Times - Walsh University

Times - Walsh University

Times - Walsh University

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Campus Ministry:Growing in FaithIt is the role of the Campus MinistryDepartment to support the spiritualdevelopment of the campus by coordinatingprograms geared toward faith formation andcommunity service. This fall, when studentsreturn to class, they will be greeted by anewly restructured Campus Ministry office.During the transition, <strong>Walsh</strong> will welcomethree new staff members after saying goodbyeto two popular and admired friends who areleaving <strong>Walsh</strong> in answer to God’s call. Theneed to restructure and expand is a directresult of <strong>Walsh</strong>’s growing campus andcommunity ministry needs.With the departure of Michele Schafer,Miguel Chavez has been appointed thedirector of campus ministry. Chavez earnedhis Master of Arts in Theological Studiesdegree from <strong>Walsh</strong> <strong>University</strong> last year, andhas been an integral member of the CampusMinistry Team since 2004, serving asAssistant Director. This past year Chavezalso served <strong>Walsh</strong> as an Adjunct Professorof Theology as he created and taught a TierTwo Christology course entitled “Jesusthe Liberator.”In addition, Mary Niedenthal, studentoutreach coordinator, will be moving to afull-time position on the team. Niedenthalwill continue in her community outreachwork as well as assume other duties withinthe department. The <strong>University</strong> has alsohired Elise Frances as a campus minister andplans to add one additional staff member tothe campus ministry team this summer.<strong>Walsh</strong> <strong>University</strong> is also pleased to announcethe appointment of Father Christopher M.Saliga O.P., R.N., as the new <strong>University</strong>Chaplain. Father Chris will be the first fulltime chaplain at <strong>Walsh</strong> <strong>University</strong> and willassume his new position on July 1. The needto expand from a part to full time chaplainposition is a direct result of <strong>Walsh</strong>’s growingcommunity that now serves over 3,000 people.As <strong>University</strong> Chaplain, Father Chris will beresponsible for Sacramental, liturgical life ofthe entire <strong>Walsh</strong> community. Father Chriswill also partner with campus ministry forfaith based experiential programs for students,faculty and staff at <strong>Walsh</strong> <strong>University</strong>.Farewell Father Jordan Turano, O.P.Father Jordan isa familiar figurethat is hard tomiss on campus.No matter whatthe weather, hestands out amongthe students, staffand faculty due tohis wardrobe – thetraditional white habit of the Dominican order.“The habit is an important symbol,especially in the classroom when I walk inwith my rosary beads and white robe, whichsignifies that I am not only a priest, I am aDominican,” said Father Jordan. “The habitreminds me of the virtues that I am striving,by the grace of God, to practice and live inmy religious life. On many occasions, my“ W e l l D o n e G o o d a n d F a i t h f15

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