Times - Walsh University

Times - Walsh University

Times - Walsh University

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009Class of 1969Linda (Boccuti) HeinzerLinda (Boccuti) Heinzer Class of 1969As far as I can recall, I first stepped foot onthe <strong>Walsh</strong> campus on June 6, 1965. I hadjust graduated from Central Catholic HighSchool on Thursday night and began my firstsummer class here at <strong>Walsh</strong> the followingMonday morning. I was a part of the secondgroup of girls to be accepted onto the <strong>Walsh</strong>campus. There was a teacher shortage atthe time, and a special program had beenimplemented to encourage students into theprofession. As a part of the Catholic schoolteacher cadet program, I pledged to teach 2years in my home parish of St. Michael’s inCanton in exchange for tuition reimbursement.It was a decision I never regretted.Because there were no dorms for the smallnumber of females on campus, I madeup my mind to get as involved as possiblein college life as a commuter. I began myfirst classes during the summer and barelynoticed the disproportionate number offemales to males. It wasn’t until my first dayof class that fall that I felt in the minority. Ican remember getting out of my ‘59 FordFairlane outside of Farrell Hall and seeinga large group of young men standing onthe outside patio. I was so intimidated thatI waited until a friend of mine arrived sothat we could walk in together. Comingfrom Central Catholic where the boys andgirls were taught separately, this was my firstexperience having boys in my classes sincegrade school. The feeling of intimidationquickly passed though. It wasn’t long before<strong>Walsh</strong> felt like home to me. And it still does.I tried to fit in every educational, social& religious activity I could. I wrote forThe Spectator and served on the <strong>Walsh</strong>Orientation Committee. My friends andI even organized the first “Pep Club” tosupport our Cavalier basketball team, and Inever missed a game, whether it was homeor away.After earning 100 credit hours I beganteaching at St. Michael’s on a cadet teachingcertificate at the same time I was attending<strong>Walsh</strong>. In order to graduate with “my class”in 4 years it was necessary to attend evening,Saturday and Summer classes. Looking backI don’t know how I did it, but I definitelylearned how to multi-task!This need to always “be involved” has beenpresent my entire life! Besides always workinghard on the job, volunteerism in school,church or civic groups has continued to giveme that natural “high” you experience whenyou feel you’ve made a difference.The late 1960’s were a tumultuous timein the United States. We were at war inVietnam and as a nation grieving over the

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