Police Basic Scuba Diver Course - PNP Directorate for Operations ...

Police Basic Scuba Diver Course - PNP Directorate for Operations ...

Police Basic Scuba Diver Course - PNP Directorate for Operations ...

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A. SwimmingTechniquesMODULE IISWIMMING PROFICIENCY AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONINGFree Style TechniquesBreast StrokeSide StrokeBreath HoldingUW Swim40 D/PEB. Swim Test Evaluation 16 PEA. Familiarizationof SCUBAEquipmentB. SCUBAEquipmentMaintenanceC. SCUBA SkillsD. UnderwaterPre-DiveExercisesMODULE IIIDIFFERENT TOPICS ON SCUBAIntro to SCUBA equipment,characteristics, principle andoperationsMaintenance and repair ofSCUBA equipmentProcedures in cleaning, hoserecovery, breathing without amask, surface swimming withSCUBA, giant stride entry, skillcombination, Detecting andEmergency ProcedureBuoyant Ascent Procedure,Practical Exercises8 L/PE8 L/PE40 L/PE16 L/PEE. Lectures onDive Tables andother RelatedtopicsF. Theory onUnderwaterSearchG. Confined WaterExercise (Swimwith SCUBATank)H. SCUBA DiveTestDive planning, Dive Tables,Diving Emergencies, WaterSkills Preview, Assignment(Dive Table Problems)Different Methods/Approach onconducting Underwater Search,Rescue and Retrieval<strong>Operations</strong> Students to per<strong>for</strong>m1 mile surface swim withSCUBA gears Independent SCUBA set-up,Independent Buoyancyadjustment, BuoyancyControl-Hovering, use ofalternate air source,emergency ascentEquipment preparation, MaskDefogging, Snorkel Breathing,Snorkel Clearing (BlastMethod), Use of Fins, BCDinflation/deflation, SurfaceResting, Head First SurfaceDive, Ascent/DescentTechniques, Snorkel Cleaning8 L4 L16 PE24 PE

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