ..................................................................................174Shallow air duct system ..................................................................175Shallow duct extension ..................................................................175Stoppers .........................................................................................175Air diverter ......................................................................................176Door-operated switch .....................................................................176Control/regulation from page 177Digital enclosure internal temperature display and thermostat .....177Enclosure internal thermostat .........................................................178Hygrostat.........................................................................................178Bottom-mounted adaptor................................................................178Speed <strong>control</strong>..................................................................................179Mounting adaptor for speed <strong>control</strong> ...............................................179Interface card .................................................................................179SK BUS system...............................................................................180Cable connection kit .......................................................................180Test adaptor ...................................................................................180Mounting accessories from page 181Roof plates TS.................................................................................181Roof plates DK-TS...........................................................................181Vent attachment TS.........................................................................182Trim frame.......................................................................................182Quick-change frame .......................................................................182Adjustable frame.............................................................................183Adaptor frame.................................................................................183Integrated louvres...........................................................................183Cold Plate from page 184<strong>System</strong> attachment .........................................................................184Fluid distributor ...............................................................................184Direct fluid connection....................................................................184Flexible hose...................................................................................184Quick-action vent valve ..................................................................184Elbow coupling ...............................................................................185Double-nipple coupling .................................................................185Temperature sensor TF25...............................................................185Liquid Cooling Package from page 186Cooling module...............................................................................186Touchscreen display.......................................................................186Front cover......................................................................................186Vertical shielding ............................................................................186Horizontal shielding ........................................................................187Covers.............................................................................................187Accessories for rack sealing ..........................................................187Vent valve .......................................................................................188Connection hose.............................................................................188Quick-release fastener ...................................................................188Add-on cover ..................................................................................188<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFilter technology from page 189Filter mats for centrifugal fans ........................................................189Filter mats for cooling units ............................................................189Metal filter........................................................................................190Lint screen ......................................................................................191Louvred grille for lint screen ...........................................................191Spare filter mats..............................................................................191Fine filter mats for fan-and-filter units .............................................191General from page 192Wide-range power pack 24 V (DC) for thermoelectric cooler ........192Electric condensate evaporator......................................................192Condensate collecting bottle..........................................................192Condensate hose............................................................................192Outlet filters.....................................................................................193Hose-proof hoods ...........................................................................193Front outlet grille, 2 U, for centrifugal fans......................................193Filter holder .....................................................................................194Overflow valve ................................................................................194Flow regulator valve........................................................................194Cooling medium for recooling systems ..........................................194Software service from page 195Therm Software...............................................................................195EPLAN Cabinet ...............................................................................195RiDiag II ..........................................................................................195<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control171
<strong>System</strong> accessories<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFinding the perfect <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> solution is now eveneasier, with matching system accessories. Superblycoordinated components tailor the <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Be it targeted air routing or precise <strong>control</strong> of theequipment, <strong>Rittal</strong> has the perfect solution foreverything.components perfectly to your specific requirements.172 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Interface boardfor TopTherm cooling systems withComfort <strong>control</strong>lerThe interface card is an extension forTopTherm cooling systems with Comfort<strong>control</strong>ler. In this way it is possible, e.g. tomonitor a master/slave combination of upto 10 cooling systems. Control is via standardisedinterfaces: RS232 (DB9) or RS485,one PLC interface (DB9). RS422 (RJ 45 jack)is the connection to the <strong>Rittal</strong> CMC-TC. Inthis way, remote monitoring via TCP-IP,graphical interfaces for operation, evaluationand <strong>control</strong>, documentation, and connectionto additional sensors for access<strong>control</strong> and monitoring are possible.Air duct systemfor TopTherm roof-mountedcooling systemsCold air can be routed directly tospecific areas of the enclosureusing the air duct system. The riskof “short circuits” in the air circulationdue to self-ventilated installeddevices is therefore eliminated.OPCTCP/IPSNMPRoof platesFor fast mounting of:● TopTherm roof-mounted cooling units● TopTherm air/water heat exchangers● TopTherm roof-mounted fans● Vent attachment TSThe cut-outs are pre-integrated into the roofplate.PC<strong>System</strong> accessoriesRecoolingBenefits at a glance● Complete system solutions● Simple assembly● Fast orderingImportantDetails of direct matching accessories and(where applicable) Model Numbers may befound in the relevant product orderingtable.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control173
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesAir routingAir duct systemfor TopTherm roof-mounted cooling unitsand air/water heat exchangersIt is possible to route the cold air directly tospecific areas of the enclosure using the airduct system. The risk of “short circuits” in theair circulation due to self-ventilated installeddevices is therefore eliminated.The length of the shallow duct is 1500 mm,and it may be cut to any required length.Material:Flame-resistant plastic to DIN 4102/B1Supply includes:Shallow duct, compensating hose.Accessories:Deflector 90°,see page 174.Stopper,see page 175.Also required:TS support strips for securing the shallow duct ina vertical direction,see Cat. 32, page 997.ForPacks ofModel No. SKAir duct systemSK 3209. . . ./SK 3210. . . ./SK 3273. . . ./SK 3359. . . ./SK 3382. . . ./SK 3383. . . ./SK 3384. . . ./SK 3385. . . .1 3286.870SK 3386. . . ./SK 3387. . . . 1 3286.970Note:Do not direct cold air straight at active components.When using the ducting system, theperformance of the cooling unit may be reduced,depending on the application in question.<strong>System</strong> accessoriesDeflector, 90°for air duct systemFor targeted air deflection at the end of theshallow channel.Material:Flame-resistant plastic to DIN 4102/B1Packs ofModel No. SK1 3286.990174 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesAir routingShallow air duct systemfor TopTherm roof-mounted cooling unitsand air/water heat exchangers, to fit TS 8enclosures from a width of 800 mm.It is possible to route the cold air directly tospecific areas of the enclosure using the airduct system. The risk of “short circuits” in theair circulation due to self-ventilated installeddevices is therefore eliminated.The length of the shallow duct is 1500 mm,and it may be cut to any required length.Material:Flame-resistant plastic to DIN 4102/B1Supply includes:Shallow duct, adaptor, compensating piece,deflector 90°.Accessories:Deflector 90°,see page 174.Stopper,see page 175.Also required:Shallow duct extension SK 3286.860 to compensatefor the enclosure width and height.TS support strips for securing the shallow duct ina vertical direction,see Cat. 32, page 997.Note:Do not direct cold air straight at active components.When using the ducting system, theperformance of the cooling unit may be reduced,depending on the application in question.ForSK 3209. . . ./SK 3210. . . ./SK 3273. . . ./SK 3359. . . ./SK 3382. . . ./SK 3383. . . ./SK 3384. . . ./SK 3385. . . .Packs ofModel No. SKShallow air duct system1 3286.850Max. 1 xSK 3359. . . . /SK 3382. . . .SK 3386. . . . /SK 3387. . . .Note:Observe max. no. ofstoppers per unit.Max. 2 xSK 3209. . . . /SK 3210. . . .SK 3383. . . . /SK 3384. . . .SK 3385. . . .<strong>System</strong> accessoriesShallow duct extensionExtension kit for shallow air duct systemSK 3286.850 for width, depth or heightlength extensions in TS 8 enclosures.Material:Flame-resistant plastic to DIN 4102/B1Supply includes:1500 mm shallow duct, connection piece.Packs ofModel No. SK1 3286.860Stoppersfor TopTherm roof-mounted cooling unitsTo cover unneeded cold air outlets in TopThermroof-mounted cooling units.Material:Polyurethane foamForMax. no. ofstoppers per unitPacks of Model No. SKSK 3359. . . ./SK 3382. . . . 1 2 3286.780SK 3209. . . ./SK 3210. . . ./SK 3273. . . ./SK 3383. . . ./SK 3384. . . ./SK 3385. . . .2 2 3286.880SK 3386. . . ./SK 3387. . . . 1 2 3286.980<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control175
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesAir routingAir diverterFor use in <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>led enclosures, <strong>climate</strong><strong>control</strong> doors, <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> side panels andTopTherm wall-mounted cooling units.For targeted air routing of the cold air in a downwarddirection.Particularly well-suited for densely-packed electricalcomponents in the lower section of theenclosure.Material:Sheet steelForModel No. SKSK 8607. . . ./SK 8687. . . .SK 3306. . . ./SK 3331. . . .3213.300SK 3304. . . ./SK 3305. . . . 3213.310SK 3328. . . ./SK 3329. . . . 3213.320SK 3332. . . . 3213.330 1)External aircircuitInternal aircircuit65 1)1)115 mm for SK 3213.330<strong>System</strong> accessoriesDoor-operated switchWithout connection cableFor activation/deactivation of enclosure lights, fordeactivation of cooling units and air/water heatexchangers whilst the door is open (to preventcondensation) or for monitoring the door.No drilling required for installation.Supply includes:Door-operated switch including mountingaccessoriesPacks ofModel No. SZ1 4127.000176 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesControl/regulationDigital enclosure internaltemperature display andthermostatFor installing on the enclosure door or wall andin a cooling unit or heat exchanger.Technical specifications:● Small dimensions.● Depth: 100 mm.● The 3-digit 7-segment display is 13 mm highand clearly legible.● Can be switched from °C/°F.● The display can be used in a temperaturerange from +5°C to +70°C.● Includes 1500 mm long NTC sensor.● Two relay outputs as change-over contact andnormally open contact (maximum contact load230 V, 6 A).● Freely selectable switching difference.● The freely adjustable setpoint values can beadjusted via the membrane keyboard at thefront.Setting range: +5°C to +55°C.● Display and switching accuracy +/– 2 K.● Mounting cut-out 68 x 33 mm.● The minimum and maximum recorded temperaturesare stored until it is next reset.Rated operating voltage Model No. SK230 V (AC) 3114.100115 V (AC) 3114.115 1)24 V (DC) 3114.024 1)1) Delivery times available on request.Special requirements available on request.Digital enclosure internaltemperature display andthermostatIntegrated into a patch panel 1 U.Including cable attachment for connection cableand label holder.Rated operating voltage:230 V (AC)Special voltages available on request.Technical specifications:● Small dimensions.● Depth: 100 mm.● The 3-digit 7-segment display is 13 mm highand clearly legible.● Can be switched from °C/°F.● The display can be used in a temperaturerange from +5°C to +70°C.● Includes 1500 mm long NTC sensor.● Two relay outputs as change-over contact andnormally open contact (maximum contact load230 V, 6 A).● Freely selectable switching difference.● The freely adjustable setpoint values can beadjusted via the membrane keyboard at thefront.Setting range: +5°C to +55°C.● Display and switching accuracy +/– 2 K.● Mounting cut-out 68 x 33 mm.● The minimum and maximum recorded temperaturesare stored until it is next reset.Supply includes:Patch panel, temperature display and thermostat,identification strip.ColourModel No. DKRAL 7035 7109.035<strong>System</strong> accessories<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control177
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesControl/regulationEnclosure internal thermostatEspecially suitable for <strong>control</strong>ling fan-and-filterunits, heaters and heat exchangers, this thermostatcan also be used as a signal generator formonitoring the enclosure internal temperature.Technical specifications:● Bi-metal sensor as a temperature-sensitiveelement with thermal feedback.● Contact population: Single-pole change-overcontact as a quick-break contact.● Permissible contact load:Cat. 5 – 3 (heating)AC 10 (4) 1) A,DC = 30 Wcat 5 – 4 (cooling)AC 5 (4) 1) A,DC = 30 W( 1) ) = inductive load at cos ϕ = 0.6● Setting range: +5°C to +60°C● Weight: approx. 105 g● Dimensions: 71 x 71 x 33.5 mm● Switching difference: approx. 1 K ± 0.8 K.Rated operating voltage230/115/60/48/24 V (AC)60/48/24 V (DC)Model No. SK3110.000● A broad voltage spectrum i.e. just one modelcovers 24 to 230 V.● Time-saving connection technique using aterminal strip with a screw connection from theoutside.● Flexible mounting on a vertical or horizontal35 mm support rail to EN 50 022, and snapfastening in the TS/ES enclosure section usingthe supplied adaptor.<strong>System</strong> accessoriesHygrostatThe hygrostat switches on the heater and/or fanwhen a preset relative humidity in the enclosure isexceeded.In this way, the relative humidity is raised abovethe dew point, and condensation on assembliesor electronic components is avoided.Technical specifications:● Contact population: Single-pole change-overcontact as a quick-break contact.● Permissible contact load:AC ~ 5 (0.2) 1) ADC = max. 20 W( 1) ) = inductive load at cos ϕ = 0.6● Setting range: 50 – 100 % relative humidity● Weight: approx. 100 g● Dimensions: 71 x 71 x 33.5 mm● Switching difference: approx. 4 %Rated operating voltage Model No. SK24 – 230 V (AC/DC) 3118.000● A broad voltage spectrum i.e. just one modelcovers 24 to 230 V.● Time-saving connection technique using aterminal strip with a screw connection from theoutside.● Flexible mounting on a vertical or horizontal35 mm support rail to EN 50 022, and snapfastening in the TS/ES enclosure section usingthe supplied adaptor.Bottom-mounted adaptorfor enclosure internal thermostat SK 3110.000and hygrostat SK 3118.000Bottom-mounted adaptor with mounting option forscrewed cable glands, for targeted cable infeedfrom appropriate equipment such as SK fan-andfilterunits and enclosure heaters. In conjunctionwith screwed cable glands, it is also suitable foruse as strain relief.Packs ofModel No. SK1 3110.200178 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesControl/regulationSpeed <strong>control</strong>Temperature-dependent speed <strong>control</strong> for <strong>Rittal</strong>fan-and-filter units and air/air heat exchangerswith a rated operating voltage of 230 V AC, fornoise reduction and to save energy in part-loadoperation.Technical specifications:● For mounting on a 35 mm support railDIN EN 50 022● Dimensions (W x H x D):180 x 94 x 57 mm● Rated operating voltage:230 V (AC)/115 V (AC)● Setting range: +20°C to +55°C● Phase cross-over with micro<strong>control</strong>ler● Maximum fan output 250 W or 1.2 Aat 230 V (AC)● Maximum fan output 100 W or 1.2 Aat 115 V (AC)Rated operating voltage Model No. SK230 V (AC) 3120.000115 V (AC) 3120.115 1)1) Delivery times available on request.Supply includes:Speed <strong>control</strong>, built into a PK enclosure 9512.100,NTC sensor, length 1.80 m.Mounting adaptorfor speed <strong>control</strong>The mounting adaptor enables direct attachmentof the speed <strong>control</strong> SK 3120.000/.115 to thevertical frame sections of network enclosures.Material:Sheet steel, zinc-plated, passivatedPacks ofModel No. DK1 set 7526.964Supply includes:Mounting adaptor including assembly parts.Interface cardfor TopTherm cooling units with Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerThe interface card is an extension for TopThermcooling units with Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler. In this way itis possible, e.g. to monitor a master/slave combinationof up to 10 cooling units in conjunctionwith a <strong>Rittal</strong> CMC-TC. Control is achieved viastandardised interfaces: RS-232 (DB9) or RS-485,one PLC interface (DB9). RS-422 (RJ 45 jack) isthe connection to the <strong>Rittal</strong> CMC-TC. Remotemonitoring via TCP-IP, graphical interfaces foroperation, evaluation and <strong>control</strong>, documentationand connection of additional sensors for access<strong>control</strong> is therefore possible. The extension card isbuilt into a 1 U plastic housing.A voltage supply of 24 V DC is needed. This maybe supplied from the CMC-TC via a wide-rangepower pack DK 7320.425 (100 to 240 V AC,50/60 Hz) or externally via a Kycon connector.Packs ofModel No. SK1 3124.200Supply includes:Interface card integrated into a plastic boxW x H x D (mm): 136 x 44 (1 U) x 129.Serial SUB-D cable 1.5 m.Note:Networking and monitoring plan may be found onthe relevant product page on the Internet, under“Download”.<strong>System</strong> accessories<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control179
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesControl/regulation35C30C25C20C20C40C35CSK BUS systemThe SK bus system facilitates communicationsbetween several enclosure cooling units, <strong>Rittal</strong>TopTherm .500/.510/.540, production date 05/02or later, via a master/slave construction such asthat required e.g. in complex bayed enclosuresystems for optimum operating conditions.Technical specifications:The master/slave construction facilitates commonactivation and deactivation via door limit switches,parallel activation and deactivation via a temperaturesetpoint, and common collective fault signalsand temperature logging, thereby eliminating theneed for intricate wiring.ForModel No. SKTopTherm 3124.100Climate <strong>control</strong>ledenclosures3124.000Supply includes:3 m shielded interface cable, including operatingmanual on programming the cooling units.Note:n B = n K – 1n B: Number of order units (SK bus system)n K: Number of cooling units to be linked.Networking and monitoring plan may be found onthe relevant product page on the Internet, under“Download”.Property rights:German patent no. 196 15 469<strong>System</strong> accessoriesCable connection kitfor CS Outdoor cooling unitsFor simple connection of CS cooling units.All cables preassembled with the correspondingconnectors.Length of cables approx. 2500 mm.Supply includes:1 set = 3 cables for AC,door-operated switch andalarm connection.Note:Not required for CS 9776.500 and CS 9776.550.Cable connection kitfor CS Outdoor heat exchangersFor simple connection of CS heat exchangers.All cables preassembled with the correspondingconnectors.Length of cables approx. 2500 mm.Note:Not required for CS 9776.150.Packs ofModel No. CS1 set 9765.105Design3 cables for AC/DC andalarm connection2 cables for AC/DC andalarm connectionModel No. CS9765.1109765.115Test adaptorfor CS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> equipmentThe 9-pole sub-D interface allows testing ofCS <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> equipment. Alternativelysupports automatic or manual test procedures.Supply includes:1 set = Test adaptorincluding 2 m connection cable.Note:Not suitable for CS 9776.XXX.Packs ofModel No. CS1 set 9765.050180 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesMounting accessories13=B = WidthT = DepthB1B2 =T2 T3T1Roof plates TSFor mounting:● TopTherm roof-mounted cooling units● TopTherm air/water heat exchangers● TopTherm roof-mounted fans● Vent attachment TSThe cut-outs in the roof plate are arranged in sucha way that the TopTherm roof-mounted coolingunits are positioned centrally on the enclosure.Material:Sheet steelSupply includes:Assembly parts.Colour:RAL 7035For enclosuresW x D mmTo fit themounting ofModel No.TS600 x 600 SK 3359. . . . 8801.300 1)800 x 600SK 3382. . . .SK 3149.4 . .SK 3149.8 . .8801.320600 x 600 SK 3273.5. . 8801.310 1)800 x 600SK 3383. . . .SK 3384. . . .8801.3301200 x 600 SK 3385. . . . 8801.350800 x 800SK 3209. . . .SK 3210. . . .TS 8801.3808801.920800 x 600 SK 3386. . . . 8801.340 2)1200 x 600 SK 3387. . . . 8801.3601) When mounting the cooling units, there may be acollision with the eyebolts of the enclosure; for thisreason, roof fastening screws are supplied loose withthe roof plates.2)Attachment is from the inside using metal brackets andretaining clamps.For mountingSK 3382. . . ./SK 3359. . . .SK 3149.4 . ./SK 3149.8 . .SK 3209. . . ./SK 3383. . . ./SK 3210. . . ./SK 3384. . . ./SK 3273. . . ./SK 3385. . . .TS 8801.380SK 3386. . . ./SK 3387. . . .B1mmB2mmT1mmT2mmT3mmModel No. TS567.5 475 567.5 260 129.3 8801.300767.5 475 567.5 260 129.3 8801.320567.5 490 567.5 390 61.3 8801.310767.5 490 567.5 390 61.3 8801.3301167.5 490 567.5 390 61.3 8801.350767.5 490 767.5 390 161.3 8801.920767.5 692 567.5 392 57.8 8801.3401167.5 692 567.5 392 57.8 8801.360Roof plates DK-TSFor mounting:● TopTherm roof-mounted cooling units● TopTherm air/water heat exchangers● TopTherm roof-mounted fans● Vent attachment TSThe cut-outs in the roof plate are arranged in sucha way that the TopTherm roof-mounted coolingunits are positioned centrally on the enclosure.For enclosuresW x DmmTo fit themounting ofModel No.TS600 x 900 SK 3209. . . . 8801.410600 x 1000SK 3210. . . .SK 3273.5 . . 8801.420800 x 900SK 3383. . . .SK 3384. . . .8801.430800 x 1000SK 3385. . . .TS 8801.3808801.440<strong>System</strong> accessoriesMaterial:Sheet steel13=T2 T3Colour:RAL 7035B2 =B = WidthT = DepthB1T1For mountingSK 3209. . . .SK 3210. . . .SK 3273.5 . .SK 3383. . . .SK 3384. . . .SK 3385. . . .TS 8801.380B1mmB2mmT1mmT2mmT3mmModel No. TS567.5 490 867.5 390 211.3 8801.410767.5 490 967.5 390 261.3 8801.420567.5 490 867.5 390 211.3 8801.430767.5 490 967.5 390 261.3 8801.440<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control181
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesMounting accessoriesVent attachment TSFor passive ventilation with labyrinthine air flowrouting, to match the roofs for TopTherm roofmountedcooling units.Colour:RAL 7035Protection category:IP 43Supply includes:Assembly parts.For roof plateswith cut-outModel No. TS490 x 390 mm 8801.38037.5595495Trim framefor slimline cooling unitsSlimline cooling units can be internally or externallymounted on an enclosure door or wall. Thetrim frame presents a closed front for the coolingunit.Material:Sheet steelColour:RAL 7035140For cooling unitSK 3366. . . .SK 3377. . . .Model No. SK3377.000<strong>System</strong> accessoriesQuick-change framefor TopTherm roof-mounted cooling unitsThe quick-change frame is more than just an alternateframe. Together with the seal, the lower partof the frame is screw-fastened to the enclosure,making it possible to attach or remove the plug-incooling unit to/from the top part of the quickchangeframe. In case of servicing, this meansminimal assembly times and hence minimal downtime.What is more, the quick-change frame offerseffective protection against the ingress of oil intothe enclosure in oily atmospheres, thanks to itsintegral drainage trough.Material:Sheet steelColour:RAL 7035Supply includes:Quick-change frame, seal,quick-release fasteners.ForTopTherm cooling unitProperty rights:German patent no. 41 10 323French patent no. 2 675 317UK patent no. 2 254 735Model No.SKSK 3359. . . ./SK 3382. . . . 3286.700SK 3209. . . ./SK 3210. . . .SK 3383. . . .3286.800SK 3384. . . .SK 3385. . . .SK 3386. . . .SK 3387. . . .3286.900182 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesMounting accessoriesAdjustable framefor air/air heat exchangers,railway-compatible versionThe adjustable frame allows variable partial installationof air/air heat exchangers on enclosures, tofacilitate optimum space utilisation.Material:Sheet steelColour:RAL 7035For heat exchangersModel No. SKSK 3126.4. . 3286.260SK 3128.4. ./SK 3129.4. . 3286.270SK 3130.4. . 3286.280Adaptor framefor wall-mounted cooling unitsTo compensate for the rear tilt of the TP consoles.Material:Sheet steelSurface finish:Powder coated in textured RAL 7035Supply includes:Assembly parts.For cooling units300 W Cat. 32,pageModel No. SKPacksofModel No.TP3302.3X0 642 1 6730.600Delivery times available on request.167Mounting cut-out148177.520020077.52245327784 201 84Ø732920<strong>System</strong> accessories123Top edge of consoleAdaptor frameCooling units SK 3302.3X0Integrated louvresFor ventilation by convection; easily retro-fittedusing 4 screws.Material:Sheet steelColour:RAL 7035W (B)mmHmmD (T)mmPacksofModel No. SK160 110 8 4 2541.235210 100 8 4 2542.235330 110 8 4 2543.235To order in textured RAL 7032 please add extension .200to the Model No., and for a primed version please addextension .300. Delivery times available on request.Detailed drawing,see page 268.TBH<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control183
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesCold Plate<strong>System</strong> attachmentfor frequency convertersFor mounting frequency converters on the ColdPlate.Supply includes:Wire clamp system, T-slot blocks.For the attachment of frequencyconvertersPacksofModel No.DCPwith all-round clamping surface 1 8616.700with side clamping surfaces 1 8616.710with clamping surfaces top andbottom1 8616.720Fluid distribution manifoldin stainless steelFor the connection of up to 4 Cold Plate units.Supply includes:2 fluid distributors (inlet and return),screw plugs G1/4˝, G3/8˝,connector sleeves G1/2˝,seals.Packs ofModel No. DCP1 set 8616.750Accessories:Flex hose, see page 184,quick-action vent valve, see page 184,temperature sensor, see page 185.<strong>System</strong> accessoriesDirect fluid connectionFor connection of the Cold Plate through the rearor side panel of the enclosure.Supply includes:2 connector sleeves G1/2˝,2 Mini stop valves G1/2˝,2 reducers G1/2˝ – G1/4˝,seals.Flexible hoseFor connection of the Cold Plate to a fluid distributionmanifold or direct fluid connection.Supply includes:2 flexible hoses G1/4˝ with stainless steel braid,seals.Packs ofModel No. DCP1 set 8616.751Accessories:Flex hose, see page 184,double-nipple coupling, see page 185.Packs ofLengthmmModel No. DCP1 set 500 8616.7601 set 1000 8616.761Accessories:Elbow coupling, see page 185Quick-action vent valveTo vent the complete Direct Cooling Packagesystem.Easily mounted on the fluid distributor.Supply includes:Quick-action vent valve G3/8˝,seal.Packs ofModel No. DCP1 8616.762184 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesCold PlateElbow couplingFor horizontal or vertical connection of the ColdPlate.Supply includes:4 L-shaped 90° fittings G1/4˝,seals.Packs ofModel No. DCP1 set 8616.763Double-nipple couplingFor connection of the flexible hose to the fluiddistribution manifold.Supply includes:4 double-nipple fittings G1/4˝,seals.Packs ofModel No. DCP1 set 8616.764Temperature sensor TF25For monitoring the inlet and return temperaturesin the fluid distributor.Supply includes:Temperature sensor TF25 (NTC, 10 kΩ),stainless steel cable gland G1/4˝,seal.Packs ofModel No. DCP1 8616.765Other versions available on request.<strong>System</strong> accessories<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control185
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesLiquid Cooling PackageCooling modulefor LCP Standard and SmartWith the cooling module, the useful cooling outputmay be gradually increased. There is 1 modulefitted as standard.For LCP Cooling output Model No. SKStandard 6.6 kW 3301.250Smart 7.0 kW 3301.290Touchscreen displayfor LCP SmartThe display offers the opportunity of directlymonitoring key functions of the LCP Smart,and implementing settings.Packs ofModel No. SK1 3301.790<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFront coverThe optional front cover, together with the built-infilter fleece, ensures even air outlet at the sides aswell, and reduces the air outlet speed, thus minimisingdraught effects.Packs ofModel No. SK1 3301.980Vertical shieldingTo block the airflow on the left and right of the482.6 mm (19˝) level, for enclosure height2000 mm.Material:Cellular PU foam,flame-inhibiting to UL 94 (HF1)Length: 1900 mm, self-adhesive on one side.For sealingbetweenSide panel and482.6 mm (19˝)levelLCP and482.6 mm (19˝)levelPacks of 1Forenclosure widthmmModel No. SK600 3301.380800 3301.390600 3301.370800 3301.320186 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesLiquid Cooling PackageHorizontal shieldingAllows horizontal shielding of the airflow with apartially configured 482.6 mm (19˝) rack.Material:Sheet steel, spray finished in RAL 7035Forenclosure width Packs of Model No. SKmm600 1 3301.330800 1 3301.340Coversfor LCP StandardFor sealing any air inlet and outlet openings thatare not required.Material:Sheet steel, spray finished in RAL 7035Packs ofModel No. SK2 3301.310Accessories for rack sealingfor LCP Standard and LCP PlusTo prevent the ingress of ambient air.Description Dimensions mm Packs of Model No. Cat. 32, pageSide panel, screw fastened H x D 2000 x 1000 2 8100.235 917Glazed doorSheet steel door, solidDivided roof plate for cable entry1)Retrospective installation is not possible.W x HW x HW x D600 x 2000 1 8610.600 934800 x 2000 1 8610.800 934600 x 2000 1 7824.205 936800 x 2000 1 7824.207 936600 x 1000 1 7826.605 1) 972800 x 1000 1 7826.805 1) 972<strong>System</strong> accessories<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control187
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesLiquid Cooling PackageVent valveFor effective cooling of individual LCP modules(SK 3301.250). With quick-release system forsimple installation in the water inlet of the LCP,including stop valve.Packs ofModel No. SK1 3301.400Connection hose1 m long, flexible connection hose, may beshortened, including union nuts on both sidesfor connecting the LCP to existing pipework.For LCP Thread Model No. SKSK 3301.230/.420 3 / 4˝ 3301.350SK 3301.480 1˝ 3301.351Packs of 2<strong>System</strong> accessoriesQuick-release fastenerThe shut-off quick-release fasteners on both sidesfacilitate easy connection and disconnection ofthe LCP to the existing pipe work ( 3 / 4˝ externalthread) and connection hose SK 3301.350.Packs of1 connector1 couplingModel No. SK3301.360Add-on coverFor height compensation with 2200 mm highracks in conjunction with the LCP (H = 2000 mm).Material:Sheet steel, spray finished in RAL 7035For LCPModel No. SKSK 3301.210SK 3301.2303301.221SK 3301.420SK 3301.4803301.421Delivery times available on request.188 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFilter technologyFilter mats for tangential fansMade of chopped-fibre mat with a progressivestructure. Temperature-resistant to 100°C, selfextinguishingcategory F1 to DIN 53 438.Dust-laden air side: Open structure.Clean air side: Closed structure.Reliable filtering of virtually all types of dust from aparticle size of 10 μm.Material:Chemical fibreFor tangential fans/front outlet grilles 2 U W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3144.000/SK 3145.000/SK 3176.000 425 x 85 x 8 5 3177.000Filter mats for cooling units<strong>Rittal</strong> cooling units are low-maintenance and aresupplied without filter mats. Filter mats may beused for extreme conditions.Material:Open-celled polyurethane foamed plastic withexcellent physical and mechanical properties.Temperature-resistant from –40°C to +80°C.Thickness: 10 mm.For TopTherm cooling units W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3302.300/SK 3302.310 190 x 95 x 10 3 3286.110SK 3302. . . ./SK 3303. . . ./SK 3361. . . . 265 x 200 x 10 3 3286.300SK 3304. . . ./SK 3305. . . ./SK 3328. . . ./SK 3329. . . ./SK 3332. . . ./SK 3366. . . .344 x 268 x 10 3 3286.400SK 3273. . . ./SK 3382. . . ./SK 3383. . . ./SK 3384. . . ./SK 3385. . . ./SK 3359. . . .530 x 255 x 10 3 3286.500SK 3386. . . ./SK 3387. . . . 720 x 300 x 10 3 3286.600SK 3377. . . . 205 x 210 x 10 3 3253.010For discontinued cooling units W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3296. . . ./SK 3272.100/SK 3290. . . ./SK 3280.100/SK 3299. . . ./SK 3261. . . .539 x 332 x 10 3 3286.100SK 3265.100/SK 3266.100 270 x 332 x 10 3 3267.100SK 3256. . . . 395 x 300 x 10 3 3254.000SK 3293. . . ./SK 3281.100/SK 3298. . . ./SK 3279.100/SK 3260. . . ./SK 3269. . . ./SK 3262.100/SK 3393. . . ./334 x 313 x 10 3 3294.100SK 3381.100/SK 3391. . . .SK 3255. . . ./SK 3395. . . . 350 x 245 x 10 3 3253.000SK 3394. . . . 315 x 200 x 10 3 3285.000SK 3292.134/SK 3278.134 325 x 250 x 10 3 3286.000<strong>System</strong> accessories<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control189
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFilter technologyMetal filterParticularly when cooling units are used in dustyand damp environments, it is advisable to usewashable metal filters.If air or steam condenses on the metal surfaces,any particles that may be present will adhere tothe metal and are easily washed out with water orgrease-dissolving detergents.Material:AluminiumThickness: 10 mmFor TopTherm cooling units W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3302.300/SK 3302.310 190 x 95 x 10 1 3286.120SK 3302.100/SK 3302.110/SK 3303. . . ./SK 3361. . . . 265 x 200 x 10 1 3286.310SK 3304. . . ./SK 3305. . . ./SK 3328. . . ./SK 3329. . . ./SK 3332. . . ./SK 3366. . . .344 x 288 x 10 1 3286.410SK 3273. . . ./SK 3382. . . ./SK 3383. . . ./SK 3384. . . ./SK 3385. . . ./SK 3359. . . .530 x 255 x 10 1 3286.510SK 3386. . . ./SK 3387. . . . 720 x 300 x 10 1 3286.610SK 3377. . . . 225 x 200 x 10 1 3253.220For discontinued cooling units W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3296. . . ./SK 3272.100/SK 3290. . . ./SK 3280.100 520 x 290 x 10 1 3286.210SK 3299. . . ./SK 3261. . . . 520 x 315 x 10 1 3286.200SK 3265.100/SK 3266.100 265 x 320 x 10 1 3267.200SK 3256. . . . 315 x 365 x 10 1 3254.200SK 3293. . . ./SK 3281.100/SK 3298. . . ./SK 3279.100/SK 3260. . . ./SK 3269. . . ./SK 3262.100/SK 3393. . . ./300 x 328 x 10 1 3294.200SK 3381.100/SK 3391. . . .SK 3255. . . ./SK 3395. . . . 348 x 210 x 10 1 3253.200SK 3394. . . . 375 x 415 x 10 1 3285.200For TopTherm <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> door/section door W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3300.040/SK 3300.050/SK 3300.060/SK 3300.070/SK 3300.080/SK 3300.090/SK 3300.110/SK 3300.120425 x 78 x 10 1 3284.210<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFor discontinued <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> doors W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3306. . . ./SK 3307. . . ./SK 3309. . . ./SK 3310. . . . 424 x 100 x 10 1 3284.200SK 3308. . . . 624 x 100 x 10 1 3288.200For discontinued <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> side panel W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3331. . . . 380 x 150 x 10 1 3289.200For heat exchangers W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3126.4XX 130 x 130 x 10 1 3286.230SK 3128.4XX/SK 3129.4XX 208 x 208 x 10 1 3286.240SK 3130.4XX 225 x 225 x 10 1 3286.250For Mini recooling systems W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3318.600/SK 3318.610/SK 3319.600/SK 3319.610 530 x 255 x 10 1 3286.510SK 3320.600/SK 3334.600 500 x 558 x 8 1 3286.520SK 3360. . . . 344 x 268 x 10 1 3286.410190 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFilter technologyLint screenEspecially for the use of cooling units and air/airheat exchangers where there is a high proportionof lint in the ambient air.Material:Stainless steel meshForPacksofModel No. SKSK 3304. . . ./SK 3305. . . ./SK 3328. . . ./SK 3329. . . ./SK 3332. . . ./SK 3360. . . ./SK 3126. . . ./SK 3127. . . ./1 3329.904SK 3128. . . ./SK 3129. . . ./SK 3130. . . .Delivery times available on request.Louvred grillefor lint screenMaterial:ABSForPacksofModel No. SKSK 3329.904 1 3329.903Delivery times available on request.Spare filter matsMade of chopped-fibre mat with a progressivestructure.Temperature-resistant to 100°C, self-extinguishingcategory F1 to DIN 53 438.Dust-laden air side: Open structure.Clean air side: Closed structure.Reliable filtering of virtually all types of dust from aparticle size of 10 μm.Material:Chemical fibreFor thermoelectric coolers W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3201.200/SK 3201.300 106 x 90 x 8 5 3201.050For fan-and-filter units/outlet filters W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3321. . . . 89 x 89 x 10 5 3321.700SK 3322. . . . 120 x 120 x 12 5 3322.700SK 3323. . . . 173 x 173 x 17 5 3171.100SK 3324. . . ./SK 3325. . . . 221 x 221 x 17 5 3172.100SK 3326. . . . 289 x 289 x 17 5 3173.100SK 3327. . . . 286 x 286 x 10 5 3327.700<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFor filter holders W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3175.000 338 x 242 x 20 3 3174.000Fine filter matsfor fan-and-filter unitsMade of chopped-fibre mat with a progressivestructure. Temperature-resistant to 100°C, selfextinguishingcategory F1 to DIN 53 438.Dust-laden air side: Open structure.Clean air side: Closed structure.Reliable filtering of virtually all types of dust from aparticle size of 10 μm.Material:Chemical fibreFor fan-and-filter units/outlet filters W x H x D mm Packs of Model No. SKSK 3323. . . . 173 x 173 x 12 5 3181.100SK 3324. . . ./SK 3325. . . . 221 x 221 x 12 5 3182.100SK 3326. . . ./SK 3327. . . . 289 x 289 x 12 5 3183.100<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control191
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesGeneralWide-range power pack24 V (DC)for thermoelectric coolerTo supply voltage to the thermoelectric cooler withprimary 96 – 264 V (AC) voltage supply input.Power packs for other outputs available onrequest.Power pack 24 V (DC)for SK 3201.300150 W for snap-mountingonto top-hat rail 35 mmModel No. SK3201.030Electric condensate evaporatorFor external mounting on enclosures.For use with all enclosure cooling units andair/water heat exchangers.Evaporation performance:1)2.4 l/d2)4.2 l/dRated operatingvoltageforSK 3302/SK 3303Model No. SKfor400 mm widecooling units230 V, 50/60 Hz 3301.560 1) 3301.570 2)115 V, 50/60 Hz 3301.580 1) 3301.590 2)Colour:RAL 7035Supply includes:Electric condensate evaporator,ready to connect.Detailed drawing,see page 268.<strong>System</strong> accessories23966Ø 73123Condensate collecting bottleFor mounting on the enclosure.For use with all enclosure cooling units andair/water heat exchangers.Safety overflow at the side.Capacity approximately 0.75 l.1 Condensate discharge tube2 Membrane grommet3 Max. 70 mmPacks ofModel No. SK1 3301.600Supply includes:Condensate collecting bottle, bottle holderincluding assembly parts.Condensate hoseFor removing and forwarding condensate.For connecting to enclosure cooling units.Material:PVC, transparentSupply includes:10 m hose.For devicesMaterialthicknessØModel No.SKSK 3302. . . ./SK 3201. . . . 8 x 1.5 mm 3301.608SK 3303. . . ./SK 3361. . . . 10 x 1.5 mm 3301.610SK 3273. . . ./SK 3304. . . ./SK 3305. . . ./SK 3328. . . ./SK 3329. . . ./SK 3332. . . ./SK 3359. . . ./SK 3366. . . ./SK 3377. . . ./SK 3382. . . ./SK 3383. . . ./SK 3384. . . ./SK 3385. . . ./SK 3386. . . ./SK 3387. . . .12 x 2 mm 3301.612192 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesGeneralOutlet filtersFor ventilation by convection, an outlet filter canbe installed in the upper and lower sections of theenclosure.Material:ABS,material resistance to UL 94-V0.Colour:RAL 7035Supply includes:Outlet filter including filter mat.Dimensionsin mmModel No. SK116.5 x 22 3321.207148.5 x 24.5 3322.207204 x 30 3323.207255 x 30 3325.207323 x 30 3326.207For RAL 7032, use order extension .200.Note:EMC version,see page 48.Accessories:Spare filter mats,see page 191.Fine filter mats,see page 191.Hose-proof hoodsfor fan-and-filter units/outlet filtersWhen the hose-proof hood is mounted above thefan-and-filter unit and outlet filter in conjunctionwith a fine filter mat, a protection category of IP 56to EN 60 529 is achieved.Material:Stainless steelProtection category:In conjunction with the fan-and-filter units/outletfilters, NEMA 3R + 12 is met.ForDimensionsin mmModel No.SKSK 3321. . . . 150 x 260 x 40 3321.800 1)SK 3322. . . . 176 x 270 x 55 3322.800SK 3323. . . . 233 x 410 x 55 3323.800SK 3324. . . .SK 3325. . . .282 x 500 x 85 3324.800SK 3326. . . .SK 3327. . . .350 x 560 x 110 3326.8001) Delivery times available on request.<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFront outlet grille 2 Ufor tangential fansThis front outlet grille is required if a 482.6 mm(19˝) cross-flow blower (SK 3144.000/SK 3145.000) is used in the lower section ofthe electronic enclosure and the hot air is tobe expelled to the outside from the uppersection of the enclosure.The design of the grille matches that of theintake grille in the cross-flow blower.These grilles can also be used as simple inflowand outflow grilles with natural convection.Accessories:Filter mat,see page 189.Packs ofModel No. SK1 3176.000<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control193
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesGeneralFilter holderfor roof ventilationThe use of a filter mat is required in order toincrease the protection category of the roofvent (SK 3148.007).Protection category IP 44 to EN 60 529 isachieved.Material:Sheet steelSupply includes:Filter holder including filter mat.W x H x D mmModel No. SK340 x 244 x 15 3175.000Accessories:Spare filter mat,see page 191.Overflow valvePressostat for use in the water cycle betweenthe recooling system and the air/water heatexchanger. It prevents an increase in pump pressurein the recooling system against the closedmagnetic valve of the air/water heat exchangeroutside of the cooling cycle.Material:BrassSetting range:2 – 12 barPresetting:3 barVersion Packs of Model No. SK1 / 2˝ bypass valve 1 3301.9003 / 4˝ bypass valve 1 3301.9101˝ bypass valve 1 3301.920<strong>System</strong> accessoriesFlow regulator valveFor use with air/water heat exchangers, especiallyif more than one heat exchanger (n > 1) isused in the water cooling circuit. The correctly setvalve then ensures the same quantity of coolingmedium for all equipment. The valve is used forhydraulic balancing.Material:BrassSetting range:3 – 12 l/minVersion Packs of Model No. SK3 / 4˝ x 1 / 2˝for volumetric flow <strong>control</strong>3 / 4˝ x 3 / 4˝for volumetric flow <strong>control</strong>1 3301.9301 3301.940Cooling mediumfor recooling systemsReady mixApart from the recooling systems for oil and emulsion,all other recooling systems are only suitablefor the cooling of water or a water/glycol mixture.As well as protecting against frost, this coolingmedium also serves to inhibit bacterial growth andprovide optimum corrosion protection.Supply includes:10 l canister, 25 l canister or 200 l barrel.RifrostAntifreeze/water mixtureOutdoor 1 : 2Standard 1 : 4Container1)Delivery times available on request.Model No. SK10 l 3301.95025 l 3301.955200 l 3301.957 1)10 l 3301.96025 l 3301.965200 l 3301.967 1)194 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
<strong>System</strong> accessoriesSoftware serviceTherm Software<strong>Rittal</strong> Therm is a calculation programfor enclosure <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>.All electrical and electronic components have acertain power loss which is dissipated to the environmentin the form of heat. Because an increasingnumber of components are now being housedin ever smaller spaces, the heat produced cansoon reach levels which are harmful to electroniccomponents and may severely curtail their usefullives.The Therm software package takes care of thecomplex calculation of <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> requirements.A user-friendly interface guides the operatorto the most suitable, correctly dimensioned<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> component.All evaluations are closely based on the requirementsof IEC/TR 60 890 AMD 1/02.95 andDIN 3168 for enclosure cooling units.Supply includesCD-ROMLanguages: Available in 13 languagesModel No. SK 3121.000Note:Your free 30-day trial version maybe downloaded at www.rittal.comEPLAN CabinetBoost your productivity at every stage, fromelectrical planning, to enclosure population,through to productionThe electrical planning and mechanical installationof an enclosure are combined into an integratedworkflow with EPLAN Cabinet.Equipment and component data is transferredfrom the wiring schematic in EPLAN Electric P8or earlier versions of EPLAN into the layout plan.<strong>Rittal</strong> enclosures are integrated as original 3Dmodels via component libraries (<strong>Rittal</strong> RiCAD-3D).Cable trunking, support rails, terminals anddevices may be positioned in the 3D representationof the enclosure at a click of the mouse. Collision<strong>control</strong>s ensure compliance with distancesand blocked surfaces, and help to avoid designerrors.Automatic generation of bills of materials andorder lists are, of course, included, as are highquality,dimensioned drawings for plant documentation.Supplementary modules such as routing or NCgenerate drilling plans and programs, optimisedwiring paths and lists, as well as information fordrilling and milling machines. The simple planningand detailed documentation of EPLANCabinet support an optimum workflow, fromthe wiring schematic through to the populatedenclosure.EPLAN Cabinet is available from:www.eplan.com<strong>System</strong> accessoriesRiDiag IIRiDiag II is a tool for diagnosing the operatingbehaviour of Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler-regulated coolingunits. By connecting a PC, it is possible to retrieveerror messages, temperatures and capacity utilisationlevels of the cooling units which are storedin the Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler. The system includesintegrated temperature measurement from foursensors in the cooling unit, and also featuresgraphical representation of the temperaturedevelopment over time.Supply includesCD-ROMLanguage: German/English/Italian/FrenchConnection cableModel No. SK 3159.100<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control195
Tips and tricksCooling with ambient air from page 198Fan-and-filter unitsApplications/selection criteria ........................................................198Assembly ........................................................................................200Rack-mounted fans/tangential fans – Applications .......................201Air/air heat exchangersApplications ....................................................................................202Selection criteria .............................................................................203Assembly ........................................................................................204Air routing .......................................................................................205Electrical connection and <strong>control</strong> ..................................................206Cooling units from page 207Applications ....................................................................................207Selection criteria .............................................................................208Assembly ........................................................................................209Air routing........................................................................................210Condensation management ...........................................................213Electrical connection and <strong>control</strong> ..................................................215Thermoelectric cooler – Mounting options .....................................216Liquid cooling IE from page 217Air/water heat exchangersApplications ....................................................................................217Selection criteria .............................................................................218Assembly ........................................................................................219Air routing........................................................................................220Condensation management............................................................222Electrical connection and <strong>control</strong> ..................................................224Recooling systems/chillersApplications ....................................................................................226Selection criteria ............................................................................227Assembly ........................................................................................228Notes...............................................................................................229Liquid cooling IT from page 230Aisle containmentBenefits ...........................................................................................230Usage..............................................................................................231Application examples ....................................................................232Liquid Cooling PackagePlus, Smart, Extend.........................................................................233Enclosure heaters from page 234Applications/assembly/electrical connection ................................234Tips and tricksMonitoring from page 235Master/slave mode..........................................................................235Interface card..................................................................................235CMC-TC enclosure monitoring system...........................................237<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control197
Cooling with ambient airFan-and-filter units – Applications/selection critieraFan-and-filter units utilise the ambient air for directcooling of the enclosure interior.This requires cool, reasonably clean ambient air.Ambient conditionsCoolApplication diversity and designIn most cases, it makes sense to installthe axial fan with the air directed fromoutside into the enclosure so that overpressureis created inside the enclosure,as per the delivered state. This helpsto avoid the ingress of unfiltered ambientair.Advantage: Aesthetics and functionThe extremely low build height is typicalof the <strong>Rittal</strong> fan-and-filter unit design.The super-slimline vent grille guaranteesoptimum air throughput with low noisegeneration.Fan-and-filter units are ideal for dissipating heat loads costeffectively.The prerequisite is that the ambient air mustbe relatively clean with a temperature below the desiredenclosure internal temperature. A temperature differenceof 10 K is ideal.Cooling with ambient airAir directionDirection of airflow “blowing into theenclosure”. Standard arrangement offan and outlet filter. In this case, a minimaloverpressure is generated insidethe enclosure. The incoming air isrouted completely via the filter mat.212180°3Direction of airflow “extracting fromthe enclosure”. Configuration afterchanging the airflow direction of thefan-and-filter motor. In such cases,unfiltered “bad air” may be drawn invia leaks in the enclosure.11212Fan-and-filterunitOutlet filter123DismantlingDirection of airflow in the supplied state/standardDirection of airflow after rotating the fan motor198 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Cooling with ambient airFan-and-filter units – Applications/selection critieraPractical example of a fan-and-filter unitFan-and-filter units are used in virtually all segments of industry:from the smallest enclosures, to command panels andconsoles, through to large and bayed enclosure systems.They are the easiest method of protecting against overheatingand hot-spots.55The basic prerequisite for their use is that the ambient temperaturemust be significantly lower than the enclosure internaltemperature.A wide range of <strong>control</strong> units such as thermostat, hygrostatand speed <strong>control</strong> for noise minimisation extend the applicationrange to other areas, such as the office sector and laboratories.EMC fans meet the requirements for increased RF shielding.Particularly when using fan-and-filter units in conjunction withPC enclosures or monitor panels, DC variants are used whichprovide effective protection from interference.241312345Small enclosureCommand panelConsoleBayed enclosure/large enclosuresPC enclosureSealed and shieldedAlso available with EMCshieldingAll fan-and-filter units andoutlet filters are alternativelyavailable with EMC shielding.The required conductiveconnection is achievedvia a metallic coating on thefan-and-filter unit housingand a special sealing frame.Protection functionsThe membranes of the fangrille in the form of a raincanopy provide exceptionalprotection against theingress of splashed waterand dust.Protection category IP 54is achieved as standard.Hosed water protectionParticularly for applicationsin the food industry, thehose-proof hood preventsthe ingress of damp. Theprotection category IP 55 isachieved in conjunction withadditional fine filter mats.Important● The prescribed heat lossand the maximum anticipatedambient temperaturedefine the requiredvolumetric flow.● Always use the fan-andfilterunits and outlet filterstogether.Calculation formulae,see page 34or refer to the Internet atwww.rittal.comCooling with ambient air<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control199
Cooling with ambient airFan-and-filter units – AssemblyBenefits of <strong>Rittal</strong> fan-and-filter units andoutlet filters● All-round foamed-in seal as standard to achieve a protectioncategory of IP 54● Additional mounting catches for fast, screwless assembly,to ensure secure attachment to the enclosure● A new unlatching system for removal of the louvred grilleSuper-simple assembly without screws.Benefits:● Air throughput from 20 to 700 m 3 /h● Super-fast assembly● Air flow direction may be reversed from blowing (defaultsetting) to extracting● All fans also available with EMC shieldingLouvred grill lock system● Can only be opened with tools● Achieves a protection category of IP 55 with typesSK 3323 . . . . to SK 3327. . . .1IP 55 with standard mat (A)plus additional micro-filter mat (B)Not applicable to SK 3321.... andSK 3322....34562(A)(B)yCooling with ambient airy21200 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Cooling with ambient airRack-mounted fans/tangential fans – ApplicationsRack-mounted fan● Air throughput 320/480 m 3 /h, 1 U.● Direct ventilation of the subracks prevents hot-spots andheat accumulation.● The fan units (24 V DC, 115 – 230 V AC) are also availablewith integral speed <strong>control</strong> and fault evaluation.1Mounting directly on the 482.6 mm (19˝) levelRack-mounted Vario fan with guide frame● The rack-mounted fan slides like a drawer.● Connectors on the rear ensure immediate contact.2 Installation directly in the subrack3 Installation via two mounting brackets on the 482.6 mm (19˝)mounting level123Tangential fan● 320 m 3 /h air throughput, 2 U.● The high air throughput means that <strong>Rittal</strong> tangential fansare capable of dissipating large heat losses from theenclosure.● The ambient air is drawn in via the front grille and conveyedupwards.● The minimal noise generation of 52 dB creates a pleasantworking environment.Cooling with ambient air<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control201
Cooling with ambient airAir/air heat exchangers – ApplicationsAir/air heat exchangers use the external temperatureAmbient conditionsfor cooling. By separating the internal and external aircircuits, the ingress of dust into the enclosure isprevented.CoolDustOutstanding performance and designThe requirement for use of air/air heat exchangers is that theambient temperature must be below the desired enclosureinternal temperature.Dust and aggressive ambient air are unable to enter theenclosure interior, thanks to the two separate air circuits.In all situations where the ambient air is sufficient for cooling,air/air heat exchangers offer effective, energy-saving solutions.The high specific thermal output is attributable to thespecial construction and functional design of the heatexchangers:● A large heat exchanger area with compact dimensions● Exceptionally conductive materials and connections● Fans that may be <strong>control</strong>led separately● Optimum flow conditionsCooling with ambient airPractical example of an air/air heatexchangerIn the paper and wood-processing industries, for example,particular requirements are placed on <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> components.They ensure good internal ventilation and heat dissipationfrom the enclosure. At the same time, they also preventthe ingress of super-fine dusts.Air/air heat exchangers are ideal for this purpose, since theyeffectively dissipate the heat from the enclosure with their twohermetically separate air circuits based on the reverse currentor counter-current principle, and prevent the ingress ofambient air into the enclosure.12212Wood-processing industryAir/air heat exchangers (wall-mounted)202 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Cooling with ambient airAir/air heat exchangers – Selection criteriaCool ambient airAir/air heat exchangers utilise the ambient air to cool the airin the enclosure interior. Based on the counterflow principle,the completely separate airflows are routed through the heatexchanger module by powerful fans.● Ambient conditions: The ambient temperature T u must belower than the permissible enclosure interior temperature.A temperature difference of 10 K is ideal.● Also ideal for use in dusty ambient conditions.Flow and siting conditionsInternal/external mountingAir/air heat exchangers may optionally be mounted on theoutside or inside of the enclosure. The slimline design facilitatesexternal mounting on the door, rear panel and sidepanels.By diverting the waste air upwards, this prevents the creationof disruptive air flows in front of the enclosures.The fans in the internal and external circuit may be activatedseparately via an intelligent <strong>control</strong>ler and thus adaptedideally to the ambient conditions.1 External mounting2 Internal mounting1 2Cooling with ambient air<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control203
Cooling with ambient airAir/air heat exchangers – AssemblySealing of the enclosureThe enclosure must be sealed on all sides (IP 54). Particularattention should be paid to the sealing of the area around thecable entry openings and above all, the floor section of theenclosure.Additionally, the door seal must be in perfect condition.The sealing material included with the heat exchangers mustbe applied in accordance with the installation instructions.Take care not to bend the side panel or enclosure door.Cooling with ambient airExternal circuitFlow and siting conditionsAir/air heat exchangers in the external circuit should have adistance of at least 200 mm from a wall and from one another(air inlet and outlet openings).If this distance cannot be met, air baffle plates should beused.Siting optionsWall-mounted heat exchangers may be mounted on the rearpanel, side panels or door of the enclosure.Distance from the wallat least 200 mm204 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Cooling with ambient airAir/air heat exchangers – Air routingFree air circulationIt is important to ensure “even” air circulation inside theenclosure. Air inlet and outlet openings in the internal circuitmust on no account be obstructed by electrical installations.This would prevent air from circulating inside the enclosure.Under such conditions, the capacity of the device would notbe adequately utilised. A clearance of > 200 mm must beguaranteed.Note:Wall-mounted cooling units should never be fitted directlybehind the mounting plate. Active power components arelocated on the front of the mounting plates. The heatexchanger would then operate in its own air short-circuit.If it is impossible to install the device any other way, appropriateair baffle plates should be used, and air inlet and outletopenings should be provided in the mounting plate.200Internal circuit – Wall-mounted unitsAttention should be paid to components and electronic componentsequipped with their own ventilation systems, such asblowers and axial fans. If their air flow is directed against thechilled air flow of the heat exchanger, this could cause an airshort-circuit and adequate <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> would no longerbe guaranteed.Note:Never direct the chilled air flow at active components.Cooling with ambient air<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control205
Cooling with ambient airAir/air heat exchanger – Electrical connection and <strong>control</strong>Simple <strong>control</strong> with digital temperaturedisplay● Specific thermal output from 17.5 to 90 W/K● With <strong>control</strong>ler and digital temperature display● Floating fault signal contact in case of overtemperature● <strong>System</strong> analysis via displaySupply connection● The mains connection parameters (voltage and frequency)specified on the rating plate must be observed.● The pre-fuse specified on the rating plate must be used.Rated voltageRated currentRated consumptionPre-fuse TSpecific cooling output230 V, 50/60 Hz0.6 A/0.8 A140 W/180 W2 A45 W/KCooling with ambient airCabling123Signal data cableControl cableMotor cable21321The power cable, power supply unit cable, signal cable anddata cable must be laid separately; cable lengths should bekept as short as possible. Avoid coupled sections.3206 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Cooling units keep the enclosure internal temperatureat a constant level, even to below room temperature.The air routing meets individual requirements. Twoseparate circuits prevent the ingress of dust into theenclosure.Ambient conditionsCooling unitsApplicationsHeatDust● Climate <strong>control</strong>led enclosures● Roof-mounted cooling units● Wall-mounted cooling units● Thermoelectric coolerIntegral cooling system/<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>ledenclosuresThe combination of enclosure and cooling componentsachieves particularly effective cooling. Assembly time iseliminated. The investment costs for the complete unit offerexceptional value for money.Roof-mounted cooling unitsRequirement-oriented routing of cooling air in the internalcircuit is possible, with up to four cold air outlet openingsand the optional use of ducts. In the external circuit, theheated air is expelled to the rear, left and right, and optionallyupwards. This means that the enclosure may be sited ina bayed suite or close to the wall.Cooling unitsWall-mounted cooling unitsDepending on the space and design requirements, internalmounting, partial internal mounting and external mountingare all possible. Thanks to large distances between the airintake and outlet openings, effective cold air throughput ofthe enclosure is achieved.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control207
Cooling unitsSelection criteriaEnclosure <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> poses escalating demands on integrationand adaptation to the local conditions and the existingprocess <strong>control</strong> and monitoring system. <strong>Rittal</strong> offers theright solution to suit every requirement.When selecting the appropriate cooling unit for yourenclosure, please observe the following points:● What is the installation type to IEC 890?(see page 34, calculation bases)● What ambient conditions are anticipated (max. ambienttemperature and humidity)?● What is the required maximum internal temperature of theenclosure (T i)?● What is the heat loss from electronic components insidethe enclosure?● Is there a requirement regarding the protection categoryto EN 60 529/IEC 529?● What type of ambient pollution, such as dust, oil andchemicals, are the cooling units exposed to?● For bayed enclosure suites, the output irradiated fromneighbouring units may also need to be taken intoaccount.● Good ventilation should be ensured at the site of installation(for example, the heat dissipated by the cooling unitmay cause a significant rise in the temperature of smallrooms).● Particularly with poor ambient conditions, such as dirt orsmall, unvented rooms, air/water heat exchangers shouldbe used.ImportantCooling unitsProper use of enclosure cooling unitsIn order to ensure the proper use of enclosure cooling units, thefollowing points should be observed:1. The unit must only be installed and opened by authorised,expertly trained personnel.2. Choose a location for the cooling unit which ensures excellentventilation. The site must be free from excessive contaminationand moisture. For example, the atmosphere must not containany conductive dusts or corrosive media.3. The mains connection data (connection voltage and frequency)specified on the rating plate must be observed. In the case of400 V, 2~ cooling units, we recommend the use of transformercircuit-breakers, and for three-phase units, the use of motorcircuit-breakers is advisable.4. The prescribed electrical protection devices must be connectedupstream of the unit. No additional temperature <strong>control</strong>must be connected upstream of the device at the supply end.The pre-fuse specified on the rating plate should be providedas line protection. Observe the locally valid regulations wheninstalling.5. Where a door contact switch is used, a shielded cable shouldbe used in environments with increased levels of electromagneticinterference.6. The temperature range specified on the rating plate must beobserved when operating the cooling unit, both indoors andoutdoors.7. The enclosure must be sealed on all sides (IP 54).8. The air inlet and outlet openings in the internal circuit of thecooling unit must not be obstructed.9. The cold air flow should not be directed straight at electroniccomponents, to prevent the formation of condensation.10. The unit must only be installed horizontally, in accordance withthe prescribed installation position. The maximum permissibledeviation from the horizontal is 2°.11. After disconnecting from the supply voltage, the cooling circuitof the cooling unit must not be switched back on for at least5 minutes.12. The customer must not make any modifications to the coolingunit.13. The heat loss of the components installed in the enclosure mustnot exceed the specific useful cooling output of the cooling unit.14. The installation instructions contained in the cooling unit manualmust be observed in full.208 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Cooling unitsAssemblySealing of the enclosureThe enclosure must be sealed on all sides (IP 54). Particularattention should be paid to the sealing of the area around thecable entry openings and above all, the floor section of theenclosure.Additionally, the door seal must be in perfect condition.The sealing material included with the cooling units must beapplied in accordance with the installation instructions.Take care not to bend the side panel or enclosure door.Installation on enclosuresThe cooling unit must be correctly installed.The roof plate of the enclosure must not be allowed to giveunder the weight of the cooling unit.If necessary, additional stays should be used. Do notobstruct the air inlets and outlets of the internal circuit.Note:For TopTherm-Plus roof-mounted units, TS 8 roof plates preparedwith mounting cut-outs and reinforcement strips for allstandard enclosure sizes are available as an accessory (seepage 181).When installing after the unit has been assembled, the twinthreadedbolts supplied loose should be screwed into thecore holes in the plastic base on the underside of the device,with a maximum torque of 3 Nm.Cooling units<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control209
Cooling unitsAir routingExternal circuitFlow and siting conditionsIn the outer circuit, enclosure cooling units should be spaced> 200 mm from the wall and/or from each other (air inlet andoutlet openings). In order to ensure adequate air circulation,at least one air outlet opening must be kept free.If this clearance cannot be maintained, air baffle plates willneed to be used.The external circuit supports all siting variants.Thanks to their compact dimensions and external air routingdesign, roof-mounted cooling units may even be installed inlow-height rooms and with bayed enclosure suites.Air intake is always from the front. The air is expelled at thesides and rear. An outlet to the top is also possible as anoption. In other words, regardless of which siting mode ischosen, one air outlet must always be kept free.Siting optionsThere are no restrictions here. Only the air intake and exhaustarea in front of the cooling unit must be kept free.Wall-mounted cooling units may be mounted on the rearpanel, side panels or door of the enclosure.Distance from the wallat least 200 mmInternal circuit – Wall-mounted unitsFlow conditionsAttention should be paid to components/electronic componentsequipped with their own ventilation systems, such asblowers and axial fans. If their air flow is directed against thechilled air flow of the cooling unit, this could cause an airshort-circuit. In the worst case, the internal safety valves ofthe cooling unit would discontinue cooling operation.Note:Never direct the chilled air flow at active components.Accessories:Air diverter, see page 176.Cooling units210 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Cooling unitsAir routingFree air circulationIt is important to ensure “even” air circulation inside theenclosure. Air inlet and outlet openings in the internal circuitmust on no account be obstructed by electrical installations.This would prevent air from circulating inside the enclosure.Under such conditions, the cooling capacity of the devicewould not be adequately utilised. A clearance of > 200 mmmust be guaranteed.Note:Wall-mounted cooling units should never be fitted directlybehind the mounting plate. Active power components arelocated on the front of the mounting plates. The cooling unitwould then be left to operate in its own air short-circuit.If it is impossible to install the device any other way, appropriateair baffle plates should be used, and air inlet and outletopenings should be provided in the mounting plate.Accessories:Air diverter, see page 176.200Air diverter systemsfor wall-mounted unitsSee page 176.For use in <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> side panels and TopTherm-Pluswall-mounted cooling units. For targeted air routing of thecold air in a downward direction. Particularly well-suited fordensely-packed electrical components in the lower sectionof the enclosure.Cooling unitsInternal circuit – Roof-mounted unitsFlow conditionsWhen using roof-mounted units, particular attention shouldbe paid to the air flow from the blowers of built-in electroniccomponents (such as frequency converters and other driveunits).<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control211
Cooling unitsAir routingAir duct systemfor TopTherm-Plus roof-mounted cooling unitsIt is possible to route the cold air directly to specific areasof the enclosure using the air duct system. The risk of “shortcircuits” in the air circulation due to self-ventilated installeddevices is therefore eliminated.Note:● Never direct the cold air flow straight at active components.● Route the air duct system directly downwards with nobends.● Cold air must be able to escape unobstructed at the end ofthe duct.● Additional deflections will reduce the useful cooling output.● When using the ducting system, the performance of thecooling unit may be reduced, depending on the respectiveapplication.● The air duct system should not be extended.CAUTION Risk of icing!Accessories:1 Air duct system for roof-mounted units,see page 174.1Stoppersfor TopTherm-Plus roof-mounted cooling unitsFor sealing any cold air outlets that are not required.Note:At least two outlet openings must always remain open!Please note that if two or three openings are closed, the coolingoutput may be reduced by 20 % and 30 % respectively!SK 3286.880 for unitsSK 3383.xxxSK 3384.xxxSK 3385.xxxSK 3273.xxxSK 3209.xxxSK 3210.xxxCooling unitsSK 3286.780 for unitsSK 3382.xxxSK 3359.xxxmax. 2xSK 3286.980 for unitsSK 3386.xxxSK 3387.xxxmax. 1x212 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Cooling unitsCondensation managementCondensate routing (roof-mounted units)Any condensation which forms on the evaporator coil (withhigh humidity and low enclosure interior temperatures) isrouted to the right and/or downwards out of the device via adrain in the evaporator tray. For this purpose, a piece of hoseshould be connected to one of the two condensate nozzles(1 or 2). The drain which is not required should be tightlysealed. The condensate must be able to run off freely.If the condensate is to be drained off over a greaterdistance, then care must be taken to ensure that the hoseis free from kinks and checked for correct drainage. Unitswith a Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler are additionally equipped with acondensate alarm.1 2y12Condensate discharge rearCondensate discharge rightNote:Condensate discharge (wall-mounted units)For wall-mounted units, a hose should be connected to thecondensate nozzle on the bottom of the unit.y21The condensate drain pipe should be laid with a gradient,taking care to ensure there are no kinks in the pipe!Condensate dischargeIf the condensate discharge is extended, its cross-sectionmust not be reduced.Accessories:PVC condensate hoseCondensate hoseSK 3301.608 (8 x 1.5)SK 3301.610 (10 x 1.5)SK 3301.612 (12 x 2)For unit(s)SK 3302.xxxSK 3303.xxx/SK 3361.xxxSK 3304.xxx/SK 3305.xxxSK 3328.xxx/SK 3329.xxxSK 3332.xxx/SK 3382.xxxSK 3359.xxx/SK 3383.xxxSK 3384.xxx/SK 3385.xxxSK 3386.xxx/SK 3387.xxxSK 3366.xxx/SK 3377.xxxSK 3209.xxx/SK 3210.xxxSK 3273.xxxCooling units<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control213
Cooling unitsCondensation managementCondensate evaporation, electricalintegrated into TopTherm-Plus cooling unitsCondensate arising inside the enclosure or on the evaporatorcoil of the cooling unit is effectively evaporated. The evaporatordevice inside the cooling units has a very high evaporationoutput (several litres per day). This is achieved thanksto the principle of direct evaporation. Important note: Theenclosure must be sealed on all sides.Energy-efficient: Activation of the evaporator device is via aseparate heater cartridge. “Condensate evaporation” basedon the hot gas bypass principle is too ineffective, due toinadequate evaporation temperatures.Advantage:● Safe use: No condensate drips onto the factory floor(no puddles/no risks of slipping/accidents).● No need to empty the condensate collecting receptacles.● No time-consuming laying of condensate hoses required.<strong>Rittal</strong>innovationThe internal and external units are active “direct evaporatorcoils”, which actively evaporate the condensate incurred.Advantage:● No collecting vessel required● No long hosepipesNote:For roof and wall-mounted units, either external evaporatorunits or integral condensate evaporators may be used.TopTherm-Plus cooling units are available with integratedelectronic condensate evaporation and external evaporatorunits for retro-fitting.Cooling unitsFilter matsIn dusty environments, we recommend the use of filter matsto make it easier to clean the cooling unit.The filter should be changed at regular intervals, dependingon the level of contamination.If the air is oil-contaminated, it is better to use metal filtermats which may be cleaned with appropriate detergents andreused.214 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Cooling unitsElectrical connection and <strong>control</strong>Supply connection● Supply connection data (voltage and frequency) must beobserved in accordance with the rating plate.● The pre-fuse specified on the rating plate must be used.Voltage rangeFrequency range400 V/460 V50 Hz/60 Hz400 V/50 Hz 3~ 400 V/60 Hz 3~Rated current 2.5 A 3.0 AStart-up current 6.5 A 7.5 AMotor circuit-breaker 10 A 10 ARated consumptionL 35 L 35 930 W 1150 WL 35 L 50 1150 W 1400 WUseful cooling outputL 35 L 35L 35 L 502000 W1450 W2350 W1690 WCoolant/filled weight R 134a, 950 g (34 oz), Fluid Group 2Use of door-operated switchesOne floating door-operated contact should be used for eachunit; under no circumstances must several cooling units beoperated via one door-operated switch.In environments with increased electromagnetic interference,a shielded cable should be used.Alternatively, the door contact may be switched e.g. viaan additional relay in the vicinity of the cooling unit.Note:The cables should be laid separately from the mains cables;short cable distances should be observed.Cooling unitsCabling123Signal data cableControl cableMotor cable21321The power cable, power supply unit cable, signal cable anddata cable must be laid separately; cable lengths should bekept as short as possible. Avoid coupled sections.3<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control215
Cooling unitsElectrical connection and <strong>control</strong>/Thermoelectric Cooler – Mounting optionsIntelligent <strong>control</strong>The two <strong>control</strong>ler variants for operational reliability offer acomprehensive range of functions. Essential <strong>control</strong> electronicsare well protected and cooled in the inner circuit.Both variants have the following properties:● Three voltage options: 115 V, 230 V, 400/460 V 3 ˜● Integral start-up delay and door limit switch function● Icing protection function● Monitoring of all motors● Phase monitoring for three-phase unitsBasic <strong>control</strong>ler:● Visualisation of the operating status via LED display:− Voltage applied, functions OK− Door open− Overtemperature− High-pressure monitor has switched● Switching hysteresis: 5 K● Floating fault signal contact in case of overtemperature● Setpoint adjustable from outside via potentiometer (settingrange 20 – 55°C)Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler:● Master/slave function for up to 10 units, i.e. the unit whichreaches the setpoint first reports this to the “master”, whichswitches all the other “slaves” on and off. The unit in whichthe door limit switch function is activated reports this to the“master”, which deactivates all the “slaves”.● Switching hysteresis: 2 – 10 K; preset to 5 K● <strong>System</strong> alarm, individually configurable for 2 floating faultsignal contacts● Visualisation of the current enclosure internal temperatureand all system messages on the display● Storage of all system statuses in the log file● Optional extension card (SK 3124.200) with RS232,RS485, RS422 and PLC interface for integration intosuperordinate remote <strong>control</strong> systems, e.g. with CMC,is also possibleCooling unitsThermoelectric Cooler – MountingInstallationWhen installed in the enclosure, the unit only protrudes by afew millimetres, and therefore does not interrupt either theaesthetic appearance or freedom of movement on supportarm systems.External mountingIts low weight also allows it to be externally mounted on simplealuminium rear panels or blanking panels.Support arm systemsThanks to its low-vibration operation and minimal weight, thethermoelectric cooler from <strong>Rittal</strong> is the ideal partner on supportarm systems.Thermoelectric Cooler – ScalabilityScalable outputThe modular design allows simple scaling of the coolingoutput depending on your requirements, both horizontallyand vertically.216 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Air/water heat exchangers effectively dissipate highLiquid cooling IEAir/water heat exchangers – ApplicationsAmbient conditionsheat losses. Thanks to the spatial separation of theheat exchanger and recooling system, the room is notburdened with waste heat.HeatDustIdeal at any installation siteHigh ambient temperatures and extreme levels of contaminationare ideal conditions for the use of air/water heatexchangers. If direct dissipation of heat loss to the ambientair is undesirable or ineffective due to the confined space,the air/water heat exchanger may likewise offer an idealsolution. Very effective cooling solutions for individualenclosures or bayed enclosure suites may be achievedby separating the exchanger from the recooling system.Practical example of an air/water heatexchangerIn all areas with extreme ambient conditions, enclosure and<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> components are subject to special requirements.This applies, for example, to metal foundries, enginefactories and the chemical and metal-working industries.12Liquid cooling IEIn such situations, low-maintenance air/water heat exchangersare used as efficient all-rounders. Either fed from existingcooling water networks or from separate recooling systems,these products contribute to an ideal <strong>climate</strong> inside theenclosure. The cooling water absorbs the heat inside theheat exchanger and conveys it to the corresponding coolingsystem. In this way, even small rooms are not subject to additionalwaste heat from the enclosure, and the electronicsinside the enclosure are effectively protected.12323Extreme industrial environmentsAir/water heat exchangers (roof-mounted, wall-mounted)Recooling system<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control217
Liquid cooling IEAir/water heat exchangers – Selection criteriaApplication example: Parallel connection of 4 air/water heat exchangersExample: Parallel connection of air/water heat exchangerswith cold water supply via a recooling system.1562 2 2 234 4 4 4Overflow valves and bypass <strong>control</strong> should be integrated intothe recooling system and the customer’s own pipeline systemrespectively.1 Recooling system2 Air/water heat exchangers3 Overflow valveSK 3301.900/.910/.920(Bypass function with closedmagnetic valve of the air/waterheat exchanger)4 Flow regulator valveSK 3301.930/.940(to regulate the volume flow inair/water heat exchangers)5 Non-return valve (optional)6 Magnetic valve (optional)Roof or wall mountingTwo design variants for mounting on the enclosure roof or theside panel or door are available in the output range from 300to 7000 watts. Available in two <strong>control</strong> variants (Basic andComfort <strong>control</strong>), and also optionally with all water-carryingparts made from V4A (1.4571).Liquid cooling IEHigh temperature range● Application areas with temperatures up to +70°C andextreme dust contamination, e.g. in foundries, are idealfor the use of this technology.● Spatial separation of the heat exchanger and cold watersupply is easily achieved.211234Recooling systemAir/water heat exchanger, roof-mountedAir/water heat exchanger, wall-mountedAdditional cooling water circuit for machine cooling334Cooling medium quality requirementsFor cooling media that cannot be precisely defined, or evenseawater, air/water heat exchangers with all water carryingparts of stainless steel 1.4571 (V4A) are available.General water quality requirements are outlined on page 37“Hydrological data”.218 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid cooling IEAir/water heat exchangers – AssemblyApplication benefitsCompact and lightweightAir/water heat exchangers have a low weight and a comparativelylow volume in relation to the heat loss dissipated. As aresult, they are easily mounted on vertical enclosure surfacesor on the roof.Virtually maintenance-freeBecause the ingress of ambient air into the heat exchanger isprevented, dirt is unable to penetrate. Control of the air andwater circuit is electronically monitored.Sealing of the enclosureThe enclosure must be sealed on all sides (IP 54). Particularattention should be paid to the sealing of the area around thecable entry openings and above all, the floor section of theenclosure.Additionally, the door seal must be in perfect condition.The sealing material included with the heat exchangers mustbe applied in accordance with the installation instructions.Take care not to bend the side panel or enclosure door.Installation on enclosuresThe heat exchanger must be correctly installed.The roof plate of the enclosure must not be allowed to giveunder the weight of the heat exchanger.If necessary, additional stays should be used. Do notobstruct the air inlets and outlets of the internal circuit.Note:For TopTherm-Plus roof-mounted units, TS 8 roof plates preparedwith mounting cut-outs and reinforcement strips for allstandard enclosure sizes are available as an accessory (seepage 181).When installing after the unit has been assembled, the twinthreadedbolts supplied loose should be screwed into thecore holes in the plastic base on the underside of the device,with a maximum torque of 3 Nm.Liquid cooling IE<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control219
Liquid cooling IEAir/water heat exchangers – Air routingFree air circulationIt is important to ensure “even” air circulation inside theenclosure. Air inlet and outlet openings in the internal circuitmust on no account be obstructed by electrical installations.This would prevent air from circulating inside the enclosure.Under such conditions, the cooling capacity of the devicewould not be adequately utilised. A clearance of > 200 mmmust be guaranteed.Note:Wall-mounted cooling units should never be fitted directlybehind the mounting plate. Active power components arelocated on the front of the mounting plates. The heatexchanger would then operate in its own air short-circuit.If it is impossible to install the device any other way, appropriateair baffle plates should be used, and air inlet and outletopenings should be provided in the mounting plate.200Liquid cooling IEInternal circuit – Roof-mounted unitsFlow conditionsWhen using roof-mounted units, particular attention shouldbe paid to the air flow from the blowers of built-in electroniccomponents such as frequency converters and other driveunits.220 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid cooling IEAir/water heat exchangers – Air routingAir duct systemfor TopTherm-Plus roof-mounted air/water heatexchangersIt is possible to route the cold air directly to specific areas ofthe enclosure using the air duct system. The risk of “shortcircuits” in the air circulation due to self-ventilated installeddevices is therefore eliminated.Note:● Never direct the cold air flow straight at active components.● Route the air duct system directly downwards with nobends.● Cold air must be able to escape unobstructed at the end ofthe duct.● Additional deflections will reduce the useful cooling output.● When using the ducting system, the performance of theheat exchanger may be reduced, depending on therespective application.● The air duct system should not be extended.Accessories:1 Air duct system for roof-mounted units, see page 174.1Stoppersfor TopTherm-Plus roof-mounted air/water heatexchangersFor sealing any cold air outlets that are not required.Note:At least two outlet openings must always remain open!Please note that if two or three openings are closed, the coolingoutput may be reduced by 20 % and 30 % respectively!SK 3286.880 for unitsSK 3209.xxxSK 3210.xxxmax. 2xInternal circuit – Wall-mounted unitsFlow conditionsAttention should be paid to components/electronic componentsequipped with their own ventilation systems, such asblowers and axial fans. If their air flow is directed against thechilled air flow of the heat exchanger, this could cause an airshort-circuit and prevent adequate <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>. In a worstcase scenario, the heat exchanger will suffer an air shortcircuit.Note:Never direct the chilled air flow at active components.Liquid cooling IE<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control221
Liquid cooling IEAir/water heat exchangers – Condensation managementCondensate routing (roof-mounted units)Any condensation which forms on the heat exchanger (withhigh humidity and low enclosure interior temperatures) isrouted to the right and/or downwards out of the device via adrain in the tray. For this purpose, a piece of hose should beconnected to one of the two condensate nozzles (1 or 2).The drain which is not required should be tightly sealed.The condensate must be able to run off freely. If the condensateis to be drained off over a greater distance, thencare must be taken to ensure that the hose is free fromkinks, laid with a gradient and checked for correct drainage.Units with a Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler are additionally equippedwith a condensate alarm.1 2y12Condensate discharge rearCondensate discharge righty21Liquid cooling IEFlexible cooling water connection andcondensate drain pipeRoof-mounted units:In its delivered state, hose nozzles for connecting the coolingwater and condensate hoses are located on the righthandside of the unit. There is a second connection point forcooling water and condensate at the rear of the unit, whichis sealed with sealing caps. If the connections at the rearare used, the sealing cap and hose nozzle should be unscrewed,cleaned and resealed using standard commerciallyavailable sealant (Teflon tape or hemp with sealingpaste). Next, screw in the three sealing caps on the right andthe three hose nozzles at the rear of the unit with the followingtorques:● 15 Nm for hose nozzles for the supply and return flow● 15 Nm for sealing caps for the inlet and return● 2 Nm for condensate discharge● 2 Nm for sealing caps for condensate discharge1221Condensate discharge (flexible)Cooling water connection (flexible)Note:Any condensate arising is discharged via the 1 / 2˝ tube connectorand a discharge hose, which should be laid with agradient ensuring that there are no kinks. In order to avoidincreased condensation, the cooling water temperatureshould be adapted to match the required cooling output. Anycondensate occurring may be disposed of using an externalelectronic condensate evaporator.222 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid cooling IEAir/water heat exchangers – Condensation managementNote:Condensate discharge (wall-mounted units)For wall-mounted units, a hose should be connected to the condensate nozzle on the bottom of the unit.The condensate drain pipe should be laid with a gradient, taking care to ensure there are no kinks in the pipe!Condensate dischargeIf the condensate discharge is extended, its cross-sectionmust not be reduced.Accessories:PVC condensate hoseCondensate hoseSK 3301.612 (12 x 2)For unit(s)SK 3209.xxx/SK 3210.xxxSK 3364.xxx/SK 3373.xxxSK 3374.xxx/SK 3375.xxxLiquid cooling IE<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control223
Liquid cooling IEAir/water heat exchangers – Electrical connection and <strong>control</strong>Supply connection● Supply connection data (voltage and frequency) must beobserved in accordance with the rating plate.● The pre-fuse specified on the rating plate must be used.Rated voltage230 V 50 Hz/60 HzRated current0.4/0.48 APre-fuse T4 APower consumption95/110 WUseful cooling output 400 l/h L 35 W 10 2500 WCooling mediumWater(see specifications)Use of door-operated switchesOne floating door-operated contact should be used for eachunit; under no circumstances must several air/water heatexchangers be operated via one door-operated switch.In environments with increased electromagnetic interference,a shielded cable should be used.Alternatively, the door contact may be switched e.g. via anadditional relay in the vicinity of the air/water heat exchanger.Note:The cables should be laid separately from the mains cables;short cable distances should be observed.Liquid cooling IECabling123Signal data cableControl cableMotor cable21321The power cable, power supply unit cable, signal cable anddata cable must be laid separately; cable lengths should bekept as short as possible. Avoid coupled sections.3224 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid cooling IEAir/water heat exchangers – Electrical connection and <strong>control</strong>Intelligent <strong>control</strong>The two <strong>control</strong>ler variants for operational reliability offer acomprehensive range of functions. Essential <strong>control</strong> electronicsare well protected and cooled in the inner circuit.Both variants have the following properties:● Three voltage options: 115 V, 230 V, 400/2 ˜● Integral start-up delay and door limit switch function● Leak detection● Monitoring of all motorsBasic <strong>control</strong>ler:● Visualisation of the operating status via LED display:− Voltage applied, functions OK− Door open− Overtemperature● Switching hysteresis: 5 K● Floating fault signal contact in case of overtemperature● Setpoint adjustable from outside via potentiometer (settingrange 20 – 55°C)Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler:● Master/slave function for up to 10 units, i.e. the unit whichreaches the setpoint first reports this to the “master”, whichswitches all the other “slaves” on and off. The unit in whichthe door limit switch function is activated reports this to the“master”, which deactivates all the “slaves”.● Switching hysteresis: 2 – 10 K; preset to 5 K● <strong>System</strong> alarm, individually configurable for 2 floating faultsignal contacts● Visualisation of the current enclosure internal temperatureand all system messages on the display● Storage of all system statuses in the log file● Optional extension card (SK 3124.200) with RS232,RS485, RS422 and PLC interface for integration intosuperordinate remote <strong>control</strong> systems, e.g. with CMC,is also possibleLiquid cooling IE<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control225
Liquid cooling IERecooling systems/chillers – ApplicationsAmbient conditionsRecooling systems ensure centralised, efficient coolingand supply of the cooling medium (generallywater), and are used with particularly high heat loads.They may serve several pieces of equipment simultaneously,and are particularly effective in terms of coolingoutput.HeatDustApplication diversity of centralised cooling technologyEnclosure coolingIn conjunction with air/waterheat exchangers, optimumdissipation of high heatloads is guaranteed, evenunder extreme ambienttemperatures and air contaminationlevels.Cooling of liquid mediaDirect and indirect cooling ofliquids are the prerequisitefor ensuring the requiredmachine precision andspeed.Liquid cooling IEProcess coolingHigh-quality materialprocessing, such as lasercutting, necessitates highlevels of temperature precisionwith simultaneouscooling of the peripheraltechnology.Rack cooling IT<strong>Rittal</strong> offers solutions forbase load cooling andambient air-neutral, highperformancecooling forall IT sectors.226 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid cooling IERecooling systems/chillers – Selection criteriaGenerally speaking, recooling systems are divided into openand closed systems.In the pressure-sealed configuration, the water circuit isequipped with a pressure relief valve and automatic exhaust.There is no need to top up the water.Recooling systems designed as an open system have a tankmade of PP/PE plastic or stainless steel 1.4301 with lid builtinto the recooling system. This is easily filled.If a recooling system is required to serve several pieces ofequipment having different requirements in terms of inlettemperature and flow rate of the cooling medium, e.g. combinedenclosure and process cooling, multi-circuit systemsare used. In such cases, the different circuits may be tailoredto the respective equipment.If there is already a central cooling water supply available atthe installation site, e.g. in the case of plant water in the automotiveindustry, recooling systems may optionally be fittedwith a water-cooled condenser. One of the major benefits ofthis solution lies in the fact that the factory temperature is notadditionally raised by waste process heat.Liquid cooling IEMini-recooling systems● Cooling output from 1 to6kW● Space-saving, compactdesign● Attractive design● Wall-mounted units: Integrationinto the machineand enclosure housingwithout using additionalfloor spaceRecooling systemsintegrated into the TS 8 Topenclosure system● Cooling output from 6 to60 kW● Compact design● Option of integration intoexisting TS 8 enclosurecombinationsRecooling systems in afloor-standing enclosurefor water and oil● Cooling output from 2.1 to26 kW● Stand-alone enclosure● Minimal base area● The functionally equippeddesign facilitates the coolingof oil and water● There are a range ofoptions availableImmersible recoolingsystems● Wherever it is necessary tocool dirt-contaminatedmedia (metal swarf oraggressive sludge)● High-end flat condensermade of stainless steel● Sealed cooling circuitRecooling systems in anindustrial enclosure● Cooling output up to502 kW● High cooling output withoptimised space requirements● Removable enclosure panelsoffer easier accessibilityin case of servicingPower Fluid Cooler● Fast delivery range● Standardised versionavailable ex works● New design in the outputcategory 8 to 59 kW● Defined optionsLiquid cooling IELiquid cooling ITData centrewith recooling systems● Recooling systems ensurecentral cooling and supplyof the cooling mediumfor liquid cooling systems● Spatial separationbetween refrigeration andcooling for temperatureneutralexpansion of thedata centre.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control227
Liquid cooling IERecooling systems/chillers – AssemblyUnity with enclosuresFor example, recooling systems may be connected directlyto a bayed enclosure suite, providing effective, centralisedcooling for all enclosures and housings on a machine orsystem.Recooling systems in the TS 8 Top enclosure system are easilyintegrated into existing enclosure combinations. For applicationsin confined conditions, the Mini-recooling systems forwall and roof mounting are ideal, with their space-saving,compact design.22112Recooling systemAir/water heat exchanger, roof-mountedSpatially separatedHigh heat loads can even be dissipated in confined andawkward spaces, thanks to the spatial separation of therecooling system from the enclosures and machine. In allcases, as well as enclosure cooling, cooling water may alsobe produced for process and machine cooling or for coolingliquid media.Recooling systems in floor-standing and industrial enclosures,with their robust design, are the ideal stand-alonesolution, and provide optimum accessibility for servicingpurposes.1 Recooling system2 Air/water heat exchanger, roof-mounted3 Air/water heat exchanger, wall-mounted4 Other components, e.g. machine cooling33241Liquid cooling IEOutdoor sitingTo avoid putting additional pressure on the factory air withthe waste heat incurred during the process, the recoolingsystem may be supplied with the option of outdoor siting(for ambient temperatures down to –20°C).In such cases, a rain canopy should be provided to protectthe recooling system from extreme weather. The water circuitmust be filled with 34 % anti-freeze agent Antifrogen N (orequivalent) to 66 % water in relation to the total water volume,or with Rifrost 1 : 2.IT chillers do not require a rain canopy.228 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid cooling IERecooling systems/chillers – NotesAssembly and commissioningIn the case of air-cooled recooling systems, the following minimumdistances from the wall and ceiling should be observed:12Recoolingsystem1 Wall: At least 1x condenser height2 Ceiling: At least 3x the condenser heightWhen siting the recooling system, the following pointsshould be observed:● Connection of an inlet and outlet duct requires the manufacturer'sprior consent.− Performance loss (air-cooled recooling system)● Never site the recooling system in the vicinity of a heater.− Performance loss● The recooling system may only be sited on flat, solidsurfaces. The maximum permissible deviation from thevertical is 2°.● Connect the equipment to the recooling system usinginsulated pipe or hose connections.● If the equipment is positioned higher than the recoolingsystem, install a non-return valve upstream in the inletand a magnetic valve in the return.− To avoid overflowing the tank.● With recooling systems that are intended for covered outdoorsiting, the minimum external temperature is given inthe technical specifications.● In the case of recooling systems (for water) at temperaturesbelow zero, a water/glycol mixture should be addedin the prescribed ratio.● If it is possible to shut off the equipment cycle, a bypassmust be provided in order to protect the pump.● Under no circumstances must the circulation pump beallowed to run dry– Damage to the pump.Distance from equipmentSite the recooling system close to the equipment in order toavoid long distances, which could lead to performancelosses. When selecting the installation site, care should betaken to ensure easy access at all times; this will make maintenanceof the system easier.You should also ensure adequate ventilation of the roomwhere the recooling system is sited. If there is inadequateventilation, the temperature of the room will increase as aresult of waste heat, leading to impaired performance of therecooling system.Cooling mediaApart from the recooling systems for oil and emulsion, allother recooling systems are only suitable for the cooling ofwater or a water/glycol mixture. When filling the systems forthe first time, water from the existing supply line is generallysuitable, although care should be taken to ensure a consistentwater quality.However, as satisfactory results are only rarely achieved withoutwater treatment, additives should always be added to thecooling water, irrespective of the installation site. As well asprotecting against frost, these also serve to impair bacterialgrowth and achieve optimum corrosion protection.Pre-mixed additive is available from <strong>Rittal</strong> in the mix ratios● 1 : 2 for outdoor siting● 1 : 4 for standard applications, available in 10 l, 25 l and200 l containers.See page 194.Liquid cooling IE<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control229
Liquid cooling ITAisle containment – BenefitsInstead of flooding the room with cold air, this <strong>Rittal</strong> conceptroutes the cold air generated directly to the equipment viathe cold aisle.The servers are supplied with chilled air distributed evenlyacross the entire rack height. Due to the cold aisle beingcontained there is no chance of the hot exhaust air mixingwith the cold inlet air, leading to enhanced system efficiency.The outstanding energy efficiency of the <strong>Rittal</strong> cold aisleconcept has a simple and plausible explanation:1. Cold and hot air cannot mix, hot air does not flow into thecold aisle.2. The system can be operated with a much higher waste airtemperature.3. Standard air circulation cooling units are operated at anoptimum thermal efficiency level.Standard market concepts<strong>Rittal</strong> aisle containmentLiquid cooling ITHot air extraction usinga duct system● Complex and costly duct system.● Larger surface area and height requirements.● Limitation of the raised floor height.● As a result, there is no uniform coolingair supply to the room area.● Cable management is made moredifficult.● Limited rack positioning flexibility due tothe air duct connection.Cold aisle variant● Use of standard, inexpensive CRAC systems.Positioning outside the server area.● Even with low room heights, the raisedfloor height for cooling air supply can bemaximised without flow losses.● Undisturbed and uniform air flow distributionof cooling air in the cold aisle guaranteeshigh efficiency.● Favourable working conditions in the coldaisle due to low temperature, flow andnoise load conditions.● Hardware racks not connected to theenclosure do not impair the coolingefficiency of the cold aisle.Hot aisle variant● Standard CRAC systems cannot beused here.● Inline <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systems areneeded to cool the air.● The waste air produced can be selectively<strong>control</strong>led.● Efficiently raises the waste air temperatureswithout impairing the environment.230 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid cooling ITAisle containment – Usage57643821Liquid cooling ITRepresentation of the air flows in thecold aisle variant1 Supply of cooled air via the raised floor.The recirculation cooling units can beinstalled in an air conditioning strip oran external technical building.2 Air supply to the cold aisle via air outletgrilles in the floor void. The feed airquantity is calculated and regulatedbased on the cold load to be removed.3 A cold air pool forms in the sealed coldaisle according to the fresh air principle.The hardware components drawthe required cooling air quantity fromthis source.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control45678The heat-laden waste air is dischargedto the surroundings and rises to theceiling.A cushion of hot air forms below theceiling. The hot air cushion cannotforce its way into the cold aisle thanksto isolation.Unimpeded suction of the exhaust airout of the air space. The separationenables high exhaust air temperatures,therefore the overall equipment efficiencyof the cooling units is maximised.The temperature neutrality of serverracks fitted with LCP <strong>climate</strong> componentsallows them to be positioned inthe room for expansion or extensionpurposes.Optimised use of the server room areaby use of sliding doors to further isolatethe cold aisle.231
Liquid cooling ITAisle containment – Application examples<strong>Rittal</strong> cold aisle containment withCRAC systems (cold aisle variant)By using cold aisle containment, <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> of the room (inconjunction with the CRAC system) may be optimised in terms ofenergy efficiency and cooling output.● High energy efficiency● Increased cooling output per server enclosure● Easily retro-fitted to existing systems● Protection of your existing infrastructure51123Aisle containment(cold aisle variant)CRAC systemsWater/water heat exchanger45IT chillerTemperature-neutral expansion,e.g. with LCP Smart234Aisle containment withLCP Inline (cold aisle variant)Liquid cooling ITIn conjunction with the new LCP Inline, the cold aisle variant is afurther option for the efficient dissipation of high heat loads fromserver enclosures.● A raised floor is not required for <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>● To accommodate higher heat loads per server enclosure● Redundancies easily achieved● Direct supply of cold air to your server and network components512123Aisle containment(cold aisle variant)LCP InlineWater/water heat exchanger45IT chillerTemperature-neutral expansion,e.g. with LCP Extend34232 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Liquid cooling ITLiquid Cooling Package Plus, Smart, ExtendBasic solutionsCRAC systemswith aisle containmentLCP ExtendLCP Inlinewith aisle containmentProductLCP Standard/SmartLCP PlusLow DensityThe entry-level optionfor professionalIT <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Mid DensityThe tailor-madesolutions for discerningdata centresCoolingHigh Density requirementsThe most powerfulsolutions for high-enddata centresLCP PlusFunctional principle:Air/water heat exchanger, bayable with server racks based on TS 8(H x D 2000 x 1200 mm). Complete unit with 30 kW useful coolingoutput.The separation of cooling and rack prevents water from penetratingthe server rack, and makes it very easy to assemble and service.LCPs are easy to handle (max. 2 m) and may be transported in liftsand through doors. The low weight means a minimal area load.LCP SmartFunctional principle:The LCP Smart draws in air at the rear of the server enclosure, coolsit, and blasts the cooled air back into the front part of the serverenclosure.Differences compared with the LCP Standard:● Fans may be individually exchanged with the system operational.● Basic CMC as standard.● Touchscreen display may be retrofitted.● Shorter service times.● Extended functionality of the monitoring and <strong>control</strong> technology/software.Optimum adaptability thanks to dynamic, continuous <strong>control</strong> of thecold water volume flow.Liquid cooling ITLCP ExtendFunctional principle:Air/water heat exchanger for retrofitting to racks while operational.The stand-alone unit replaces the rear door (for other brands onrequest).Mounted on the rear of the server enclosure and eases the pressureon the room air-conditioning system.Technical specifications:● Up to 12 kW useful cooling outputMax. air volume 3000 m 3 /h.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control233
Enclosure heatersApplications/assembly/electrical connectionInstallation positionHeaters should always be installed inan upright position.Leave a distance of 50 mm at the topand bottom to allow convection.In order to increase efficiency,where possible, heaters should alwaysbe fitted in the lower part of theenclosure.Flow circuitInstallation positioneffectiveineffectiveInstallation option for enclosure heatersThe device is attached vertically, i.e. with the connectioncable pointing downwards. The connection cable should betightly secured. In order to create the required convection, adistance of at least 50 mm from components must be maintainedabove and below the device. The thermal safety clearancefrom neighbouring components is at least 35 mm. Providedthese distances are observed, an ambient temperatureof 65°C will not be exceeded.Enclosure heaters are used to prevent the formation of condensationinside the enclosure and maintain a constantminimum operating temperature (e.g. when the system isswitched off overnight). They achieve thermal outputs of10 to 800 watts.Enclosure heatersElectrical connectionDue to the particular characteristics of the PTC thermal element,the startup current is approx. 1.8 A for around 0.5 sec.A slow pre-fuse (gL) is therefore essential.According to IEC 6100-4-5, a fuse is to be provided bythe customer for pulse loads in excess of 1000 V. Thesurface temperature of the aluminium section is regulatedautomatically. A separate thermostat (SK 3110.000)should be connected to <strong>control</strong> the room temperature. To<strong>control</strong> the air humidity inside the enclosure, a hygrostat(SK 3118.000) may be connected upstream.234 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
MonitoringAll the relevant parameters for the function and coolingoutput of the <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> components are availableon the <strong>control</strong> desk for monitoring and <strong>control</strong>purposes.Master/slave operationIn open bayed enclosure systems which are not separatefrom one another, cooling units and air/water heat exchangerswith Comfort <strong>control</strong> should always be used. These maybe placed in master/slave mode via bus cable SK 3124.100:764● Simultaneous activation and deactivation of the devices● Parallel fault and door limit switch function● Even temperature distribution across all sections of theenclosure3151234Control cabinetsWall-mounted unitRoof-mounted unitComfort <strong>control</strong>ler567Door limit switchConnection terminals 1 and2 of the cooling unitMaster/slave unit25Interface cardThe new interface board (SK 3124.200) is an extension forTopTherm-Plus cooling units and air/water heat exchangerswith Comfort <strong>control</strong>ler; see page 179. In this way it is possible,e.g. to monitor a master/slave combination of up to10 cooling units. Control is achieved via standardised interfacesRS232 (DB9) or RS485, a PLC interface. RS422 (RJ 45jack) is the connection to the <strong>Rittal</strong> CMC-TC. Remote monitoringvia TCP-IP, graphical interfaces for operation, evaluationand <strong>control</strong>, documentation, and connection to additionalsensors for access <strong>control</strong> facilitates monitoring.The extension card is built into a 1 U plastic housing. A voltagesupply of 24 V (DC) is required. This can be suppliedfrom the CMC-TC via long-range power pack or externallyvia a Kycon connector.Further information may be found in our assembly and operatinginstructions, atwww.rittal.com –> Products –> Product search–> SK 3124.200.Warnings and alarms from the interface board● Interior temperaure toohigh● Icing● High-pressure sensor● Leakage● Condenser/fan defect● Evaporator coil/fan defect● Compressor defect● Sensor failure, condensertemperature● Sensor failure, ambienttemperature● Sensor failure, icingsensor● Sensor failure, condensatelevel● Sensor failure, internaltemperature● Phase missing or incorrect● EEPROM defectMonitoring<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control235
MonitoringApplication example:Master/slave operation and interface board11234Control point/server roomRecooling systemMachining centreWelding robot24324Connection example: Master/slaveoperationwith bus cable and interface board1 Serial interface board,Model No.: SK 3124.2002 Serial interface cable3 Master/slave BUS cable,Model No.: SK 3124.100RTT = <strong>Rittal</strong> TopTherm-Plus cooling unit/Air/water heat exchangerX1 = Supply connection/door limit switch/alarmsX2 = Master/slave connection SUB-D 9-poleX3 = Serial interface SUB-D 9-poleSt. = SUB-D connector 9-poleBu. = SUB-D jack 9-poleDescription:The address of the master depends on the number ofattached slave units (09 = master with 9 slave units). Theaddress of a slave device always begins with a 1. The secondnumber represents the actual address. Up to a maximumof 9 slave units may be operated with one master unit,whereby any unit may be a master. The maximum overalllength of all connected units is 50 m. Single-phase and3-phase units may be connected.CMC12MonitoringRTTMasterX2X1X3Adr.: 09RTTSlaveX2X1X3Adr.: 11RTTSlaveX2X1X3Adr.: 12RTTSlaveX2X1X3Adr.: 19St. X2 X3 St. St. X2St. X2St. X23X2 X2Bu.St.X2 X2Bu. St.X2Bu.236 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
MonitoringNotes on connecting cooling units and air/water heat exchangers in the master/slavecombinationOnly one unit may be configured as master; the address IDmust match the number of slave units. All slave units musthave different addresses, and the addresses must be inascending order without any gaps in between.If changes are made to the configuration of the master,please proceed as follows:1. Disconnect any existing connectionsbetween the RTT I/O unit and the PU– Timeout on the PU2. Confirmation on the PU– Unit has been removed3. Make the required changes to the master4. Make the connection between the RTT I/O unitand the PU– Message on the PU “Unit found”5. Wait 60 s then confirm– RTT I/O unit is correctly displayed with all its slavesin the WebConfiguration settings on the cooling unit masterregarding the number of slaves must only be made ifthere is no supply voltage at the RTT I/O unit, neitherfrom the PU nor externally.Enclosuremonitoring systemCMC-TCThe RTT I/O unit may beconnected to the CMC-TCsystem (Ethernet, TCPIP,SNMP, HTTP).Note:For detailed information,see Cat. 32, page 806.Connection cablefor sensor unitsUp to 4 sensor unitsProcessing Unit IIProgramming cablePower packConnection cablefor power packMonitoring<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control237
Technical DetailsCooling with ambient air from page 240Fan systems....................................................................................240Air/air heat exchangers...................................................................241Cooling units from page 245Modular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> concept ....................................................245Roof-mounted cooling units............................................................246Wall-mounted cooling units ............................................................247Thermoelectric coolers ...................................................................250Liquid cooling IE from page 251Air/water heat exchangers..............................................................251Cold Plate........................................................................................255Recooling systems .........................................................................256Liquid cooling IT from page 266Chillers for IT cooling ......................................................................266Water/water heat exchangers ........................................................267Enclosure heaters from page 267Enclosure heaters ..........................................................................267<strong>System</strong> accessories from page 268Electric condensate evaporator......................................................268Integrated louvres...........................................................................268Technical details<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control239
Technical detailsFan systemsRack-mounted fansfor 482.6 mm (19˝), air throughput 320/480 m 3 /h Page 52Rack-mounted fanmounted between a pair of 482.6 mm(19˝) mounting anglesVario rack-mounted fanmounted in subracks 84 HPVario rack-mounted fanmounted between a pair of 482.6 mm (19˝)mounting angles21Centrifugal fansAir throughput 320 m 3 /h Page 5317465.1482.6 (19″)76.28875 60163380Front grilleRoof-mounted fansAir throughput 360 m 3 /h Page 54Mounting cut-outWithout fanWith fan420360154450□ 260 x 340340265280Ø8250345Technical detailsRTT roof-mounted fan and vent attachmentAir throughput (unimpeded air flow) 400/800 m 3 /h Page 54550370Mounting cut-out475 + 150010112520290260 + 1240 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Fan roof, modular, two-piece for TS/FR(i)Air throughput per fan (unimpeded air flow) 160/180 mm 3 /h at 50/60 Hz Page 58Technical detailsFan systems/Air/air heat exchangersT1133DB1B2336.5223.5For enclosures Cover plate Roof dimensionsModel No.Width DepthC DSolid Vented B1 B2 T1TSmm mm600 600 2102.180 2102.400 567.5 435 567.5 400 224 7826.366600 800 2102.190 2102.410 567.5 435 767.5 400 424 7826.368600 900 2102.190 2102.410 567.5 435 867.5 400 424 7826.369600 1000 2102.190 2102.410 567.5 435 967.5 400 424 7826.360800 600 7885.100 7885.200 767.5 635 567.5 600 224 7826.486800 800 7886.100 7886.200 767.5 635 767.5 600 424 7826.488800 900 7886.100 7886.200 767.5 635 867.5 600 424 7826.489800 1000 7886.100 7886.200 767.5 635 967.5 600 424 7826.480CB = WidthT = DepthAir/air heat exchangersWall-mounted Page 62SK 3129.800ExternalmountingMounting cut-outfor external mounting110RearSide viewMounting cut-outfor external andinternal mounting40035295280350253802001130135.5400159361471164378136011032575Ø 13 (8x)210340Ø 3030.5275 (655)136032.5280400251Optional cable glandAir/air heat exchangersRoof-mounted Page 65RearSide viewMounting cut-outfor external and internal mountingTechnical details440 595600480420362Ø 23 (2x)44040036012320Ø7(4x)62 3014550<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control241
Technical detailsAir/air heat exchangersAir/air heat exchangersWall-mounted, railway-compatible version, specific thermal output 27 – 98 W/K Page 64Mounting cut-out SK 3126.4xxExternal mounting127Installation with adjustable frame2802446023282= =22.565060061122.5699(66.5)=Ø 8 (8 x)Ø 7 (4 x)=520653255328Internal mounting2541078Adjustment options607.5137.517.56505721.525410521562489.5109.5606084.5104.512742.522.51.550M6M6307.527.5362.510575.574118Ø 8 (8 x)1Microcellular rubber seal EPDM, black 12 mm,as solid all-round rubber seal254Mounting cut-out SK 3128.4xxExternal mounting40027.5 250140Installation with adjustable frame70 2502332736.5180180Ø 40 (2 x)950280250Ø 9.5 (8 x)255920999750953Technical details3273050345Internal mounting1603852025040244861939.5Ø 8 (7 x)37030365160190.517512717519810920Adjustment options47.527.592.5112.517025092.547.5Microcellular rubber seal EPDM, black 12 mm,as solid all-round rubber seal39.528112.514027.570507.5M6M6M63017.527.5242 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsAir/air heat exchangersAir/air heat exchangersWall-mounted, railway-compatible version, specific thermal output 27 – 98 W/K Page 64Mounting cut-out SK 3129.4xxExternal mountingInstallation with adjustable frame40025 250701502325032725210210280250Ø 9.5 (8 x)950Ø 40 (2 x)345327385250920255999750953351453550402Internal mounting370448Adjustment options7.5130365160190.51092047.527.5102.5122.57025092.557.5112.515037.57050M6M6M6307.527.5619371801271802151Microcellular rubber seal EPDM, black 12 mm,as solid all-round rubber seal3719.5Mounting cut-out SK 3130.4xxExternal mounting6540028015070 402Installation with adjustable frame395210210380200Ø 40 (1 x)Ø 11 (8 x)2602801580340320260Internal mounting400370Ø 11 (6 x)320113367275 875153015822504482602802001480Adjustment options47.5102.527.5122.570250162892.557.5112.515047.570507.5M6M6M63017.527.5Technical details158096597.5Ø 8 (2 x)924.515581Microcellular rubber seal EPDM, black 12 mm,as solid all-round rubber seal20520521562.520037067.5<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control243
Technical detailsAir/air heat exchangersTopTherm air/air heat exchangersWall-mounted with <strong>control</strong>ler, specific thermal output 17.5 W/K Page 63ExternalmountingInternalmountingMounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outfor internal mounting280108150 4228025128025420025Ø 15 (2x)550550501524266492518550Ø 8 (4x)(230)18 x 45°Wall-mounted with <strong>control</strong>ler, specific thermal output 30 – 60 W/K Page 63ExternalmountingInternalmountingMounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outfor internal mounting400205 (225)50155 (175)36.5400250400370R6 (4x) 2523534528025 x 45°950950Ø 9.5 (8x)255950920380920350350385Ø 9.5 (4x)2515Dimensions in brackets for 45 W/K and 60 W/KWall-mounted with <strong>control</strong>ler, specific thermal output 90 W/K Page 63ExternalmountingInternalmountingMounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outfor internal mountingTechnical details165400 215 5035295400280350380400370324Ø12(2x)22Ø 13 (8x)1580158026034032025 27587515581554376Ø 13 (4x)R6 (2x)32415381580244 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsModular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> conceptCooling modulesUseful cooling output 1500/2500 W Page 705001500 W 2500 W115/135Technical details1351561160885115851354614611777.5/1977.5115140 820 145Section doorsPage 71For enclosures 1200 mmFor enclosuresDevice position600 mm wide 800 mm wide Left Right592792592592949494941777.5/1977.51777.5/1977.51777.5/1977.5<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control245
Technical detailsRoof-mounted cooling unitsRoof-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 500/750 W Page 74Mounting cut-out5974755973791Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝, flexible3793262604171417Ø 80365301170326Useful cooling output 1000 W Page 75Useful cooling output 1100 W Page 76Useful cooling output 1500/2000 WPage 77Mounting cut-out59749059747547542039041714171Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝, flexibleØ 100380271280420Useful cooling output 3000 W Page 76Mounting cut-out90169259790137597392511.5511.5404Ø 150488.5Technical detailsUseful cooling output 3000/4000 W Page 78 Mounting cut-out7966927965801Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝,flexible580520392470Ø 15053838.511Ø 150238246 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsWall-mounted cooling unitsWall-mounted cooling unitsMini in horizontal format, useful cooling output 300 W Page 83ExternalmountingInternalmountingMounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outfor internal mounting153985255563405.57.5340281Ø 7.5 (4x)203142032534047152527499205.55107.5525Useful cooling output 300 W Page 84ExternalmountingInternalmountingMounting cut-outfor externalmountingMounting cut-outfor internal mounting28098140 4228025128025420025Ø 15 (2x)550550501524266492518550Ø 8 (4x)(230)18 x 45°Useful cooling output 500 W Page 84Useful cooling output 750 W Page 85550280ExternalmountingT1T2PartialinternalmountingT3InternalmountingT4T5550480 15.5Mounting cut-outfor external mounting280262266532524Mounting cut-outfor partial internalmounting280254266497 20523550524Mounting cut-outfor internalmounting280254200Ø 19 (2x)266492 25518550Technical detailsØ 8 (4x)Ø 8 (4x)Ø 8 (4x)(230)18 x 45(230)18 x 45°T1 T2 T3 T4 T5500 W 210 100 110 164 42750 W 280 125 155 235 42<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control247
Technical detailsWall-mounted cooling unitsWall-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 1000/1500 W Page 87ExternalmountingPartialinternalmountingInternalmountingMounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outPartial internalmountingMounting cut-outfor internal mounting400260105 1552105036.5400250400370330400370R6 (4x) 25950950235345Ø 9.5 (8x)28025595092025 x 45380920950920225 x 45380920350350385Ø 9.5 (4x)Ø 9.5 (4x)2515Useful cooling output 2000/2500 W Page 89ExternalmountingPartialinternalmountingInternalmounting 1)Mounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outfor partial internal mounting,internal mounting145245400400370400295150503528032020310350380R9.5 (2x)15801)For installation in 600 mm wide doors, move the mounting cut-outfrom the centre of the door to the hinged side by at least 10 mm.1580260340Ø 13 (10x)32025 275 325 55015581554376Ø 13 (4x)R9.5 (2x)32015401580Technical detailsUseful cooling output 4000 W Page 90500Externalmounting340Partial internalmounting145 195Mounting cut-outfor external mounting45500380Mounting cut-outfor partial internal mounting5003622515801580330164440Ø 13 (10x)440375 500 380155047415301580360275Ø 13 (4x)25248 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsWall-mounted cooling unitsWall-mounted cooling unitsUseful cooling output 1500 W Page 88(SK 3366.XXX and SK 3377.XXX)ExternalmountingInternalmountingMounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outfor internal mounting1590435382451214020545 150085.5 353 360 360 353 78.535434032635435449Ø 8(10x) 155354240 55260165.54001510Design NEMA 4x, useful cooling output 500 W Page 91External mountingMounting cut-outfor external mounting2982851851226219190259173.562017222070620170Ø 8 (8x)143.528523876Design NEMA 4x, useful cooling output 1000/1500 W Page 91External mounting358245Mounting cut-outfor external mounting38.5250405250345280Technical details4051020298102035093Ø 9.5 (8x)35083 385 255<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control249
55100400377377Technical detailsWall-mounted cooling units/Thermoelectric coolerWall-mounted cooling unitsDesign NEMA 4x, useful cooling output 2000/2500 W Page 92External mountingMounting cut-outfor external mounting38827537405280310350550 38016501650Ø 13 (10x)26040832093 275 325405328Thermoelectric coolerPage 97ExternalmountingInternalmountingMounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outfor internal mountingTechnical details125155400100 551251536640012510015Ø 6.53864001540Ø 6.5251825Ø 122511.5(12.5)(8.5)10010811.5(12.5)(8.5)85108111071251251Outer contour of <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> unit250 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsAir/water heat exchangersAir/water heat exchangersRoof-mounted, useful cooling output 2500 W Page 102Roof-mounted, useful cooling output 4000 W Page 10359749059747547542039027Ø 100 (4x)3802804204171 212Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝Micro, wall-mounted, useful cooling output 300 W Page 104Mounting holesfor internal mountingMounting cut-outfor external mounting12Cooling water connectionCondensate discharge15085Ø 7 (4x)150102125102413002763002322763001 2551860150Ø 7 (4x)Wall-mounted, useful cooling output 600 W Page 105100200Mounting holesfor internal mounting200150Ø 7Mounting cut-outfor external mounting20016015016012Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝500Technical details42050050030420170 50Ø 74x3413014527518180133150<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control251
15221552050655052055049 14Technical detailsAir/water heat exchangersAir/water heat exchangersWall-mounted, useful cooling output 1250 W Page 105Mounting holesfor internal mountingMounting cut-outfor external mounting12Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝20017510020011140140315 24Ø 7 (4x)Technical details4751642751819508092095019 920Ø 7 (6x)170 1596126Wall-mounted, useful cooling output 500 W/1000 W Page 106Mounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outfor internal mounting2809090280140140250250550External mountingInternal mounting550External mountingInternal mounting91 1411405012562801280905021702115291Ø 6.5 (4 x for internal and external mounting)212Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Water connections 1 / 2˝252 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
2525095092023515 385255280 1595015 9201549 4936.5Technical detailsAir/water heat exchangersAir/water heat exchangersWall mounting, useful cooling output 2000 W/3000 W Page 107400140 140Mounting cut-outfor external mounting400250Mounting cut-outfor internal mounting400250950External mountingInternal mounting34591 26350Ø 9.5Ø 9.54002150205014012Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Water connections 1 / 2˝Wall mounting, useful cooling output 5000 W Page 108Mounting cut-outfor external mountingMounting cut-outfor internal mounting4501400450450250 250External mountingInternal mounting165 681.547033515Ø 7.0 (8x)410350433.54204554554551400151365450350Ø 9.0 (4x)91 2614004949Technical details28040110025012Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Water connections 1 / 2˝<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control253
Technical detailsAir/water heat exchangersAir/water heat exchangersWall-mounted, useful cooling output 7000 W Page 109Adaptor framePage 109300450451433.53503015450417380350401800442.5 442.5417530442.5100Technical details442.5Ø 8 (10x)442.5400433.53921442.51655.1174018008041712442.5350230145442.5400Ø 8 (10x)1BoltsM6 x 2012Condensate discharge 1 / 2˝Cooling water connection 1 / 2˝254 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsCold PlateCold PlatePage 112SK 8616.610, SK 8616.630 SK 8616.810, SK 8616.83094.5 62 62 62 62 62 94.570.5 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 70.539937 3253727250554754991251839937 3253727224331316756995512518SK 8616.600, SK 8616.620 SK 8616.800, SK 8616.82039932594.5 62 62 62 62 62 94.5378 10.5Technical details39932570.5 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 70.527224331378 10.513113750252151575547549910.52118376756995510.520181Cooling water connection 1 / 4˝<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control255
Technical detailsRecooling systemsOptions for recooling systemsTechnical detailsPressure-sealed systemOpen system with tankDesigned as a once-through cooler without tankHot gas bypass <strong>control</strong> in the cooling circuitMore powerful pump(s)Heater in the tank (1000 W)Water level switchFlow monitorWater filter/oil filterWater-cooled condenserUpstream pipework, free from non-ferrous metalsAutomatic tank fillingFault signal with individual messagesAmbient temperature <strong>control</strong>Automatic bypassManual bypassHarting connectorOutdoor sitingSpecial spray finishSpecial voltagesMetal filter matCastorsRefrigerant R134aDouble pump unitFilter mat monitoringBase trayTank (stainless steel 1.4301)Additional medium connectionsRecooling systems Mini and Mini for wall mountingSK 3318.600 – – – ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ – – ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – –SK 3318.610 – – – ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ – – ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – –SK 3319.600 – – – ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ – – ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – –SK 3319.610 – – – ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ – – ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – –SK 3320.600 – – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – –SK 3334.600 – – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – –SK 3334.660 – – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – –SK 3360.100 – – – ▫ – ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ – ▫ ▫ – ▫ – ▫ – – – – –SK 3360.250 – – – ▫ – ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ – ▫ ▫ – ▫ – ▫ – – – – –SK 3360.470 – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – ▫ – ▫ ▫ – ▫ – ▫ – – – – –Recooling systems in floor-standing enclosure and industrial enclosureSK 3336.100 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – ▫SK 3336.200 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – ▫SK 3336.300 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – ▫SK 3336.500 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – ▫SK 3336.600 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – ▫SK 3336.650 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫SK 3336.700 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫SK 3336.710 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫SK 3336.720 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫SK 3336.730 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫SK 3336.740 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫SK 3336.750 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫SK 3339.100 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫SK 3339.200 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫Recooling systems in a floor standing enclosure for oilSK 3337.200 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.300 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.500 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.600 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.650 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.700 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.710 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.720 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.730 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.740 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫ ▫SK 3337.750 – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ – – – ▫ ▫ – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ – – – – ▫ ▫Recooling systems in the TS 8 Top enclosure systemSK 3335.060 – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3335.075 – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3335.100 – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3335.120 – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3335.150 – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3335.200 – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3335.250 – – ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Standard ▫ Optional256 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsRecooling systemsOptions for recooling systemsWater-cooled condenserRadial fanHot gas bypass <strong>control</strong> in the cooling circuitHarting connectorSpecial spray finishSpecial voltagesAmbient temperature <strong>control</strong>Control voltage 24 V DCLiquid injection valveFault signal “Filter mat dirty”Immersion depth 650 mmImmersion depth 750 mmImmersion depth 850 mmImmersion depth 1000 mmImmersible recooling systemsSK 3338.020 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.040 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.060 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.080 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.100 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.120 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.140 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.160 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.180 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.200 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.220 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.240 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.260 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.280 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.300 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.320 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.340 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.360 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.500 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.520 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.540 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.560 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.580 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.600 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.620 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.640 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.660 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.680 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.700 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.720 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.740 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.760 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.780 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.800 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.820 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫SK 3338.840 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫▫ OptionalTechnical details<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control257
Technical detailsRecooling systemsRecooling systems for waterMini, cooling output 1/1.5 W Page 118Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor5 Condenser10 Condenser fan15 Evaporator coil20 Expansion valve25 Filter dryer35 Filling45 Vent valve50 Temperature sensor55 Pump60 Flow monitor61 Overpressure valve65 Pressure relief valve/alternatively tankHigh-pressure switchLayout diagram701605565PS7060 Hz456115510Note:With an externally lockable cooling cycle, abypass (overpressure valve) should be providedin the external water pipes.T25205035Characteristic curves of pumpModel No. SK3318.600/3318.610/3319.600/3319.61050 Hz35302520H1510500.5 2 4 6 8Q .35302520H1510505 6 7 8 9Q .H.= Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]Mini, cooling output 3/4.5 kW Page 119Mini, cooling output 6 kW Page 120Technical detailsKey to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor5 Condenser10 Condenser fan15 Evaporator coil20 Expansion valve25 Filter dryer30 Tank35 Filling40 Tank drain46 Water level switch, optional50 Temperature sensor55 Pump60 Flow monitor70 High-pressure switchLayout diagram70160PS1551025203035465040Characteristic curves of pumpModel No. SK3320.600/3334.600/3334.66050 Hz4030H201000 20 40 60 80Q .60 Hz50403055H2010Note:With an externally lockable cooling cycle, abypass (overpressure valve) should be providedin the external water pipes.00 20 40 60 80Q .H.= Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]258 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsRecooling systemsRecooling systems for waterPower Fluid Cooler, cooling output 7.5 kW Page 121Power Fluid Cooler, cooling output 10 to 59 kW Page 122Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor5 Condenser10 Condenser fan15 Evaporator coil20 Expansion valve21 Inspection glass22 Magnetic valve23 Liquid collector25 Filter dryer30 Tank31 Manometer35 Filling40 Tank drain48 Level indicator55 Pump60 Flow monitor (optional)70 High-pressure switch71 Low-pressure switch80 Thermostat81 Anti-frost thermostatLayout diagram23252122208110515Note:With an externally lockable cooling cycle, abypass (overpressure valve) should be providedin the external water pipes.601403548707180305531Characteristic curves of pumpModel No. SK 3234.09050 Hz4030H201000 20 40 60 80Q .Model No. SK3234.100/.110/.120Model No. SK3234.130/.140/.150Model No. SK3234.160/.170Model No. SK3234.180/.19050 Hz24222018H1614121020 35 50 65 80Q .50 Hz3634323028H 262422201820 40 60 80 100Q .50 Hz262422H201816143550 80 95 120 140 160Q .50 Hz36343230H282624228090 110 130 160 180 210Q .250H.= Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]Technical details<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control259
Technical detailsRecooling systemsRecooling systems for waterIn floor-standing enclosure, cooling output 2.1 to 7.7 kW Page 123Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor5 Condenser10 Condenser fan16 Multi-coil vaporiser19 Capillary tube/expansion valve 1)25 Filter dryer30 Tank31 Manometer35 Filling40 Tank drain46 Level monitor/float-actuated switch48 Level indicator55 Pump70 High-pressure switch 1)80 Thermostat1)from SK 3336.500Layout diagram25194048351016Note:With an externally lockable cooling cycle, abypass (overpressure valve) should be providedin the external water pipes.54630551P708031Characteristic curve of pumpModel No. SK3336.100/3336.200/3336.300/3336.500/3336.600/3336.65050 Hz3530H2520020 30 40 50 60.QH.= Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]Technical detailsIn floor-standing enclosure, cooling output 10 to 36 kW Page 124Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor5 Condenser10 Condenser fan15 Evaporator coil20 Expansion valve21 Inspection glass22 Magnetic valve23 Liquid collector25 Filter dryer30 Tank31 Manometer35 Filling40 Tank drain48 Level indicator55 Pump60 Flow monitor70 High-pressure switch71 Low-pressure switch80 ThermostatLayout diagram23252122201051560Note:With an externally lockable cooling cycle, abypass (overpressure valve) should be providedin the external water pipes.1403548707180305531Characteristic curves of pumpModel No. SK3336.700/3336.710/3336.72050 Hz4035H30252020 35 50 65 80.QModel No. SK3336.730/3336.740/3336.75050 Hz383634H3230282620 40 60 80.QH.= Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]260 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsRecooling systemsRecooling systems for waterPower Fluid Cooler, cooling output 68 to 209 kW Page 125Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor with oil sump heater2 Duo pressure monitor LP/HP3 Condenser with fan6 Expansion valve7 Inspection glass8 Magnetic valve9 Filter dryer10 Evaporator coil12 Flow monitor13 Thermostat14 Draining17 Manometer18 Pump19 Return IN20 Inlet OUT21 Tank35 Filling48 Level indicator50 Temperature sensorLayout diagram12361089735 501263138971912481817212014Note:With an externally lockable cooling cycle, abypass (overpressure valve) should be providedin the external water pipes.Characteristic curves of pumpModel No. SK3234.200/.210/.220/.230Model No. SK3234.240/.250/.260/.270Model No. SK3234.28050 Hz383634323028H26242220181614100 150200 250Q .H.= Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]30040050 Hz3230282624H222018161412250 300 400 500 600 700 800Q .50 Hz444240383634H32302826242220250 300 400 500 600 700 800Q .Technical details<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control261
Technical detailsRecooling systemsRecooling systems for waterPower Fluid Cooler, cooling output 271 to 502 kW Page 126Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor with oil sump heater2 Duo pressure monitor LP/HP3 Condenser with fan6 Expansion valve7 Inspection glass8 Magnetic valve9 Filter dryer10 Evaporator coil11 Safety assembly12 Flow monitor13 Thermostat14 Draining/filling15 Pressure relief valve17 Manometer18 Pump19 Return IN20 Inlet OUT21 TankLayout diagram1236108159712136389719121117FC18212014Note:With an externally lockable cooling cycle, abypass (overpressure valve) should be providedin the external water pipes.Characteristic curves of pumpModel No. SK3234.290/.300/.310Model No. SK3234.320/.330/.340Technical details50 Hz525048464442H40383634323028250 300 400 500 600 700 800Q .H.= Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]50 Hz525048464442H40383634323028500 600 700 800 1000 1200Q .1400262 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsRecooling systemsRecooling systems for waterIn TS 8 Top enclosure system, cooling output 6/7.5 kW Page 127Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor5 Condenser10 Condenser fan16 Multi-coil vaporiser20 Expansion valve21 Inspection glass23 Liquid collector25 Filter dryer30 Tank31 Manometer33 Fixed pump bypass35 Filling40 Tank drain47 Level switch55 Pump70 High-pressure switch80 ThermostatLayout diagram17047801016520303521403355232531Characteristic curve of pumpModel No. SK3335.060/3335.07550 HzH282420161220 30 40 50 60.QH . = Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]In TS 8 Top enclosure system, cooling output 10 to 25 kW Page 128Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor5 Condenser10 Condenser fan16 Multi-coil vaporiser20 Expansion valve21 Inspection glass23 Liquid collector25 Filter dryer30 Tank31 Manometer33 Fixed pump bypass35 Filling40 Tank drain47 Level switch55 Pump70 High-pressure switch80 ThermostatLayout diagram17047801016520303521403355232531Characteristic curves of pumpModel No. SK3335.100/3335.120/3335.15050 Hz44403632H2824201610 20 30 40 50Q .Model No. SK3335.200/3335.25050 Hz504438H3226Technical details2030 60 90 120 150.QH.= Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control263
Technical detailsRecooling systemsRecooling systems for waterMini, for wall mounting, cooling output 1/2.5/4 kW Page 129Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor5 Condenser10 Condenser fan15 Evaporator coil20 Expansion valve25 Filter dryer30 Tank35 Filling40 Tank drain46 Water level switch, optional50 Temperature sensor55 Pump60 Flow monitor70 High-pressure switchLayout diagram70160PS155102520305546503540Characteristic curves of pumpModel No. SK3360.100/3360.250/3360.47050 HzH30201000 10 20 30 40.Q60 Hz40Note:With an externally lockable cooling cycle, abypass (overpressure valve) should be providedin the external water pipes.H30201000 10 20 30 40.QH.= Delivery head H [m]Q = Delivery flow Q [l/min]Technical details264 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsRecooling systemsRecooling systems for oilIn floor-standing enclosure, cooling output 2.5 to 8 kW Page 130Key to thediagram opposite:Layout diagram1 Compressor32Automatic bypass valve5 Condenser56Oil pump510 Condenser fan57 Motor for oil pump15 Evaporator coil 70 High-pressure switch 1)P7019 Capillary tube/expansion valve 1) 8025 Filter dryer8131 ManometerThermostatAnti-frost thermostat25101801)from SK 3337.500198131 56155732In floor-standing enclosure, cooling output 11 to 26 kW Page 131Key to thediagram opposite:Layout diagram1 Compressor315 Condenser32ManometerAutomatic bypass valve510 Condenser fan5615 Evaporator coil5720 Expansion valve7021 Inspection glass7122 Magnetic valve8023 Liquid collector8125 Filter dryerOil pumpMotor for oil pumpHigh-pressure switchLow-pressure switchThermostatAnti-frost thermostat23252110811708071315622201557M32Immersible recooling systems for oil/emulsion2.4 – 78 kW cooling output Page 132 – 134Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor5 Condenser10 Condenser fan15 Evaporator coil20 Expansion valve21 Inspection glass22 Magnetic valve23 Liquid collector25 Filter dryer30 Tank, to be supplied by thecustomer50 Temperature sensor70 High-pressure switch71 Low-pressure switch80 Thermostat82 StirrerLayout diagram25212322 2082105057180701Technical details3015<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control265
Technical detailsRecooling systems for IT coolingRecooling systems for IT cooling15 – 123 kW cooling output Page 148Key to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor with oil sump heater2 Duo pressure monitor LP/HP3 Condenser with fan4 Non-return valve5 Pressure sensor6 Expansion valve7 Inspection glass8 Magnetic valve9 Filter dryer10 Evaporator coil11 Safety assembly12 Flow monitor13 Thermostat14 Draining/filling15 Pressure relief valve16 Bypass valve17 Manometer18 Pump19 Return IN20 Inlet OUT21 Tank22 Refrigerant collectorLayout diagram11012FC214322978613Controller515 FU164PA1117PI2118451920PAFUCooling output 145 to 462 kW Page 149Technical detailsKey to thediagram opposite:1 Compressor with oil sump heater2 Duo pressure monitor LP/HP3 Condenser with fan4 Non-return valve5 Pressure sensor6 Expansion valve7 Inspection glass8 Magnetic valve9 Filter dryer10 Evaporator coil11 Safety assembly12 Flow monitor13 Thermostat14 Draining/filling15 Pressure relief valve16 Bypass valve17 Manometer18 Pump19 Return IN20 Inlet OUT21 TankLayout diagram12361012FC815972111215FU4 PA184 5PAFU3617PI138Controller1697192014266 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Technical detailsWater/water heat exchangers/enclosure heatersWater/water heat exchangersPage 153Layout diagramOption B202822210 102 1 4168542121Option C910 10Option A18253Option E102310 101311101101022410M12106 + 1971037101210 10Key to thediagram opposite:102151011 + 1891234567891011121314Temperature sensorPressure transmitterDifferential pressure monitoringFlow gaugeExtension tankSpeed <strong>control</strong>led pumpNon-return valveSafety valveAutomatic bleed systemShut-off valveWater filter3-way valvePlate-type heat exchangerPressure reduction valve15 Automatic bypass valve16 Emergency water supply heatexchanger17 Water tank18 Magnetic filter19 Standard pump20 Customer21 <strong>Rittal</strong>22 Emergency water supply on23 Primary on (onsite)24 Primary off25 Secondary on (LCP)26 Secondary off27 Filling28 Emergency water supply off7141026Option D1727Enclosure heatersContinuous thermal output 10 – 800 W Page 169Without fanBWith fanBWithout fanModel No. SK W (B) mm H mm D (T) mm3105.110 81 123 493106.120 81 173 493115.130 102 155 603116.140 102 225 603107.150 102 260 603107.160 140 205 803102.170 140 250 80Technical detailsWith fanHModel No. SK W (B) mm H mm D (T) mmH3105.210 142 170 1013105.220 142 170 1013105.230 142 170 1013105.180 142 170 101TT3105.190 142 170 1013105.200 142 170 101<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control267
Technical details<strong>System</strong> accessoriesElectronic condensate evaporatorPage 192SK 3301.560/.580 SK 3301.570/.590Ø 6258Ø 63784242132.5125132.512528040050258160Ø 63781Ø 6252575245233123Condensate hoseSK 3301.608 for SK 3302.XXXSK 3301.610 for SK 3303.XXXSuggestion for position of cable entryHoseLength as required123Condensate hose SK 3301.612Suggestion for position of cable entryHoseLength as requiredIntegrated louvresPage 183SK 2541.235 SK 2542.235 SK 2543.235Technical details90A140100160B4.510501101.5880A190150210B4.510401001.5890310270330AB4.510501101.58268 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
NotesNotes<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control269
Overview of products andapprovalsCooling with ambient air from page 272Fan-and-filter units ..........................................................................272EMC fan-and-filter units ..................................................................273Rack-mounted fans ........................................................................273Vario rack-mounted fans .................................................................274Tangential fans ...............................................................................274RTT roof-mounted fan and vent attachment for TS.........................274Roof-mounted fans .........................................................................275Air/air heat exchangers...................................................................276Cooling units from page 277Cooling modules.............................................................................277Section doors..................................................................................277Roof-mounted cooling units............................................................278Wall-mounted cooling units ...........................................................279Thermoelectric coolers ...................................................................284Liquid cooling IE from page 284Air/water heat exchangers, roof-mounted .....................................284Air/water heat exchangers, wall-mounted .....................................284Direct Cooling Package .................................................................286Recooling systems for water ..........................................................287Recooling systems for oil................................................................290Immersible recooling systems for oil ..............................................290Immersible recooling systems for emulsion ...................................291Liquid cooling IT from page 292CRAC systems................................................................................292Aisle containment............................................................................293Liquid Cooling Package..................................................................293Chillers for IT cooling ......................................................................295Water/water heat exchangers.........................................................295Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> from page 296Cooling units for CS modular enclosures .......................................296Heat exchangers for CS modular enclosures.................................296Climate <strong>control</strong> units for Toptec CR................................................297Enclosure heaters from page 297Enclosure heaters ..........................................................................297Overview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control271
Overview of products and approvals<strong>System</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> creates the correctambient conditions for every application,particularly for sensitive electronics.A broad selection of cooling units, recoolingsystems, heat exchangers, fan-and-filter unitsand enclosure heaters protects against adversephysical and thermal influences.This is supplemented by a versatile range ofaccessory components.With a full advisory service and its PC softwarepackage <strong>Rittal</strong> Therm, <strong>Rittal</strong> will help you to selectthe correct <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> unit to optimally suityour requirements.Enhanced operational reliability and a longerservice life for electronics● Cooling with ambient air● Cooling units● Liquid cooling IE● Liquid cooling IT● Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>● Enclosure heatersDetailed informationmay be found on pages 41 – 169and on our website at www.rittal.comThe latest status of approvalsmay be found on our website at: www.rittal.comOverview of products and approvalsFan-and-filter unitsAir throughputunimpeded air flow20/25 m 3 /h20 m 3 /h55/66 m 3 /h55 m 3 /h105/120 m 3 /h105 m 3 /h180/160 m 3 /h180 m 3 /h230/265 m 3 /h230 m 3 /h550/600 m 3 /h700/720 m 3 /hVoltageV, Hz1)Delivery times available on request.Model No. SKRAL 7035ApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3321.107 44115, 50/60 3321.117 44Page24 (DC) 3321.027 4448 (DC) 3321.047 1) 44230, 50/60 3322.107 44115, 50/60 3322.117 4424 (DC) 3322.027 4448 (DC) 3322.047 1) 44230, 50/60 3323.107 45115, 50/60 3323.117 4524 (DC) 3323.027 4548 (DC) 3323.047 1) 45230, 50/60 3324.107 45115, 50/60 3324.117 4524 (DC) 3324.027 4548 (DC) 3324.047 1) 45230, 50/60 3325.107 46115, 50/60 3325.117 4624 (DC) 3325.027 4648 (DC) 3325.047 1) 46230, 50/60 3326.107 47115, 50/60 3326.117 47230, 50/60 3327.107 47115, 50/60 3327.117 47400/460, 3~, 50/60 3327.147 47272 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsFan-and-filter units – EMCAir throughputunimpeded air flow20/25 m 3 /h55/66 m 3 /h105/120 m 3 /h180/160 m 3 /h230/265 m 3 /h550/600 m 3 /h700/720 m 3 /hVoltageV, Hz1) Delivery times available on request.Model No. SKRAL 7035ApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3321.607 48115, 50/60 3321.617 1) 48Page230, 50/60 3322.607 48115, 50/60 3322.617 1) 48230, 50/60 3323.607 48115, 50/60 3323.617 1) 48230, 50/60 3324.607 49115, 50/60 3324.617 1) 49230, 50/60 3325.607 49115, 50/60 3325.617 49230, 50/60 3326.607 49115, 50/60 3326.617 1) 49230, 50/60 3327.607 49115, 50/60 3327.617 1) 49Rack-mounted fansAirthroughputunimpededair flowNo. offansDistancebetweenaxesmmVoltageV, HzModel No.SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS VDE250 m 3 /h 3 85 36 (DC) – 72 (DC) 9769.002 1) 52320 m 3 /h480 m 3 /h2 85 24 (DC) 3340.024 1) 522 85 115 (AC), 50/60 3340.115 1) 522 85 230 (AC), 50/60 3340.230 523 85 24 (DC) 3341.024 1) 523 105 24 (DC) 3342.024 523 85 115 (AC), 50/60 3341.115 523 105 115 (AC), 50/60 3342.115 1) 523 85 230 (AC), 50/60 3341.230 523 105 230 (AC), 50/60 3342.230 523 1051)Delivery times available on request.24 (DC)115 – 230 (AC),50/60Page3342.500 52Overview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control273
Overview of products and approvalsVario rack-mounted fanAirthroughputunimpededair flow320 m 3 /h480 m 3 /hNo. offansDistancebetweenaxesmmVoltageV, HzModel No.SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS VDE2 85 24 (DC) 3350.024 1) 522 85 115 (AC), 50/60 3350.115 1) 522 85 230 (AC), 50/60 3350.230 1) 523 85 24 (DC) 3351.024 1) 523 105 24 (DC) 3352.024 1) 523 85 115 (AC), 50/60 3351.115 1) 523 105 115 (AC), 50/60 3352.115 1) 523 85 230 (AC), 50/60 3351.230 523 105 230 (AC), 50/60 3352.230 523 1051) Delivery times available on request.24 (DC)115 – 230 (AC),50/60Page3352.500 52Tangential fansAir throughputunimpededair flowDimensionsW x H x Dmm320 m 3 /h 482.6 x 87.2 x 158VoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSPage115, 50/60 3145.000 53230, 50/60 3144.000 53Overview of products and approvalsRTT roof-mounted fan and vent attachmentfor TSAir throughputunimpededair flow400 m 3 /h800 m 3 /hVoltageV, HzRequiredmounting cut-outW x DmmModel No.SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA115, 50/60 475 x 260 3149.410 54230, 50/60 475 x 260 3149.420 54400, 3~, 50/60460, 3~, 60475 x 260 3149.440 54115, 50/60 475 x 260 3149.810 54230, 50/60 475 x 260 3149.820 54400, 3~, 50/60460, 3~, 60475 x 260 3149.840 54Without motor 490 x 390 8801.380 54Page274 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsRoof-mounted fansAir throughputunimpededair flowVoltageV, HzRequiredmounting cut-outW x D mmModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 345 x 265 3149.007 54360 m 3 /h115, 50/60 345 x 265 3169.007 54Without fan motor 345 x 265 3148.007 54PageFor TS/FR(i) for the office sectorAirthroughputunimpededair flow1500 m 3 /h1500 m 3 /h1500 m 3 /hVoltageV, HzwithroofplateDesignwithoutroofplateDimensionsW x H x DmmModel No.SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA115, 50/60 800 x 240 x 800 3164.610 55230, 50/60 800 x 240 x 800 3164.620 55115, 50/60 800 x 240 x 900 3164.810 55230, 50/60 800 x 240 x 900 3164.820 55115, 50/60 511 x 227 x 511 3164.115 55230, 50/60 511 x 227 x 511 3164.230 55PageOverview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control275
Overview of products and approvalsTopTherm air/air heat exchangersWall-mounted, with <strong>control</strong>lerSpecific thermaloutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS17.5 W/K 280 x 550 x 150 230, 50/60 3126.100 6317.5 W/K 280 x 550 x 150 115, 50/60 3126.115 6330.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 205 230, 50/60 3127.100 6330.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 205 115, 50/60 3127.115 6345.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 225 230, 50/60 3128.100 6345.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 225 115, 50/60 3128.115 6360.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 225 230, 50/60 3129.100 6360.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 225 115, 50/60 3129.115 6390.0 W/K 400 x 1580 x 215 230, 50/60 3130.100 6390.0 W/K 400 x 1580 x 215 115, 50/60 3130.115 63PageAir/air heat exchangersWall-mountedSpecific thermaloutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS12.0 W/K 200 x 400 x 146 230, 50/60 3125.800 6262.0 W/K 400 x 1360 x 110 230, 50/60 3129.800 62PageWall-mounted, railway-compatible versionSpecific thermaloutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS27.0 W/K 280 x 650 x 127 24 V (DC) 3126.424 6427.0 W/K 280 x 650 x 127 110 V (DC) 3126.410 6447.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 140 24 V (DC) 3128.424 6447.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 140 110 V (DC) 3128.410 6466.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 150 24 V (DC) 3129.424 6466.0 W/K 400 x 950 x 150 110 V (DC) 3129.410 6498.0 W/K 400 x 1580 x 150 24 V (DC) 3130.424 6498.0 W/K 400 x 1580 x 150 110 V (DC) 3130.410 64PageRoof-mountedSpecific thermaloutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS66.0 W/K 595 x 362 x 440 230, 50/60 3248.000 65PageOverview of products and approvals276 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsCooling modulesUseful cooling output1500 W2500 WVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS230, 1~, 50/60 3307.700 70115, 1~, 50/60 3307.710 70400/460, 3~, 50/60 3307.740 70Page230, 1~, 50/60 3310.700 70115, 1~, 50/60 3310.710 70400/460, 3~, 50/60 3310.740 70Section doorsfor installing cooling modulesFor enclosure dimensionsW x H mmModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS600 x 1800 3300.040 71600 x 2000 3300.050 71800 x 1800 3300.060 71800 x 2000 3300.070 711200 1) x 1800 3300.080 711200 1) x 2000 3300.090 711200 2) x 1800 3300.110 711200 2) x 2000 3300.120 711) Unit positioned on the left2)Unit positioned on the rightPageTopTherm roof-mounted cooling unitsUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm500 W 597 x 417 x 380750 W 597 x 417 x 3801000 W 597 x 417 x 4751500 W 597 x 417 x 4752000 W 597 x 417 x 4753000 W 796 x 470 x 580VoltageV, Hzwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3382.100 3382.500 74115, 50/60 3382.110 3382.510 74Page230, 50/60 3359.100 3359.500 74115, 50/60 3359.110 3359.510 74400, 2~, 50/60 3359.140 3359.540 74230, 50/60 3383.100 3383.500 75115, 50/60 3383.110 3383.510 75400, 2~, 50/60 3383.140 3383.540 75230, 50/60 3384.100 3384.500 77115, 50/60 3384.110 3384.510 77400, 2~, 50/60 3384.140 3384.540 77230, 50/60 3385.100 3385.500 77115, 50/60 3385.110 3385.510 77400, 2~, 50/60 3385.140 3385.540 77400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603386.140 3386.540 78400, 3~, 504000 W 796 x 470 x 5803387.140 3387.540 78460, 3~, 60Roof-mounted cooling units in stainless steel version, see page 278.Delivery times available on request.Overview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control277
Overview of products and approvalsTopTherm roof-mounted cooling unitsfor the office sectorUseful coolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS115, 50/60 3273.515 1) 761100 W 597 x 417 x 475230, 50/60 3273.500 763000 W 597 x 417 x 895 230, 50/60 3301.800 761) Delivery times available on request.PageStainless steelUsefulcoolingoutput500 W750 W1000 W1500 W2000 W3000 WDimensionsW x H x Dmm597 x 415x 380597 x 415x 380597 x 417x 475597 x 417x 475597 x 417x 475796 x 470x 580VoltageV, Hzwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3382.200 3382.600 74115, 50/60 3382.210 3382.610 74Page230, 50/60 3359.200 3359.600 74115, 50/60 3359.210 3359.610 74400, 2~, 50/60 3359.240 3359.640 74230, 50/60 3383.200 3383.600 75115, 50/60 3383.210 3383.610 75400, 2~, 50/60 3383.240 3383.640 75230, 50/60 3384.200 3384.600 77115, 50/60 3384.210 3384.610 77400, 2~, 50/60 3384.240 3384.640 77230, 50/60 3385.200 3385.600 77115, 50/60 3385.210 3385.610 77400, 2~, 50/60 3385.240 3385.640 77400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60796 x 4704000 Wx 580Delivery times available on request.3386.240 3386.640 783387.240 3387.640 78Overview of products and approvalsWith CO 2 as the coolantUseful coolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalswith Basic <strong>control</strong>ler UL CUL DIN GS1000 W 597 x 417 x 475 230, 50/60 3383.740 79Delivery times available on request.Page278 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsWall-mounted cooling unitsVIP small cooling unitsUsefulcoolingoutput225 WDimensionsW x H x Dmm526 x 353.5x 105VoltageV, Hz230, 50/60CondenserversionModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSPageLeft 3201.100 82Right 3202.100 82TopTherm wall-mounted cooling unitsMini cooling unit, in horizontal formatUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm300 W 525 x 340 x 153VoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3302.300 83Page115, 60 3302.310 83Overview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control279
Overview of products and approvalsTopTherm wall-mounted cooling unitsUsefulcoolingoutput300 W500 W750 W1000 W1500 W2000 W2500 WDimensionsW x H x Dmm280 x 550x 140280 x 550x 210280 x 550x 280400 x 950x 260400 x 950x 260400 x 1580x 295400 x 1580x 295VoltageV, Hzwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3302.100 – 84115, 60 3302.110 – 84Page230, 50/60 3303.100 3303.500 84115, 60 3303.110 3303.510 84230, 50/60 3361.100 3361.500 85115, 60 3361.110 3361.510 85400, 2~, 50/60 3361.140 3361.540 85230, 50/60 3304.100 3304.500 87115, 50/60 3304.110 3304.510 87400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603304.140 3304.540 87230, 50/60 3305.100 3305.500 87115, 50/60 3305.110 3305.510 87400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603305.140 3305.540 87230, 50/60 3328.100 3328.500 89115, 50/60 3328.110 3328.510 89400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603328.140 3328.540 89230, 50/60 3329.100 3329.500 89115, 50/60 3329.110 3329.510 89400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603329.140 3329.540 89500 x 1580 400, 3~, 504000 W3332.140 3332.540 90x 340 460, 3~, 60TopTherm wall-mounted cooling units in stainless steel version, see page 281.Cool Efficiency, up to 45% less energy consumptionUsefulcoolingoutput1000 WDimensionsW x H x Dmm400 x 950x 260VoltageV, Hz230, 1~, 50with Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSAPage3304.700 – 86– 3304.800 86Overview of products and approvals280 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsTopTherm wall-mounted cooling unitsStainless steelUsefulcoolingoutput300 W500 W750 W1000 W1500 W2000 W2500 WDimensionsW x H x Dmm280 x 550x 140280 x 550x 210280 x 550x 280400 x 950x 260400 x 950x 260400 x 1580x 290400 x 1580x 295VoltageV, Hzwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3302.200 – 84115, 60 3302.210 – 84Page230, 50/60 3303.200 3303.600 84115, 60 3303.210 3303.610 84230, 50/60 3361.200 3361.600 85115, 60 3361.210 3361.610 85400, 2~, 50/60 3361.240 3361.640 85230, 50/60 3304.200 3304.600 87115, 50/60 3304.210 3304.610 87400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603304.240 3304.640 87230, 50/60 3305.200 3305.600 87115, 50/60 3305.210 3305.610 87400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603305.240 3305.640 87230, 50/60 3328.200 3328.600 89115, 50/60 3328.210 3328.610 89400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603328.240 3328.640 89230, 50/60 3329.200 3329.600 89115, 50/60 3329.210 3329.610 89400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60500 x 1580 400, 3~, 504000 Wx 340 460, 3~, 60Delivery times available on request.3329.240 3329.640 893332.240 3332.640 90SlimlineUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm1500 W 435 x 1590 x 1651500 W 450 x 1590 x 2051)Delivery times available on request.VoltageV, Hzwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3377.100 1) 3377.500 1) 88115, 50/60 3377.110 1) 3377.510 1) 88400/460, 3~,50/60Page3377.140 1) 3377.540 1) 88230, 50/60 3366.100 3366.500 88115, 50/60 3366.110 3366.510 88400/460, 3~,50/603366.140 3366.540 88Overview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control281
Overview of products and approvalsTopTherm wall-mounted cooling unitsSlimline, stainless steelUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm1500 W 450 x 1590 x 165VoltageV, Hzwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3377.200 3377.600 88115, 50/60 3377.210 3377.610 88400/460, 3~,50/60Page3377.240 3377.640 88230, 50/60 3366.200 3366.600 881500 W 450 x 1590 x 205115, 50/60 3366.210 3366.610 88400/460, 3~,50/603366.240 3366.640 88Delivery times available on request.Nema 4x designOverview of products and approvalsUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm500 W 285 x 620 x 2981000 W 405 x 1020 x 3581500 W 405 x 1020 x 3582000 W 405 x 1650 x 388VoltageV, Hzwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA230, 50/60 3303.104 3303.504 91115, 50/60 3303.114 3303.514 91Page230, 50/60 3304.104 3304.504 91115, 50/60 3304.114 3304.514 91400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603304.144 3304.544 91230, 50/60 3305.104 3305.504 91115, 50/60 3305.114 3305.514 91400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603305.144 3305.544 91230, 50/60 3328.104 3328.504 92115, 50/60 3328.114 3328.514 92400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603328.144 3328.544 92230, 50/60 3329.104 3329.504 922500 W 405 x 1650 x 388115, 50/60 3329.114 3329.514 92400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 603329.144 3329.544 92Delivery times available on request.282 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsTopTherm wall-mounted cooling unitsfor machine toolsUsefulcoolingoutput1000 WDimensionsW x H x Dmm400 x 950x 260VoltageV, Hz400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400 x 950 400, 3~, 501500 Wx 260 460, 3~, 60Delivery times available on request.with Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSPage3304.142 3304.542 933305.142 3305.542 93Zone 22 (dust) explosion-proof cooling unitsUsefulcoolingoutput1000 WDimensionsW x H x Dmm400 x 950x 260VoltageV, Hzwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSPage230, 50/60 3304.130 3304.530 94400, 3~, 50/60 3304.160 3304.560 94400 x 950 230, 50/60 3305.130 3305.530 941500 Wx 260 400, 3~, 50/60 3305.160 3305.560 94Delivery times available on request.With CO 2 as the coolantUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalswith Basic <strong>control</strong>ler UL CUL DIN GS1000 W 460 x 950 x 260 230, 50/60 3304.740 95Delivery times available on request.PageOverview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control283
Overview of products and approvalsThermoelectric coolersUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm100 W 125 x 400 x 155VoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS CSA90 – 264 V (AC) 3201.200 9724 V (DC) 3201.300 97PageTopTherm air/water heat exchangersRoof mounting with Basic/Comfort <strong>control</strong>lerUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm1875 W 2) 597 x 415 x 4752500 W 3) 597 x 415 x 4753000 W 2) 597 x 415 x 4754000 W 3) 597 x 415 x 475VoltageV, Hzwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerModel No. SKwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSPage230, 50/60 3209.104 1) 3209.504 1) 102115, 50/60 3209.114 1) 3209.514 1) 102400, 2~, 50/60 3209.144 1) 3209.544 1) 102230, 50/60 3209.100 3209.500 102115, 50/60 3209.110 3209.510 102400, 2~, 50/60 3209.140 1) 3209.540 1) 102230, 50/60 3210.104 1) 3210.504 1) 103115, 50/60 3210.114 1) 3210.514 1) 103400, 2~, 50/60 3210.144 1) 3210.544 1) 103230, 50/60 3210.100 3210.500 103115, 50/60 3210.110 3210.510 103400, 2~, 50/60 3210.140 1) 3210.540 1) 1031) Delivery times available on request.2) All water-carrying parts made from stainless steel V4A (1.4571)3) All water-carrying parts made from CuAlOverview of products and approvalsAir/water heat exchangersMicro, for wall mountingUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm300 W 150 x 300 x 851)Delivery times available on request.VoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSPage230, 50/60 3212.230 104115, 50/60 3212.115 1) 10424 V (DC) 3212.024 104284 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsAir/water heat exchangersWall mounting with thermostat-<strong>control</strong>led magnetic valveUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsWall mounting UL CUL DIN GS600 W 200 x 500 x 100 230, 50/60 3214.100 1051250 W 200 x 950 x 100 230, 50/60 3215.100 105400, 3~, 50/607000 W 450 x 1800 x 300480, 3~, 601)Delivery times available on request.Page3216.480 1) 109Wall mounting with Basic/Comfort <strong>control</strong>lerUsefulcoolingoutputWater-carryingpartsV4A(1.4571)CuALDimensionsW x H x Dmm375 W 280 x 550 x 92500 W 280 x 550 x 92750 W 280 x 550 x 1421000 W 280 x 550 x 1421500 W 400 x 950 x 1422000 W 400 x 950 x 1422250 W 400 x 950 x 1423000 W 400 x 950 x 1423750 W 450 x 1400 x 2505000 W 450 x 1400 x 2501) Delivery times available on request.Rated operatingvoltageV, HzModel No. SKwith Basic<strong>control</strong>lerwith Comfort<strong>control</strong>lerApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSPage230, 1~, 50/60 3363.104 1) 3363.504 1) 106115, 1~, 50/60 3363.114 1) 3363.514 1) 106400, 2~, 50/60 3363.144 1) 3363.544 1) 106230, 1~, 50/60 3363.100 3363.500 106115, 1~, 50/60 3363.110 1) 3363.510 1) 106400, 2~, 50/60 3363.140 1) 3363.540 1) 106230, 1~, 50/60 3364.104 1) 3364.504 1) 106115, 1~, 50/60 3364.114 1) 3364.514 1) 106400, 2~, 50/60 3364.144 1) 3364.544 1) 106230, 1~, 50/60 3364.100 3364.500 106115, 1~, 50/60 3364.110 1) 3364.510 1) 106400, 2~, 50/60 3364.140 1) 3364.540 1) 106230, 1~, 50/60 3373.104 1) 3373.504 1) 107115, 1~, 50/60 3373.114 1) 3373.514 1) 107400, 2~, 50/60 3373.144 1) 3373.544 1) 107230, 1~, 50/60 3373.100 3373.500 107115, 1~, 50/60 3373.110 1) 3373.510 1) 107400, 2~, 50/60 3373.140 1) 3373.540 1) 107230, 1~, 50/60 3374.104 1) 3374.504 1) 107115, 1~, 50/60 3374.114 1) 3374.514 1) 107400, 2~, 50/60 3374.144 1) 3374.544 1) 107230, 1~, 50/60 3374.100 3374.500 107115, 1~, 50/60 3374.110 1) 3374.510 1) 107400, 2~, 50/60 3374.140 1) 3374.540 1) 107230, 1~, 50/60 3375.104 1) 3375.504 1) 108115, 1~, 50/60 3375.114 1) 3375.514 1) 108400, 2~, 50/60 3375.144 1) 3375.544 1) 108230, 1~, 50/60 3375.100 3375.500 108115, 1~, 50/60 3375.110 1) 3375.510 1) 108400, 2~, 50/60 3375.140 1) 3375.540 1) 108Overview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control285
Overview of products and approvalsDirect Cooling PackageCold Plate for frequency convertersCoolingoutput 1)For installation inEnclosurewidthmmEnclosuredepth(side) mmDimensionsW x H x DmmModel No. DCPWithoutT-slotWithT-slotApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS TÜV2500 W 600 600 499 x 399 x 25 8616.610 8616.600 2) 1122500 W 600 600 499 x 399 x 25 8616.630 8616.620 2) 1123000 W 800 800 699 x 399 x 25 8616.810 8616.800 2) 1123000 W 800 800 699 x 399 x 25 8616.830 8616.820 2) 1125000 W 1000 1000 899 x 399 x 25 8616.010 8616.000 2) 1125000 W 1000 1000 899 x 399 x 25 8616.030 8616.020 2) 1126000 W 1200 – 1099 x 399 x 25 8616.210 8616.200 2) 1126000 W 1200 – 1099 x 399 x 25 8616.230 8616.220 2) 1121)With 25°C fluid inlet temperature,T u = 40°C and DCP surface temperature = 40°C.2)Versions with T-slot are 20 mm deep.PageCold Plate for frequency converters, manufacturer-specificEnclosure widthmmFor installation inEnclosure depthmmDimensionsW x H x DmmModel No. DCPApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS TÜVSuitable for Siemens SINAMICS S210 Booksize600 600 499 x 449 x 20 8616.640 113600 600 499 x 449 x 20 8616.641 1) 113800 800 699 x 449 x 20 8616.840 113800 800 699 x 449 x 20 8616.841 1) 113Suitable for Danfoss VLT ® Automation Drive FC300600 600 499 x 299 x 20 8616.650 1) 113600 600 499 x 299 x 20 8616.651 1) 113800 800 699 x 299 x 20 8616.850 1) 113800 800 699 x 299 x 20 8616.851 1) 1131) Delivery times available on request.PageOverview of products and approvalsCooling UnitPowerDimensionsW x H x DmmModel No. DCPApprovalsAdd-on Stand-alone UL CUL DIN GS400 W 252 x 572 x 205 8616.500 – 114800 W 252 x 572 x 205 8616.510 1) – 114500 W 252 x 572 x 205 – 8616.550 2) 114900 W 252 x 572 x 205 – 8616.560 2) 1141)Space required behind the DCP = 110 mm2) Cooling Unit as stand-alone with its own fluid connection (2 x G 1 / 4˝).Delivery times available on request.Page286 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsDirect Cooling PackagePanel CoolingPowerDimensionsW x H x DmmModel No. DCPApprovalsStand-alone UL CUL DIN GS150 W 300 x 250 x 50 8616.300 115350 W 400 x 300 x 60 8616.310 115Delivery times available on request.PageTopTherm recooling systems for waterMiniCoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, Hz1.0 kW 600 x 400 x 430 230, 50/601.5 kW 600 x 400 x 430 230, 50/603.0 kW 602 x 676 x 6454.5 kW 602 x 676 x 6456.0 kW602 x 1050x 645400, 3~, 50/60/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/60/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/60/460, 3~, 60ApprovalsModel No. SKUL CUL DIN GSPage3318.600 1183318.610 1183319.600 1183319.610 1183320.600 1193334.600 1193334.660 120Overview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control287
Overview of products and approvalsTopTherm recooling systems for waterPower Fluid CoolerCoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS7.5 kW 595 x 1305 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3234.090 12110.0 kW 655 x 1280 x 1160 400, 3~, 50 3234.100 12214.0 kW 655 x 1280 x 1160 400, 3~, 50 3234.110 12216.0 kW 655 x 1280 x 1160 400, 3~, 50 3234.120 12219.0 kW 755 x 1280 x 1360 400, 3~, 50 3234.130 12221.0 kW 755 x 1280 x 1360 400, 3~, 50 3234.140 12225.0 kW 755 x 1280 x 1360 400, 3~, 50 3234.150 12232.0 kW 855 x 1500 x 1560 400, 3~, 50 3234.160 12236.0 kW 855 x 1500 x 1560 400, 3~, 50 3234.170 12247.0 kW 1040 x 1700 x 2000 400, 3~, 50 3234.180 12259.0 kW 1040 x 1700 x 2000 400, 3~, 50 3234.190 122PageRecooling systems for waterIn a floor standing enclosureOverview of products and approvalsCoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm2.1 kW 470 x 725 x 5402.6 kW 485 x 965 x 6503.4 kW 485 x 965 x 6505.0 kW 595 x 1180 x 8006.2 kW 595 x 1180 x 8007.7 kW 595 x 1180 x 80010.0 kW 615 x 1178 x 116014.4 kW 615 x 1178 x 116016.3 kW 615 x 1178 x 116018.5 kW 715 x 1178 x 136020.9 kW 715 x 1178 x 136025.2 kW 715 x 1178 x 136032.0 kW 815 x 1400 x 156036.2 kW 815 x 1400 x 1560Delivery times available on request.VoltageV, Hz400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/460, 3~, 60Model No. SKUL CULApprovalsDIN GS TÜVPage3336.100 1233336.200 1233336.300 1233336.500 1233336.600 1233336.650 1233336.700 1243336.710 1243336.720 1243336.730 1243336.740 1243336.750 1243339.100 1243339.200 124288 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsRecooling systems for waterPower Fluid CoolerCoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS TÜV68.0 kW 1100 x 1606 x 2450 400, 3~, 50 3234.200 12579.0 kW 1100 x 1606 x 2450 400, 3~, 50 3234.210 12590.0 kW 1100 x 1606 x 2450 400, 3~, 50 3234.220 125101.0 kW 1100 x 1606 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3234.230 125124.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3234.240 125135.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3234.250 125158.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3234.260 125175.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3234.270 125209.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 3950 400, 3~, 50 3234.280 125271.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 3400 400, 3~, 50 3234.290 126305.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 3400 400, 3~, 50 3234.300 126339.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 3400 400, 3~, 50 3234.310 126406.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 4250 400, 3~, 50 3234.320 126452.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 4250 400, 3~, 50 3234.330 126502.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 4250 400, 3~, 50 3234.340 126PageIn the TS 8 Top enclosure systemCoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS TÜV6.0 kW 600 x 2150 x 600 400, 3~, 50 3335.060 1277.5 kW 600 x 2150 x 600 400, 3~, 50 3335.075 12710.0 kW 800 x 2150 x 600 400, 3~, 50 3335.100 12812.0 kW 800 x 2150 x 600 400, 3~, 50 3335.120 12815.0 kW 800 x 2150 x 600 400, 3~, 50 3335.150 12820.0 kW 1200 x 2150 x 600 400, 3~, 50 3335.200 12825.0 kW 1200 x 2150 x 600 400, 3~, 50 3335.250 128Delivery times available on request.PageMini, for wall mountingCoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm1.0 kW 400 x 950 x 3102.5 kW 400 x 1580 x 2904.0 kW 500 x 1580 x 390VoltageV, Hz400, 3~, 50/60/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/60/460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50/60/460, 3~, 60ApprovalsModel No. SKUL CUL DIN GSPage3360.100 1293360.250 1293360.470 129Overview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control289
Overview of products and approvalsRecooling systems for oilIn a floor standing enclosureCoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS2.5 kW 485 x 965 x 650 400, 3~, 50 3337.200 1303.4 kW 485 x 965 x 650 400, 3~, 50 3337.300 1305.2 kW 595 x 1180 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3337.500 1306.7 kW 595 x 1180 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3337.600 1308.0 kW 595 x 1180 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3337.650 13011.0 kW 615 x 1178 x 1160 400, 3~, 50 3337.700 13115.5 kW 615 x 1178 x 1160 400, 3~, 50 3337.710 13117.2 kW 615 x 1178 x 1160 400, 3~, 50 3337.720 13119.0 kW 715 x 1178 x 1360 400, 3~, 50 3337.730 13122.0 kW 715 x 1178 x 1360 400, 3~, 50 3337.740 13126.0 kW 715 x 1178 x 1360 400, 3~, 50 3337.750 131Delivery times available on request.PageOverview of products and approvalsImmersible recooling systems for oilCoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm2.4 kW 785 x 1650 x 7853.2 kW 785 x 1650 x 7854.6 kW 785 x 1650 x 7855.6 kW 785 x 1650 x 7858.5 kW 785 x 1650 x 78510.5 kW 785 x 1650 x 78512.0 kW 785 x 1650 x 78513.6 kW 785 x 1650 x 78515.3 kW 785 x 1650 x 78517.3 kW 785 x 1650 x 78521.0 kW 785 x 1650 x 183031.0 kW 785 x 1650 x 183035.0 kW 785 x 1650 x 183046.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 183049.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 183061.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 183073.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 183078.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 1830Delivery times available on request.VoltageV, Hz400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60Model No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSPage3338.020 1323338.040 1323338.060 1323338.080 1323338.100 1333338.120 1333338.140 1333338.160 1333338.180 1333338.200 1333338.220 1343338.240 1343338.260 1343338.280 1343338.300 1343338.320 1343338.340 1343338.360 134290 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsImmersible recooling systems for emulsionCoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x Dmm2.4 kW 785 x 1650 x 7853.2 kW 785 x 1650 x 7854.6 kW 785 x 1650 x 7855.6 kW 785 x 1650 x 7858.5 kW 785 x 1650 x 78510.5 kW 785 x 1650 x 78512.0 kW 785 x 1650 x 78513.6 kW 785 x 1650 x 78515.3 kW 785 x 1650 x 78517.3 kW 785 x 1650 x 78521.0 kW 785 x 1650 x 183031.0 kW 785 x 1650 x 183035.0 kW 785 x 1650 x 183046.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 183049.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 183061.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 183073.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 183078.0 kW 1830 x 1650 x 1830Delivery times available on request.VoltageV, Hz400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60400, 3~, 50460, 3~, 60Model No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSPage3338.500 1323338.520 1323338.540 1323338.560 1323338.580 1333338.600 1333338.620 1333338.640 1333338.660 1333338.680 1333338.700 1343338.720 1343338.740 1343338.760 1343338.780 1343338.800 1343338.820 1343338.840 134Overview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control291
Overview of products and approvalsCRAC systemsWithout heaterUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKWithoutheaterApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS23 kW 1100 x 1950 x 650 400/50 3301.620 13839 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.660 13878 kW 1800 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.830 138118 kW 2600 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.870 13818 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.510 13830 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.560 13843 kW 1400 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.710 13854 kW 1800 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.760 138PageWith heaterUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKWithheaterApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS23 kW 1100 x 1950 x 650 400/50 3301.630 13839 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.670 13878 kW 1800 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.840 138118 kW 2600 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.880 13818 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.520 13830 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.570 13843 kW 1400 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.720 13854 kW 1800 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.770 138PageWith humidifierUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKWithhumidifierApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS23 kW 1100 x 1950 x 650 400/50 3301.640 13839 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.680 13878 kW 1800 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.850 138118 kW 2600 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.890 13818 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.530 13830 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.580 13843 kW 1400 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.730 13854 kW 1800 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.780 138PageWith heater and humidifierOverview of products and approvalsUsefulcoolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKWith heaterand humidifierApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS23 kW 1100 x 1950 x 650 400/50 3301.650 13839 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.690 13878 kW 1800 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.860 138118 kW 2600 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3301.990 13818 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.540 13830 kW 1100 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.590 13843 kW 1400 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.740 13854 kW 1800 x 1950 x 850 400/50 3300.790 138Page292 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsAisle containmentModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSRoof element 3300.170 3300.180 – 139Door element – – 3300.160 139Width of element(identical to enclosure width), mm600 800 –Width of cold aisle mm 1200 1200 1200Height of cold aisle mm – – 2000PageLiquid Cooling PackageLCP StandardUseful coolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL GSUp to 20 kW 300 x 2000 x 1000 230, 50/60 3301.230 141Up to 20 kW 300 x 2000 x 1000 115, 50/60 3301.210 141Up to 20 kW 300 x 2000 x 1200 230, 50/60 3301.420 141PageLCP PlusUseful coolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL GSUp to 30 kW 300 x 2000 x 1200 230, 50/60 3301.480 1) 142Up to 40 kW 300 x 2400 x 1200 230, 50/60 on request 1421)Delivery times available on request.PageOverview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control293
Overview of products and approvalsLiquid Cooling PackageLCP ExtendUseful coolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL GS12 kW 520 x 1910 x 160 230, 50/60 3301.490 1) 1431) Delivery times available on request.PageLCP SmartUseful coolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmUp to 20 kW 300 x 2000 x 1000VoltageV, Hz200 – 230, 1~, 50/60400, 3~, 50/60Model No.SKApprovalsUL CUL GSPage3301.460 144LCP InlineOverview of products and approvalsUseful coolingoutputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GSUp to 30 kW 1) 230, 1~, 50/60300 x 2000 x 12003301.470 145400, 3~, 50/601) Achievable with 15°C cold water inlet temperature, volumetric flow 35 l/min and ΔT of 20°C on the air side.Page294 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsChillers for IT coolingCooling outputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS15.0 kW 815 x 1400 x 1560 400, 3~, 50 3232.700 14824.0 kW 815 x 1400 x 1560 400, 3~, 50 3232.710 14835.0 kW 815 x 1400 x 1560 400, 3~, 50 3232.720 14848.0 kW 1000 x 2180 x 2000 400, 3~, 50 3232.730 14861.0 kW 1100 x 1606 x 2450 400, 3~, 50 3232.740 14872.0 kW 1100 x 1606 x 2450 400, 3~, 50 3232.750 14882.0 kW 1100 x 1606 x 2450 400, 3~, 50 3232.760 14892.0 kW 1100 x 1606 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3232.770 148113.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3232.780 148123.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3232.790 148145.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3232.800 149161.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 2950 400, 3~, 50 3232.810 149193.0 kW 1100 x 1875 x 3950 400, 3~, 50 3232.820 149248.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 3400 400, 3~, 50 3232.830 149280.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 3400 400, 3~, 50 3232.840 149312.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 3400 400, 3~, 50 3232.850 149372.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 4250 400, 3~, 50 3232.860 149415.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 4250 400, 3~, 50 3232.870 149462.0 kW 2200 x 2450 x 4250 400, 3~, 50 3232.880 149Delivery times available on request.PageWater/water heat exchangersCooling outputDimensionsW x H x DmmVoltageV, HzModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS25.0 kW 1200 x 1900 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3232.900 15350.0 kW 1200 x 1900 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3232.910 15375.0 kW 1200 x 1900 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3232.920 153100.0 kW 1200 x 1900 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3232.930 153150.0 kW 1200 x 1900 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3232.940 153200.0 kW 2000 x 1900 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3232.950 153250.0 kW 2000 x 1900 x 800 400, 3~, 50 3232.960 153Delivery times available on request.PageOverview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control295
Overview of products and approvalsCooling units for CS modular enclosuresDimensionsW x H x DmmMountingpositionUseful cooling outputEN 814L35 L35 L35 L50Rated operatingvoltageModel No.CS535 x 390 x 400 Roof mounting 900 W 750 W 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 9762.012 160430 x 1070 x 210 Door mounting 900 W 650 W 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 9768.100 160515 x 1170 x 151.5 Wall mounting 900 W 750 W 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 9761.012 160695 x 1132 x 151.5 Wall mounting 1400 W 1050 W 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 9761.032 160776 x 1100 x 250 Wall mounting 2500 W 2000 W 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 9761.042 160400 x 1050 x 310 Universal built-in 1500 W 1250 W 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 9768.150 160Delivery times available on request.PageApprovals CS 9761.032:● UL● C-ULOverview of products and approvalsHeat exchangers for CS modular enclosuresDimensionsW x H x DmmMountingpositionSpecificthermaloutputHeater 1)Rated operating voltageModel No.CS470 x 158 x 380 Roof mounting 30 W/K without 48 V DC 9764.040 161535 x 390 x 400 Roof mounting 60 W/K 400 W 48 V DC 9764.012 161515 x 1170 x 151.5 Wall mounting 60 W/K 400 W 48 V DC 9763.012 161480 x 1005 x 110 Door mounting 40 W/K 400 W 48 V DC 9768.032 162510 x 1005 x 150 Door mounting 60 W/K 400 W 48 V DC 9768.012 162445 x 1050 x 150 Door mounting 85 W/K without 48 V DC 9768.042 162575 x 1050 x 195 Door mounting 120 W/K without 48 V DC 9768.062 1621)Rated operating voltage 230 V AC, 50/60 HzDelivery times available on request.Page296 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Overview of products and approvalsClimate <strong>control</strong> units for Toptec CRDimensionsW x H x DmmInstallationHeat exchangersUniversal500 x 1000 x 150built-inUniversal500 x 1000 x 200built-inCooling unitsUniversal500 x 1000 x 150built-inUniversal500 x 1000 x 260built-inDelivery times available on request.Useful coolingoutputEN 814L35 L35 L35 L50Specificthermal outputRated operatingvoltageModel No.CSPage– – 85 W/K 48 V DC 9776.100 163– – 105 W/K 48 V DC 9776.150 1631000 W 650 W – 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 9776.500 1631600 W 1200 W – 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 9776.550 163Enclosure heatersWithout fanContinuous thermaloutput atT u = 10°CVoltageVoltModel No. SKApprovalsUL CUL DIN GS VDE10 W 100 – 240 (AC/DC) 3105.110 16920 W 100 – 240 (AC/DC) 3106.120 16930 W 100 – 240 (AC/DC) 3115.130 16950 W 100 – 240 (AC/DC) 3116.140 16975 W 100 – 240 (AC/DC) 3107.150 169100 W 100 – 240 (AC/DC) 3107.160 169150 W 100 – 240 (AC/DC) 3102.170 169PageWith fanContinuous thermaloutput atT u = 10°CVoltageVoltModel No. SKApprovals110 V 230 V UL CUL DIN GS VDE250 W 1) 115 or 240 (AC/DC) 3105.210 3105.180 169400 W 1) 115 or 240 (AC/DC) 3105.220 3105.190 169800 W 1) 115 or 240 (AC/DC) 3105.230 3105.200 1691)Output with fan.PageOverview of products and approvals<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control297
Service<strong>Rittal</strong> Global Service – for system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>A central point of contact, decentralised implementation, short response times – this is the successful conceptbehind <strong>Rittal</strong> Global Service. High-tech system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> must offer a permanently high level of reliabilityin enclosure cooling as well as in machine and process cooling.With this in mind, we offer fast and reliable response times worldwide – thanks to our network of local serviceengineers.Customer satisfaction from the outsetPre-SalesWe face up to our responsibilities● Requirement analysis● Load tests● Thermal imaging● Simulation and calculationImplementationBecause we are pleased to be on boardwhen you arrive at a solution.● Installation/integration● Commissioning● Instruction● CertificationAfter-SalesWe smooth the way for your decision.● Service contracts● Maintenance/servicing● Repairs● Spare parts management● Training<strong>Rittal</strong> Global Service – always on hand, whenever you need us!Our worldwide <strong>Rittal</strong> Global Service hubsEurope:service@rittal.deTel. +49(0)2772 5051855North America:service@rittal.usTel. +1800 477 4000South America:service@rittal.com.brTel. +55 11 36 22 23 77China:service@rittal.cnTel. +86 800 820 0866India:service@rittal-india.comTel. +91 80 22 890 783 Five global service support points in the world's major economic hubs Over 60 other service sites with more than 250 qualified partners and our own technical specialists, worldwide!298 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
Service<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>climate</strong> checksService packages for every aspectof system <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>Load tests482.6 mm (19˝) slide-in equipment which simulatesthe thermodynamic response of serversallows you to determine in advance whetheryour cooling system is adequate for any plannedextensions. Furthermore, after installing the LCPfamily, the cooling response can be testeddirectly, without the presence of a server.Load tests as the optimum basis forplanning.Intelligent wireless sensortechnologySensors the size of a button record the temperatureand humidity at specified locations in therack. The location and time-dependent readingsare extracted and displayed. The result is a 3Danalysis of the data centre's cooling response.With sensor technology for 3Danalyses.Piping network calculationThe <strong>Rittal</strong> specialists use a software package todesign and dimension the pipe networks of liquidcooling systems, taking into consideration thearchitectural conditions. The specifications createdallow the local installation engineer to startwork immediately.Perfect dimensioning of pipe networks.CFD (Computational FluidDynamics)A 3D computer simulation is used to visualisethe thermodynamic response of the planneddata centre with server racks and <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong>system. Predicting the temperature, speed, pressureand hence flow conditions in the data centrefacilitates fast response times.Forward planning with CFD.ThermographyUsing a thermal imaging camera illustrates thetemperature conditions (surface) inside the datacentre with colour coding, hot-spots can belocated and eliminated.Localisation of hot-spotsvia thermography.<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control299
List of model numbers2102.180 to 3302.110Model No. Page2102.180 582102.190 582102.320 582102.400 582102.410 582102.490 582541.235 1832542.235 1832543.235 1833102.170 1693105.110 1693105.180 1693105.190 1693105.200 1693105.210 1693105.220 1693105.230 1693106.120 1693107.150 1693107.160 1693108.024 553108.100 553108.115 553110.000 1783110.200 1783114.024 1773114.100 1773114.115 1773115.130 1693116.140 1693118.000 1783120.000 1793120.115 1793121.000 1953124.000 1803124.100 1803124.200 1793125.800 623126.100 633126.115 633126.410 643126.424 643127.100 633127.115 633128.100 633128.115 633128.410 643128.424 643129.100 633129.115 633129.410 643129.424 643129.800 623130.100 633130.115 633130.410 643130.424 643144.000 533145.000 533148.007 543149.007 543149.410 543149.420 543149.440 543149.810 543149.820 54Model No. Page3149.840 543159.100 1953164.115 553164.230 553164.610 553164.620 553164.810 553164.820 553165.024 593165.048 593165.115 593165.230 593165.615 593165.624 593165.630 593165.648 593165.815 593165.824 593165.830 593165.848 593169.007 543171.100 1913172.100 1913173.100 1913174.000 1913175.000 1943176.000 1933177.000 1893181.100 1913182.100 1913183.100 1913201.030 1923201.050 1913201.100 823201.200 973201.300 973202.100 823209.100 1023209.104 1023209.110 1023209.114 1023209.140 1023209.144 1023209.500 1023209.504 1023209.510 1023209.514 1023209.540 1023209.544 1023210.100 1033210.104 1033210.110 1033210.114 1033210.140 1033210.144 1033210.500 1033210.504 1033210.510 1033210.514 1033210.540 1033210.544 1033212.024 1043212.115 1043212.230 1043213.300 1763213.310 176Model No. Page3213.320 1763213.330 1763214.100 1053215.100 1053216.470 1093216.480 1093232.700 1483232.710 1483232.720 1483232.730 1483232.740 1483232.750 1483232.760 1483232.770 1483232.780 1483232.790 1483232.800 1493232.810 1493232.820 1493232.830 1493232.840 1493232.850 1493232.860 1493232.870 1493232.880 1493232.900 1533232.910 1533232.920 1533232.930 1533232.940 1533232.950 1533232.960 1533234.090 1213234.100 1223234.110 1223234.120 1223234.130 1223234.140 1223234.150 1223234.160 1223234.170 1223234.180 1223234.190 1223234.200 1253234.210 1253234.220 1253234.230 1253234.240 1253234.250 1253234.260 1253234.270 1253234.280 1253234.290 1263234.300 1263234.310 1263234.320 1263234.330 1263234.340 1263248.000 653253.000 1893253.010 1893253.200 1903253.220 1903254.000 1893254.200 1903267.100 189Model No. Page3267.200 1903273.500 763273.515 763284.200 1903284.210 1903285.000 1893285.200 1903286.000 1893286.100 1893286.110 1893286.120 1903286.200 1903286.210 1903286.230 1903286.240 1903286.250 1903286.260 1833286.270 1833286.280 1833286.300 1893286.310 1903286.400 1893286.410 1903286.500 1893286.510 1903286.520 1903286.600 1893286.610 1903286.700 1823286.780 1753286.800 1823286.850 1753286.860 1753286.870 1743286.880 1753286.900 1823286.970 1743286.980 1753286.990 1743288.200 1903289.200 1903294.100 1893294.200 1903300.040 713300.050 713300.060 713300.070 713300.080 713300.090 713300.110 713300.120 713300.160 139, 2933300.170 139, 2933300.180 139, 2933300.510 1383300.520 1383300.530 1383300.540 1383300.560 1383300.570 1383300.580 1383300.590 1383300.710 1383300.720 1383300.730 1383300.740 138Model No. Page3300.760 1383300.770 1383300.780 1383300.790 1383301.210 1413301.221 1883301.230 1413301.250 1863301.290 1863301.310 1873301.320 1863301.330 1873301.340 1873301.350 1883301.351 1883301.360 1883301.370 1863301.380 1863301.390 1863301.400 1883301.420 1413301.421 1883301.460 1443301.470 1453301.480 1423301.490 1433301.560 1923301.570 1923301.580 1923301.590 1923301.600 1923301.608 1923301.610 1923301.612 1923301.620 1383301.630 1383301.640 1383301.650 1383301.660 1383301.670 1383301.680 1383301.690 1383301.790 1863301.800 763301.830 1383301.840 1383301.850 1383301.860 1383301.870 1383301.880 1383301.890 1383301.900 1943301.910 1943301.920 1943301.930 1943301.940 1943301.950 1943301.955 1943301.957 1943301.960 1943301.965 1943301.967 1943301.980 1863301.990 1383302.100 843302.110 84300 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
List of model numbers3302.200 to 3366.540Model No. Page3302.200 843302.210 843302.300 833302.310 833303.100 843303.104 913303.110 843303.114 913303.200 843303.210 843303.500 843303.504 913303.510 843303.514 913303.600 843303.610 843304.100 86, 873304.104 913304.110 873304.114 913304.130 943304.140 873304.142 933304.144 913304.160 943304.200 873304.210 873304.240 873304.500 86, 873304.504 913304.510 873304.514 913304.530 943304.540 873304.542 933304.544 913304.560 943304.600 873304.610 873304.640 873304.700 863304.740 953304.800 863305.100 873305.104 913305.110 873305.114 913305.130 943305.140 873305.142 933305.144 913305.160 943305.200 873305.210 873305.240 873305.500 873305.504 913305.510 873305.514 913305.530 943305.540 873305.542 933305.544 913305.560 943305.600 873305.610 87Model No. Page3305.640 873307.700 703307.710 703307.740 703310.700 703310.710 703310.740 703318.600 1183318.610 1183319.600 1183319.610 1183320.600 1193321.027 443321.047 443321.107 443321.117 443321.207 1933321.267 483321.607 483321.617 483321.700 1913321.800 1933322.027 443322.047 443322.107 443322.117 443322.207 1933322.267 483322.607 483322.617 483322.700 1913322.800 1933323.027 453323.047 453323.107 453323.117 453323.207 1933323.267 483323.607 483323.617 483323.800 1933324.027 453324.047 453324.107 453324.117 453324.607 493324.617 493324.800 1933325.027 463325.047 463325.107 463325.117 463325.207 1933325.267 493325.607 493325.617 493326.107 473326.117 473326.207 1933326.267 493326.607 493326.617 493326.800 1933327.107 473327.117 473327.147 47Model No. Page3327.607 493327.617 493327.700 1913328.100 893328.104 923328.110 893328.114 923328.140 893328.144 923328.200 893328.210 893328.240 893328.500 893328.504 923328.510 893328.514 923328.540 893328.544 923328.600 893328.610 893328.640 893329.100 893329.104 923329.110 893329.114 923329.140 893329.144 923329.200 893329.210 893329.240 893329.500 893329.504 923329.510 893329.514 923329.540 893329.544 923329.600 893329.610 893329.640 893329.903 1913329.904 1913332.140 903332.240 903332.540 903332.640 903334.600 1193334.660 1203335.060 1273335.075 1273335.100 1283335.120 1283335.150 1283335.200 1283335.250 1283336.100 1233336.200 1233336.300 1233336.500 1233336.600 1233336.650 1233336.700 1243336.710 1243336.720 1243336.730 1243336.740 1243336.750 124Model No. Page3337.200 1303337.300 1303337.500 1303337.600 1303337.650 1303337.700 1313337.710 1313337.720 1313337.730 1313337.740 1313337.750 1313338.020 1323338.040 1323338.060 1323338.080 1323338.100 1333338.120 1333338.140 1333338.160 1333338.180 1333338.200 1333338.220 1343338.240 1343338.260 1343338.280 1343338.300 1343338.320 1343338.340 1343338.360 1343338.500 1323338.520 1323338.540 1323338.560 1323338.580 1333338.600 1333338.620 1333338.640 1333338.660 1333338.680 1333338.700 1343338.720 1343338.740 1343338.760 1343338.780 1343338.800 1343338.820 1343338.840 1343339.100 1243339.200 1243340.024 523340.115 523340.230 523341.024 523341.115 523341.230 523342.024 523342.115 523342.230 523342.500 523350.024 523350.115 523350.230 523351.024 523351.115 523351.230 523352.024 52Model No. Page3352.115 523352.230 523352.500 523355.100 523356.100 523357.100 523359.100 743359.110 743359.140 743359.200 743359.210 743359.240 743359.500 743359.510 743359.540 743359.600 743359.610 743359.640 743360.100 1293360.250 1293360.470 1293361.100 853361.110 853361.140 853361.200 853361.210 853361.240 853361.500 853361.510 853361.540 853361.600 853361.610 853361.640 853363.100 1063363.104 1063363.110 1063363.114 1063363.140 1063363.144 1063363.500 1063363.504 1063363.510 1063363.514 1063363.540 1063363.544 1063364.100 1063364.104 1063364.110 1063364.114 1063364.140 1063364.144 1063364.500 1063364.504 1063364.510 1063364.514 1063364.540 1063364.544 1063366.100 883366.110 883366.140 883366.200 883366.210 883366.240 883366.500 883366.510 883366.540 88<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control301
List of model numbers3366.600 to 9776.550Model No. Page3366.600 883366.610 883366.640 883373.100 1073373.104 1073373.110 1073373.114 1073373.140 1073373.144 1073373.500 1073373.504 1073373.510 1073373.514 1073373.540 1073373.544 1073374.100 1073374.104 1073374.110 1073374.114 1073374.140 1073374.144 1073374.500 1073374.504 1073374.510 1073374.514 1073374.540 1073374.544 1073375.100 1083375.104 1083375.110 1083375.114 1083375.140 1083375.144 1083375.500 1083375.504 1083375.510 1083375.514 1083375.540 1083375.544 1083377.000 1823377.100 883377.110 883377.140 883377.200 883377.210 883377.240 883377.500 883377.510 883377.540 883377.600 883377.610 883377.640 883382.100 743382.110 743382.200 743382.210 743382.500 743382.510 743382.600 743382.610 743383.100 753383.110 753383.140 753383.200 753383.210 753383.240 75Model No. Page3383.500 753383.510 753383.540 753383.600 753383.610 753383.640 753383.740 793384.100 773384.110 773384.140 773384.200 773384.210 773384.240 773384.500 773384.510 773384.540 773384.600 773384.610 773384.640 773385.100 773385.110 773385.140 773385.200 773385.210 773385.240 773385.500 773385.510 773385.540 773385.600 773385.610 773385.640 773386.140 783386.240 783386.540 783386.640 783387.140 783387.240 783387.540 783387.640 784127.000 1766730.600 1837000.670 587000.680 587109.035 1777507.760 577526.964 1797826.360 587826.362 587826.366 587826.368 587826.369 587826.382 587826.480 587826.486 587826.488 587826.489 587856.360 587856.362 587856.366 587856.368 587856.380 587856.388 587858.488 577885.000 587885.100 587885.200 58Model No. Page7886.000 587886.100 587886.200 587966.035 567968.035 567980.000 567980.100 567980.148 567986.035 567988.035 568616.000 1128616.010 1128616.020 1128616.030 1128616.200 1128616.210 1128616.220 1128616.230 1128616.300 1158616.310 1158616.500 1148616.510 1148616.550 1148616.560 1148616.600 1128616.610 1128616.620 1128616.630 1128616.640 1138616.641 1138616.650 1138616.651 1138616.700 1848616.710 1848616.720 1848616.750 1848616.751 1848616.760 1848616.761 1848616.762 1848616.763 1858616.764 1858616.765 1858616.800 1128616.810 1128616.820 1128616.830 1128616.840 1138616.841 1138616.850 1138616.851 1138801.300 1818801.310 1818801.320 1818801.330 1818801.340 1818801.350 1818801.360 1818801.380 1828801.410 1818801.420 1818801.430 1818801.440 1818801.920 1819761.012 1609761.032 160Model No. Page9761.042 1609762.012 1609763.012 1619764.012 1619764.040 1619765.050 1809765.051 1609765.105 1809765.110 1809765.115 1809768.012 1629768.032 1629768.042 1629768.062 1629768.100 1609768.150 1609769.002 529776.100 1639776.150 1639776.500 1639776.550 163302 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
IndexAAccessories 171 – 195– Air routing 174 – 176– Control/regulation 177 – 180– Filter technology 189 – 191– for Cold Plate 184, 185– for Liquid Cooling Package 186 – 188– General 192 – 194– Mounting accessories 181 – 183– Software 195Active kit for TE 58Adaptor frame 109– for wall-mounted cooling units 183Add-on cover 188Adjustable frame– for air/air heat exchangers 183Air diverter 176Air duct system– for TopTherm roof-mountedcooling units and air/waterheat exchangers 174Air routing 174Air/air heat exchangers 60 – 65– Roof-mounted 65– Wall-mounted,railway-compatible version 64Air/water heat exchangers 100 – 109Aisle containment 139Approvals and product overview 270 – 297BBottom-mounted adaptor– for enclosure internal thermostatand hygrostat 178BUS system SK 180CCable connection kit– for CS outdoor cooling units 180– for CS outdoor heat exchangers 180Chillers for IT cooling 146 – 149Climate <strong>control</strong> components,Outdoor 160 – 165Climate <strong>control</strong> doors 71CO 2 cooling units 79Cold Plate– for frequency converters 112, 113Condensate collecting bottle 192Condensate hose 192Connection hose 188Cool Efficiency 86Cooling medium for recooling systems 194Cooling module 70– for LCP Standard 141– for LCP Standard and Smart 186Cooling Unit 114Cooling units 66 – 97– Cool Efficiency 86– for CS modular enclosures 160– for precision machine tools 93– for Toptec CR 163– for VIP 6000 command panels 82– Mini in horizontal format 83– NEMA 4x design 91, 92– Roof-mounted 74 – 79– Roof-mounted, stainless steel 74, 75,77, 78– Wall-mounted 82 – 95– Wall-mounted, stainless steel 84, 85,87 – 90Cooling with ambient air 41 – 65Cover bungs 175Cover plates– for fan panels FlatBox 57Covers– for fan-and-filter units/outlet filters 193– for LCP Standard 187CRAC systems 136CS Outdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> 157 – 165DDC fan mounting plate– for TS 57DCP Cold Plate 112, 113DCP Cooling Unit 114DCP Panel Cooling 115Deflector for air duct system, 90° 174Digital enclosure internal temperaturedisplay and thermostat 177Direct cooling package 110 – 115Direct fluid connection 184Door-mounted fan– for server enclosures TS, TE 59Door-operated switch 176Double-nipple coupling 185EElbow coupling 185Electric condensate evaporator 192EMC– Fan-and-filter units, outlet filters 48, 49Enclosure heaters 167 – 169Enclosure internal fan– for TS 8 55Enclosure internal temperature displayand thermostat, digital 177Enclosure internal thermostat 178EPLAN Cabinet 195Explosion-proof cooling units 94Ex-proof <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> systems 164FFan expansion kit 56– for door-mounted fan TS 59Fan mounting plate– for TS 56, 57Fan roof, modular, two-piece– for TS 8, FR(i) 58Fan systems 50 – 59– for TS 8 54Fan unit, active– for TE 58Fan-and-filter unit– EMC 48, 49Fan-and-filter units 42 – 47Filter holder for roof ventilation 194Filter mats– for tangential fans/front outlet grilles 189– for discontinued<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> doors 190– for discontinued cooling units 189, 190– for heat exchangers 190– for Mini recooling systems 190– for TopTherm <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> door/section door 190– for TopTherm cooling units 189, 190Filter technology 189 – 191Fine filter mats– for fan-and-filter units/outlet filters 191Flexible hose 184Flow regulator valve 194Fluid distribution manifold 184Front cover 145, 186– for LCP Inline 145Front outlet grille 2 U– for tangential fans 193HHeat exchangers– Air/air 62 – 65– Air/water 102 – 109– for CS modular enclosures 161, 162– for Toptec CR 163– LCP Extend 143– LCP Plus 142– LCP Standard 141– Water/water 150 – 153Heaters 167 – 169Hood– for fan-and-filter units/outlet filters 193Hose-proof hoods– for fan-and-filter units/outlet filters 193Hygrostat 178IImmersible recooling systems– for oil/emulsion 132 – 134Integrated louvres 183Interface card for TopTherm 179LLCP Inline 145LCP Smart 144LCP Extend 143LCP Plus 142LCP Standard 141Lint screen 191Liquid cooling IE 99 – 134Liquid cooling IT 135 – 155Liquid Cooling Package 136, 140 – 145Louvred grille– for lint screen 191MMetal filters 190Micro air/water heat exchanger 104Mini cooling unit in horizontal format 83Mini recooling systems 118 – 120, 129– for wall mounting 129Modular <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> concept 68 – 71Monitoring 235 – 237Mounting accessories 181 – 183Mounting adaptor– for speed <strong>control</strong> 179NNEMA 4x– Cooling units 91, 92<strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control303
IndexOOutdoor <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> 157 – 165Outlet filter 193– EMC 48, 49Overflow valve 194Overview of productsand approvals 270 – 297PPanel Cooling 115Piping systems– in the data centre 154, 155Power Fluid Cooler 121, 122, 125, 126Power packs 24 V (DC)– for thermoelectric cooler 192Project planning 30 – 39QQuick-action vent valve 184Quick-change frame– for TopTherm roof-mountedcooling units 182Quick-release fastener 188RRack-mounted fans 482.6 mm (19˝) 50, 52Raised-floor, CRAC system 138Recooling systems 116 – 134– for oil 130, 131– for water 118 – 129– immersible, oil/emulsion 132 – 134RiDiag II 195Roof plates– DK-TS 181– TS 181Roof-mounted– Air/air heat exchangers 65– Air/water heat exchangers 102, 103– Cooling units 72 – 79Roof-mounted fan 54– for the office sector 55RTT roof-mounted fans 54SSection doors for cooling modules 71Service 298, 299Shallow air duct system 175Shallow duct extension 175Shielding– Horizontal 187– Vertical 186SK BUS system 180Software service 195Spare filter mat– for fan-and-filter units/outlet filters 191– for filter holder 191– for thermoelectric cooler 191Speed <strong>control</strong> 179Stainless steel– Cooling units – roof-mounted 74, 75,77, 78– Cooling units – wall-mounted 84, 85,87 – 90Stoppers– for roof-mounted cooling units 175<strong>System</strong> accessories 171 – 195<strong>System</strong> attachment– for frequency converters 184<strong>System</strong> solutions 14 – 29TTangential fans 50, 53Technical details 239 – 268Temperature display and thermostat,digital 177Temperature sensor TF25 185Test adaptor– for CS Outdoor<strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> equipment 180Therm Software 195Thermoelectric coolers 96, 97Thermostat 178– Digital 177Tips and tricks 197 – 237Touchscreen display– for LCP Smart 186Trim frame– for slimline cooling units 182VVent attachment 54– TS 182Vent valve 188VIP small cooling units 82WWall-mounted cooling units 80 – 95– Cool Efficiency 86– Thermoelectric coolers 96, 97Wall-mounted heat exchangers– Air/air 62, 63– Air/water 104 – 109Wide-range power pack– for thermoelectric cooler 192RAL-coloursColourRALDescription3001 signal red5002 ultramarine blue5005 signal blue5018 turquoise blue7015 slate grey7022 umbra grey7024 graphite grey7030 stone grey7032 pebble grey7033 cement grey7035 pale grey7044 silky grey8019 grey brown9005 jet black9006 white aluminium9011 graphite black9017 traffic blackWe reserve the right to further developmentsand technical modifications of ourproducts. Such modifications, along witherrors and printing errata, shall not constitutegrounds for compensation.We refer customers to our Terms of Saleand Delivery.304 <strong>Rittal</strong> <strong>System</strong> Climate Control
All in all – solutions from <strong>Rittal</strong>Industrial EnclosuresPower DistributionElectronic Packaging<strong>System</strong> Climate ControlCooling units Recooling units Heat exchangersFan-and-filter units 19˝ <strong>climate</strong> <strong>control</strong> Heaters IT coolingIT SolutionsCommunication <strong>System</strong>s<strong>Rittal</strong> has one of the largest ranges of enclosures availablefor immediate delivery. However, <strong>Rittal</strong> also supplies integratedsolutions – up to Level 4. This comprises mechanicalinstallation, power supply, electronic components, <strong>climate</strong><strong>control</strong> and central monitoring. For all of your requirements.Fully assembled and functional. Wherever in the world youdevelop and implement solutions for yourself and yourcustomers, we are close at hand. The global alliancebetween production, distribution and service guaranteescloseness to the customer. Worldwide!04/09 E384<strong>Rittal</strong> GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 1662 D-35726 HerbornTelephone: +49(0)2772 505-0 Telefax: +49(0)2772 505-2319 eMail: info@rittal.de www.rittal.comSwitch to perfection